Environmental problems of industry. Environmental problems of production

Reasons for environmental impact

In terms of intensity of impact on the environment, industrial production has one of the strongest impacts. The main reason is outdated production technologies and excessive concentration of production in one territory or within one enterprise. Most large enterprises do not have an environmental protection system or it is quite simple.

Note 1

Most industrial waste is returned to the environment as waste. Finished products generally use 1-2% of raw materials, the rest is thrown into the biosphere, polluting its components.

Main sources of pollution

Depending on the nature of the impact of industry on the environment, industrial production complexes are divided into:

  • fuel and energy,
  • metallurgical,
  • chemical forest
  • building

The main air pollution comes from sulfur dioxide gas. [Comment]

Sulfur dioxide gas is a combination of sulfur and oxygen.

This type of pollution is destructive. During the release, sulfuric acid accumulates in the atmosphere, which subsequently results in the occurrence of acid rain. The main sources of pollution are products of the automotive industry that use sulfur-containing coals, oil and gas in their operation.

In addition, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy and the chemical industry have a huge impact on the environment. As a result of exhaust gases, the concentration of harmful substances is increasing every year.

According to statistical data, the share of harmful substances in the United States is 60% of the total volume of all harmful substances.

The growth in production is quite serious. Every year, industrialization presents humanity with new technologies that accelerate industrial capacity. Unfortunately, protective measures are no longer sufficient to reduce the resulting level of pollution.

Measures to prevent environmental disasters

Most environmental disasters occur either as a result of human negligence or wear and tear of equipment. The funds that could have been saved from accidents prevented in due time could have been used to reconstruct the fuel and energy complex. This, in turn, would significantly reduce the level of energy intensity of the economy.

As a result of irrational environmental management, irreparable damage is caused to nature. In order to analyze the key measures to prevent pollution, it is necessary, first of all, to interrelate the results of economic activity and the environmental friendliness of manufactured products and their production technology.

This event requires significant costs from production, which must be included in the planned production. An enterprise needs to separate costs into three components:

  • production costs,
  • environmental costs,
  • costs of producing a product to environmental quality or replacing a product with a more environmentally friendly one.

In Russia, the main industry is the production of oil and gas. Despite the fact that production volumes at the present stage tend to decrease, the fuel and energy complex is the largest source of industrial pollution. Environmental problems begin already at the stage of raw material extraction and transportation.

Every year there are more than 20 thousand accidents associated with oil spills, which enter water bodies and are accompanied by the death of flora and fauna. In addition, accidents cause significant economic losses.

In order to prevent the spread of environmental disaster as much as possible, the most environmentally friendly way to transport oil is through pipelines.

This type of transportation includes not only a pipe system, but also pumping stations, compressors and much more.

Note 2

Despite the environmental friendliness and reliability of this system, the process does not proceed without accidents. Since about 40% of the pipeline transport system is worn out and its service life has long expired. Over the years, defects appear on the pipes and metal corrosion occurs.

Thus, one of the most serious accidents in recent times is the rupture of an oil pipeline. As a result of this accident, about 1000 tons of oil ended up in the Belaya River. According to statistics, every year the Russian environment suffers damage from 700 incidents related to oil spills. These accidents lead to irreversible processes in the environment.

Oil production and drilling equipment operate in rather difficult conditions. Overloads, static and dynamic stress, high pressure lead to equipment wear.

Particular attention should be paid to outdated pumping machines. When using multiphase pumps, environmental safety and economic efficiency increase. In addition, it becomes possible to utilize the resulting gas in a more economical and environmentally friendly way. Today, gas from the well is burned, although this gas is a fairly valuable raw material for the chemical industry.

According to scientists, over several years the load on the environment has increased 2-3 times. The consumption of clean water is growing, which is mercilessly wasted in industrial production and agriculture.

The problem of clean water has become so acute at the present stage of human development that often the level of water supply determines the level of industry and the growth of cities.

Despite disappointing forecasts, states in developing countries began to pay great attention to cleaning and monitoring environmental safety. New production does not receive permission without installing and commissioning treatment facilities.

In environmental matters, a serious issue of government regulation is needed.

Scientific and technological progress was marked by a gigantic increase in the consumption of energy resources, the use of the atomic core to generate electricity, a huge increase in the number of vehicles, especially cars and airplanes, radio television and other types of communications, power availability, agricultural production, and more.

The basis of scientific and technological progress, undoubtedly, is energy. Nowadays, the daily energy consumption per person in industrialized countries exceeds 800,000 J. At the same time, human food contains only a small amount of energy, and the bulk of it is spent on construction, industry, agriculture and transport, i.e. in production and service sectors.

The main sources of energy on Earth are chemical fuels, nuclear and solar radiation, the heat of the earth's interior, the power of wind, and sea tides. The modern economy is associated mainly with the consumption of water energy and chemical fuel energy - coal, oil, combustible gas, oil and oil shale. In the future, nuclear energy will occupy a large share.

When talking about the use of energy from fossil fuels and nuclear fuel, it is necessary to keep in mind two related problems: the amount of these types of fuel in nature and the timing of their depletion, as well as the degree of impact of burned or chemically converted sources of raw materials on the environment and on humans themselves. Over the entire period of civilization, humanity has consumed about 100 billion tons of various types of fuel, and half of it has occurred in the last 50 years. More than 2 billion tons of coal alone are burned annually, which is accompanied by the release of millions of tons of carbon dioxide, dust and other substances into the atmosphere. A large amount of carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere when burning oil, fuel oil, kerosene, gasoline, natural fuel gas, oil shale, peat and firewood.

When fuel burns, the oxygen content in the atmosphere decreases, which decreases by 10 billion tons annually. In percentage terms, this is an insignificant amount and therefore does not yet cause oxygen starvation on a global scale. But in some industrial countries, all terrestrial vegetation already produces less oxygen than is consumed by industry and transport. Such a country, for example, is the United States, which lives dependent on oxygen from other countries.

Huge and ever-increasing amounts of oxygen are consumed by cars, airplanes and space rockets. A jet airliner, for example, when flying from America to Europe consumes 35 tons of oxygen in 8 hours. This amount of this gas is produced in the same time by 25 thousand hectares of forest. In addition to carbon dioxide, when burning fuel, a huge amount of other gases enter the atmosphere - oxides of sulfur and nitrogen, carbon monoxide and other compounds, as well as dust and soot. Observations at the end of the 20th century. show that the dust content of the planet’s atmosphere has increased tenfold over a period of 25 years. Air pollution reaches its maximum in large cities and industrial areas, where the bulk of industry, energy and transport are concentrated. Due to this, a large amount of toxic gases accumulates in the atmosphere, the main ones being carbon monoxide, various compounds of sulfur, chlorine and nitrogen.

According to statistics, 60% of air pollution comes from cars; An important cause is also the combustion of coal and oil. One large thermal power plant emits 500 tons of sulfur dioxide and dust into the atmosphere every day. Each car, when using leaded gasoline, emits about 1 kg of lead per year.

Industrial gas emissions and wastewater pollute the soil, surface water bodies and groundwater. In some areas, due to water shortages or excessive pollution, industry can no longer develop. There are too many polluted waters, and natural processes cannot cope with their purification. Sewage, for example, contains detergents that are not biodegradable. They form accumulations of white foam floating down the river, sometimes reaching a thickness of 1 m.

Some industrial pollution accumulates in soils, is washed away by surface runoff into water bodies or enters groundwater horizons. Most of the technogenic pollution either accumulates in the bottom sediments of rivers and fresh water bodies, or ends up in the oceans and seas. First of all, coastal zones, estuaries and river deltas are polluted, i.e., places of greatest concentration of living organisms, as well as the surface layers of other water areas where the bulk of phytoplankton is concentrated. Pollution and clogging of water not only disrupts normal life in the oceans, but also makes it impossible for people to use ocean and sea beaches for recreation.

The main source of pollution in the World Ocean is oil. It gets there mainly from tankers undergoing accidents, from ballast water poured into tankers after oil has been drained, as well as from offshore oil fields. One ton of oil pollutes 12 km 2 of sea surface; Thus, the accident of a tanker with a capacity of 200 thousand tons can pollute the surface of the sea over an area of ​​2.4 million km 2.

In the second half of the 20th century, the threat of poisoning by radioactive substances and poisonous gases buried in containers in the ocean depths loomed over the World Ocean. Contamination with radioactive substances previously occurred during air and underwater tests of atomic bombs, and now it can occur during accidents of nuclear submarines.

Pollution of the natural environment with solid industrial and household waste is increasing. These are disused packaging materials, household and industrial appliances, cars, paper, cans and bottles, food scraps, construction waste, etc. According to the UN, in cities such waste annually amounts to 500-600 kg per capita . Unauthorized landfills around factories take away land, spoil landscapes, and contain toxic substances and pathogenic microflora. Also, the scientific and technological revolution was marked by increased efficiency in the use of enterprises, the processing of additional quantities of raw materials and the production of a significantly larger number and range of products. But the existing waste treatment facilities and mechanisms at the enterprises turned out to be unable to cope with the sharply increased loads. Even with modern or modernized treatment facilities, treatment equipment allows the capture of environmentally harmful substances, as a rule, only up to 98%. The rest passes all the obstacles and finds itself “free.”

1. Introduction… 2

2. Industrial production and environmental quality… 3

2.1. General trends in production development... 3

2.2. Energy and environmental protection… 6

2.3. Saving fuel and energy resources is the most important area of ​​rational environmental management... 8

3. Greening the economy and business… 11

3.1. Impact of economic reforms on the environment... 11

3.2. Environmental funds are a tool for additional financing of environmental protection measures... 17

3.3. Investments in energy ecology… 19

3.4. Problems of applying economic methods in environmental management and environmental protection (using the example of the energy industry) 23

4. Conclusion... 27

5. List of references... 29

At all stages of his development, man was closely connected with the world around him. But since the emergence of a highly industrialized society, dangerous human intervention in nature has sharply increased, the scope of this intervention has expanded, it has become more diverse and now threatens to become a global danger to humanity. The consumption of non-renewable raw materials is increasing, more and more arable land is leaving the economy as cities and factories are built on it. Man has to increasingly intervene in the economy of the biosphere - that part of our planet in which life exists. The Earth's biosphere is currently subject to increasing anthropogenic impact. At the same time, several of the most significant processes can be identified, any of which does not improve the environmental situation on the planet. The most widespread and significant is chemical pollution of the environment with substances of a chemical nature that are unusual for it. Among them are gaseous and aerosol pollutants of industrial and domestic origin. The accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is also progressing. The further development of this process will strengthen the undesirable trend towards an increase in the average annual temperature on the planet. Environmentalists are also concerned about the ongoing pollution of the World Ocean with oil and petroleum products, which has already reached almost half of its total surface. Oil pollution of this size can cause significant disruptions in gas and water exchange between the hydrosphere and the atmosphere. There is no doubt about the importance of chemical contamination of the soil with pesticides and its increased acidity, leading to the collapse of the ecosystem. In general, all the factors considered that can be attributed to the polluting effect have a noticeable impact on the processes occurring in the biosphere. As humanity develops, it begins to use more and more new types of resources (nuclear and geothermal energy, solar, tidal hydropower, wind and other non-traditional sources). However, fuel resources today play a major role in providing energy to all sectors of the economy. This is clearly reflected in the structure of the fuel and energy balance.

Structure of the world's energy demand for 1993

Table 1.1

The fuel and energy complex is closely connected with the entire industry of the country. More than 20% of funds are spent on its development. The fuel and energy complex accounts for 30% of fixed assets.

