How to make pork gravy for buckwheat. How to prepare a delicious buckwheat gravy: recipes

Buckwheat sauce is a dish that is associated with childhood and my mother’s very tasty buckwheat porridge.

Buckwheat is a very healthy product, containing a lot of protein, vitamins and microelements. It is great as a side dish for mushrooms, meat and fish. In Rus', since ancient times, buckwheat porridge was considered a heroic food, capable of restoring the strength of warriors and farmers. In Italy, buckwheat is still sold in pharmacies to this day.

Of course, buckwheat porridge can be eaten simply with butter or milk, but if you dream up your imagination, approach it creatively and, so to speak, taking into account modernity, then it is better to prepare a sauce for buckwheat.

The flavors of the sauce are unique. It depends on the ingredients that make it up and your personal preference. Sometimes the seemingly incompatible produces excellent results and becomes a brand. And a brand, gentlemen, is something you can brag about to your friends, but also something you can make money from.

We will offer you only a few options for buckwheat sauce - the rest is up to you. Don't be lazy, get creative! Experiments are welcome.

Tomato sauce for buckwheat

From the name itself it is already clear that the predominant product in it is tomatoes. This culinary masterpiece can be useful for a vegetarian diet, as it is tasty even without meat.

For preparation you will need:

  • red tomatoes - approximately 200 gr. (the sauce can be prepared from tomato paste - 3 tablespoons is enough);
  • carrots - 150 gr.;
  • bell pepper - 250 gr.;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • onion - 150 gr.;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • parsley, dill, basil or cilantro - 200 gr.;
  • ground black pepper and salt - at your discretion.
  • Thoroughly wash and clean vegetables and herbs.
  • Boil the water and submerge the tomatoes for a moment to remove the skins. Remove the seeds from the blanched tomatoes and place them in a blender bowl.
  • Remove the stems and seeds from the sweet pepper, cut into pieces and add to the tomatoes.
  • Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and finely chop the onion.
  • Pour oil into a frying pan and add carrots and onions for frying. When you smell the characteristic smell of fried onions and see that their color has turned golden and the carrots have turned slightly pale, it means the vegetables are ready.

If you use tomato paste, then you need to add it to the stew along with carrots and onions and simmer for five minutes.

  • Transfer the contents of the pan to another bowl and leave to cool.
  • In the blender bowl, which already contains tomatoes and paprika, add the carrot-onion mixture, garlic pulp, ground pepper and salt. Beat all ingredients until smooth.
  • Finely chop the dill, parsley and basil (cilantro) and mix with the prepared sauce. The greens can also be added directly to the blender. Do whatever is most convenient for you, the wonderful taste of the sauce will not suffer at all.

The buckwheat gravy goes very well with boiled pork and beef, chicken and sausages, as well as boiled and stewed fish. Note that the dish is completely environmentally friendly, because it is prepared only from natural products.

White buckwheat sauce “A la Greece”

The recipe for this unique dish is dominated by fresh cucumber, picked from your grandmother’s garden or bought at the market from a private owner in the summer. Sauce and buckwheat are great for poultry or rabbit meat delicacies, but even without deli meats this is a good pair.

Let's prepare for work:

  • fresh cucumbers (only from the garden) – a couple are enough (should be small);
  • sour cream (at least 26% fat content) – 200 gr.;
  • garlic - to taste (but at least one);
  • parsley and dill – 100 gr.;
  • Salt and pepper - a little bit at a time.
  • Wash the vegetables thoroughly; you can pour boiling water over the cucumbers. If desired, cucumbers can be peeled.
  • Using a knife or a coarse grater, chop the cucumbers. If you see that too much cucumber juice has come out, pour it out.
  • Add sour cream to the container with the cucumber mixture.
  • Chop the prepared herbs and garlic mercilessly, add salt and pepper, mix with sour cream and cucumber mixture.

Buckwheat sauce has an interesting fresh, light and aromatic taste. Gourmets will appreciate it.

