Visual illusions. Why optical illusions deceive our brain 3d drawings optical illusions illusions paintings

Optical illusion - pictures of illusions with explanations

Don't take optical illusions seriously, trying to understand and solve them, it's just how our vision works. So human brain processes visible light from reflected images.
Unusual shapes and combinations of these pictures make it possible to achieve a deceptive perception, as a result of which it seems that the object is moving, changing color, or an additional picture appears.
All images are accompanied by explanations: how and how long you need to look at the picture to see something that is not really there.

For starters, one of the most discussed illusions on the Internet is 12 black dots. The trick is that you can't see them at the same time. Scientific explanation This phenomenon was discovered by the German physiologist Ludimar Hermann in 1870. The human eye stops seeing full picture due to lateral inhibition in the retina.

These figures move at the same speed, but our vision tells us otherwise. In the first gif, four figures move simultaneously while they are adjacent to each other. After separation, the illusion arises that they are moving along black and white stripes independently of each other. After the zebra disappears in the second picture, you can verify that the movement of the yellow and blue rectangles is synchronized.

Look carefully at the black dot in the center of the photo while the timer counts down 15 seconds, after which the black and white image will turn into color, that is, the grass is green, the sky is blue, and so on. But if you don’t stare at this point (to amuse yourself), the picture will remain black and white.

Without looking away, look at the cross and you will see a green spot running along the purple circles, and then they will completely disappear.

If you look at the green dot for a long time, then yellow dots will disappear.

Stare closely at the black dot and the gray stripe will suddenly turn blue.

If you cut a chocolate bar 5 by 5 and rearrange all the pieces in the order shown, an extra piece of chocolate will appear. Do this trick with a regular chocolate bar and it will never run out. (Joke).

From the same series.

Count the football players. Now wait 10 seconds. Oops! Parts of the picture are still the same, but one football player has disappeared somewhere!

The alternation of black and white squares within four circles creates the illusion of a spiral.

If you look in the middle of this animated picture, you will walk down the corridor faster; if you look to the right or left, you will walk slower.

On a white background, the gray stripe looks uniform, but it is white background change, as the gray stripe immediately acquires many shades.

With a slight movement of the hand, the rotating square turns into chaotically moving lines.

The animation is obtained by overlaying a black grid on the drawing. Before our eyes, static objects begin to move. Even the cat reacts to this movement.

If you look at the cross in the center of the picture, your peripheral vision will turn into starry faces Hollywood actors in freaks.

Two pictures Leaning Tower of Pisa. At first glance, the tower on the right appears to lean more than the tower on the left, but in fact both of these pictures are the same. The reason is that the human visual system views two images as part of a single scene. Therefore, it seems to us that both photographs are not symmetrical.

Which direction does the subway train go?

This is how a simple color change can make the picture come to life.

We look for exactly 30 seconds without blinking, then we turn our gaze to someone’s face, an object, or another picture.

A workout for the eyes... or for the brain. After rearranging the parts of the triangle, suddenly there is free space.
The answer is simple: in fact, the figure is not a triangle; the “hypotenuse” of the lower triangle is a broken line. This can be determined by the cells.

At first glance, all the lines seem to be curved, but in fact they are parallel. The illusion was discovered by R. Gregory at the Wall Cafe in Bristol. That's why this paradox is called "The Wall in the Cafe."

Look at the middle of the picture for thirty seconds, then move your gaze to the ceiling or white wall and blink. Who did you see?

An optical effect that gives the viewer a false impression of how the chair is positioned. The illusion is due to the original design of the chair.

English NO (NO) turns into YES (YES) using curved letters.

Each of these circles rotates counterclockwise, but if you fix your gaze on one of them, the second circle will appear to rotate clockwise.

3D drawing on asphalt

Which direction does the Ferris wheel rotate? If you look to the left, then clockwise, if to the left, then counterclockwise. Perhaps it will be the other way around for you.

It's hard to believe, but the squares in the center are motionless.

Both cigarettes, in fact, same size. Just place two cigarette rulers on the monitor, top and bottom. The lines will be parallel.

Similar illusion. Of course, these spheres are the same!

The droplets sway and “float”, although in reality they remain in their places, and only the columns in the background move.

