Checking lottery tickets 1 billion rubles. New Year's Russian Lotto drawing “Raffling a Billion” - how to buy tickets and what are the chances of winning? Methods for depositing and withdrawing funds

The Stoloto company has prepared truly New Year's surprises for lovers Russian lotteries.

In the first draw of 2018 in the Russian Lotto, namely in the 1212th draw, prizes will be awarded for a total amount of 2 BILLION rubles, and possibly more. These are not all the surprises that await you on January 1, 2018, first things first.

We’ll start with a detailed story about what prizes you can win in the New Year’s 1212 Russian Lotto draw, what a ticket for the “Billion” prize draw looks like and when it will take place.

    • The lottery organizer guarantees that there will be at least 50 country houses in the drawing. If in the last round in which the country houses, decide more winners, then they will divide the cost of the remaining houses equally.
    • If the jackpot of more than 150 million rubles remains in play after the 15th barrel, then the entire amount will be added to the prize fund of the holiday drawing and approximately every second ticket will win.

Undropped kegs: 30 / 89.

If the ticket does not contain the numbers of the barrels that did not fall out, then the ticket is guaranteed to win in one of the rounds!!!

Tour Drawn numbers Winners Winning, rub.
1 62, 70, 34, 73, 09, 64, 42 62 161 290
2 29, 78, 33, 01, 10, 14, 49, 03, 61, 46, 71, 26, 81, 45, 08, 52, 41, 20, 56, 15, 11, 16, 54, 07, 22, 25, 79 1 Country houses + Jackpot 250,000,000,
3 57, 23, 72, 32, 82, 44, 83, 50, 04, 06, 85, 67, 27, 51, 66, 63, 39, 12, 31, 80, 02, 48, 65 3 Country houses
4 05, 74, 19 4 Country houses
5 77 6 Country houses
6 86 13 Country houses
7 21 13 Country houses
8 55 55 181 818
9 40 68 131
10 37 175 130
11 28 237 129
12 38 542 128
13 75 719 127
14 35 1 355 126
15 76 1 703 125
16 87 5 082 124
17 17 7 092 123
18 88 14 057 122
19 36 18 747 121
20 47 30 025 120
21 68 55 821 119
22 69 81 172 118
23 53 149 126 117
24 84 249 856 115
25 24 316 342 114
26 18 548 268 113
27 13 751 689 112
28 60 1 123 234 111
29 59 1 962 327 110
30 90 3 038 679 103
31 43 4 208 895 102
32 58 6 329 940 101

Video 1212 of the New Year's draw of the Russian Lotto - “ New Year's billion

So, as already mentioned, on January 1 of the New Year there will be a drawing of an unprecedented amount - one billion rubles in the national and all famous lottery « Russian lotto" Moreover, this is not a hypothetical amount that may or may not be won, but a guaranteed amount that will be drawn among everyone who buys at least one ticket.

I’ll tell you in more detail about the prizes that will be drawn:

  • Jackpot 116 million rubles. It can be won by one or more people according to the lottery rules. If no one can win this amount, then it will be forced to be drawn among all participants who bought a ticket.
  • In addition, more than 50 country houses and large cash prizes.

In total, it was planned to draw a record 1 billion rubles. BUT due to the great excitement and huge demand for lottery tickets, the organizing company decided to draw as much as 2 billion rubles! This has never happened before!

In order for an article to be a participant in the prize draw, you must buy a ticket online at or at points of sale. The ticket price is traditionally only 100 rubles, which makes it affordable for most residents of the country. By purchasing even one ticket you can become the owner of a tidy sum of money. According to the lottery website, holiday circulation every second ticket purchased will win the lottery. This will be achieved due to the fact that only 2 barrels will remain in the bag at the end of the lottery.

If you, like many residents of Russia, have decided to try your luck and try to win the lottery, then the only thing you need to do is buy a lottery ticket for the 2012 New Year’s draw “Russian Lotto”. Let's look at the question: “Where can I buy a New Year's lottery ticket?”

Currently, you can buy it in several convenient ways:

  • Buy a ticket online via the Internet on the Stoloto website. This site is the official distributor of many Russian lotteries. This is the only and legal way to buy a lottery via the Internet remotely, without leaving your home. This is due to the fact that an electronic ticket cannot be lost, torn, or burned. By purchasing it on the site, it is assigned to you.
  • At points of sale. These are well known retail outlets sales in the form of lottery booths or kiosks, where you can buy a paper ticket from your dear grandmother.