Mushroom sauce

Very aromatic and healthy sour cream and mushroom mix. Particularly attractive in it is the presence of forest mushrooms: boletus, saffron milk caps, chanterelles, boletuses, which you collected yourself (you can use frozen ones). Of course, champignons are also suitable, but the taste will change (but there will be a new exclusive option).

The ingredients of the dish are:

  • 200 grams of wild mushrooms (pre-washed, peeled and boiled in salted water for 40 minutes);
  • 100 grams of mushroom broth (can be from a cube);
  • 50 grams of sour cream (fat content of at least 18%);
  • 40 grams of butter (at least 72% fat);
  • 2 larger onions;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 2 tablespoons - premium flour;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 3 - 4 sprigs - dill;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking sequence:

  • First of all, thoroughly wash the mushrooms in a colander under running water.
  • Pour flour into a dry frying pan and fry it over low heat until golden brown. This will further give the sauce a specific taste and thicken it.
  • Separately, fry the chopped mushrooms in butter.
  • Add finely chopped onions, coarsely grated carrots and garlic passed through a press to the mushrooms and simmer for ten minutes over low heat under a covered lid.
  • Pour the chilled mushroom broth into a mug, add sour cream and add fried flour. Mix everything with a fork so that there are no lumps.
  • Stirring constantly, carefully pour the prepared broth into the mushrooms and vegetables. Let's add some salt. Let it simmer for another two to three minutes.
  • Let's cut the dill and sprinkle it over our creation.
  • In this version, the broth can be replaced with cream, and parsley can be added to the dill. The result will be a higher calorie dish, but also even more flavorful.

The most delicious and nutritious “Meat sauce”

- This is a separate group, since they use different types of meat. The flavor of the sauce varies depending on whether poultry, pork or beef is used in the dish.


  • pork tenderloin (beef or chicken fillet) – 300 grams;
  • meat broth - 150 milliliters;
  • tomato paste – 3 tablespoons (can be replaced with half a glass of tomato juice);
  • butter - 40 grams;
  • flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • onion - turnip - 2 pieces;
  • seasoning for meat - 1 teaspoon (preferably without salt);
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Let's start cooking:

  • Wash fresh tenderloin or chicken fillet under running water and dry with a napkin.
  • Cut the meat into cubes or strips (as you like).
  • Turn on the stove to medium heat. Put oil in a frying pan, then, stirring, fry the pieces of meat (about fifteen minutes). The pieces will shrink slightly in size and brown.
  • Pour half of the meat broth into the frying pan with the fried meat, reduce the heat and simmer for twenty minutes under the lid.
  • At the same time, finely chop the onion, sauté in a separate bowl and place in a frying pan with the stewed meat.
  • Combine the remaining cool broth with flour and salt, stir quickly, and pour into the frying pan. Mix everything thoroughly, making sure that there are no lumps in the liquid.
  • At the end, add tomato paste (juice) and seasoning. Let it simmer for twenty minutes.

In our country, buckwheat porridge has long been one of the most popular and most delicious side dishes. According to tradition, it was cooked in a Russian oven, seasoned with butter, onions, chopped hard-boiled eggs and mushrooms. It was this kind of buckwheat porridge that was considered classic, “correct.”

Today we have largely moved away from the original Russian traditions in cooking. After all, buckwheat that is cooked on a gas stove does not have the same original buckwheat spirit as that cooked in an oven in a clay pot or cast iron.

That is why today many housewives are trying to ensure that a side dish of buckwheat can please even a gourmet. For this purpose, various gravy recipes are prepared, emphasizing and complementing the taste of the buckwheat side dish.

Preparing gravy for buckwheat

Meat gravy for buckwheat can be prepared from different meats (beef, veal or pork). The most popular gravy with beef is due to its excellent taste and presentable appearance (pieces of meat remain even and do not fall apart).

How to properly prepare beef gravy for buckwheat? — Novice cooks are perplexed.

And we will answer them with a recipe!

  • 400 g beef fillet;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 3 tbsp. l. butter;
  • Tomato juice (or tomato paste diluted with water);
  • Salt;
  • Spices.

