Natalya bardo interview. Natalia Bardo: “I'd rather buy a new book than shoes

Natalia Bardo (27) stunningly beautiful young actress! I want to look at her without stopping. And it seems that this is quite enough: the form is so good that the content is not important. However, when you hear her voice with a slight hoarseness, follow her eyes, follow the course of her thoughts, you understand that she fascinates not just with her appearance, but with some kind of magical inner charm that does not let you go for a second. I was lucky to spend Natasha one of the Friday evenings and find out in which projects we will soon see her, what she is proud of in her career, what she dreams of and why she does not have complexes.

ABOUT WORK Before New Year I don't have any filming planned. And to be honest, I'm already losing my mind. I want to run to the playground sooner! In the near future there will be such projects with my participation as a series "Lost" on the channel STS, movie "Scenario" on Channel One, "The Last Frontier" for the channel Russia and feature films "Friday" And "Love with Limits". "Friday"- a film in which a mega-star cast and a very fancy plot. I can guarantee that this is a real feeling of a holiday and that very Friday that is usually meant. And my role there, though uncomplicated, but bright. I'm a kind of fairy who dreamed of a hero. As the producers say: "You are the personification of this film". Asos jumpsuit, Philipp Plein fur coat, Jimmy Choo sandals

But Zhenya Shelyakin (39), the director of the film, believes that my heroine is the ideal girl in the view of all men

Such an alluring, with burning eyes, smile and constantly disappearing. This is a very important film for me. The very feeling that the picture will appear on the big screen is very exciting. I want to be at the premiere to feel how people react, recharge their mood, find out their opinion.

ABOUT CINEMA For me, the career of an actress has always been attractive precisely because of the set. I went there for the first time at the age of 14 and, of course, immediately fell in love with this dizzying atmosphere. Not in cinema extra people, this is such a huge hive, inside of which it is very interesting to be. For me the team is very important. The energy that arises in me when I am at the epicenter of a common cause cannot be compared with anything. And if among other professions there are people who do not like their work, then there are no such people in the cinema. I can't imagine my life without it.

ABOUT POPULARITY I do get recognized a lot. After the project "Mr. and Mrs. Media" men began to recognize me, because I am such a daring beauty with red lips. If without makeup, in a hat and a down jacket, then women will recognize it because they watched the series "Veronica" on the channel Russia. But if I'm in a miniskirt, then they'll recognize me from the series "Angelica".

Skirt and top, all H&M, Asos boots, clutch, Magia di Gamma necklace

ABOUT PROFESSIONALISM A professional in an acting career is a loose concept. Everyone can say that this person is a professional because he is talented, another because he knows the technique well, the third just looks good in the frame. And I'm a professional because I know what I need to do. I know what I need to understand in order to do well. I'm at ease, and that's important.

ABOUT STAR ILLNESS It happens that an artist comes to some event, fans come up to him and ask: "Can I take a picture with you?" The artist either does not respond, or answers: "Please not now". And they immediately hang a label on him, they say, he is sick! But no one thinks that at this moment the artist, for example, is called by her mother to say that she has a temperature, that the director is waiting outside the door, since she has to go rehearse. Yes, elementary arrow on pantyhose went, but you have to go on stage in five minutes! This is not taken into account. Yes, it’s probably wrong when people come up to you in a calm atmosphere, and you send everyone to hell. But we are not robots.
Monki top, By Malene Birger skirt, Pinko jacket, Furla backpack, Baldinini boots, Calzedonia socks

And if you just leave the house in felt boots and without makeup to buy cucumbers or milk, and you want to disengage from everyone, hide, because today is clearly not your day?

And people think: "Well, that's it, a star!" There are artists who believe that they have no right to leave the house without dressing up. But, as a rule, these are those who do not have such a busy schedule. There are no actors who always look good. And a person cannot be the same for everyone: for fans, friends, loved ones, parents.

Vogue Eyewear

ABOUT THE SERIES "VERONIKA" Oddly enough, I'm proud of the series "Veronica". This project took two years of my life, on it I met my first director-teacher Miroslav Malic(32), which gave me a lot. I was offended, cried, he scolded me, but I received a baggage of knowledge that accompanies me both in cinema and in life. This series very correctly presented me to exactly the audience that I wanted to win. And I value her very much. During filming, I finished theater school, found friends, entered this world as if it were your home. I didn't have that feeling before. There were leading roles, good episodes, but I didn't live it. Today's projects are a great experience, but I don't live it the way I lived with Veronica.

ABOUT COMPLEXES Mom and dad constantly ask me: “Do you have complexes at all?” I understand that it is bad when they are not. But I am growing them in myself.(Laughs.) Previously, I had a complex of excellent students, I wanted everyone to like me. Then it suddenly went away. I consider myself happy man: I like the way I look, I like my surroundings. I don't know how to get there. It's inside - you just need to be able to believe. I may not be a very talented artist, but I am definitely a very talented person. Because I can make myself believe anything. After all, the main task of the artist is this - to believe in the proposed circumstances. I do it well.