As you can see, everyone can choose a more convenient option for purchasing and paying for a ticket, since, for example, when purchasing a ticket on the website, you can pay for it either with a bank card or with electronic money (more than 10 payment methods in total).

It is important to remember that you can buy a lottery ticket until 9 o’clock Moscow time on January 1, 2018. It is advisable, of course, to take care of this in advance and purchase a ticket as soon as possible. For example, now, as many lotto lovers have already done.

It is noteworthy that the broadcast of the circulation will take place in live on the NTV channel on January 1, 2018 at 20-00 Moscow time in the program “New Year's Billion”. Of course, it is recommended to check your tickets live, but if you do not have the opportunity to be in front of the TV screen at the scheduled time, you can check your tickets in one of several ways:

  1. Via the Internet on the Stoloto website - now this is the easiest and affordable way find out the result.
  2. At points of sale lottery tickets.

By the way, after watching the live broadcast of the New Year's edition, you can not only check your ticket, but also have a good time, since well-known and beloved presenters will be on air, they will tell interesting stories lottery winners and the like.

Rules lottery game extremely simple. Your ticket contains 2 playing fields of 15 numbers each. The bag will contain barrels numbered from 1 to 90. Next, the presenter takes out one barrel at a time. It is necessary that in each of the rounds you are the first to match the numbers in one line, in one of the playing fields or in the entire ticket. Then you win a prize. Once again, I repeat that there are only 2 kegs left in the New Year’s draw, which means everyone has a chance to win.

The sooner the presenter pulls out your numbers, the more you win... Not in vain, this game For more than 23 years it has remained the most popular among Russians.

When purchasing online, there is a very profitable opportunity to increase your chances of winning the New Year's lottery. The fact is that when choosing tickets there is a function that allows you to automatic selection tickets containing all 90 balls! Statistically, by purchasing this package of 5 tickets, you significantly increase your chances of winning.

Friends, everyone who has bought or is planning to buy a ticket and participate in the drawing, please leave your comments and reviews. Tell your stories and leave feedback on how you play and win the lotto for the New Year.

And in conclusion, be sure to watch the video about how we met the winner of the Russian Lotto lottery, who won a record 506 million rubles in November 2017!

Remember one thing: those who don’t play will never win! So, dream, buy some tickets for New Year's edition on the site right now and win! Good luck to you!

Winning a billion is quite possible! On January 1, 2019, live on the NTV channel at 20:00 they will draw record amount, namely 2 BILLION rubles! Not taking advantage of such a chance is simply stupid. Even if this chance is small, it is certainly worth a try. What if you get lucky? So how to win a billion?

The article is dedicated to optimists, namely those people who believe in luck and think, “What if I get lucky?” or “Who the hell is kidding.” Pessimists can calmly pass by; as usual, you don’t believe in anything.

On January 1, 2019, more than 2 Billion rubles will be raffled off live on the NTV channel! 8 unique drawings await you. All this miracle is presented by the Stoloto state lottery. Tickets can be purchased now.

Where to buy lottery tickets

Lottery tickets can be purchased at Euroset, Svyaznoy, Megafon communication shops, at Russian Post post offices, Pyaterochka stores and on the website Stoloto».

IN Lately The Stoloto website is very popular for purchasing tickets. This of course has obvious advantages:

  1. No need to go anywhere
  2. Convenient website menu and nice design
  3. Buy a ticket online for any draw
  4. Tracking results through your personal account
  5. Winner notification via SMS in case of winning

It is very comfortable. Therefore, if you are a mobile person and value your time, you can place a bet right now by registering on the Stoloto website.

Registration on the site is simple and will not take more than 5 minutes.

To register on the Stoloto website, click:

Tip: Provide real data. Only in this case big win you can be guaranteed to receive your prize. Also, with every win, even a small one, an SMS notification will be sent to your specified phone number that your ticket has won and the winning code.

How to place a bet and buy a ticket online

After registering on the Stoloto website, placing a bet and buying a ticket is very simple. In order to buy a ticket in your Stoloto personal account, you simply select the type of lottery, click on any banner and that’s it, place a bet.