Wash and cut the meat, fry 0.5 tbsp. l. oil, then pour boiling broth (preferably beef) and simmer until the beef is half cooked.

Chop the onion and fry 0.5 tbsp. l. oil, add to meat.

Separately brown the flour in the remaining butter (2 tablespoons) until light caramel color, dilute with hot water, stirring well so that there are no flour lumps. Pour this flour mixture into the meat, add salt and spices.

You can add a little tomato paste or tomato juice (200 ml). Simmer the gravy over medium heat until the meat is cooked.

The gravy can be sprinkled with chopped herbs (dill or parsley). If there is no beef, then you can take other meat.

This buckwheat gravy is a simple dish, but with its help the ordinary taste of the side dish becomes refined, and the main dish itself becomes more satisfying and nutritious.

The chicken gravy has a wonderful delicate taste. This sauce is great for a diet.

For the chicken gravy you will need:

  • 400 g chicken fillet;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • 200 ml tomato juice;
  • Salt, spices.

Fry chopped vegetables (onions and carrots) in hot oil. Add the chopped fillet to the vegetables and fry a little more.

Add tomato juice and water (100 ml). Simmer the sauce over medium heat for 10-15 minutes. Add salt and spices to the gravy.

Chicken gravy with buckwheat is considered a lighter, dietary dish than meat. Moreover, chicken cooks faster than coarser meat.

How to make another very tender chicken gravy with vegetables, see the video below:

Gravy made from minced meat (pork, beef or a mixture of both) has the advantage of being simple and quick to prepare, while not inferior to other gravies in taste and satiety.

To prepare minced meat gravy for buckwheat you will need:

  • 500 g of any minced meat;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste (or tomato juice);
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • Salt, spices;
  • Vegetable oil.

A delicious buckwheat gravy made from minced meat is perfect for baby food when it is still difficult for a child to chew pieces of meat. Another good thing about this gravy is that even an inexperienced cook can prepare it.

Let's start cooking!

Fry the minced meat in sunflower oil, stirring constantly and making sure that no large lumps form. Add vegetables to the minced meat and fry.

Finely chop or squeeze the garlic through a press. Add this garlic, tomato paste (or juice) to the minced meat and vegetables, salt and pepper everything.

Add water to desired thickness. You can add chopped dill or parsley. Simmer the gravy over medium heat for several minutes.

If you add eggplant, tomatoes and basil to the minced meat, you will get incredibly delicious!

You can watch how to prepare it in the video:

Vegetable (dietary) gravy for buckwheat

Undoubtedly, meat gravies cannot be compared with any other in terms of nutritional value and satiety, but vegetable gravies, prepared according to all the rules, are not inferior to meat gravies in taste and appearance. The most suitable vegetable sauce for any buckwheat side dish (be it regular porridge, meatballs or buckwheat) is mushroom sauce.

To prepare mushroom sauce for buckwheat without meat you need:

  • 200 g mushrooms (white, can be replaced with champignons);
  • 2 onions;
  • 100 ml cream;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt, spices;
  • Fresh dill and parsley.

Wash the mushrooms thoroughly, peel and cut into small pieces. Heat oil in a frying pan and fry the mushrooms until tender (about half an hour). After 25 minutes, add finely chopped onion to the mushrooms and fry, stirring constantly.

In a separate bowl, dilute sour cream with cream, add flour, salt and spices. Pour the sour cream-flour mixture into the mushrooms; when the gravy boils, add chopped herbs.

Vegetable gravy for buckwheat is ideal for vegetarians. It can be prepared with the addition of a variety of vegetables: onions and carrots, mushrooms, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts, broccoli and so on.

From salty to sweet. Buckwheat is not only porridge, soups and cutlets. Let's talk about buckwheat honey. The benefits and harms of buckwheat honey for the body. Believe me, you will learn a lot of interesting things!

Read about how to cook chicken liver here. Tasty and healthy!

Tricks to note!

Good housewives know that tasty gravy is the key to the success of any side dish. After all, a skillfully prepared sauce can transform even the most ordinary porridge, making it more aromatic and juicier.

