Development of the right hemisphere of the brain. How to develop the right hemisphere of the brain?

The brain is a complex and interconnected system, the largest and functionally important part of the central nervous system. Its functions include processing sensory information from the senses, planning, decision making, coordination, motor control, positive and negative emotions, attention, memory. The highest function performed by the brain is thinking.

You can easily test which hemisphere of your brain is active in this moment. Look at this picture.

If the girl in the picture is rotating clockwise, then at the moment you have more active left hemisphere brain (logic, analysis). If it turns counterclockwise, then you have active right hemisphere(emotions and intuition).

Which direction is your girl spinning? It turns out that with some effort of thought, you can make the girl rotate in any direction. To begin with, try looking at the picture with a defocused gaze.

If you look at the picture at the same time as your partner, boyfriend, girlfriend, acquaintance, it very often happens that you simultaneously watch the girl rotate in two opposite directions - one sees the rotation clockwise, and the other counterclockwise. This is normal, you just have different hemispheres of your brain active at the moment.

Areas of specialization of the left and right hemispheres of the brain

Left hemisphere

Right hemisphere

The main area of ​​specialization of the left hemisphere is logical thinking, and until recently, doctors considered this hemisphere to be dominant. However, in fact, it dominates only when performing the following functions.

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for language abilities. It controls speech, reading and writing abilities, remembers facts, names, dates and their spelling.

Analytical thinking:
The left hemisphere is responsible for logic and analysis. It is this that analyzes all the facts. Numbers and mathematical symbols are also recognized by the left hemisphere.

Literal understanding of words:
The left hemisphere can only understand literal meaning words

Sequential information processing:
Information is processed by the left hemisphere sequentially in stages.

Mathematical abilities: Numbers and symbols are also recognized by the left hemisphere. Logical analytical approaches, which are necessary for solving mathematical problems, are also a product of the work of the left hemisphere.

Control of movements of the right half of the body. When you raise your right hand, it means that the command to raise it came from the left hemisphere.

The main area of ​​specialization of the right hemisphere is intuition. As a rule, it is not considered dominant. It is responsible for performing the following functions.

Processing nonverbal information:
The right hemisphere specializes in processing information, which is expressed not in words, but in symbols and images.

Spatial orientation: The right hemisphere is responsible for location perception and spatial orientation in general. It is thanks to the right hemisphere that you can navigate the terrain and create mosaic puzzle pictures.

Musicality: Musical ability, as well as the ability to perceive music depend on the right hemisphere, although, however, behind musical education The left hemisphere responds.

Metaphors: With the help of the right hemisphere, we understand metaphors and the results of other people's imagination. Thanks to it, we can understand not only the literal meaning of what we hear or read. For example, if someone says: “He’s hanging on my tail,” then the right hemisphere will understand exactly what this person wanted to say.

Imagination: The right hemisphere gives us the ability to dream and fantasize. With the help of the right hemisphere we can create different stories. By the way, the question “What if...” is also asked by the right hemisphere.

Artistic abilities: The right hemisphere is responsible for visual arts abilities.

Emotions: Although emotions are not a product of the functioning of the right hemisphere, it is more closely related to them than the left.

Sex: The right hemisphere is responsible for sex, unless, of course, you are too concerned about the technique of this process itself.

Mystic: The right hemisphere is responsible for mysticism and religiosity.

Dreams: The right hemisphere is also responsible for dreams.

Parallel information processing:
The right hemisphere can simultaneously process a lot of different information. It is able to look at a problem as a whole without applying analysis. The right hemisphere also recognizes faces, and thanks to it we can perceive a collection of features as a whole.

How else can you check which hemisphere is more developed?

  • clasp your palms in front of you, now interlace your fingers and notice thumb which hand was on top.
  • Clap your hands and mark which hand is on top.
  • Cross your arms over your chest and mark which forearm is on top.
  • determine the dominant eye.

How can you develop the abilities of the hemispheres.

There are several simple ways development of the hemispheres. The simplest of them is an increase in the amount of work on which the hemisphere is oriented. For example, to develop logic, you need to solve mathematical problems, solve crossword puzzles, and to develop imagination, visit art gallery and so on.

The next way is to maximally use the side of the body controlled by the hemisphere - to develop the right hemisphere, you need to work with the left part of the body, and to work out the left hemisphere, you need to work with the right. For example, you can draw, jump on one leg, juggle with one hand.

An exercise on awareness of the right and left hemispheres of the brain will help develop the hemisphere.

