Russian tourists through the eyes of foreigners. peculiarities of mentality...

Russian women are tough, especially compared to British women. They also jump with a parachute, but ours are afraid to print even a couple of these lines without breaking their plastic nails,” laments the English newspaper The Sun.

“Russian desperate guys, they constantly risk their lives, even for the sake of things that we don’t understand,” states The Daily Mail.

"These strange Russians are capable of anything, in Russia you can easily see a tow truck being towed away by another tow truck, which is towing a passenger car, cold water pours into an electric kettle in which a hole is made and the already warm water pours into the sink, or like a police car driving along the railroad tracks,” the American tabloid admires.

This position and perception of Russia by residents of the collective West has long been an established norm. And there is nothing strange about this.

We are different, our mentality varies significantly, and values ​​often have no points of intersection. Sometimes it even gets funny, when in the video of the Austrian newspaper Kronen Zeitung, in the Novosibirsk experiment with boiling water in the cold of minus forty-seven degrees, when boiling water poured from the seventh floor evaporates before reaching the asphalt - residents of Austria saw a live fly near the balcony, and then wrote that the Russians are so “unstoppable” that they even have the same flies, although some of them stubbornly argued that Russian flies are not flies, but “mosquitoes in sweatshirts.”

The British are amazed by Siberian women in bikinis, skating in 30-degree frost, the American press is terribly impressed by the breadth of the Russian soul, the Germans are stunned by the illogicality, scope and degree, as they call it, of Russian madness, and so on throughout the Western Hemisphere...

And in general, such definitions are understandable. Anything that does not fit into the templates and goes beyond the boundaries of established norms of behavior accepted in the West is called madness. How else? Moreover, this concerns not only you and me, they are also accustomed to labeling each other. Call the English - prim, arrogant snobs, the Scots - curmudgeons, the Italians - temperamental, the Finns - inhibited, the Jews - cunning, the Germans - pedantic, the Italians - chatterboxes... But the Russians... Nobody will ever understand the Russians, they say, too much of their behavior does not fit into the norm - “they are such crazy people”...

An American will never look for a way out of the current situation. difficult situation himself, just as a German, Austrian, French or Canadian will not do this - they will persistently contact the people or services responsible for this. Call service, call a tow truck, hire a person specifically responsible for turning TV antennas or screw a screw into the wall.

At the same time, they will convincingly prove that Russians are crazier than themselves, and there is no other country like it. Although in the end, Americans always add that “Russia is still cool. If only they were our neighbors instead of this idiotic Canada.”

Especially in Lately, when news about Russia constantly flashes on TV screens around the world. Foreigners simply began to react more often to certain links that say at least something about Russians.

And this is not bad, if only because good videos, in which Russian drivers remove snow from the brake lights ahead standing car, stopping in traffic in order to move a grandmother across the road or remove a kitten from the roadway, has now become widely distributed and with headlines in English. After all, this is something that their media does not show, which means it is practically forbidden, which is why it is successful today all over the world. What was watched in Russia at least a year ago is now reposted with the following comment: I "ve Never Seen Anything So Beautiful. This Video From Russia Made The Whole World Cry. A Must Watch!

And Russian ingenuity is once again “conquering the Western World”!

Recently, discussions about the Russian mentality and especially the difference in the mentalities of Europeans and Russians have become extremely politicized. Therefore, it is difficult for our compatriots traveling to Europe to form an objective opinion about how much the mentality of a Russian person actually differs from the European one and in which countries it is easiest to get used to local life. We set out to answer this question impartially and without political overtones. And for this we turned to our clients, who already have enough for a long time live in the European Union.

Common Mistake

Of course, Russians and Ukrainians are confident that they know everything about the Western mentality. However, in practice it often turns out that this is not the case, and our own self-confidence plays a cruel joke on us. Moreover, many people do not even know their own mentality well enough.

Once abroad, we find it difficult to get along with those around us, we waste our nerve cells and even become depressed because there is nothing around that would warm our soul. What is the mistake?

We need to learn in advance more about our own mentality, analyze the characteristics of the mentality and the cultural and social situation in the country where we are going, make comparisons and understand mental differences. Analysis will help us assess how harmoniously we will “fit” into the new environment.