Here are a few tricks for making successful gravy:

  1. Be sure to take thick-walled dishes so that finely chopped vegetables do not burn and the liquid does not boil away quickly;
  2. Very often, flour is added to the gravy to make it thicker and more tender. To ensure that there are no flour lumps when preparing such a gravy, you must first dilute the flour in a small amount of liquid (water, broth, cream), and then add the mixture to the dish. After adding flour, the gravy must be stirred constantly so that lumps do not form;
  3. The flour can first be fried in oil until light golden brown. This will give the gravy a slight nutty flavor;
  4. To add a refined aroma, you can add wine to the sauce and simmer a little;
  5. To make the gravy more refined and aromatic, various herbs and spices are added to it at the end of cooking (pepper mixtures (black, green, white, pink), allspice, red hot pepper, bay leaf, herbs: rosemary, thyme, basil, oregano and others).

So, one of the keys to the success of a buckwheat side dish is the gravy. It is what makes the main dish more refined, aromatic, juicy and nutritious.

A wide variety of gravies are suitable for buckwheat: hearty meat (pork or beef), with chicken or minced meat, dietary vegetable, delicious mushroom, cooked in broth (meat, vegetable or mushroom), with the addition of toasted flour, with tomato or sour cream.

The main thing when preparing this dressing is not to forget that it is not just an addition to a side dish, but a separate dish that requires attention and creativity.

I would like to present another version of a delicious mushroom dressing with meat for buckwheat porridge.

Not only the preparation of the gravy is described, but also the buckwheat itself.

We look and remember.

In our country, buckwheat porridge has long been one of the most popular and most delicious side dishes. According to tradition, it was cooked in a Russian oven, seasoned with butter, onions, chopped hard-boiled eggs and mushrooms. It was this kind of buckwheat porridge that was considered classic, “correct.”

Today we have largely moved away from the original Russian traditions in cooking. After all, buckwheat that is cooked on a gas stove does not have the same original buckwheat spirit as that cooked in an oven in a clay pot or cast iron.

That is why today many housewives are trying to ensure that a side dish of buckwheat can please even a gourmet. For this purpose, various gravy recipes are prepared, emphasizing and complementing the taste of the buckwheat side dish.

Preparing gravy for buckwheat

Meat gravy for buckwheat can be prepared from different meats (beef, veal or pork). The most popular gravy with beef is due to its excellent taste and presentable appearance (pieces of meat remain even and do not fall apart).

Wash and cut the meat, fry 0.5 tbsp. l. oil, then pour boiling broth (preferably beef) and simmer until the beef is half cooked.

Chop the onion and fry 0.5 tbsp. l. oil, add to meat.

Separately brown the flour in the remaining butter (2 tablespoons) until light caramel color, dilute with hot water, stirring well so that there are no flour lumps. Pour this flour mixture into the meat, add salt and spices.

You can add a little tomato paste or tomato juice (200 ml). Simmer the gravy over medium heat until the meat is cooked.

The gravy can be sprinkled with chopped herbs (dill or parsley). If there is no beef, then you can take other meat.

This buckwheat gravy is a simple dish, but with its help the ordinary taste of the side dish becomes refined, and the main dish itself becomes more satisfying and nutritious.


The chicken gravy has a wonderful delicate taste. This sauce is great for a diet.

For the chicken gravy you will need:

  • 400 g chicken fillet;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • 200 ml tomato juice;
  • Salt, spices.

Fry chopped vegetables (onions and carrots) in hot oil. Add the chopped fillet to the vegetables and fry a little more.

Add tomato juice and water (100 ml). Simmer the sauce over medium heat for 10-15 minutes. Add salt and spices to the gravy.

Chicken gravy with buckwheat is considered a lighter, dietary dish than meat. Moreover, chicken cooks faster than coarser meat.

How to make another very tender chicken gravy with vegetables, see the video below:

From minced meat

Gravy made from minced meat (pork, beef or a mixture of both) has the advantage of being simple and quick to prepare, while not inferior to other gravies in taste and satiety.

