Step by step drawing of an owl. Huge selection; Drawing an owl

Lesson for children “how to draw an owl” consists of 6 simple steps step by step drawing pencil cartoon owl. Once you've completed all the steps, you should have this cute owl that you can paint in any colors you like!

How to draw an owl step by step

The instructions will show you how to draw an owl step by step and then color it, creating a unique picture. Even if you haven't held a pencil in your hands for many years, you can easily cope with this task and teach your child.

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  • Owls have symbolized wisdom and tranquility since time ancient greek goddess Athens, according to legend, always carried her owl on her shoulder.
  • Owls create strong families, not being separated throughout their lives, investing a lot of effort in raising their owlets. For example, it has been noticed that some individuals bring small snakes to the nest so that the owlets not only eat, but also feel struggle and competition from childhood.
  • Owls have excellent hearing and developed communication. The famous hooting of an owl means protecting your territory from uninvited guests.
  • Owls love to sit in the rain, taking their time to take shelter from bad weather.

Now we will look at drawing an owl with a pencil step by step. To draw an owl, we must understand the structure of the feather and wings. Feathers come in different types: small and fluffy, which are located on the head, chest, paws, medium-sized, which are located in the upper part of the feather, and long, which are located in the middle and lower part of the wing. We have already looked at the structure of the wing in the lesson.

Step 1. We need to draw an accurate sketch. Using thin lines we draw the contours of the head, body and wing. Click on the image to enlarge it.

Step 2. Draw the beak, leg area and feathers.

Step 3. Draw the eyes and pupils, they are partial circles. Now we need to erase the outline (lighten it) and create the appearance of feathers in its place with lines of different lengths. Then we will draw the paws and trunk.

Step 4. In this drawing, the light source is on the left, so the shade on the right is darker. Add slanted lines shading on the head representing small, soft feathers. Pay close attention to the direction of the strokes, they are important as they help convey the illusion of depth various forms. Sketch out the feathers different shapes and length on the wing. Add some curved strokes on the feet to show the direction in which the tiny soft feathers grow.

Step 5: Remember that the hatching lines used to draw feathers come in different lengths and shades. The outlines do not end abruptly, but rather are feather-shaped (or jagged) to convey a more realistic appearance.

Using a 2H pencil, lightly shade the feathers on the left and central parts of the paws, bottom part torso. Use a 2B pencil to create an intermediate shadow on the right. Then using 2B and 4B pencils add darker shades of feathers to the lower body, right shoulder, under the beak and under the wing. Draw a circle around the perimeter of the iris as an outer rim.

Step 6: Shade these outer rims with a 2B pencil. Using a 6B pencil, fill in the pupil, leaving a highlight, and draw a dark shade on the beak.

Step 7. Using a 2H and HB pencil, paint over the owl's eye and beak.

Step 8: Use hard pencils to add more strokes to all areas of the head. Use 2H for highlights and 2B and 4B for darker areas. Add a few tiny ovals to the feathers on the forehead and sides of the head. The following picture shows the finished appearance of these ovals and in higher resolution. If you want to highlight some of them more, simply go over them with your eraser to show and highlight the central parts of each.

Step 9: Use a sharpened hard pencil and short strokes to draw the soft downy feathers on the owl's chest and feet.

Step 10. Shade the feathers on the owl's tail. Each feather has a dark shade on the right that fades into a lighter shade on the left. Add diagonal lines to individual feathers. Look closely at the drawing and notice that the diagonal lines drawn on each of the feathers complete the shading and highlight the details.

Step 11. Shade the feathers in the upper area of ​​the wing, while the area at the top is darker, as the shadow of the owl's head falls.

Step 12. Use pencils of varying softness and shading with lines of varying lengths to convey the texture of the feathers at the top of the wing. Individual feathers have light areas at the tips.

Step 13 Add dark shadows to the claws, while still leaving room for highlights. Use shading different lines to create the texture of the branch.

Step 14. If necessary, add more lines at your discretion to make the drawing look complete. To create light areas, use an eraser; to create dark areas, apply additional shading. Date and sign the drawing.