For example, in order to take part in New Year's lottery, buy a ticket and get a chance to win a billion, click:

Types of lotteries on Stoloto

The main intrigue and premiere of the year is “Gosloto “4 out of 20”.

Distribution circulation of the year. “Gosloto “6 out of 45”

Win to the maximum! The prize fund is 200,000,000 rubles!

Become a multimillionaire by matching 5 numbers. “Gosloto” 5 of 36″

The prize fund is 50,000,000 rubles!

Methods for depositing and withdrawing funds

Among the methods of replenishment and withdrawal Money Almost all popular ones are available on the Stoloto website electronic systems, such as WebMoney, Qiwi, Yandex-money and others. It is also possible to deposit and withdraw funds through bank cards VISA and MasterCard(Maestro).

How to get winnings on Stoloto

Winnings up to 100,000 rubles

Winnings up to 100,000 rubles are paid to the owner of the winnings automatically to a single wallet personal account Stoloto website. From there you can transfer your winnings to any convenient electronic wallet or bank card.

Winnings over 100,000 rubles

You can win over 100,000 rubles in several ways.

  1. Transfer to your personal account
  2. Order at a retail outlet
  3. Receive from the company's central office

Winnings in cash can be received at the company's office during a personal visit.

Winnings over 1 million rubles

Winnings over 1 million rubles are paid after additional examination of the ticket.

For your safety, we recommend that winnings worth over 10 million rubles be processed only by bank transfer.

For more information about ways to receive winnings, as well as the address of the Stoloto central office, see the official website Stoloto.

Play and win!

Good luck and success to you in the New Year!

How to win a billion on New Year's Eve updated: April 14, 2019 by: admin

There are 1.5 months left until the New Year. Stoloto announced a festive draw with an increased prize fund equal to a billion rubles. The circulation will take place on January 1, 2019.

Let's tell you: what are the chances of winning? Grand Prize and how to participate.

“Billion” is a special edition of “Russian Lotto”. Stoloto will hold the lotto according to the same rules as regular draws, but will prize fund more.

A year ago, Stoloto already held a similar draw, it had the name: “Golden Billion”. We'll tell you what the prizes were last time.

How was the Golden Billion held in 2018?

On January 1, 2018, the Golden Billion lottery was broadcast live on NTV. This was the 1212th draw of Russian Lotto. Lotto tickets could be purchased until the evening of December 31 at kiosks and until the morning of January 1 on the Stoloto website.

42.5 million tickets took part in the lottery. The prize fund amounted to 2.125 billion rubles. The presenter pulled out 88 barrels from the bag. This meant that the probability of each ticket winning was from 1:2.25 to 1:2.37. This is more than in regular Russian Lotto draws.

The most big prizes“Golden Billion” in 2018 – these are:

  • The winner of the Golden Billion won 250 million rubles
  • 62 people won the first round and received 161 thousand rubles each
  • 40 winners received a country house - they could receive it or exchange it for 1 million rubles
  • 55 winners of the 8th round won 181 thousand rubles each.

The remaining winners won from 101 to 131 rubles. There were more than 17 million such winners.

What are the prizes in 2019?

In the 1264th draw of Russian Lotto, several prizes will be awarded:

  • jackpot – 1 billion rubles
  • 100 prizes of 1 million rubles each
  • other cash prizes.

The presenter takes the kegs out of his bag one by one. There are 90 of them, they are numbered - from 1 to 90. If a ball is drawn, the number of which is on the participant’s ticket, then he crosses out this cell. How more numbers managed to cross out, the greater the winnings.

What are the rules?

In 2019, there will be 32 rounds in the billion dollar draw. The rules of the game are:

  • in the 1st round, those who complete 5 numbers in any line of the ticket the fastest win (in 2018, there were 62 winners in the first round)
  • in the 2nd round, a “jackpot” is played - it is received by those whose 15 numbers in any field of the ticket match the numbers drawn from the presenter’s bag
  • in the 3rd and subsequent rounds, those who were able to completely close their ticket (it contains 30 numbers) win.

Participants who win in the 1st and 2nd rounds continue to participate in the draw until it is completed. The winners of the third and all other rounds finish participating as soon as they win a prize.

Where to buy tickets?

