How many grams are 1 large spoon? How many grams of flour are in one tablespoon

Different people have their own vision of the amount of ingredients needed to prepare all kinds of dishes. Some rely on their eye and sense of proportion and measure “by eye”, others - in grams, using kitchen scales that are always at hand, others - in spoons. However, those who do not have a scale, but need relative accuracy in weighing foods, medicines and herbs, ask the question: “How many grams are in a teaspoon?” This article will outline how much and what product is contained in a teaspoon.

Measurement in grams of the amount of product in a teaspoon

When asking “how many grams are in a teaspoon,” they always mean that the product is heaped up. It is also necessary to take into account that this measurement may have an error of several grams. It depends on how big the “hill” is, on the moisture content of the dry product, on the volume of the spoon, etc. This information will be very useful for young housewives who are faced with the fact that recipes give the amount of food in glasses, then in teaspoons and tablespoons, or in grams. Below you will find correspondences that will help answer the question: “1 teaspoon - how many grams?”

Measuring liquid foods in teaspoons

A teaspoon contains:

  • water - 5 g;
  • condensed milk - 12 g;
  • vegetable oil - 5 g;
  • butter - 5 g;
  • cream - 5 g;
  • sour cream of medium consistency - 10 g;
  • tomato puree - 5 g;
  • liqueur - 7 g;
  • table vinegar - 5 g;
  • jam - 16 g.

How many grams are in a teaspoon of bulk products?

Below are the correspondences for dry bulk products. A teaspoon contains:

How many grams are in a teaspoon? Medicine

Many in their lives have encountered the fact that when a doctor writes a prescription, the dosage of medications is often measured in spoons. In medicine, it is generally believed that a teaspoon contains 5 ml of liquid. The solvent of the drug is mainly water. Thanks to this, it becomes easier to answer the question: “How many grams are in a teaspoon?” In this situation, 5 ml equals 5 grams. However, these data give reason to doubt their accuracy, which is so important in taking medications. During a special experiment it was proven that this correspondence is not entirely correct. First, different standard teaspoons have different volumes. So, the difference is significant - from 2.5 to 7.3 ml. Secondly, all people take different amounts of liquid into a spoon. Thus, in the experimental group, the values ​​gained ranged from 3.9 to 4.9 ml.


As for cooking, there is no need for absolute accuracy in measuring food. Therefore, this method is quite suitable for this. However, it is better to use a syringe for dosing medications.

Everyone knows that the main secret of successful dishes lies in the right recipe. In each of them you can find a list of ingredients that are indicated in a certain quantity. Not all housewives manage to determine by eye, for example, how much flour is in a tablespoon in grams or how much is in a glass. When you don’t have a kitchen scale at hand, knowledge of how to measure food in spoons or glasses will come in very handy.

How to measure flour in tablespoons

Of course, the amount of flour depends on the dish that the housewife intends to prepare. If it is any kind of sauce, then it is not necessary to know exactly how much flour is in a tablespoon, since you can add it gradually and stop when the sauce reaches the desired consistency. The situation is different with baked goods or various kinds of casseroles. In such dishes, it is preferable to use a strict dosage of flour so that they hold their shape and turn out fluffy after cooking. For casseroles, cheesecakes and pancakes, it is very convenient to measure flour in spoons, since a little of it is needed. Knowing how much flour is in a tablespoon, you can quickly and accurately measure the required portion. However, there is a difference whether you scoop flour into a heaped spoon or not, because this will change its weight. How many grams of flour are in a level spoon? If we are talking about regular wheat flour, then it will be 15 grams. In a spoon with a small heap - about 20, and if you scoop up a lot of flour with a spoon, with a large heap, you will get 25-30 grams.

How to measure 100 grams of flour with a spoon

When it comes to pies or other baked goods, it may seem inconvenient to measure flour with a spoon, because, as a rule, there is enough of it in such dishes. But if you have a recipe at hand that clearly indicates the amount of flour in grams, then this can be done without difficulty by measuring out 100 grams of flour with spoons. How many spoons will it take to measure out such a portion? If you count on a heaped spoon, then only 4. Thus, you can easily bake pies, knead the dough for pancakes or pancakes, having a clear recipe in front of you. The main thing is to remember that the ability to cook delicious and rich pastries comes with experience, because, as you know, two women who bake according to absolutely identical recipes can end up with completely different tasting pies. Therefore, sometimes it makes sense not to focus on grams, but to see how good the consistency of the dough is for a particular dish.

How much flour is in a glass

In many recipes you can find measuring flour in glasses. What to do in this case? Usually, a glass means an ordinary one. In such a vessel there will be exactly 130 grams of flour, therefore, knowing it, it will be easy to measure the required amount into a glass. Thus, for delicious homemade baked goods, you don’t always need to have a kitchen scale on hand, although it is undoubtedly more convenient to cook with them. The usual one will always come to the rescue; you can measure absolutely any ingredient for a recipe in the required quantity. But do not forget that the data indicated in the article corresponds in weight to flour; sugar or butter will have a completely different weight in the amount of one spoon.