Natalya Bardo

Natalya, your heroine in the "Flying Crew" is a brave girl and capable of certain actions. What would you never dare to do from what the pilot Polina is ready for?

Probably, unlike Polina Ovechkina, I would never have sat at the helm of an airplane. This is a responsibility that is not shifted to anyone in the cockpit, despite the fact that there are two pilots. I probably would never have sustained such a working rhythm, although the artists also have a hard job - we work for many hours on a shift. Well, these overloads are, of course, especially difficult. Also, unlike Polina Ovechkina, I would not have had the patience to re-educate a person like a hero. However… I also have strong patience.

- That is, the fragile blonde Natalya Bardo has a character: can you hit her fist?

I look very fragile, but I think that now you need to be able to defend your point of view.

- Can you even argue with the director on the set?

There have been such situations. The director may ask to do something, but you feel that this is some kind of lie in relation to you. But more often than not, we just agree.

- It's probably good when your husband is also the director of the project in which you play?

If a person is a professional - it works great. I have been in the cinema for ten years, Marius for thirty. We understand everything, so there are no conflicts. He just says, "We need to do this." I say, "OK, I'll try. If it's good, then we'll do it." I try - it doesn't work. I approach and say: “Let's find a compromise, it seems to me that in this situation the heroine reacts differently. It’s uncomfortable for me, inorganic.” And he agrees. It turns out that this is really better. We feel each other, we are very similar, therefore, probably, it is easy for us to work together. Although Marius is more demanding of me, this has its own charm. I am a perfectionist and without a director who is demanding of me on the set, I feel uncomfortable.

- They say that during the filming of the series, even an ambulance came to your site ...

Yes, it turned out that I was very poisoned, but I had to continue shooting. The ambulance came and gave me an injection. And after that I had to work for two more days under injections. I felt really bad, but the scenes turned out great in the end. It's also funny that the plane in the frame looks very realistic, but in fact it is a mock-up. In general, Lesha and I practically did not leave the cabin five days a week. It wasn't easy. Some food was delivered to us there, crackers, vegetables, something else.

- Well, you and Alexei have known each other for quite a long time and have already worked together ...

We worked, and I can say that Alexey is a true professional and gentleman. Now there is such a tendency among men: do not open the door, do not give the girl a hand ... But Lesha is always gallant, always attentive. It is easy to say these words about him, because they suit him. Unlike many others, he is a real man.

- By the way, have you ever dreamed of becoming a flight attendant?

No, I didn't dream. About ten years ago I had a terrible aviophobia, and I got rid of it for a long time by talking with professionals, with people who said that if there is noise, crackling, whistling and squeaking in the cabin, this is not necessarily bad. Now I'm resting on board. Glasses, earplugs, tracksuit. I love when it's convenient for me.

- When you do not need to fly somewhere or go to shoot, what do you prefer to do?

I go in for sports, meet with friends. I like to read, watch movies, go to the theater - a lot of things you can do. IN Lately I literally force myself to lie on the couch. I tell myself: "Lie down, it's not a shame!" (Smiling.)

- You can get better from excessive lying on the couch. But you don't seem to be in danger...

The fact is that I myself am very active. Everything is important to me. And, probably, this fire that is inside me burns all the calories. But I am not on any diet. Everything is simple for me: a lot of work, healthy nutrition, sports for pleasure.

- Do you cook this healthy food for yourself?

I can't cook, that's my pain. But I clean well, I like to wash, I will wash the floors with pleasure. It relaxes me. But food has to be ordered.

As an actress, you probably have to devote a lot of time to your appearance: going to beauty salons, to a beautician. Your hair alone is worth something! ..

Looking good is big job. If you do not make masks every day, then the hair, especially in blondes, falls off. You also need to learn how to do makeup, dress well, because the stylist is not always nearby. This is all a certain work that I, as an actress, have to do.

1 year ago

And the actress Natalya Bardo is an example of how to be in several places at the same time, manage to work and relax, raise a son, and at the same time remain kind and positive person and of course look good. On the eve of our interview, Natalia was shooting a poster for a new series, and in the evening - two events, and at the same time. She came to us in the morning with a perfect make-up in lilac tones (which she did herself) - fresh and rested. And I also managed to sort out cosmetics at night to talk about my favorite products. About this and more - in an interview with BeautyHack!

-Tell me what are you doing now?

The season began with the fact that we confirmed several projects. The first one is "Flying Crew" on STS, with Lesha Chadov we play the title roles. This is a story about a female pilot, with whom men refuse to fly, but at the same time she is very capable, wants to continue the work of her father, a talented pilot.

The second project is also on STS, called "Bloggers". With very cool cast: Ira Gorbacheva, Masha Shalaeva, Regina Todorenko and Agata Muceniece play with me.

In October we will start filming the second season of Favorites, where I play the wife of the protagonist Misha Bashkatov. Plus, now Marius Weisberg (Editor's note - director, husband of Natalya Bardo) is editing the film " Night shift”, where the main characters are Volodya Yaglych, Pasha Derevyanko, Emin Agalarov, Ksenia Teplova, Anna Mikhailovskaya and me. This is a very funny comedy, in which I play a stripper. Marius knows how to shoot such comedies that become a little classic - “Love in big city"," 8 new dates. This comedy will be released in December.

