Who invented the Slavic-Aryan Vedas and where did the Ynglings come from? Slavic Vedism (Veda, Vedas - Knowledge).

Review of the study of paganism of the ancient Slavs. The Vedas and the discovery of Indo-European culture. Hinduslavs. Russian and Sanskrit. Sanskrit and geographical names. Three main words. Monotheism and polytheism in the Vedas. Sanskrit in the names of Slavic gods. Sanskrit in the names of elemental spirits. The ancient history of the Slavs. High technology and superweapons in ancient times. “The Troubled Millennium” and the stages of settlement of the Slavs. Record of the Vedas. Expeditions to the Himalayas. Vedic predictions. Arctic Ancestral Home in the Vedas. Origin of Rus'. Monotheism and the evolution of Slavic worship. Vishnu and Krishna in Slavic culture. The era of Rodoslavia. Phallic cults of ancient Rus'. Perun is the patron of the princely squad. Polytheism and the coming of Christianity. Keys to Russian folk tales. Mudras and mantras among the Slavs. Traditional costume as a talisman.

Lecture for beginners from the section “Religion and Spirituality” with difficulty of perception: 3

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Review of the study of paganism of the ancient Slavs

00:00:00 The lecture is called “Vedas of the Slavs”. This is the connection between the pre-Christian culture of Rus', the Slavs as part of the Indo-European unity of peoples, and this is the topic that today’s lecture will be devoted to. That is, it is called “Slavs and Vedas”. Since we are talking about pre-Christian Rus', then we must immediately voice several of these popular myths. For example, the first myth is that this culture - it was. In fact, “pagans” means people who speak other languages, incomprehensible, that is, a synonym for the word “Germans” in principle. And it is unlikely that representatives of pre-Christian culture called themselves pagans. Usually Christian chroniclers called them pagans, and usually the typical formulation was “pagans are trash.”

00:00:55 The second popular myth is polytheism. It is believed that paganism, the word paganism, is a synonym for the word polytheism, however, in reality this is not so. Academician Rybakov said that “the idea of ​​monotheism, the idea of ​​monotheism, it arose as an archaic form of worldview, independently of, long before and in addition to it.”

00:01:22 Therefore, when we talk about this very culture of the Slavs, then acquaintance modern people, it went two ways. The first way this acquaintance went was through popular literature and through the works of reenactors. And now the beginning was somewhere after perestroika, the beginning: 93rd - 96th, “and there was light” - this was the era of Perun. Numerous appeared, there was “The Sword of Perun”, “The Speech of Perun”, “The Sword of Perun”, a group for Slavic-Goritsky wrestling “The Way of Perun”. Then came the period of Svarog. What did Alexander Bushkov contribute to? He has one of the heroes of the “Flying Islands” trilogy, in which Stanislav Svarog is there. Therefore, “Svarog’s Daughter”, “Svarog’s Night” began.

00:02:16 And the current state of affairs is characterized by the fact that there is great interest in Rodoslavia, Rod, as the supreme deity of the Slavs, and Lada is also popular - but here the popularity has already subsided a little. The advantage of all these fantasy reenactors is that they popularize a certain ancient culture. However, in reality, the images of Slavic deities that they create are often based not on the study of chronicles or some archival materials, but primarily on a tribute to fashion. Therefore, what is promoted is interesting, but what is not promoted, people often don’t know, since there is little time and life is short. I usually baffle researchers when I quote them two passages from the chronicles on the topic of Perun. This means that the ancient Russian chronicle says: “Perun, there are many,” that is, there are many Peruns, and the Lithuanian chronicle says: “There are four Parkunos,” and when you say that there are four Peruns, a person is completely stunned, because this is the idea of Four Peruns were not promoted.

00:03:21 If we are talking about the study of the paganism of the Slavs, then the same thing, people think that people think that there is some kind of tome with the inscription “Paganism”, where everything is completely restored. In fact, there are no dogmas, there are simply researchers with varying degrees of objectivity. Therefore, you can take, for example, the works of the Institute of Slavic Studies Russian Academy Science, and there you will find that Rod, for example, is a small god, and Lada is a fictional character. And you can take the most interesting works of Boris Aleksandrovich Rybakov, he is already an employee... it was the Institute of Slavic Studies, and he is the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Well, the Russian Academy of Sciences. And there he very convincingly reconstructs the image of Rod as the supreme Deity of the Slavs, shows the cult of veneration of Lada as the great Mother Goddess. Therefore, you must understand that there is no unambiguous and dogmatic, even in scientific schools, reconstruction of this very period.

The Vedas and the discovery of Indo-European culture

00:04:22 How is all this said connected with Vedic texts and Vedic culture? If we are talking about what the Vedas themselves are, then these are many sacred, ancient, sacred texts that are stored on the territory of Hindustan in India. They are written in an ancient language called Sanskrit, and in Sanskrit “Vedas” means “knowledge”. Yogis and sages who were the keepers of knowledge in that culture, they wrote down the Vedic texts. Some of them are devoted to material knowledge, for example, Vedic medicine, the science of space, and some are devoted to ideological issues. Therefore, fashionable words, and a lot of others, they are contained in Vedic texts: that is, the law of retribution for actions, the principle of creation, the doctrine of. And initially the Vedas were transmitted orally, and only some time ago, when this tradition began to disappear, they were written down. This is what is actually called the Vedas...

00:05:30 And getting to know this knowledge and this heritage of human civilization went along a very tortuous path. Therefore, the first place to start is with how the doctrine of Indo-Europeans arose. The situation was approximately as follows. Somewhere at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries, they were very convinced that they had very remarkably restored the history of the ancient world. This means the world was 6,000 years old, and those peoples who lived in the territory traced them back to the three sons of Noah: Shem, Ham and Japheth. Therefore, what the researcher’s work actually boiled down to was to actually correlate certain nationalities with those lists of peoples that are not mentioned in the tenth Book of Genesis.

00:06:19 And so everyone lived so quietly, peacefully until the English scientists who collaborated with the East India Company (and the East India Company just colonized India), they began to study the Vedic texts written in Sanskrit . Sanskrit was then understood as such, well... “Indian Latin”. And suddenly it turns out that these very texts speak of the existence in ancient times. That is, the fact that it is worldwide can somehow be forgiven, but moreover, they are talking about some kind of flying devices, about high technologies, . Well, of course it seemed like some kind of fairy tale. But suddenly it turns out that Sanskrit, this very Indian Latin, and also European languages, also Iranian languages, and Slavic languages ​​have many parallels. And William Jones, an Indologist, philologist, orientalist, he reads, having become acquainted with the Vedas, a lecture that is considered the name of an entire science called “comparative linguistics.” It turns out that all languages... many languages ​​were one in ancient times.

00:07:37 Another Indologist, Max Muller, having become acquainted with the Vedas, he realizes the unity of the myths of all peoples. For example, there is such an archetype “Axis Mundi”, a giant mountain “Axis Mundi”. In Greece it will be Olympus, and in the Vedas, Mount Meru. In our fairy tales, in Russian folk tales, there is a glass mountain, a golden mountain. Therefore, Max Müller introduces a concept called “comparative mythology.” And thus, whoever comes into contact with Vedic knowledge, with these texts, they naturally have a feeling of the ancient unity of cultures, the ancient unity of literatures and the ancient unity of languages. Therefore, first of all, linguists, language specialists, they create the doctrine of unity in ancient times different nations. And these peoples, who lived on truly vast territories, compared to modern states, they are called “Indo-Europeans”. But this term itself is not entirely correct, because there were not only Indians and Europeans, but there were also Slavs, first of all, there were Iranians. Therefore, another term that scientists introduce is the term “”. The word Arya, it is found in the Vedas, it is found in the Avesta, and the word “Aryan” or “Aryan” itself means “noble man” or “person of Vedic culture.” And that’s why this unity of peoples was also called “Aryan unity.”


00:09:07 Then the next question arises. There was a huge unity of peoples. How did they interact in this... within this huge unity? And in the fifties, when there was still the Soviet Union, various Indian scientists, Sanskrit specialists, they began... (well, because they themselves were usually born into priestly families, Sanskrit was almost like a colloquial language for them). They begin to travel around the Soviet Union, and suddenly discover that between the two groups of Indo-Europeans, between the Slavic-Aryans and the Indo-Aryans, there are more similarities in culture, in language, in patterns, in rituals than between, say, Indians and Europeans . And well, here’s the simplest linguistic example that can be given: let’s say we compare Russian, Sanskrit and English. Well, for example, “fire” - “agni” - “fire”, “darkness” - “tama” - “darkness”, “spring” - “vasanta” - “spring”. It is clear, yes, that in the first two cases, when there is Russian and Sanskrit, there is a fairly obvious coincidence. And such a professor Rahul Sanskrityayan, he writes a whole work, which he calls “From the Ganga to the Volga,” where he introduces a whole concept, which he calls “Indo-glory.” That is, ancient education within the framework of the Indo-Europeans, and if we have knowledge about these same Indo-Slavs, then we can understand that in ancient times, when the peoples were united, there could have been a natural cultural exchange between the Slavs, other Indo-European peoples, and Iranians. This was all reflected in our pre-Christian culture.

00:10:54 Briefly, the history of studying the problem of the Indoslavs is as follows. Back in the mid-twentieth century, ethnographer and journalist Yuri Petrovich Mirolyubov, he created a number of works on this topic, for example, “Rig Veda and Paganism” and others, where he puts forward the concept that the Slavs were originally located in the territory between Iran and the Indian Seven Rivers, Punjab and then, including the famous Battle of Kurukshetra - the largest Indo-European conflict, they came to modern territory. In this he himself relied on the so-called “Veles Book”, a very controversial monument, which... there is a constant battle between whether he is genuine or not. But one way or another, he put forward this hypothesis, which showed where the roots of our paganism, for example, came from. And since “Veles’s book”, when he began to publish, open persecution began, it was naturally shelved. Then Rahul Sanskrityayan, he was very good for publishing “From the Volga to the Ganga”, the only problem was that it was published in Hindi. Undoubtedly, we all read Hindi very easily and fluently, so this, too, naturally fell under the carpet.

00:12:07 Further, Dr. Natalya Romanovna Guseva wrote the book “Hinduism. History of formation and cult practice", where she also considered, already in connection with the polar, with the idea that there was ancient civilization, there is also the question of the connection between the Indians and the Slavs, and this also fell under the carpet. And it was only in fact, starting from the nineties, when censorship weakened significantly, that the same Natalya Romanovna Guseva’s work was published under the title “Slavs and Aryans. The Path of the Gods and Words”, where this was already a scientifically stated concept. Thanks to Svetlana Vasilyevna Zharnikova, the work “Sanskrit in the reservoirs of the Russian north” was published, and partial translations of Sanskrityayan’s work “From the Volga to the Ganga” were published. And now, in fact, we are just at the stage when at least some scientific works have been published that, well, indeed, can be called academic publications, which can be cited as an illustration of the fact that Slavic paganism did not come from outer space, and it has roots in Indo-European. And today we will compare the data of Natalia Romanovna Guseva and Academician Boris Aleksandrovich Rybakov, and we will see how wonderfully they complement each other.

Russian and Sanskrit

00:15:13 Therefore, we will start with a rather boring topic - let’s talk a little about Russian and Sanskrit. But to avoid being so depressing, you can read two poems. Because we think that we are so smart now, but in reality, with an interval of about forty years, in 1914, Bryusov, here is Valery Bryusov, that same famous symbolist poet, and about 40 years later - ethnographer Sergei Markov, they wrote two poems that reflected in poetic form the idea we are talking about.
Valery Bryusov
No need for deceptive dreams,
There is no need for beautiful utopias;
But Rock raises a question:
Who are we in this old Europe?
Random guests? horde,
Came from the Kama and the Ob,
That always breathes with rage,
Is everything ruined in senseless anger?
Or are we that great people,
Whose name will not be forgotten,
Whose speech still sings
Is it in tune with the chanting of Sanskrit?

00:14:25 And in the collection “Russian Poems about Language” from 1954, you will find Sergei Markov’s poem “Russian Speech”. Also quite famous. Here is a fragment of it
I am Russian. I breathe and live
Broad, free speech.
Lose it in reality -
Like a plague or a mutilation.
Name her immortal.
Her cradle is not forgotten:
At the source of the Slavic river
Sanskrit diamonds sparkle.
That is, this is the fifty-fourth year. That is, all this information has been circulating since pre-revolutionary times. There are a lot of motifs from the Vedic Ramayana in Pushkin’s fairy tales, which we will talk about. But, so to speak, it all did not come out “from under the water”, and now it broke through in such quiet verses, for those people who are in the know.

00:15:13 Therefore, if we are talking about some scientific conferences, then the most famous scientific article devoted to Russian and Sanskrit was the article of such a researcher Durga Prasad Shastri. In 1964, a meeting of the “Russian-Indian Friendship Society” was held in the state of Uttarpradesh, and it was there that Durga Prasad Shastri published his famous article, in which he says: “If I were asked which two languages ​​are the closest, I would answer without any hesitation: Russian and Sanskrit.” And he gives some examples, for example, the ancient Indian grammarian Panini, Panini’s grammar is one of the most ancient grammars in Sanskrit, he shows how adverbs of time are formed from three adverbs, how from three pronouns. He then illustrates that they follow the same pattern in Russian. That is, accordingly in Sanskrit kim, tat, sarva, and the resulting adverbs are kada, tada, garden. And in Russian what, that, everything, happens when, then and always. In the same way, in Russian and Sanskrit the expression “That house of yours, this house of ours” completely coincides. In Sanskrit “That is your Dham, this is our Dham.” And Shastri, he draws attention to a subtle point: in new languages ​​​​in Latin, English, the connective is is needed. Let's say there is my home, there is my house. But in both Sanskrit and Russian you can say without a connective, that is, “This is my house.” Also, the most archaic layers of language are numerals and kinship. Let's say, der mutter, the mother, mother, here, in Sanskrit matri, therefore brother, matri, mater, therefore it is in all languages. And also numerals.

00:17:09 As for numerals, in general a lot from Vedic mathematics has been taken into modern culture, but we don’t know about it. For example, the famous Pythagorean theorem, several centuries before Pythagoras, is contained in such works of Vedic scientists as Shatapatha Brahmana and Salba Sutra. But since this is not promoted, we believe that Pythagoras is the first. In the same way, we believe that we use Arabic numerals. Our numbers are officially called “Arabic” numbers, although in reality the Arabs took them from Vedic sources, where the concepts of “zero”, “one”, and “infinity” were introduced. And so, accordingly, what we consider Arabic numerals are Sanskrit numerals. The very sound of numbers is the same. "First" is "purva" or "etoron"; "second" in Sanskrit is "dvapara" or "two"; “third” - “traya” or “treta”; "fourth" is "chatvara". Therefore, for example, the names of great eras... there is such a doctrine about eras, right? That is, satya, dvapara, treta and kali. Anyone who knows Russian will understand that Dvapara and Treta are actually the second and third eras. They just change places during our cycle. This is a separate topic for discussion. And besides numerals and grammar, there is also a big... a lot of similarities.

00:18:27 Well, here are some selected ones, for example, in Sanskrit “jnana”, in Russian “to know”. “Nabhasi” - “heaven”, “tama” - “darkness”, “jvara” - “heat”, tam, “stir” - “mish”, “naked” - “nagna”, and so on. "Light" - "shveta". There are also interesting ones, for example, “vari” - “water”, in Sanskrit, in Russian “cook”, that is, cook in water.