All recipes can be divided into 2 types. The first is when the volume and quantity of ingredients is indicated in pieces, tablespoons, glasses. The second type is when the weight of the products is indicated in grams. Housewives often experience difficulty when encountering recipes from the second category. Indeed, how to determine “by eye” 70 gr. this or that product? Of course, you can get a scale and weigh each ingredient separately. But this is not very convenient; it is much easier to convert grams to tablespoons. You can print out and hang a sign in the kitchen: 1 = how many grams of this or that product.

First, let's look at the most popular ingredients.

  1. Oatmeal - 14 gr.
  2. Potato, corn or wheat flour - 30 gr.
  3. Pearl barley, semolina or buckwheat - 25 gr.
  4. Barley, pearl barley or oatmeal - 20 gr.
  5. Vegetable oil - 17 gr.
  6. Condensed milk - 30 gr.
  7. Millet - 25 gr.
  8. Rice - 30 gr.
  9. Granulated sugar - 25 gr.
  10. Tomato paste - 25 gr.
  11. Water - 18 gr.
  12. Salts - 30 gr.
  13. Baking soda - 28 gr.
  14. Cream -14 gr.
  15. Sour cream - 25 gr.
  16. Whole milk - 18 gr.
  17. Liquid honey - 35 gr.
  18. Ground pepper - 18 gr.
  19. Cottage cheese - 17 gr.

The following ingredients are found a little less frequently in cooking, but to prepare delicious dishes it is just as important to know their weight.

How many grams are in a tablespoon?

  1. Gelatin - 15 gr.
  2. Citric acid - 25 gr.
  3. Ground cinnamon - 20 gr.
  4. Fruit and berry puree - 50 gr.
  5. Jam - 50 gr.
  6. Egg powder - 25 gr.
  7. Vinegar - 15 gr.
  8. Breadcrumbs - 15 gr.
  9. Powdered sugar - 25 gr.
  10. Powdered milk - 20 gr.
  11. Almond kernels - 30 gr.
  12. Maca - 18 gr.
  13. Ground coffee - 20 gr.
  14. Cocoa powder - 25 gr.
  15. Peanuts - 25 gr.
  16. Liqueur - 20 gr.
  17. Peeled peas - 25 gr.
  18. Dried mushrooms - 20 gr.
  19. Mayonnaise - 25 gr.

Spoons are used to measure not only cereals and spices. Sometimes you need to know how many grams of fresh berries or fruits are in a tablespoon.

  1. Fresh cherries -30 gr.
  2. Raisins - 25 gr.
  3. Fresh strawberries - 25 gr.
  4. Fresh raspberries - 20 gr.
  5. Blackcurrant - 30 gr.
  6. Dried blueberries - 15 gr.
  7. Prune berries - 25 gr.

Sometimes it is important to know how many grams of medicinal herbs are in a tablespoon, but this largely depends on the composition of the collection. On average, the weight is 4-5 grams.

This is perhaps the most complete list of products that can be useful in cooking. Of course, sometimes there are foods that are inconvenient to measure with a tablespoon - for example, beans or refined sugar. Such ingredients in a recipe are usually measured in cups.

Many housewives are also concerned not only with the question of how many grams are in a tablespoon, but also with how they need to put food into the spoon to make the measurement accurate. In this case, an unspoken rule applies. Flowable products such as liquid honey, water or milk are measured at the edge. Loose - apply with a small slide. In principle, this is usually how it turns out. It’s unlikely that anyone was able to take a heaping tablespoon of vinegar or liqueur.

To measure the required amount of ingredients, you can use not only a tablespoon, but also a teaspoon, as well as a glass. A tablespoon is approximately (approximately and not for all products) equal to three teaspoons. A teaspoon is most often used to measure those ingredients that are added to a dish in small quantities - pepper, salt, soda. The canteen measures the main products - honey, cottage cheese, cocoa. Flour or sugar is usually placed in glasses.

It is most important to observe the exact dosage and weight of products when preserving. A slight excess of salt or sugar usually does not threaten anything - well, only the taste may change a little. But a deficiency can affect the shelf life of the workpiece.

In addition, we can advise novice housewives to cook exactly according to grams. Until you have a full hand and no experience adding all the ingredients “by eye”, you should carefully follow the recipe. Otherwise, a dish that is being made for the first time (and the easiest way to ruin baked goods and biscuits) may not turn out at all. With experience, housewives, as a rule, move away from the traditional recipe and change the dish to their taste - they will add more of some products, and less of some.

When preparing new dishes, each of you has definitely encountered a situation where you need to accurately measure the amount of certain ingredients. Very often in recipes, and indeed in any cooking instructions, they give only general information, using terms like “a tablespoon of flour” or “a glass of buckwheat.”