Russian mentality: its features

What is the Russian mentality? Wikipedia gives the following definition: “Mentality is a set of mental, emotional, cultural characteristics, value orientations and attitudes inherent in a social or ethnic group, nation, people, nationality.”

Many sociological studies feature such signs of the Russian mentality

  • the desire to put public interests above personal ones
  • sensory perception of reality
  • openness, sincerity and kindness
  • acts of mercy
  • negative attitude to formalities
  • prejudice to others
  • dislike for those who “stick their neck out” and who “need the most”
  • craving for controversy
  • commitment to free products
  • desire to resolve problems amicably and informally
  • neglect of health

Difference between Western and Eastern mentality

Psychologists note the following differences between the Russian mentality and the Western one:

Russian mentalityEuropean mentality
We often rely more on emotions than on a rational approach.The peoples of northern Europe do the opposite, trusting logic and reason.
A measured way of life is alien to us, and we do not deny ourselves a spontaneous holiday.In Northern and Central Europe in this sense, they strictly adhere to calendar dates.
We rarely plan our expenses and life in general, which is associated with frequent crises and economic instability.In Austria, Switzerland, and Great Britain, residents sometimes approach this issue too pedantically and scrupulously schedule their diary for the month in advance.
The Russian mentality is characterized by sentimentality. We are easily imbued with the feelings of other people and know how to empathize.In Italy and France, it is not customary to tell a stranger about family problems and listen to such revelations.
We love to talk heart to heart and easily share our personal problems.In Europe they know how to keep their distance even with close friends and do not talk about personal topics.
We are extremely quick-witted. Even a major quarrel can be forgotten after a quick reconciliation.Europeans are not vindictive, but after a quarrel with a person they can completely break off relations without the possibility of their restoration
We are characterized by so-called social conformism - the desire for everything to be “like people”, and no one would think badly of us - even to the detriment of ourselves.Europeans are accustomed to using a developed system of services that puts social life an individual with all his needs.
In Europe, immigrants from Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus are often called conservatives, who find it difficult to master new technologies and, in general, are alien to changing their way of life.In Europe, any new product latest technology arouses keen interest even among older people, as they perceive its appearance as a step towards improving the quality of their own lives.

The mentality of the Russian people on European soil

When everything is on the shelves

Is there really a gap between us and the Europeans that cannot be bridged? Not at all! It is worth noting that in the CIS countries there are quite a lot of people with character and traits similar to European ones. For them, social adaptation occurs as quickly and easily as possible.

“Austria turned out to be a very comfortable country for me,” notes Dmitry Shashkov, a client of our company from Salzburg. – I moved here under an investment program, lived with a residence permit status for a little over a year, and now it’s been 7 months since I received an Austrian passport. I’ll note right away that most of my friends from Moscow would have a hard time here. Austrians are a busy people who live according to a schedule. They even have fun and relax during strictly designated hours, which is a bit wild for a Russian person. However, this way of life suits me 100%. I profess pragmatism and love when everything is laid out on the shelves. You clearly plan your future and know that there are no surprises around the corner.”

Useful features

And many immigrants find extremely useful traits for themselves in the mentality, culture, and traditions of foreign people and happily borrow them. It would seem that what the Russians and the British have in common...

“Even before I got a residence permit in the UK and started doing business here, it seemed to me that we were quite different,” Grigory Lozovoy from Cambridge shares his impressions. – In practice, everything turned out differently. The British soul is no less mysterious than the Russian one. They also love to criticize themselves and immediately admire themselves. Moreover, their self-criticism is worth envying. They are very meticulous about their success, especially in business, and plan things carefully. And failures are experienced, probably, no less tragically than our compatriots. What I was happy to learn from the British was their determination and self-confidence.”

Southern temperament

If you think that the mentality of Western civilization is pragmatism, detachment and coldness, then southern peoples(Greeks, Spaniards, Portuguese) do not fall under these definitions at all.

“It seems that the Spaniards are fixated on their own pleasures,” says Andrei Kartush from Barcelona. – For them, violent entertainment is a common activity that they can indulge in around the clock. This lifestyle often affects their work, which makes them very similar to us. They can easily oversleep and be late. At the same time, they are energetic. Compared to the Spaniards, even the most expressive Russians fade into the background. Why do you think there are so many of our compatriots in Spain? Spaniards have a lot with Russians common features: lack of organization, unpredictability. If it weren’t for their overly “protruding” individualism, I would say that they are the same Russians, but much more expressive. What is captivating is that the Spaniards are extremely simple, sociable, sincere, and hospitable. This is why Russians feel comfortable in Spain. I bought real estate here, obtained a residence permit and have been living here for three years without experiencing any problems with adaptation.”