Sanskrit and geographical names

00:18:49 Another example of the significant influence of Sanskrit is geographical names. Geographical names are a very ancient layer. And when the Indo-European tribes wandered, it was natural that they named some objects in the languages ​​they spoke. And the simplest, most striking example is the Sanskrit word “danu”. “Danu” in both the Avesta and Vedas means “river, water.” Therefore, if you look at the names of our largest rivers in Russia, you will see the combination “day” everywhere. Let’s say “Don”, “Dnepr”, “Dniester”, “Danube”, that is Western Slavs, Eastern Slavs, Southern Slavs, and with each of these rivers, if you study theories of the origin of the Slavs, there is usually some kind of whole healthy theory of the origin of the Slavs associated with them. For example, the Danube-Dnieper, or Vistula-Oder theory. Depending on how the authors of the theory see how those same tribes moved. But Svetlana Vasilievna Zharnikova, she analyzed the names of northern rivers, and it turns out that, for example, the Ganga River is not only in India, but we also have it in the Arkhangelsk province. Several rivers called Ganga, Ganges-lake. “Jala” means “water” in Sanskrit, there are rivers called Jala. “Padma” in Sanskrit is a lotus, a water lily, and, for example, the famous Buddhist mantra “Om Mane Padme Hum” - “I meditate on the treasure in the Lotus flower,” and there are many rivers there that are called Padma. “Kavash” is “sonorous” in Sanskrit, there are several rivers with the names Kavash. “Purna” means “full, full-flowing,” in the northern rivers there are Purnaya rivers and so on.

00:20:39 And in exactly the same way for the Vladimir region, Alexey Timoshchuk, he did research and identified a certain Sanskrit substrate there too. And back in Soviet times, academician Oleg Nikolaevich Trubachev, he identified 150 of the same names in the middle zone. Therefore, we can understand that rivers, in Zharnikova’s apt expression, are truly “memory repositories.”

Three main words

00:21:06 But first of all, when we talk about worldview, we are interested in the pantheons of Gods, deities, and the ancient history of peoples. This is the next block that we can talk about, and of course we need to start with three most important words. These are Veda, Bhaga and Jiva. "Veda" in Sanskrit and Russian - know this. A RIGHTEOUS person is a person who lives according to the law of God. Another word that means knowledge in Sanskrit is jnana or jnana. The same thing, there are a lot of coincidences - jnana - in Russian “to know”. "J" goes into "z". The second word is God. If you open the Bible in the original Hebrew, then God is designated by certain names. This is Yahweh, Adonai, Hosts, Elohim. And the word “God” itself is also of pre-Christian origin. Points to the Absolute, to the creator of the universe. And just the Slavic word God, it is close to the Sanskrit words Bhagas and Bhagavan. That is, “the bestower, lord, ruler of all wealth.”

00:22:12 Next is the word Jiva. Jiva in Sanskrit means "soul". In general, there have always been serious problems with the doctrine of the soul in different traditions. I like to quote this episode, when in the year 586, and in 585, the bishops of Burgundy voted, “Does a woman have a soul?” The point of view that there is a soul after all won by a margin of one vote. But the Vedas, they say that not only women, not only men have a soul, but also trees, plants, other animals, they have a soul, but consciousness is manifested to varying degrees. And the soul, it is in the heart. Not the head, where the brain is, as our physiologists say, but the heart, the mystical center of our Self. Therefore, yoga practices will work with the heart, and no one will say that “my head hurts for this person,” but everyone will say, “he My heart hurts for him." Therefore, this Sanskrit “jiv”, meaning “to live, life, soul”, it turns into the Russian “alive”. That’s why even the Slavs have such a goddess Alive, right? Goddess of Life. Alive, live, belly in the meaning of "life". This is all very close to Sanskrit influence. Therefore, even such key words: “knowledge, God, soul” - “Veda, Bhaga and Jiva” - this goes back to Indo-European times.

Monotheism and polytheism in the Vedas

00:23:36 Further, when we talk about pantheons of deities, we must first of all figure out how belief in one God and belief in many Gods generally correlated in ancient cultures. How does it compare? At school we are fed two schemes. They are scientifically called monotheism and polytheism. This means that monotheism means that there is one God, it is believed that Christianity brought this idea. And polytheism is polytheism, they say, when the pagans were wild, they did not understand that there is one Lord. In reality, this is complete nonsense. And if you discover, for example, Academician Rybakov, then... all ancient cultures - there is a different scheme. Polytheism subordinate to monotheism. That is, in other words, there is one God, the God of gods. It's even in the Bible, right? Yahweh is the God of gods. And there are subordinates, that is, the gods of this material world, who are like administrators of various processes for the president. Or someone, if a convinced monarchist, who are similar to the king’s ministers, for example. From the point of view of the Vedas, the Lord, he lives in the eternal world, he is immortal, eternal, primordial. And the Gods are simply higher beings of our material world. If we are talking about some slogans, then “even the gods are mortal.” Only their life expectancy, their capabilities, they, well, exceed ours.

00:25:03 In the same way, the Aryans, they saw that all energies in the universe are personal. For example, we say: “The Duma adopted a law.” But in reality, a specific person lobbied for this law. Or, for example, we say: “We have a computer,” but in reality Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or some specific person was behind this computer. He didn't just come from outer space. Astrology, for example, says that even planets and elements have their own temperaments, for example, Mars is so hot-tempered, the patron of war. Saturn - commerce, Uranus, there, it’s heavy. Therefore, in reality, the Aryans, Indo-Europeans, they perceived the whole world not just as some impersonal energies, but as energies that have a certain consciousness. Therefore, to some extent, they were able not only to perceive it, but even, for example, to talk, there, to some extent, with some element. For example, communicate with the wind, call it or, on the contrary, push it away. To some extent come into contact with animals. That is, these practices are still preserved among some primitive tribes, among shamans, but even more so in ancient times it was simply part of a person’s psychic abilities. And also they saw various forces of nature not just as faceless forces, but as certain male or female entities. That's why they gave them names.

Sanskrit in the names of Slavic gods

00:26:26 Now, if we consider the names of the Gods, then Agni... in Russian Fire, in Sanskrit Agni is the deity of Fire. We say "Fire", but we pronounce "Agon". Vayu or Vata, in Sanskrit, is the deity of the wind. We have “to blow, to blow, in English wind,” right? Here you go, the wind. Further, let’s say the Slavs have such a deity Niyam. Niyam is a stern deity, the lord of the underworld, who monitors the violation, well, compliance with laws. And in the same way, in Sanskrit, “niyam” means “to punish for compliance or non-compliance with some norms,” and the deity in Sanskrit is called Yama, underworld. Well, in our country any depression is called a hole. A lot of people like to talk about such a deity as Svarog. Most likely, Svarog was an analogue of the Vedic Brahma, that is, the creator of this universe, who creates our world. Svarog creates 14 levels of our universe in such a universal egg, called “brahmanda” in Sanskrit, and... well, or the Universal Egg, and the Russian word “bungle” - this means to create something. But what is Svarga in Sanskrit? Svarga in Sanskrit means “Worlds of the Gods”. Therefore, Svarog is simply, well, “heavenly”.

00:27:52 And then the goddess Lada. The existence of this goddess among the Slavs was proven by Rybakov; he considers various memories of her in various proverbs, rituals, and geographical names. In Sanskrit, "lata" means "beautiful, heavenly woman." Stribog - in the word about Igor's campaign - is the deity of the heavenly expanses. "Stribozh's grandchildren", they are described as winds, right? In Sanskrit, "stri" means "to extend, to spread." Surya is the sun deity. In the Tale of Bygone Years, Syria is called Surya, that is, a sunny country. And in the Veles Book, suritsa is a drink that infuses in the sun’s rays and so on. Therefore, sometimes, like the “Veles Book”, sometimes they like to compare Veles and Shiva. This is not entirely correct, there is only a partial match. A partial coincidence is that both Veles and Shiva are such “hairy” deities. "Veles - hair." Yes, that is, there is a combination. One of the names of Shiva is "Jatadhara", who wears a mop of hair. And the second convergence is that they both patronize cattle. One of the names of Shiva is Pashupati, that is, the one who protects the flock. Veles had the same similarity. But the cult of Veles was associated with the veneration of the bear as a totem, yes. Why do they sometimes say "Russian bears"? Now, in the cult of Shiva this is completely absent. That is, there was, well, adjustment to local conditions. But with all this, why, for example, “The Book of Veles”, which... The answer is very simple: because the movements of the Slavic tribes are described, which were, first of all, they were not bloodthirsty, as some European chroniclers portray them, they were nomads, pastoralists. Just like in India they never killed cows, she was treated like a mother. And in the Old Russian language, “skotnitsa” also meant “treasury.”

00:30:06 Mara is the Slavic goddess of death and destruction: “worry, starve, starve.” In Sanskrit Mara means death. Here, Yarilo is the deity of spring, male sexuality, male power. For example, when they sowed a field, they made an image of Yaril with such a huge reproductive organ, so, in Sanskrit, “jara” means “lover,” right? That is, Yara, Jara, often the Sanskrit J turns into the Russian “y”. And everyone who is interested in the East also knows the word maya. Maya is the goddess of material illusion. If you look, Western Slavs, then in Bulgarian, also in Czech. “Omaya means “I bewitch, I enchant.” Therefore, in the names of the pantheons of Slavic deities we see a significant presence of Sanskrit. And often even such texts as “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, something becomes clear in it precisely when they turn to Sanskrit. For example, one of the birds that mourns the dead warriors on the field of pain. This bird is called Karna. And in Sanskrit, “karunya or karuna” means “compassion for the grief of others.” In the same way, spirits are called Mavki, in Sanskrit “mav” - to lead away, confuse. Or , for example, in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” such a mysterious word “haraluzhnye swords” is used. If you open Russian dictionaries - no, what it is is not clear. And it turns out that the only thing where there is a parallel, and this is reflected in the academic publication "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" is the Sanskrit word "kharalangyana", that is, "to amaze with sharpness". Therefore, there is also such a big interesting topic - this is Sanskrit and Fenya. Well, if we start touching, we will go a little into the wilds.

Sanskrit in the names of elemental spirits

00:31:58 Therefore, we looked a little at the deities, and in addition to the highest deities, there is always the concept of “elemental spirits” in any worldview, including the pagan one. Sometimes they are called elementals, sometimes they are scientifically called "lower deities." But in the names of these lowest deities there is also a huge amount of Sanskrit. For example, we all know mermaids. Mermaids are water maidens, often the souls of drowned women, according to folk culture. But, what’s most interesting, if you take an encyclopedia or some reference books on Slavic mythology, mermaids are not fair-haired. Mermaids, they are usually witches, and all witches are usually green-eyed and sizzling brunettes. Then where does the word mermaid come from? It turns out that in Sanskrit there is a word “rasa”, which... one of the meanings of which is “moisture” or “water”. Where does Russian dew come from, right? Close. And therefore mermaids are just “water creatures”. Creatures that live in aquatic environments. In the same way, the spirit that is described in the Vedas is Shishumara. In Sanskrit, shishumara means "the death of children", or "an evil spirit that kills children." And exactly the same in Slavic... in Slavic folklore, “shishumara” or “kikimora” is a spirit that will attack children, drink their blood and other optimistic things. Bereginya is, on the contrary, a protective spirit, and in Sanskrit “bhri” means “to protect, to care.” Chur is a protective peg; in Sanskrit, chur means “to take for yourself, to appropriate.”

00:33:38 The next block of words are words that in pre-Christian culture had a neutral or positive meaning, and after the adoption of Christianity began to have a negative meaning. These are the words sorcerer, witch, witch. We understand that in pre-Christian culture this is, first of all, the meaning of the words “magician and sorcerer”. That is, keepers of ancient knowledge, teachers and negative... most likely even the word witch did not carry any connotations. Another word is idol. They love to call various images of deities idols. It also most likely did not have a negative connotation. In Sanskrit, “idas” simply means “object of worship.” Among other interesting words... Often, in the epic about epic heroes, heroes are called "volots". And in Sanskrit, "balata" or "valata" means strength or power. Therefore, these roots, they are thoroughly linguistic, permeate all pantheons, starting with the gods, then going to the lower deities and ending with sorcerers, heroes, volots.

The ancient history of the Slavs

00:34:54 Next, I think, since we talked a little about pantheons, before starting to talk about the evolution of the worship of the Slavs, let me make a small digression about ancient history. That is, we said, there was Indo-European unity, there were, perhaps, those same Indoslavs. And the question arises, what is their oldest... their most ancient path? Unfortunately, among the monuments accepted by official science, from the point of view of official science, there are no such monuments. The only text that can claim to be the oldest chronicle of the Slavs as part of the Indoslavs is the notorious “Book of Veles”. If someone tells you that there is an unambiguous opinion among scientists about it, you are being slightly deceived. In fact, on both sides, people who have candidate degrees in philology, doctoral degrees in Slavic studies, they... someone speaks “for”, someone speaks “against”. I have a separate thick volume on my computer where I just spend about thirty-five minutes reading the topic “Scientists: pros and cons.” It’s just that if I start loading you now, it’s already hard, well, it’s understandable... But so-and-so said, and so-and-so... Well, in principle, I actually have that. And, well, mine personal experience over tea, let’s say you’re having tea with some doctor of science, candidate of history, and in my practice, one doctor of philology and two candidates of history, they said: “Well, you know, in general it’s very similar to the truth, but if we say it’s at our university, there will be a kick and we’ll fly.” Therefore, you shouldn’t think that everything is so simple. Therefore, this monument is controversial. But even if we do not accept it as the original chronicle of the Slavic tribes, we can say that this is the hypothesis of Yuri Petrovich Mirolyubov. He, unlike us, who for the most part read, including two smart books, and said that “we understood everything.” Yuri Petrovich, for example, he wrote about thirty of these thick volumes on parallels in pagan and Vedic culture, and his total bibliography amounts to more than a thousand titles of literature. Therefore, at least as a scientist, we must respect his erudition, and we can call it a hypothesis at least, at a minimum. This hypothesis is completely in line with the hypothesis called “Scythian-Sarmatian origin of the Slavs,” when, as part of the Aryan ethnic group who live in Asia, as part of the Scythians, the Slavs leave the territory between Iran and India and go to modern territories. There is nothing cosmic or incredible about this.

00:37:36 If we take the “Veles Book”, then the “Veles Book”, it is still very interesting monument, that's why. The Vedas say that there are four eras of human existence. That is, if now we believe that we have reached the peak of our development, then the idea of ​​ancient cultures is that humanity, on the contrary, is developing from the golden age and is degrading. Among the Greek authors, you can read this idea of ​​history in reverse in such Greeks as Hesiod and Ovid. If we take Russian fairy tales, then even in Russian fairy tales there will be a teaching about several kingdoms: the golden kingdom, there, the silver, the copper. It's the same idea. Therefore, the Vedas, they say that in earlier times the civilization was more highly developed and worldwide. And only then the whole begins to fall apart. And our era is precisely described as an era of a certain degradation. But what in ancient times was achieved through mystical powers, we achieve with the help of technology. Therefore, this civilization was environmentally friendly, but not technogenic. And sometimes it seems to us so simple, like a cattle breeding thing. Indirectly, scientists illustrate this idea of ​​the whole falling into parts. If you turn to geologists, then geologists will tell you that there was a single land called Pangea. Well, you know that our continents can be placed in pieces, they will come together. And then Pangea breaks up into continents. Language specialists will tell you that there was, for example, a common Slavic language, and then they split up: Eastern, Southern, Western Slavs. And ethnographers, for example, will say that there were Indo-Europeans, and then they split up into the peoples that we know today.

00:39:24 Therefore, it is also explained that there are different eras, and when our era begins, which is called Kali Yuga - the era of degradation. Vedic texts date it to around 3000 BC. To be more boring, it begins in February 3102, and astrological, Vedic texts, they very interestingly describe the date of the onset of Kali Yuga. There is an astronomical text called Surya Siddhanta, and it says that when Kali Yuga comes, the seven planets line up in one line. Finds special power the dark, invisible planet Rahu, and they line up on the Ujjain meridian in one line with Zeta Pisces. That is, when they say that we live in the Age of Pisces, right? And you know that the symbol of Christians was fish. Not because they ate them, or Peter caught them, but because the era of Pisces. And therefore Kali Yuga is the era of Pisces. And now esotericists often say that a certain era of Aquarius is coming. Therefore, five thousand years, when Kaliyuga begins, a certain transformation of space and time occurs on the planets. And what is happening at this time in climatic terms: cooling; glaciers are advancing, floods. For example, the city of Krishna, Dwarka, it sinks under the waves of the sea - this is such a Vedic Atlantis; and also earthquakes, yes, earthquakes and eruptions begin; spiritually, memory is lost, writing begins to be used more widely, mystical powers disappear; and time over the planet is also being rearranged.