The 20th century brought humanity many benefits associated with the rapid development of scientific and technological progress, and at the same time brought life on Earth to the brink of an environmental disaster. Population growth, intensification of production and emissions that pollute the Earth lead to fundamental changes in nature and affect the very existence of man. Some of these changes are extremely strong and so widespread that global environmental problems arise. There are serious problems of pollution (atmosphere, water, soil), acid rain, radiation damage to the territory, as well as the loss of certain species of plants and living organisms, depletion of biological resources, deforestation and desertification of territories.

Problems arise as a result of such interaction between nature and man, in which the anthropogenic load on the territory (it is determined through the technogenic load and population density) exceeds the ecological capabilities of this territory, due mainly to its natural resource potential and the general stability of natural landscapes (complexes, geosystems) to anthropogenic impacts.

The main sources of air pollution in our country are machines and installations using sulfur-containing coals, oil, and gas.

Significantly polluting the atmosphere are motor transport, thermal power plants, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, oil and gas refining, chemical and forestry industries. A large amount of harmful substances enter the atmosphere with vehicle exhaust gases, and their share in air pollution is constantly growing; According to some estimates, in Russia - more than 30%, and in the USA - more than 60% of the total emission of pollutants into the atmosphere.

With the growth of industrial production and its industrialization, environmental protection measures based on MPC standards and their derivatives become insufficient to reduce already formed pollution. Therefore, it is natural to turn to the search for integrated characteristics that, reflecting the real state of the environment, would help to choose the environmentally and economically optimal option, and in contaminated (disturbed) conditions, determine the order of restoration and health measures.

With the transition to the path of intensive economic development, an important role is given to the system of economic indicators endowed with the most important functions of economic activity: planning, accounting, evaluation, control and incentives. Like any systemic formation, which is not an arbitrary set, but interconnected elements in a certain integrity, economic indicators are designed to express the final result, taking into account all phases of the reproduction process.

One of the important reasons for the increase in the environmental intensity of the economy was the wear and tear of equipment exceeding all acceptable standards. In basic industries and transport, wear and tear on equipment, including wastewater treatment equipment, reaches 70-80%. With the continued operation of such equipment, the likelihood of environmental disasters increases sharply.

Typical in this regard was the oil pipeline accident in the Arctic region of Komi near Usinsk. As a result, up to 100 thousand tons of oil spilled onto the fragile ecosystems of the North, according to various estimates. This environmental disaster became one of the largest in the world in the 90s, and it was caused by the extreme deterioration of the pipeline. The accident received worldwide publicity, although according to some Russian experts, it is one of many - others were simply hidden. For example, in the same Komi region in 1992, according to the interdepartmental commission on environmental safety, 890 accidents occurred.

The economic damage of environmental disasters is colossal. With the funds saved as a result of preventing accidents, it would be possible to reconstruct the fuel and energy complex over the course of several years and significantly reduce the energy intensity of the entire economy.

Damage caused to nature during the production and consumption of products is the result of irrational environmental management. An objective need has arisen to establish relationships between the results of economic activity and the environmental friendliness of manufactured products and the technology of their production. In accordance with the law, this requires additional costs from work collectives, which must be taken into account when planning. At an enterprise, it is advisable to distinguish between environmental protection costs associated with the production of products and with bringing the product to a certain level of environmental quality, or with replacing it with another, more environmentally friendly one.

There is a connection between product quality and environmental quality: the higher the product quality (taking into account the environmental assessment of the use of waste and the results of environmental protection activities in the production process), the higher the environmental quality.

How can society's needs for adequate environmental quality be met? Overcoming negative impacts using a well-founded system of norms and standards, linking calculation methods of maximum permissible limits, maximum permissible limits and environmental protection measures; reasonable (integrated, economical) use of natural resources that meets the environmental characteristics of a certain territory; environmental orientation of economic activity, planning and justification of management decisions, expressed in progressive directions of interaction between nature and society, environmental certification of workplaces, technology of manufactured products.

Justification for environmental friendliness seems to be an integral part of the management system, influencing the choice of priorities in providing the national economy with natural resources and services within the planned volumes of consumption.

The difference in production interests and industry tasks determines the specific views of specialists on the problem of greening production, the equipment and technology used and created.

Attempts are being made, on the basis of a unified methodological approach, by calculating specific and general indicators, to express the relationship between natural and cost characteristics in making an economically feasible and environmentally conditioned (acceptable) decision. The priority of natural parameters and indicators meets the needs of resource provision for social production. Cost indicators should reflect the effectiveness of efforts to reduce (or increase) the anthropogenic load on nature. With their help, environmental damage is calculated and the effectiveness of measures to stabilize the environmental management regime is assessed.

It must be said that in addition to this, measures such as:

Ensuring the organization of production of new, more advanced equipment and equipment for cleaning industrial emissions into the atmosphere from harmful gases, dust, soot and other substances;

Conducting relevant scientific research and development work to create more advanced apparatus and equipment to protect atmospheric air from pollution by industrial emissions;

Installation and commissioning of gas cleaning and dust collection equipment and equipment at enterprises and organizations;

Exercising state control over the operation of gas cleaning and dust collection plants at industrial enterprises.

Natural-industrial systems, depending on the accepted qualitative and quantitative parameters of technological processes, differ from each other in structure, functioning and the nature of interaction with the natural environment. In fact, even natural-industrial systems that are identical in qualitative and quantitative parameters of technological processes differ from each other in the uniqueness of their environmental conditions, which leads to different interactions between production and its natural environment. Therefore, the subject of research in environmental engineering is the interaction of technological and natural processes in natural-industrial systems.

At the same time, in more developed countries, governments' approach to environmental problems is much more severe: for example, standards for the content of harmful substances in exhaust gases are being tightened. In order not to lose its market share in the current conditions, Honda Motors stuck a modern 32-bit computer under the hood and puzzled it with the problem of preserving the environment. Microprocessor control of the ignition system is not new, however, it seems that for the first time in the history of the automotive industry, the priority of exhaust purity, rather than squeezing extra “horses” from the engine, is implemented in software. It must be said that the computer once again demonstrated its intelligence, already at the intermediate stage reducing exhaust toxicity by 70% and losing only 1.5% of engine power. Inspired by the result, a team of engineers and programmers began environmental optimization of everything that was somehow able to withstand such optimization. An electronic ecologist under the hood vigilantly monitors the composition of the working mixture injected into the cylinders and “in real time” controls the fuel combustion process. And if, despite all the efforts to “destroy the enemy in his own lair” (in the sense, in the engine cylinders), something slips into the exhaust pipe, then it will not come out: special sensors will immediately report this to the computer, which, redirecting the insidious a portion of the exhaust into a special compartment, destroying it there using electricity. Of course, they did not forget to attach a specially designed catalytic afterburner of a special design to the engine. The result, as they say, exceeded all expectations: the engine power decreased only slightly, the efficiency was not affected, and as for the exhaust, it’s funny, but true: the percentage of harmful substances in it is noticeably less than in the air that residents breathe, for example, in central regions Los Angeles.

The development of modern production, and above all industry, is based largely on the use of fossil raw materials. Among certain types of fossil resources, sources of fuel and electricity should be ranked one of the first places in terms of national economic importance.

A feature of energy production is the direct impact on the natural environment in the process of fuel extraction and combustion, and the changes in natural components that occur are very obvious.

The time when nature seemed inexhaustible is over. Terrible symptoms of destructive human activity appeared with particular force a couple of decades ago, causing an energy crisis in some countries. It became clear that energy resources are limited. This also applies to all other minerals.

The situation can easily be projected onto the provision of electricity to the country. Today, the main electricity generating sources in Belarus are thermal power plants (TPPs), operating mainly on Russian gas, and the missing electricity is purchased from nuclear power plants in Russia and Lithuania. Domestic electricity production is complicated by the fact that more than half of Belarusian power plants have exhausted their design life, and by 2010, 90% of power equipment will require replacement. That is, the problem requires a fundamental solution: how to compensate for retired capacities - repair and reconstruct old ones or build new power plants? Studies have shown that simply replacing equipment and extending the life of power units is not the cheapest way. Experts have come to the conclusion that the most profitable is the modernization and reconstruction of existing power plants and boiler houses through the introduction of modern gas turbine and combined cycle plants with higher efficiency. Now, using the latest technology, thanks to a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Orsha CHPP is being modernized using French equipment. But again, the fuel for combined cycle gas plants is the same Russian natural gas. And when Russia closes the gas valve from time to time, Belarus fully feels what energy independence and security means. The main problem is the high degree of energy dependence of our country on external sources. 85-90% of raw materials for the Belarusian fuel industry are imported from Russia.

Meanwhile, according to official estimates, an unprecedented increase in production began in our country last year. If this continues, then by 2015 production volumes will increase by 2.8 times. The level of energy consumption will increase by one and a half times. If the current volumes of energy supplies are maintained, our energy system will simply collapse from such an increase in production.

According to experts, given the current rate of GDP growth, the situation in the energy industry will sharply worsen in the near future. At the same time, already about half of Belarusian energy capacity requires replacement. A significant part of thermal power plants, in terms of their technical characteristics, do not meet current energy consumption needs. Electricity produced at Belarusian state district power plants is more expensive than that imported from Lithuania and Russia.

According to the director of the Institute of Energy Problems of the Academy of Sciences, Alexander Mikhalevich, now the domestic energy system is saved only by a general drop in production. If it had remained at the 1991 level, the energy system simply would not have been able to withstand this stress and the crisis would have had unpredictable consequences. Experts in the field of energy consider the most promising for our country to be the development of energy and resource-saving technologies and the implementation of an energy saving program.

The development of environmentally-oriented business can significantly change the environmental situation in the country, improve environmental protection and the use of natural resources. It is obvious that it is impossible to solve environmental problems and achieve a sustainable type of development without a general improvement in the economic situation of the country and effective macroeconomic policy.

The deterioration of the environmental situation in the republic is influenced by a number of economic and legal factors operating in different areas, at different levels and with different scales of impact:

Macroeconomic policies leading to extensive use of natural resources;

Investment policy focused on the development of resource-exploiting sectors of the economy;

Ineffective sectoral policy (fuel and energy complex, agriculture, forestry, etc.);

Imperfect legislation;

Uncertainty of ownership rights to natural resources;

Lack of an environmentally balanced long-term economic strategy, underestimation of sustainable development;

Inflation, economic crisis and economic instability hinder the implementation of long-term projects, which include most environmental projects;

Natural resource nature of exports;

The existence of an effective incentive in the form of obtaining significant and quick profits from the overexploitation and/or sale of natural resources (oil, gas, timber, ores, etc.), etc.

Now the most important thing is for the state to create, through effective, indirect and direct, economic instruments and regulators, a favorable climate for the development of environmentally-oriented business. In this regard, we will consider the impact of economic reforms in the Republic of Belarus on the preservation of the environment, and evaluate the most promising areas of business development in this area.

Within the entire economy, at the macro level, the following important areas of economic transformation can be identified: structural environmentally-oriented restructuring, changing investment policy in the direction of environmentally balanced priorities, improving privatization mechanisms, reform of property rights, demonopolization, creation of environmentally consistent tax and credit systems , subsidies, trade tariffs and duties, etc. All these mechanisms and reforms inevitably, to one degree or another, affect the development of business related to environmental activities.

