Azerbaijani husband names. Azerbaijani surnames and names, their meaning

The overwhelming number of Azerbaijani male names have Turkic, Albanian, Arabic and Persian roots. Among the names belonging to the Arabic language group, those that were once borne by the companions of the Prophet and members of their families were considered popular. Azerbaijanis took an extremely responsible approach to choosing a name for their children, and at the moment of birth they said: “Let the baby live up to the meaning of his name.” This explains the fact that the overwhelming number of newborns received the names of people who managed to become famous and achieve incredible results during their lifetime.

Turkic era

In history there is extremely interesting fact, associated with male Azerbaijani names belonging to the Turkic language group. The ancient Turks considered it correct for a person to have three names during his lifetime. The first name given at birth, as a rule, had no special meaning and was used for communication purposes. The second was given already in adulthood, when a person’s character was fully formed. The name, most often, reflected the character of its owner. And the last, third name was assigned in old age. It fully reflected a person’s reputation and could tell a lot about his life.

Dramatically masculine Azerbaijani names and the names changed with the advent of the totalitarian Soviet regime. Children usually received Slavic names. Thus, the Soviet authorities tried to integrate Azerbaijan into their culture. However, after the collapse of the USSR, the overwhelming number of residents of the country expressed a desire to return their own historical and cultural identity. Children began to be named after their great-grandfathers, giving such ancient Azerbaijani male names, like Muhammad, Mamed, Nisa. We suggest you understand the meaning of the most popular names used to call boys in Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijani male names and their meaning

The people of Azerbaijan took an extremely responsible approach to choosing a name for a child, especially if a boy appeared in the family. In alphabetical order, the list of male Azerbaijani names that are still in use today is as follows.

Starting with the letter "A"

The most beautiful Azerbaijani male names begin with the letter “A”:

  • Abbas is serious and strict.
  • Abdullah and Abdul are the slave of Allah.
  • Abdurahman is the servant of the All-Merciful.
  • Abdulhamid - subordinate to the All-Merciful.
  • Abdulmecid is a servant of the Almighty.
  • Abuzer is light and airy.
  • Abid - one who calls upon Allah, one who prays.
  • Agil - wise, smart.
  • Yeah - the ruler, sir.
  • Agahan is the highest ruler.
  • Agshin - brave, powerful.
  • Adil is correct, fair.
  • Adil is obedient, correct.
  • Adalat - acting fairly.
  • Adam is the first.
  • Adnan is the creator of laws.
  • Akshin - brave, strong.
  • Azad - free, free.
  • Azer - rushing to the rescue.
  • Aziz - unperturbed, unconquered.
  • Azim is majestic.
  • Aydin is clear.
  • Akif is a workaholic.
  • Akram is kind and generous.
  • Alekber is huge, majestic.
  • Ali - domineering, supreme.
  • Alim - understanding, knowledgeable.
  • Allan - brave, courageous.
  • Alpan is a fearless hero.
  • Altai and Altun - golden mountain.
  • Alim is educated, understanding, knowledgeable.
  • Aly is a bright flame.
  • Allahverdy - gifted by the Almighty.
  • Alkhan - leader, great khan.
  • Amin is reliable.
  • Anan - rememberer, rememberer.
  • Anar - pomegranate.
  • Araz - dividing.
  • Aran is reserved, cold-blooded.
  • Arid is unique, the only one.
  • Assad is a brave lion.
  • Asim is a keeper.
  • Aslan is a fearless lion.
  • Ahri - authoritative.
  • Ayaz is a piercing winter wind that blows at night.

Starting with the letter "B"

List of Azerbaijani male names starting with the letter "B":

  • Bati - west.
  • Bayat is the image of God.
  • Bakhtiyar - cheerful, happy.
  • Bayram - cheerful, festive.
  • Bayramaly is the holiday of Ali.
  • Beylar is a wealthy, nobleman.
  • Balakshi - adoring children.
  • Bahadur is a strong man.
  • Boran - explosive, boiling.
  • Bugday is a leader, mentor, leader.

Starting with the letter "B"

Having a deep meaning, these names were especially popular:

  • Vagif is educated, comprehensively developed.
  • Walid is the father.
  • Wasim is excellent, handsome.
  • Vidadi - friendly, loving.
  • Vurgun - loving, in love.
  • Vugar is strong, proud.
  • Vusal - purposeful, dreamer.

Starting with the letter "G"

Warlike and courageous men, as a rule, bore one of the following names:

  • Gadir - dear to the heart, valuable.
  • Garip is a foreigner, a stranger.
  • Gaplan is brave.
  • Hamid is a successful warrior, famous.
  • Gambar - cliff, rock.
  • Gadzhibaba is Gadzhi's grandfather.
  • Gasyr is strong, unbending.
  • Gachai is a warlike man, a brave man.
  • Gachag - escaped.
  • Gashkay - holy, happy.
  • Gaia is monolithic.
  • Giyas - support.
  • Gorgud - flame, light.
  • Goshgar - measured, great, proud.

Starting with the letter "D"

List of Azerbaijani male names starting with the letter “D”:

  • Davud - dear to the heart, adored.
  • Dashgyn is explosive, strong.

Starting with the letter "Z"

These male Azerbaijani names sound very beautiful in Russian:

  • Zabit is the commander.
  • Zaman - time period, era.
  • Ziya - shining, light.