It's time to do some eye exercises, have fun and stretch your imagination! In this collection you will find bright and unpredictable pictures and very interesting puzzles for those who like to double-check everything in person. The same drawing may contain several subjects at once, and some images may seem “alive.” Don't worry, this is completely normal.

25. Is this a vase or human faces?

There are two in front of you different plots in one picture at the same time. Some people see a bowl or a figurine, while others see people looking at each other. It's all about perception and focus. Switching from one plot to another is a good exercise for the eyes.

24. Bring the image first closer to your face, and then back

Photo: Nevit Dilmen

It may seem to you that the ball becomes voluminous and even takes on color. Be careful, they say that if you look at this drawing for too long, you may get a headache.

23. Wriggling figures

Photo: Wikipedia

At first, you may think that the columns and rows of white and green polygons are writhing, like a flag or waves. But if you hold a ruler up to the screen, you will realize that all the figures are located in strict order and in a straight line, both vertically and horizontally. In the picture, all angles are equal to either 90 degrees or 45. Don’t believe your eyes, as they say.

22. Moving circles

Photo: Cmglee

For some, a simple glance is enough to immediately notice the movement, while others will have to wait a little. But sooner or later you will definitely feel that the circles in this picture are rotating. In fact, this is an ordinary picture, and not an animation at all, but ours has a hard time coping with such a set of colors and shapes at the same time, and it’s easier for him to decide that something is rotating on the screen.

21. Red lines on a colored background

Photo: Wikipedia

The red lines in the picture appear to be curved, but it is easy to prove otherwise with a simple ruler or even a piece of paper. In fact, this optical illusion is achieved using an intricate pattern in the background.

20. Black tops or bottoms of bars

Photo: Wikipedia

Of course, the black edges are the tops of the drawn bricks. Although wait... No, that’s not true! Or so? It’s not easy to figure it out, although the picture doesn’t change at all, unlike our perception.

19. Optical plug

Photo: Wikipedia

This drawing is a little reminiscent of the picture from point 23, only now there is also a giant fork. Although if you look closely, it may turn out to be something completely different...

18. Yellow lines

Photo: Wikipedia

Believe it or not, but in the image there are 2 yellow lines of exactly the same length. The deceptive prospect of black bars can be confusing, but we advise you to take up the ruler again.

17. Spinning circles

Photo: Fibonacci

If you look strictly at the black dot in the center of the picture and do not move your head, circles around it will begin to rotate. Try it!

16. Moving squiggles


This psychedelic picture is a real mystery for our brain. To peripheral vision, it always seems that some kind of movement is happening around the edges. No matter how hard you try, the squiggles will still move somewhere nearby, and not where you are looking.

15. Gray stripe

Photo: Dodek

It probably seems to you that the stripe in the center changes its color from one end to the other, as if someone’s shadow is falling on it. In fact, the center line is one, and the easiest way to check this is with 2 sheets of paper. Cover the top and bottom of the drawing and you'll see what it's all about. The only thing that changes in this image is the background color.

14. Black shadows

Photo: Wikipedia

Fascinating picture! It either dazzles your eyes or makes you dizzy, so don’t look at the screen for too long.

13. Fluttering pattern

Photo: Aaron Fulkerson / flickr

It feels like the wind is blowing across the surface of the field... But no, this is definitely not a GIF. Although it’s hard to believe if you look at the image, moving your gaze from one point to another. If you look strictly in the center, the picture should gradually freeze or at least slow down.

12. Triangles and lines

Photo: Wikipedia

These rows of stuck triangles appear uneven, as if they were spaced diagonally. In fact, they are still drawn parallel to each other. Is there a line?

11. Cow

Photo: John McCrone

Yes, it's a cow. Seeing it is not so easy, and sometimes it takes a little time, but if you look closely, you will definitely see not only random lines and spots, but also an animal. Do you see?

10. Drowning floor

Photo: markldiaz/flickr

It may seem as if the center of the picture is drowning or being pulled in by something. In fact, all the squares are the same size and shape, they are located evenly and do not float anywhere. The illusion of distortion is created by white dots along the edges of some squares.

9. Old woman or young girl?

Photo: Wikipedia

And this is a very old, almost classic, optical illusion. Everyone manages to solve the picture differently. Someone stubbornly sees young girl with beautiful cheekbones, and someone immediately notices the old woman’s huge nose. But if you try, you can see them both. It turns out?