1. Preparation for the exercise.

Sit up straight, close your eyes. Breathing should be calm and uniform.

Visualize your brain as consisting of two hemispheres and divided into two halves using corpus callosum. (See pic above) Focus on your brain.

We try (in our imagination) to establish a connection with our brain, alternately looking with our left eye at the left hemisphere of the brain, and with our right eye at the right. Then, with both eyes, we look inward, at the middle of the brain with the corpus callosum.

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2. Doing the exercise.

We inhale slowly, fill with air and hold our breath for a short time. During exhalation, we direct the stream of our consciousness, like a searchlight, to the left hemisphere and “look” at this part of the brain. Then we inhale again, hold our breath and, as we exhale, direct the spotlight to the right hemisphere of the brain.

We imagine: on the left - clear logical thinking; on the right - dream, intuition, inspiration.

Left: inhalation, pause, exhalation associated with the projection of the number. Right: inhalation, pause, exhalation associated with the projection of the letter. Those. left: number “1” number “2” number “3”, etc. Right: letter “A” letter “B” letter “C” etc.

We continue this combination of numbers and letters as long as it evokes pleasant sensations. Letters and numbers can be swapped, or replaced with something else - for example, summer - winter, white - black. published

The human brain needs constant development, but each hemisphere requires a special approach. The left and right hemispheres are responsible for different abilities, skills and feelings. In addition, each of them serves the opposite side of the human body: the right one serves the left side, and the left one serves the right side.

The development of one or another part of the brain determines your skills. For example, excessive sensitivity indicates dominance of the right hemisphere of the brain, while logic indicates dominance of the left hemisphere. Is it possible to specifically develop the right hemisphere of the brain through training and exercise? Of course yes.

Before developing the right hemisphere, it is necessary to understand what it is responsible for. You should know that these are, first of all, emotions, intuition and creativity of human thinking.

With the active development of the right hemisphere, people are able to see the world holistically, without splitting the picture into elements. This results in an improved perception of images and symbolism than numerical and alphabetic meanings. Perhaps the main advantage is the ability to do several things at the same time and think about each of them equally, without ignoring the details. If we summarize the functionality of the right hemisphere human brain, then we can call it in one word – creative.

How can you develop the right hemisphere?

Today, exercises for the development of the right hemisphere, incl. there are a great many games. Note that this is not so much physical exercise, how much technique for motor skills, perception and pace. Some exercises may require instrumentation.

Each of the exercises given in the article will help develop the right hemisphere of the human brain. They can be used either individually or in combination. You need to choose one or more that are most suitable for your lifestyle, which will not interfere with your daily activities. However, despite the exercise, there is important rule– effective development of the right hemisphere of the brain is possible only if the exercises are systematically performed.

The brain can be compared to muscles; the more you train, the faster their abilities grow. As soon as you forget about their needs, they weaken and even atrophy.

Presentation: "Commonwealth of the Human Brain Hemispheres"

First steps in brain development

If you have difficulties choosing such an activity, you are advised to attend cultural events. Eg, art exhibitions, trade fairs folk art, museums and more. Such places evoke various associations. So you can choose to draw or write short stories and miniatures.

It should be understood that the body and brain are closely interconnected, therefore it will be most effective to influence the brain through the body. Remember that the right hemisphere affects the left side of the body and body.

If you are used to writing right hand, then you should develop the left one. For example, when playing a musical instrument, use the left side to play a simple melody. Replacing hands during daily activities will also be effective. This way, when stirring sugar, you can change your hand from left to right and vice versa. It is necessary to bring these exercises to automaticity. Of course, it won’t be easy at first, but you didn’t start writing right away in first grade, just like you didn’t start walking. If you practice this every day, the results will not be long in coming.

Visualization - the beginning

This exercise for developing the right hemisphere is not only useful, but also fun.

It will be interesting for any generation, because we fantasize and dream regardless of age.

  1. Visualization – close your eyes and imagine a white piece of paper or background. Mentally write your name on it. Imagine that the color of the letters is green, then blue, and then red. You can try changing the background color. The brighter the colors, the more effective.
  2. Auditory fantasies. To fully develop the right hemisphere, it is necessary to work with sound. Imagine that someone is calling you. Concentrate so that this “vision” becomes clear. Try to identify who this voice belongs to. Perhaps it is grandmother or mother. The next step is to play music in your head. The most effective thing is to remember your favorite song.
  3. Tactile sensations. Quite an interesting exercise on the feeling of words. Take a comfortable body position, close your eyes and try to imagine your name. What is it like? Cold and hard, like a stone, or affectionate and warm, like a beloved cat. Similarly, you can experiment with taste and smell. It is important to try to imagine all the visualized things in such a way that you can feel them with your senses.