Unfortunately, the legislative and executive branches do not have a full and clear awareness of environmental dangers. This is largely due to the prevailing mentality of these structures. Ignoring the environmental factor has been characteristic of the country's social and economic development in recent decades. The priority of economic goals and the development of the defense, fuel and energy, and agricultural complexes were proclaimed. Social and environmental problems were relegated to the background.

It is important to reject and reconsider many stereotypes in decision-making processes. Modern traditional approaches to economic development are based on the amount of natural resources used. The more resources are used, the better for the country. The desire to increase the extraction of natural resources and intensify their exploitation can only accelerate the processes of environmental degradation. Fundamentally different approaches are needed. The underdevelopment of manufacturing and processing industries, infrastructure, and distribution lead to colossal losses of natural resources and raw materials. Is it necessary to increase the burden on nature, knowing that a significant part of natural resources will be used irrationally?

An indicative situation has developed in the fuel and energy complex, which has an extremely large impact on the environmental situation. Using Russia as an example, we see that per unit of final product it now spends three times more energy than Japan and Germany, and twice as much as the United States (see Table 3.1). The situation is no better in Belarus.

Energy production per unit of GDP in Russia and abroad ( % )

Table 3.1




A similar situation has developed with forest resources, on the protection and use of which the conservation of many biological resources largely depends. The nature-intensive structure of the forestry complex with undeveloped processing industries leads to a huge overconsumption of forest for production compared to existing technologies.

Thus, the most important reason for the deterioration of the environmental situation in the republic is the ineffective, nature-intensive structure of the economy.

Obviously, the point is not in the volume of use of natural resources and production of intermediate products, but in the economic structures that use them. If the existing inertial trends in environmental management, technogenic approaches to environmental management, and technogenic approaches to the economy continue, the country will never have enough natural resources to maintain the current type of development, even with a significant increase in the exploitation of natural resources. Unfortunately, the vast majority of economic projects for Belarus, proposed by foreign and domestic specialists, ignore this problem, and their implementation is associated with an increase in the burden on the environment.

In this regard, it is extremely important to create more favorable - compared to nature-exploiting activities - conditions for business development in resource-saving industries related to the development of manufacturing and processing industries, infrastructure, and distribution. And here we need an effective selective economic policy to support resource-saving activities. Therefore, the most important direction of economic reforms in Belarus and the transition to a sustainable type of development is environmentally-oriented structural restructuring, which allows for effective resource conservation. We are talking about the global redistribution of labor, material, and financial resources in the national economy in favor of resource-saving, technologically advanced industries and activities. Emerging market mechanisms should play a huge role in such a redistribution of resources.

The most conservative estimates show that structural and technological rationalization of the economy can free up 20-30% of natural resources currently used inefficiently while increasing final results. The country is experiencing a gigantic structural overconsumption of natural resources, which creates imaginary deficits in energy, agriculture and forestry, etc.

This situation is reflected in the deterioration of one of the most important indicators of sustainable and environmentally-oriented development - the increase in energy intensity of economic indicators. According to some estimates, this figure for the gross national product has recently increased by about a third (see Fig. 3.1). This means that in order to achieve final results in the economy, it is necessary to spend significantly more oil, gas, coal, and electricity, which certainly leads to a deterioration in the environmental situation.

Of utmost importance for the development of environmentally-oriented business is a radical change in investment policy in the direction of environmental priorities. Two aspects can be distinguished in this direction of capital investments.

Rice. 3. 1. Comparative energy intensity of GNP of some countries.

Firstly, there is currently no well-developed concept for the long-term development of the country's economy. Hopes that the “invisible hand” of the market itself will create an effective economic structure are unfounded due to the reasons noted above. As a result, a rather chaotic distribution of capital investments occurs, perpetuating a nature-intensive type of development.

Secondly, the effects of the transition to sustainable resource-saving development are underestimated. The annual losses of degraded land, forests, and water resources can be estimated at many millions of dollars. With adequate economic consideration of the environmental factor, the efficiency of resource saving turns out to be much higher than increasing the environmental intensity of the economy, as has been proven by the economic development of developed countries in the last two decades.

It is possible to facilitate the environmental-economic transition to a market economy through environmentally-balanced environmental reforms and the creation of an appropriate economic environment at the macro level, conducive to the development of environmentally-oriented business. Here we can distinguish two types of economic mechanisms and instruments depending on the degree of sectoral coverage. Firstly, mechanisms and instruments operating within the entire economy, its industries and complexes. And, secondly, more special mechanisms and instruments, focused primarily on nature-exploiting industries, the primary sector of the economy, as well as on regulating environmental activities in other industries.

Within the entire economy, we can distinguish mechanisms of privatization, reform of property rights, demonopolization, creation of environmentally consistent systems of taxes, loans, subsidies, trade tariffs and duties, etc. All these mechanisms and reforms inevitably affect the environmental situation to one degree or another.

The problem of monopolism is extremely acute for Belarus. Huge monopolies in the absence of competition and the presence of effective lobbies in the legislative and executive structures of power can pay minimal attention to environmental factors.

Tax policy also does not contribute to solving environmental problems and developing environmentally-oriented business. The tax burden on enterprises is extremely high, which forces enterprises to focus primarily on short-term survival goals. Now up to 90% of enterprise profits are withdrawn from the enterprise in the form of taxes and other deductions. This factor, as well as the “aging” of fixed assets, leads to the fact that a significant part of enterprises are unprofitable or unprofitable. Under these conditions, the desire of enterprises to minimize their environmental costs in order to survive in the transition to a market is understandable. It is obvious that in conditions of competition, mass bankruptcies, and a tightening of the financial situation for enterprises, one of the first victims of the struggle for existence will be nature. Enterprises strive to save in every possible way on environmental measures and the purchase of environmental equipment, since environmental costs do not increase the output of their main products. Emissions and discharges of pollutants, waste disposal are hidden in order to avoid fees, fines, etc. In these conditions, it is advisable, which is confirmed by world experience, to create a favorable tax climate for environmentally-oriented activities.

Monetary The policy also contributes to the continuation of anti-environmental trends in the economy. In conditions of high inflation, the vast majority of banking transactions are short-term trade and financial transactions (95% of active banking transactions), which practically deprives the economy of investment in long-term development and radical structural resource-saving restructuring. A similar effect is that extremely high discount rates make it unprofitable to invest in long-term or slow-paying projects, which include many environmental projects.

To green the economy and support business in this area, significant changes are needed foreign trade policy, the entire system of tariffs, duties and other trade barriers. Given the underdevelopment of the environmental engineering industry in the country, many environmental programs, including international environmental projects, require the import of environmental equipment. Meanwhile, the current system of duties on imported equipment makes it extremely difficult to implement environmental programs. Huge taxes are imposed on the import of environmental equipment from abroad. If an environmental project requires imported equipment, a quarter to a third of the cost may go to duties and other taxes. This creates a barrier to investment in environmental protection.

Export-import flows are also significantly affected by inflation. The rapid depreciation of the national currency in the republic leads to stimulation of exports, which almost 80 percent consists of primary natural resources.

In the context of the transition to a market economy, a fairly wide range of potentially effective environmental and economic regulators are included in the number of more special mechanisms and instruments, focused primarily on nature-exploiting industries, the primary sector of the economy, as well as on regulating the environmental side of activities in other industries. This includes payment for the use of natural resources, the creation of a system of benefits, subsidies, loans for environmental activities, the sale of rights (permits) for pollution, fining activities that damage the environment, the creation of a market for environmental services, and much more. Many of these economic mechanisms are extremely important for business development. Now in the developed countries of the world there are more than 80 economic instruments for the use of natural resources and environmental protection.

From the perspective of greening the economy, traditional indicators of economic development and progress also need to be adjusted - such as per capita income, gross national product, etc. In this regard, the following indicators are of interest: the Human Development Index, proposed by the UN, and index of sustainable economic welfare (Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare), proposed by G. Daly and J. Cobb (Herman E. Daly and Jonn B. Cobb). The first is an aggregate indicator calculated on the basis of characteristics of life expectancy, level of knowledge and level of mastery of resources necessary for a normal life. The second is a fairly comprehensive indicator that takes into account the environmental costs associated with irrational management.

Calculations based on the index of sustainable economic well-being in the United States showed opposite trends in changes in this index and the GNP per capita indicator in the 80s. - a decrease in the first, reflecting environmental degradation, with a significant increase in the second. According to G. Dali, “as long as GNP remains the measure of human well-being, there are huge obstacles to change. The market only sees efficiency; it is not equipped to sense fairness or sustainability.”

Stabilization of the environmental situation in the republic largely depends on the effectiveness of the economic reforms carried out in the country, their adequacy to the goals of creating a sustainable type of development of the national economy. And here measures to create, with the help of effective market instruments and regulators, a favorable climate for the development of all areas of business that contributes to the greening of the economy are extremely important.

To date, the direction and scale of environmental protection activities in the energy sector of the republic have practically been established. They are determined by the requirements formulated when approving standards for the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere (MPE), the discharge of pollutants into water bodies (PDS), the introduction of limits on waste storage and the planned set of measures to achieve these limits. Having overcome organizational and methodological difficulties, almost all power plants in the industry received permission to emit (discharge) pollutants into the environment in limited quantities and entered into agreements with environmental authorities.

Since 1991, power plants have been actively involved in the formation of a system of environmental funds by contributing funds to them for environmental pollution. If we take into account the materials of the International Conference on the Practice of Functioning of Environmental Funds in the Economy in Transition (St. Petersburg, 1994) and the calculated indicators of the industry, then the contributions of energy workers amount to 20-25% of the total amount of payments for emissions (discharges) in the country ) pollutants and waste disposal.

In accordance with current regulatory documents, payments for emissions (discharges) of pollutants within acceptable (limited) limits are included in the cost of energy. According to statistical reporting, this is 70-80% of accrued payments. The amount of fees for exceeding permissible emissions (discharges) is approximately 20-30% and is withdrawn from the profit of the enterprise. In other words, all company contributions to environmental funds are included in the energy tariff and are ultimately paid by the consumer.

In this regard, it is natural for the energy consumer to ask about the effectiveness of using environmental funds to improve the environment, and from the standpoint of energy facilities, whether the funds contribute to the environmental activities of the enterprise.

To assess the effectiveness of using industry contributions to environmental funds, we will introduce a conditional indicator of the return of these funds for the implementation of environmental measures directly at thermal power plants. In the industry as a whole, this return amounts to 35-40% of payments due.

According to the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Environmental Protection” and the established procedure for sending funds to target budget environmental funds, 10% of the fee is sent to the state budget, 30 to regional environmental funds and 60 to district and city environmental funds:

Rice. 3. 2. Structure of payments for emissions and discharges.

It is clear from this that the industry's chargeback rate can be increased to 50-60%, i.e. there is a certain margin for making targeted efforts to reduce the alienation of funds from it.

In addition to payments for environmental pollution, thermal power plants incur certain costs for the maintenance and servicing of fixed assets for environmental purposes, major repairs of water treatment, gas and dust collection and other structures, for scientific research, environmental education, propaganda, exchange of experience, etc. Potentially, these costs could be 15-20% higher without increasing energy tariffs only through the redistribution of funds and a reduction in the amounts of alienation into environmental funds.

Unfortunately, there is not a single case known in which an energy company would have received from environmental funds more than the contributions due from it for environmental pollution. Such objects of targeted investments from environmental funds could be pilot industrial and experimental installations for purifying gases from sulfur oxides, demonstration systems for equipping energy equipment with instruments and means of monitoring emissions (discharges) of pollutants into the natural environment and the degree of their impact.

