Presenter of New Morning NTV. "New Morning": How to wake up this summer

Morning show on NTV channel.

Show " New morning"begins on the NTV channel every weekday. Leading programs - two pairs of star presenters. First pair of presenters popular actress and TV presenter Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and her husband, famous athlete, TV presenter Pyotr Chernyshev, appeared on NTV in the premiere episode of the show “ New morning».

Airing of the show " New morning" - on weekdays from 6 to 9 am on the NTV channel.

About the show New Morning

Two pairs of star presenters, together with a whole team of experts, will do everything to ensure that viewers stock up good mood and mass useful information all day.

In addition to the main studio, there will be a new morning channel and on-site, where in a cozy home environment, actress, gastronomic expert, TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya will talk with guests and share the secrets of creating happy family and, of course, with your new recipes.

Constant columns will be run by experts in their fields. A doctor will tell you about health, a financier will tell you about money, and a fitness instructor will tell you about exercise. One of the main principles of the project is that all advice should be accessible, visual and verified. This means that the experts will experience on themselves, the presenters and guests in the studio literally everything they talk about! Among the many sections, every viewer of “New Morning” will find something that interests him: from beauty and healthy lifestyle issues to personal finance, film premieres, sports and car news.

Will introduce you to an overview of the funniest, most surprising and most discussed on the Internet "Morning Top". He will tell you about the latest discoveries in the field of medicine, as well as everything about the treatment of a wide variety of ailments. "Morning of Health".

The section is dedicated to the secrets of youth and beauty "Morning Beauty". It will help you understand how exchange rates and the cost of oil affect prices, salaries and pensions, as well as learn how to properly manage your family budget. "Morning Money". "Morning Test" will teach you how to choose the highest quality from the huge variety on store shelves.

News for motorists and pedestrians - in the section "Morning Auto". You can recharge yourself with energy for the whole coming day, find out sports news and do exercises with professional instructors in the section "Morning Sports". And he will talk about how interesting and informative to spend the coming weekend "Morning Poster".

In June 2016, when the European Football Championship started in France, as part of the “New Morning” program, the tiger predicted the score of matches involving the Russian national team.

So, on June 8, the tiger Ricky from the Zapashny brothers circus came to the “New Morning” program. The Predator had to choose the result of the upcoming match between the Russian national team and the English national team. Ricky was asked to choose from three bowls of meat, each of which meant a victory, draw or loss for the Russian football players. The tiger guessed right: he chose the draw option.

At the end of 2015, new management came to NTV: Alexey Zemsky was appointed general director of the channel, and Timur Weinstein became the main producer. By 2018, they plan to change the image of the channel and catch up with First and Rossiya 1 in terms of audience size, because in last years the main supplier of action-packed series about the struggle between police and bandits lost both revenue and viewers. studied how the channel has already changed and what awaits NTV viewers in the foreseeable future.

In pursuit of ratings, NTV got too carried away with series about bandits and star scandals, so when the previous management began experimenting with new formats, there was no massive influx of audience. Viewers preferred “The Voice” to the “I Want to Meladze” project; the same fate befell some other shows. As a result, since the beginning of 2016, NTV, according to TNS, has dropped to fourth place in popularity among viewers, and on March 7 and 8, only 5.4 percent of the television audience watched it.

The need for radical changes on the channel was discussed back in 2015, when Dmitry Chernyshenko was appointed to manage Gazprom-Media, which includes NTV. The general director of the channel, Vladimir Kulistikov, who was the ideologist of NTV for the last ten years, received an honorable resignation, and his place was taken by Alexey Zemsky, who had been producing entertainment television projects for 25 years, including the cult show “About This” with Elena Hanga. Chernyshenko’s protege Alexandra Kosterina was appointed editor-in-chief of NTV, and co-owner of WeiT Media Timur Weinstein became general producer. His company owns the rights to the show “One to One”, participated in the production of the series “Ashes”, “Motherland” and a number of projects for “STS Media”. Changes began immediately.