8. Blackheads

Photo: Wikipedia

This optical illusion gives the impression that small black dots are constantly moving in the painting. When you look at different parts of the drawing, they either appear at the intersection of lines or disappear. How many points can you see at the same time? It's very difficult to calculate!

7. Green whirlwind

Photo: Fiestoforo

If you look at this picture long enough, it may seem as if you are being sucked into a vortex funnel! But this is a regular flat image, not a GIF. It's all about optical illusion and our brain. Again.

6. More spinning circles

Photo: markldiaz/flickr

Here's another absolutely stunning variation on a static image. Due to the complex colors and shapes of the details of the design, it seems that the circles are rotating, but in reality this is not the case.

5. Poggendorff illusion

Photo: Fibonacci

Here is a classic optical illusion, named after the German physicist I. K. Poggendorf. The answer lies in the location of the black line. If you look at left side picture, it will seem that the blue line should be a continuation of the black one, but on the right side of the picture you can see that it is the red stripe that completes it.

4. Blue flowers

Photo: Nevit Dilmen

Another optical illusion that will seem like a gif to you. If you look at this drawing long enough, the flowers will begin to spin.

3. The Orbison Illusion

Photo: Wikipedia

This is another very old optical illusion, drawn by the American psychologist Orbison back in the 30s of the 20th century. The red diamond in the center is actually a perfect square, but the background blue lines make it look like it's a little warped or rotated.

1. Zöllner optical illusion

Photo: Fibonacci

Here is another classic example of a geometric illusion, in which long diagonal lines seem to point toward the different sides. In fact, they are parallel to each other, but short strokes across the lines confuse our brain and create a sense of perspective. Astrophysicist Zöllner drew this illusion back in 1860!

Everything we see in reality we take for granted. Whether it's a rainbow after the rain, a child's smile, or a gradually turning blue sea in the distance. But as soon as we start observing clouds changing shape, familiar images and objects appear from them... At the same time, we rarely think about how this happens and what operations take place in our brain. In science, this phenomenon has received an appropriate definition - optical illusions of the eye. At such moments, we visually perceive one picture, but the brain protests and deciphers it differently. Let's get to know the most popular visual illusions and let's try to explain them.

general description

Eye illusions have long been an object of curiosity for psychologists and artists. IN scientific definition they are perceived as an inadequate, distorted perception of objects, an error, a delusion. In ancient times, the cause of illusion was considered to be the malfunction of the human visual system. Today, optical illusion is a deeper concept associated with brain processes, helping us to “decipher” and understand the surrounding reality. The principle of human vision is explained by the reconstruction of a three-dimensional image of visible objects on the retina. Thanks to this, you can determine their size, depth and distance, the principle of perspective (parallelism and perpendicularity of lines). The eyes read information, and the brain processes it.

The illusion of deception of the eyes can vary in several parameters (size, color, perspective). Let's try to explain them.

Depth and size

The simplest and most familiar to human vision is a geometric illusion - a distortion of the perception of the size, length or depth of an object in reality. In reality, this phenomenon can be observed by looking at railway. Up close, the rails are parallel to each other, the sleepers are perpendicular to the rails. In perspective, the drawing changes: a slope or bend appears, the parallelism of the lines is lost. The further the road goes, the more difficult it is to determine the distance of any section of it.

This illusion for the eyes (with explanations, everything as it should be) was first talked about by the Italian psychologist Mario Ponzo in 1913. The habitual decrease in the size of an object with its distance is a stereotype for human vision. But there are deliberate distortions of these perspectives that destroy complete image subject. When a staircase maintains parallel lines throughout its entire length, it becomes unclear whether a person is going down or going up. In fact, the structure has a deliberate extension downwards or upwards.

In relation to depth, there is the concept of disparity - the different position of points on the retina of the left and right eyes. Thanks to this, the human eye perceives an object as concave or convex. The illusion of this phenomenon can be observed in 3D pictures, when three-dimensional images are created on flat objects (sheet of paper, asphalt, wall). Thanks to the correct arrangement of shapes, shadows and light, the picture is mistakenly perceived by the brain as real.