Starting with the letter "I"

The names of men who, most often, were great and brave warriors began with “I”:

  • Idrak is a scientist, a cognizer.
  • Ilyas - rushing to the rescue.
  • Ilchin is the leader, the first.
  • Inal is the ruler.
  • Isa is the helper of the Almighty.
  • Yilmaz is a brave man.

Starting with the letter "K"

The meaning of names starting with the letter “K” speaks for itself:

  • Kirman is persistent, impregnable, fortress.
  • Kamal is ideal, perfect.

Starting with the letter "L"

Enough rare name, which was given to men with a brave heart:

  • Lachin is a heroic warrior.

Starting with the letter "M"

Names starting with “M” were usually given to strong, strong-willed men:

  • Manaf - high-ranking.
  • Mardan is a warlike man.
  • Miri is the commander-in-chief, leader, leader.
  • Murad is results-oriented.
  • Musa is a miracle worker.
  • Muhammad is praiseworthy.

Azerbaijani male names starting with the letter “N”

The letter “N” continues the list. Some names appear quite often in modern world:

  • Nadir is exceptional, unusual.
  • Nail is a goal-oriented person who achieves his goals.
  • Nariman is courageous and sensible.
  • Nurlan - illuminating the path.

Starting with the letter "O"

Incredibly beautiful names that contain deep meaning begin with “O”:

  • Ozan is a singer, poet.
  • Oktay is the maker of destiny, the son of the people.
  • Orkhan - commander-in-chief, khan.
  • Oner - keeping up with the times.

Starting with the letter "P"

Very rare and beautiful name:

  • Polad - mighty, powerful.

Starting with the letter "R"

  • Razi - hidden, secret.
  • Ruzi - luck, abundance.
  • Rufet is tall.

Starting with the letter "C"

Among modern Azerbaijani male names there are many that begin with “S”. Some of them are very popular in Azerbaijan:

  • Sabir is reserved and patient.
  • Savalan - generous, majestic.
  • Sadig - reliable, faithful, devoted.
  • Sakit - calm, peaceful.
  • Samir is a sociable, conversationalist.
  • Sarkhan - Great Khan.
  • Soyalp - belonging to a masculine family.
  • Sarkhan - domineering, ruler.

Starting with the letter "T"

Quite a few Azerbaijani names for boys begin with “T”:

  • Tokay is warlike, delivering a crushing blow.
  • Tomris - giver of life.
  • Tugan - close, dear.
  • The Tore dictates its own rules.
  • Ture is a prince.
  • Teymur is indestructible, strong, monolithic, iron.
  • Tokay is a warlike man, an invincible warrior.
  • Tomris is inspiring.
  • Tural - endless, immortal.
  • Turan is a Turk born on earth.
  • Turkel is the son of the Turkic people.

Starting with the letter "U"

Rare but very beautiful names starting with “U”:

  • Ulus - people, land.
  • Urus - the highest rank, title.
  • Urfan is a man of art.

Starting with the letter "F"

List of male names starting with "F":

  • Farhad - understanding.
  • Fatih is a victorious warrior.
  • Fatali - Ali is the winner.
  • Faig is flawless.
  • Fariz is a thinker.
  • Farid is exceptional.
  • Farman - bringer of news.
  • Fakhri is pride.
  • Faraj is a joy.
  • Firuz is used to winning.
  • Fikrat and Fikret - thoughts.
  • Firdovsi is a resident of paradise.
  • Fizoli - arrogant, impudent.
  • Fuad is the heart.

Starting with the letter "X"

Azerbaijani names starting with the letter “X”, which are given to men:

  • Khagani is the patron saint.
  • Khalid is immortal.
  • Khalil is a friend.
  • Khazar - Caspian Sea.
  • Khamis is the fifth.
  • Hatif is conscientious.
  • Hasrat - sadness.
  • Hasan is great.
  • Khayal - living in dreams.
  • Hikmet - knowledgeable.
  • Khurram - smiling.
  • Hussein is charming and handsome.
  • Khosrow is good-natured and eager to help.

Starting with the letter "C"

Names that were especially popular in the Middle Ages and begin with “H”:

  • Celebi - divine.
  • Genghis is invincible, powerful.

Starting with the letter "SH"

Azerbaijani names for boys starting with “Sh”:

  • Shahlar is a man who contains the power of most of the gods. Origin - Turkic.
  • Shahin is a predatory falcon.
  • Shener is a brave, cheerful fellow.

Starting with the letter "E"

Quite a lot of modern Azerbaijani male names begin with “E”:

  • Einullah is the essence.
  • Eyvaz - runic power, energy.
  • Elgiz is the leader.
  • Elgur - tireless, tireless, restless.
  • Eldar - ruler, ruler.
  • Elman is the son of the people.
  • Elmir is a ruler who leads the people.
  • Elsevar is a favorite.
  • Elsu is a spring.
  • Elkhan is a brave khan.
  • Elchin is a brave warrior who protects his people.
  • Elchibyai - groom.
  • Elshad is the dominant one, the ruler of his people.
  • Elshan - giving joy to others.
  • Elmar is immortal.
  • Elvin is the creator.
  • Emil is a rival.
  • Emin is peaceful.
  • Etibar is trustworthy.
  • Ehsan - merciful, helpful.

Starting with the letter "Y"

There are only two male names given to Azerbaijani men that begin with “U”:

  • Yusif is profitable.
  • Yunus is a dove.