The proposed rationalization of funds allocated to environmental funds is based on the fact that industrial enterprises tend to implement technical and economic measures to prevent emissions and discharges into the environment. In addition, it is well known that preventing environmental pollution is more effective and economical compared to measures to restore ruined nature. If these theses are taken as an axiom, then the current system of formation of environmental funds requires reform in the following directions:

Elimination of payments for emissions (discharges) within acceptable standards (MPE), because funds have already been spent on their provision, which are included in the cost of the product (good) and are paid by the consumer;

Maintaining payments for the difference between permitted emissions (discharges) and permissible standards (MPE), included in the cost of production, and for over-established emissions (discharges) - from the profit of the enterprise. Payments are partially returned to the enterprise for specific measures to achieve standards;

Increasing the basic payment rates based on the cost of a progressive technical solution to prevent the formation or elimination of the emission (discharge) of a pollutant with an increasing factor in order to stimulate the transition of industry to environmentally friendly and safe technologies;

Introducing public discussion and legislative approval of the program (set of issues, priority measures), carried out entirely at the expense of republican and local funds, interconnected vertically. In other words, the temporary nature of the action of environmental funds should be fixed to solve a specific task or problem, for example, the creation and implementation of industrial control and environmental monitoring, inventory and disposal of industrial and household waste, etc.

We especially note that, despite all its perfection, the current system of environmental funds does not concern the behavior of enterprises, funds and regulatory organizations in cases of emergency release, failure of equipment, structures, as well as compensation for damage caused by unexpected environmental pollution. The solution to these issues lies in the organization of environmental insurance, which energy enterprises are only approaching.

The transition to the market has outlined fundamentally new approaches to investing in environmental energy. Today in the CIS and on the world market it is possible to purchase, quickly install and successfully operate equipment for very deep purification of combustion products from SO2 and NO2, which is not yet practiced by energy enterprises.

Let's say that we made a strong-willed decision and invested in technologies for suppressing harmful emissions (HEM). The inevitable consequence of this action will be an increase in costs and an adequate increase in electricity tariffs. The latter is tantamount to imposing a national tax on all activities and subsistence. Identifying tariff increases with taxes assumes that the burden will fall equally on those who would benefit economically from curbing emissions as well as those who would not. The socio-economic consequences of rising tariffs are very diverse. For most enterprises in Belarus, where the cost of energy resources now amounts to 30-50% of production costs, an increase in tariffs would mean an increase in production costs by 12-40%, uncompetitiveness and bankruptcy.

In countries with a developed market economy, the share of energy resources in the cost of production is an order of magnitude lower than in our country, and the same absolute increase in tariffs increases the cost by only 1-3% and is not accompanied by qualitative changes (see Fig. 3.1, page 15). From the latter, in particular, it follows that it is incorrect to transfer environmental and economic decisions from countries with developed economies to countries with emerging market economies.

As, as a result of energy saving, the share of energy carriers in production costs begins to decrease, the introduction of TPV will become more realistic.

Since an increase in tariffs is equivalent to an increase in taxes, it is appropriate to consider the inverse problem: what is the environmental efficiency of centralized investment in various industries and technologies, if improving the quality of life is considered as the objective function.

From the perspective of a taxpayer living in our disadvantaged cities and industrial areas, what is important is not how much emissions from a particular enterprise or industry are reduced, but how much the concentration of harmful substances in the area of ​​residence of the taxpayer and his family will be reduced.

Therefore, the criterion for the effectiveness of environmental investments should be the ratio D C/ D J, Where D C– decrease in concentration, and D J– investments.

As an example, let us give calculations for reducing NO2 concentrations in Minsk. The overwhelming majority of emissions of this substance in the city are caused by energy and motor transport. Omitting the mathematical description of a rather complex environmental and economic model, we will mention only the final figure: investments in the neutralization of NO2 in motor vehicles today are an order of magnitude more effective than investments in catalytic decomposition in the electric power industry, but are inferior to the funds spent on suppressing the generation of NO2 by regime methods.

Continuing to consider the problem from the perspective of the taxpayer (increasing tariffs), it is logical to compare the effectiveness of investments in hot water supply of thermal power plants and district boiler houses with the effectiveness of monetary investments in healthcare, social and other spheres from the standpoint of an increase in the quality of life. There are no studies of this kind, although one can be sure that people faced with a specific choice will in some cases give preference to investing in social spheres. Unfortunately, such a comparison plan is not used to justify the construction and expansion of energy generating capacities.

As can be seen from the above, apparently, the basis for investing in TPN at the next stage should remain the regulatory framework (NLB), which implicitly establishes a compromise between the desires and capabilities of society.

The main elements of environmental NZB energy in the broad sense of the word (namely, thermal power plants, boiler houses, furnaces, transport engines, etc.) are:

Maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the atmosphere of populated areas (MPC);

Maximum permissible specific concentrations of harmful substances in the exhaust gases of energy devices (PRK);

Maximum permissible emissions for a specific industrial facility and industries (MPE).

At present, the environmental health and safety regulations created in the USSR continue to operate in Belarus, a number of provisions of which are outdated or do not correspond to the realities of our lives. The deformation and unjustified tightening of the environmental safety regulations make our country, like other CIS countries, unattractive for investors.

Let us consider these elements of the NZB in more detail.

Maximum permissible concentrations (MPC). Regarding MPCs, the TACIS project “Global Energy Strategy for the Republic of Belarus” says: “... it is proposed to abolish the current Belarusian standards (MACs), which are too stringent and practically impossible, and to adopt the standards in force in the EU. EU standards are motivated and are determined by the level of today's technology and therefore are more realistic in the sense of balancing the requirements for environmental protection (taking into account the well-being of people) and the tasks of economic life."

A comparative analysis shows that for large-tonnage emissions of nitrogen, sulfur and carbon oxides, which account for almost 90% of gross emissions, the MPC of Belarus is respectively 5.8; 1.6 and 10 times tougher than in the European Community. A paradoxical situation has arisen when in large cities there is a significant excess of standards for the amount of sulfur and nitrogen oxides, although these cities comply with EU standards.

To achieve air quality standards in Minsk and regional cities of Belarus, huge investments would have to be made in motor transport, oil refining and energy. For gas cleaning equipment for power engineers alone, this would amount to up to 30% of the initial cost of fixed assets and would increase operating costs, including fuel consumption, by 3-8%.

Exorbitantly strict maximum permissible concentrations lead to deformation (non-optimality) of the placement of electricity and heat generating facilities in industry and the electric power industry and make it difficult to overcome the crisis. Difficulties arise in the placement of technological and energy equipment purchased in the West.

The transition to EU standards will have a particularly beneficial effect on investment in small-scale energy, including those that burn waste from primary production, such as wood waste.

It must be clear that foreign and domestic investors will appear no earlier than the MPC is brought to the EU level. On the issue of justifying various levels of maximum permissible concentrations in the CIS and the world community, a huge amount of experimental, statistical and analytical material has been accumulated, which should only be applied to the conditions of Belarus.

Maximum permissible specific concentrations of harmful substances in exhaust gases (MAC). On the territory of Belarus, specific emission standards are in force and selectively applied in accordance with state standards. Let's consider the economic possibilities of achieving GOST and deeper purification of gases for individual substances.

For nitrogen oxides, the levels recommended by the current GOST can be achieved through reconstruction carried out by the user with a one-time specific cost of 40 dollars/kW and a subsequent cost of suppressing specific emissions of about 0.3-0.6 dollars/kg. These technologies will reduce emissions by 40-45%.

Deeper (80-90%) cleaning requires greater consumption of ammonia and the purchase of chemical catalysis units. Thus, the specific cost of the NO2 suppression technology will be up to $5/kg, while the cost of electricity will increase by 0.6-0.7 cents/kWh.

When fuel oil is burned, almost all the sulfur in the fuel is converted into SO2. When using flue gas purification from SO2 at thermal power plants, specific capital investments are about $200/kW.

Maximum permissible emissions (maximum permissible limit) ). The concept of MPE was introduced by the Union document OND-86, clause 8.5 in order to be able to at least indirectly control the “non-exceedance” of maximum surface concentrations, for the direct measurement of which there were no instruments at that time.

Later, in their practical activities, units of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Belarus used this parameter as a tool for implementing the convention on reducing transboundary transfers of SO2 and NO2, which brought certain positive results. Reducing emissions from power plants had virtually no effect on the concentration of these substances in the atmosphere of cities. At the same time, the additional function of the maximum permissible limit was not fixed by any regulatory document and for each object was determined on a contractual basis with a tendency to become stricter “from what has been achieved.” However, not a single city in Belarus has been able to implement the main condition of the maximum permissible concentration, according to which the sum of the concentrations of the maximum permissible concentration of all sources must be less than the maximum permissible concentration.

Vehicle emissions were not taken into account, although they account for 70-90% of atmospheric pollution with nitrogen and carbon oxides. It is economically impossible not only for Belarus, but also for the richer CIS countries to solve this problem within the framework of the current MPCs.

A demonstration of the imperfection of the environmental safety precautions and the lack of a systematic environmental-economic approach is the construction of the Minsk Thermal Power Plant-5 (ATEP), one of the arguments for locating it near the Belarusian capital was the fact that the city background in terms of the sum of SO2 and NO2 twice exceeds the maximum permissible concentration (according to EU standards, there is no excess was).

After the Chernobyl disaster, it was decided to build a gas-oil CHPP-5 at the ATPP site with the same argument: the city’s background is overloaded and an increase in emissions within the city is unacceptable. Compared to alternative thermal power plants in the city, this required the construction of 40 km of heating networks costing about $140 million, the creation of a new city with infrastructure and huge losses associated with supplying heat over a long distance. In a hypothetical case (according to EU standards), the power of CHPP-5 could be “decomposed” into smaller CHPPs and located in the suburbs. This would make it possible to save huge capital investments and have cheap electricity generation at the thermal consumer in the future.

Emissions fees. They are closely related to the MPE value and pursue one of two possible goals. First, these fees should be commensurate with the costs of curbing emissions and thereby stimulate market mechanisms for the acquisition of appropriate TPV.

Secondly, currently, emissions fees are an order of magnitude lower than the costs of TPV. They do not stimulate any real actions by managers and are a form of tax, the collection of which is not always enshrined in law. Since the energy sector is a natural monopoly, emissions fees (through tariffs for heat and electricity) place a burden on the consumer, reducing consumption and in no way stimulating emissions reduction.

For industry, an increase in tariffs means an increase in the cost of each “redistribution”, as a result of which the final product may turn out to be (often the case) uncompetitive. Particularly painful for industry are multiple fines imposed for exceeding the maximum permissible limit. Meanwhile, from an environmental point of view, exceeding the maximum permissible limit, with the exception of extraordinary, emergency emissions, is accompanied by a proportional, and not an avalanche-like, increase in damage, and penalties are physically unconvincing.

Over the past decade, there has been increasing recognition of the mutual influence of a healthy environment and sustainable economic development. At the same time, the world was undergoing major political, social and economic changes as many countries began programs to radically restructure their economies. Thus, studying the impact of general economic measures on the environment has become a problem of serious importance and requiring an urgent solution.

This work makes an attempt to consider environmental problems in the development of industrial production and in particular the energy industry, as well as in other related areas, including in the field of limiting harmful emissions, rational use of natural resources, valuation of environmental objects and environmental indicators, national action plans in the field of environmental protection and social policy.