Mirror drawing for brain development

An excellent exercise that improves the efficiency of both hemispheres of the brain. Drawing, thus, involves both hemispheres, essentially “pulling up” one of them, which is lagging behind in development. You will need paper and two pencils. Try to draw the same shapes with both hands at the same time. It can be rings, hearts, squares, anything. The main thing is both right and left hand must perform the same task at the same time.

Game on musical instruments has a great effect on brain development, since both hemispheres are involved. This is an excellent workout that promotes rapid development.

Development with the help of these exercises is very effective and the results are not long in coming. The only rule is systematicity. By following these tips, you are guaranteed to have a developed, productive right hemisphere.

How does a mandala affect the brain?

Mandala is a sacred pattern of Tibet and Hindu religion. Contemplation of this drawing can be called the first step with the work of the right hemisphere. You can draw a mandala or find a ready-made one on the Internet.

Relax your body, from your toes to your facial muscles. Concentrate on the center of the pattern (3 minutes). After a while, you will notice that the drawing begins to “play”, like in a kaleidoscope.

By the way, in Tibet, monks use mandala drawing as one of the most difficult practices. They collect patterns from colored grains. Such an activity can last not a day or two, sometimes reaching several months. Upon completion of drawing, the pattern is erased with one wave of the hand.

In 1975, the State of California awarded the Distinguished Research Award to Paul Dennison. The scientist suggested using various exercises to use those parts of the brain that are less active.

During the testing process, the following results were revealed:

  • Improved concentration and ability to remember more data in a short period of time.
  • Increased resistance to stress.
  • Adaptation to new conditions occurred easier and faster.
  • Control over emotional state.
  • After various loads, the body recovered faster.
  • Development of creative potential.

Exercises with such results are relevant not only for younger generation, but also for adults.

There are quite a lot of classes using the “brain gym” method, let’s look at the most popular ones.

Symmetrical exercises

  1. Movements in parallel

When you walk, touch the knee of your left leg with your left hand, and touch your right knee with your right hand. You need to take 12 steps. It is necessary to ensure that the hands touch the knees one at a time, without losing the rhythm. In this case, you need to look at the drawing with two parallel lines, which should be at eye level.

  1. Infinity

Press your ear to your left shoulder and extend your left arm forward. Concentrate on index finger and draw a horizontal figure eight sign. You should draw from the center point up and to the left. Do this exercise eight times, and then repeat with right side bodies.

  1. Symmetrical pattern

Take a comfortable body position while standing or sitting. At the same time, draw identical ones with your hands, but with mirror image drawings. They can be drawn both on paper and in the air.

Asymmetrical exercises

  1. Crossroads

The exercise is performed similarly to the symmetric task. The difference is that your palms need to touch the opposite knee, i.e. left palm - right knee, and vice versa. Drawing for visual support – X.

  1. Gymnastics for fingers

Clench both hands into a fist. In one motion, straighten the index finger of your right hand and the thumb of the other. Then mirror the index finger on your left hand and the thumb on your right. Return to original position. Just? Increase the pace.

Another variation of this exercise is to throw out the other fingers at the same time. For example: on the left hand there is a little finger, and on the right hand there is a middle finger. Then the index plus innominate.

To complicate the task, you can add a circular or other movement to the alternation of fingers.

Dear friends, we are glad to welcome you!

If you dream of expanding your skills and discovering new talents, then you should find out how to develop the right hemisphere. In this article, we have prepared for you the most effective techniques that are easy to perform in everyday life.

Remember that it is useful to develop the right hemisphere in order to improve creative thinking and begin to think creatively.

An interesting fact is that the right lobe of the brain is responsible for the functioning of the left side of the body. It influences human emotions, helps to think figuratively, and is also responsible for our intuition.

Most often, from birth, the right hemisphere is better developed in people, however, over time, the leading position is occupied by left lobe brain. It is the left hemisphere that is responsible for logical and step-by-step thinking.

IN real life The right hemisphere influences such features of human behavior as:

  • the ability to dream and fantasize
  • the ability to perceive individual sounds as a whole melody
  • sexual fantasies and desires
  • coordination of the left side of the body
  • high-quality and holistic perception of visual pictures and actions
  • creative skills
  • ability to navigate in space

In our article you will find the most effective techniques in order to use the necessary part of the brain and develop new talents.

