Parting with will is good for Utyasheva. Pavel Volya: how a glamorous bastard turned into an exemplary family man Is it true that Pavel Volya is getting a divorce

Laysan Utyasheva shared her social media with subscribers Instagram networks photo from next issue project "Dancing". Fans were immediately confused by the fact that in the photo the athlete is posing without wedding ring. Laysan explained her action very simply - she forgot to put it on. Laysan also added that the ring did not fit the image that the stylists had put together for her.

Laysan Utyasheva provoked rumors of a divorce from Pavel Volya by taking off her wedding ring

Laysan Utyasheva famous athlete Russian Federation, as well as a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. Many people know her as the wife of a famous comedian and Comedy resident Club Pavel Voli. The couple have been together for more than 6 years. The marriage has 2 children. Their marriage is considered by many to be ideal, because every now and then they confess their love to each other.

Recently, the athlete posted a photo on one of her social networks that really scared her fans. In it, she was captured in a luxurious red dress on the set of a new episode of the TV show “Dancing.” But it was not her beautiful outfit that confused users. In the photo, Laysan showed off without a wedding ring.

Utyasheva never takes off her wedding ring. When she appeared in public without him, rumors immediately began to spread online that there was a quarrel in the family of Pavel and Laysan. Users of the social network Instagram immediately began bombarding the athlete with comments about what happened in the star couple.

Laysan Utyasheva commented on rumors about the breakup of her marriage with her husband Pavel Volya

Laysan Utyasheva did not keep her fans waiting long and decided to give an answer to rumors about upcoming divorce with Pavel Volya. In the comments under the photo, she answered the subscriber’s question why the athlete appeared before the audience without a wedding ring.

Laysan Utyasheva explained her action very simply. That day she forgot to wear her wedding ring. The athlete also explained that her ring did not fit the image that was compiled for her by the project’s stylists. With all this, it turned out to be very funny that on this day she made a remark married girl, who came on stage without a ring on the ring finger of her right hand.

Laysan Utyasheva in a happy marriage with Pavel Volya showed her grown-up children

Laysan and Pavel act contentedly hidden image life. They don’t talk about what’s going on in their family and don’t publish photos of their children. According to the artists, they do not want to get into the personal space of their son and daughter. Parents want their children to decide for themselves when to start using social networks and what pictures to publish.

Gossipers on the Internet regularly look for a reason to spread “sensations” and every now and then they try to bury someone, give a fatal diagnosis to a star, or award non-existent romantic relationships or divorce your husband/wife. This time I got it famous couple— gymnast Laysan Utyasheva and her husband, comedian Pavel Volya. Fans and spiteful critics suddenly started talking about the couple’s divorce.

At the same time, there is no reason for rumors. Since the beginning of August, the stars have been vacationing in Spain in the company of two children - sharing pictures from entertainment, walks and romantic evenings they spend on vacation. To say that everything is great in the couple is to say nothing. Celebrities do not show the faces of their children to fans, but do not hide the fact that the kids accompany mom and dad everywhere and are also very happy about their long vacation.

The trip was overshadowed by only one fact - in August 2018, Laysan’s mother would have turned 54 years old. Memories of myself dear person, who passed away more than six years ago, made Utyasheva feel a little sad and plunge into nostalgia, but her beloved family is nearby, which does not allow the gymnast to lose faith in a better future and fall into complete despondency.

Many devoted fans are sure that rumors about a divorce between Utyasheva and Volya arose after an interview with the woman, in which she actually talked about the separation. The truth is not about the breakup of your family, but about the divorce of your parents. The story of mom and dad is reflected in the gymnast’s worldview - she is sure that family and the happiness of children are the main priorities of all parents.

She is connected with her husband by sincere feelings, common interests and views, a desire to give in, support and understand each other. Unfortunately, her parents did not have this - her father at one point became addicted to alcohol, which is why her mother’s life became simply unbearable.

“Mom had a very hard time with her divorce from her father. After they divorced, she was faithful to him for another six years. She went on dates and talked to young people, but her mother said: “Laysan, I’m not ready and I don’t want to. I’m probably like that swan: I lost this love. I don’t want to confuse anyone...” We were the ones who ran away from dad. It was already very scary. When alcohol enters a family, it is no longer a family. Mom tried to bring him back, make friends and treat him. But it was very difficult..."

As you know, the gymnast’s relationship with her father did not work out in the best possible way. For a long time she could not forgive him for his divorce from his mother, and then she wanted reconciliation, but the man himself refused to be “friends” with star daughter. When the relationship began to improve, he did not give too much nice interview, in which he complained about inattention on the part of his daughter, and also loudly stated that due to his employment, Laysan did not even know that she had a brother. The gymnast was shocked - her father could have told her about her brother personally, and not with the help of the press.