It should also be said that general economic reforms sometimes lead to unforeseen damage to the environment. The existence of outdated policies, market imperfections and institutional structures elsewhere in the economy can interact in unintended ways with broader economic reforms and create incentives for overuse of natural resources and environmental degradation. Correcting this situation does not usually require abandoning the original economic policy. Instead, certain additional measures are required to correct market imperfections, organizational structures or outdated policies. Such measures usually not only have a positive impact on the environment, but are also a critical component of the success of overall economic reforms.

Although general economic measures are not aimed at purposefully influencing the state of nature and the environment, they can affect it, both for the better and for the worse. These include: changing exchange rates or interest rates, reducing government deficits, opening up markets, liberalizing trade, strengthening the role of the private sector, and strengthening institutional frameworks. They are often accompanied by price reforms and other reforms in key economic sectors such as industry, agriculture and energy. The study of links between general economic activities and the environment is currently based on empirical analysis of materials from specific countries (i.e., focused on case studies). When conducting research to identify such relationships, a set of analytical methods and approaches is used. The analysis shows the difficulty of developing a common methodology to identify all the environmental impacts of policy reforms. However, it also shows that careful consideration of specific cases of significant environmental impacts can help identify better ways to deal with them, and provides some practical recommendations for applying its findings to your work.

As for energy, it follows from what is stated in this work:

– equipment for removing 80-90% of toxic energy emissions or purifying fuel oil from sulfur can be purchased in unlimited quantities on the domestic and world markets. Power engineers have the personnel and construction and installation base to commission such equipment and operate it;

– the current air quality standards in Belarus, MPCs, are many times stricter than world standards, are economically unattainable and are a source of environmental subjectivism;

– the existing level of payments for emissions and the system of fines for exceeding the maximum permissible limit have no scientific and economic justification and are constantly changing. In essence, this is an additional tax with an unclear recipient, and this is a serious obstacle for investors;

– the closure of the environmental and investment problem within the industry, including in the energy sector, is nothing more than a tribute to traditional thinking, including management. From a pragmatic point of view, it is more rational to introduce an environmental tax with subsequent investment in those sectors and technologies where this will significantly improve the quality of life.

Nature conservation is the task of our century, a problem that has become social. To fundamentally improve the situation, targeted and thoughtful actions will be needed. A responsible and effective policy towards the environment will be possible only if we accumulate reliable data on the current state of the environment, reasonable knowledge about the interaction of important environmental factors, and if we develop new methods for reducing and preventing harm caused to nature by humans.

1. Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Environmental Protection”. "People's newspaper" - January 15, 1993

2. “The procedure for accrual and contribution to budget funds for nature protection in 1998.” (Approved by the State Committee for Natural Resources of the Republic of Belarus No. 02/62, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic of Belarus No. 02-8/2528, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus No. 17 dated July 22, 1998)

3. Akimova T.A., Khaskin V.V. Fundamentals of ecodevelopment. Tutorial. – M.: Publishing house of the Russian Economic Academy named after. G.V. Plekhanov, 1994. – 312 p.

4. Golub A.A., Strukova E.B. Economic methods of environmental management. –M.: Nauka, 1993. –136 p.

5. Neverov A.V. Environmental economics. Textbook for universities. –Minsk: Higher School, 1990. –216 p.

6. Bystrakov Yu.I., Kolosov A.V. Economics and ecology. –M.: Agropromizdat, 1988. –204 p.

7. Magazine “Energetik” No. 3 – No. 8, 1998.

The return rate is the ratio of the difference between the estimated fee and actual contributions to the funds to the estimated fee (as a percentage).

The industrial complex occupies a leading position in terms of the intensity of its impact on the environment. The main reasons for this primacy are: imperfect production technologies, excessive concentration - both territorial and within one enterprise, and the lack of reliable environmental protection structures. The imperfection of modern technologies does not allow the complete processing of raw materials. Most of it returns to nature in the form of waste. According to some scientists, finished products make up 1 - 2% of the raw materials used, and the rest are returned as waste to the biosphere, polluting its components.

Based on the degree and nature of the impact (based on the volume of industrial waste), fuel and energy, metallurgical, chemical forestry and construction complexes are distinguished. Attracting attention is the large emission of gaseous sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere - one of the harmful pollutants of industrial origin; in atmospheric conditions it turns into sulfuric acid and causes acid rain.

The main sources of air pollution in our country are machines and installations using sulfur-containing coals, oil, and gas.

Significantly polluting the atmosphere are motor transport, thermal power plants, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, oil and gas refining, chemical and forestry industries. A large amount of harmful substances enter the atmosphere with vehicle exhaust gases, and their share in air pollution is constantly growing; According to some estimates, in Russia - more than 30%, and in the USA - more than 60% of the total emission of pollutants into the atmosphere.

With the growth of industrial production and its industrialization, environmental protection measures based on MPC standards and their derivatives become insufficient to reduce already formed pollution. Therefore, it is natural to turn to the search for integrated characteristics that, reflecting the real state of the environment, would help to choose the environmentally and economically optimal option, and in contaminated (disturbed) conditions, determine the order of restoration and health measures.

With the transition to the path of intensive economic development, an important role is given to the system of economic indicators endowed with the most important functions of economic activity: planning, accounting, evaluation, control and incentives. Like any systemic formation, which is not an arbitrary set, but interconnected elements in a certain integrity, economic indicators are designed to express the final result, taking into account all phases of the reproduction process.

One of the important reasons for the increase in the environmental intensity of the economy was the wear and tear of equipment exceeding all acceptable standards. In basic industries and transport, wear and tear on equipment, including wastewater treatment equipment, reaches 70-80%. With the continued operation of such equipment, the likelihood of environmental disasters increases sharply. Typical in this regard was the oil pipeline accident in the Arctic region of Komi near Usinsk. As a result, up to 100 thousand tons of oil spilled onto the fragile ecosystems of the North, according to various estimates. This environmental disaster became one of the largest in the world in the 90s, and it was caused by the extreme deterioration of the pipeline. The accident received worldwide publicity, although according to some Russian experts, it is one of many - others were simply hidden. For example, in the same Komi region, according to the interdepartmental commission on environmental safety, 890 accidents occurred.

The economic damage of environmental disasters is colossal. With the funds saved as a result of preventing accidents, it would be possible to reconstruct the fuel and energy complex over the course of several years and significantly reduce the energy intensity of the entire economy. Damage caused to nature during the production and consumption of products is the result of irrational environmental management. An objective need has arisen to establish relationships between the results of economic activity and the environmental friendliness of manufactured products and the technology of their production. In accordance with the law, this requires additional costs from work collectives, which must be taken into account when planning. At an enterprise, it is advisable to distinguish between environmental protection costs associated with the production of products and with bringing the product to a certain level of environmental quality, or with replacing it with another, more environmentally friendly one.

The main source of hydrocarbons and the main energy carrier in Russia is oil. Enterprises of the Russian fuel and energy complex, including oil production and transportation, despite a decrease in production volumes, remain the largest source of environmental pollution in industry. Environmental problems begin already at the stage of crude oil production and its transportation to the consumer.

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1.1 Nature (physiographic parameters)

1.2 Economy (history)



3.1 Main workshops (process chain)

3.2 Environmental service of the plant

3.3. Modern standards

3.4. Water treatment problems

3.5 Solutions and the need to create something new for the plant

3.6 Health activities



5.1 Liability for environmental offenses in the Russian Federation

5.2 The place and role of law enforcement agencies in solving environmental problems




In Greek, “ekos” means “house”, “logos” means “science”. Ecology is the science of home, of place of residence. The entire Earth is home to the creatures that live on it.

The development of industry became a revolution in the relationship between man and nature. Modern industry requires a huge amount of natural substances. When they are extracted, natural ecosystems are destroyed, in place of which cities, enterprises, mines, quarries, roads, pipelines, communication and power lines are created. The total volume extracted from the bowels of the planet is about 300 billion tons per year.

Chemical pollutants and radioactive waste so far poison mainly coastal waters, while the open ocean remains relatively clean. However, the ongoing “chemical attack” on the ecosystems of the World Ocean will inevitably lead to the fact that in the 21st century its central regions will also lose their current conditional well-being, and marine pollution will become fully global.

The problem of environmental protection facing humanity is currently becoming more acute and coming to the fore. Moreover, large-scale depletion of natural resources, destruction of forests and many other activities continue that worsen the environmental situation on the planet. An environmental catastrophe has come incredibly close. The “ozone hole”, radioactive pollution, global warming, and the state of air basins in large cities clearly indicate that our habitat is depleted to the limit. The solution to the issue of survival, preserving the health of people and creating normal conditions for their life depends on our activity in the field of environmental protection.

The term “environmental protection” refers to economic, legal, socio-political and organizational and economic mechanisms that would bring the load on the environment in line with its “tensile strength”.

In this regard, the economic aspect of the problem becomes very relevant. In fact, all calls for environmental protection and for carrying out activities of this kind must necessarily be supported by a set of economic and other measures to influence those who ignore these calls. It is impossible to talk about environmental protection in the age of business and the development of industrial technologies other than in economic categories.

The enterprise I am considering in my work belongs to the chemical industry. Chemical industry enterprises belong to the group of industries that primarily pollute the atmosphere.

To assess the danger of air pollution, so-called maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants are established. These are indicators that, if exceeded, may cause problems with the functioning of the human body. Maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) should not be exceeded in the atmosphere of cities. However, in reality these norms are not always observed. Air pollution-related diseases alone kill 2.7 million people worldwide every year.

Pollutants are transformed in the atmosphere under the influence of solar radiation and water vapor. For example, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, combining with water, form tiny droplets of sulfuric and nitric acids. Together with precipitation, they reach the Earth's surface. Acid rain causes an increase in the acidity of water in rivers and lakes; soils are also susceptible to acidification by rain and melt water. All this leads to the death of living beings in the aquatic environment and the death of soil organisms, and to impaired fertility. Acidified soil waters destroy the foundations of houses and cause corrosion of metal water and sewerage pipes. If we calculate just the economic damage from emissions alone into the atmosphere of one chemical industry enterprise, it will exceed the income of this enterprise from profit, not to mention the damage to the health of its own workers. But for some reason, these losses are rarely calculated by anyone, unfortunately.

The line separating the current state of our planet from an economic catastrophe is so thin that we should not talk about “ecology in general,” but about the size of deviations of the ecological characteristics of our environment from the values ​​​​of the minimum necessary for the life of the planet’s inhabitants. Today, these values ​​are included in the rank of mandatory environmental standards.

The 20th century brought humanity many benefits associated with the rapid development of scientific and technological progress, and at the same time brought life on Earth to the brink of an environmental disaster.

Every enterprise in any industry must care not only about making a profit, but also about the threat the technologies used, waste from the use of processed raw materials, and the operation of the equipment itself pose to the environment.

Let's look at a specific example, namely at the synthetic fiber plant in Volzhsky, what kind of environmental problems arise during the production process and how these problems are solved at this enterprise.


1.1 Nature (physiographic parameters)

The southeast of the European part of Russia occupies the territory of mainly the Lower and Middle Volga region, among the vast European-Asian continent, far from the Atlantic Ocean, which has a great influence on the climate of Western Europe.

The unity of the southeast is determined mainly by the dominant influence of a homogeneous climate - arid, continental and quite variable throughout the entire territory.

Under climate the most frequently repeated weather features for a given area are understood, creating a typical regime of temperature, humidification, and atmospheric circulation. At the same time, “typical” refers to those traits that remain practically unchanged over one generation, i.e. about 30-40 years. These features include not only average values, but also indicators of variability, such as, for example, the amplitude of temperature fluctuations.