High technology and superweapons in ancient times

00:41:08 All ancient literature: Ramayana, Mahabharata, Iliad, Odyssey, the epic of Gilgamesh, the tale of King Arthur, there is a completely different space, a completely different time, people communicate with the Gods and other worlds, they have certain powers - and These are all memories of that very previous era, which was called Dvapara Yuga. But then Kaliyuga comes, cataclysms, degradation, oblivion of ancient knowledge, people in some places go wild and degrade. And it is from this moment that modern archaeologists love to begin the history of all peoples, especially the Slavs. Well, a classic quote from “The Tale of Bygone Years”: “And the Drevlyans lived in the forests in a bestial manner, and they had nothing, and they snatched a maiden from the water.” This is how they lived. Although five thousand years ago it was described in the Mahabrharata that... what actually happened? A huge conflict was taking place... At the junction of eras there was a huge Indo-European conflict, which is described in the Mahabharata as the battle of Kurukshetra. When the rulers of the entire Earth, and not just India, as is sometimes presented, were divided into two camps, and there was grand battle. Moreover, the Vedas themselves, they claim that in this battle they used not only spears, bows, arrows, but also weapons that were created by mystical forces, but the type of action was similar to modern ones. For example, the mountain weapon was like a force field - it was opposed by the wind weapon. And of those that can be identified as types of weapons, this is the brahmastra, the so-called controlled nuclear explosion. And if you open the Mahabharata, then all the characteristic features of a nuclear explosion are described there, a comparison is described with how... the explosion was like an opening umbrella. The consequences of nuclear damage are described, that clothes and water became poisoned, birds' feathers turned white, people's hair and nails fell out. And what's the point?

00:43:13 It’s very easy to come up with a weapon that incinerates everyone, but it’s impossible to come up with a form of a nuclear explosion, the consequences of a nuclear defeat, because you need to know about them. Even Hiroshima and Nagasaki were, to some extent, just a cruel experiment by the Americans; they did not know what it would look like. And the curator of the American nuclear program, Professor Otto Oppenheimer, when he saw the first American nuclear explosion in 1947, I think, or 1945, and this is a historical fact, he quoted the lines of the Mahabharata about an explosion that is brighter than ten thousand suns . In the same way, researchers Davenport and Vincenti, having explored the city of Mohenjo-daro, are ancient cities: Harappa and Mohenjo-daro are cities of the Indus Valley, still a proto-Vedic civilization. Literally, "Mohenjadaro" means "hill of the dead." And it is believed that it was caused by a flash flood. But after exploring Mohenjo-daro, scientists discovered, for example, that the stones in some places were fused or the radioactivity of the skeletons was forty times higher than usual. Therefore, these were not such primitive nomads, but there were certain technologies that were simply not widely used.

00:44:28 For example, there is a text “Vimanika Shastra”, this is a text on the creation of aircraft. And scientists Narin Shah from Hyderabad, after studying this text, patented several alloys with aviation characteristics. And in the Mayan temples in Colombia they found objects that were worshiped, some ancient sacred artifacts. Well, if tomorrow we talk about ancient civilizations, read, or I have it on my computer, you can come up to me, I’ll show you photographs, there’s a film about how a German scientist and also the American air bureau, they discovered that these are models of jet aircraft. The wings of the cabin are visible there, well, as if now the natives were given a television, what they would do is they would begin to worship them. And in the same way, already in the Mayan temples they are simply worshiped. “Oh sacred plane, your wings fly according to an unknown principle,” - here. And yet, modern aerodynamic tests of these models have shown that not only are they working, they are also reactive. Therefore, from the point of view of the Vedas, it is not technological, but highly developed. And five thousand years ago there was no need for writing, there was a different time and space, and the onset of Kaliyuga begins.

“The Troubled Millennium” and the stages of settlement of the Slavs

00:45:41 And then I will allow myself to read out Academician Rybakov, he says some very interesting things about the Indian-European people. First of all, Rybakov is his book “The World of Russian History”. It describes the extent of the Indo-European civilization. I will read it out, this is a verbatim quote, and you just listen to the scope. “The Slavic peoples belong to the ancient Indo-European unity, which includes such peoples as: Germanic, Baltic, Roman, Greek, Celtic, Iranian, Indian and others; stretched in ancient times over a vast space from the Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean and from the Arctic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea.” The scope of the Indo-European civilization. Next Rybakov says a very interesting thing. “In the scientific search for the ancient destinies of the Slavs, the first place belongs to linguistics.” That is, the science of language. “Linguists have determined that the dissociation of the Pro-Slavic tribes from their related neighboring Indo-European tribes occurred approximately 4,000 - 3,500 years ago.” And the Vedas give 3,000 years ago as the onset of Kaliyuga. Therefore, it turns out that we are losing 1000 years somewhere. And here is the chronicle of this troubled millennium, when quarrels occur between the once united Indo-European peoples, the loss of Vedic knowledge, cataclysms, the “Book of Veles” is precisely a unique document that can be a chronicle. There we find a description of all these events. The battles of the Indo-Europeans, the constant movement of the Slavic tribes. And, let’s say, it’s said, here are the priests... the loss of Vedic knowledge is partial, right? Here are the priests... there are verbatim quotes in Slatin's translation. “The priests told us to take care of the Veda, but now we don’t. If it weren’t for our boys and storytellers, we wouldn’t know who we are and where we come from.” That is, this is the onset of “Kaliyuga”, and the “Veles Book” is a kind of chronicle of this troubled millennium.

00:47:43 I have a detailed section, but I just can’t fit it in time. In short, "Veles's" book guides the Slavs along the following route. First, these are the Slavs in Semirechye. Well, if you read, you will read it yourself. Semirechye is what is called Sapta Sindhu in the Vedas. That is, initially the Vedic civilization was along the bed of the Sarasvati River, a huge river, then the Sarasvati dries up, they move to the Indus. And the Indian Seven Rivers is precisely the first control point between India and Iran. Then they come to Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia is the territory between the Tigris and Euphrates. Iraq, Iran, then it was Babylon and King Nebuchadnezzar. Then they slowly begin to reach the Black Sea region and there through intermediate stages. And what is interesting about the Black Sea region? The Black Sea region is the land of the Scythians. The Scythians are a mystical civilization that included many peoples. They are still arguing whether they were Asians, or Iranians, or some of the Scythians were Slavs. Veles's book says: “Yes, some of the Scythians were Slavs.” And the Black Sea region is also the cradle of the Cossacks. Therefore, if you look, for example, at a Vedic warrior, with characteristic trousers, a bald haircut with a forelock - and our Cossacks, who... in the Kuban should know what Cossacks look like, thank God, then it turns out, well, the classic description is a description of Prince Svyatoslav, who is sailing on a boat, here, he has this forelock, here, an earring with a carbuncle, if I’m not mistaken. And it turns out that it is from these Black Sea influences, hence the appearance of the Vedic warrior, kshatriya, and Cossacks, that they largely coincide. And also the appearance of eastern monks. These notorious pigtails, shaved... This is a separate topic, later we will talk about why such a haircut, if we live to see it.

00:49:38 Then from the Black Sea region gradually... contacts first with the Greeks, then with the Goths, with the Huns, division into Western Slavs, Eastern Slavs, and then gradually they come to the territories they occupy. At the same time, there is still a battle with the Khazars. This is the steppe period. And the “Veles Book” already ends with descriptions of how Askold and Dir, and, accordingly, Rurik’s proteges, come to Kiev, and begin, well... as if the Christianization of Rus' is already proceeding gradually. And, in fact, Veles’s book comes to modern stage. I have absolutely no opportunity to read in more detail because smoke will come out of the audience.

Record of the Vedas. Expeditions to the Himalayas

00:50:22 Well, so... When the priestly continuity begins to be lost, when a single civilization begins to disintegrate, then the need to write down the Vedas arises. Moreover, not all the Vedas are written down, but a certain part, specifically intended for our era. In the Himalaya region at a place called Badarik Ashram. And it is believed that to this day the originals of the Vedic texts are kept there in some such secret caves. That is, what Muldashev is talking about, for example, is a very old topic.

00:50:51 And since this knowledge was sacred, expeditions begin to be organized to the Himalayas. Moreover, at the beginning of the 20th century, politicians, they were... they really wanted, being very unspiritual people, to use very spiritual knowledge in their interests. Therefore, both Hitler and Stalin, they tried to try on the image of a “true Aryan” naturally. And use the ancient, sacred symbol of the swastika for your own purposes. In general, the swastika is a worldwide symbol, one of the symbols that proves the existence of a worldwide Vedic civilization. Translated from Sanskrit, “su-astu” means “may there be goodness.” That’s why you can see it on the samurai’s costumes, on our armor here. In India you will see her in shops, on taxis, you will see her in a traditional Slavic costume. If anyone is interested in this, I refer you to Roman Bagdasarov’s book “Swastika - a sacred symbol.” There are a lot of pictures there. And, in fact, not only Hitler used the swastika, but Colonel Shorin during the years of the revolution proposed introducing the sleeve insignia of the Red Army soldiers, too, with a swastika. And in exactly the same way, Hitler’s occult department Ahnenerbe, he sent expeditions to the Himalayas. They also asked Roerich to run there. Wander, meditate, and in... the Bolsheviks had such a “United Labor Brotherhood” Barchenko. And the security officer Bokiy, who also collaborated with him, he also organized expeditions to the Himalayas. Therefore, all the politicians of the 20th century were very occult-oriented, revolving around Aryans, swastikas and the Himalayas. But the beauty is that Vedic knowledge is revealed only to worthy people, according to its own schedule, and the external use of this paraphernalia did not help any of these politicians. But they did a great job of discrediting it all. Starting from the word "Aryan" and ending with the swastika. However, the true Vedic knowledge is disseminated by saints and avatars, and not by the participants in the second or third Himalayan expedition. Therefore, no matter how they played it, in fact, it didn’t give any result.

Vedic predictions

00:53:05 But, nevertheless, there are certain predictions in the Vedas, because those sages who wrote them down were known as “tri-kala-gya,” that is, those who know the past, present and future. And there is, for example, a prediction in the Vedas about the coming of Buddha, in the Bhagavata Purana, about the coming of Jesus Christ in the Bhavishya Purana. And it is also said that after 5000 years of Kali have passed, a certain “golden vein” of golden energies, the energy of Satya Yuga, the Golden Age, begins. When the whole world unites into one again, and interest in Vedic knowledge is revived. Therefore, this does not mean at all that since we live in this “golden vein”, there will not be a third world war, or we will have economic prosperity, but we are only talking about the fact that due to globalization we are once again gaining access to various alternative ancient worldviews. This is a fact, because anyone who wants can now go on the Internet and get a lot of information. One can argue or not, but this is really happening now, just like interest in the Vedas. Even scientific works are coming out that were still unthinkable in our country in the fifties of the 20th century, these are the processes taking place.

Arctic Ancestral Home in the Vedas

00:54:19 Therefore, there was a small block that spoke about the movements of the Slavs after the battle on the battlefield of Kurukshetra to modern territory. And here we can also talk about the problem of the polar ancestral home. This Hyperborea is a topic that is very widely discussed. Let's say the same Svetlana Vasilyevna Zharnikova, she is a supporter of the polar theory. And what are we talking about? That in past eras the climate over the planet was different, more fertile. And those territories that are now covered with ice and snow, if you turn to geologists and take maps, it turns out that they were free of snow. The best proof of this is ancient maps. For example, there is something called the Piri Reis map, and this Piri Reis map shows Antarctica free of ice. And there is another map, which is called the map of the cartographer Gerardus Mercator, both of them are around the 16th century, and already on Mercator’s map, where we now believe there is only a pole, only the north pole, there is a huge continent depicted, along which four rivers flow. And two scientists, the Indian scientist Bal Gangadhar Tilak, as well as the scientist Warren and our Russian biologist and ecologist Jelacic, they together came to the same conclusion that there was an ancient polar civilization. And the time reference they give is about 50,000 years, that is, these are not the last glaciers. And there is such a clever expression “the lost paradise of the Mughal-Shekstin glaciation”, that’s how it sounds. But what's the idea? That where the North Pole and ice are now - at one time there was a huge continent, maybe there is still there, maybe it sank.

00:56:15 But at that time... All cultures of the world talk about this. For example, the most famous is Hyperborea, yes, the Greeks, hyper - extreme, boreas - north. Now, these same Hyperboreans and their heirs were considered the Slavs, including the Slavic tribes. Therefore, it is possible that if we are talking about modern Slavic territories, part of the population could have lived since the times when there was a continent, then a cold snap came, and now they came to our lands. And the other part of what we understand by Slavs, it came from the territory precisely between Iran and India, from where... hence the influence of Vedic culture. But the Vedas themselves, they say an even more revolutionary thing - they say that civilization was universal. They say that initially the founders of humanity, who are called Manu in Sanskrit, come from Svarga, that is, from the planets of the Gods - and civilization immediately arises on the entire planet. That is, these disputes about the ancestral homeland, in essence, are a certain ideological sabotage that was first imposed by the British. I have a separate lecture about this, called “The Lies and Myth of the Roman Invasion Theory.” So this is the idea of ​​the ancestral home, what is it... What is its diversion, that there is one ancestral home, and the guys from the ancestral home are super, these are the true Aryans, and everyone else is second class and so on. That’s why the Germans constantly say: “We have an ancestral home,” the Slavs, “ours,” and the Indians, “ours.” This is pitting peoples against each other. And if we understand that initially the entire human civilization, it populates the planet right away. And even the name of the first man, Manu, look, well, in German: der Man, in English the man, and so on. The ancestors of humanity... Civilization arises immediately. Darwinian evolution is a kind of myth that was intended to simply prove that nothing existed and everything appeared. This is not a Vedic concept. Vedic concept - on the contrary, evolution develops from consciousness to matter, and not from matter to consciousness.

Origin of Rus'

00:58:10 That’s why it was such a small historical block. And then there will be the following blocks: this is the evolution of the worship of the Slavs; traditional culture, embroidery, clothing, archeology, keys to fairy tales; then the problems of pre-Christian writing in Rus'. I’m already cutting back as much as possible, and my question is, can you... can you stand it all... the celebration of life... Or do we need... do we need a break?
[Man from the audience] We can stand it.
We're holding out, okay? Does suspended animation occur? So good. Since you are so inquisitive, we can talk more about the origins of Rus'. I just missed this, but it’s still interesting, right? This, then, is the origin of Rus'. Well, in fact, even the origin of the Slavs, it did not cause such... such a massacre as the origin of Rus'. Now, in reality, Rus', apparently, was the name of one of the Slavic tribes. Well, you understand that the Slavs are generally a broader concept. There are Western Slavs, that is, Poland, the Czech Republic, and there are Eastern Slavs - that’s us. There are southern ones - all sorts of Bulgarians. It's clear. So, it would seem, well, the Slavs are a global concept, however, the main debates were, of course, about the origin of Rus'. Where does the word come from? What kind of people? And already since the times of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, well, naturally there were two main hypotheses.

00:59:40 The first is the 18th century, it was formulated by the Germans Bayer, Miller and Schlözer, it is called the “theory of the import of statehood”, the “Norman theory” - that there were very advanced Swedes who had a state, the Vikings, they were called “ruotsi” in Swedish. “Ruotsi” in the dialects of the Scandinavians means Swedes, and they come, they bring us statehood, we just live here in the forests, we worship stones, they bring all this. And so the Swedish word “ruotsi”, it turns into the name Rus. Well, naturally, Miller, Schlözer, Bayer absolutely loved it, but academicians Kryshanninikov, Popov, Tretyakovsky and Lomonosov, who led the fight against all this, against these hypotheses, jointly declared that “Miller in his entire speech did not show a single case of glory of the Russian people, but only mentioned that it could serve disgrace. And finally, it is worthy of surprise with what carelessness he used the expression that the Scandinavians, with their victorious weapons, successfully conquered all of Russia.”