Color and contrast

One of the most important properties of the human eye is the ability to distinguish colors. Depending on the illumination of objects, perception may vary. This is due to optical irradiation - the phenomenon of light “flowing” from brightly lit to dark areas of the image on the retina. This explains the loss of sensitivity to distinguish between red and orange flowers and its increase in relation to blue and violet at twilight. In this regard, optical illusions may occur.

Contrasts also play an important role. Sometimes a person mistakenly judges the color saturation of an object against a faded background. Conversely, bright contrast mutes the colors of nearby objects.

The illusion of color can also be observed in the shadows, where brightness and saturation also do not appear. There is the concept of “color shadow”. In nature, it can be observed when a fiery sunset turns houses and the sea red, which themselves have contrasting shades. This phenomenon can also be considered an illusion for the eyes.


The next category is the illusion of perceiving contours and outlines of objects. In the scientific world, it is called the phenomenon of perceptual readiness. Sometimes what we see is not so, or has a double interpretation. Currently in fine arts There was a fashion for creating dual images. Different people look at the same “encrypted” picture and read in it different symbols, silhouettes, information. A prime example of this in psychology is the Rorschach blot test. According to experts, visual perception in in this case the same, but the answer in the form of interpretation depends on the characteristics of the person’s personality. When assessing the qualities, it is necessary to take into account the localization, level of form, content and originality/popularity of the reading of such illusions.


This type of eye illusion is also popular in art. Its trick lies in the fact that in one position of the image the human brain reads one image, and in the opposite position - another. The most famous shapeshifters are the old princess and the hare duck. In terms of perspective and color, there is no distortion here, but there is a perceptual readiness. But to make a difference, you should turn the picture over. A similar example in reality would be cloud watching. When the same form with different positions(vertical, horizontal) can be associated with different objects.

Ames room

An example of a 3D eye illusion is the Ames Room, invented in 1946. It is designed in such a way that, when viewed from the front, it appears to be an ordinary room with parallel walls perpendicular to the ceiling and floor. In fact, this room is trapezoidal. The far wall in it is located so that the right corner is obtuse (closer), and the left corner is acute (further). The illusion is enhanced by the chess squares on the floor. The person in the right corner is visually perceived as a giant, and in the left - a dwarf. Of interest is the movement of a person around the room - a person rapidly growing or, conversely, decreasing.

Experts say that for such an illusion it is not necessary to have walls and a ceiling. A visible horizon, which only appears so relative to the corresponding background, is sufficient. The illusion of the Ames room is often used in films to create the special effect of a giant dwarf.

Moving illusions

Another type of illusion for the eyes is a dynamic picture, or autokinetic movement. This phenomenon occurs when, when examining a flat image, the figures on it begin to literally come to life. The effect is enhanced if a person alternately approaches/moves away from the picture, moves his gaze from right to left and vice versa. In this case, the distortion occurs due to a certain selection of colors, circular arrangement, irregularity or “vector” shapes.

"Tracking" paintings

Probably every person has at least once encountered the visual effect when a portrait or image on a poster literally watches him move around the room. The legendary “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci, “Dionysus” by Caravaggio, “Portrait of an Unknown Woman” by Kramskoy or ordinary portrait photographs - vivid examples this phenomenon.

Despite the mass mystical stories, which surround this effect, there is nothing unusual about it. Scientists and psychologists, pondering how to create the “following eyes” illusion, came up with a simple formula.

  • The model's face should look directly at the artist.
  • The larger the canvas, the stronger the impression.
  • The emotions on the model's face matter. An indifferent expression will not arouse curiosity or fear of persecution in the observer.

At correct location light and shadow, the portrait will acquire a three-dimensional projection, volume, and when moving it will seem that the eyes are following the person from the picture.

It turns out that many of the mysterious pictures (optical illusions - puzzles) that are so popular on the Internet are actually reproductions of paintings by talented surrealist artists. These people know the laws by which our visual perception works and use these laws to create mysterious masterpieces that you want to look at again and again. Illusions from famous artists, reproductions of them wonderful paintings you can see in this article, we will also briefly talk about surrealism and its representatives from the world of artists.