Climatic factors under the influence of which climate is formed:

1. the amount of solar energy falling on the earth's surface;

2. physical properties of air masses entering the Volga region in the general atmospheric circulation system;

3. local factors of climate formation, determined mainly by the nature of the underlying surface, changing human activities and relief features.

There are two types of currents on a general circulation scale:

1. westerly flows, sharply expressed only in the upper layers of the atmosphere;

2. movements of air masses associated with moving cyclones and anticyclones.

Here the ocean influences the climate less than the continent. The Volgograd region is located too far from the Atlantic Ocean, among the vast European-Asian continent, the drying influence of which is much stronger than the moisturizing effect of the warm Atlantic Ocean.

Arctic occurrences are usually associated with a sharp drop in air temperature, especially with additional cooling in clear weather; frosts occur in spring and autumn.

Temperate sea air enters the southeast relatively rarely, more often in winter than in summer. In winter, moderate sea air brings a significant increase in temperature, less often until thaws; in summer, it’s the other way around. Under the influence of local conditions, sea air quickly transforms into continental temperate air.

Cyclonic weather prevails in winter, and anticyclonic weather in summer.

In summer, the Asian High is replaced by a South Asian low pressure area and at the same time a spur of the Azores anticyclone emerges from the west.

Southwestern cyclones, often of Mediterranean and Black Sea origin, also play a decisive role in moistening in summer.

Let us analyze the variability of air temperature in the city of Volzhsky using the example of readings from one winter and one summer month:

average - 9.6;

the highest of the average monthly -0.7;

the smallest of the average monthly - 18.3;

amplitude - 17.6.

average - 24.2;

the highest of the average monthly periods - 27.8;

the smallest of the average monthly - 20.5;

amplitude - 7.3.

In the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain, the soil freezes 80 cm - 100 cm due to moisture (the heat capacity of wet soil is greater than dry soil).

Heating and cooling of air occurs mainly under the influence of the underlying surface - soil, vegetation and snow cover. Heating and cooling of air depends on the state of the atmosphere - cloudiness, moisture content, dust content.


Winter is harsh, the cold period is four months.

1.2 Economy (history)

Our region has a rich history. Which originates in the depths of centuries.

Once upon a time, not far from these places, Tsarev was the capital of the Golden Horde; later the Cossack freemen of Stepan Razin walked here. In the 18th century Peter I visited our area. In 1720, he issued a Decree on the construction of a silk factory on the Akhtuba River. For these purposes, people without family or tribe were rounded up for construction. This is how the village of Bezrodnoye arose with a population of 7 thousand people. The first Russian silk was produced. According to the then Astrakhan governor Beketov, silk mined in Akhtuba is of better quality than Astrakhan.

On February 24, 1772, Catherine II issued a decree on the Akhtubinsk silk factories, in which she determined the status of peasants assigned to silk factories, who were ordered to carry out work not for the treasury, but for their own benefit, i.e. each family, not at the factory, but in their homes, and with the processed silk to pay state taxes instead of money from each soul at a price of 2 rubles 74 kopecks. The peasants were allocated the appropriate number of acres of arable land, meadows and forests for each soul, and each family was allocated plots of mulberry forests. The plots where settlers would plant mulberry trees were claimed to be owned forever.

The Empress closely followed the development of the Akhtuba silk factories and was aware of all the affairs and events that took place there.

Silk production was a completely independent and profitable industry in Soviet times. The regional silk was subordinate only to the Ministry of Agriculture of the RSFSR. The manager of the Stalingrad regional sericulture office was then M.E. Koshkodaev. But despite a number of government regulations, the business died out and did not develop. From year to year, collective farms suffered heavy losses and categorically refused repeated feeding - the main basis of the “harvest” of cocoons.

In the city of Volzhsky and in the surrounding villages there are still people who remember the stories of their parents about sericulture, and some themselves raised silkworms.

After failures with silk production, Poitmensky collective farms began to specialize in growing vegetables, for which the local climate was well suited.

In 1950, the first surveyors’ tents appeared on the deserted shore of Akhtuba. Soon after them came the builders who founded a new city near the great Russian river Volga. We call the founder of the city the former head of the construction of the hydroelectric complex, Fedor Georgievich Loginov.

In 1954, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated July 22, the working settlement of hydraulic workers was transformed into the city of Volzhsky.

The construction of the Volzhskaya hydroelectric power station marked the beginning of the development of industry in the city. And from a city of hydraulic engineers, Volzhsky is gradually becoming a city of power engineers, chemists, and machine builders. Here is one of the country's largest plants for the production of pipes of various diameters, including seamless ones, the largest plant for the production of synthetic rubber, as well as other enterprises that are among the country's leading in their industry.


Volzhsky Chemical Fiber Production Association is one of the largest enterprises producing synthetic threads and fibers.

The enterprise began to be built in 1960. In April 1965, a pilot plant was put into commissioning, and on May 1, 1965, the first batch of polyamide resin crumbs was received. On March 25, 1966, the state commission commissioned polyamide cord production facilities. The year of foundation of the enterprise is considered to be 1996.

In January 1968, the second stage of the plant was put into operation - a flow of polyamide silk. The day of September 5, 1975 has forever entered the annals of the enterprise. On this day, the first kilograms of a new product were received - spandex polyurethane thread.

In 1983, the Volzhsky Synthetic Fiber Plant was transformed into the production association "Khimvolokno", on the basis of which on January 15, 1993, the Open Joint Stock Company "Volzhskoye Khimvolokno" was established, the founder of which was the Property Management Committee of the Volgograd Region. The governing body of the Company was the Board of Directors. Executive functions were carried out by the Board.

In 1999, the plant was transformed into OJSC Sibur-Volzhsky.

Chemical fibers are the basis of many branches of modern industry. The company produces polyamide (nylon) threads for textile and technical purposes, polyurethane highly elastic spandex threads.

Today the company produces more than 23 types of main products and 45 types of consumer goods. This is nylon cord fabric for the tire industry, nylon threads for technical purposes, for the production of products from the fishing industry, for rubber products, for the textile and knitting industry, polyurethane threads for the textile and haberdashery, textile and knitting industries.


3.1 Main workshops (process chain)

OJSC Sibur-Volzhsky produces polyamide textile threads, nylon fiber and highly elastic spandex threads.

In the production of polyamide threads and capron fibers, at the first stage of polymer production, polyamidation of the initial raw material - caprolactam - is carried out.

Liquid caprolactam from the warehouse is pumped into a mixing tank, where activator and molecular weight regulator additives are added. Distilled water is used as an activator, and acetic acid is used as a molecular weight regulator. Then caprolactam with additives is thoroughly mixed for 15-20 minutes and taken for analysis, followed by its transfer by a submersible pump to the dispenser. A paired dispenser continuously provides dosage of the components suspension of titanium dioxide and caprolactam with additives in ANP-5.5.

ANP-5.5 consists of two vertical pipes that communicate at the bottom and form a V-shaped vessel. One of the pipes is made longer than the other to create pressure. ANP-5.5 consists of 8 main and 2 connecting sections. To prevent oxidation of the melt, nitrogen is supplied to sections I and VIII.

All sections of the apparatus and the cover are connected with bolts and installed on metal structures; injection blocks for casting a polyamide resin core with drives are also installed here.

Molding blocks are connected to ANP-5.5 through a distribution pipe with shut-off valves.

For heating, all sections of ANP-5.5 have jackets; dinil is used as a coolant.

The polyamidation time of caprolactam is 28-30 hours.

The melt descends into the lower sections, is heated even more through the connecting section, enters the right pipe, rises through the outer annular space and in section VIII is poured into the inner pipe. The melting level in it is maintained at 60±6%, so in the inner surface the melt merges into a thin layer and is degassed. The vapors of water and oligomers released in this case are removed from the upper part of section VIII through a water seal similar to the water seal of section I.

Streams of resin pour out of the holes into the water. They pass under a corrugated roller, harden into veins and, along a stationary roller through water collectors, enter the pulling rollers and from them to a cutting machine, where the veins are continuously cut into pieces and crumbs.

The resin crumbs are continuously washed off with water into two-section receiving apparatuses, where they are stored under a layer of water until loaded into the extractor.

Granulator drying and extraction.

The UNES-12 continuous extraction and drying installation is designed for processing polycaproamide granulates using a “soft” technological extraction and drying mode, which ensures uniform quality indicators of the spent granulate and a high content of NMS in the waste water.

The granulate with water is hydraulically transported from a 2-section tank into the forextractor, which is designed to accumulate granulate before extraction and continuously load the extractor. Excess water flows through the overflow into the tanks of the gas turbine unit.

From the forextractor, granulate is pumped into the extractor by a feeder, where the level is controlled by level sensors.

Extraction of the granulate is carried out using a variable water movement system with a heating system.

The extractor is designed for continuous extraction of polycaproamide NMS from granulate with hot water passing through the granulate layer in an alternating direction.

The granulate is unloaded from the extractor through a pipe. Thus, the layer of granulate moves downward in the extractor body and is washed by water in an alternating direction.

The water flow enters and exits through a manifold with grids and a pipe.

To ensure variable movement of water, there are separation tanks A and B in the extractor body.

There is a safety tank to prevent hot water from entering the distribution device.

For continuous renewal of extraction water, the installation is equipped with a make-up line for fresh softened water.

The granulate drying system consists of the following main equipment: thickeners, centrifuges, dryers, turbogenerators, fans.

Using a switch, the granulate with water is sent by hydraulic transport to one of the thickeners, where preliminary separation of the hydraulic transport water occurs. Next, the granulate enters the centrifuge rotor, where mechanical removal of moisture occurs.

From the thickener and centrifuge it enters the dryer through one of the pneumatically driven valves.

Drying of the granulate in the dryer is carried out with hot nitrogen passing through the layer of granulate towards its movement.

Nitrogen circulation in a closed loop is carried out by installing a fan and a gas turbocharger. To dry the nitrogen, the installation uses a condenser in which cold water circulates.

The dried granulate enters the heat exchanger and, passing through the pipe space, is cooled with distilled water. The cooled granulate enters the dispenser and is poured through a distributor and valves with pneumatic drives into one of the intermediate hoppers, where it accumulates up to the upper level sensor, which signals the operator about the need to unload the full hopper. In this case, the valve corresponding to the filled hopper and the corresponding valve open, and the upper valve closes. Thus, the granulate is pneumatically transported through an ejector for further processing in the spinning shop.

The granulate is unloaded to the lower level sensor, which gives a signal about the end of unloading, the opening of the upper and closing of the lower valves. After which the process is repeated.

To transport granulate from the chemical shop to the spinning lines, a pneumatic transport unit (PTU) is used, with the help of which the granulate from the intermediate hopper SND is transported in a nitrogen stream to the four-section tanks of the spinning shop. The PTU is installed using a monitor.

Forming threads on machinesSSW"Barmag".

From the hopper, the granulate flows by gravity into the loading zone of a horizontal extruder type 9E8/24D.

Screw diameter 90 mm, screw length - 24 diameters.

To prevent premature melting of the granulate and its sticking to the walls, the loading zone of the extruder is cooled with softened water. Water consumption (0.4±0.6) m 3 /hour.

To prevent oxidation of the granulate, the inlet area is flushed with nitrogen. Nitrogen consumption (15-20) l/hour.

The extruder has 5 heating zones with individual temperature control in each zone. Extruder heating is electric. In the loading zone of the extruder, the granulate is captured by the screw turns and transported towards the measuring head.

As it moves through the screw, the granulate melts due to electrical heating and the resulting heat friction.