That is, measurements in grams, kilograms or milliliters are omitted. But if you think about it, can you immediately tell how much a couple of drops of lemon juice, a teaspoon of mustard or vanillin weighs on the tip of a knife? After all, depending on the correct ingredients, your dish can turn out to be either very tasty or completely unsuitable for food. How many grams of salt are there? Any housewife or cook should know the answer to this question without hesitation, because the taste of your soup or main course greatly depends on the lack or excess of this ingredient.

Salt is not a component that can be added by eye, that is, as much as you think is necessary. You need to add exactly as much as indicated in the recipe. So, today in our article we will once and for all answer the question of how many grams of salt are in a tablespoon. You will also be offered a table for converting products from volume measures (tablespoons and teaspoons) to weight measures (grams) and vice versa. You can print it out and keep it in the kitchen so that if you have any doubts, you can immediately find out the exact answer. After all, not everyone and not always have kitchen scales at hand, which also take up enough space. The proposed table is a good alternative to this

We answer the question about how many grams of salt are in a tablespoon

So, remember once and for all: one tablespoon holds 25 grams of white small crystals. Therefore, for example, if when preparing pickles you need to put 50 grams of salt, then feel free to put 2 tbsp. no slide. These measurements are correct when the length of the spoon is 7 cm and the width is 4 cm, because the utensils may be different in each kitchen, so also take into account a slight error when introducing the ingredient into the dish. Taste the dish several times during the cooking process. But keep in mind that if we answer the question of how many grams are in a tablespoon of coarse salt, then there will already be a different value - 20 grams. And if you take a heaped spoonful of regular salt, its contents will already weigh 30 grams. It's that simple. This will help in the future to add exactly the amount of seasoning required by the recipe, because what could be worse for the housewife than an over-salted dish, the taste of which is sometimes very difficult to correct?

Conversion table (spoons - teaspoons and tablespoons) into weight measures (grams)

When you already know how many grams of salt are in 1 tablespoon, it is very useful to keep in mind the measurements of other foods often used in the cooking process.

We hope that our article was useful to you, and the question of how many grams of salt are in a tablespoon will no longer arise. We remind you: 25 grams of regular salt are in 1 tablespoon; 20 grams, if you take large crystals, and if you like to pour in heaps, then the weight of the ingredient will amount to all 30 grams. Take this into account and do not over-salt your dishes.

Most recipes list ingredients in grams, but you rarely see a scale in your home kitchen. Therefore, they are measured mainly with improvised means: a glass, a tablespoon and a teaspoon. But for everything to work out, you need to know what kind of v different products have. The taste, aroma and even appearance of finished dishes often depend on this.

There are different spoons...

However, any housewife, looking at the available spoons in the kitchen, will easily notice that they clearly have different capacities. And how then to measure? After all, this makes a difference in a tablespoon. In reality, everything is simpler than it seems. You just need to follow some simple rules.

It is believed that a regular tablespoon holds 18 ml of water. Thus, using a beaker or a regular syringe, you need to measure the volume of all spoons in the house. Water should be poured to the very edges. The one that will accommodate the specified volume should be used in the future for measuring products. Today you can do it easier and not look for suitable cutlery at home. In any dishware store you can easily find a special kitchen set, consisting of a measuring table, a tea set and sometimes a convenient one is also attached to it.

How to measure correctly

But it is important not only to choose the right spoon, but also to measure food correctly. The weight of the food in a tablespoon also depends on this. So, all liquids need to be poured flush with the edges or, as they say, sip. But thicker products, such as sour cream, honey or jam, should be measured so that they are slightly heaped.

Bulk foods should also be measured with a tablespoon. At the same time, they do not need to be pre-shaken, compacted, or, conversely, sifted. This can greatly affect the amount per tablespoon. Do not forget that the final weight of the contained product can be affected by its humidity and general condition. Thus, fermented kefir is always a little thicker than fresh one, and wet sugar is heavier than dry sugar.

Table. Measure of weight in tablespoon

Bulk products
Wheat flour25
Potato starch30
Powdered sugar25
Granulated sugar30
Ground crackers15
Ground coffee25
Baking soda28
Lemon acid20
Viscous products
Sour cream25
Cottage cheese17
Condensed milk30
Tomato paste30
Vegetable oil25

The table shows data on products commonly used in cooking. Of course, it is almost impossible to remember all this. Therefore, you should always keep such a table at hand. For example, you can print it out and place it on the refrigerator or in any other accessible place. Then it will be possible to know exactly what weight is in a tablespoon of the desired product.

And a little more about measurement rules

Of course, it is important to follow the chosen recipe. However, an error of 2-3 grams cannot in any way affect the taste and quality of the finished dish. In addition, many ingredients (for example, spices) are added according to your taste, without being guided at all by what is specified in the recipe. Only with experience can you be able to determine, even by smell, whether certain products are enough.

Those who are not yet confident enough in their abilities can focus on how much food is contained in a tablespoon and measure exactly according to the recipe. It's even better if you use a kitchen scale to measure. They can be easily purchased in specialized stores. This is especially important when baking baked goods and preparing desserts. But when making soups, main courses and snacks for your home, you can experiment and add spices and foods to your liking.