To prepare minced meat gravy for buckwheat you will need:

  • 500 g of any minced meat;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste (or tomato juice);
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • Salt, spices;
  • Vegetable oil.

A delicious buckwheat gravy made from minced meat is perfect for baby food when it is still difficult for a child to chew pieces of meat. Another good thing about this gravy is that even an inexperienced cook can prepare it.

Let's start cooking!

Fry the minced meat in sunflower oil, stirring constantly and making sure that no large lumps form. Add vegetables to the minced meat and fry.

Finely chop or squeeze the garlic through a press. Add this garlic, tomato paste (or juice) to the minced meat and vegetables, salt and pepper everything.

Add water to desired thickness. You can add chopped dill or parsley. Simmer the gravy over medium heat for several minutes.

If you add eggplant, tomatoes and basil to the minced meat, you will get incredibly delicious!

You can watch how to prepare it in the video:

Vegetable (dietary) gravy for buckwheat

Undoubtedly, meat gravies cannot be compared with any other in terms of nutritional value and satiety, but vegetable gravies, prepared according to all the rules, are not inferior to meat gravies in taste and appearance. The most suitable vegetable sauce for any buckwheat side dish (be it regular porridge, meatballs or buckwheat) is mushroom sauce.

To prepare mushroom sauce for buckwheat without meat you need:

  • 200 g mushrooms (white, can be replaced with champignons);
  • 2 onions;
  • 100 ml cream;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt, spices;
  • Fresh dill and parsley.

Wash the mushrooms thoroughly, peel and cut into small pieces. Heat oil in a frying pan and fry the mushrooms until tender (about half an hour). After 25 minutes, add finely chopped onion to the mushrooms and fry, stirring constantly.

In a separate bowl, dilute sour cream with cream, add flour, salt and spices. Pour the sour cream-flour mixture into the mushrooms; when the gravy boils, add chopped herbs.

Vegetable gravy for buckwheat is ideal for vegetarians. It can be prepared with the addition of a variety of vegetables: onions and carrots, mushrooms, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts, broccoli and so on.

From salty to sweet. Buckwheat is not only porridge, soups and cutlets. Let's talk about buckwheat honey. Believe me, you will learn a lot of interesting things!

Read about how to cook chicken liver. Tasty and healthy!

Tricks to note!

Good housewives know that tasty gravy is the key to the success of any side dish. After all, a skillfully prepared sauce can transform even the most ordinary porridge, making it more aromatic and juicier.

Here are a few tricks for making successful gravy:

  1. Be sure to take thick-walled dishes so that finely chopped vegetables do not burn and the liquid does not boil away quickly;
  2. Very often, flour is added to the gravy to make it thicker and more tender. To ensure that there are no flour lumps when preparing such a gravy, you must first dilute the flour in a small amount of liquid (water, broth, cream), and then add the mixture to the dish. After adding flour, the gravy must be stirred constantly so that lumps do not form;
  3. The flour can first be fried in oil until light golden brown. This will give the gravy a slight nutty flavor;
  4. To add a refined aroma, you can add wine to the sauce and simmer a little;
  5. To make the gravy more refined and aromatic, various herbs and spices are added to it at the end of cooking (pepper mixtures (black, green, white, pink), allspice, red hot pepper, bay leaf, herbs: rosemary, thyme, basil, oregano and others).

So, one of the keys to the success of a buckwheat side dish is the gravy. It is what makes the main dish more refined, aromatic, juicy and nutritious.

A wide variety of gravies are suitable for buckwheat: hearty meat (pork or beef), with chicken or minced meat, dietary vegetable, delicious mushroom, cooked in broth (meat, vegetable or mushroom), with the addition of toasted flour, with tomato or sour cream.

The main thing when preparing this dressing is not to forget that it is not just an addition to a side dish, but a separate dish that requires attention and creativity.

I would like to present another version of a delicious mushroom dressing with meat for buckwheat porridge.

Not only the preparation of the gravy is described, but also the buckwheat itself.

