Olesya Lisovskaya real name. Olesya Lisovskaya

Walter Solomentsev appeared on the Dom-2 project at the end of April this year and quickly won the attention of both participants and spectators. As it turned out, the man is a former priest, but his lifestyle was far from righteous. He began to build a relationship with Olesya Lisovskaya, despite the fact that he was married to Galina, who bore him two sons. The divorce was supposed to take place in mid-May.

“I suffer madly from the fact that Olesya, after weighing the arguments, decided that she does not love me. I do not see more meaning life. Yes I have kids, ex-wife, many friends, acquaintances, but for the first time I encounter true love, which pierces right through, making it impossible to breathe,” said Walter. - I can’t live without her, it’s an anomaly, but a fact. I see her in my dreams all the time, I’m disgusted and bored with everything.”

Olesya and Walter met shortly before participating in a popular reality show. The man said that the main purpose of appearing on the program was to test his feelings - he dreamed that the girl would finally be able to understand herself.

“I wanted her to freely accept love or refuse it,” admitted Solomentsev. “I fell in love for the first time in my life.”

Walter was married for several years. In his marriage to Galina, he had two sons - Pavel and Noah. However, according to the man himself, this union was spontaneous - after all, he did not even think about becoming a family man.

“Married by blessing spiritual mentor. I for a long time lived in a monastery. And he was going to become a monk, he didn’t even think of anything else. But since I was blessed, I married the first person I met, I wasn’t looking for someone specific. Two years after marriage, when I was still a priest, it was discovered that my wife had been a prostitute in the past. It was also added that she was in love with the hieromonk of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, whom, as she admitted, she was madly in love with pure, bright love. I had to accept it. She assured me that a year or two before our meeting she did not sleep with him, but, nevertheless, the fact of loving him was very embarrassing, I understood that it was impossible to live with her.”

Galina said that after she learned about her husband’s relationship with Olesya Lisovskaya, she complained to the appropriate diocese so that he would be excommunicated. Walter admitted to StarHit that he had lost faith, and therefore he was not ashamed to talk about the intimate side of his life.

“Punishment from heaven and conscience are deeply religious concepts, so I don’t see much sense in them if this moment I practically don’t believe in God. The state of unbelief is painful for me, but what can you do. Faith either exists or it doesn’t, it comes from nowhere and goes to nowhere. All that remains of her is a joyful memory. But I have neither the opportunity nor the spiritual strength to accept the faith again,” said Solomentsev.

Walter attracts attention with his bold statements large quantity of people. However, he does not pay attention to notoriety and what others think about him.

“As for the intimate statements that I allow myself about former relationship, there's nothing special about it. We are all used to hiding our lives from strangers. If we are spiritual beings, we take into account the fact that God will see us in any state - righteous or sinful. What to be ashamed of? And my statements regarding the fact that I harassed my wife and forced her to have sex, this is physiology. I’m a young man, if his wife prevents sex, I think he has the right to force her to have sex, naturally, without beatings, insults and humiliation,” says Solomentsev.

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Walter Solomentsev received sad news - his beloved Olesya Lisovskaya has a relapse of chronic joint disease.

The girl can barely move and is in hellish pain. She needs urgent treatment, but for some reason she is still in the clearing.

“Olesya has a relapse of chronic joint disease, she can barely move and experiences terrible pain. Urgent treatment is required, or at least a revision of the past, which turned out to be ineffective. Since my Angel cannot move, I went for her medical documents and, while reviewing the results of tests and extracts, I discovered several old letters from her past boyfriend. I re-read them. The content of the letters was deeply loving, but restrained and chaste. I felt offended that these letters were stored in the same folder with important documents, I expressed my indignation to Olesya and asked to burn them. But for her, these letters turned out to be “an important memory” and she flatly refused to get rid of them.