How to build the “old new NTV”

In January 2016, Weinstein stated that he intended to build the “old new NTV” and return the channel past glory. By 2018, NTV plans to catch up with Channel One and Rossiya 1 in ratings, and viewers will see many new projects, including slightly rethought action-packed series.

The main emphasis will be on famous media figures. The presenters who once made the channel famous, but then left it, will return to NTV. First of all, this is Alexey Pivovarov, who worked at NTV for 20 years and left there in 2013. IN May holidays the channel will show it documentary"World. Work. Easter".

Since March 1, the permanent presenter “ Female gaze» Oksana Pushkina, who has held the position of Ombudsman for Children’s Rights in the Moscow Region since 2015. Now she hosts the program “Mirror for a Hero” on NTV, in which guests of her previous programs analyze their lives. The conversation is accompanied by inclusions from past interviews of the heroes.

It should be noted that the presenter's style has undergone significant changes. If before her main task was to reveal the interlocutor, but now Pushkina is inclined to provoke guests and sometimes does not mince words. So, in last transmission on March 14, the presenter started a skirmish with Anastasia Volochkova. The ballerina and the studio guests were invited to talk about the play “A Man Came to a Woman,” but instead, throughout the entire program, the presenter tried to convince the ballerina to change her life and give up scandalous photo shoots, and in the end called her a freak. After this, Volochkova accused Pushkina of public flogging, declared her desire to leave the studio, and at some point burst into tears.

At the end of the program, Pushkina talks to herself in front of the mirror and comes to the conclusion that she should not change her behavior.

What else has changed?

NTV is actively experimenting with its morning lineup of programs and shuffling them depending on ratings. At first, the main morning program was given to Yulia Vysotskaya, who previously hosted only Sundays on the channel. cooking shows. From September to the end of November 2015, immediately after Vysotskaya, the program “Lolita” was aired, where the stars Russian show business spoke frankly with singer Lolita Milyavskaya. On other channels at this time there were usually programs about health.

In the new year, Vysotskaya’s broadcast was merged with another, more global project, “New Morning,” which is alternately hosted by two couples - Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and her husband Pyotr Chernyshov or Mark Tishman and Olga Zhuk. The NTV program differs significantly from the morning broadcasts on other federal channels- The presenters are trying to make the audience laugh.

In the end, they decided to abandon Lolita Milyavskaya’s show. Now from nine in the morning until lunch the channel broadcasts the series “The Return of Mukhtar” and “Moscow. Three stations."

But against the backdrop of widespread audience interest in healthy image life at the end of February, the show “Food Living and Dead” was relaunched, in which journalist Sergei Malozemov compares eating smoked fish with cigarette smoking, explores the health of vegan athletes and encourages people not to eat yoghurts on an empty stomach.

The first punctures of the new NTV

Another high-profile premiere in the new year was the daytime talk show “Meeting Place.” True, his popularity was not brought by copying the format of “Time Will Tell,” which airs on First, and not by the show’s hosts, Andrei Norkin and Olga Belova. The fact is that NTV passed off the recording of the program as a live broadcast. The network noticed that “Meeting Place” and “Time Will Tell”, broadcast at the same time under the “live broadcast” signs, featured the same experts. Channel One claims that their live broadcast was genuine; NTV has not yet commented on this story.

Another scandal erupted almost immediately after Zemsky's arrival. TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak that on his initiative NTV made a film about her, which, however, was taken off the air the day before the premiere. According to the journalist, Kosterina was not allowed into the film, from which Sobchak concluded that it was not Zemsky who made decisions at NTV. According to a source on the media market, the reason for the disagreement could be Zemsky’s inexperience in news broadcasting, which is why he does not yet fully understand the boundaries of what is permitted on the federal channel.

What prevents NTV from improving quality?

NTV's desire to air new projects as quickly as possible is noticeable to the naked eye, and sometimes this becomes the cause of funny oddities. In early February, the channel posted an unfinished version of the 12th episode of the new series “In the Deep” on its YouTube channel. It shows the characters having a conversation in a car parked in the middle of the pavilion against a green screen.