Let's look and remember:

Gravy for buckwheat with meat just like a vegetarian gravy made from vegetables without meat can turn ordinary buckwheat porridge into a full-fledged second course. I am sure that every housewife has her own individual and favorite recipe for gravy for buckwheat with meat. Some people prefer to cook it with or without flour, with sour cream, tomato, based on pork, chicken or beef. Often, to diversify the taste, mushrooms or other vegetables can be added to the meat gravy, in addition to traditional onions and carrots, for example, stewed zucchini, asparagus, green beans, broccoli, peas, and so on.

Moderately fatty pork is excellent for preparing buckwheat and meat gravy. Today I want to show you how to prepare gravy for buckwheat with meat according to a step-by-step recipe. Using this recipe, you can also prepare gravy from chicken breast or beef (veal).

Buckwheat porridge with such meat gravy will turn out no less tasty than. I don’t think it’s worth even talking about the fact that this tasty and popular dish, in addition to its taste, also has many beneficial properties. It’s not for nothing that buckwheat (buckwheat porridge) was called the second bread in Rus'.

Now let's move on to the recipe and see... how to prepare gravy for buckwheat with pork.


  • Pork - 400 gr.,
  • Onions - 1 pc.,
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.,
  • Sunflower oil - 4-5 tbsp. spoons for frying vegetables and meat,
  • Water - 500-700 ml.,
  • Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons,
  • Sour cream 20% fat - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Spices: paprika, dried Provençal herbs, black pepper,
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon,
  • Wheat flour - 3 tbsp. spoons (+100 ml. water for diluting flour)

Gravy for buckwheat with meat - recipe

After all the ingredients are prepared, you can start cooking, or rather, with meat gravy. Wash a piece of pork crumb and cut it into small pieces, approximately the size for stewing.

Wash the carrots. Peel the onions. Cut the onion into cubes, grate the carrots on a medium grater. The carrots can also be grated on a fine grater, then they will practically not be visible in the gravy, since they will soften during cooking. For those who like carrot pieces in meat dishes, I recommend cutting them into thin strips, half rings or quarter rings.

Place the frying pan with refined vegetable oil on the stove. Once the oil is hot, add the onions and carrots. Stir.

Simmer the vegetables for 5 minutes. Add pork pieces.

Stir the meat with vegetables with a spatula and fry it for another 5-7 minutes. During this time, the meat should change its color from red to white.

Place the fried pork with onions and carrots in a saucepan with a thick bottom.

Add hot boiled water, you can also pour cold water over the meat, but in the first case the pork gravy will cook much faster.

Add tomato paste to the meat gravy.

In addition to tomato paste (ketchup or sauce), you can make any meat gravy more tasty with the help of sour cream. Add the specified amount of sour cream to the gravy.

After this, add spices. You can limit yourself to just black pepper, or you can go further and make a flavorful gravy with the addition of any other spices. Savory, nutmeg, ground red pepper, turmeric, suneli hops, paprika, dried basil and thyme will be an excellent addition to any meat gravy.

Following the spices, the pork meat gravy should be salted to taste.

We can say that in 5-7 minutes the meat sauce for buckwheat will be ready. If you want to prepare meat gravy without flour, then cook the meat with vegetables and spices until cooked for the above time. I prefer rich and thick meat gravies. The classic way to get a thick meat gravy is to add flour to it.

To prevent the flour from “brewing” in the broth in one continuous lump or large lumps, it should be diluted with water before adding to the gravy. Pour the required amount of flour into a clean bowl. Add warm water. Stir flour in water until smooth.

Pour it into the meat broth. Boil the meat for no more than 10 minutes over low heat. While cooking the pork gravy for buckwheat, try to stir it periodically.

Gravy for buckwheat with meat. Photo

Buckwheat can be called not only one of the most popular side dishes, but also the most delicious of porridges. It perfectly saturates, enriching the human body with energy. Previously, aromatic buckwheat was cooked in the oven, generously flavored with butter, seasoned with mushrooms and onions, and hard-boiled chopped eggs.