Perhaps the most famous of the surrealist artists is Salvador Dali. But, based on the impression of the illusions created in the paintings, modern artists are not only not inferior to El Salvador, but in many ways they are ahead.. What is surrealism? This is an art movement that uses allusions and paradoxical forms. Surrealist paintings help us look at our surroundings with different eyes, to see in the surrounding reality what may be hidden behind everyday life. Surrealist artists love to paint mystery paintings that make you think, peer and wonder. In their paintings, the background constantly changes places with the figure. Either you see a portrait of a man, or two women walking with umbrellas in the rain; or you look at the arches and columns, and suddenly you realize that you are already looking at skyscrapers that previously looked like arches. Yes, what can I say!? See and be amazed at how rich the human imagination is and what our brain is capable of. All pictures are clickable, click on them and they will become larger so you can see more details.

We present to you just one painting by Dali, since in his work he went too far from reality. This painting conveys the play of figure and background. In it, two nuns become the central part of the composition due to the fact that a human face is obtained from their figures. Most likely this face is a portrait real personality, since surrealists often depict people in this way. In the works contemporary artists you will see it more clearly. But we won’t write in detail about the artists themselves here; their biographies and other reproductions of paintings can be found on the Internet. Here we simply display reproductions with the artist’s name and (sometimes) the title of the painting. And you figure out how this can happen... from one horse there are two or more, from landscapes there are people, from curtains the sky and so on...

How suddenly, for Rob Gonsalves, the clouds become sails, and the girls become part of architectural structure

Rob Gonsalves

Same principle here. The girls are not visible while you are looking at the sky, because in this case they are a reflection in the water.

This is also a painting by Gonsalves. The same principle is used. You won't notice the skyscrapers right away. What do they have to do with them on the shore? We see them as if from the sea.

Or here - how interestingly perspectives are intertwined in Rob’s painting. One goes forward, the other goes down, and it turns out that the boy is swinging on one tree, but under him is another and there is another road, etc.

or here. This is the same principle as in the picture above.

Oleg Shuplyak. Ukrainian artist who now lives abroad. He created a whole gallery of portraits famous people like this in an unusual way. Really impressive!

Well, it’s clear that this is a guy with sheep against the backdrop of a village landscape. How did all this become a portrait of Taras Shevchenko?!

Great! I wonder if Newton is one or both of these people? Or maybe there is a third one? I won't be surprised by anything anymore.

You won't see Mane here right away. Girls with umbrellas are more noticeable. Although...When you see the picture for the first time and from afar, you don’t see the girls. Impressive.

Another interesting portrait.

Another familiar face. This time exclusively from a winter village landscape.

Octavio Ocampo

Also very interesting portraits. It seems like just two squirrels on a branch, but what a girl she turned out to be!

Another variation by this artist on the theme of a girl made from surrounding objects.

What do you think of this picture? You don't know what to look at!!!

Octavio loves riddles! Count if you can, how many horses are there?

Horses or girls? Where do you look most often?

Illusion is an optical illusion.

Types of optical illusion:

optical illusion based on color perception;
optical illusion based on contrast;
twisting illusions;
optical illusion of depth perception;
optical illusion of size perception;
contour optical illusion;
optical illusion "shifters";
Ames room;
moving optical illusions.
stereo illusions, or, as they are also called: “3d pictures”, stereo pictures.


Isn't it true that the size of these two balls is different? Is the top ball larger than the bottom?

In fact, this is an optical illusion: these two balls are absolutely equal. You can use a ruler to check. By creating the effect of a receding corridor, the artist managed to deceive our vision: the top ball seems larger to us, because our consciousness perceives it as a more distant object.


If you look at the picture from close distance, you see the brilliant physicist A. Einstein.

Now try to move a few meters away, and... miracle, in the picture there is M. Monroe. Here everything seems to have gone without an optical illusion. But how?! No one painted on the mustache, eyes, or hair. It’s just that from afar, vision does not perceive some small details, and puts more emphasis on large details.

The optical effect, which gives the viewer a false impression of the location of the seat, is due to the original design of the chair, invented by the French studio Ibride.

Peripheral vision turns beautiful faces into monsters.

Which direction does the wheel spin?

Stare without blinking at the middle of the image for 20 seconds, and then move your gaze to someone’s face or just a wall.


On which side of the building is the window located? On the left, or maybe on the right?

Once again our vision has been deceived. How did this become possible? Very simple: the upper part of the window is depicted as a window located with right side buildings (we look as if from below), and Bottom part– from the left (we are looking from above). And the middle is perceived by vision as consciousness deems necessary. That's the whole deception.