The lesson will focus on how to draw an owl using simple pencils.
First, we need to make a sketch with exact proportions and outline it in general outline. Next, we will produce different sections of the bird.

The lesson can be divided into two parts:
The first part is placing the proportions of the owl on paper.
We will start by studying the structure of the feathers and wings of an owl, then we will make a sketch, observing all the proportions of the bird.
The second part is shading the drawing.
We'll use a variety of shading lines to define the feathers and make them look realistic, depending on the location.
Finally, we need to make the tree branch look realistic by recreating the structure of the tree.

To work we will need:
white drawing paper good quality, eraser and pencils, I recommend 2H, 2B, HB, 4B, and 6B.
This lesson is recommended for artists ages twelve to ninety-nine, with basic drawing skills.
Also suitable for homeschoolers and art teachers.

Placing the proportions of an owl on paper.

To understand the structure of feathers and wings, we need a basic knowledge of anatomy. The next two pictures show the structure of a feather.

Many years ago, the pen was used to write various texts in books. There were no ballpoint pens back then and people wrote with bird feathers.
The writer dipped the tip of the pen into ink, and the pen absorbed a small amount of this ink, since the pen barrel has a cavity. Later scientists created ballpoint pen, according to the same principle.

Feathers vary in size and structure depending on where on the bird's body they are located.
Here are the types of feathers we have:
Tiny, soft, and fluffy feathers are located on the head, chest and legs.
Short and soft feathers of medium size, with narrow tips on the upper parts of the wing.
In the lower area of ​​the wings, the feathers are elongated and wide, relative to the feathers of the upper area.

In the picture below, we can see the structure of a bird's wing. It shows very well where which feathers are located.

Drawing a sketch with precise proportions is the foundation of a drawing. If there are inaccuracies in proportions (the relationship of one component of the drawing to another or others), then no amount of shading can hide these imperfections.

Using light movements, without pressure, draw an oval with a slight slope (as in the picture). This is how we designate the body of the owl. With this action we solve the riddle of civilization - what came first - the bird or the egg :)

When sketching, make sure that you position the drawn oval proportionally on a piece of paper. To further accommodate the entire bird.

The second oval will be the owl's head, we put it on the body of the bird.

From the base of the head, draw a wing in the lower left corner.

On the muzzle we draw a V-shape with curved lines at the tops on both sides. The tip of the tip will be the owl's beak, the rounded lines will indicate the location of the eyes.

Add a small touch to the owlet's beak as shown.
Let's sketch a few feathers under the wing.
Add two ovals to the base of the body, thereby indicating the owl's legs. Notice that the leg on the left appears larger than the leg on the right. But if you look at the owl from the front, the legs will be the same. This happens because of.

Outline the owl's eyes. Notice that the eyes are halves of circles.
Add a piece of a tree branch for the owl to sit on.

Double-check the position and proportions of your sketch before you begin shading.

Shading the drawing.

In this part of the lesson we will be shading the drawing. Before shading the drawing, study where the feathers are and look at the direction of their growth.
The light source, in this figure, is located at the top right, so Right side it will be lighter.
Using an eraser, remove any very visible sketch lines.

To show off the small, soft feathers on the head, we'll use curved hatching lines.
Draw a few, slightly curved, strokes on chest birds. On the wing we draw feathers of various sizes.
Notice that the feathers are shorter at the top of the wing than at the end of the wing. Add curved strokes to the legs to show the presence of fluffy feathers.

We must not forget that to draw feathers we use different hatching lines, both in length and tone. The edges are not sharp, but rather jagged, which gives a realistic look.
Also remember that the light comes from the right, so the feathers on the left are darker.

Add shading to the outer frames of the eyes using a 2B pencil.

Work on the eyes and leave a small spot of light on the right eye.

Take a 6B pencil to apply dark tones to the eyes. Shading the beak.
Finish the shading on the beak, leaving an elongated light stripe (reflected light).

To make it easier to do shading on the head, sharpen your pencils. You can add more lines with a sharp pencil.