01:00:52 The Slavic hypothesis was formed by academicians Tatishchev and Lomonosov, and in Soviet historiography it was developed by academician Rybakov. And in Tsarist Russia in the 19th century it was Normanism that prevailed. If you go to America, to England, they also like Normanism more. Although Rybakov has a lot of arguments why Normanism is complete nonsense. But what is most paradoxical is that both hypotheses are based on two different places in the same text - “The Tale of Bygone Years”. So, which passage from The Tale of Bygone Years is a confirmation of the Scandinavian hypothesis? “And the Slavs said to themselves: let’s look for a prince who would rule us and judge us by right, and they went across the sea to the Varangians to Rus'. Those Varangians were called Rus, just as others are called Swedes, and others are Normans and Angles, and still others are Gotlanders. So are these.” On what story... excerpt from "The Tale of Bygone Years" do the Slavists build their theory? “We are Rus' from the same Slavs. But the Slavic and Russian people are one; after all, they were nicknamed Rus from the Varangian, and before there were Slavs, although they were called Polans, their speech was Slavic.” Let's give some comment. The first thing that causes enormous skepticism is The Tale of Bygone Years itself. In addition to the sensational, simply very sensational academicians, Fomenko-Nosovsky is more, well, no one else has read them at all. Even Academician Rybakov, in completely academic, old publications of the early nineties, he wrote something like the following. “You should pay attention to the fact...” - this is the book “The Birth of Rus'”, “When checking the biased arguments selected by the Normanists, you should pay attention to the fact that bias appeared in our very sources, dating back to Nestor’s “The Tale of Bygone Years.” As the excellent expert on Russian chronicles A. A. Shakhmatov proved in his time, the historical work of Nestor (about 1113) underwent two revisions, and both times the revision was carried out by a hand hostile to Nestor.”

01:03:01 A wonderful example of a... so-called objectivity is a description of the life of the Drevlyans. So, “The Tale of Bygone Years” describes how different Slavic tribes lived. “The Glades had the custom of being meek and quiet, they had shame and a marriage custom.” That is, civilization, marriages, peaceful disposition. “The Drevlyans live in a bestial manner, they live bestially, they kill each other, they eat everything uncleanly, they have no marriage, they snatch away girls from the water.” And the Vyatichi and northerners lived in exactly the same way. Well, it’s clear - the Drevlyans are just animals, in the forests, everything is unclean, they steal girls, monsters. What does the archaeological data tell us? Opening the Brockhaus-Efron dictionary “Describing the morals of the Drevlyans, the chronicler sets them up in contrast to their contemporaries, the Polans, an extremely rude people. Neither archaeological excavations nor the data contained in the chronicle itself confirm such a characterization. From archaeological excavations in the country of the Drevlyans, we can conclude that they had a well-known culture. A well-established burial ritual testifies to the existence of religious ideas about the afterlife. The absence of weapons in the graves indicates the peaceful nature of the tribe. Finds of sickles, shards and vessels, iron products, remains of fabric and leather indicate the existence of arable farming, pottery, blacksmithing, weaving and tanning among the Drevlyans. Many bones of domestic animals and spurs indicate cattle breeding and horse breeding. Many items made of glass, silver, bronze and carnelian of foreign origin indicate the existence of trade. The absence of coins gives reason to conclude that trade was barter. Political center Drevlyans in the era of their independence was the city of Iskorosten. At a later time, this center moved to the city of Ovroch.” And another academic publication, the Slavic Encyclopedia, reveals the secret of such a negative attitude of the Tale towards the Drevlyans: “The evidence from the chronicle about the backwardness of the Drevlyans is not objective, but reflects the desire to discredit the Drevlyans, who for a long time resisted their inclusion in Kievan Rus and Christianization.”

01:05:25 This is how we see how “objective” the “Tale of Bygone Years” is in relation to those peoples who somehow did not please Nestor, let me remind you, a monk of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, who was also the creator of the official state chronicle. This is how things seem to turn out. And this is also very similar to what the Norman hypothesis is like, this is another armchair hypothesis, the Germans wrote here, and the other theory was called “The Theory of the Aryan Invasion.” It was created by Theodor Goldstucker, Max Müller, well, these were German-English colonial scientists who captured India and preached... well, like missionaries. So the “Aryan Invasion Theory” is about the same thing as the Varangians. That is, there was nothing in India, there was no Vedic culture, and beautiful white-faced Aryans come from somewhere and bring everything. The same thing in a different package. Therefore, there were two such custom theories, starting from the origin of Rus', ending with the “Aryan invasion”, and both of them are written on the water with a pitchfork, but I skip some of the arguments, we just have limited time.

01:06:43 So, they try to explain the very names “Rus” or “Rossy” in different ways. Now, I have already told the Swedish version, Academician Rybakov traced it to the name of the river “Ros”, a tributary of the Dnieper, where one of the Polyansky tribes lived, then it spread. But Indo-Europeanists, they elevate the name Rossa or Russa with the alternation of “o” - “u” to even more ancient period, Indo-European, and in Iranian, for example, Ruxi means “white”. In Ossetian rus - grew - “light”. In Scythian, rosan means “light.” Rus or rasa in Sanskrit means “light, white”. And therefore, various scientists such as Oleg Nikolaevich Trubachev, Natalya Romanovna Guseva, Doctor of Historical Sciences, they suggest that as part of the Indo-European unity, and not some group of Slavic tribes, there was already a name for a certain group of Slavs as “light”. Rus means “light, light-skinned, fair-faced” and so on. But the point, we need to think about the meaning of this! This designation made sense only if there were constant contacts, for example, with Indians and Iranians who were darker-skinned. And then it is clear that this was a certain distinction between different nationalities as part of what? As part of a huge geo-political unity, those very Indoslavs. Otherwise, the name itself simply does not make sense. Well, it was such a “gallop across Europe” regarding the origin of Rus', the origin of the Slavs. There are more hypotheses, but it will take a long time to sort it out, so I outline the outline, and then the evolution of the worship of the Slavs. From monotheism to paganism.

Monotheism and the evolution of Slavic worship

01:08:31 This means that what we have already said, but... The Slavs were monotheists before they adopted Christianity. There is a text by Procopius of Caesarea, which... from the middle of the 6th century, which writes: “They Antes and Slavs believe that only one God is ruler over everything. They worship rivers and nymphs and all sorts of other deities, and with the help of these sacrifices they perform divination.” So who are we talking about? That there are two schemes: the first is one God; and second - nymphs, silvas and other delights. This is perfect different faces worldview, but there is monotheism. In exactly the same way, the “Veles Book” says: “The Unmistakable God, is the Most High.” “We have no Gods except the Most High.” Therefore, the Slavs had monotheism before Christianity. This is the first most important question. To understand the essence of the evolution of Slavic worship, we must turn to another important Vedic concept, which is called the concept of Trimurti. Trimurti are the three supreme deities who, from the point of view of the Vedic worldview, control all the processes of this material world. In the Vedas they are called Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva respectively. Vishnu is responsible for the energy of maintenance, Brahma (in Russian Svarog) for the energy of creation, activity, Shiva for destruction and renewal. Therefore, even within the Indo-European unity, when the Slavs did not separate, the worship of the Most High was most likely carried out. In the “Book of Veles” or in the Bolar “Veda of the Slavs” it is “God le Vishnu le”. And later, worship began to shift to Svarog, Shiva-Siva, and they apparently gave the following image that we will talk about. But first of all, the era of Vyshen, even in the Book of Veles: “Vyshen and Kryshen” - these are, to a large extent, memories of Vishnu and Krishna of the Mahabharata and so on.

Vishnu and Krishna in Slavic culture

01:10:35 The memory in the language of the worship of Vishnu is still in the words “height, height”, the name “Most High” in the meaning of “Lord”. In exactly the same way, the Book of Veles says: “Not even the Most High.” The Bulgarian “Veda of the Slavs”, collected by the Slavist Verkovich, contains “God is Vishnu”. That is, if the eastern ... in the "Veles Book" Vyshen, then among the southern Slavs, there is already "God le Vishnu le." It is further described that here is the entire Book of Veles, such a bird, Sva Slava, flies there, which beats its wings, sings of the exploits of the Slavic peoples, leads them and says: “We believe this, because these words are from the bird Most High.” Well, here are the signs later, where it is shown a little in the graph. If you go to the Vedic worldview, Vishnu always sits on Garuda. Garuda is a vahana, that is, a riding... eagle that Vishnu carries. Therefore, Sva Glory, which flies from Vyshny, is an analogue of the eagle Garuda, which is depicted in many Indian temples, which is the bearer of Vishnu. Further, if we talk about Krishna, then the concept of Krishna in India is also dual. That is, everyone now knows the word avatar, right? After the James Cameron film. And the Scriptures say that there are two types of ideas of God. The first idea of ​​God is the idea of ​​God as a formidable king, right? Strict but fair. This is the idea of ​​God like Vishnu. It is represented in different world religions, not only Vedic. Relationships with him are relationships of awe and reverence. In his kingdom everything is fine, there are no problems and so on. This is the idea of ​​God like Vishnu.

01:12:26 But the next question arises. In this world, friendly, parental, and close relationships are possible. And the Vedas say that the form of the Absolute with which a closer relationship is possible is the form of Krishna. Therefore, Krishna comes as an avatar, as the embodiment of the Absolute in the form of a historical person, then he... his life is divided into two stages. The first stage, well, the land is captured by hostile kings, a war is brewing in Kurukshetra, the battle is the same one we were talking about. And they hide him, because astrologers predict that a great personality will come who will defeat the current king, he is hidden in the community of shepherds of King Nanda. He lives there in the lap of nature, dances with girls, communicates with his shepherd friends. This is the first part of his life. And here there is an interesting parallel with the Greek genre of idyll. So we say: “My friend and I have a complete idyll.” “We have a complete idyll at home.” In fact, the word "idyll" comes from a Greek genre. And the ancient Greeks suddenly and for some reason believed that the ideal space for relationships was the relationship between shepherdesses and shepherds. And such a parallel to the Vedic worldview arises here. And in the second part, Krishna already appears as a politician, a historical figure. He recites the Bhagavad Gita. This is the first “interview with God”, where there is karma, reincarnation, the principle of reincarnation. And the onset of Kali Yuga itself begins when, having lived 120 years in a young body, Krisha leaves this planet, his sea fortress of Dwarka sinks to the bottom (in the twenty-second year, marine archaeologists began to excavate it, in the eighties they dug it up). The Pandava brothers, the invincible warriors, are deprived of their powers, and the last emperor Parikshit, who comes after this, becomes the last emperor of the Earth. Well, there he very much dies from the curse of a Brahmin boy there. The decomposition of society begins with the decomposition of the clergy class. And off we go. There are quite interesting dynamics described there.

01:14:39 But in the culture of the Slavs, all images mutated. Therefore, what connection can we trace? There is a Roof in the Book of Veles, but this is not at all the same as the Indian Krishna. This is just a deity who, well, covers everything, controls everything. The very name Krishna from Sanskrit means “All-Attractive”. There is a word for "red" in Russian. You know that red is not only the color red, but also means the word "beautiful". Therefore, when we say “the maiden is beautiful,” it does not mean that the maiden is red, it means that the maiden is very beautiful. Another deity, another name of Krishna is Govinda, the Patron of cows. "Gavi" in Sanskrit is bull, "beef" and in Russian and Sanskrit "calves". And in ancient times, according to the conclusions of the Institute of Slavic Studies, the Slavs never killed cows. I have a quote that “a cow is not killed even if it is sick...” and so on. So, that is, it’s already very... even to this day in some villages it’s just like, just like in India, just natural death.

01:15:36 More interesting parallels with the holiday of Ivan Kupala. One of the names of the same Krishna is Gopala, that is, Krishna... classical Indian miniature: Krisha dances a round dance with shepherd girls on the banks of the Yamuna River. We are watching the Kupala holiday. There is a boy, a girl, a night, a round dance. And how did evolution take place? At first, the word "Gopala" turned into "Kupala" and was identified with the concept of "bathe". Then this holiday absorbed the features of the holiday of Khorsa, that is, the deity of the solar disk. Bonfires are, well, a symbol of flame. We conquer the night with fire. And even later... how did Ivan Kupala appear? Even later, when the equinox day is April or May 24, this day, when Ivan Kupala was celebrated, was already correlated in Christianity with the day of the appearance of John the Baptist. And this is the latest tradition, this is how “Ivan Kupala” appears. This is why we see that the images were constantly blurred. In the same way, the actions of the Absolute on this Earth and, in general, the actions of God are called lila in Sanskrit. "Leela" means divine play. The point is that God has no occupation, he does not need to survive, and it is said that in spiritual world every word is a song; every step is a dance; that is, there is no such hard work, it’s all a divine game.

01:17:07 And for us Lel is the deity of children and games. "Lalaka" in Sanskrit means "player", that is, perhaps intuitively, writers XIX centuries endowed Lel with the features of Krishna, because there is no historical data about what Lel looked like. But if you look at all the romantic poets of the 19th century, this is such a young man with a pipe, that is, the 19th century was a rather mysterious period, because Pushkin, perhaps intuitively, takes a bunch of Ramayana motifs and adds Ruslan and Lyudmila, we will get to that. Poets of the late 19th century, especially village poets, like Klyuev, there, Klychkov, they endow Lel with the features of Krishna. That is, perhaps some kind of Vedic knowledge still existed in folk culture, which was lost later. Mirolyubov wrote about this. But modern scientists say, bring us a grandmother, let her speak Sanskrit, and we will believe you. But one way or another, these are the coincidences, they are really quite strange, and they really exist. This is what could be said about the period of worship of the Most High and the Roof. Then the tribes continue to separate from each other and worship is transferred to the next very huge layer, well, time period, it is called Rodoslavie. Or the period of veneration of the Family.

The era of Rodoslavia

01:18:36 If you open the works of the Institute of Slavic Studies, you will find that the concept of Rod as the supreme deity of the Slavs is not there at all. Rod is such a small god, well, like a brownie. Gender - women in labor. And the credit for the discovery of the deity Rod, as an ancient deity of the Slavs, whose worship preceded the worship of Perun, and the study of his image belongs to Academician Rybakov. And how did Academician Rybakov prove this? Firstly, he cites chronicle evidence. Classic works “Paganism of Ancient Rus'”, “Paganism of the Ancient Slavs”. Chronicle evidence, what could they be? Well, naturally Christians are in the fight against paganism. And now Rybakov cites the “Tale of Idols” from the beginning of the 12th century. “The same Slavs began to set a meal for the Family of the former Perun, their God.” The commentary on the Gospel, on the manuscript of the 15th-16th centuries, states: “For everything is the creator of God, and not the Race.” In early translations of the Bible, the Book of Genesis is called "Kinship", and God the Father is called "Generator". And the collection of the Kirilo-Belozersky Monastery (1476) contains an abbreviated translation and retelling of one of the works of Gregory Sinoite about the eight stages of the existence of the Universe. From the formless existence of the Creator God to the Last Judgment. And these stages are called nothing less than “native visions”. Consequently, “The Slavs began to serve the family a meal before Perun to their God.” What does this mean? As for the era of worship of Perun, which is very promoted, Perun, “Children of Perun,” we will talk more (because there were actually four of them). There was that very period of worship of the Family or Rodoslavie.

01:20:35 Next, Rybakov begins to analyze linguistics and words after the chronicles. A... In Russian, what is a people? The people are what was born. Fertility is the ability to give life. Nature is all living things. A spring is what the earth gave birth to. It turns out that in the language there is a connection with the idea of ​​birth and reproduction in the root “genus”. Next is archaeology. The most famous such ancient deity is the so-called “Sbruch Idol”. It was found on the Sbruch River, and there, on this Sbruch River, several Slavic tribes intersected there: Tivertsy, Buzhans, Croats, Volynians. And there a huge Deity was found, it was so elongated, partially phallic in shape, with four faces, and was originally painted red. And having analyzed this deity, having considered the various symbolic signs on it, Rybakov proves that this is the deity of the Family. Four heads are a symbol of power over all aspects of the universe. Another subtle series of Rybakov's observations shows that in Russian words with the alternating "rod-rud" are associated, on the one hand, with the idea of ​​reproduction and fertility, and on the other hand, with blood as a symbol of tribal unity. Remember Mowgli, right? "We're the same blood". What do I mean? Rudy in Slavic languages ​​means “red”. If you remember “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” by Gogol, right? “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka” is narrated by a beekeeper whose name is Rudy Panko, that is, Red Panko. Likewise, in dialects, ore is not a mineral that is dug out of the ground, but ore means blood. Therefore, it turns out that words with alternating genders... also, for example, red, blush in the meaning of blushing, they are associated with blood and the color red.