Illusion of bars

Take a look at these bars. Depending on which end you are looking at, the two pieces of wood will either be next to each other, or one of them will be lying on top of the other.

Cube and two identical cups

Optical illusion created by Chris Westall. There is a cup on the table, next to which there is a cube with a small cup. However, upon closer examination, we can see that in fact the cube is drawn, and the cups are exactly the same size. A similar effect is noticeable only at a certain angle.

Illusion "Cafe Wall"

Take a close look at the image. At first glance, all the lines seem to be curved, but in fact they are parallel. The illusion was discovered by R. Gregory at the Wall Cafe in Bristol. This is where its name came from.

Illusion of the Leaning Tower of Pisa

Above you see two pictures of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. At first glance, the tower on the right appears to lean more than the tower on the left, but in fact both of these pictures are the same. The reason is that the visual system views the two images as part of a single scene. Therefore, it seems to us that both photographs are not symmetrical.


There is no doubt that the lines depicted are wavy.

Remember what the section is called - optical illusion. You're right, these are straight, parallel lines. And it's a twisting illusion.

Ship or arch?

This illusion is a real work of art. The painting was painted by Rob Gonsalves - Canadian artist, representative of the genre of magical realism. Depending on where you look, you can see either the arch of a long bridge or the sail of a ship.


Now you can relax and not think that there will be another optical illusion. Let's admire the artist's imagination.

This graffiti was made by a miracle artist in the subway to the surprise of all passers-by.


Look at the picture and say in which part the red lines are brighter and more contrasting. On the right isn't it?

In fact, the red lines in the picture are no different from each other. They are absolutely identical, again an optical illusion. This is the Bezoldi effect, when we perceive the tonality of a color differently depending on its proximity to other colors.


Does the color of the horizontal gray line change in the rectangle?

The horizontal line in the picture does not change throughout and remains the same gray. I can't believe it, right? This is an optical illusion. To make sure of this, cover the rectangle surrounding it with a sheet of paper. This effect is similar to picture No. 1.


This magnificent photograph of the sun was taken by the American space agency NASA. It shows two sunspots pointing directly at the Earth.

Something else is much more interesting. If you look around the edge of the Sun, you will see how it shrinks. This is truly GREAT - no deception, a good illusion!


Do you see that the herringbone lines in the picture are parallel?

I don't see it either. But they are parallel - check with a ruler. My vision was also deceived. This is the famous classic Zollner illusion, which has been around since the 19th century. Because of the “needles” on the lines, it seems to us that they are not parallel.


Look at the picture for 30 seconds (it may take more), then move your gaze to a light, flat surface, such as a wall.

Before your eyes you saw the image of Jesus Christ, the image is similar to the famous Shroud of Turin. Why does this effect occur? In the human eye there are cells called cones and rods. Cones are responsible for transmitting a color image to the human brain under good illumination, and rods help a person see in the dark and are responsible for transmitting low-definition black-and-white images. When you look at a black and white image of Jesus, the sticks get tired due to long and intense work. When you look away from the image, these “tired” cells cannot cope and cannot convey new information into the brain. Therefore, the image remains before the eyes and disappears when the sticks “come to their senses.”


Sit closer and look at the picture. Do you see that the sides of all three squares are curved?

I also see curved lines, despite the fact that the sides of all three squares are perfectly straight. When you move some distance away from the monitor, everything falls into place - the square looks perfect. This is because the background causes our brain to perceive lines as curves. This is an optical illusion. When the background merges and we don’t see it clearly, the square appears even.


What do you see in the picture?

This is a classic illusion. Taking a quick glance, we see some strange figures. But after looking a little longer we begin to distinguish the word LIFT. Our consciousness is accustomed to seeing black letters on a white background, and continues to perceive this word as well. It is very unexpected for our brain to read white letters on a black background. In addition, most people first look at the center of the picture, and this makes the task even more difficult for the brain, because it is used to reading a word from left to right.


Look at the center of the picture and you will see a “dancing” ball.

This is an iconic optical illusion invented in 1973 by Japanese artist Ouchi and named after him. There are several illusions in this picture. First, the ball appears to move slightly from side to side. Our brain cannot understand that this is a flat image and perceives it as three-dimensional. Another deception of the Ouchi illusion is the impression that we are looking through a round keyhole on the wall. Finally, all the rectangles in the picture are the same size, and they are arranged strictly in rows without apparent displacement.