Use a 4B pencil to work on the darker areas. Use it to shade areas such as the upper eye area and the area under the bird's beak.
Add a few tiny oval feathers on the head as shown in the image.

To draw the soft fluffy feathers on the owl's legs and chest, you must have well-sharpened pencils and use short hatching lines.

We shade the feathers on the owl's tail, as in the bottom picture. Closer to the tail, you can work out the structure of the feathers in more detail.

We shade the feathers on the upper part of the wing.
Notice how the shading is lighter on the right and fades to darker on the left.
Also take into account that the shadow of the head falls on the body, thereby creating a darker background.

Use pencils of different hardnesses and different lengths of lines to reproduce the structure of the feathers on the upper section of the wing.
Please note that some areas are shaded in a light tone, this is to create the illusion of lightness of the feathers.

Let's add the finishing touches - work on the feathers and a small piece of branch in more detail.

Congratulations, yours owl drawing ready!
Please sign and complete the work!

How to draw an owl with a pencil step by step for beginners and children?
How to draw beautiful owl pencil?

How to draw an owl with a pencil step by step for beginners and children?

In this article we will try to help you master the basics of depicting one of the wisest representatives of the feathered kingdom - the owl. By reading the materials presented below, you will learn a lot interesting options drawing an owl.

You can see the nocturnal feathered predator in person at the zoo. In nature, seeing an owl sitting on a branch is very rare. However, we will draw just such an owl - watching a small rodent from above or preparing to fly.

We will try to convey the depth and beauty of the round yellow eyes, as well as the peculiar shape of the beak, which finished work are the main elements.

We will draw an owl step by step, using only a simple pencil. But if the black and white drawing seems unfinished to you, then you can decorate the owl with felt-tip pens or paints, completing the forest night landscape and the stars sparkling in the sky.

  • We begin the drawing by marking the sheet and drawing the initial contours. Let's leave a little space from the bottom edge of the sheet for the branch on which the owl will sit, and draw a straight line at a slight angle, dividing the sheet into two halves.
  • Our owl sits with its head tilted slightly forward. Taking this into account, we will be able to draw symmetrical circles: the head and body of the bird. Using short lines we outline where the owl's legs and wings will be.
  • Let's draw the contours of the bird's wings: they are shaped like triangles. Let's begin to outline the contours of the bird's body, enclosing the two previously drawn circles into one figure. To avoid confusion about which line to draw, draw the left wing. After this step, move on to outlining the outline around the head. Draw the right wing last.
  • Let's get down to the most important part - drawing the head. The main thing is to be able to convey the structural features of the bird’s head. We outline the outline of the owl’s “face”, not forgetting the characteristic triangle above the eyes. We draw three short strokes where the owl's eyes and beak are. We return to the unfinished wing and draw a clarifying line.
  • We draw paws. The owl's claws are hidden under thick plumage, so only the bird's claws come into view. Let us denote the plumage on the paws with lines.
Draw the details and erase the auxiliary lines
  • We draw the bird’s eyes in more detail by drawing circles. Let's add curved lines on the beak. Let’s additionally draw the outline of the owl’s “face”. Let's draw the wings and paws in more detail. Using several lines we will show the soft plumage on the chest and belly of the bird. Let's draw a branch on which the owl is located.
  • We wipe away the excess pencil lines. We outline the outline of the bird and begin to draw the plumage along the entire breast. You can depict the feathers with short, curved lines that point downwards, drawing only some of the long feathers.
We draw feathers, pupils, beak and begin to decorate the owl
  • We draw the pupils and show the plumage around the eyes with curved lines. Let's draw claws on the paws and feathers on the tail.
  • After the sketch of the drawing is ready, we begin to apply pencil shading, paint over the pupils, claws, and highlight the plumage with wavy lines.
  • If desired, the owl can be decorated. For the eyes, it is better to use a yellow pencil or felt-tip pen. The plumage of owls can be brown or beige. Night landscape will turn your drawing into a real painting.

Let's draw polar owl:

  • Let's draw two ovals: one large one will be the body of the bird, and the other smaller one will be the head. Draw 2 intersecting lines on the head. They will help us draw the eyes and beak symmetrically.
Draw two circles. At the top we draw two lines
  • Draw the contour of the bird’s body with one line, add a tail and a line of paws.