Starting with the letter "I"

Lasting the list are names starting with “I”:

  • Yavuz - stern, formidable.
  • Yagub is the next on the trodden path.
  • Yalcin is great.
  • Yanar - flaming, fiery.
  • Yashar is a life-loving person.
  • Yahya is alive.

The most popular male and female names in modern Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan has strict principles for naming babies. Institute information technologies ANAS introduced three categories of names:

  • green - recommended names;
  • yellow - names of this category can be used, but not recommended;
  • red - not recommended, prohibited.

Every citizen living on the territory of Azerbaijan, as well as the absolute majority living outside the country, corresponds to the established principles. That is why you can easily determine which names are the most popular or, conversely, which are practically not used.

Over the past five years, most of the boys have received the following names: Aykhan, Ali, Muhammad, Teymur, Rovshan, Yelchin, Vugar, Anar, Elnur, Samir, Elshan, Rashad, Ilgar, Vusal. If we talk about female names, the most common are Sevinj, Gunel, Leyla, Aygun, Gunay, Sevda, Vusalya, Kenul, Tarana, Samira, Khanym, Dildar, Aylin, Nisar, Ayan.

Least popular male and female names in modern Azerbaijan

There are also statistics that allow you to find out the names that Azerbaijanis most rarely call their babies. According to information from the Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan, the list of the least popular male names is as follows:

  • Suleiman.
  • Elvin.
  • Raul.
  • Fuad.

Female names not popular:

  • Ayla.
  • Sabina.
  • Ainur.
  • Guler.
  • Esma.
  • Nazli.


Unlike many nations, Azerbaijanis have always taken a thoughtful and extremely responsible approach to choosing a name for their unborn child. These people are convinced that a name can radically influence not only a person’s fate, but also his character. Their point of view is fully shared by professional astrologers, who point out that each name contains a certain energy and a unique code that can predetermine the future for its owner.

Perhaps, thanks to the active use of names, some of which have existed for more than a thousand years, Azerbaijanis have managed to preserve their cultural and historical identity.

Azerbaijani is included in This also includes Turkish, Tatar, Kazakh, Bashkir, Uyghur and many others. That is why many Azerbaijani surnames and names have eastern roots. In addition, Persian and Arab cultures, as well as Islam, had a significant influence on these people. Therefore, some common Azerbaijani surnames have been known since ancient times. They are actively used to this day. Today, the anthroponymic model among Azerbaijanis, in fact like many other peoples of the East, has three components: last name, first name and patronymic.


Many Azerbaijani names and surnames have such ancient roots that it is sometimes very difficult to find their origins. According to tradition, many local residents They name their babies after their ancestors. At the same time, be sure to add: “Let it grow in accordance with the name.” Women's names in this country are most often associated with concepts of beauty, tenderness, kindness and sophistication. It is very popular to use “floral motifs”: Lale, Yasemen, Nergiz, Reyhan, Gyzylgul and others. It sounds simple and beautiful.

In general, the prefix “gul” means “rose”. Therefore, it is constantly used by Azerbaijanis. After all, by adding this particle to almost any name, you can get something new, surprisingly beautiful and unusual. For example, Gulnisa, Gulshen, Naryngul, Sarygul, Gulperi and others. Male names emphasize courage, unbending will, determination, bravery and other character traits inherent in the stronger sex. Names such as Rashid, Heydar, Bahadir are very popular among boys.

How is a patronymic formed?

Just like Azerbaijani surnames and names, patronymics are formed differently here. This is their difference from Russian and other Slavic languages. In Azerbaijan, when determining a person’s patronymic, the name of his father does not change in any way. Prefixes like ours -ovich, -evich, -ovna, -evna do not exist. Or rather, they exist, but they belong to the period of “Sovietization.” And today they are used only when official business communication. These days, the Azerbaijani government is trying to return the country to historical roots. So - to traditional names and patronymics. And it is right.

Despite this, patronymics among Azerbaijanis also have two forms:

  • ogly;
  • kyzy.

The first means "son" and the second means "daughter". A person’s name and patronymic are thus made up of two names: his own and his father’s. And at the end the corresponding prefix is ​​added. For example, a woman’s name may be Zivyar Mamed kyzy. This literally means that the girl is Mamed's daughter. Accordingly, the man’s name may be Heydar Suleiman ogly. It is clear that the guy is the son of Suleiman.

Surnames: principles of formation

After coming to these places Soviet power, many residents also changed their last names. Azerbaijani ones, the meaning of which has been formed over centuries, have been changed. Russian -ov or -ev was added to them. Until this moment, completely different endings were in use:

  • -oglu;
  • -zade.

After the breakup Soviet Union Azerbaijani surnames, female and male, began to revive again in the country. This is done very simply. The ending is simply cut off from the former “Soviet” version. Thus, the former Ibragim Gubakhanov now sounds like Ibragim Gubakhan. Last names are also truncated. Azerbaijani girls: there was Kurbanova - became Kurban.

Origin of surnames

Simply put, surnames for Azerbaijanis are a relatively recent phenomenon. In the old days, the anthroponymic format of this people consisted of only two parts. We are talking about a proper and paternal name with the addition of the particle “ogly”, “kyzy” or “zade”. This form was considered the norm here back in the 19th century. And in Iranian Azerbaijan it is often used today. They left the tradition here.