- To the question of how to do everything. How do you plan your time?

Now the moment has come when I realized that I can’t cope on my own, I need help. If earlier I lived with a calendar in my hand and did not sleep at all, now my assistant Elina plans everything. Because in addition to filming a movie, I want to keep up with many other things: communicate more with the child, attend events, do photo shoots, interviews, meet friends, and look good at the same time. I have two more apartment renovations, the design of which I develop myself. I love it so much!

Therefore, when they ask me how to do everything, I say that I need good team: assistant, driver, foreman, even understanding friends who can sometimes adjust to your schedule. This support is very important.

- How and when do you rest?

Only in three cases: if I leave Moscow, if I have a massage and if I lie in the bathroom. I can't relax otherwise.

In the bath I like to fall asleep Japanese multi-colored salts. That's what I have blue water, then green - I pour everything in a row. I light candles and stay alone with my thoughts. Because there are so many people around, so much information, the brain is in good shape all the time.

For a good rest, you need, of course, two weeks at sea - so that you get tired of the rest and want to come back. But if there is at least a couple of free days, I try to leave.

As a child, you went in for sports, ballet, studied economics. How did you decide to go to another field altogether? What prompted you to do this?

Yes, my dad was an athlete, European champion in athletics, so he did not even imagine that my life would be connected not with sports. Mom always felt sorry for me and took me away - first from ballet, then from gymnastics. As a result, the sport did not work out, although these skills now help me.

When I was in school, my mother and I decided that we needed to become an economist. But at the age of 14 I was on film set with my mother's friend, and this situation fascinated me. And at that time I did not think that I wanted to be an actress. I even considered becoming a make-up artist because I've always had a crush on makeup in some way. But when they started shooting me as a child in small episodes, I realized that I wanted to be in the frame.

She went to the Shchukin school herself. At the same time, she studied at banking institute at the Academy. Plekhanov - promised my mother that I would receive a diploma. She received a diploma, but she devoted almost all her time to the Shchukin school. I remember we even slept there sometimes. I would not like to return to school, but I always want to return to the Shchukin school. I even remember the smell of this university - the costume shop, old stairs, dusty backstage ... I studied with a dream and the hope that I would play in the theater.

Why cinema then?

I was supposed to play a graduation performance, but at that moment I got to audition for the series, and they took me. It was my first series - "Veronica", it was shown on the channel "Russia". Filming took place in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Poland, Belarus. And it turned out to be more difficult than I thought. Cinema is both jumping into icy water and wandering through the forest, that is, being ready for anything. In Sri Lanka, I was bitten by insects, I even had an operation. There were so many things, at that moment I changed my attitude to the profession. And she began acting in TV shows and movies.

- You lived in Los Angeles. Tell me about your life there. How is it different from Moscow?

I was pregnant in Los Angeles. Whether this is due to pregnancy, or the city is really special, but there I felt care everywhere, and unobtrusive at that. You can go to a cool restaurant in pajamas, and they will be happy to see you there. When you come to the store, you feel like a free person: sellers do not obsessively surround you, you buy what you want.

For some reason, my most vivid impressions in Los Angeles are connected with the road. I often remember this moment. When I was pregnant, I got up every morning at 7 am and went to my English classes. She got into the car, sometimes took a convertible from her husband, and drove along an empty road. The journey took exactly 37 minutes. Morning, comfortable temperature, palm trees, the sun shines through them, very bright green grass. In Los Angeles, even the greens are a special color.

I was born into a poor family and very often admired what I did not have. I didn’t envy, but I was glad - I sincerely wanted the same. After Los Angeles, I realized that I have everything and I want to share it. And the fact that I don't have to be like everyone else. For some reason, we have a habit of changing our attitude towards a person, if he says something wrong, he will come in the wrong clothes. In Los Angeles, this is not the case, any feature is perceived as your feature - it's you, it's yours and it's cool that you're not trying to be someone else.

After Los Angeles, I came to Moscow and realized that around me there would be only what I really need. And it is better to part with those people who choose people in masks. Yes, and people in masks get tired over time, they begin to look for life in something real. The ability to relax and be yourself allows you to be happy. If you think that you have no right to make a mistake, that it is better to remain silent than to say your opinion - this indicates that you are not free internally, hence all the clamps. That's where I used to be in that trap.

There is also a different taste. If we associate beauty with design, things, beauty salons, then beauty there is when you arrive at the beach at 7 in the morning, for example, in Malibu, sit and look at the ocean, at how seagulls fly. Even if there is garbage around you, but you get high, you breathe this clean air, you see these people who don’t look at what you are wearing, but smile and tell you “ Good morning, Have a good day".

Now I continue to live in two countries. I can’t leave yet, because there is a lot of work, but as soon as I have time, I will definitely go.

- How has your life changed with the birth of Eric?

My eyes lit up even more. Just wanted more. I attribute it to maternal instinct. If earlier I came to auditions and thought “so, now I need to play well, show myself well”, now I began to come to auditions to literally select this role. If I need to cry - I cry for real, if I laugh - then with might and main, if I dance - then with all my heart. I began to give all my best even more, and this helps me a lot.