If friendship, then for a long time

There are countries that are preferred by residents of certain countries or even regions. In particular, residents of Ukraine, especially its western regions, choose Hungary for immigration. There are more high level life, affordable prices and profitable terms to obtain a residence permit and citizenship.

“It’s been a year and a half since we moved to Budapest from Kyiv under the “Permanent Residence by Investment” program,” says our client Irina Kolganova. – Hungary is close to us in mentality, if only because it was also a socialist country for a long time, and this left its mark on its inhabitants. Hungarians are contradictory: they combine features of the East and the West. In the same person you can notice Turkish hospitality and German stinginess. But most often we meet positive, friendly people, especially among young people. Hungarians are much calmer and more reasonable than Russians. Probably our emotionality and unpredictability scare them away. Nevertheless, they are loyal to migrants, it is not so easy to get along with them, but if a friendship has developed, you will not regret it.”

Unfortunately, politics has spoiled a lot of things in the relations between Russians and European peoples. The memory of the activity is also still alive Soviet government, World War II. This must be taken into account when choosing a country for immigration.

If we talk about countries where foreigners speak positively about the Russian mentality, these are Greece, Spain, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Malta. We practically never had any problems with the peoples of these countries. historical conflicts, so you will be received as warmly as possible there.

Hungary, Great Britain, Austria, the Netherlands, and France are quite tolerant of the Russian mentality. No wonder they live in these countries greatest number immigrants from the CIS countries.

When choosing a country for obtaining a residence permit or citizenship, be sure to analyze the characteristics of your own mentality and compare it with the local mentality. Only in this way will you protect yourself from unnecessary conflicts and negative experiences.

In turn, on our blog we will continue to inform you about the most profitable immigration programs of European countries and answer your questions and comments. Subscribe to our updates and stay up to date with events!

“Tourists from Russia are amazing!” Confessions of foreign travelers who happened to encounter Russians on vacation.

For many years now, Russians, along with Germans and Americans, have been occupying the not at all honorable first places in various ratings of the worst tourists. There are many reasons for this.

On the eve of the holiday season, we have collected some of the most annoying habits of Russian tourists that cause nervous tics in foreigners. Take note if you suddenly decide to spend your holidays abroad.

1. Men come to dinner scantily clad

A tourist from the UK, after a trip to Thailand, complained in a review on TripAdvisor:

Russian tourists have this habit - they come to a restaurant in the evening with their tops bare. After all, it’s completely unpleasant to look at sweaty and red bodies at dinner!

2. Women dress too provocatively

But according to participants in a survey conducted by the Skyscanner service, ladies from Russia would do well to understand that dressing as if they are scouring the hotel and its surroundings in search of a lover is rude and vulgar.

3. They eat like it’s the last time in their life.

A TripAdvisor user from Denmark who visited Turkey commented:

They gather so much food as if they had been starving for months before. In the end, they don’t eat everything and leave half on the plate after the meal.

Laments about manners for buffet and a traveler from the UK on holiday in Bulgaria:

It's amazing how you can pack so much food that you can't possibly eat in one sitting?

4. They never offer help.

The same aforementioned tourist from Denmark continues to share his memories:

At dinner, our family sat at a table with not enough chairs. And we asked two Russian women, at whose table there were two extra chairs, to lend them to us. But they didn’t even think of helping - they said that even though they weren’t sitting on the chairs, they still wouldn’t give it up, since their purses should rest on them!

5. They jump in line or take it in advance

And then he adds: Wherever possible, Russian tourists line up in advance. Early in the morning they lay out their towels on the sun loungers, and come to sunbathe only two hours later. It’s the same with tables in a restaurant - they leave their things (a hat or something else) on the chairs and go about their business.

6. Get drunk and rowdy

A tourist from the UK who was on holiday in Turkey complains:

They constantly sit at the bar, drink, walk around drunk, and quarrel with each other. And they also jump into the pool so that everyone around them is doused with water from head to toe!