Oddly enough, Azerbaijani surnames began to form under the influence of Russian culture. U ordinary people They most often became nicknames that somehow distinguished a person from other people. The last name and first name could, for example, look like this:

  • Uzun Abdullah is a long Abdullah.
  • Kechal Rashid is a bald Rashid.
  • Cholag Almas - lame Almas.
  • Bilge Oktay - wise Oktay and others.

With the advent of Soviet power, Azerbaijani surnames (male and female) began to change. Moreover, the name of the father, grandfather or other relatives could be taken as a basis. That is why today in Azerbaijan there are quite a lot of surnames reminiscent of ancient patronymics: Safaroglu, Almaszade, Kasumbeyli, Juvarly and the like. Other families were completely “Sovietized.” Therefore, today you can meet the Aliyevs, Tagiyevs and Mamedovs in Azerbaijan on every corner.

Azerbaijani surnames: list of the most popular

If you do not take into account the difference in endings, you can make a small list of only 15 positions. The list is quite small. Despite this, according to experts, these fifteen surnames account for about 80% of the country’s residents:

  • Abbasov;
  • Aliyev;
  • Babaev;
  • Veliev;
  • Gadzhiev;
  • Hasanov;
  • Guliev;
  • Huseynov;
  • Ibragimov;
  • Ismailov;
  • Musaev;
  • Orujov;
  • Rasulov;
  • Suleymanov;
  • Mamedov.

Although for ease of reading they are all arranged here in alphabetical order. But still the most popular surname in Azerbaijan - Mamedov. Every fifth or sixth resident of the country wears it. This is not surprising.

Since Mamed is folk form Muhammad in Azerbaijani usage, it is clear that parents were happy to give their child the name of the beloved and revered prophet. This has become a kind of tradition. By naming the baby Mamed, they believed that they would grant him a happy destiny and a great destiny. In addition, it was believed that Allah would not leave without mercy a child named after the prophet. When surnames began to appear in Azerbaijan, the Mamedovs were the most popular. After all, it was believed that the “family name” would bestow happiness and prosperity on all future generations of one family.

Other common surnames in Azerbaijan

Of course, family names in this eastern country so many. They are all different and interesting. Here is another list that contains popular Azerbaijani surnames (list in alphabetical order):

  • Abiev;
  • Agalarov;
  • Alekperov;
  • Amirov;
  • Askerov;
  • Bahramov;
  • Vagifov;
  • Gambarov;
  • Jafarov;
  • Kasumov;
  • Kerimov;
  • Mehdiev;
  • Safarov;
  • Taliban;
  • Khanlarov.

This is far from full list, but only a small fraction of it. Of course, all Azerbaijani surnames, male and female, have their own meaning. Sometimes very interesting and beautiful. For example, the surname Alekperov is very popular here. It comes from an adaptive form of the Arabic name Aliakbar. It can be divided into two parts:

  • Ali - great;
  • Akbar is the eldest, the greatest, the greatest.

Thus Alekperov is “the eldest (chief) of the greats.” One way or another, the basis of almost all Azerbaijani surnames is still the names of their ancestors. That is why the next part of this article is devoted to an analysis and description of their origin and meaning.

Name formation

This process in Azerbaijan can be divided into several stages. In ancient times, locals had at least three names throughout their lives. All of them could be radically different from each other. The first one is for children. It was given to the child by the parents at birth. It only served to distinguish him from other children. The second is adolescence. Given to the teenager by fellow villagers depending on character traits, spiritual qualities or external features. The third name is the one that a person earned in old age independently, through his deeds, judgments, actions and his entire life.

During the times of rapid development and establishment of Islam in this territory, people most often gave preference to religious names. Thus, they confirmed their devotion to the Islamic movement. Mamed, Mamish, Ali, Omar, Fatma, Khadije and others became popular. Most of the names were still of Arabic origin. When communism came to these lands, loyalty to the ideals of the party and the dominant ideology began to be put on display. Names that could easily be pronounced and written by a Russian person became popular. And some, especially zealous parents, began to give their children completely strange ones: State Farm, Tractor and the like.

With the collapse of the Union and the acquisition of independence, a sharp turn again occurred in the formation of Azerbaijani names. The idea and semantic load associated with deep national roots. It is no secret that along with names, Azerbaijani surnames also changed. Their pronunciation and writing either approached Arabic or became completely Russified.

Features of the use of names

In the Azerbaijani language, names are most often pronounced not just like that, but with the addition of some additional word. Often it expresses a respectful or familiar attitude towards an opponent.

Here are some of them:

  1. Mirzag. This prefix is ​​used as a respectful address to scientists or simply very smart and educated people. It sounds like “Mirzag Ali” or “Mirzag Isfandiyar”. Today the prefix has practically disappeared from circulation.
  2. Yoldash. During the Soviet Union, the traditional “comrade” came into circulation. In Azerbaijani - yoldash. The prefix was also located in front of the surname. It sounded like this: “Yoldash Mehdiev”, “Yoldash Khanlarova”.
  3. Kishi. This is a familiar, slightly familiar address. It is used in conversation by peers: Anvar kishi, Dilyaver kishi, and so on.
  4. Anvard. Means the same thing, only in relation to a woman: Nergiz avard, Lale avard.

There are several more prefix words used in respectful attitude to the ladies:

  • hanim - venerable;
  • khanymgyz - respected girl (for young people);
  • baji—sister;
  • gelin - bride.