I actually began to understand what life is. When I come to the dacha with a child, I play with him - I understand that this is it, the most important thing. All the time I want to prolong this feeling, but I have to tear myself away and join the working rhythm.

How did you get in shape after pregnancy?

We filmed the first shots of "Night Shift" already 2 months after the birth. I recovered by 23 kilograms, and it was necessary to get in shape very quickly. 2 weeks after giving birth, I started doing Pilates and completely switched to a healthy diet.

But due to the fact that I gave the body such stress, I, unfortunately, could not feed the child and was in a state of drive all the time, I could not sleep. I fell asleep at 3, woke up at 6, the period was restless. But I returned to sports almost immediately, and my work also helped in this. For new projects, I had to be physically prepared, I began to do boxing and pole dancing. This is a huge load, but it tightens the whole body.

- Do you have beauty rituals?

I don't go to salons, I do everything myself. For example, I used to make ice cubes, now Anne Semonin has such cubes. If I don't like how I look in the morning, then I take these ice cubes and rub my face with them.

In general, I think that you need to learn how to do everything yourself - I can do makeup and hair. In makeup, I even took a few lessons from makeup artist Natasha Malova. If I hadn't done it before, I wouldn't be able to do it now.

In my bathroom, everything is always laid out on shelves: several hair dryers, curling irons, elastic bands, hairpins, invisible ... A separate shelf for tone, a separate one for blush. And the best part is, I use it all!

- Do you have any favorite means?

I really love Anne Semonin cleansing gel, Bobbi Brown foundation, Becca highlighter, M.A.C shadows, Lancôme mascara.

Last night, apparently in anticipation of our meeting, I could not calm down and began to disassemble the cosmetics. I sorted out all the lipsticks, beautifully laid them out in boxes. There are a lot of cosmetics: I constantly buy new items, try different brushes. I have so many brushes! I need to figure it out!

- If you were a scent, what would it be?

Memo Granada. Everyone says that it is very tart, rich, but I don’t feel it on myself.

Interview and text: Olga Kulygina Photo: Evgeniy Sorbo We thank the China Club restaurant for their help in organizing the interview.

I congratulate you on the premiere of the film "Grandmothers of Easy Virtue". In whose head was born the enchanting scenario about a swindler hiding in the form of a grandmother from bandits in a nursing home?

The idea was proposed by Sasha Revva, who loves to transform. He told me all the time: "Marius, let's do something together, I have an idea - I'm a grandmother, I end up in a nursing home." Honestly, for a long time I didn't know how to approach this story. At some point, I realized that if you make him not quite an old grandmother, but one like Barbara Streisand, and take Sasha’s mother as a prototype, then you can get a very funny, fashionable and fresh story. I began to work on the script, and for a long time we brought it to the standard. It is clear that there is nothing new in the concept itself, because the artists have been dressing up as women since the days of “Only Girls in Jazz”. The hardest part was making a really fresh film on an old theme.

- What do you remember about the shooting?

For me it was an extremely difficult film from a technical and production point of view. There are a lot of tricks in it, plastic make-up, which took two and a half hours of a shooting day, a lot of objects, elderly artists. Moreover, we started shooting in the fall, and it instantly, almost two weeks after the start of filming, turned into a fierce winter.

With rain, hail, blizzard and frost ...

In the scene where Natasha leaves the entrance with a suitcase, we literally had to break, melt the ice, remove snow from under our feet and cover the ground with golden leaves.

A piece of autumn was recreated in the courtyard, and it was winter around, and I was standing in a summer coat, waiting for Sasha Revva. Or there was a scene after which I came down with a sore throat - where I get out into the hatch of a car flying into the cold at breakneck speed. I asked Sasha not to accelerate, but he was driving 70 km/h. I have a bottle of champagne that almost freezes, sticks to my hand, wild cold, and I shout: “We are happy, we are rich!” There are two blankets wound on the back - it’s not easy to stick out of the hatch of a car at such a speed when you are simply nailed to the hatch by the wind. They did several takes, and as a result, a big bruise formed on my back, no blankets could save me.

- Did you work together for the first time as a director and an actress?

Yes. By the way, when Marius and I met, it turned out that I watched his films, but did not know that he was their director. He saw me somewhere, but did not understand that I was an actress. It so happened that we first began a personal relationship. And only then, after a while, Marius began to try me on his projects.

Natasha turned out to be a wonderful comedic actress. Honestly, unexpectedly, in my opinion, even for herself.

In "Grandmother of easy virtue" I have a small role, but bright enough. I play the accomplice of a swindler - the hero of Sasha Revva, I try to throw him for money. And Marius only later, after the completion of filming, realized that comedy was mine, and I understood this too. And in January, another film by Marius is released - "Night Shift", where I have the main role. I play stripper there. For the sake of this project, I learned to dance on the pole.

- Marius, I remember you said not so long ago that you were going to make a thriller. Ready to change your favorite genre - comedy?