Utyasheva and Volya hide the faces of their children - what is known about the couple’s personal life

Utyasheva’s personal life was always under the camera’s guns, although the girl always carefully hid her experiences and the presence of men in her life. The famous athlete was even credited with an affair with actor Orlando Bloom, but whether there was a relationship remained behind the scenes.

Her life became public in 2012 - her mother died in March, and in September, in an atmosphere of strict secrecy, her wedding to Pavel Volya took place. It turns out that they were friends and communicated for a long time, and then romantic feelings awoke. Pavel became the main support for Laysan during the experience of personal tragedy.

For a long time, fans could not believe that Volya got married, and the gymnast became his chosen one - there were not even rumors about a romance between them, everything was so hidden from prying eyes. Moreover, in May 2013, the couple already had their first child, son Robert. Two years later, in May 2015, daughter Sofia was born.

The couple does not show their children to society - the photos are shown only from the back. The reason for such secrecy Volya calls respect for the choice of the children themselves - when they grow up, they will decide for themselves whether they want to be public figures or not.

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True or just another rumor? One of the most beautiful couples in show business they break up. Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva divorced in 2017. How did it happen that the relationship, which the whole country watched with bated breath, is coming to an end. All fans of Laysan and Pasha looked with delight at the beautiful couple. It is enough to remember them joint clip, in which the eyes are filled with love and tenderness for each other. What could have happened in this exemplary family. Is it true that Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya are getting divorced?

Pavel Volya - biography

Pavel Volya - the real name of the showman Denis Dobronravov, was born in 1979 in the city of Penza. As a child, he was interested in the humanities and loved literature. After finishing school, Pavel entered Penza pedagogical institute at the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature.

At the institute, he began performing in KVN. After graduating from the institute, almost the entire team of KVN students moved to Moscow. Pasha was no exception. From that moment on, Pavel's career took off. He worked as a DJ at Khti FM, wrote scripts for Igor Ugolnikov’s program.

Celebrity and success came to young man from the moment he became a resident of the Comedy Club show. All his performances were based on insulting the guests of the show, which were presented in the form of jokes. This became a feature of Will.

For a long time Pavel collaborated with Vladimir Turchinsky. Together they hosted the Comedy Battle program. In memory of his colleague, Pavel continues to host this program.

Pavel Volya participant of the Comedy Club show

Paul can be seen not only in humorous programs. He successfully acted in films. The very first film where Pavel got a role was the series “Club” in 2006. Later he took part in the filming of the film “The Most best movie" In 2008, Pasha played the main role in the film “Plato”.

Pavel Volya has been building a serious musical career. Every year he released a new album.

The flamboyant young man has always been the center of attention of girls. His personal life worried many. For a long time Pasha was single. But in 2013, the media exploded with news of his wedding and the birth of a child. Imagine the surprise of the fans that gymnast Laysan Utyasheva became Pasha’s chosen one. The calm, sweet girl is the complete opposite of the explosive young man.

Laysan Utyasheva - how it all began

Laysan was born in 1985 in the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the village of Raevskoye. When the girl was 4 years old, the family moved to Volgograd. Since childhood, Laysan dreamed of becoming a ballerina. She was a fragile and flexible girl. The parents were very far from art, but they decided to support their daughter’s desire. Her mother enrolled her in ballet school.

But by chance, Laysan ended up in a sports class instead of ballet. The girl was immediately noted and invited to do rhythmic gymnastics. Already in the first year of training, Laysan began to achieve good success.

When the girl turned 12 years old, her parents brought her to Moscow. Here the most famous trainers continued to train with her. At the age of 14, Laysan successfully passes the standards for Master of Sports. In 2001, Laysan competes at the World Cup and becomes the winner in six categories. Laysan is a famous gymnast in the past.

Coach Irina Viner was preparing the gymnast for the Olympics, but in 2002 a fatal fall occurred. Laysan injures his leg. The first examination does not reveal any serious injuries, and the girl continues intensive training. The old injury constantly made itself felt. The girl could not train for long; her leg began to hurt badly. Irina Viner insisted on a thorough examination, which showed that there were cracks in the injured leg. In addition, regular loads led to damage to the second leg.

The gymnast had to take a break, the leg was performed complex operation. After a long rehabilitation, the girl returned to sports. Her dream was to participate in the Olympics. But this was not destined to come true. The pain in my leg has returned.

Doctors claimed that continuing to play sports would lead to the girl ending up in wheelchair. In 2006, Laysan decides to leave the sport.