Every decent TV channel should have its own morning show. But it would seem impossible to come up with something new in this genre. Traditionally well-dressed presenters, sitting in the studio, diligently smile at the camera - trying to lift us, gloomy and sleepy, into the mood for the whole day. Who will believe them! They themselves also jumped up at the crack of dawn. It’s clear - they work on bare professionalism. The positive they produce seems to be of high quality, but... It’s not encouraging somehow... That’s probably why all the morning shows are so similar to each other.

Having launched this program three months ago, at first we also tried our best to protect viewers from the slightest hint of negativity,” says creative producer“New Morning” on NTV Roman Karapetyan. “But we realized pretty quickly: the public is not interested.” Because you can't hide from the world we live in. Social problems, disagreements with housing and communal services, with work colleagues, etc. - there is no escape from them. We decided to be closer to life and talk about what people really care about. Of course, our task is to energize people, but we are not afraid to show problematic stories.

Two pairs of presenters “command the parade” in turn - Anastasia Zavorotnyuk with her husband Pyotr Chernyshev and Olga Zhuk with Mark Tishman. " TVNZ» visited film set V working week Olga and Mark.

IN morning show NTV has a lot of thematic headings. And they are conducted only by professionals - each in their own field, and not just people accustomed to working in front of the camera. For example, the automotive news “#MorningAuto” is presented by the most famous expert in this field, Misha Gorbachev, a former racing driver and author of a safe driving tutorial.

“I try to work as visually as possible and always use props,” Misha reveals his secrets, sitting on a tiny but very real scooter. - Today I’ll tell you who has the right to ride such equipment!

A real doctor, formerly a practicing vascular surgeon, Roman Fishkin, shares medical advice with NTV viewers. Teacher teaches how to save money High school economics Arthur Tarasenko. And simple, but effective exercises For morning exercises fitness trainer Irina Turchinskaya demonstrates.

This simple exercise pumps up the abs perfectly,” Irina doesn’t just say, but watches how Tishman, who took off his jacket for this task, pumps up this most important muscle for a man.

Even the area of ​​mystical knowledge is not just anyone’s responsibility, but Vlad Kadoni’s, a participant in the show “Battle of Psychics.” Did you dream about something? Vlad will explain what you can expect now. Finally, one cannot fail to note Yulia Vysotskaya’s signature column: a brilliant cook and professional optimist raises the level of the program to unattainable heights. Excellent muffins according to her recipe can be immediately prepared for breakfast.

They watch morning programs in the background when getting ready for work or school, reminds Roman Karapetyan. - On average, such shows are given 10 - 13 minutes. Therefore, both here and abroad, they often endlessly repeat the same stories and duplicate expert advice. We deliberately work differently: in three hours, the presenters of the columns appear on camera twice per program, but each time they cover new topic. And we show stories again very rarely.

Actually, I’m not a very morning person,” Mark Tishman did not hide. - I am an owl! But, having become an NTV presenter, I unexpectedly fell in love with the morning. Firstly, only in the morning a delicious breakfast awaits me. What about the roads? They are never so free! And the special morning air... But the main thing is that work energizes us. Maybe in the first minutes in the studio it’s not easy for you to spin your inner gears, but then you pump yourself up and get great pleasure.

“I admit, I adore my job,” Olga Zhuk agrees with her partner. - I’m ready to wake up the country from morning to evening!


What to do if everything falls out of hand in the morning?

Vlad Kadoni, "#MorningMystery":

To begin, focus on those tasks that you can complete as quickly as possible. Success from their implementation will give energy to more complex tasks. Checked!

Roman Fishkin, "#MorningHealth":

Sex - great way cheer up. And also auto-training: remember at least one positive moment that awaits you this coming day, and everything will work out.

Irina Turchinskaya, "#MorningSport":

The most effective ways everyone knows, but few people use them. For example, a contrast shower. Don't dare to wet yourself cold water entirely? Then arrange such a shower only for your feet or head.

Vladimir Strozhuk, "#MorningTop":

Of course, watch the funny videos that I show in my section! For example, I was amazed by an owl that laughs contagiously. She does this: “Uh-oh!” It’s very funny, you’re unlikely to be able to be gloomy after something like that.