  • We draw a beak and eyes. Add feathering to the head.

  • We draw clawed paws and clarify the shape of the wing.

  • Draw the feathers on the tail and wings.

  • Using pencil shading we show the pubescence of the bird's breast. Shade the area on the cheeks, under the wing. Let's go over some feathers with dashed lines.
  • All that remains is to add small ovals, half filled in, throughout the plumage. This will help make the bird's plumage look realistic.

Because of the large head of a forest bird of prey, the mesmerizing unblinking gaze of huge round eyes, and the secret way of life, the owl is considered a symbol of wisdom, knowledge and experience. We suggest drawing a wise bird in a cartoon style.

  • Let's start with two circles almost identical in size and 3 auxiliary lines in one of them. The first vertical line divides the circle into two equal halves. Divide the resulting line into three segments and draw lines through them again.
  • We clarify the contour of the bird's head: we outline the upper circle, slightly retreating from its boundaries where the owl has densely pubescent cheeks. Draw small triangular ears.
  • Let's move on to the body: we designate, retreating slightly from the previously drawn outline, the wing in a semicircle. We repeat the same on the other side. Please note: in the area of ​​the owl’s chest we immediately draw protruding feathers with rounded lines.
  • We mark a place for the muzzle, repeating the contour of the head and draw a small triangle in the forehead area.
  • We draw the legs hidden under the thick plumage and show the sharp claws of the bird. Go to the muzzle again and draw two ovals for the eyes. The owl's beak is drop-shaped.
  • Draw round pupils inside the ovals on the muzzle. On the chest we will show the thick plumage with several wavy lines.

How to draw a beautiful owl with a pencil?

Before you start drawing an owl, choose a photo in which the forest predatory bird presented in all its glory. If you don’t want to look for a suitable picture to draw, use this one. If you choose a picture to your taste, then draw according to the same principle.

  • Let's skip the step of drawing two circles. Let’s immediately draw the outline of the body of the future owl, or rather, an eagle owl, showing the wings and paws. Let's draw a cross inside the circle for the head, so that we can then symmetrically position the eyes and the “mask” of plumage characteristic of an owl.
Outline the owl's body
  • If you draw without a cross, then the proportions of the “face” may diverge. Using the crosspiece, we set the desired tilt of the head, draw all the additional lines to maintain the proportions of the owl’s “face”. We use semi-ovals to mark the lines on which the bird’s eyes and beak will be located.
  • We continue to add lines on the owl’s body: we outline the shape of the wings, and show the paws with a few strokes. At this stage we draw the bird's ears. Focusing on the crosspiece, we draw a “mask” of plumage.
Draw a crosspiece and a mask from plumage
  • If it seems to you that the proportions were initially chosen not entirely successfully, then you can correct everything at a much later stage. The main thing is not to press too hard on the pencil when creating a sketch; otherwise the work will look sloppy.
  • To avoid distortions that appear when drawing, it is better to secure the paper with tape to the board and place it in front of your eyes at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Let's outline the shadows in the area of ​​​​the wings and paws, as well as in the most shaded places. To avoid a chaotically painted body of the bird, draw the feathers from top to bottom. How to correctly depict the plumage of an owl - see the picture below.

Draw all the auxiliary lines for the eyes and beak
  • We drew the owl's head and eyes, but we'll have to come back to them later. Look how the owl's drawing emerges!
  • We begin to clarify the shape of the eyes: we emphasize their contour more soft pencil and expand the outline of the “mask”.

Draw eyes, beak, paws
  • Let's start with the plumage: we will show short feathers on the abdomen and long feathers on the wings. Let's give them a variegated color without focusing on each specific feather. We look at the drawing as a whole to get a single composition.
Let's outline the shadows
  • To prevent the owl from turning out flat, we shade even the white feathers that are in the shadow.
Add shadows on the wings and on the head We arm ourselves with a soft pencil and continue to apply pencil shading We go down to the neck When drawing feathers, do not rush, otherwise it will turn out ugly

We draw feathers according to the shape of the bird’s body

Erase extra lines and add missing details

The result should look like this:
  • When the work approaches completion, all that remains is to erase unnecessary lines and clarify some details.