The melt is fed under pressure into the measuring head, where it is homogenized: the melt is equalized in temperature and viscosity. The melt temperature is measured in the IZG. The measuring head is equipped with a pressure measuring sensor of the Dinisko type, with the help of which the melt pressure is automatically controlled by changing the speed of the extruder screw.

The measuring head is heated by dinyl vapor. To protect against metal contaminants, a metal mesh filter is installed in it.

The melt leaving the extruder head is directed through a melt pipeline to four spinning beams with three eight-thread spinning positions each. The melt pipe and beams are heated by dinil vapor passing through their jackets. Each spinning position is equipped with two four-jet dosing pumps and eight spinning sets.

The dosing pumps are installed from above into the spinning beam. Before each additional pump there is a glass transition valve to interrupt the melt flow.

Installation of spinning sets is carried out from below into the spinning beam. The dosing pumps are driven individually. The speed control of the dosing pumps is carried out using a static converter simultaneously for 12 places on the machine. The dosing pump supplies the melt to the spinneret set using pressure. The spinning set is designed for thread formation with preliminary filtration of the melt. The filter is a set of meshes with different numbers of cells per unit area and 2 layers of silicon carbide with different particle sizes.

Streams of melt exit the filter into the blowing shaft, where they are continuously blown by an air flow directed perpendicular to the movement of the thread. Air is supplied at a constant speed of a certain temperature and humidity. A device is provided for suction of caprolactam vapors. Immediately after the blowing shaft, the thread is subjected to preparation. The lubricant is applied to the thread using a nozzle. Next, the thread enters the accompanying shaft, then into the receiving and winding part of the machine, where it is wound onto a bobbin.

Productivity of finished products from the SSW machine (freshly spun polyamide thread, partially oriented).

2.2 tex from 24 places (I extruder) - 1.5 t/day;

3.3 tex from 24 places (I extruder) - 2.0 t/day.

Freshly formed undrawn thread of different linear densities from the spinning shop is supplied to the textile thread shop via an overhead conveyor.

On GK-6 S-12 machines from Barmag, the process of drawing freshly formed thread, texturing the drawn thread using the method of “complex” torsion through a friction mechanism and heating in a thermosetting chamber, pneumatic connection, oiling, and winding the thread onto a cartridge are carried out.

The production capacity of textured yarns is 1200-1500 t/year.

The process of obtaining complex thread is carried out on a Textima 3008 twisting and drawing machine, where the thread is drawn and twisted.

The production capacity of filament yarn is 500 tons/year.

Production capacity and product output by year.

The company produces polyamide PA (nylon) threads for textile and technical purposes, polyamide fibers, as well as polyurethane highly elastic spandex threads.

As of January 1, 2000, the production capacity of Sibur-Volzhsky OJSC amounted to 33.88 thousand tons/year, including production of:

Textile threads - 5.68 thousand tons/year;

Nylon threads for cordon fabric and textile products - 24.9 thousand tons/year;

Production of highly elastic spandex thread - 1.0 thousand tons/year.

For 2001, OJSC Sibur-Volzhsky plans to produce the following types of products:

Cord nylon fabric, which is used in the tire industry as a frame for cars and agricultural machinery in the amount of 26,400 thousand m 2 /year;

Technical nylon threads used in the manufacture of technical and cord fabrics in the amount of 11.48 thousand tons/year;

Textured nylon threads used for the manufacture of tights, hosiery, knitwear in the amount of 3,160 thousand tons/year;

Highly elastic polyurethane spandex thread used for the production of consumer goods: tights, swimsuits, tracksuits, corsage, haberdashery and medical products in the amount of 920 tons/year;

Nylon fibers used for the production of synthetic carpets, bases for linoleum, non-woven materials in the amount of 330 tons/year.

Description of the technological process for producing polyamide threads.

The production process for producing polyamide yarns consists of the following stages:

1. polyamidation of caprolactam (main raw material);

2. obtaining polycaproamide granulate;

3. extraction and drying of granulate;

4. formation of threads from the polymer melt;

5. textile processing of threads (drawing, twisting, rewinding, texturing, production of cord fabric depending on the assortment)

The main production shops - chemical and spinning - operate continuously.

The technological process for the production of spandex polyurethane thread consists of the following stages:

1. obtaining polyfurite (PTMEG) by polymerization of tetrahydrofuran and subsequent processing of the polymer;

2. obtaining a polyurethane spinning solution by reacting PTMEG with diisocyanate and the resulting fornopolymer with chain extension with diamine;

3. formation of a polyurethane highly elastic thread from a polymer solution.

Polyurethane threads are produced in 9 linear densities from 2.2 tex. up to 125 tex. To meet the high requirements for the quality of raw materials, they are subjected to additional purification directly at the enterprise - rocktification, distillation.

All production, except for the finished product sorting area and support services, operates continuously.

3.2 Environmental service of the plant

An environmental service has been created at the Sibur-Volzhsky OJSC enterprise, which is an environmental bureau within the safety and environmental department.

The Bureau reports to the Deputy Technical Director for Safety and Environment. The Environmental Bureau consists of a leading environmental engineer, appointed and dismissed by order of the head of the enterprise. Upon submission by the Deputy Technical Director for Safety and Environment and in agreement with the Technical Director.

The leading environmental engineer provides methodological management of the sanitary laboratory. The work of the environmental service is based on annual plans.

The purpose of the service is to ensure environmental safety both at the enterprise itself and in the city as a whole. In other words, the environmental service of the enterprise cooperates with the environmental services of the city. The main task of the environmental sector is to organize work at the enterprise to ensure environmental protection from pollution by emissions of harmful substances from industrial waste, reducing water consumption and wastewater disposal, rational use of natural resources, and recycling of industrial waste. In accordance with this main task, the Ecology Bureau performs the following functions:

1. Develops, with the participation of interested departments, workshops, and services of the enterprise, annual long-term action plans for nature protection and rational use of natural resources, prepares them for approval in the manner determined by the management of the enterprise, coordinates them with the inspecting authorities and monitors their implementation.

2. Organizes systematic monitoring of the quality of wastewater, gas emissions, the content of harmful substances in the air of the working area, the operation of general plant and local wastewater and gas emissions treatment plants, facilities for the neutralization and disposal of industrial waste, the level of illumination and noise in production premises.

3. Organizes and monitors the implementation of instructions from inspecting organizations on environmental issues.

4. Compiles and ensures timely submission of statistical reporting according to the forms of the Central Statistical Office of the Russian Federation, as well as reports on the results of monitoring the air environment, wastewater, noise, and lighting to the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance.

5. Provides methodological guidance, coordination and control of environmental activities of departments, services and divisions of the enterprise, takes part in the review and approval of technological regulations of production in terms of industrial emissions into the environment, as well as standards for the consumption of material resources.

6. Participates in the work of commissions of higher inspection organizations that examine the state of environmental protection at the enterprise.

7. Participates in the work of the commission for the commissioning of industrial facilities and production facilities according to the instructions and in the manner determined by the management of the enterprise.

8. Carries out a consolidated accounting of the amount of waste released into the environment.

9. Organizes an investigation into the causes and consequences of volley emissions of harmful substances into the environment, analyzes the actions of personnel and heads of departments to prevent and eliminate the consequences of volley emissions, prepares proposals to management on measures to prevent such emissions and punish those responsible.

10. Prepares certificates, reports, draft orders, responses to letters, complaints, as well as other documents related to environmental protection issues.

The environmental safety system is multidimensional and includes economic, technological, health safety, as well as a system for ensuring the city’s culture.

The Environmental Service considers problems of air pollution, drainage of chemical contaminants and household wastewater, and disposal of solid industrial waste.

In collaboration with technological services and production departments, he works on the tasks of improving treatment facilities and on the introduction of new treatment technologies and ensuring the environmental safety of workers and the population of his hometown and enterprise.

The service's tasks also include planning funds for environmental protection. As for the quality of work of the environmental service. The key to its increase is the intensification of scientific and applied research, the more active introduction of new information technologies, engineering solutions, and the attraction of highly qualified specialists in the field of environmental protection. And, of course, having a stable own material base and a well-equipped sanitary laboratory is of great importance. The last condition is provided by the enterprise funds.

1. General provisions of the sanitary laboratory of the plant.

1.1. The sanitary laboratory of the enterprise is an independent structural unit and is part of the environmental protection department.

1.2. The sanitary laboratory carries out planned monitoring of compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards according to established schedules, operational control during volley emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and water bodies, and also takes part, together with other services of the enterprise, in conducting comprehensive surveys of production premises in the development of measures aimed at reducing harmful production factors and environmental protection.

1.3. The sanitary laboratory is headed by the head of the laboratory, who is directly headed by the head of the environmental protection department.

1.4. A person with a higher education and at least five years of experience in engineering positions is appointed to the position of head of a sanitary laboratory.

1.5. The methodological management of the sanitary laboratory is carried out by the city sanitary and epidemiological station (SES). The total volume of necessary research at the enterprise and in the sanitary protection zone, reservoirs, etc., schedules for their implementation in workshops, areas and workplaces are developed by the sanitary laboratory of the enterprise with the participation of sanitary doctors, coordinated with the SES and approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise. Monitoring schedules indicating sampling locations regarding wastewater research are coordinated with the authorities for the use and protection of water resources. The schedules must indicate sampling points and locations for other studies agreed upon with the SES. For certain technological operations, at each point it is necessary to conduct a series of studies of at least 3-5, since single samples cannot ensure the reliability of the results obtained.

1.6. The sanitary laboratory in its activities is guided by:

1.6.1. for the control of harmful substances in the air of the working area of ​​industrial premises "Guidelines for organizing control of the state of the air environment of industrial premises and the territory of chemical industry enterprises", agreed with the Deputy Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the USSR on December 17, 1979 No. 122-9/1378-4 and approved Deputy Head of the Department of Safety, Industrial Sanitation and Nature Conservation of the Ministry of Chemical Industry on December 17, 1979; “Technical conditions” and “Methodological instructions” for methods for determining harmful substances in the air, approved by the Main Sanitary and Epidemiological Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Health;

1.6.2. for the control of harmful substances in the atmospheric air - “Guidelines for the control of air pollution”, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the USSR on June 2, 1978 and by the Chairman of the USSR State Committee for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Control on June 15, 1978;

1.6.3. to control the level of illumination - chapter SNiP II-4-79 “Natural and artificial lighting”;

1.6.4. to control the noise level in industrial premises - GOST 20445-75 “Buildings and structures of industrial enterprises. Methods for measuring noise in workplaces”, GOST 12.1.003-76 “System of occupational safety standards. Noise. General safety requirements" and GOST 12.1.036-81 (Article CMEA 2834-80) "System of occupational safety standards. Noise. Permissible levels in residential and public buildings";

1.6.5. to control the level of vibration GOST 13731-68 “Mechanical vibrations. General requirements for measurements”, GOST 16519-70 “Hand-held machines. Methods for measuring vibration parameters", GOST 12.1.012-78 "System of occupational safety standards. Vibration. General safety requirements and GOST 12.1.034-81 (Article CMEA 1931-79) “System of occupational safety standards. Vibration. General requirements for measurements.

2. Tasks and functions of the sanitary laboratory.

2.1. The main task of the sanitary laboratory is to monitor the content of harmful substances (vapors, gases, aerosols, dust) in the air of the working area of ​​the production premises of the main and auxiliary workshops, in open production areas according to the approved schedule.