7. They brazenly stare and push

A UK tourist complained to TripAdvisor after visiting Turkey:

Tourists from Russia amaze with their manner of jostling with other people, and also with their gaze at the person they are interested in, without looking away for a long time.

8. Scandals and bullying of staff

A tourist from London is indignant:

Even with very polite hotel staff, they manage to be rude!

An indignant traveler from Ukraine echoes her:

Tourists from Russia bully hotel staff. In my presence, one girl ordered the waiter who was serving her to smile, saying: “Smile, you don’t smile, I’m ordering you.”

Where do Russians plan to go this season?

There is a high probability that this summer Europeans will not have to often deal with the shocking antics of travelers from Russia.

If you believe the results of a recent VTsIOM survey, Russians suddenly stopped striving to go abroad and began dreaming of a vacation in Crimea. Those wishing to bask in the sun of the annexed peninsula have already reached 36%. However, two years ago there were only 8 percent.

Congratulations, Europeans!

Drunkenness, girls, unpredictable character, violent temper, the most difficult language. Are these things really Russian for foreigners? business card? Or we have attributed these stereotypes to ourselves. Let's figure it out.

Not long ago, scientists from different countries who lived in Russia for several years, wrote notes in which they shared their observations about the main Russian clichés.

About drunkenness

Rastislav, Slovakia:
— I recently realized that in Russia people are divided into two groups: either they like beer and don’t like wine, or they like wine and don’t like beer. I myself like to drink beer. I used to like to walk along the embankment with a jar, but now the law prohibits it. I don't think Russians drink a lot. I’ve been to Germany, Italy, England - that’s where everyone constantly sits in bars.

Mirceu, Moldova:
— In Russia they drink a lot. Even compared to Moldova. How was it before? Wedding, lots of food and a glass of wine. There wasn't much alcohol. And now hundred-gram glasses - one, two, three! Moreover, wine is very expensive in Russia. In Moldova, a good bottle costs 70-80 rubles.

Vratislav, Czech Republic:
— In Russia they drink a lot. In the Czech Republic too, but in a completely different way. Beer in the Czech Republic is for talking: when talking, we seem to accidentally pour beer into ourselves and accidentally become drunk. In Russia, the beer that is called Czech is disgusting - you have to look for tasty beer.

Gregorz, Poland:
— In Poland there is an opinion that in Russia they drink a lot. A year ago they still thought that all of Russia listened to Tatu and that everything was cheap here. Actually this is not true. It turned out that the only cheap things to do in Dubna are to take a taxi, smoke and drink alcohol. And it’s even more expensive here than here in Warsaw, especially all kinds of entertainment and even apartments.

About girls

Eugene, Romania:
— Speaking separately about women: they are very emancipated. They love themselves more than their husbands - this is main trend. They like to always look good, have a good haircut, be independent, go with friends to the bar for a drink. In Romania it is almost impossible to see a woman in a bar or drinking alcohol, this happens very, very rarely.

Alexey, Ukraine:
— There aren’t very many women at JINR, but there are enough: about one woman per floor.

Pavel, Czech Republic:
Beautiful women there are many in Russia, it’s true. But, for example, in the Czech Republic there are just as many of them. However, here women dress up more: they wear high heels to work and dress up.

Gregorz, Poland:
— What else attracts me to Russia are Russian girls. They are very beautiful. And, for example, you come to Germany, everyone there is fat: three times more, 100 kilograms. English women are not particularly beautiful either. French women, of course, are nice, but I’m already in Russia.

Hanif, Türkiye:
— In Russia, I was most impressed by the women who do everything themselves. Like men.

About Russian language

Rastislav, Slovakia:
- I have a favorite word - “juniper”. I heard it in the cartoon “Hedgehog in the Fog.” I don't know why I like it. Sounds very nice.

Hanif, Türkiye:
- I like the sound Russian word"justice".

About Russian character

Gregorz, Poland:
- For some reason, the hardest thing for you to say, ask or apologize, it’s easier to cough, start touching, look harmful eyes. But in general, Russian people are incredibly friendly and open, and they also love freebies and hanging out. Some gestures broad soul I adopted it myself: you come to a restaurant with friends and you don’t mind leaving five thousand. Still, you need to love Russia or not love it, but it is almost impossible to understand it.