In addition to those listed above, there are many more respectful prefixes formed from Moreover, when addressing, it is not at all necessary that people are actually relatives. There are so many such prefixes that sometimes they become part of the name:

  • Bibi is an aunt. Father's sister - Agabibi, Injibibi.
  • Amy is an uncle. Father's brother - Balaemi.
  • Dainy's uncle. Mother's brother - Agadain.
  • Baba - grandfather: Ezimbaba, Shirbaba, Atababa.
  • Badzhikyzy - niece. Sister's daughter - Boyuk-baji, Shahbaji and others.

Colloquial features of male and female names

As in the Russian language, Azerbaijani names also have diminutive variants. They are formed by adding affixes:

  • -у(-у);
  • -s(-s);
  • -ish(-ish);
  • -ush (-yush).

Thus, from the name Kübra, Kübush is obtained, and Valida becomes Valish. Nadir's parents call Nadysh, and Khudayar's is Khuda. Some diminutive forms take root so much that over time they transform into a separate name.

In colloquial speech, names formed by a simple abbreviation are often used:

  • Surya - Sura;
  • Farida - Farah;
  • Rafiga - Rafa;
  • Aliya - Alya and so on.

There are names suitable for both men and women at the same time: Shirin, Izzet, Khaver, Shovket. And some, depending on the gender of the person, form the following forms:

  • Selim - Selim;
  • Tofig - Tofiga;
  • Farid - Farida;
  • Kamil - Kamil.

Quite often, Azerbaijanis, especially the older generation, encounter double names: Ali Heydar, Abbas Gulu, Aga Musa, Kurban Ali and the like.

Traditional names of Azerbaijani children

Here's a short list of names that were the most popular in 2015, according to the Department of Justice. Among boys it is:

  • Yusif - growth, profit.
  • Huseyn is wonderful.
  • Ali - supreme, supreme.
  • Murad - intention, goal.
  • Omar is life, long-lived.
  • Muhammad is worthy of praise.
  • Ayhan is joy.
  • Ugur - happiness, good omen.
  • Ibrahim is the name of the prophet Abraham.
  • Tunar - light/fire within.
  • Kanan - born to rule.

Among the girls, the record holder was Zahra - brilliant. The following names are also very popular:

  • Nurai - moonlight.
  • Fatima is an adult and understanding.
  • Eileen - lunar halo.
  • Ayan is widely known.
  • Zeinab is plump and strong.
  • Khadija - born before her time.
  • Madina is the city of Medina.
  • Melek is an angel.
  • Maryam is the name of the mother of the prophet Isa, beloved by God, bitter.
  • Leila - night.

What names have Azerbaijanis fallen out of love with?

As you know, a daughter in the East is not always a welcome phenomenon. Especially if it’s the fourth or fifth in a row. Parents will have to marry off a grown girl, collecting a considerable dowry at the same time. Therefore, in the old days, girls also had appropriate names:

  • Kifayat - enough;
  • Gyztamam - enough daughters;
  • Bestie - that's enough;
  • Gyzgayit - the girl has returned.

Over time, the problem of dowry ceased to be so acute. Accordingly, the names also changed. Now they mean “dream”, “beloved” and “joyful”. And the old ones, not too positive and beautiful, are practically not used today.


Many Azerbaijanis believe that a child's name determines his destiny. Therefore, when choosing it, you should take into account not only the brevity and ease of pronunciation, but also the meaning hidden behind it. surnames in combination with no less euphonious names can bring children joy, prosperity and a long, happy life.

Those with the name Azer, as a rule, turn out to be trendsetters for a narrow circle. You belong to a rather thin layer of society, whose representatives, regardless of age and social status, claim that they can “afford not to follow fashion.” The way it is. You carefully monitor how your body itself looks, take care of it tirelessly, thanks to which you have the opportunity to change your style at least every day depending on your own mood. That is why you give the impression of youth for quite a long time, each time appearing in a new look, which allows you to influence the tastes of others.

Compatibility of the name Azer, manifestation in love

Azer, your self-sufficiency makes you a person for whom love is not a “life necessity.” You are extremely picky in any connections, be it friendship or closer relationships. In both cases, the partner must meet your ideal criteria absolutely, otherwise you can easily do without him. But if you still find a person who fits the “bar” you set, then you surrender to the feeling completely, selflessly and recklessly, which can be a pleasant surprise for your partner, misled by your external closeness and aloofness.


You are a “closed” person. All aspirations and desires are focused on one’s own personality. Therefore, when making any decision, you tend to choose what will most contribute to your growth and improvement. And each such choice increases the distance between you and the world around you.

Over time, this “shell” becomes thicker, and the possibility of “coming out” becomes more and more unrealistic. But even the strongest shell may one day fail to withstand external pressure and burst. And then, despite all your outstanding abilities, you will find yourself defenseless, like a newly hatched chick.

Neither intelligence nor theoretical knowledge, no matter how significant, can replace the ability to communicate with people, the skill of “interpenetration”, without which life is impossible.

Try to learn to view your individual qualities not as a product that can be “sold”, but as a tool for working in a team. Self-respect, of course, is “worth a lot,” but the affection of others is not a trifle.

The history of the formation of Azerbaijani names goes back many centuries. Because the Azerbaijan language belongs to the Turkic group, then, accordingly, many names are formed from Turkic languages: Akif is a hard worker, Elgun is the sun of the people. However, many names also refer to native Azerbaijani ones, which were formed relatively recently. As a rule, these are Azerbaijani words: Vidadi - love, Yalchin - majestic.