Say quickly and without hesitation the color of the letters in which the words below are written:

To some extent, this is not an optical illusion, but a puzzle. It is really difficult to name the color of a word, due to the conflict that arises between the left and right hemispheres. The right half is trying to say the color, and the left half is intensively reading the word, because of this, confusion arises in our minds.


You already guessed that the picture shows not two shades of green, but the same green color.

And you yourself can explain this optical illusion - the brain perceives them as different shades due to the contrast of the colors next to them. To check this, simply cover the environment with a sheet of paper.


There will be no optical illusions here. To appreciate this illusion, you need to look at the center of the ball for a while.

The picture will reveal its capabilities in a few seconds. You will be able to see the tunnel begin to flash, some will see stronger "flashes". The illusion of flickering in this picture is due to the features black and white vision eyes. As you know, special cells - rods - are responsible for it. If they are “overstressed,” these cells “get tired” and we see such an illusion.


Look at the picture and you will see the illusion of a wave, as if the image “came to life.” To enhance the effect, you can move your head or eyes to the sides.

This illusion is associated with different colors(white and pink) intermediate links between peas. White color is visible clearly and brightly, but the pink color, when you don’t look closely at it, merges with the green and becomes difficult to distinguish. And in the picture there is an illusion that the distance between the peas is changing.


You ask: “Well, what is the illusion behind this picture? Regular spiral"

In fact, this is an unusual spiral, and it is not a spiral at all. This is an optical illusion! The picture shows ordinary completed circles, and blue lines create the illusion of a spiral due to the twisting effect.


What do you see in this picture? What is the illusion here?

If, in addition to the cup of wine, you saw two faces in the area of ​​the “leg” of the cup, looking at each other, you can be congratulated!


Try and guess what kind of illusion is hidden in this picture.

If you see wavy lines on the sides of the squares, it’s not surprising, because it’s an illusion! Using a ruler, you can determine that the sides of the squares are straight and even.


Estimate the height of the hat and its width and answer the question: “Are segments AB and CD equal?”

I really liked this optical illusion. It's incredible, but the height and width of the hat are exactly the same, i.e. segment AB is equal to CD. Due to the fact that the edges of the hat are curved on the sides, and the person’s face, on the contrary, is elongated, an optical illusion is created that the height of the hat is greater than the width. This can be explained by the fact that our brain takes into account the size of surrounding objects. If you measure the segments with a ruler or simply cover the person’s face with a sheet of paper, the optical illusion will disappear.


Are all gray diamonds the same color? Isn't it true that the lower layers of the diamonds are lighter than the top?

The color of all diamonds is exactly the same. This optical illusion can again be explained by the environment. Our brain compares objects with environment, and an optical illusion occurs.


Do you think the giant will catch up with the dwarf?

I will not give an answer to this question. But I know for sure that “fear has big eyes” and that these two figures are absolutely identical. Our consciousness is caught in an optical illusion; due to the corridor going into the distance, it perceives that the distant figure should be smaller.


The correct answer is 0. There are no black dots in the picture, all dots are white. Our peripheral vision perceives them as black. Because at lateral vision there is a displacement of the picture, but when we look directly at the same point, the optical illusion disappears.


Do you see horizontal lines in the picture?

In fact, all the lines are not only parallel to each other, but also horizontal. You can use a ruler to check.


Is this a spiral? Is not it?

Take a closer look and you will see an optical illusion, in fact it is smooth circles. But at the expense geometric pattern and selected colors, the illusion of shifting lines of circles appears in consciousness.


The picture shows pink lines crossing each other diagonally. Different shade, is not it?

In fact, the pink lines are completely identical to each other, they are the same shade of pink. This optical illusion is based on the contrast of colors surrounding the pink lines.


I ask you to answer the question: “Where does the staircase lead, up or down?”

The correct answer depends on which side you look at. If you imagine red as the front wall, then up, if yellow, then down.


Are the lengths of the left and right vertical segments equal?

You can use a ruler and make sure they are equal. Our vision was deceived by the “checkmarks” at the ends of the segments; you can cover them with a sheet of paper and make sure that our consciousness was under their influence.