01:22:36 Therefore, we find a certain set of signs that are associated with the image of the Family: from archeology to language. And then we begin to compare this with the Vedas and Sanskrit. First of all, we also remember, if our heads are not smoking, that there is a trimurti: Vishnu, Brahma - the creator of the Universe, and Shiva. One of Shiva's names is Rudra. Rudra is Shiva in the form of an angry lord of the elements, who is associated with the idea of ​​fertility and reproduction. And the Vedas call Rudra “The Red Boar of the Sky.” In the Yajur Veda, Shiva is also called by such names as “rohita, tamra and aruna,” which means “reddish, red-brown.” They turn to Rudra with a prayer: “May we multiply, O Rudra, through children. May he create good for men and women.” This is the Rigveda. In the same way, both in Russian and in Sanskrit, words with alternating genders are associated with birth, reproduction with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fertility of people and land. In Sanskrit, “rohadti” means to increase in number, roh means to grow, rohat means growth, rhodos means earth. Yes, in all ancient cultures - Mother Earth. That is, the generative principle. Both in Russian and in Sanskrit, words with the alternating root rod-rud are associated with both blood and the color red. In Russian, rudy is red, red, ore, blood, in Sanskrit - rodha, rudhikha - red, rudhira - red, bloody.

01:24:06 Therefore, we see that it is obvious that in the Vedic culture, like among the Slavs, in fact, the image of the Family, it absorbed such two influences, firstly, the image of Brahma, Svarog is the creator of this Universe, there are four of him heads represent power over all directions of the Universe. And on the other hand, Shiva is in the hypostasis of Rudra, from which most likely the word Rod itself comes from. And from Rudra he takes the color red, the idea of ​​​​connection with the unity of the tribe by blood, these are the same Ancestral influences. Family, tribal unions and so on. And also a connection with phallic cults, as symbols of fertility, which we will talk about. Therefore, you can compare all this little investigation that we conducted with this innocent statement by Academician Oleg Nikolaevich Trubachev: “The Old Slavic Rod is a “purely Slavic” innovation. That is, after what we said, we understand that long before the Slavic tribes themselves, at the Indo-European level, there were a lot of similarities that also illustrate the alternation of “clan-ores”. So Oleg Nikolaevich breaks down in this case. He was wrong.

01:25:20 In the same way, researcher Wei writes: “Svarog, “heavenly” and Rod - “giving birth” - are often epithets that define one or another side of the Deity, and they do not necessarily have to designate different gods.”

Phallic cults of ancient Rus'

01:25:35 Additional and very mischievous evidence of the existence of the cult of the birth of new life, fertility, male productive power is such a topic as phallic cults in Rus'. In the Vedic civilization, Lingam and Yoni, that is, symbols of the masculine and feminine principles, are quite officially widespread in the cult of worship of Shiva-Rudra. Garlands are hung on such a symbol of masculinity and oil is poured. But we have to reconstruct all this, of course. And this is reconstructed based on archaeological finds, here are ancient proverbs and sayings, as well as heraldry data. The first - is it on the territory of the Slavs that they find some kind of left column or what? These stone idols come in two sizes. Small-sized stone phallic figurines and large ones. The big ones were placed on the streets in front of houses in the steppes, but the small ones were part of the Slavic wedding set. This means that the chroniclers write: “They honor the shameful ouds, and create them into an image, and bow to them, and offer prayers. At weddings, Slaven puts the shame in buckets and drinks.”

01:26:47 Proverbs and language. So we all know about this kind of nonsense, shish. Shish is actually a symbolic sexual amulet. And in Sanskrit "shishna" means "phallus". Another name for kukish, in Sanskrit “kuchita” means “to curl, shrink.” And Natalya Romanovna Guseva, by the way, is a Doctor of Historical Sciences, she writes: “If in India they openly worship the Shiva Lingam, then we have to find in the paganism of the Slavs only traces confirming the ancient worship of the phallus. We can find memories of iconic images in old men's sayings. For example, “Resin the shish and put it against the wall,” from which it is clear that the wooden phallic idol was preserved by impregnating it with resin. Or “Because of the forest, the dark forest, they brought a huge shisha.” And here we are probably talking about the transportation of a large phallic idol from a forest area to a steppe,” Natalya Romanovna Guseva continues calmly.

01:27:52 As for heraldry, this is even more interesting. Let’s say I myself come from Smolensk. And the Smolensk coat of arms, it is very beautiful. This is the Gamayun bird, such a prophetic bird, invincible, powerful, which sits on a cannon. This is what a modern rowing looks like. However, a number of scientists, for example, Troinitsky, Shklovsky, expressed a categorical opinion that the prototype of the Smolensk coat of arms is a bird on the male reproductive organ. Why? Because if you look at the coat of arms of the 15th century, which is recorded in the chronicles of the Council of Constance, it is not completely... there is not a cannon, but lions. And not full lions, but half lions. And they seem to be subtly hinting at the fact that they are halves of lions, so... you just can’t portray half of them like that? Therefore, a number of scientists quite frankly said that this comes from ancient symbolism like this. And Razhnev, the author of the book “Coat of Arms of Smolensk,” we talked to him, he says: “Yes, they simply don’t show it in local history museums, but such happiness, as it were, made of stone... archaeologists also dig up.”

Perun is the patron of the princely squad. Polytheism and the coming of Christianity

01:28:59 So, we see that a whole complex of worldviews was associated with the cult of veneration of the Family, ranging from fertility, reproduction, the connection of the tribe with one blood and ending with phallic cults. Then, finally, we come to the latest period in the evolution of the Slavs, which is called “Worship of Perun.” Finally, the familiar word was heard, and here it is. Perun, everyone is already used to it. It is most likely from the era of worship of Perun that this phenomenon arises Slavic paganism which is known as polytheism. When, depending on the tribal worship or moods, preferences of the tribe, someone worshiped Khors there, someone Stribog, someone Veles. And Perun was worshiped primarily by the princes, because Perun... who is Perun? This is a bearded warrior who leads the army of the Gods. Well, except for the same Trimurti that we talked about, no one leads them. But all the other Gods are led by... The Army of the Gods is led by the formidable Perun. He is Indra in the Vedas. Therefore, as the leader of the army of demigods, he patronized the princely squad. Therefore, the princely squad, including Prince Vladimir, glorified him. This is where the legend came from, that Perun is the supreme deity. In fact, the princes and warriors simply valued them very much.

01:30:27 Ideas about Perun’s appearance coincide with ideas about the Vedic Indra. Indra is a warrior with a beard, with a sword, leading the gods, and so on. Controls rain, clouds, lightning, and Indra defeats the serpent Vritra. The same thing, Perun’s victory over the Serpent is recorded in such legends as “The Legend of the Serpent Ramparts.” South of Kyiv there are huge ancient fortification structures, well, defense structures, so as not to say too much, here, defense hills. They are called the Serpentine Shafts, and according to legend, how did the Serpentine Shafts come into being? The hero is on the plow, he walked and plowed. He harnessed the snake to a plow and on this snake he plowed these shafts. The furrows stretched. And this late legend, it comes from the legend of Perun, who defeats the snake. There is a very simple transformation taking place in Christianity. Can you guess right? Perun, who defeats the snake, he becomes St. George the Victorious, here is the famous stela in Krasnodar. And accordingly, Perun, who controls the clouds, is Ilya the Prophet. Elijah the Prophet rides across the sky in his chariot. That is, the image splits into two, but is assimilated. Just like the holiday of the equinox - Maslenitsa. Pancakes are a symbol of the sun, it is becoming... well, also a conceptual Christian holiday. Therefore, later cultures simply take and assimilate earlier ones. Although what is radonitsa from the point of view of Christianity? This is not clear at all, “what is it?” A frank requirement, in fact.

01:32:12 Therefore, let's begin to deal with Perun, we already remember that different Gods have many names. Just like we have a creative pseudonym, if we write poetry on the Internet, so do they. So, one of the ancient Vedic names of Inda is Parzhanya. Parzhanya means “lord of the clouds.” In Russian, steam is water, but water is in the form of a cloud. And if j goes into j, which we have already observed, for example, jara - yarilo. Then parzhanya - paryanya, parun, perun - this is a completely acceptable modification, not so complicated. Therefore, for example, in Belarusian dialects a cloud is parun or peruna, not Perun, but Parom. Therefore, this “a”, it is preserved. But what’s most interesting is that we come to the conclusion that there were four Peruns. So, ancient Russian texts testify: “Perun is many.” That is, “There are many Peruns.” And the Lithuanians confirm: “There are four Parkunos. Southern, Western, Eastern and Northern." What are the names of the four Peruns, what happened to them? We will no longer find answers to these questions in the paganism of the Slavs. But we will find them if we look in the Vedas, where the teaching about loka-palas is very clear. Loka-palas are the guardians of the cardinal directions. “Loka” is the abode, the cardinal direction, “pal” is the protector. And the names... there are different lokopala schemes, but one of the most traditional: Indra, that is, the same Perun - is the main one. Next comes Soma - the Moon God, the lord of moisture, then Varuna - the lord of rivers, and Kubera - the ruler of the lower worlds. Of the four, the main one is Indra. Three of the four lokopalas are united by the motif of power over the waters. Varuna is the lord of all waters, “vari” in Sanskrit is water, hence the Russian word “varit”. Here Varuna is the lord of waters. Further, Soma is the ruler of the Moon, and the Moon is associated with moisture and vegetation, and Indra is the ruler of the clouds. Therefore, naturally, this motif of connection with water, with moisture, it unites everyone into one heap and in the end only one Perun remains, everyone else is forgotten, which corresponds to the Vedic Indra or the Vedic Parjanya.

01:34:26 However, in the book of Veles the name of Indra is also found in the variant “The son of light Intru the water of darkness and mahu”... Well, “the son of light Indra leads the darkness, and we have a helper from above, and ancient times are ours good". The memory of Indra as the lord of the waters is also preserved in the legends about Indrik the Beast. There is a whole layer of literature called apocrypha. Well, such folk Christian literature, but not recognized by the church. One of the most famous apocrypha is the "Pigeon Book", there are several versions of it and the "Pigeon Book", it contains a description of the amazing beast Indrik. One explanation for the word Indrik is that it is a modified meaning of the word Edinrok, that is, Unicorn. But, apart from ideas, there is no documentary evidence of this. However, here is a comparison of a fragment from the Dove Book about Indrika and Indra's victory over Vritra. So, "Pigeon Book".
“Indrik the Beast is walking,” yes? “He walks through the dungeon, clears streams and grooves. Wherever the beast goes, the spring boils.”
And here is a fragment of the Rig Veda. Mandala one: “He, Indra, killed the serpent, he drilled the channels of the waters, he cut the depths of the mountains.” Therefore, it turns out that Indra is gradually turning into a kind of Indrik-Beast and so on. But the connection with the motive of releasing groundwater remains. Similarly, there are a number of lakes with the name Indrus, Indraya. And the word “indra” or “indriya” in Sanskrit means “strength, power.”

01:36:06 Also associated with the word “Parjanya” or with Perun in the version “Parom” is the Russian word “steam”. What is steam? Steam is water, but not in liquid form, but in the form of a cloud. Therefore, this whole complex of connections between Perun and the power over waters, over moisture, four lokopalas, all this is very transparent, if you are a little familiar with the Vedic worldview. Therefore, shortly before the adoption of Christianity, the Rod is already present, the Rod is forgotten, and even more so the Vyshen and the Roof are forgotten. And usually the pagans are so convinced, they say that there was some kind of powerful, invincible superpower and suddenly, unknown and for some reason, suddenly - Christianity. In fact, you need to understand that by the time Christianity came to Rus', many of the original Vedic ideas had greatly mutated. The Slavs had a very vague idea of ​​pantheons. Each tribe had its own ideas, and therefore Christianity, it comes for two reasons. According to the worldview, it again brings the idea of ​​a single God, which was lost after the era of Rodoslavia, because Perun is already, among others, the most advanced. Christianity was also associated with Vladimir’s orientation toward Byzantium. Because geopolitical alliances were needed. But unfortunately, some of the literature that remained is simply either destroyed or made so that it is unreadable. For this purpose, the alphabet known to us is invented. We will talk about this in the section about the pre-Christian writing of Rus'.

Keys to Russian folk tales

01:37:50 Keys to Russian folk tales. First of all, we must understand that a fairy tale originates from a myth. Initially, there were no textbooks, there were only teachers who passed knowledge from person to person, a small number of books that were quite expensive and secret. Therefore, many ideological things were transmitted through myths. The myths were sung by storytellers. And already in its later version, in fact, the degenerate myth takes the form of a fairy tale. But often it is so simplified that neither the storytellers themselves, nor the unfortunate children who read these fairy tales, are aware of these mythical roots of the fairy tales. Although they exist, and they are quite interesting. Let's start with the simplest thing, the innocent chicken Ryaba known to us. Well, it would seem that in the late phenomenon of paganism Grandfather and Baba... there are such whole chants: “Oh did, oh fret, oh grandfather and woman.” Grandfather and woman are synonymous with Svarog and Lada, that is, a pair of creatures who create this world.

01:39:00 In the same way, some pagan sources describe a legend about how at first there was no land or water and only a duck floated on the water. And this duck, she carries a kind of world, universal egg, which opens and the Universe is created. But this is late mythology, rather simplified and degraded. But in a variety of traditions, starting from Greek mythology, where the Universe was understood as enclosed in a golden egg, and ending with Vedic mythology. Where, for example, it is described that there is a universal egg, Brahmanda, of golden color, which consists of fourteen planetary systems. Seven higher worlds and seven lower worlds. This is a traditional cosmogonic scheme. And thus a certain bird that lays a golden egg that breaks - these are codes for the mythological creation of the Universe. It is precisely these codes that are conveyed by the innocent fairy tale about the hen Ryaba.

01:40:00 Next Kolobok. Kolobok is also such a very dramatic fairy tale. The bun rolls and rolls and eventually dies in the teeth of the Fox. And we must remember that the Slavs did not have full compliance with modern astrology, right? And many of the designations of the constellations were what is called “zoomorphic”. That is, they corresponded to some kind of animals. What is a bun? Kolobok, just like a pancake in ancient traditional culture, is a symbol of the Sun. Therefore, the Vedic texts say that the demon or snake Rahu, he swallows the Sun and an eclipse occurs. Therefore, Kolobok is essentially an allegory of an eclipse of the Sun. When the Sun moves through different constellations and at some point the Fox, personified as Rahu, swallows the Sun. Therefore this myth, it contains origin codes solar eclipse. Next from traditional fairy tales, we can move on to literary fairy tales. We know that Pushkin created his fairy tales based on Arina Radionovna, who grew up among the people. Now no one can tell how much Pushkin there is, how much Arina Radionovna there is. But one way or another, in a number of his tales we find a very concentrated amount of certain Vedic codes. In “Ruslan and Lyudmila” these are the codes of the largest, here are the two largest epic poems on Earth - the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. And in “Ruslan and Lyudmila” we find the codes of the Ramayana. The plot of the Ramayana is as follows: the evil demon Ravana flies to the place where King Rama and his beloved Sita live in exile, and kidnaps Sita. And Rama, heartbroken, goes in search of her, eventually invades the kingdom of the evil Ravana, defeats him and unites with Sita. This is the plot of the Ramayana.