Today, housewives have slightly changed their favorite dish, because gravy is now used to season it, for which every family has many signature recipes. Despite the departure from the classic recipe and the absence of ovens, the ancient dish delights with its unique taste.

Important features of preparing gravy

The dressing for any side dish should be not only tasty, but also a healthy addition, since cooked buckwheat in itself is considered a bland dish. Do not forget that buckwheat porridge is very useful as a source of proteins, amino acids, and microelements essential for improving health.

Therefore, in order to prepare the correct gravy for buckwheat porridge, you need to know some features of the products:

  • if beef or chicken is chosen for meat sauce, then it should be sirloin or brisket
  • It is better to prepare aromatic mushroom sauce from fresh forest mushrooms; if you don’t have them, ordinary champignons will do.
  • vegetable filling is prepared with onions and carrots, seasoned with tomato paste or fresh tomatoes, not forgetting herbs and spices
  • gravy with flour, onions and peppers, seasoned with tomato paste, this is a recipe for quick gravy when there is a minimum of ingredients in the house
  • You can also prepare sauces for buckwheat porridge based on milk, sour cream, and cream, but you can’t do without onions, flour and seasonings

If you decide to prepare gravy, you will have to acquire the necessary utensils. You will need a frying pan (preferably cast iron), it is advisable to stock up on a saucepan, as well as a bowl and a small saucepan. The housewife, of course, cannot do without a knife, cutting board and grater.

To prepare the sauce, the meat and vegetable components should be washed well. Cut the meat product into small pieces, pre-peeled vegetables - chop with a knife or on a grater.

Popular gravies for buckwheat porridge

The traditional choice of dressing for buckwheat is meat or mushrooms. Meat of any kind adds satiety and a special flavor to the side dish, enhancing the thickness of the porridge. The unusually delicate taste of mushrooms, their unique aroma and consistency will turn buckwheat porridge into a real delicacy.

Meat sauce for buckwheat porridge

When choosing a meat ingredient, you can choose beef, pork, veal, chicken. The most popular seasoning is beef; it has a wonderful taste and excellent appearance. In gravy with pork, the meat may separate, and the porridge will receive an additional portion of fat. With chicken meat, the dressing will be amazingly tender and dietary. How to cook gravy with beef? It's not difficult at all.

What you will need:

  • beef tenderloin – 400-500 gr.
  • onion - one medium sized head
  • three tablespoons each of wheat flour and butter
  • Instead of tomato sauce or tomato paste (diluted with water), you can use tomato juice
  • salt, set of spices

What to do:

  1. In half a tablespoon of melted butter in a frying pan, fry the meat cut into pieces, stirring it
  2. Add beef broth and simmer a little, but not until fully cooked, because you will still need to add vegetables
  3. While the meat is stewing, fry the chopped onion and carrots in half a spoon of oil, then combine it with the meat
  4. In the remaining two tablespoons of butter, brown the flour in a saucepan, adding a little hot water
  5. In order for the gravy to be homogeneous, without lumps, the flour brew should be constantly stirred

When the flour mass becomes creamy, it is added to the meat, not forgetting about salt and spices. Lovers of tomato sauce can flavor the gravy with it and simmer it, reducing the heat until the meat is cooked. Before serving, sprinkle the prepared buckwheat porridge dressing with finely chopped dill or parsley.

Chicken gravy for buckwheat

Thanks to chicken meat, the porridge dressing has a particularly delicate taste and is suitable for dietary nutrition. For gourmets, you can prepare a dish according to a special recipe with the addition of garlic and mushrooms. This version of the gravy softens chicken meat, imparts a special aroma, and preparing the dish is not at all difficult.

What you will need:

  • 500 gr. chicken fillet
  • 100 gr. champignon mushrooms
  • medium onion
  • a few cloves of garlic
  • half a tablespoon of butter
  • a little cream

What to do:

  1. After washing the chicken fillet, dry it with a paper towel or clean cloth.
  2. The meat is cut into medium-sized strips, browned in butter, and simmered for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Mushrooms, also cut into strips, are added to the almost finished meat; with them the gravy will become more flavorful
  4. While the mushrooms are not cooked, add onion (finely chopped) and garlic (crush in a garlic press) to the dressing.
  5. While stirring the gravy, season it with salt, add a little pepper if desired, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes.