Video: How to draw a funny owl with a simple pencil step by step?

Let's draw fashionable owl:

  • Let's start the drawing with a circle. One circle will be both the head and body of the bird (like Smeshariki).

  • We change the circle to the desired shape. To do this, let's sharpen the top and bottom of the figure a little. The initial outline of the owl's body is ready.

  • Let's draw two large eyes and pupils in the upper half of the circle. Draw a small beak between the eyes.

  • Draw a line between the breast and head of the bird. Simply put, we draw a line down from each eye, trying to draw them symmetrically. We draw wings. In the drawing they are small, like a penguin’s, but you can draw others: tightly pressed to the body, straightened or wide at the base.

  • Let's draw the legs with toes that the owl uses to hold onto the branch.

  • Let’s add a stylish hairstyle to the owl and “dress” our bird in a T-shirt.

  • We draw contours more dark color and erase the extra pencil lines.

  • Decorate using bright colors.

Video: How to draw an owl - drawing lesson for children 4-6 years old. Children draw an owl step by step

How to easily draw an owl in cells?

An owl can be drawn by cells in a notebook sheet. You need to start the drawing from the bottom, gradually “building up” the cells upward.

You can find diagrams for drawing an owl by cells in this section or come up with your own.

How to draw an owl by cells. Scheme 1

How to draw an owl by cells. Scheme 2 How to draw an owl by cells. Scheme 3 How to draw an owl by cells. Scheme 4

How to draw an owl by cells. Scheme 5

How to draw an owl by cells. Scheme 6

How to draw an owl by cells. Scheme 7 How to draw an owl by cells. Scheme 8

Video: Drawings by cells #5 - Owl [How to draw an owl]

How to draw a smart owl with glasses?

The drawings below will help you draw a wise owl with glasses.

How to draw a wise owl

How to draw an owl's head?

For drawing you will need the following set of tools:

  • a simple 5H pencil, which we will use to do light shading and draw the initial lines
  • we will draw the details with a simple pencil F
  • We will use a 2B pencil to draw dark lines
  • Using a 4B pencil we will do the darkest areas
  • eraser
  • blank sheet of paper

We will draw such a beautiful bird.

  • Let's create the simplest sketch. Let's start with a circle and two intersecting lines inside. Let's draw the eyes, beak and “mask” of the owl from the plumage. Look carefully at the picture so that all the initial contours are drawn correctly. Otherwise, the picture will “float” and the result will only upset you.

Draw a simple sketch of an owl's head
  • We begin to draw the area around the eyes. We follow the direction of the feathers.

  • Draw the feathers on the top of the head. Again, maintain the desired direction of the feathers.

  • Cover the lower part of the bird's head with pencil strokes. To shade the background, take a 4B pencil.

  • Using a simple 2B pencil, we refine the contour of the eyes and draw dark lines. Apply dark shading with a simple 4B pencil. Draw the eyes and feathers with a 5H pencil. General shading is done with an F pencil.

  • We move gradually to the top of the head. Draw the dark feathers with pencils 2B and F, draw the light feathers with 5H and F. Draw the shadows with a 4B pencil. Shade the background with the same pencil.

Move on to the area on the forehead Draw feathers around the beak

Owl drawings for copying

This section presents interesting schemes for sketching. Schematic drawings make the task of drawing much easier. Especially if the child has a creative impulse, and it is difficult for parents to explain how to correctly draw the bird or animal they like. The result of drawing will please both children and adults equally.

Video: How to draw an Owl? Drawing lesson for children from 3 years old

In this tutorial I will show you how to draw an owl barn owl or barn owl step by step in pencil.

In the first stages, do not press too hard on the pencil. Draw with light, smooth lines.

Step 1: Draw a circle on the top half of the paper to indicate the position of the barn owl's head. Don't try to make it perfectly straight - this is just a sketch.