Sometimes presenters need to discuss something urgently. But, of course, you can’t talk about work issues out loud. Then Olga Zhuk and Mark Tishman quietly write notes to each other.

The New Morning studio smells of first-class, freshly brewed coffee - they don’t keep surrogates here. The smell, of course, is not yet broadcast on television, but it helps create the right atmosphere. This is exactly what is conveyed to the audience.

NTV, “New Morning”. On weekdays, 6.00.

Morning information and news program on the NTV channel.

Airing time: from 07:00 to 08:00 on weekdays.

Business morning NTV. About the program

The project, which started at the end of January 2017, Business morning NTV"represents absolutely new format weekday morning program, including news in Russia and abroad. Each of the viewers, according to the creators of the program, receives, in addition to a positive charge, also useful information.

In a studio " Business morning NTV» the most current topics: how to build correctly own business, play on the stock exchange and get a good income, buy real estate or relax profitably, learn about the laws of the market and socio-political changes.

The project leaders were Tatyana Gevorkyan And Igor Lantratov, and Sergey Belov And Ekaterina Konovalova. In August 2017, the leading couple Belov and Konovalov were replaced by a new couple: Alexandra Nazarova And Maxim Privalov. Understand difficult issues experts help ordinary people along with the presenters: professional analysts, economists, lawyers, etc.

New presenters share their impressions of the program.

Maxim Privalov:

Now the program “Business Morning” is aired in the summer version. The range of topics that interest us is much wider than in the main season. We talk more about holidays and travel, entertainment and leisure. But this does not mean that economics and analytics have faded into the background. We look at the world with economic point vision. Therefore, we even talk about summer holidays in the language of numbers and look for benefits. By the fall, Business Morning will once again become the most informed and expert morning program on Russian television. Talking simply about the most difficult things is my personal principle in the Business Morning program. I try to convey to the viewer not only the news or information itself, but its essence. What will this event affect, why did it happen this way and not otherwise. And, of course, no one canceled the morning vigor, freshness and energy. My appearance on air should invigorate the morning viewer no less than a contrast shower.

Alexandra Nazarova:

I think we shouldn’t expect any drastic changes in transmission. Apart from the changes, the increase in information and efficiency in both presentation and content. “Business morning” should create a business atmosphere and provide up-to-date information. But a positive and cheerful attitude is an indispensable key to success and good luck in business. Let's be honest: presenters are people too. With its own character and individuality. Of course, this is reflected in what they do. And how they do it. I am for individual presentation of material. Just information, a dry statement of facts and events, it seems to me, will not be as attractive and intriguingly interesting as we would like. We will definitely look for some non-trivial moves. We need the viewer's interest, attention and love. Therefore, we will create interesting things, look for what is relevant and show the best. We have all the capabilities for this. A strong team of professionals, the best experts in their field and the love of the audience.

Business morning NTV. Leading programs

Tatiana Gevorkyan - Russian TV presenter Armenian origin, journalist and actress. She worked on “Radio Maximum”, channels BIZ-TV, MTV (programs “Stilissimo”, “Style Guide”, hit parade “Russian Ten”, Playstation, “ Highest quality”, etc.), in the youth magazine Yes!, hosted the “Triangle” program on Channel 3, as well as the “Culture News” project on the “Culture” TV channel. Releases her own shoe collection Tanya Gevorkian.

Igor Lantratov is a Russian radio and television presenter, announcer, and film actor. Worked as a presenter on "First" popular radio", Love Radio, Muz-TV channels ("Stars are lighting up", "Ask for it", "Award Nominees", "MTV Russia" ("News Block", "News Block Weekly", "Morning Fresh", "Unreal Games ", etc.), "Friday!", etc.

The morning greets us...

The airwaves of the NTV channel are undergoing changes. In the premiere program “New Morning”, two pairs of star presenters, together with a team of experts, will do everything to ensure that viewers have a good mood and a lot of useful information for the whole day. The first couple - actress and TV presenter Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and her husband, famous athlete Pyotr Chernyshev - will appear on NTV on February 29. The program will be broadcast on weekdays from 6:00 to 9:00.