Many names were borrowed from the languages ​​of neighboring peoples, such as Iranian (Persian) - Anar (pomegranate), Turkish - Ordukhan (commander), Tatar - Toghrul (falcon). During the Soviet Union, many names came from neighboring republics, such as David, Benjamin, Ruslan, etc. However, after the collapse of the USSR, they stopped calling children by such names.

Separate and most large group names is a group of Arabic names. This is due to the Muslim religion of Azerbaijanis and the transfer of Arabic names into their culture - Abdullah (slave of Allah), Haji (pilgrim).

How do you choose?

In the Azerbaijani tradition, there are the following types of naming of babies:

  • In honor of deceased relatives.
  • In honor of people who have achieved success in various fields. Thus, when Ilham Aliyev won the presidential elections in Azerbaijan, the number of newborn Ilhams in the country increased significantly.
  • In honor of fairy-tale heroes endowed with certain talents.
  • In honor of religious figures and events.

List of all modern handsome male options in Russian and their meaning

In Azerbaijan there is great amount male names, but they are all endowed with deep meaning. After all, in this country it is believed that a name should have a fruitful influence on the fate of the baby.

  • Abbas- Arabic gloomy, strict. Closed to himself, inquisitive.
  • Abdullah- Arabic servant of Allah. Cheerful, sociable, good friend.
  • Abdurrahman- Arabic servant of the Merciful. Has an analytical mind.
  • Abdulhamid– Chechen. slave of the Glorious. An adventurer and traveler, craves a constant change of scenery.
  • Yeah- Azeri sir, master. Has a desire to help others.
  • Agshin– Turkish. strong, brave. Strive to gain the trust of others.
  • Adil- Arabic fair, acting correctly. Freedom-loving. restless.
  • Adnan- Arabic founder who creates foundations. Has pronounced leadership qualities.
  • Adygozyal- Azeri beautiful name. It is typical to calculate all your actions in advance.
  • Azad- Persian free. Becomes a virtuoso of his craft.
  • Azer- Persian fire, flame. In constant search for yourself.
  • Aziz- Arabic mighty, invincible. Easily makes new acquaintances.
  • Akif- Turkic hardworking. Amorous, but faithful to the woman he loves.
  • Ali- Arabic supreme, supreme, mighty. I am ready to sacrifice everything for my neighbor.
  • Alim- Arabic knowing. Thinks in broad categories.
  • Amir– Heb. ruler, lord. Master of his craft.
  • Anan- Arabic reminiscing. Restless, which can lead to loneliness.
  • Anar- Persian pomegranate. Has leadership qualities.
  • Araz- Azeri happiness. Likes to make informed decisions.
  • Aran- Turkic self-possessed, cold-blooded. Characterized by a thirst for competition.
  • Arif- Arabic knowing. Likes to donate something to his neighbor.
  • Arslan- Turkic Leo. Deserves authority in any company.
  • Assad- Arabic lion, fearless. Not afraid to express his point of view.
  • Asif- Tatar. forgiveness. Likes to turn a hobby into a profession.
  • Aslan- Arabic lion, fearless. Always knows clearly what he wants.
  • Aflatun- Arabic Plato. A person with talent.
  • Ashyg- Azeri in love with the truth. Charity activities are typical.
  • Ahmed- Arabic illustrious, worthy of praise. Able to concentrate all his strength in his work.
  • Ayaz- Persian blowing in winter night wind. A faithful friend, never betrays.
  • Woman- Persian grandfather, father of fathers. Characterized by sociability and the search for friends.
  • Balabek– Turkish. junior bek. May sacrifice the latter.
  • Bahadur- Persian hero, hero. A person who values ​​his time.
  • Bahram- Persian murderer evil spirit. Has determination and quick response.
  • Bayat- Kazakh face of god. Has the skills of a good boss.
  • Benjamin– Heb. important, main. A person you can always rely on.
  • Bulbul- Persian nightingale. A very good-natured person and a good helper.
  • Vasif- Arabic praising. Characterized by courage and resourcefulness.
  • Wasim- Tatar. Beautiful. Has the ability to gain trust.
  • Vatan- Arabic fatherland, homeland. He values ​​his work very much.
  • Veli– Romanian. dear, close. Possesses innate charisma and a creative mind.
  • Vidadi- Azeri Love. He is meticulous in his choice of profession.
  • Vilayat- Arabic principality, state. Does not value stability, is prone to change.
  • Vugar- Azeri proud. A born analyst.
  • Vurgun- Azeri enamored. Resourceful and knows how to make quick decisions.
  • Gadzhi- Arabic pilgrim. Characterized by determination and responsibility.
  • Gaplan- Turkic brave man A very kind-hearted person.
  • Guy– Heb. durable, indestructible. Easily becomes the darling of the company.
  • Goshgar- Azeri proud, sedate, majestic. Ready to help everyone.
  • Huseyn- Azeri Beautiful. Calculates all moves in advance.
  • David– Heb. Darling. A gentle and caring person, but when necessary he shows firmness.
  • Dadash- Persian Brother. Loyal to his friends.
  • Derya– Turkish. big river. Very meticulous and hard-working.
  • Dovlat- Persian state. Always confident in his actions.
  • Zaur- Arabic pilgrim. Knows how to turn a hobby into a job.
  • Zahid- Arabic scientist, self-possessed. Has all the qualities to become great.
  • Zahir- Arabic appearance. A professional in his field.
  • Zia– Heb. light. Closed to oneself, uncommunicative.
  • Ziyafat- Arabic banquet, feast, celebration. A mobile and active child.
  • Zyaki- Azeri smart, clever. Characterized by curiosity and analytical thinking.
  • Ibrahim- Arabic Merciful servant. Loves is in constant motion.
  • Idrak- Arabic knower. Has quick reaction and determination.
  • Ilyas- Azeri coming to the rescue. Characterized by the ability and desire to help people.
  • Ilham- Arabic inspiration. A born leader and boss.
  • Ikhtiyar- Arabic choice. Always ready to help.
  • Kemal- Arabic wise, sensitive. Able to work in a team.
  • Kamal- Azeri perfection. Has leadership qualities.
  • Levan– Heb. wanderer. Great friend.
  • Lenar- Arabic like the fire or light of Allah. Always strive to be first.
  • Masoud– indium. happy. Inclined to charity.
  • Muhammad- Arabic praised, praiseworthy. A born leader.
  • Nabi- Arabic prophet. Has the qualities to lead people.
  • Nadir- Tatar. rare, extraordinary. A very reliable and purposeful person.
  • Nurlan- Turkic sparkle, shine. Loyal to his work and family.
  • Osman- Arabic hero. Predisposed to business contacts.
  • Orhan– Turkish. khan of the army, commander. Born to be a boss.
  • Ordukhan– Turkish. commander Very amorous. but faithful in the family.
  • Ramal- Arabic Gypsy. Ready to help friends at any moment.
  • Rahman- Tatar. all-merciful. Always strives for the standard.
  • Rafik- Tatar. good friend. He never stops there.
  • Rustam- Persian strong, brave. He has the gift of an artist.
  • Ruslan– Russian, Turkic a lion. Born to be a hero.
  • Sarkhan- Persian great khan, lord of the day. Loves to be the center of attention.
  • Sultan- Arabic ruler, sultan. A natural leader and boss.
  • Timur- Turkic iron. He has a very strong and unbending character.
  • Toghrul- Tatar. falcon. Finds well mutual language with everyone.
  • Turai- Turkic homeland, land of the Turks. Loves to compete in all areas of life.
  • Turkel– Turkish. turkic land, Turkic people. Human. who always strives for excellence.
  • Ulvi– Turkish. clean, unsullied. Strives for something new.
  • Fatih- Arabic winner. Confident man
  • Fuad- Arabic heart. Differs in purposefulness.
  • Khalid- Arabic immortal. Lives in his own world.
  • Hayal– Turkish. dreamer. Since childhood, he knows what he will become when he grows up.
  • Chingiz- Mongolian powerful. Differs in independence.
  • Shahin- Tatar. falcon. He reveals his talent very early.
  • Shener- Turkic cheerful brave man. Has organizational skills.
  • Elgiz- Turkic ruler of the people. Always looking for new hobbies.
  • Elgun- Turkic the sun of the people. Knows how to lead people.
  • Elkhan- Turkic Khan of the people. Constantly strives for something new.
  • Ehsan- Persian mercy, beneficence. He is not afraid of anyone, he is always ready to argue.
  • Yalcin- Azeri majestic. He is not ashamed to help the poor.
  • Yanar- Turkic fiery. Believes in his own strength.
  • Yashar- Azeri living. Loves to share with others.
  • Yahya- Tatar. alive, living. Able to think several steps ahead.