The story is completely unique. I ran after this Hollywood script for four years, trying to buy the Russian-language rights to it. And finally, the writer gave me the rights to a Russian-language remake. Shooting in the spring next year. main role Sasha Petrov will play, I also want to invite Evgeny Mironov. I haven’t decided on the heroine yet: the producers are talking about Sasha Bortich, in principle I don’t mind - I like the actress Bortich.

- What is the story about? Already have a name?

The movie is called Down. A story about two young happy newlyweds who are waiting for Honeymoon. The guys run into the registry office, sign, then run for money to dad - a girl from a wealthy family, happy, kissing, filming each other on an iPhone - in general, complete happiness. They run into the elevator of a skyscraper, and a third man enters with them. They go down in an elevator and get stuck on some floor, the three of them in this elevator, they are late for the plane. At first, all the giggles - hakhanki, try to get through to the dispatcher, but at some point they realize that they were stuck for a reason and that this man was with them for a reason ... I liked this story first of all because I somehow managed to bring it out during adaptation her into a dramatic plane. That is, I hope that I can create a sense of drama, with a philosophical background about what a family is, what real love how it differs from the first happy family year, when butterflies in the stomach.

Two halves of one whole

- Probably, it is difficult to be together all the time, both at work and at home?

We are two Aries, in many ways very similar, and lately we often understand each other without words. Marius can say: “You know, it seems to me that this is where you need it, you can hang it here ...”. I say, “Okay,” without asking too many questions, because I understand what he is talking about. That is, we think in unison, live, work, love. For me, the family is a priority, despite the fact that the work is in full swing and the character is not easy, but Marius treats this with understanding. I am hyperactive, and, unfortunately, I don’t cook at all, for me the kitchen is something very alien ... A year ago, I still promised myself to learn, but everything got even worse - I cook scrambled eggs, they burn me. I have completely forgotten how, although I do some attempts, I try. Marius says to me: "Well, I poured oatmeal, poured it with boiling water, here's your breakfast." So I will definitely burn myself, or I will flood cold water because I forgot to press the button on the kettle to boil it. I mean, not mine at all. I am grateful to Marius that he treats this with understanding. Otherwise, I can do anything: I organize life according to full program, garbage is thrown out on time, house cleaning, everything is clean, ironed, washed.

Natalia: I don't cook at all, for me the kitchen is something alien. But Marius is sympathetic to this. Photo: Andrey Salov

- That is, you are an ideal hostess in everything except cooking.

She is the perfect top manager of the household (laughs). But for me it is not so important. That is, of course, important, but I understand that ideal people can not be.

- Maybe Marius cooks wonderfully?

He doesn’t cook either, well, this is not our story. Nobody cooks with us, but we are so beautiful and slender, we don’t bother with the topic of food at all.
Marius: In general, I think one should do what brings pleasure, truly inspires. A person who loves to cook, he comes to the store and thinks: "But this will go well with this, and now I'll add this." Cooking - Absolutely creative process. Natasha cannot be forcibly realized in the kitchen, she is realized in another. For me, family is not necessarily cooking. If this aspect did not work out for my beloved woman, for me it is not a tragedy at all. There are other things in which she is beautiful, as a wife.

- What Natasha's talents will you note?

Firstly, she is an absolutely brilliant repair engineer, she has golden hands. For example, Natasha can easily assemble a closet, design a kitchen, her hands are shaking, she likes it so much. And I can’t even come close to this, I don’t understand where and what to twist. He does not know where our tools are at home - a screwdriver, a drill. Natasha has engineering thinking, she could be a very cool architect.

Just yesterday I collected three bookcases. Although there are masters, but I take away their work, I say, “You twist it crookedly, slowly, I’d rather do it myself.”
Marius: And then, she is a devoted person, whom I completely trust, with whom we have absolutely the same worldview. And this is much more important to me than cooking. She and I really, as they say, live soul to soul, we understand what anyone likes, without intruding into each other's space when it is not necessary. We have found a certain harmony and symbiosis, and at the same time we live a really happy, healthy and friendly family. This is the first time in my life.

- I wonder what was the longest parting of yours?

Marius recently went to Vyborg for a festival for two whole days, I missed him so much.

Well, we parted for a long time when Natasha was pregnant and lived in our house in Los Angeles, and I worked here in Russia

- Some couples say that it is necessary to part, it is very useful for relationships.

I used to think so too, but now I can’t understand why it is necessary to leave? But all the same, we part during the day - he goes to sports, I go to sports, he goes somewhere and I go about my business. But we don’t have such that we get tired of each other, we feel good together. We have the feeling that we, like puzzles, in a sense, complement each other, like two halves.

I have never had such a good time with a person… What can you rest from when you are not tired? Moreover, I know what it is to get tired of a person. When he has a different energy, a slightly different worldview, and so on, then either she or you have to adjust all the time, and this happens very often.

We do not load each other, we can be close and silent, hugging, but at the same time everyone works, is busy with something of his own, I read, he does something. I can mess around in the kitchen, assemble another cabinet, for example, Marius is editing his movie, but, nevertheless, the feeling that we are nearby is there, and this is good and comfortable. We do not hammer each other, that if we met, we must definitely solve some problems. Because I also have such a trait and Marius has it, but somehow we don’t have any problems.