01:42:12 But if we look at the fairy tale “Ruslan and Lyudmila” itself, then the motives are the same. Here is the evil Chernomor, he kidnaps Lyudmila. Ruslan goes in search of him and in Vedic mythology there are two brothers - this is the same evil Ravana: a powerful multi-headed demon who can take the form of a person, and his brother - Kuvera. Kuvera is a dwarf, the keeper of countless treasures. And the Vedas describe that before Ravana settled in the heavenly land of Lanka, Kuvera, his younger brother, a dwarf, was there. And then Ravana overthrows his brother Kubera, receives from him a magical flying chariot, and Kuvera, he goes to the northern regions and guards the treasures underground. Therefore, in the guise of Chernomor we find such an old man who guards treasures, a sorcerer, a sorcerer, a significant amount of Kubera, the devil Kubera, the brother of the demon Ravana. Rama himself could only be hit with a special weapon, a special arrow. His heads grew back like those of the Serpent Gorynych. And in the same way we see that in “Ruslan and Lyudmila” Ruslan can defeat Chernomor only with a special sword, which, if you remember, he picks out and pulls out from under his huge head.

01:43:40 A huge head is another ancient code - tales of giants. According to Vedic ideas, in the past era the growth of people and their life expectancy were much longer. Remember the Bible: Patriarchs, Noah lived there for 900 years and so on. Therefore, a giant head is also an indication of the presence of even more ancient eras. When giants existed, in that same Dwapara Yuga and earlier eras. Another tale, the tale of Tsar Saltan, is about thirty-three heroes. Thirty-three heroes emerge from the sea. A logical question arises: why are there exactly thirty-three of them, why do they come out of the sea? The Vedas explain that there is the head of the army of the gods, the same Indra (or among the Slavs Perun) about whom we spoke, and accordingly there are thirty-three main gods, which he leads, and many more are subordinate to them. Therefore, there is also such a thing as symbols of otherness. Otherness means “another space, another world, another dimension,” the space of the Gods. And what symbols of otherness can you find in fairy tales? Firstly, these are numerological symbols, that is, numerical ones. “Three is the ninth kingdom, three is the tenth state,” there is the seventh heaven. Secondly, these are spatial symbols, for example, a dark, dark dense forest. This means another space has already gone. Caves, the hero falls underground: whenever such events occur, you should know that the action is actually taking place in another world. Therefore, the “33 heroes” who emerge from the sea, the sea is a symbol of otherness, these are the thirty-three gods of the material world.

01:45:28 Goldfish. Among the many incarnations of the Supreme, the incarnation of an avatar is described when the Supreme comes in the form of animals. For example, there, Kurma in the form of a turtle with a mountain on his back, by the way, in Khabarovsk next to local history museum there is a huge stone turtle with a mountain on its back. Now, we will talk about this in connection with archeology. But there is also the Mother Avatar, in all the temples in India. This is the embodiment of the Almighty in the form of such an almighty Golden Fish. And somehow it turns out to be in “Goldfish”. In addition to the actual motives and plots of fairy tales, there are many more elements associated with Vedic cosmology in Russian fairy tales. We also remember, yes, from the conversation about the Universe in the egg, that there are seven levels of higher worlds and seven levels of lower worlds. And in the middle of the Universe there is a huge mountain, the axis of the world. In Sanskrit it is called Meru, from the Greeks... they borrowed it and began to call it Olympus. Therefore, if in fairy tales we find references to a glass mountain, then this most likely refers to the complex about Hyperborea, right? About polar civilization. From the point of view of Vedic cosmology, the North Pole is a projection of that same Meru onto the space of the Earth. If we find a golden mountain, then this indicates Measure. Therefore, the golden or glass mountain is one of such central elements of cosmology.

01:47:05 Next is the kingdom of snakes. For example, Bozhov, remember “Mistress copper mountain", under the caves we know, there are some secret invisible caves where people live who can turn into snakes. In Sanskrit it is called "nagi". That is, the kingdom of intelligent snakes, Nagas. And this is also present in fairy tales. Baba Yaga too famous character. Firstly, Baba Yaga, she is on the border of the world of the living and the dead, this is evidenced by her such element as the “bone leg”. She is already half decomposed. Secondly, Yaga, she constantly demands a sacrifice. Judging by the most ancient reconstructions, the victim was probably human. Remember, Ivanushka tries to either boil or fry. And in Sanskrit the most famous word for “sacrifice” is yajna. Russian, by the way, is lamb, lamb, right? That which must be sacrificed to fire is agni. But another meaning of the word sacrifice is the word “yaga”, so baba..... this is also in Kochergina’s Russian-Sanskrit dictionary. Therefore, Baba Yaga is a character who requires “yaga,” that is, a sacrifice.

01:48:12 Cosmology in proverbs is most clearly expressed in the proverb: “To be in seventh heaven.” We say: “I’m in seventh heaven.” A variety of texts contain this teaching about the seven heavens. If we take Christian texts, then there is, for example, a work by Dionysius the Areopagite called “On the Heavenly Hierarchy.” And here, where Dionysius the Areopagite forms the Christian teaching that there are seven highest heavens, the highest world is the world of God, and there the Seraphim, Cherubim and so on live there at different levels. And this text is accepted to some extent by Christians, and from the apocrypha, that is, from texts that are considered more a work of folk culture, there is such a well-known “Book of Enoch”, and the “Book of Enoch” - this is the biblical king Enoch traveling through the universe, angels show to him different levels, and it is also written there that there are seven highest heavens, and only the highest seventh heaven is the world of God. Therefore, in this innocent proverb “Being in seventh heaven,” the codes of Vedic cosmology, and indeed of world traditional cosmology in general, are encrypted. Even the Russian word “paradise”, it is close to the Sanskrit “raj”, which means “wealth, kingdom”.

01:49:27 “The abysses of heaven have opened.” From the point of view of some pagan worldviews, between different levels of the sky there are those same “abyss” - storage areas for water. That’s why the abyss of heaven opens up, and this very expression is used in the legend of the Flood, right? The abysses of heaven opened up, and Noah stood under the Ark, right? Next is “Ashwattha” and the world ancient history. We remember in Pushkin's fairy tale that a cat walks along a certain Tree on a golden chain. The world tree is also one of the symbols of the Universe. But in more ancient cultures there are even more interesting symbol, which looks like an inverted World Tree. What does this mean? This means that this world is just a distorted reflection of a higher reality. For example, in Slavic... in fragments of Slavic conspiracies there is such a moment. “On the Okiyan Sea, on the Kurgan Island there is a white birch tree, roots up, crown down.” What does this mean? This world is only a reflection of the higher world. And the Bhagavad Gita is a Vedic text, it gives the example of the Ashvattha tree. She compares the material world to the Ashwattha banyan tree, whose roots point upward and crowns point downward. Therefore, this world, where there is old age, death, illness and suffering, is only a reflection, it cannot be the true homeland of the soul, right?

Mudras and mantras among the Slavs

01:50:54 Next, what we can say a few words about are mudras and mantras in Slavic culture. Mudras are special finger locks that are associated with a certain circulation of energy, and the fig we know is a protective mudra. That's why in India you can walk by and see yogis meditating with their hands folded like this. This does not mean that they have something against you, it means that they are blocking certain channels. Likewise, one of the most famous mantras, that is, sacred speech formulas, is the syllable Om or Aum. The Bible says, “In the beginning was the Word.” In the same way, the Vedas say that Brahma (or among the Slavs Svarog), the creator of this Universe, he creates different levels, these 7 levels of planetary systems. But he does not work with a shovel or a scoop, but he creates different levels of systems with special sacred mantras. And we can see this in the example of resonance, for example, a car passes and the windows begin to tremble. Similarly, some Kipet legends say that the priests moved the stones from which the pyramids were made, using special trumpets that they blew, or using spells. That is, there was an ancient mystical science of using sounds and mantras. And the mantra for communication with the Almighty is Om or Aum. And when a Slav walks for a long time through a dark forest, he already imagines devils and bears, he’s scared, lonely, he starts shouting, not “ege-ge-ge”, not “wow”, nor “fight, people”, he starts shouting: “Aw-ow-ow,” yes? Just like “thank you” is a reduced form of “God bless,” if you know, yes, about that? That “au” is a reduced form of that very syllable “Aum”. Or when you are giving a lecture, or someone is giving a lecture, you can also see such a wonderful state of the lecturer, I know it when he says like this: “Eaammm.” This is also a reproduction of the same vibration. “Oh, Lord! I forgot, send me this information file of my lecture!”

01:53:18 We have already said about figurines, then we can say a few words about clothes. If you look at traditional Indian clothing, it is usually strips of fabric. In Krasnodar this should be very clear to everyone, even now it’s summer in Krasnodar, it’s already becoming clear to everyone. And what is the idea that various seams, joints, in general, well, to some extent, have a negative impact on energy, so they try not to use joints. But if you’re walking, there’s snow under your feet, somewhere, well, if not Siberia, then at least obviously not the Black Sea region, then you can’t do without seams. Therefore, why are ritual patterns, swastikas, amulets, symbols of a sown field mainly located on the seams, because firstly, it was important for the tribes to be different from each other, it was clear from the clothes which tribe you belonged to. And secondly, it also served as amulets. And the joints and in general all this had significant meaning. And even if there are traditional Russian and Indian patterns, I had it on a tablet somewhere, compare Indian and Vologda ones, there is almost complete identity of the pattern... [Break of recording. The recorder has run out. Missed sections: ritual haircut of monks and warriors, cremation and reincarnation among the Slavs, pre-Christian writing of Rus' and Sanskrit, "Veles's Book" and "Veda of the Slavs"]

I am condensing several messages into a single text for the most complete perception.

I suggest an article that I came across on the Internet:

""... About ingles: somehow, a few years ago, when ingles had just appeared, a psychic friend of mine said (in connection with a conversation about ingles) that he had read an article in the newspaper of St. Petersburg ufologists and psychics "Anomaly" (title I remember, simply because there is a newspaper in our city library, and in the mid-90s they published a series of articles by Rezunkov on the folk calendar) about the Omsk ufologist A. Khinevich, who is in contact with aliens from Orion, there was also a photo of Khinevich in the church with candles in hands. And of course, not a word about the “Russian Vedas”. The article was published in this newspaper (unless, of course, Sergei, who told me this, did not mix up the name of the newspaper) somewhere in the early 90s (I don’t remember exactly). I was not surprised then, because I had already figured out that Khinevich’s Vedas were basically tattered legends of the Moscow Templars. And about how Khinevich stole the translation of Steblin-Kaminsky's "Saga of the Ynglings" , our beloved Rebbe Asov also wrote (but in case you haven’t read it, here it is: http://acov.m6.net/Publicat/poganci.htm)

It’s clear to anyone that if suddenly Khinevich kept some kind of ancient manuscript of “The Saga...”, then it could not possibly coincide LITERALLY with Steblin-Kaminsky’s translation. And finally, a small thought: Khinevich is called only “Father Alexander.” Generally speaking, for example, I would not turn my tongue to address anyone other than my own father, who gave me life on this Earth. Khinevich calls himself “Patyr Diem”, i.e. literally ““Heavenly Father””, I wonder if he really considers himself God, or is he just mocking people in this way? If you need materials about how Khinevich stole texts from the Templars (I already wrote about this on the forums), tell me, I’ll send you. You can simply give an example: a piece of Templar text, and then, as a parallel, a corresponding piece of text from the “Vedas” by Khinevich... ""

"...So it's like that." As long as I remember, Somewhere in 2000, they gave me the first edition of "CAB" to read. I started reading, and then I realized that somewhere this was all already there, all this terminology: Worlds of the Golden Staircase, arlegs, legi and so on. I already know it. I remembered, and I remembered, and I remembered: in 1992-93, in the journal “Science and Religion”, there was a series of publications by historian A. Nikitin “Moscow Templars” , dedicated to the Moscow Order of the Templars, in the 20s this oren was defeated by the NKVD, and all the archives of the order ended up in the archives of the NKVD, from where Nikitin brought them into the light of day. There, the author also cited part of the so-called “order legends”.

By the way, these Templars had nothing to do with the historical Templars, and their entire order was actually a remake of the early 20th century.

Now, compare line by line the legends of the Templars and the Ingle writings:


From Khinevich’s “Haratiya of Light”, Haratya Fourth, The Structure of the Worlds:

"And these Many-Wise Priests taught that in our Universe there is a Golden Path of Spiritual Ascension, leading upward and called Svaga, along which the Harmonious Worlds are located, and they follow one after another: the World of People, the World of Legs, the World of Arlegs, the Worlds of Arans, Worlds of Radiance, World of Nirvana, Worlds of Beginnings, World of Spiritual Power, World of Knowledge, World of Harmony, World of Spiritual Light, Worlds of Spiritual Property, World of Law, Worlds of Creation, World of Truth, Worlds of Patrons, and many others up to the Greatest World of Rule. Some of the Highest Bearers of Spiritual Property in our Universe, out of their goodness, descended and placed their Worlds between the Worlds of Arlegs and Arans, in order to locate their camps closer to those in need of help. The worlds located along the Golden Path are those mentioned in the Ancient Vedas. If the World of People is four-dimensional, then the Worlds located along the Golden Path have the following number of dimensions: the World of Legs - 16, the World of Arlegs - 256, the Worlds of Arans - 65.536, the Worlds of Radiance - 65.5362, the World of Nirvana - 65.5364, the Worlds of Beginnings - 65.5368, the World of the Spiritual Powers - 65.53616, World of Knowledge - 65.53632, World of Harmony - 65.53664, World of Spiritual Light - 65.536128, Worlds of Spiritual Property - 65.536256, World of Law - 65.536512, Worlds of Creation - 65.5361024, World of Truth - 65.536 2048, Worlds of Patrons - 65.5364096.

There are also intermediate Worlds: five, seven, nine, twelve and smaller in number of dimensions. At the end of Svaga there is a Frontier, beyond which it begins Greatest World Correct. In addition to the Harmonious and intermediate Worlds located along the Golden Path, there are incoming realities: time, space, wandering Spirits, changing images, shadows, sounds, numbers, the World of Darkness, also called Ash, the abyss into which the heaviest particles of primordial darkness entered.
The worlds located along the Golden Path are more harmonized and more complete in their manifestations than the intermediate Realities: thus, although in the Reality of five dimensions there are more opportunities for the development of Spirits than in our World of Revealing, but due to the eternal disorder in the Reality of five dimensions Particles of primordial darkness often explode.

An example of Spaces and Realities of a smaller number of dimensions can be the Worlds of sounds, shadows, mirror images, ever-changing images, where constant transformations occur. There, a flower can become in a moment a Scroll of Haratya, then a worm, a lynx, etc. And all these Worlds and Realities are not located separately at all, but penetrate each other. So, where in one Reality the great waves of the sea are raging, in another Reality the forest is rustling or there are high mountains covered with eternal snows."

By the way, this site also outlines the history of this Moscow order.

In general, Akhinevich took advantage of the fact that these texts are little known, and, well, he rewrote them into the “Slavic-Aryan Vedas”
And here's more, for completeness:


From Khinevich: Kharatya the Third. Great Assa:
"Myrny years ago, and maybe even yesterday, for Eternity knows no limitations in time, in the Light World of the Arlegs, which covers two hundred and fifty-six dimensions, the Great Assa, the Great Battle of the Forces of Light and Darkness, took place.

One of the Noble Arlegs, Chernobog, decided, with the help of cunning, to bypass the Universal Laws of ascension established by God Svarog along the Golden Path of Spiritual Development. And he said to his brothers: If we, the Noble Arlegs, remove the Security Seals from the Secret Ancient Wisdom of our World for the lower Worlds. Then, according to the Law of Divine Correspondence, the Security Seals from the Secret Ancient Wisdom of all the Highest Worlds will be removed for us. And a free passage will open up the Golden Path of Spiritual Development for us, the Noble Arlegs, and this Knowledge will also help all Spirits and Souls from various Worlds located below the World of the Arlegs, to know the Secret Ancient Wisdom of all Worlds, and having learned, to stand next to God Svarog and other Svarozhichi...