The girl had a hard time with her career failure. But after a small psychological crisis, she found herself as a host of television programs about health and sports. Now she has her own dance show.

Laysan's first affair was with businessman Valery Lomadze. But after two years the relationship ended judicial scandal due to joint property.

In 2012, a tragedy happened in Laysan’s life. Her mother died at the age of 47. The girl closed in on herself. Her condition almost caused her career to fail. But at this time Pavel Volya appears next to Laysan, who became her salvation. The relationship between the young people led to a wedding, which fans learned about in 2012. And now there are rumors in the press that Utyasheva Laysan is filing for a divorce from Volya. Is it true?

Relationship history

So different, but so happy! Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva have always attracted admiring glances. In love, happy couple captivated fans. They harmoniously complement each other. Pavel's impulsiveness was smoothed out by his wife's calmness.

They hid their relationship for a very long time. Fans learned about the affair only after the couple had a son. The young people met on social event. They were the hosts of this event, and then continued communication. There were times when they could see each other at work, but their romance did not happen right away.

The impetus to start Serious relationships there was grief in the Laysan family. Her mother died. The girl begins to develop a terrible depression, from which Pasha helps her get out. He proved himself to be a reliable man, for whom the girl was like stone wall. It was at this moment that it began whirlwind romance between young people. The wedding took place in the same year.

The wedding took place very quietly and modestly. Pavel and Laysan signed at the registry office without ceremony. The press couldn't even imagine that two were so different people will be together.

Rumors began to spread at the moment when the girl’s pregnancy could no longer be hidden. There was a real buzz around the couple. To protect his young wife from journalists, Pavel took her to Spain and then to the USA. There their first son Robert was born.

With the advent of his son, a completely different Pavel Volya appeared before his fans. It was no longer possible to call him " glamorous scumbag" He turned out to be very caring, gentle and attentive father and husband And in May 2015, a daughter appeared in the family.

Relationship problems

Showman Pasha Volya and charming gymnast Laysan Utyasheva have always been considered the strongest couple in show business. But every family has its own problems. So, here too, Laysan often admitted that Pavel is very hot-tempered, and often creates scenes of jealousy in front of everyone.

Laysan spoke about divorce for the first time in Yulia Menshova’s program “Alone with Everyone” in December 2016. Already at this time there were many rumors that the couple was on the verge of separation. But the gymnast denied this fact in an interview with Yulia. The conversation was very frank. Laysan told how she lived without her father. The girl's parents divorced due to constant drinking.

There are rumors that Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva are getting a divorce.

Mom was very worried, regularly tried to bring him back, send him for treatment, but no attempts ended in success. As it turned out, the father already had another family secret from his daughters and Laysan’s mother. In this program, Laysan reassured fans by saying that everything was fine in her family. She is very happy with Pasha.

But as it turned out, not everything is so rosy in the couple’s family. First of all, the main problem is that Laysan devotes all his time to raising children. This has a very negative impact on the relationship between the spouses, since she has absolutely no time left for Pavel.

The fact that the couple will not be together was prophesied by the famous psychic Natalya Vorotnikova. Natalya predicted that immediately after the birth of the child, the family would fall apart due to Pavel’s fault. He is very freedom-loving and family relationships will weigh on him. The woman prophesied two marriages for both spouses. Time will tell how true the prophecy is. But so far it has not come true exactly. Pavel and Laysan already have two children, and Natalya predicted a divorce after the birth of their first child.

The latest scandal associated with the star couple occurred during the casting for the project “Dancing-3”. At the competition, one of the participants expressed a desire to kiss Laysan. Pavel did not like this very much; he expressed his dissatisfaction publicly.

Despite the disagreement between the couple, for now official information that Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva are getting divorced in 2017, no. Most likely, this is just gossip from the yellow press.

" The project, as its creators said, will have many changes, including a new new mentor Tatiana Denisova. She replaced Yegor Druzhinin, who left the show. However, one thing has remained unchanged for four seasons in a row: viewers will again see Laysan Utyasheva in the role of host. On the eve of the premiere, the former gymnast admitted that various incidents often happen during filming. And one of them was directly connected with her husband Pavel Volya. The fact is that, having seen the footage from the filming of the project, albeit in a joking manner, he scolded Laysan. The showman didn’t like that his wife was being hugged by a “DANCE” participant.

According to Utyasheva, one of the contestants of the third season not only hugged her, but also asked permission to kiss her on the cheek. When Pavel Volya looked at the footage that contained this fragment, he was clearly not delighted with what he saw. “I then told this participant: “I can only hug you like a mother... So, the guy was very offended by me. And Pasha then asked: “Don’t hug everyone there. Only girls. Otherwise they are just pretending to be there, pushing for pity that they are small and defenseless. But in reality they are 25 years old.” But Pasha said this more as a joke than seriously,” Laysan told StarHit, adding that everyone knows: in her family with Pavel, the issue of jealousy does not arise at all.