1. Audio exercises

You can develop the desired skills by working with sound. To do this, for better concentration, you need to choose a quiet place. Close your eyes and imagine as if someone is calling you. Determine as accurately as possible which of your friends or loved ones the voice belongs to.

Listen carefully to what the person is trying to tell you. Now remember your favorite song. Try to accurately hear the melody and words of the song. Such audio exercises will help you develop your right hemisphere and improve its functioning.

2. Visual images

You can influence brain function with powerful visualization. In order to develop creative thinking, you need to close your eyes and focus on the image. Imagine that there is a white sheet of paper in front of you.

Try to mentally write your name on the paper. Then imagine the letters changing color from green to blue and later to red. It will be much more effective to improve the functioning of your brain (right hemisphere) if you mentally change the background of the sheet and clearly imagine such a change.

3. Tactile senses

Another effective method To develop the right hemisphere is to use tactile sensations. You can imagine absolutely any images during the exercise.

For example, try to feel that you are eating a certain dish, what it tastes like, what you associate with it. To develop creative skills, the same can be done with smell or in any way.

4. Mirror drawing

It is possible to develop both hemispheres equally with this exercise. Take a piece of paper and two pencils or pens. Draw the same shapes with both hands at the same time.

These can be circles, squares, hearts, etc. This exercise helps to effectively develop creative thinking and normalize the functioning of both lobes of the brain.

5. Closer to art

The simplest and most effective way to develop the right hemisphere is to start devoting more time to creativity. Try to visit a gallery, museum or theater more often. Develop the habit of listening to beautiful music and reading fiction.

Find like-minded people and visit cultural events together. By discussing the works of great personalities, it will be easier for you to get closer to their worldview. In this way, you can develop new skills and improve the functioning of your right hemisphere.

6. Effective exercises

Try to develop your right brain by doing different exercises every day. Most effective ways to improve the functioning of the right lobe of the brain is:

  • Working with fingers. Such gymnastics will help develop creative thinking. Try clenching both palms into fists at the same time. After this, straighten the thumb on your right hand and the index finger on your left. Then straighten the index finger on your right hand and the thumb on your left hand. Repeat this exercise several times, speeding up the pace. Alternate and throw other fingers;
  • Infinity sign. This exercise also helps to effectively develop the right hemisphere and improve creative skills. To do this, you need to press your left ear to your shoulder and extend your left arm forward. Then all attention should be concentrated on the index finger. Draw a figure eight with your hand, starting from the center - up and from the center - to the left. Perform the exercise with your left hand 8 times, and then do the same for your right hand;
  • Parallelism in motion. Place a drawing in front of you (at eye level) that shows two parallel lines. As you step, touch your left knee with your left hand, and then touch your right knee with your right hand. All this time, look at the drawing. During this development exercise creative thinking you need to take 12 steps.

Remember that developing the right hemisphere is actually not that difficult. Get ready to do the exercises regularly to achieve results. Invite your friends on social networks to read our article.

This kind of information will help them develop their right brain and succeed in life. We say goodbye to you, dear readers!

Don't be afraid to try something new and discover your talents!
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Synchronization of the brain hemispheres

The exercises listed below will be useful for people of all ages.

It would be good if adults who want to try these exercises involve children as the main participants and, while supposedly teaching children, can learn themselves. Different generations, let's communicate more actively!
Everyone is accustomed to the fact that they need to develop memory, attention, intelligence, and improve their body. But for some reason, few people pay attention to the brain itself, on which the development of all this in most cases depends. Even the body will not develop and improve unless the brain is properly tuned in and thinks about how to approach work on the body.
Everyone knows that the brain consists of two parts: left and right. They do different things. And at the same time, someone functions better left side, some have the right one, but the happiest ones have both. Naturally, the winners are those who make the most of their wealth.

The left hemisphere thinks logically. The right helps to create new things, generate ideas, as it is now fashionable to say. However, you can be a mathematician with a well-developed left hemisphere and still not invent anything new. Or you can be a creator and throw out ideas left and right and not implement any of them due to the inconsistency and illogicality of your actions. Such people also exist. And they only lack one thing: working on improving their brain, bringing it into a harmonious state.
Meanwhile, psychophysiologists have long developed a system of exercises for this. It’s good in this regard for musicians, for example, pianists. them with early childhood have already been made harmonious.

After all, the most important tool for brain development is your hands. Acting with two hands, a person develops both hemispheres.

So, let's move on to the exercises. Many of them are well known to us from childhood.