2.2. Monitoring the state of air pollution on the territory of the enterprise and in the sanitary protection zone.

2.3. Monitoring the efficiency of installations for the treatment of industrial wastewater and atmospheric emissions.

2.4. Monitoring the effectiveness and operation of new technological processes that reduce or stop the flow of pollutants into the air by analyzing them.

2.5. Control of wastewater through systematic laboratory studies of one-time, average monthly or average daily samples of wastewater from individual production units and general plant wastewater before releasing it into a reservoir, into a city sewer or the sewer network of another enterprise.

2.6. Carrying out certification of sources of wastewater pollution and ventilation emissions.

2.7. Monitoring the level of noise, vibration, lighting and other harmful production factors in accordance with approved schedules.

2.8. Test results must be documented:

In the journal of initial registration of analyzes and measurements immediately after they are carried out;

In the summary log of analyzes and measurements.

Summary logs are stored in the sanitary laboratory permanently.

3. Responsibilities and rights of the head of a sanitary laboratory.

The head of the sanitary laboratory has the right and obligation:

3.1. Ensure the fulfillment of the main tasks and functions of the sanitary laboratory of the enterprise.

3.2. Verify the implementation of government decisions, orders and directive letters of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, instructions of inspection bodies, enterprise management and production (services) on compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in workshops, as well as pollution of atmospheric air and water bodies by industrial emissions.

3.3. Participate in comprehensive surveys of workshops and individual areas, as well as in the development of measures aimed at reducing harmful production factors and protecting the environment.

3.4. In cases of disruption of the cleaning system, as well as in the event of a threat of burst or sustained emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and water bodies, give instructions to the heads of workshops, production (services) to take urgent measures with immediate notification of the chief engineer of the enterprise.

3.5. If elevated concentrations of harmful substances and other harmful factors are detected compared to sanitary standards, immediately inform the head of the workshop, shift, or area to take urgent measures to protect workers and eliminate the danger, followed by control analyses.

3.6. In case of exceeding sanitary standards, which can lead to accidents, poisoning and diseases, confirmed by repeated tests, immediately notify in writing the chief engineer of the enterprise and the head of the workshop.

3.7. Compile requests for chemical reagents, laboratory glassware, instruments and auxiliary materials in a timely manner.

3.8. Take part in the development of new standards and technical specifications.

3.9. Participate in the development of measures of moral and material incentives to improve the quality of analyzes performed.

3.10. Ensure that laboratory equipment and workplaces of laboratory workers are in good condition and take measures to eliminate existing deficiencies.

3.11. Monitor the maintenance of laboratory journals and timely registration of test results.

3.12. Implement regulations on organizing work to ensure 100% compliance with safety regulations.

3.13. Conduct weekly inspections of workplaces, check the condition of laboratory equipment, compliance with the requirements and rules of safety instructions by laboratory personnel. Involve a public labor safety inspector in this work. Take all necessary measures to eliminate identified violations. Record the results of the inspection in the preventive safety log.

3.14. Ensure the correct organization of workplaces and the use of personal protective equipment by employees.

3.15. Instruct and train subordinate personnel in safe working methods. Do not allow persons to work who have not undergone instructions, training and knowledge testing for permission to work independently.

3.16. Conduct monthly meetings at which the causes of accidents and existing violations of safety regulations are analyzed, discuss the implementation of measures defined by orders, instructions, regulations and other safety documents.

3.17. Ensure that approved instructions, posters, safety signs, warning notices and other means of promoting safety are available in the workplace.

3.18. To provide the laboratory workforce with a sense of high responsibility for the assigned work and to show concern for improving their qualifications and professional skills.

3.19. Conduct team work aimed at preventing industrial injuries and accidents.

3.20. Ensure proper operation and efficient operation of ventilation devices, normal lighting of rooms and workplaces, and implementation of measures to combat noise, vibration, and static electricity.

3.21. Conduct timely investigation and recording of industrial accidents. Inform the relevant services and managers about accidents that occurred during the day and the measures taken.

3.22. Ensure compliance by subordinate personnel with rules, instructions, orders and safety regulations.

3.23. Organize the timely development and timely revision of workplace and safety instructions, ensure their coordination and approval in the prescribed manner. Ensure that approved instructions are available at all workplaces.

3.24. Systematically analyze violations of safety regulations that have occurred in the laboratory, develop an action plan aimed at preventing violations of safety regulations.

3.25. Prepare draft orders of the directorate and orders of the chief engineer on issues related to the activities of the laboratory.

3.26. If concentrations exceeding the maximum permissible norms are detected, the shift (shop) supervisor takes measures to eliminate hot spots of air pollution, and at concentrations of 20% of the lower flammability limit, in addition, notifies the management of the enterprise. After taking measures to eliminate air pollution, a repeat analysis is carried out and the analysis results are recorded in a log.

3.27. Submit proposals to the chief engineer on the hiring, dismissal and transfer of workers and on setting wages.

3.28. Submit proposals for bonuses to employees to the chief engineer.

3.29. Represent the enterprise in inspecting authorities, at scientific and technical conferences on issues related to the work of the laboratory.

3.3. Modern standards

We found out that at the first stage of polymer production for the production of polyamide threads and “nylon” fibers, the initial raw material, caprolactam, is polyamidated. Subsequent formation of the thread and fiber is carried out by pressing the polycaproamide melt through a spinneret. The resulting threads and fibers are subjected to drawing, twisting, rewinding and other operations, which were described in detail above.

During the production process, the main hazardous operations from the point of view of air pollution are: polyamide synthesis, molding and drawing of threads and fibers.

In the production of spandex threads, at the first stage, polyester PTMEG (polytetramethylene ether glycol) is obtained, which is the main product for the production of spandex threads. This is followed by the operations of obtaining fluoropolyamide, obtaining a spinning solution, filtration, deaeration, homogenization, thread spinning, and thread processing. Side processes: regeneration of THF (tetrahydrofuran), distillation of butanol from wash water, recovery of DMF (dimethylformamide).

The high-temperature process of producing spandex thread is ensured using the BOT boiler room, where AMT-300 oil is used as a coolant.

The main harmful substances released into the air during this technological process and removed by ventilation systems into the atmosphere: tetrahydrofuran, butanol, dimethylformaldehyde, AMT-300 oil aerosol.

Caprolactam, which, as already mentioned, is the starting material for the production of caprone fibers, is nothing more than E-aminocaproic acid lactam. It is soluble in water, alcohol, benzene. It does not have pronounced skin irritating effects. Its maximum permissible concentration in the air of the working area is 10 mg/m3.

The starting material for the production of “spandex” is tetrahydrofuran, which is a colorless mobile liquid, soluble in water, polymized, oxidized with strong acids. Refers to drugs that irritate mucous membranes. Its maximum permissible concentration in the air of the working area is 100 mg/m 3 , in the atmosphere of populated areas the maximum one-time and average daily maximum permissible concentration is 0.2 mg/m 3 .

Characterizes production and workshops at the Sibur-Volzhsky OJSC enterprise from the point of view of emissions into the atmosphere.

Main harmful substances. Released during the technological process of producing nylon thread into the air of the working area and removed by ventilation systems into the atmosphere: caprolactam, dinil, acetic acid.

The main harmful substances released during the technological process in the spinning shop into the air of the working area and removed by ventilation systems into the atmosphere: caprolactam, AMT-300 oil aerosol, lubricant aerosol, dinil.

In the hot cord drawing shop - caprolactam, aerosol lubricants Teprem, Syntox-20M; in the textile thread workshop - caprolactam; in the thread pulling area - an aerosol of Tepram and Syntox lubricants.

Now let us characterize the other workshops included in the structure of the plant.

Mechanical repair shop (RMS).

1. Galvanic section - pickling and chrome plating of steel parts;

2. Restoration area - processing of textolite spools, dry grinding of rubber rollers.

The main harmful substances released during the technological process into the air of the working area and removed by ventilation systems into the atmosphere: sulfuric acid, chromic anhydride, textolite and rubber dust.

Repair and construction site (RCS).

The workshop processes wood on woodworking machines. The wood dust released during this process is sucked off by local suction into a cyclone and, after cleaning, is released into the atmosphere.

Electrical boiler shop

This workshop has a demercurization installation for fluorescent lamps with a capacity of 100 thousand units per year. The mercury released during the heat treatment condenses, is partially captured by the sorbent, and after cleaning, the air with traces of mercury is released into the atmosphere through a pipe.

Transport workshop.

The workshop has chargers for car batteries, an electric car, an electrolyte station in the car area, and a fuel filling station. Harmful substances (caustic soda, sulfuric acid) released into the air of the working area during the charging of car and electric car batteries and electrolyte preparation are removed by ventilation systems into the atmosphere.

Harmful substances from gasoline and diesel fuel storage tanks are released into the atmosphere through breathing valves (vapors of gasoline and petroleum products).

Casting area for nylon products.

In the process of casting products from nylon on injection molding machines, caprolactam is released into the air of the working area, which is removed into the atmosphere by the ventilation system.

Warehouse of fuels and lubricants.

In the open area of ​​the plant there are sealed containers (such as railway tanks) of various sizes for storing:

Gasoline - 2 containers with a volume of 50 m 3 each;

Diesel fuel - 1 container with a volume of 30 m 3;

Kerosene - 1 container with a volume of 5 m 3;

Industrial oils of various brands - 7 containers with a volume of 3 m 3 each;

Betanol - 2 containers with a volume of 50 m3 each.

Thick consistency lubricants are stored in a brick building with natural ventilation: technical petroleum jelly, litol, cyatim, grease, cardan grease, costamine fat.

Gasoline, kerosene, oils, butanol are released into the atmosphere during loading and unloading periods.

3.4. Water treatment problems

OJSC Sibur-Volzhsky does not discharge wastewater directly into surface water bodies, but transfers it to the treatment facilities of OJSC Volzhsky Nitrogen Oxygen Plant in accordance with Agreement No. 5/02 dated November 27, 1998.

The problem of water treatment is very acute in the city of Volzhsky. The fines levied on businesses for polluting the environment are not enough to encourage businesses to equip them with more environmentally friendly equipment.

Let's look at the production processes that generate wastewater at the Sibur-Volzhsky OJSC enterprise.

Wastewater after cooling the equipment of the chemical workshop and the main building of the Kapron production facility (storm sewer No. 1 (LK-2). The average wastewater flow rate is 75.15 m 3 /hour.

Actual average


Reset limit, g/hour

Suspended solids

Dense residue


General hardness


Petroleum products

Wastewater after cooling the equipment of the main building of the Kapron production facility (storm sewer No. 2 (LK-24)). The average wastewater flow is 78.49 m 3 /hour.

Indicators of the composition and properties of wastewater

Actual average


Reset limit, g/hour

Suspended solids

Dense residue


General hardness


Petroleum products

Wastewater after cooling the spandex production equipment and the ammonia refrigeration compressor station (storm sewer No. 3 (LK-49)).

Indicators of the composition and properties of wastewater

Actual average


Reset limit, g/hour

Suspended solids

Dense residue



Petroleum products

Wastewater from the chemical, spinning shops for the production of “spandex” (mixed outlet No. 2 (9N)). Average wastewater flow 94/57 m 3 /hour.

Indicators of the composition and properties of wastewater

Actual average


Reset limit, g/hour

Suspended solids

Dense residue



Petroleum products

Analytical control of wastewater from production workshops is carried out by a sanitary laboratory according to a schedule approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise during the daytime. This schedule is coordinated with the Volzhskaya TGHL. If the established standards for harmful substances in wastewater are exceeded, the environmental protection department draws up a report addressed to the head of the workshop.

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