Marius: Natasha and I have the same worldview, and this is much more important to me than cooking. Photo: Andrey Salov

- So, in past relationships, these problems arose?

There were. That is, we met: “So, we need to decide this, do something about it.” Constantly such conversations among people, and about jealousy, and about life, and about something else. We do not have this at all and, thank God, because we have neither the time nor the desire for this. Everyone has such a crazy life now, would find time, just hugging silently.

director's wife

Natasha, as the director's wife, do you have the right, as they say, on the first night - to read the script first, to choose a role for yourself?
Natasha: No, I don't want to choose my role just because I'm a wife. And I also tell Marius this. I read the script and go to the audition, like everyone else. Although everyone says to me, "What's wrong with that, all directors film their wives." I will not be offended if he gives the role to another actress, and even more than that, I even offer him actresses.

Yes, she helps me a lot with casting.

I help with the casting, I already know all the actors, and many of his acquaintances are in the lead roles. Because it is important for me that Marius has successful project. There are roles that do not suit me, or I don’t want to, or I can’t play them, or even I’m afraid. There may be different situations. And then, I would not want him to have some kind of restriction - a wife ...

And I can’t really imagine that I will shoot it in explicit scenes… I have serious love lines where I need two people to have fire, romance. With Natasha, I will be uncomfortable, I won’t be able to invest in it myself, I won’t be able to really direct it.
- Does everything have to be real for you?

Yes. And here, firstly, for the actor - this is my wife, that is, he already plays in a completely different way. It turns out that there is a complete conflict of interest inside.

Of course, I don't want to be a part of it either. That it was to the detriment of the film or to the detriment of the relationship. Who needs these unnecessary emotions.

But I understand, of course, that she is an actress, this cannot be avoided, but I myself am not going to take part in this. Natasha consults with me in any case, but we have no taboos or prohibitions.

Natasha: We have, as it were, by default in the family such an agreement: you are wise. Everyone is responsible for himself, but everyone understands in his head how clean he is internally. In comedy, everything is easy, there are basically no such passions, after all, the genre is different. But now I would not want to play some kind of difficult relationship, love, passion. I’m not ready to act in this, because I don’t know how to act and not feel, I completely immerse myself in the role. But I do not want to experience all this, because it will be contrary to my family values. There is quite a lot of other work, a different genre, where you don’t have to break yourself in something and hurt a loved one.

Achieved two years

- Readers, of course, want to know the history of your acquaintance. Who has his eyes on whom?

I've had my eye on Natasha for a long time. Although, we did not know each other, I just saw her in photographs, maybe on TV once. Been texting her for a while, trying to ask her out, set up a work meeting, whatever, just wanted to get to know her. I came up with various reasons, but for a couple of years there was complete silence. I thought - in a relationship, probably living with someone, and I didn't want to get involved. But unobtrusively, once every six months, he wrote something, you never know, suddenly the situation will change ... Then we finally met.

We met in person at a party two years ago. I remember we were sitting with girlfriends, and someone dragged Marius to our women's table. He sat, looked at me carefully and said goodbye, "I'll write to you again."

Yes, she didn't answer me.

Natalya: we are two Aries, we are similar in many ways, and lately we often understand each other without words. Photo: Andrey Salov

Why were they ignored?

Firstly, I had a relationship, and secondly, I never met on the Internet at all. I have never been attracted by prospects, neither directing, nor money, none, it doesn’t matter to me. I have only this: I saw, I was hooked, that's all. But still, fate brought us together.

- Marius wrote again, and you still answered?

Wrote. I already realized that it wouldn’t work out directly, I started sending me scripts, and I told him: “This is a small role, I won’t play it.” But he behaved so gallantly, wrote so kindly, and called for his birthday, and already called everywhere. And most importantly, unobtrusively, but regularly. And I decided that I still need to pay attention to this. She wrote: “Well, okay, we can drink tea, just talk about work.” We met and sat on our first date for six hours, the restaurant was closed, we were expelled from there, and we could not talk enough. Everything is in a heap: about work, and about prospects, and about hopes, and about dreams, and in general about everything. And there were five such dates, we sat for five or six hours, we could not close our mouths for a second, and then we no longer parted.

I went to Kyiv to shoot a movie, we talked on the phone, I flew in as soon as I could, for one day. It was such a beautiful story.

He generally flew in in the morning, flew away in the evening, walked with me during the day and left. I was in Kyiv, and constantly sent flowers with postcards. I was regularly called by an unfamiliar number, I picked up the phone and heard: “Hello, where do you deliver the flowers?”. And all the time there were such romantic cards if I got sick or something. All of them I have kept.

- For you the most valuable quality in Marius, his main feature character that won you over?

He is warm and he is responsible. This is something that I very rarely see in people. That is, if Marius said, he will do it. In addition, he is well-mannered, very kind, sympathetic, he will always regret. If there is any problem, he will help. If I get sick, he will run all over Moscow to buy medicines. In general, for me, he is the perfect man.