Indeed, complete harmony reigns in this star couple. For example, last week Volya posted a video on Instagram filmed in a car driven by his wife. Pavel signed the video touchingly: “ So I would ride with her wherever my eyes look! By the way, that’s exactly what I do!”

By the way, in June, Olympic champion Laysan Utyasheva turned 32 years old. Pavel Volya’s wife decided to celebrate her birthday in a narrow circle of relatives. A little later, Laysan published photos and videos from the holiday on her microblog. Among others, a touching message appeared on Instagram family photo, in which Volya confesses his love to Utyasheva. However, fans of the star couple were interested in the video where they accidentally got into the frame younger son Pavel and Laysan Robert. And this is no coincidence, because the couple had previously done everything to hide the child’s face.

In one of the frames in the video posted by the athlete on her Instagram page, you can see not only magnificent interior premises, but also the face of the son Pavel Volya and the gymnast Utyasheva. Most likely, Laysan did not plan to show her son, because it is no secret that she and her husband are of the opinion that children should decide for themselves which photographs to display to the public. However, Robert’s face, even if only briefly, can still be seen.

Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva

Rumor periodically marries stars and just as regularly divorces them. Rumors that star couple Not everything is going well for Volya and Utyasheva family life have been going for a long time. They claim that the matter has come to a divorce. Pavel Volya has long been famous for his difficult and explosive character. Laysan is also an independent and unyielding girl. So does the rumor have any real basis?

Free Will?

Where does hearing come from? Perhaps it’s the image of the “glamorous bastard” that was created by one of the most brilliant Residents Comedy Club? Rapier wit, shocking jokes - this is his feature, his signature style. It is difficult to imagine such a person as a respectable family man.

However, stage image and the man in real life- not the same thing at all. Thirty-eight-year-old Pavel has a long journey behind him: from the captain of the Penza KVN team “Valeon Dasson” to an actor who has starred in ten films, the host of the author’s show “Improvisation” on TNT and a musician who has released four albums and many singles.

Pavel is the host of the author’s show “Improvisation” on TNT

Athlete, beauty

The list of stellar achievements is also impressive: multiple world and European champion, author of four unique elements in rhythmic gymnastics, TV presenter and, finally, simply a beauty. The premiere of her original ballet show “Bolero” should take place in the coming year.

Laysan Utyasheva and her copyright ballet show"Bolero"

Scandalous rumors around the name Laysan arose more than once, but after 2012, when Volya and Utyasheva officially announced their marriage, they somehow faded away. And then they flared up again.

It's bad when everything is good

This phenomenon has been known for a long time: there are people who feel painfully bad when someone else feels good. How so? And beauty, and intelligence, and popularity, and money? In such cases, Ostap Bender said: “With such happiness - and in freedom.” Such people become the bearers of the most “amazing” news about happy celebrity couples.

In the summer, a rumor suddenly appeared that Laysan and Pavel, together with their children Robert and Sofia, were leaving for permanent residence in Spain. Pavel answered quite sharply, in his signature manner.

Pavel Volya

Where does the wind blow from?

Where did this rumor come from? Not out of nowhere? In a star family, like in any other, there are quarrels and disagreements, and scenes of jealousy. Perhaps the impetus for the rumor was the scandal at the casting of Dances-3?

One of the participants risked kissing Laysan in a fit of emotion, and Pavel, naturally, did not like it.

Laysan Utyasheva on the show Dancing-3

But let's remember that everything that is filmed is always a show, an idea of ​​the writers to create intrigue and maintain audience interest. So, such production numbers should not be taken seriously.

Love rules the World

Well, for lovers of salty and fried foods, no good news: Laysan and Pavel are not getting divorced, and most recently were together at a social event: the Bosco Ball in Bolshoi Theater. Yes, time makes us cynical. In the world of show business, PR relationships and promotional marriages are a common occurrence. But this is absolutely not the case.

Laysan and Pavel at the Bosco Ball at the Bolshoi Theater

“...Thank you, my dear. There is still a lot of time ahead. I'm proud to be next to you. What you saw, saw and chose me. That I am the father of our children... It's so great and important to walk and talk. I love you very much. Thank you for five years. And especially for this day. Take a walk. Speak. Love."

So, the news about the upcoming divorce of Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva is just a rumor, not supported by anything. We hope that the happy couple will continue to delight us with new creative projects– both author’s and joint ones.