There are five ways to buy tickets:

  • website "Stoloto" (there is mobile version and smartphone application)
  • via SMS
  • at points of sale of Stoloto partners (these are communication stores, Russian Post, BaltBet, BaltLoto, Rostelecom, Pyaterochka)
  • at lottery kiosks
  • in lottery machines or lottery center"Stoloto".

Ticket price – 100 rubles. It is the same in all places: partners do not charge commissions for distributing tickets.

Usually Stoloto allows you to buy online tickets only for the next lottery draw. But for the New Year's edition they made an exception: purchase a ticket on the website or in mobile application possible now. To do this, select circulation 1264 when you buy your ticket:

How to play?

There are 30 numbers on the ticket. They are divided into 2 fields - each with 15 digits:

If you buy a ticket at a kiosk or at a partner store, the numbers will already be entered. When purchasing a ticket online (on the website or in the mobile application), you can choose the numbers yourself.

What are the chances of winning?

Let's consider several options:

  • In 2018, one participant won the jackpot, and 42,500,003 tickets were purchased. This means that the chance of winning the main prize is 1:42,500,003, or 0.000002%.
  • Prizewinners who won 1 million rubles or Vacation home, there were 40 people. The chance of receiving such a prize was 0.00009%.
  • 55 people who took part in the 2018 Golden Billion received 181 thousand rubles each. The chance of being among these people in 2018 is 0.0001%.
  • Back in 2018, there were prizes of 161 thousand rubles - they were drawn in the first round. There were 62 winners. The chance of entering their group is 0.00012%.
  • The probability of winning other prizes is approximately 1:2.5 (or 40%). But the winnings will be from 101 to 131 rubles. If you subtract the cost of the ticket, it turns out that the winner received “net” from 1 to 31 rubles.

Please note that the odds of winning will be slightly different in 2019. Not 42.5 million people will buy tickets, but more or less. The prizes will also change: their number will increase.


The New Year's draw is the only one of the year for Russian Lotto, when the jackpot will definitely be drawn. This means that one person will definitely become a billionaire. Or at least a multimillionaire.

The circulation will be shown live on federal TV channel. It will be convenient to watch while continuing to celebrate the New Year.

If you manage to win, you can receive prizes within six months. To do this, contact the kiosk or store where you bought the ticket. If you won more than 100 thousand rubles, then send your details bank account to the central office of Stoloto - the money will be sent there.

The cherished results of the draw have already been published and known on the official website of the Sportloto lottery. In addition, the LottoAzart portal published the recording of the drawing and the table on its website on January 1.

Long before the drawing, it was announced that the prize fund would be over two billion rubles, and in addition country houses and even a car would be raffled off. It turned out that no one got the entire coveted billion, although even now Russians continue to check the numbers of their winning tickets on the website.

Who won a billion on New Year 2018: nine people became millionaires

The first and only state lottery in Russia promised to make someone a billionaire right away. New Year's Eve. Also, many were “bribed” by the organizers’ promise of every second winning ticket. However, the winnings amounted to much smaller amounts and not every second ticket brought good luck to its owner.

The official Sportloto website reports that due to the excitement, not just one, but more than two billion rubles were drawn, and more than 18 million tickets were winning. A jackpot of 250 million rubles went to a resident of Kazan, nine more tickets won more than a million rubles, and the rest brought their owners 50 country houses and cash prizes. At the same time, the name of the new owner of the super prize - the car - is not disclosed.

Who won a billion for New Year 2018: Russians are outraged by fraud

Residents of Russia, for the most part, were outraged by the lottery due to some unpleasant aspects. Many people bought tickets in droves in the weeks leading up to the drawing. Believing that every second ticket would bring a win, people hoped for their own luck and New Year's miracle, buying 30 or even 100 tickets at once.

However, there was no limit to the indignation of Russians when not only were the winnings several times smaller, but the live broadcast was also rigged. Many noticed that even before the live broadcast, announced for January 1 at 20:00 Moscow time, the same “live broadcast” was shown on the country’s screens in each region according to local time. Thus, before the actual offensive of Moscow.

At the same time, in the “Moscow time” broadcast, viewers still saw the inscription “Live broadcast” in the corner of the screen, although the results were already publicly known on the Internet. Some outraged players even contacted technical support, but, according to them, they could not get an exact answer.