- All these qualities were influenced by the fact that Marius has been living in America for more than 20 years?

Yes, there is merit in that. Because many Russian men constantly looking for, it seems to me, some kind of trick: “Where is the poop?”. We all live like this: “Now something will happen.” But this is not the case in Marius, he always believes in everyone, looks at the world with open eyes. And he has no figs in his pocket. I also began to learn this from him, and I’m already scared, because I, too, become the same, kindness absorbs, and everyone already seems good to you.

Natalia: Marius took me to Hawaii and proposed there. It was so cool, just magical! Photo: Andrey Salov

- Where do you spend most of your time, where is your home now?

We used to live in Los Angeles for a long time, but now there is a lot of work here. Since we settled in Moscow for half a year, we have been equipping an apartment, finishing building a dacha.

wedding is not far off

- A year ago there was information that Marius proposed, and you are preparing for the wedding. But there is still no word about the wedding itself. Are you still married or not?

No, we are not married, but we will definitely get married. This year turned out to be very difficult at work, we simply do not have time physically.

Marius took me to Hawaii and made a very nice proposal there. It was so cool, just magical. For me, this is a very personal moment, I told very few people about it. I just posted a photo on Instagram that day with the date and wrote: “Let this stay here.” We have already bought the rings, but so far there is no time at all.

We choose a place in Moscow, shoot ourselves. After all, it is necessary to organize everything really well, to gather all the friends. And now we have a lot of things: a dacha outside the city was built, repairs in the apartment, work. But we don’t have anything that we need urgently, urgently, we have nowhere to rush, because everything is great with us anyway. On the contrary, there will be something to look forward to.

We are not in a hurry. The wedding will not run away from us, the rings are lying, it remains only to call friends. I'm in no hurry because I'm the bride. Every day I wake up as a bride. I prolong my pleasure. And it's so cool.

They wanted a daughter, but an awesome son was born

- And why has no one seen your son, Weisberg Jr., where you have been hiding him for the second year already? What's his name?

Natasha: They named him Eric, in honor of Papa Marius. And our godfather is Pasha Derevyanko, our big friend. We do not specifically hide our son, we will definitely show it, but we are waiting for some special occasion and moment for this. We already have almost our whole life in public, everyone sees everything, everyone knows everything. Somehow I want to have something of my own, so that the child does not have to be terrorized by these photographs. Because this is his world, to which we treat warmly and reverently.

- Tell us about Eric, what is he, who does he look like?

Natasha: Oh, he's so cool, just an angel. To be honest, sometimes I'm even afraid to show it to my friends. Although I am not superstitious, I think that people are all different, and there are not very kind people. I don't want any negativity towards the baby. He's so cool with us! He looks like Marius, a real dad's son. Smiling, laughing all the time. Now Marius will show you.

Marius flips through his phone photos of a charming blond toddler with long wavy hair. Little Eric is very similar to his dad, but his eyes are bright blue - he has exactly his mother's.

Marius: when I met Natasha, I immediately realized that this is the woman with whom I want both a child and everything else. Photo: Andrey Salov

We have a wonderful child. But it is still so small, so defenseless that it is very scary to destroy that idyll where the child is in a cocoon of happiness and love ... He is happy, smiling, he is, pah, pah, pah, healthy. And that's why, why should we publish his photo? I do not think that a small child should be taken somewhere, shown, because for him it is stress ... Let him mature a little, take shape. When we came with him from America, Eric was just a baby, and now I look at him and see that he has already become stronger, he is already such an independent man, he walks by himself. Now it’s already comfortable for me to go somewhere with him, take him with me so that he can talk to someone. A wonderful grandmother, Natasha's mother, helps us a lot. Soon my mother will come to help.

- Did you immediately want a child, or did this news become pleasant, but unexpected?

To be honest, we didn't plan anything, it just happened. But we treated each other so tenderly and touchingly that we could not imagine that now we would do something other than give birth. In general, when I met Natasha, I immediately realized that this is the woman with whom I want both a child and everything else. Maybe, again, because we are two Aries, everything is quite organic with us. We do not plan anything, we do not force anything. But we value some main things, treat them with care, so as not to offend each other, in no case offend, we protect each other emotionally. The son is now the most important thing for us, as they say, our main common project. In Spain we conceived it. And after some time, Natasha says to me: “Imagine ...”. I exclaimed: “What a thrill!”. And that's all. By and large, everything turned out so naturally that we didn’t have any dilemmas, we did it, we gave birth, we are growing now.

- It was important for you who will be born, a boy, girls, or is it all the same?

Both wanted a girl, but an awesome boy was born, and now I can’t even imagine that it could not be him ...

- Well, probably, you won’t stop at one child?

I just want Marius to get fat next time, give birth, then lose weight (laughs).

"Grandmother of easy virtue" is already in the cinema

On the eve of Victory Day, the Russia 1 TV channel will premiere the military drama The Last Frontier, in which the fragile-looking 28-year-old Natalya Bardo played the brave nurse Katya. In life, the actress radiates sophistication, grace and style, which she demonstrates at social events. IN exclusive interview the site found out what sacrifices Natalia is not ready for for her career, why she refuses sex scenes and what boundaries she wants to erase.