But Arleg Chernobog met a worthy rebuff in the person of the Noble Arleg - Belobog, the Supreme Guardian of the Hidden Ancient Wisdom of the World of Arlegs, guarding the Security Seals from the Hidden Ancient Wisdom of this World, and Chernobog’s cunning plan failed. Then the calling cry of Chernobog rang throughout all the Worlds, Spaces and Realities lying along the Golden Path. He called Legov to help him.
And the entire multidimensional World of Legs appeared at the call of Chernobog, and the Dark Legs, Dark Arlegs and Koshchei, the rulers of Pekla, flew to him uninvited, and with them the entire army of Pekla flew to him. Belobog alone could not resist such great Dark forces. And Chernobog tore off the first Security Seal, the Seal from the Ancient Knowledge of the World of Arlegs, and Knowledge spread widely throughout the Worlds lying below the World of Arlegs, right down to the very depths of Hell.
In turn, then the call of the wise Belobog sounded, seeing that he alone could not preserve the Security Seals from the Secret Ancient Wisdom of the World of Arlegs. He called the Higher Worlds for help, and He turned to the Guardians of the World of Knowledge. But the Keepers of the Hidden Ancient Wisdom of the World of Knowledge remained indifferent, since they did not want to fight with Chernobog, considering him free to choose his actions.
Only the Guardians of the Secret Ancient Wisdom of the Worlds of Beginnings, as well as the Protector Gods from all the Higher Worlds and Realities, responded to the call of the Noble Belobog. And they surrounded the entire World of Arlegs with a dense energy dome of Ice Silence, and the Great Assa began between the Light and Dark forces, and time stopped in the Worlds. The Great Battle covered many Lands of the Worlds of Reveal and Navi, from Hell itself to the World of Nirvana.
But the Noble Arlegs did not want to participate in the Great Assa, nor to fight against the Protector Gods from all the Higher Worlds and Realities, nor to remain inside the dense energy dome of Ice Silence created by the Guardians of the Secret Ancient Wisdom of the Worlds of Beginnings. With their artificial Suns, they melted the adjacent part of the dome of Ice Silence and descended into the World of Legs and the Intermediate Worlds, and Chernobog, who also did not want to stay inside the dome of Ice Silence, descended and found refuge in the World of Dark Arlegs. From the beginning of the Great Assa, Belobog rose, as it were, above the World of Arlegs, for he united the Light Forces with his call and led them to fight against the armies of the Dark Worlds. The defeated Dark Legs and Dark Arlegs were sent to the Worlds from which they came, taking from them a great oath not to violate the Laws of ascent along the Golden Path of Spiritual Development, established by God Svarog. Only Koshchei, the rulers of Pekla, with the remnants of their armies rushed to the passage in the dome of Ice Silence, which was created by the Noble Arlegs. And they hid in their own Hell, realizing that the Light Forces do not penetrate into other people's Worlds and Realities, carrying the War Wars on their banners."


And now again, compare line by line with the Templar text “SATLA’S RIOT”:

" "" Myrny years ago, and maybe yesterday, for mysticism knows no time, an assa walked in the cosmos of Arleg 256 dimensions. Sutl, the most beautiful of the Seraphim, rebelled against the laws of ascent along the Golden Staircase established by God Eloa, and he said: " Let the Arlegs rip the Seal of Occult Silence from their cosmos for the lower cosmos. And then, according to the law of occult correspondence, the Seals of Occult Silence from the highest cosmos will be removed for us, and a free path will open along the Golden Staircase, and all spirits will rise and stand next to Eloa." But Sutl met with rebuff in the person of the Michaels, who guarded the Seals of Occult Silence, and his attempt failed. Then the calling cry of Satl rang through the cosmos - he called the Legs to his aid. The entire cosmos of the Legs appeared to him, and the dark Legs, the Princes of Darkness and the dark Arlegs, in a word, flew to him uninvited Dark Kingdom flew to him. The Michaels could not resist such forces, and Sutl tore off the first Seal of Occult Silence, the seal of Knowledge, and knowledge spread widely throughout the cosmos. In turn, the trumpets of the Michaels sounded, seeing that they alone could not guard the Seals of Occult Silence - they called for help, and they turned to the Dominions. But the Archangels remained neutral, and the Dominions also remained neutral, since they did not want to fight with Sutl, considering him free. Only the Beginnings responded to the call of the Mikhails. They surrounded the entire space of the Arlegs with a magic circle of mystical comets, and time stopped in space. But the Seraphim inside the magic circle did not want to. He began to remain. With their mystical suns they melted the adjacent chain of the circle. It was as if the Mikhails stood above the Arleg space, and Sutl, who also did not want to stay inside the circle, could freely enter and leave it. And the magic circle of Beginnings had one more property - the property of not letting anything alien into itself and immediately throwing it all out of itself. So the dark Arlegs, the Princes of Darkness and the dark Legs were thrown out of it, and they fell into darkness; and the light Legs were thrown out of it, and they fell into their space of sixteen dimensions. But after the brilliance, splendor and luxury of the Arleg space, their space seemed infinitely gray and dull to them, and they decided to make an attempt to leave it and rise into the Arleg space. Not relying on their own strength, they called on the Elemental forces for help, and carried out an attack in a mighty chorea. But the magic circle of mystical comets met them with a diamond wall, and Legi was driven back. And since now their karma was aggravated by the fact that in the struggle of higher spirits among themselves they used Elemental forces as mystical forces, they could not stay in their space of sixteen dimensions and fell into the space of eight dimensions. And in Arlegov's space the ass continued. Sutl remained free, and not a word of reproach was said to him, only the Seraphim excommunicated him from their mystical meetings, because, as stated in the Epistle of the Apostle Jude, Michael could not pronounce judgment on him. "...""

These Inglov Vedas, wrote modern man, and in no way do they correspond to the mentality of people of the Middle Ages. Yes, and the fact that the photographs given in “SAV” are supposedly of ancient Inglovian churches are photoshopped, in my opinion, corresponds to reality. I will not deny myself the pleasure of quoting:

Why do people who call themselves pagans lie?

Reading the book led me to this question." Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Book of Light", published by the Old Russian Inglistic Church of Orthodox Old Believers-Inglings, Omsk "Arkor" 2002. Many ambiguities arise about the "Book of Light" itself, which includes four Haratyas of Light.
Firstly, it is impossible not to pay attention to a number of anachronisms found in these texts and to the diversity of stylistics. In the introduction Fr. Alexander states: “In the original source, the “Kharatiyas of Light” were written down by Tiragami, i.e., Da'Aryan Figurative Symbols, which combined hieroglyphic signs that convey multidimensional quantities and various runes + Kharatiyas are parchment sheets made of animal skin on which are printed ancient runes. In order to publish texts in modern Russian, the X'Aryan Runic version of the "Haraty of Light" and the translation into Russian made 250 years ago were taken as a basis, but at the same time the accuracy of the meaning of the translation was checked using the Da'Aryan Runes ". From this we can conclude that the most accurate translation of these texts from the runic language into Russian was made about 250 years ago. The genre of these texts itself does not imply the author's corrections and additions, and, therefore, the reader should be presented with the ancient original text in Russian. By this, we mean that the editor working with ancient texts replaced some words and constructions of the 18th century, which had become outdated by the 21st century, without changing the content, for which he coped with the original. What is striking is that if the first three Haratya Books of Light “try to fully meet” the requirements of the genre of the ancient Vedas in form and content, then the Fourth Haratya comes into conflict with this genre. In Kharatya First, a special vocabulary and syntactic structure prevail, which, indeed, could have taken place in ancient manuscripts: “In each accumulation of the Primordial Living Light, many Worlds and Realities appeared. And so far, far from the One whom we, people, call the Great Ra "M-Ha, for the last time His Primordial Living Light spread out like Great Clusters. In this Primordial Living Light living beings appeared, for England was the Life-Giving One." In the text of the Fourth Haratya we are faced with a completely different style and a number of concepts characteristic exclusively of the second half of the 19th century and the 20th century: “Some Worlds or Universes with the same number of dimensions exist next to each other, while realities penetrate one into different, but having qualitatively different feelings or different shapes and the living conditions of the inhabitants of these Realities, existing in a single dimensional-spatial structure, do not collide with each other. on turn of the 19th century- XX centuries, and, therefore, they could not appear either in ancient manuscripts or in translations of the 18th century. On the other hand, words are used that characterize the concepts of culture of the 20th century: people “climb to the entrance of their homes in special flying machines,” “these people have all kinds of machines and mechanisms.” This suggests the unpleasant conclusion that the text of the Fourth Haratya was written in the 20th century. Secondly, in the text of the “Book of Light” there is an emphatic contrast between paganism and Hinduism and Christianity (and at the announced time of writing the Vedas, Christianity did not exist as a formalized religion!). It is worth noting that none world religion, none of the ancient myths of the peoples of the world ever hinted at the existence of other religions, did not oppose themselves to other mythological systems and did not seek to prove the reliability of their theories. In the same text, for example, we find a clear contrast to Christianity: “In fact, there is no Last Judgment, there is only a delay in the ascension+.” Such inconsistencies can still be forgiven by an outside researcher who is not a bearer of religion, or a collector of folklore, akin to the scoundrel of Corinth, but not by a community of pagans. It is not clear why present modern “discussions on the topic” as an ancient text? Who are they trying to deceive? To top it off, photographs are presented at the end of the volume, most of which show various celebrations. For example, "walking barefoot on coals" is rather crudely edited in Photoshop. Against this background, you begin to be distrustful of other texts in the publication, for example, the wonderful article “The Unknown Swastika.” ...""

1 (113). Said Perun the Many-Wise, Skifadiy, Priest of the Temple of the Fern Flower, from the Rassenov Family: Tell me, tell me, Wise Teacher, what forces attract Foreigners to leave their fiefdoms in the World of Darkness, and bring them to us on Midgard-Earth?
God the Many-Wise answered the Priest: Foreigners will covet everything that is foreign and does not belong to them...
All their thoughts are only about power, and over all the Worlds, about the seizure of wealth and creations of the Light Worlds...

2 (114). The Aliens' goal is to disrupt the harmony reigning in the World of Light...
and destroy the Descendants of the Heavenly Family and the Great Race, for only they can give a worthy rebuff to the Forces of Darkness...
The Servants of the World of Darkness believe that only they should own all the Worlds that the Great Ra-M-Ha created...
And arriving on the flourishing Lands, they strive to accustom the Children of Humans to Greed, for Greed destroys Knowledge, and when Knowledge is killed, Shame perishes...

3 (115). When Shame is killed, Truth is oppressed; with the death of Truth, Happiness will die...
When Happiness is killed, a Man dies, and if a Man dies, then all his wealth is freely taken by Foreigners...
They consider wealth their truest support, and build their World on wealth...
In the World of Darkness, life is available only to those who have wealth; a poor person is like one dead in the desert...
4 (116). They take away wealth from people, relying on the Power of their Deception...
Knowing that if they take away people’s support and Faith, their purpose in Life and Freedom of Spirit, then the people themselves will be destroyed...
Children of Humans in such a situation in the World of Revealing, choose the path of death freely, and direct their weapons
against the Foreign villains, for it is better to accept a glorious death in a righteous battle with the Foreign enemies,
than to submit to enemies...
5 (117). People weak in Spirit lose their minds, or fall under the power of Foreigners-enemies, while others, in a thirst for acquisitions, go into service to Foreigners...
The misfortunes of such lost people are worse than death, since death, according to the Law, is the Eternal Path of the World, and there is no one living in the Real World who would surpass death...

6 (118). Foreign enemies drive the Children of Men into madness, and people, increasingly losing their minds, commit cruel acts...
...People go so far as to violate the Commandments of Blood, in their atrocities, and for those guilty of Blood Mixing, the Inferno will open its wide doors...
...And if a person does not reject all this, and if he does not awaken, then he goes straight to the Inferno...
and the Gods will not help him, for he himself chooses his own Path...

7 (119). The awakening of man is only in Knowledge, and the eye of Knowledge saves him...
Having achieved Knowledge, the Child of Man again looks at the Vedas, and again the desire for Spiritual Life becomes a duty, and Conscience becomes the head of all actions...
Listening to conscience, he hates everything evil, from this Conscience becomes strong, and a person creates his own Happiness,
In Happiness, man himself is created...

8 (120). Calm people, always skillful in their affairs and constantly in debt to the Family...
They do not think wickedly and do not act sinfully.
Unscrupulous or unreasonable people, whether men or women, do not succeed in fulfilling their duty to the Gods and the Family, and become like Foreigners...
... Those who have Conscience honor their Gods and Ancestors, and they head towards Immortality, and not to the Pekel World...

9 (121). Which of the Children of Men, enraged by madness, will threaten, whoever hates the good, people will call him GRAY and despicable like a Foreigner...
Who, at the instigation of Foreigners, in error and greed, seeks to take away good people their Happiness, he, not controlling himself, will not overcome anger and will not retain Happiness for long, for all the wealth of those who have strayed from the Path of Light,
will go to the Aliens...

10 (122). And the hearts of all the Dark Forces are filled with joy when the Children of Humans, listening to the false speeches of Aliens, stray from the path of the Light...
And they follow a low path, accumulating material benefits, and not Spiritual ones, according to the will of Foreign enemies, thereby leading their Clans to destruction...
And the Foreign Enemies know that all the unrighteous benefits and the wealth taken away from good people will cloud the human Mind, and the Souls of people will become callous...

11 (123). Children of Human Clans, do not listen to the words of Foreigners, for they are deceitful and want to destroy your Souls,
so that they do not end up in Heavenly Asgard, but become eternal wanderers in the endless Darkness...
...Do not allow Foreigners to your daughters, for they will seduce your daughters, and corrupt their pure Souls, and destroy the Blood of the Great Race, for the first man is with the daughter, leaves Images of Spirit and Blood...

12 (124). Foreign Images of Blood expel the Light Spirit from the Children of Humans, and the mixing of Blood leads to death...
and this Race, degenerating, perishes without having healthy offspring, for there will be no inner Power that kills all the illnesses that they bring to Midgard-Earth...
Foreign enemies coming from the Dark World...

13 (125). Do not listen to the admonitions of your seducing enemies and do not be seduced by their false promises...
Foreign enemies have no compassion, neither for the Children of Humans from the Celestial Race, nor for creatures similar to themselves, for everyone who comes from the Dark World or his descendant born on Midgard or another Earth thinks only about an idle life, using other people's labor, and the gullibility of the Children of Humans ...

14 (126). By deception and cunning, and unjust lies, Foreigners gain the trust of people.
Boasting of their friendship with the elders of the Family, they entangle the Children of Humans with lies...
And they seduce their pure Souls and teach them base acts...
Foreign enemies call their animal lust Delight, and the birth of children - vicious madness, and call on the Children of Men to not observe the traditions of their fathers...

15 (127). Human Children from the Clans of the Great Race and you, descendants of the Heavenly Clans, be pure in Soul and Spirit,
and let a clear Conscience be the measure of your actions...
Drive out your Foreign enemies and all their descendants from all your lands, or they will destroy you with their lack of spirituality.
Your souls are bright, and with vicious deeds they will destroy your bodies, and they will use you and your descendants,
in their dark deeds, but with your sons and daughters they will comfort their flesh...
16 (128). Which of you and your descendants will remember all this and expel the Great Race from the Holy Land
Foreign enemies and their descendants, that true Savior and Defender of his Family and all Clans of the Great Race and the Heavenly Family...
And those who will listen to the false words of Foreigners...
and he will give them his daughters or begin to take a Foreign daughter for his son, that is an apostate of the Human Race, and he will not have the forgiveness of the Light Gods and the Heavenly Race, all the days without a trace...

The first man leaves images of the Spirit and Blood with his daughter- i.e. The first man who breaks a girl's virginity is the only father of all the children she will give birth to in her life, regardless of whether he lives with her or not, and how many men she may change in the rest of her life.

The religious and historical monument of Slavic culture under the general name “Slavic-Aryan Vedas” reflects the history of all humanity on Earth over the past several hundred thousand years - that’s at least 600,000 years.

The Slavic-Aryan Vedas (otherwise: “Russian Vedas”, “Slavic Vedas” or “Holy Russian Vedas”) are a sacred source of knowledge. The Slavic-Aryan Vedas, like the Avesta, trace their roots back to the original source of knowledge - Vesta. Hence the word “from-Vestny”, i.e. - from Vesta.