There is a little more than a month left until the new year. New Year's gifts are already appearing on store shelves, and shopping centers They are decorated with all their might with garlands and Christmas trees. At this time, everyone, young and old, is waiting for something magical. The winners of the “Russian Lotto”, who were lucky enough to win in previous New Year’s draws, are also confident that the New Year’s miracle exists and can happen to anyone large sums. Many of them were happy to share their reviews about Russian Lotto.

Winning the Russian Lotto is a gift of fate

Alexey Tishkov from the city of Zadonsk, Lipetsk region, believes that his lottery win is a real New Year's miracle. The man had never bought lottery tickets before and before the New Year he decided to do it for the first time. Apparently, he believed in his luck, and it did not let him down: one of the purchased tickets brought the lucky winner 1,000,000 rubles.

- I have a lucky date of birth - I was born on the bright holiday of Christmas, so I’m lucky,- Alexey reasons.

The winner works as a driver. He said that the win came at a very opportune time. The man has been building his house for a long time. There was still no money to complete the decoration. Now this problem is completely solved, and all you had to do to be happy was buy one ticket.

Andrey Mironov from St. Petersburg was given a ticket for a million by his mother-in-law. For her beloved son-in-law she prepared a whole gift set out of ten tickets.

- It so happened that I was not able to watch the TV broadcast of the drawing along with everyone else. Therefore, the result of the circulation was checked without me. But I'm not upset at all, because winning is great luck. I hope we'll be so lucky someday again,- the winner shares.

Andrei decided to consult with the whole family on how to dispose of the winnings. The last word will remain with the mother-in-law, because if not for her, the Mironov family would hardly ever feel like millionaires.

“Reviews of the Russian Lotto lottery do not deceive”

A lottery ticket for the New Year's draw helped the dream of Ksenia Gomozova from Moscow come true. The girl really wanted to have her own apartment. And now, having won 1,000,000 rubles in the Russian Lotto lottery, she will be able to move out of her parents’ house.

For the New Year's edition, Ksenia bought three tickets: for herself and her two brothers. They did not watch the TV broadcast of the drawing and decided to immediately check the result on the Stoloto website.

- As it turned out, my brothers’ tickets won 115 rubles each, but I was a little luckier. Of course, we immediately did not believe our eyes and for a long time could not imagine that we had actually become millionaires. We, of course, hoped to win, but it was more like a fairy tale, like New Year's gift, - the girl recalls the happy moment with a smile.

Ksenia said that she has a large and friendly family. She herself is studying to be a computer operator. Her older brother Andrey works as an assistant driver in the metro. The guy sees something mysterious and mystical in his profession, especially after reading all the Metro 2033 books. A younger brother The winner, Oleg, is still in school.

Evgeny Lukyanov from Sverdlovsk region I was always sure that it was possible to win. He read the reviews more than once real people about “Russian Lotto” on the “Stoloto” website and hoped someday to be among the lucky ones who give interviews after their major victory. The New Year's edition also fulfilled his wish.

Evgeniy was serious about winning. He bought as many as 18 tickets. Everyone chose on their own, because all their household members were sure that the head of the family had a lucky hand.

- We had a lot of tickets, we didn’t have time to keep track of them all during the TV broadcast of the drawing, so we decided to write down the numbers of the kegs that Mikhail Borisov pulled out of the bag. And only after, in a calm atmosphere, they began to cross out the numbers. When we saw that we had won a whole million, we were so excited that we tore the edge of the ticket a little. Then we were worried that he wouldn’t be accepted and the winnings wouldn’t be given to us. But everything turned out without deception,- the winner says in his review of “Russian Lotto”.

The lucky winner has many plans for winning. The Lukyanov family is building a house. Most likely, the spouses will direct the million they won to him.

This year, the Russian Lotto lottery also prepared a grand New Year's gift for its participants. A billion rubles will be raffled off in the festive draw. Yes, yes, not a million, but a billion! This means the country could have its first lottery billionaire. The unprecedented draw will be shown live on one of the federal channels.

According to Stoloto, the largest distributor state lotteries in Russia, a colossal sum of 1 billion rubles will definitely be played out. It will go to the winner of the 1264th jackpot. And if no one wins the jackpot in the category - the winner of the second round. But the gifts from the lottery don’t end there. In addition to the billion, 100 prizes of 1 million rubles each will be drawn. We will find out who can take advantage of their luck on January 1st. Don't miss the truly historic draw of the popularly loved Russian Lotto lottery.