It is very important for parents to give suitable name to your baby. That is why Azerbaijani parents, as soon as they learn about a new addition to the family, begin to choose a name for their baby.

All Azerbaijani names have beautiful meaning with meaning. Do you want to decide on a name for your child or learn more about the culture of Azerbaijan? Here you will find a lot interesting information and you can choose a male Azerbaijani name for your son.

History of the origin of Azerbaijani names

Names are always closely connected with history. Turkey and Iran had a great influence on Azerbaijan, so many words in these countries are similar. All of them have Turkic, Arabic, Persian, Albanian roots. Islam also made its contribution.

In 1920, Soviet power was established in Azerbaijan, which greatly affected the local culture. Originally for Turkic names there are character postfixes indicating generic or social affiliation carrier.

Starting from 1920, postfixes began to be removed, because some of them denoted phenomena that were objectionable to the Soviet government:

  • “bek” indicates a special noble title;
  • “khan” means royal blood, belonging to the family of the ruler;
  • "baba" ("bobo") denotes a person from a family of religious figures.

More harmless postfixes were also removed. For example, “ogly” (son) and “zade” (descendant), which are used to form a patronymic: Muslim-ogly - son of Muslim, Ibrahim-zade - descendant of Ibrahim. Moreover, the postfix “zade” was applied to high-ranking parents, representatives upper strata society. For Soviet republic, where everyone should be equal, such an elevation of some people over others was unacceptable.

After the collapse of the USSR, people again strive to return postfixes. Nowadays they are often written not separately or with a hyphen, but together: it was - Mamed-bek, now - Mamedbek.

List of beautiful Azerbaijani names for boys

To name a child a beautiful masculine name with an equally wonderful meaning, you first need to decide which area of ​​life is most significant to you. Some names carry a certain character trait, others even mean geographical places, and others have religious roots.