The main highlight of this version of chicken gravy for buckwheat is the addition of cream. They are poured in at the final stage of cooking. During the cooking process, the brew is constantly stirred; after adding cream, it is brought to a boil, but it must not be boiled.

Budget dressing for porridge

It happens that people cannot afford to eat meat often for financial reasons or because of health problems. But even in this case, you shouldn’t deny yourself delicious food; you can prepare seasoning for buckwheat without meat, but with vegetables and sausage. Students will be delighted with this recipe; they often do not have enough money for meat products. How to make an economical gravy for buckwheat? Very simple!

What you will need:

  • 300 gr. boiled sausage, it can be replaced with sausages
  • vegetables - onion and one carrot
  • a tablespoon of flour, as well as ketchup
  • Additives to taste – a little garlic, black pepper, herbs, salt

What to do:

  1. Grate the carrots, but not finely, otherwise they will turn into mush. Onions cut into medium cubes
  2. In a frying pan in heated vegetable oil, fry the onion until golden brown. Add grated carrots and chopped sausage
  3. When the mixture is browned, add flour, slowly adding water. To prevent the flour from forming lumps, stir the mixture constantly.
  4. When the brew reaches the required thickness, reduce the heat to prevent the flour from burning. The gravy needs to simmer for another three minutes.
  5. Now you can add ketchup, chopped herbs and garlic. Add your favorite spices to the seasoning, remembering to stir constantly. Simmer for another three minutes

Vegetable Gravy Recipe

Thanks to meat sauces, buckwheat porridge becomes much more nutritious and helps satiate you for a long time. However, vegetable seasonings, if prepared correctly, are no worse than meat seasonings. The set of vegetables included in the gravy can be very diverse, depending on the tastes and availability of vegetables. Next is one of the options for vegetable dressings.

What you will need:

  • one eggplant, can be replaced with zucchini, squash, zucchini
  • one onion and one carrot
  • two to three medium tomatoes
  • half a glass of cream
  • two tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • a few cloves of garlic to taste

What to do:

  1. Peel the washed vegetables, cut them into cubes, they should be small
  2. In vegetable oil heated in a frying pan, brown the vegetable mixture
  3. Now the vegetables can be salted, seasoned with your favorite spices, chopped tomatoes, garlic, pour in cream

It is important to remember that the gravy with added cream should not boil. If the vegetables were large, you will have to use a little more cream than according to the recipe. If you exclude cream from the gravy, it will become an indispensable addition to fast days. Thanks to the softening of the vegetables during stewing, the gravy becomes thick and light, because it does not contain flour or animal fat.

Variation of gravy with soy sauce

This vegetable addition to boiled buckwheat is suitable for a vegetarian diet. Buckwheat seasoned with soy sauce can be included in the menu for weight loss, but if the diet is not salt-free. It is important to note that if the gravy is based on soy sauce, buckwheat is cooked without adding salt.

What you will need for refueling:

  • two leeks
  • three tablespoons of soy sauce
  • tablespoon vegetable oil
  • a pinch of pepper and sugar

What to do:

  1. The washed leeks should be dried and then chopped. Then fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil until it becomes transparent
  2. Now the fried onions are flavored with soy sauce, adding pepper for spiciness, as well as sugar to obtain a special flavor.
  3. Heat the seasoning for a minute over low heat to pour it over the cooked buckwheat porridge.

The easy-to-prepare gravy cannot be compared in taste to the classic vegetable version with the addition of tomato sauce. To improve the already unique taste of the dish, buckwheat with soy sauce is simmered in the oven for another 20-30 minutes.

If desired, leeks can be replaced with onions with the addition of carrots and small beets. The beets are pre-boiled and cut into strips to add to the vegetable frying. All year round you can experiment with different sets of vegetables, improving the taste of your favorite dishes.