In addition to the main studio, the new morning channel will also have a traveling studio, where actress, gastronomic expert, and TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya will talk with guests and share new recipes in her own home. Constant columns will be led by experts. “Morning Top” will give you an overview of the funniest, most surprising and most discussed things on the Internet. “Morning of Health” will tell you about the latest discoveries in the field of medicine, as well as everything about the treatment of a wide variety of ailments. The assortment also includes “Morning Beauty”, “Morning Money”, “Morning Auto” and several other useful sections.

Everything is clear to everyone

On February 29, NTV will air a new socio-political program “Meeting Place”, hosted by Olga Belova and Andrei Norkin, who have long been familiar to the channel’s viewers. Every weekday, guests in the studio, together with the presenters, will examine the most pressing topics from seasonal epidemics to military operation in Syria. The motto of the project is “Meeting Place” - a place where everything becomes clear!”

“I have known my co-host Andrei Norkin since 2000,” says Olga Belova, “however, our creative ways separated, and we did not work in the same program for fifteen years. But it’s not without reason that they say: the meeting place cannot be changed. And we, NTV people, have another saying: once NTV, always NTV!”

"Inconvenient Actress" Iya Savina

March 2 is the 80th anniversary of the birth of actress Iya Savvina. By this date on “Russia K” there will be a program “Life Line” (March 5, 11:30) and Feature Film"Lady with a Dog" (March 5, 10:00). Iya Savvina was loved by millions Russian viewers. Her heroines from the films “The Lady with the Dog”, “Anna Karenina”, “The Story of Asya Klyachina, who loved but did not marry”, “Garage”, “ Private life" - modest, quiet, unhappy creatures with an unbending faith in goodness. Oleg Efremov called her “an uncomfortable actress with whom it’s incredibly interesting,” and Andrei Konchalovsky - “his declared love.”

The program “Life Line” (March 5, 11:30) is Iya Savvina’s story about her childhood impressions and how she became an actress quite by accident, about her work in theater and cinema and her partners Alexei Batalov, Vladimir Vysotsky, Yuri Bogatyrev, Faina Ranevskaya, about love and her understanding of happiness.

Woman on the edge

For the actress’s birthday, TVC prepared the premiere of the documentary “Elena Yakovleva. A Woman on the Edge” (March 5, at 09:40).

31 years ago she came to the Sovremennik Theater and was married. I was married too. And so I somehow took a closer look. And suddenly it boomed - and that’s it!,” says Elena Yakovleva’s husband Valery Shalnykh. It “bang” so much that both got divorced. For several years Valery and Elena lived in a civil marriage. They signed only for the sake of being placed in the same room on tour. There was no magnificent wedding, but the union turned out to be strong.

Having served in Sovremennik for 27 years, its most sought-after actress, unexpectedly for many, wrote a letter of resignation. This news blew up theatrical Moscow. And the troupe perceived Yakovleva’s departure as a betrayal. She left silently, without explaining anything to anyone. Taking part in the film: Sergey Garmash, Alexander Baluev, Andrey Ilyin, Vyacheslav Razbegaev, Valery Todorovsky and others.

Andrzej Wajda Theater

March 6 marks the 90th anniversary of director Andrzej Wajda, a master of world cinema and one of the founders of the Polish national film school. By this date, the Rossiya K TV channel will broadcast the premiere of the program “Thoughts about Dostoevsky” (March 3, 0:00) and the documentary film “Demons.” Years later" (March 3, 00:10).

"Russia K" will show the film director from his lesser-known - theatrical - side. Wajda's theatrical debut took place in 1959 in Drama Theater in Gdynia, and in 1963 began a long-term collaboration with the Old Theater in Krakow. In the 1960s he staged plays in Warsaw, and in subsequent years he collaborated with many foreign theaters. But it was the productions of the Dostoevsky Cycle in Krakow that became iconic for their time and created Wajda’s unique style as a theater director, which in turn influenced his cinematic work. It is about them that will be discussed in the program “Thoughts about Dostoevsky,” which is a conversation with the outstanding director, recorded in Warsaw in 2015. The director recalls his productions “27 rehearsals of “The Idiot”, “Demons”, “Nastasya”, “Crime and Punishment”.