Jealousy involuntarily flared up in me and my mind was filled with doubts: does Olesya really love me and is free from past feelings? I didn’t put too much pressure on her, but humbly ran away into the forest, and tears of inner confusion of spirit flowed uncontrollably from my eyes... She once said that that guy from a past relationship loved her more than me, and it seems that this opinion has remained still in it. Alas for me, but I love my Angel and deservedly bear her doubts. I need to cast aside tearful despondency, perk up my will and continue to seek her love, her absolute and undivided love,” said Walter Solomentsev.

Participant name: Olesya Lisovskaya

Age (birthday): 4.02.1993

Moscow city

Education: MITRO, VGIK

Job: producer, director

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Olesya was born in Moscow on February 4, 1993. From childhood, the girl was drawn to creativity and wanted to become a famous artist. Wealthy parents did everything possible to ensure that their daughter developed.

Olesya went to study at a theater university at the drama department. It was there that the girl met her future lover.

Olesya came to the project on May 19, 2017. Walter himself brought her. He stated that he was in love with her and only wanted to be with her. Olesya didn’t mind, she was used to achieving everything she wanted, and therefore she soon became a participant in the reality project Dom-2.

She claimed that Walter was devoted only to her, and the fact that he could flirt with someone on social networks did not bother her at all. The presenters and the team tried to prove to Olesya that he was not as good as she thought, but all their arguments seemed untrue to the girl.

Having gotten to know Walter better, she was sure that he was worthy of being her boyfriend, but as it turned out in the future, Lesya was very mistaken. The couple's tests of the strength of their relationship were unsuccessful.

Walter always had many fans on the project, one of them caused the couple to break up. Olesya assures that the Dom-2 show has greatly spoiled Walter, he has ceased to be a man, has become a “rag”, is always dissatisfied with his chosen one, the way she is dressed and does not protect her at all.

All this more than once became a reason for Lisovskaya’s tears and hysterics. The girl endured everything, because she was truly in love with Walter.

When Olesya came to the project, she knew that Solomentsev had a wife, two children and a lot of fans, the girl was confident in him, and therefore boldly declared that if he cheated, she would leave the project.

Together they study at a theater university at the drama department. Elya also came to Walter and constantly pursues him.

Eli's constant presence and discussions of Walter's past made it difficult to check the feelings of Olesya and Walter. Walter was sent to the Seychelles, and Olesya was left on the television set. As a result, upon arrival, Walter cheated on Olesya With . And on the next one evening show Olesya stated that there could be no relationship with Walter now.

But later they reconciled again and are now a couple.

Photo of Olesya

It's no secret that everything that happens behind the scenes of the Dom-2 television project is kept in the strictest confidence. New participants who regularly join the ranks of the “household” sign an agreement with the producers, which strictly stipulates their terms of stay on the project, fees and compliance with the confidentiality policy in relation to everything that does not end up on air. However, some former members, especially those who left the project against their will or left with a scandal, often “leak” information about the “behind-screen” life on the project.

Olesya Lisovskaya revealed details of her stay on the project

Recently, Olesya Lisovskaya and Walter Solomentsev left the TV show. This controversial couple raised a lot of doubts about the sincerity of their relationship, but they stayed on the project for almost six months and even took part in the “Love of the Year” competition. To many TV viewers, their quarrels and intrigues seemed fake, as well as Olesya’s stubborn reluctance to do “magic” with her beloved man. Under pressure from their “household members,” they finally became intimate, but this did not save the couple, and they left at the next vote.

Once outside the perimeter, Olesya decided to justify her presence at the project, which clearly spoiled her reputation in the eyes of her family and friends. The girl stated that all the intimate scenes in which she took part were staged, and she and Walter had exclusively friendly partnerships. She did not take Solomentsev away from the family, as was presented on air; the young man divorced his wife even before coming to the project. According to Lisovskaya, her stay at Dom-2 ruined her life; she is ashamed to appear at the institute and meet friends. Olesya has still not managed to finally make peace with her mother, who was categorically against her participation in the “TV show.”