The interpretation of names comes down to one of the following meanings:

  • Name geographical area(Araz River, Lake Sevan, Mount Elbrus);
  • name of the city (Tabriz);
  • personal quality(Vugar – proud, Zahid – scientist, Said – happy);
  • profession, vocation (Rasim is an artist, Rais is a policeman, Namig is a writer);
  • bird (Shahin - falcon, Tarlan - eagle, Yunus - dove);
  • divine meaning (Wahab - bestower of blessings, Yahya - the name of the prophet, Rahman - all-merciful);
  • designation of a folk subgroup, tribe (Oguz, for example, a medieval Turkic tribe).

Eastern names caress the ear, like melodic music.

Listen to how smooth they sound:

  • Rauf - compassionate;
  • Agalar - eldest;
  • Alpan - brave man;
  • Ariz - male warrior;
  • Bakhsh - gift, gifted;
  • Sanan - lover;
  • Jalal - glorious faith;
  • Roland (presumably derived from the English “Roland”) is a native of a glorious country;
  • Sagif (variation of the name “Said”) - happy;
  • Shahin - white falcon;
  • Telman (a combination of the Arabic words "Tel" and "Man") - literally translated as a person living on a hilly plain;
  • Vilayat is a principality.

The 20th century writer Jafar Jabbarli had an interesting influence on trends in naming children. The names (including fictitious ones) that the author gave to the characters in his works became widespread among the people. Such a name seems to elevate the child, connecting him with art from birth. These are, for example, Nasreddin, Aydin, Oktay, Sevil, Almas, Yashar, Dilber, Kojuk, Aslan.

Rare male names of Azerbaijani origin

The first thing that comes to mind for a new parent is: fashionable names, which are on everyone's lips. It is not surprising that there are so many Timurs, Farhads and Airats around: they are easy to remember. The exception is families where it is customary to name children in memory of their ancestors.

Thanks to this tradition we can meet people called:

  • Ibrahim - merciful servant;
  • Javanshir - a mighty young lion;
  • Mehman - guest;
  • Amrullah - the will of the Lord;
  • Soyalp comes from a brave family;
  • Khosrow is a philanthropist.

Rare names look attractive because they make a person unique. But they also have disadvantages. If the child will live in secular society, among children of different nationalities, there is a high probability that he will be teased at school. Such a person will have communication problems all his life: friends and colleagues from other cultures will have difficulty pronouncing his name.

As we know from historical information, names ending in “bek”, “khan”, “baba”, “zade”, “ogly” for a long time were undesirable, and therefore now they can also be classified as rare.

The most popular names and their meanings

The list of names for a boy, recognized as the most popular among Azerbaijani male names, looks like this:

  1. Nariman (courageous).
  2. Emin (faithful).
  3. Timur (iron).
  4. Ahmad (illustrious).
  5. Farhad (understandable).
  6. Ruzil (happy).
  7. Naseem (organizer).
  8. Rashad (prudent).
  9. Amir (leader, ruler).
  10. Maksud (desired).

Many parents want to name their child after a famous person. After all, “whatever you call a ship, so it will plow the seas.”

An example is taken from outstanding Azerbaijanis:

  • Presidents Ilham Aliyev and Heydar Aliyev;
  • Mayor of Baku Hajibala Abutalibov;
  • poet Ahmed Javad;
  • founder Azerbaijan Republic Mammad Emin Rasulzade;
  • philanthropist Haji Tagiyev;
  • singers and composers Rashid Behbudov, Muslim Magomayev, Kara Karayev and Uzeyir Hajibeyov;
  • mathematician Lotfi Zadeh;
  • surgeon Mustafa Topchibashev;
  • Hero of the Soviet Union Azi Aslanov;
  • founder of the space program Kerim Kerimov.

Therefore, many modern Azerbaijani names are namesakes of great people.

Ancient and forgotten names

Do you want your son to stand out from his peers? At your service are the names Mehtiaga, Molla, Mamed, Aliaga, Mirza, Firidun, Javanshir, Nadir, Fatali, Alimardan, Abbas, Muhammadkuli, Panah, Mashadi. To modern man they are known from the pages of history because they belonged famous personalities of the past.

Many ancient names can be found in the epic “Kitabi dede Gorgud” (“The Book of My Grandfather Korkut”). Among the male characters are Basat, Bamsi-Beyrek, Bayandur Khan, Salor-Kazan, Derse Khan, Bugach, Uruz, Domrul, Kan-Turali, Einek, Emran. All these are people who have accomplished various feats.

How to choose a name for a boy depending on his date of birth

Naming a child based on the date of birth is a custom of Orthodox Christians. IN church calendar it is indicated on which day which saints are venerated: there are several options to choose from on one day. Parents focus directly on the birthday or one of the neighboring dates. The chosen saint becomes the child's patron.

Azerbaijanis do not have such a tradition. In families where customs are valued, a child is more likely to be named after a Muslim holiday than after a date of birth, fashion or season. There is also the practice of naming in honor of grandparents.

However, you can choose something related to the time of year or weather events, for example:

  • Ayaz - winter wind;
  • Elgun – sun (association with summer);
  • Aly - bright, red (like autumn leaves);
  • Azer is the ninth month according to the Solar calendar;
  • Novruz is a spring holiday.

Interesting fact: ancient people understood that it was difficult to name a baby for the rest of its life, because its character was still unknown. Therefore, at first they gave a temporary name, and later - a permanent one.