Applause and full house

Premiere documentary film by Anatoly Malkin in two parts, “The Main Words of Boris Eifman” - on “Russia K” on March 5 and 6 at 20:55. At the end at 21:35 - the ballets "Anna Karenina" and "Onegin" choreographed by Boris Eifman.

In the film-interview “The Main Words of Boris Eifman” - the main themes of Eifman’s life in alphabetical order - from A to Z. “If you take the first letter of the alphabet, then from the point of view of ballet it is an arabesque, and from the point of view of the theater it is anarchy. Applause and a full house also begin with the letter "A". Of course, they are very important for us. Since we are a touring theater, when we arrive in an unfamiliar place, we must instantly win over the audience. If there is no sell-out, there will be no work. We are very dependent on a full hall and on love of the audience. My first sell-out was on September 29, 1977 in the Oktyabrsky Hall in Leningrad. The success that has always accompanied us began right then,” says Boris Eifman.

Productions of "Anna Karenina", "The Seagull", "Onegin", "Red Giselle", "The Idiot", "The Brothers Karamazov", "Tchaikovsky", "Roden", "Up&Down" have already become classics and are sold out at best scenes peace. The performance "Anna Karenina" is part of the ballet tetralogy "Another Space of the Word", which also includes "The Brothers Karamazov", "The Seagull" and "Onegin". Critics call "Anna Karenina" one of best productions Eifman. In the choreographic version Pushkin's novel all the twists and turns of the textbook plot are present. Only the action has been moved to the early 1990s...

Professor Preobrazhensky

The STS Love TV channel is launching an instant transformation show “Beauty Angels” (from February 29 at 15:10). In just two hours, presenters Aurora and Konstantin Gaidai will create a real beauty miracle with any “gray mouse”.
“We specifically target working, active women. They shuttle between work and home and simply don’t have time to take care of themselves. Therefore, we come straight to work to pick them up, ask the bosses for two hours and let them cheer up, feel beautiful again, attractive and sexy,” says Aurora. During filming, the presenters traveled 1,800 km, visited 18 districts of Moscow and the Moscow region, and appeared in four schools and two kindergartens where the heroines worked.

The transformation show will also start on STS on March 6 at 11:00 New life". Here the heroines are looking for a mobile station with a “dream team” on board - TV presenter Tatyana Arno, image maker Katya Gershuni, plastic surgeon Andrey Iskornev and architect Andrey Karpov. They go to different cities of the country to change their better life ordinary Russian women who are waiting for a complete external transformation and renovation of the apartment. The heroines find out about this completely unexpectedly, finding themselves in the center of a flash mob.

Run, mower, run!

Premiere of the channel "Che" - the show "Running Mower" (from February 29 at 21:30). Its essence is simple - the ubiquitous presenter Alexey Zhirov runs out into the streets of the city, taking with him an armful of brand new and, importantly, real thousand-dollar bills. Running up to the most ordinary passer-by, he asks him a question - if the answer is correct, then the person receives a banknote with the image of Yaroslav the Wise. If the answer is not correct or the thoughts are too long, then he can only watch how the leader’s heels sparkle.

In the depths of the Yakut ores

On the Discovery Channel on Sundays at 19:00 the program “Technogenics” continues - a domestically produced project about the main engineering wonders of Russia, including the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric station, the Circum-Baikal Railway, monument “The Motherland Calls!”, Ostankino Tower, icebreakers, spaceship"Buran" and others.

This Sunday there is a program dedicated to the “Lucky” career. This is the largest diamond-bearing quarry in the world, which is located in Yakutia, 20 km from the Arctic Circle. Many stones worth hundreds of carats were mined here, some of which are now stored in the Diamond Fund. The field was discovered in 1955, and development was carried out open method, as a result, a huge crater was formed, which can be seen even from space. Underground mining has recently begun, and open development should be completed in 2016. Now the depth of the quarry is 640 meters, its diameter is 2 kilometers.