28-year-old actress Natalya Bardo played a lot interesting roles, But latest work especially proud. In the new series "The Last Frontier", which will premiere on May 8 on the channel "Russia 1", the actress became a military nurse Katya.

The drama tells about a company of recruit soldiers, whose commander was given the task of stopping the Germans at any cost. The action takes place in a difficult time - in the winter of 1941. The heroine of Natalia faces all the hardships of the war time face to face. With a question about the picture, we began our conversation.

website: Natalya, you starred in the series "The Last Frontier", the characters of which have a strong spirit and the will to win. Do you have these qualities?

Without false modesty, I can say that there is. If I did not possess these qualities, my life would not have what I have now. I think, strong spirit given to us in order to achieve our goals without compromising our principles. I do not like to make sacrifices, but for the sake of loved ones I am ready for a lot.

“According to the sign of the Zodiac, I am Aries, and much of what is written in horoscopes is about me. I am purposeful, I don’t like to lose at all, and if this happens, I tell myself: “Everything is for the best.”

I am sure that if you have won or you are lucky in something, then you deserve it, you did something good in the past. I am grateful to my parents for their upbringing, they gave me best qualities. It is difficult to be alone in this life, and it is good when there are people nearby who wish us well.

N.B.: Now success for me is a picture that will be recognized by viewers and critics. If I am in a film, it is important for me that it is appreciated. For this I overcome own fears. I had to jump from great heights, shoot with poisonous cobras, spend ten hours in ice water... However, I love action scenes and often do my own stunts.

The victims must be justified, so I will never betray myself. If my inner voice resists something, I will listen to it. So, once I had to abandon a project with blatantly frank bed scenes and now I'm happy about it. I know for sure that I would be ashamed now. Perhaps, because of such a mistake, I would not have been able to fulfill my dream - to act in a military movie. "The Last Frontier" for me is one of the most reverent and significant works.

“In our profession, excessive media coverage does not always play into the hands. "Special" popularity can hurt. Therefore, in such matters, I rely on the opinion of professionals - recognized directors, actors, and I prefer to refuse to shoot for men's magazines. Everything has its time".

website: Can you call yourself a brave person?

N.B.: I'm more of a brave adventurer (laughs). It seems to me that this happens because I am afraid of boredom and ... laziness! Unpredictability, risk are closer to me, and courage is also inherent in this. I have other weapons, but I'll talk about that another time. (smiles).

website: What do you think a modern woman should be like?

N.B.: In my opinion, she must be wise. With this quality, a woman can achieve anything, and any man wants to protect her. It is not necessary to be combative if there is a loved one nearby. When girls say that they can cope without the help of men, they turn into unhappy and lonely. And I only call for wisdom. Wait, let your loved one show himself and his abilities, because this is a small contribution to your happy future.

N.B.: Happiness should be a priority, and for me it is both the opportunity to act in films and the desire to start a family. There must be balance in everything.

“I can’t choose one thing, so I’m ready to explain to a man how important work is for me as much as I like. I am for a harmonious existence and I am sure that it is possible to build at the same time successful career and make time for family and friends.

website: What character would you like to be reincarnated as?

N.B.: There is no specific image. I played both positive heroines and girls with hard fate, and bitches, and even princesses. Now I want something sharp, negative. I think such a role is not far off.

I am satisfied with the way mine is developing now. actor career and I am glad that I have the opportunity to do what I love. Every day I study, I work on myself. I am only at the beginning of the journey, there are many achievements ahead of me, and this only fuels my interest and inspires me.

website: Do you make plans or prefer the natural course of events?

N.B.: Oh... I just belong to the category of people who make long-term plans. I like to control everything even in those cases when I have no power over the situation (laughs). But I notice positive changes - over the years I become more trusting. And I even begin to get a taste and enjoy it. And when I notice that the result exceeds all my expectations, I rejoice in euphoria. Moments like these bring joy when you realize you have someone to rely on.

N.B.:"Yes I can. The goal is not to destroy what has been built. I treat what I have as my empire: I am the queen of possessions, I have a king, and everything is subject to a clearly built system. This world of mine was built long and hard.

My relatives give me the strength to move on, I try to protect myself from ill-wishers and gossip. Today there is order in my house, which allows me to freely think about the future, to search, develop, love. In life, everything should be, as in a tidy closet - in its place.

website: It seems to us that one of your strengths- the ability to look great at social events. Do you seek help from professionals or do you think over the images yourself?

N.B.: Thank you for the compliment. A woman should be able to present herself. Of course, I turn to stylists, because, in my opinion, public people should pay special attention to their appearance.

“The right image is a big job, an art. Therefore, I prefer to do my job - acting, and trust the rest to professionals.

website: Do you prioritize comfort or beauty?

N.B.: Above all for me is beauty, especially if we are talking O social event, red carpet or filming process.

IN Everyday life I allow myself to relax and choose comfort. If I am uncomfortable in something, I will not wear it, and this thing will hang on a hanger or, in best case will be given to someone.