Eugene, Romania:
— Russian people are very open, sincere, direct. If a Russian doesn’t like you, he’ll tell you so—I appreciate that. They are also pragmatic and free-spirited. I think life in Russia is what you make it. You can make it heavy in any country. In Russia there are conditions to do business and develop in any field. The process itself can be difficult, but there is access to information, to education - all paths are open.

I found one funny site where foreigners prepared quite well. Usually, foreigners’ idea of ​​Russia is somewhere at the level of an old joke: Russian family as seen by a foreigner:
- Darling, I'm home!
- Why so late?
“On the way, the bear sprained his leg, so I had to drink it with vodka.”
- Sit down, everyone! Let's drink vodka.
- Mom, I’ll go play with the bear.
- Okay, just drink some vodka first.
-Where is our grandfather?
“He’s been standing in line for two weeks to get coupons.”
- It’s good that he drank vodka before that. And don’t sit around doing nothing - go and drink vodka too.
- Okay, go for a walk, son, and don’t forget to write a report to the KGB in the evening! And on the way home, don’t forget to buy vodka - it’s running out.
- Honey, it’s kind of hot. Please turn off the nuclear reactor.

Now I’ll finish the vodka and turn it off, while you play the balalaika

Well, plus cold winters and Red Square usually come to mind. And these noticed many subtle contradictions. For example, they called the Russian character contradictory, persistent and friendly, noting the Russians’ sense of humor. Our character has been compared to Russian weather, when long winters are interrupted from time to time by a sudden, severe snowstorm. Likewise, they see our way of life as slow with sudden bursts of activity. That's why Russians are famous for procrastinating and procrastinating instead of gradually doing them properly, and then doing everything in one evening.

That is why all attempts to conquer Russia ended the same way: first, the Russians were defeated in several battles, and then they gathered their will into a fist and quickly destroyed the enemy.

Well, or the love of fighting. It is described as an old Russian tradition. They say that previously in Russia it was customary to fight village to village or street to street. Moreover, foreigners tremble, the fights were quite brutal, but they were carried out according to the rules: until the first blood was drawn and not to hit people who were down. The Russian character, they report, is explosive. Russians are brave, but not vindictive. Men will drink together, then fight, and then drink together again.

Foreigners note in Russians superhuman endurance and the ability to courageously endure adversity: harsh, long winters, hunger, drought, wars and natural disasters. Foreigners note with trepidation: what Russians call invigorating frost is, for a foreigner, a climate catastrophe. Citing examples of Russian endurance, the authors of the text suggest turning to the Tatar-Mongol yoke, the famine in 1891-1892 and 1921-1922, and the siege of Leningrad.

They noticed that old Russian fairy tales almost always have a hero. IN European fairy tales heroes are focused on profit and quick enrichment, they are looking for gold and treasures, and Russian fairy tale heroes perform heroic deeds for the benefit of other people.

Foreigners are no less amazed by the love of Russians for water. They note that Russia is predominantly a northern country with cold rivers and lakes. But the courageous Russian people preferred to settle on the banks of reservoirs. As a result, Russians cannot live without sailing ice water and fishing. The authors report that traditionally in the Russian outback, men spent their time like this: drinking vodka (finally, otherwise I was already desperate to wait for this traditional “drink vodka!”), chasing after women, getting into fights and swimming in an ice hole.

Russian women are described as incredibly strong and caring mothers who easily carry out men's work, they don’t ask for help and “they will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut” - yes, surprisingly, they even know this saying - or rather, they called it a saying. A line from Nekrasov's poem.

Suddenly, despite the fact that previously there was an emphasis on the fact that Russia is a country with a terribly cold climate, it is noted that Russians have high sexual activity. Therefore, it is not surprising (o__O) that the absolute record for the number of children in a family belongs to a Russian woman who lived in the 17th century and gave birth to 69 children. The material draws attention to the fact that in a Russian family it was normal to have up to 15 children. True, the authors were smart enough to note that currently the birth rate has decreased for social reasons.

And finally, my favorite part. The authors very cleverly intertwined the mythical insatiable sexual temperament of Russians with a passion for foul language, the mastery of which Russians are incredibly proud of. The authors explained it this way: the high sexual potential of Russians finds outlet in the famous Russian swearing, the variety of which is limited by rich descriptions of sexual intercourse. At the same time, foreigners do not even try to understand them, noting that all expression, as a rule, disappears when translated into another language.