1. “Ear-nose”. With our left hand we take the tip of the nose, and with our right hand we take the opposite ear, i.e. left. At the same time, release your ear and nose, clap your hands, change the position of your hands “exactly the opposite.” I tried it, it worked better when I was a child.

2. “Mirror drawing.” Put it on the table Blank sheet paper, take a pencil. Draw mirror-symmetrical designs and letters with both hands at the same time. When doing this exercise, you should feel your eyes and hands relax, because when both hemispheres work simultaneously, the efficiency of the entire brain improves.

3. “Ring”. We move our fingers one by one and very quickly, connecting the index, middle, ring, and little fingers into a ring with the thumb. First, you can do it with each hand separately, then with both hands simultaneously.
Now let's remember physical education lessons. No wonder we were forced to do exercises in which we had to reach with our left hand right leg and vice versa. They also develop our hemispheres and help them work in harmony.

The following training helps relieve emotional stress, improves performance, develops attention, thinking and interhemispheric connections. The exercise is difficult and yet interesting.


I explain the procedure. In front of you lies a piece of paper with the letters of the alphabet, almost all of them. Under each letter the letters L, P or V are written. The upper letter is pronounced, and the lower letter indicates movement of the hands. L - left hand rises to left side, P – the right hand rises to right side, B – both hands rise up. Everything is very simple, if only it weren’t so difficult to do it all at the same time. The exercise is performed in sequence from the first letter to the last, then from the last letter to the first. The following is written on the piece of paper.






This is how you can develop your precious brain for your benefit. Train for health and have fun! And most importantly, feel the difference between your old self and your trained self!

Coordinate your brain hemispheres

This simple practice allows you to revive one hemisphere tired of monotonous work and connect the idle one to it. To do this, you will need A4 paper, on which you horizontally, along a ruler, with a marker, draw two lines crosswise, like the letter X laid on its side. Hang this piece of paper at eye level, so that it is convenient for you to look at it. Then you don’t have to take it off, let it hang and remind you of the need to take care of yourself.
Looking at this piece of paper, breathing calmly and deeply, you do only two simple exercises, known from physical education lessons:

– touch your right knee with your left elbow, then touch your left knee with your right elbow, preferably keeping your back straight. You need to make six such cross movements, for a total of 12. You can do it and count it.

– touch your left knee with your left elbow, then touch your right knee with your right elbow, preferably keeping your back straight. Six such parallel movements must also be made.

– Again 12 cross movements;

– 12 more parallel movements;

– And the last 12 cross movements.

All this will take you no more than 1.5 minutes, and you will immediately feel the effect in your noticeably refreshed head.
In fact, the exercise is used to correct left- and right-hemisphere children. It is taken from applied kinesiology - modern science about the body and is based on observations of infants. If the baby has not passed the crawling stage, he may have problems working together hemispheres, which means he will not use his potential, working only with half of the brain. We will apply this knowledge for preventive purposes to restore coordinated brain function.

Consciousness training.

Here is a special program that has been developed over many years in seminars. Both athletes and people who connected their lives with meditation took part in this.
The exercises were called

At first glance, they will not be pleasant. With their help, you will realize how easy it is to find yourself in difficult situations. life situation and how difficult it is to find a way out of this and be reborn again.

Consciousness training is, first of all, a complex physical exercise, as well as mobility in every sense.

American therapist Jean Houston found that during consciousness training, the IQ significantly increases. Obviously, exercise leads to the formation of new nerve cells in the brain. A large number of These cells lead to increased intelligence capabilities.

Such exercises are ideal for fulfilling the requirements of any complexity and coordinated work of both hemispheres of the brain. They also increase our concentration. The program promotes the development of coordination between the brain and body (coordinated work of the brain and body parts). Having engaged the left hemisphere, it does not occur to us to involve the right, which would be useful in many situations. Exercises help coordinate the work of body parts.

This type of gymnastics can be enjoyable in the future and is more effective than it seems at first glance. To begin with, start with simple exercises, heavy ones can cause pain.

Stroking the belly and tapping the top of the head

The first part of the exercises involves stroking the stomach with your right hand in a clockwise direction. After this, tap the top of the head with your left palm, with the goal of lightly spanking to increase mental abilities. Make sure that the movements are straight from top to bottom and vice versa.
The third step will be decisive: a combination of both movements. At the same time, pay attention so as not to mistakenly confuse the movements: with your right hand, rotate along the stomach, and with your left, move from top to bottom.
Once you are accustomed to these movements, you can switch hands. Such exercises develop coordination well.

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