Step 2: Inside the head circle, draw two intersecting lines that will help you position the necessary details. The lines should follow the curve of the sides of the circle.

Step 3: Stepping a little down and to the right of the head circle, draw another circle for the base of the barn owl's upper body. The second circle should be slightly larger than the first. Again, don't overdo it when drawing. straight lines. Pay attention to the location of the circles. The lower one is not strictly under the upper one, and the border between them is connected by dashed lines.

Step 4: Draw a long U-shaped arc from the top circle to the bottom. This will serve as a guide when drawing the barn owl's lower body.

Step 5: Draw two lines that will connect the barn owl's head; they will be the neck.

Step 6: Spend four short lines under the owl's body blank - these will be the paws.

Step 7: Draw a small U-shaped arc below the body, on the right - this is where the tips of the wings will be.

This is what the final sketch of your drawing will look like! From this point onwards you will need to press harder on the pencil for brighter lines.

Step 8: Inside the head circumference, draw the eyes, paying attention to the guide lines. The shape of the barn owl's eyes is oval, with slightly pointed extreme points. The left eye should be smaller than the right according to the laws of perspective. Draw a small circle in each eye - the look will become alive. Darken the eyes on the sides so that they do not merge with the pattern later. Inside each eye, draw a larger circle - these will be the pupils. Darken them. Shade the rest of the eyes carefully, without making them as dark as the pupils. Around the eyes, draw a few additional lines for detail.

Step 9: Taking into account the position of the intersecting lines, draw small feathers on the barn owl’s head that will cover the upper part of the beak. The feathers should be arranged in a V shape; start drawing them from the eyes and go down to the beak. Draw with short strokes to achieve the best resemblance to fluffy feathers. Then bring the lines up so they become one line at the center of the intersection. Draw this line in the same way as feather lines.

Step 10: Under the feathers, draw a short, pointed corner - this will be the barn owl's beak.

Step 11: Draw strokes along the border of the front side of the barn owl's head; it should be in the shape of a heart. Start drawing from the top of the lines and work your way down to the bottom of the circle. Also draw with short strokes to imitate feathers. This will add volume to the line and should fit into the main circle of the head. Round the bottom of the heart.

Step 12: Add another one to the heart-shaped line, on the outside. Just follow its shape and make the first line thicker by adding darker, curved lines.

Step 13: Draw the barn owl's head with a circle as a base. Make the top of the head wider, the lines should be darker than the original ones.

Step 14: Continue to the bottom lines to draw the barn owl's paws. Follow the direction of the longest line, thickening the top of the paw. Also draw quickly with short strokes to make the line look like feathers. The bottom lines also need to be made thicker so that they look like fingers. At the end of each finger, draw a sharp, curved claw. Owls have four toes - two in front and two behind. Draw only those fingers that are visible. Draw the second paw. Most of it is hidden behind the first paw, so draw only its visible parts.

Step 15: Draw the first part of the barn owl's wing along the main lines. Alternate straight and curved lines to draw the outer part of the wing. The wing line should curve approximately at the center of the main body. Pause the video if you need to understand the wing outline in detail.

Step 16: Draw feathers inside the outline of the wing. Don't draw each feather separately—a few long, curved lines will suffice to convey the outline.

Step 17: Add more long, curved lines along the entire length to complete the barn owl's wing. The lines should be in a U shape at the bottom. At first it may seem like you're drawing a tail, but it's actually the tip of a wing.

Step 18: Draw the owl's body along the main lines. Add some curved lines between the legs and the tip of the wing to create a tail.

Step 19 (optional): To make the drawing more complete, erase as many of the rough lines as possible. You don't have to wash everything. You can finish drawing those lines that you accidentally erased.

Last step (optional): Add shadows in some places to add more volume and create three-dimensionality. Determine your light source in advance. Alternate the pressure on the pencil for different tones.

Add a shadow underneath the owl so it doesn't appear to be suspended in the air.

You can add additional details. You can use references to make the drawing look natural. Draw spots on the wing for detail. They can be a regular oval shape different sizes, darker than the wing itself. Do not adhere to a strict sequence in their application.