The Slavic-Aryan Vedas, based on the basis on which they were originally written down, are divided into three main groups:

  1. Santia are plates made of a noble metal that does not lend itself to corrosion (usually gold), on which texts were applied by minting, and which were then fastened with rings in the form of books;
  2. Haratiyas - books or texts on sheets of high-quality parchment;
  3. Magi - wooden tablets with texts.

The most ancient Scriptures from among the Slavic-Aryan Vedas are the santias.

Thus, the “Santi Veda of Perun” (Book of Knowledge or Book of Wisdom of Perun) was written down 40,008 years ago (or 38,004 BC).

Initially, it was the Santii that were called the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, but they contain references to other Vedas, which were even then called the Ancients and which, today, are either lost or stored in secluded places and have not yet been made public for some reason.

Santias reflect the most secret Ancient Knowledge. You could even say that they are an archive of knowledge.

Some historians believe that the Indian Vedas are just a part of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas transmitted to India about 5,000 years ago.

Charatia were, as a rule, copies of santios, or, possibly, extracts from santios, intended for wider use among the priests.

The oldest Haratiyas are the "Haratiyas of Light" (Book of Wisdom), which were written down 28,735 years ago (or, more precisely, from August 20 to September 20, 26,731 BC).

Since it is easier to write down haratiyas than to mint santias on gold, extensive historical information was recorded in this form. So, for example, the harathys called “Avesta” were written down on 12,000 cowhide 7512 years ago, with the story of the victory of the Slavic-Aryan clans in the war with the Chinese, but Alexander the Great burned this document when it fell into his hands, when traveling to India.

It should be noted that this document also reflected the fact of the signing of a peace treaty, known since then as the Creation of the World in the Star Temple, and among the common people simply as the creation of the world. And the Star Temple is the year in which that agreement was signed and which is repeated every 144 years according to the cyclical calendar of our ancestors.

Galaxies in the Universe, as described in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, are born from the primary primordial matter of the ether and, having gone through a development cycle, die. With the beginning of the formation of the Galaxy, stars began to light up closer to its center. Therefore, life originated there and from there it spread on spaceships. There, people reached the highest level of spiritual and physical development, since “the planets have several suns towards the center of the Galaxy, their entire surface is evenly heated, including from the core of the Galaxy, people do not need room heating, warm clothes, and do not suffer from lack of food and water."

The solar system, called the Yarila-Sun System, included 27 planets and large asteroids called Earths, some of which are “unknown to our astronomers.” For example, the earth of Veles with a period of revolution around the Sun of 46.78 years flies between Chiron and Uranus.

Planet Earth was called Midgard-Earth; at the beginning of its settlement by people, there were already space navigation and communication stations on Mars and Dea, destroyed 153 thousand years ago. Initially, the Earth had two natural satellites. The surface of the Earth was different for 300 thousand years, in particular, “the Volga flowed into the Black Sea,” and the planet did not have an inclination of its axis and had a warmer and milder climate in northern latitudes than now.

Among the wise men one can name the “Vlesov Book”, written on wooden tablets and reflecting the history of the peoples of the south and central zone of Eastern Europe for 1500 years before the baptism of Kievan Rus. The Magi were intended for the Magi - our ancient clergy, hence the name of these documents.

It should also be noted that the most ancient documents were written down by the Ancient Aryan Runes or Runics, as they are also called.

  1. Santi Vedas of Perun- one of the most ancient Slavic-Aryan Sacred Traditions, preserved by the Guardian Priests of the Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Inglings. Santii have a meaningful form of dialogue and were written down about 40,000 years ago.
    1. Second part (continued).
  2. Haratya- Ancient Aryan Tradition about the birth of the World. One of the sacred books of the Old Believers-Ynglings, along with the Indian Vedas, Avesta, Eddas, Sagas (Saga of the Ynglings). This is an ancient legend about the birth of the World. One of the sacred books of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, along with the Indian Vedas, Avesta, Eddas, Sagas (Saga of the Ynglings).
  3. The Tale of the Clear Falcon- This incredible and almost fabulous story, which tells in a simple form about the miracles performed by people in past millennia, speaks volumes about the fact that in the past our ancestors had a highly developed civilization that used methods of controlling reality based on thought and consciousness.
  4. - From time immemorial, ancient traditions and legends have been passed down from generation to generation, from Family to Family. Each Slavic or Aryan Clans has preserved its own piece of the ancient World of Images.
  5. Velesova Book is a sacred ancient Slavic text that contains invaluable information about the worldview and history of our ancestors. For many millennia, this book was written by the Magi and copied in pre-Cyrillic characters on wooden tablets. It was written in the language of the Gods and Sorcerers.
    1. Second part (continued).
    2. Third part (continued).
  6. Saga of the Ynglings- The Sacred Tradition about the resettlement of the Old Believers-Ynglings to the West, to Scandinavia, carefully preserved by the Clans of the Old Believers in Western Siberia and Iceland. And telling about legendary historical and mythical times, about the turbulent era of the Vikings and other peoples.
  7. Book of RA- the ancient secret of the Russian language, the divinity of Russian-Aryan speech.
  8. The book is NOT- an ancient book written in the form of commandments for an ancient people
  9. Songs of the bird Gamayun- sacred ancient Slavic book of wisdom and knowledge. Where did the Russian family come from, the laws of Svarog and much more.

And then they moved on a chariot Whitemare to Midgard (planet Earth) to the ancient sunken continent of Daaria (Greek Hyperborea), located at the North Pole. Later (106 thousand years ago) they moved to Belovodye, where the Iriy (Irtysh) River flowed. Survived glacial period(Great cooling 13 thousand years ago after the destruction of the second satellite of the Earth - Fatta with the help of nuclear weapons).

Ynglings are tolerant of the personalities of the founders of world religions: Jesus, Muhammad, Zarathustra and Buddha. However, Rod and his forms are considered to be the true gods. In addition to the gods of the Family, there are also various spiritual entities of other dimensions: legs, arlegs and ases.

Rituals [ | ]

Santiy. Each Santiya consists of 16 shlokas, each shloka contains 9 lines, in each line under a single line called the celestial line, 16 runes are inscribed, on each plate there are 4 slokas, two on each side. Nine Santiy on 36 plates make up One Circle, and these plates, containing 144 slokas, are fastened with 3 rings that symbolize three worlds: Yav (World of people), Nav (World of spirits and souls of ancestors), Prav (Bright world of Slavic-Aryan gods) . The Nine Circles of Santi, containing 1296 shlokas, or 11,664 lines, or 186,624 mutually governing x’Aryan Runes, make up a semantic Figurative collection.

Book One

  • "Santiy Vedas of Perun - First Circle" recorded in the form of a dialogue between Perun and people. The First Circle tells about the commandments left by Perun to the peoples of the “Great Race” and the “Descendants of the Heavenly Family,” as well as about upcoming events over the next 40,176 years. Very noteworthy are the comments on Santiy, in which the word “earth” is interpreted as a planet, the celestial chariot as a spaceship, “fiery mushrooms” as thermonuclear explosions, and there is a reference to the “Nine Circles of Santiy - the Vedas of Dazhdbog”, which were transmitted in 163 030 BC e. The preface says that santii were first translated into modern Russian back in 1944 AD. e. for the newly revived Slavic Communities, that the first seven editions contained only the “First Circle”, that part of the circulation in 1968 during transportation was seized by the competent authorities and thanks to this ended up in various State and regional archives, and that ancient plates from noble metal, covered with runes in 38,004 BC. e. These runes are not letters or hieroglyphs, but “secret images conveying a huge amount of Ancient Knowledge”, written down under common feature. In addition, there are many Santias that are not mentioned on the pages of the Vedas, namely the Santias of the Mother of the Damp Earth, Svarog, Lelya and others. Nothing is known about them, except for their names and total volume (over 7,000 pages of printed text), and these remains themselves are known only from mentions in the video of A. Yu. Khinevich, dedicated to the analysis of the Santi Ved of Perun, and brief information received from adherents of the movement.
  • "The Saga of the Ynglings" - the Old Scandinavian Saga of the Ynglings from the Earthly Circle in the academic translation by M. I. Steblin-Kamensky, whose name, however, is not mentioned in SAV-1. It is only said that the translation is given in the edition of Fr. Alexandra (A. Yu. Khinevich). The connection of the Yngling family is explained in the text by the fact that the Ynglings are the ancestors.
  • Annex 1. "Ingliism" . Contains general information about the teachings of the church, a description of the pantheon, the texts of hymns and commandments. However, here too there are direct borrowings without indicating the authors.
  • Appendix 2. "Daariysky circle of Chislobog" . Contains information about the chronology of the Old Believers-Ynglings.
  • Appendix 3. “Communities and organizations of the Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Inglings” .
Book Two Book Three
  • "Ingliism" - Symbol of Yngling Faith.
  • "Word of Wisdom of the Magus Velimudr" . Part 2.
Book Four
  • "Life source" - a collection of ancient tales and legends.
  • "White Path" - about the path of the Slavic peoples.
Book Five
  • "Slavic worldview" - Book one. Confirmation of the "Book of Light".

In conclusion it is said: “At present, the Second Circle of the Vedas is being translated by the Priests.” Adepts of this movement to the question “... when will the Santi Vedas of Perun The Second Circle see the light and be published in the public domain?”, they answer that the time has not yet come, and first it is necessary to restore the Temple of the Vedas of Perun, which burned down in the wasteland of the Omsk region in 2002. According to A. Yu. Khinevich, the funds received from the sale of the series of books “Slavic-Aryan Vedas” are collected and used to restore this temple.

"Slavic-Aryan Vedas" about the calendar[ | ]

Commentaries to the CAB provide information about measures of length and time, as well as about the structure of the calendar. The word “calendar”, according to the Ynglings, comes from a combination of the words “Kolyada” and “Gift”. Thus, literally “calendar” is “Kolyada’s gift”. Other name - .

Khinevich in the same way denies Darwin’s theory of evolution, based on the following arguments: Darwin, as a Christian, knew the hypothesis about the origin of people from Adam and Eve, knew that only Semites descended from them, knew that the word “Semites” comes from the Latin word simia- “monkey” and Greek eidos- “species” and on this basis developed the theory of evolution, which is incorrect because all people could not come from one single pair, for example from Adam and Eve [ ] .

The Santias of the Vedas of Perun, which is part of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, contains a call against interracial marriages: “ Do not take wives with black skin, for you will desecrate the house and destroy your family." The races of people in Ingliism are divided according to skin color, namely “white”, “red”, “yellow”, “black”, and also “gray” (a certain race of hermaphrodites that allegedly visited our planet). In particular, according to the teachings of Ingliism, Hindus are a mixture of “black” and “yellow”, and Jews are “gray” and “white”.

However, according to the Ynglings themselves, all races are equal, and each of them is given its own “calling”. [ ]

Criticism [ | ]

Contrary to its self-name, the Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings has nothing to do with either the Old Believers, or Orthodoxy, or the Ynglings. And it is called so because the Ynglings profess “the old faith of the great race” and “glorify the Rule.” A. Yu. Khinevich explained this in his own specific manner as follows: Christianity was planted in Russia by Nikon in the 17th century, and then “immediately the ancestral prince Alexander Nevsky turned into a Christian, and the sorcerer Sergius of Radonezh was also registered there as a priest, as a monk ..." .

Although in many ways - from the robes of A. Yu. Khinevich to assurances of the traditionality of the Inglistic faith for Russians - Ingliism can be classified as Rodnoverie, large Rodnoverie associations - the Union of Slavic Communities of the Slavic Native Faith and the Circle of Pagan Tradition - consider the Inglis as an organization that “discredits the resurgent Slavic Movement".

Well-known writers close to the Rodnoverie speak very unflatteringly about A. Yu. Khinevich and his organization. The famous satirist M. N. Zadornov on his website described the Yinglings’ ideas about the appearance of people on Earth as “a mixture of glitches with Hollywood fantasies, mixed with the desire to present the Slavs with a new Bible,” and the writer A. I. Asov dedicated a pamphlet to A. Yu. Khinevich “ Instructions for creating a “filthy” sect using the Internet.”

Sources of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas[ | ]

The texts of the “Slavic-Aryan Vedas” (SAV) contain clear signs of borrowings, which, at least in the case of the “Saga of the Ynglings,” turn into direct plagiarism. The variety of these sources is no less interesting: here are the Scandinavian saga of the 13th century, and “Legends of the Templars” with a description of the cosmos of multidimensional worlds, created in France at the end of the 19th century, and brought to Russia by anarcho-mystics, and the fantasies of the Rodnovers of the 1990s about ancient Slavic beliefs, and Indian "Vedic" terms, and science fiction, drawn from the once popular film in the USSR "Memories of the Future", and racial theories. All this can easily be found on one page of the CAB: Perun, for example, as an ancestor, can roam the expanses of the galaxy on spaceships of the “Whiteman” type during the battles of the Second Great Assa from “Legends of the Templars”.

Discussion about the authenticity of the “Slavic-Aryan Vedas”[ | ]

On various Internet forums dedicated to Rodnoverie and Vedism, the issue of the authenticity of the SAV texts is often discussed. At the same time, both the Yinglings and their opponents believe that only originals, that is, plates of noble metal covered with runes, can be subjected to examination.

The reasons for hiding these plates were first explained in a letter posted on some Internet forums in 2004 on behalf of A. Yu. Khinevich. According to this letter, A.Yu. Khinevich himself always “lived by the tradition and foundations of his family,” and in the early 1980s he gave “ancestral books” to his friends to copy. One such recording reached the founder of the Venedov Union, V.N. Bezverkhoy, who sent A.Yu. Khinevich a letter asking him to give him materials on the Old Faith. “Short materials are sent to him for personal use, but after a while... he publishes these materials in Venedov’s newspaper “Rodnye Prostory” in the early 90s...” It is impossible to confirm or refute this statement, since such publications, if desired, can even include “Songs of the Gamayun Bird” by A. I. Asov. After the publicity, heeding the requests of the public, A. Khinevich publishes several books from the “Slavic-Aryan Vedas” series:

According to critics, this argument is used to avoid showing non-existent primary sources to anyone.

Over time, a second version appeared. Some priests, mentioned in the “Slavic-Aryan Vedas” as Guardian Priests, considered that after the end of the Night of Svarog (the period of negative influence of various factors of cosmic origin, ended in 1996) it was time to publish part of the books that the community of these guardians protected many thousands of years. Alexander Khinevich was chosen to implement this mission (publication). He was given the text of the translation from the runic alphabet into modern Russian. After he published the books, the said community of Guardian Priests had no further contact with him, never giving him the original books or informing him of their location. This story of the appearance of gold plates containing some "ancient knowledge" and how the plates were connected into a book clearly echoes the appearance of the Book of Mormon, published in the first half of the 19th century by Joseph Smith. Although there is possible evidence of plates in the case of the Book of Mormon, no such evidence has been found in the case of the SAB.

But to establish the authenticity or falsification of the texts of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, the original is not required - it is enough to note numerous eclectic borrowings, the sources of which are united by one circumstance: they were all included in the reading circle of subscribers to the journal Science and Religion in the early 1990s.

Notes [ | ]

  1. Shnirelman V. A. ISBN 978-5-89647-291-9.
  2. Milan Petrović. Qualification of Slavic Rodnovery in Scientific Literature - Neopaganism or Native Religion. 2013. p. 8
  3. Kaarina Aitamurto. Russian Rodnoverie: Negotiating Individual Traditionalism. Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki, 2007. Cit.: “Although many Rodnovers are highly suspicious about all kinds of religious authorities and organizational hierarchies, there are fractions in the movement which tolerate less deviance from the religious doctrines and have more authoritative leaders. Most notable of such organizations is the Ancient Russian Ingliistic Church of Orthodox Old Believers-Ingliists (ARICOOBI). The church was founded by a charismatic leader Aleksandr Hinevich (Pater Dii) in Omsk, but in recent few years, it has significantly increased its influence throughout Russia. Other Rodnover organizations do not, however, have very warm relations with the ARICOOBI, and the main reason for this refutation is the “sectarian” nature of the church. Although in 2004 it lost the official status of registered religious community, it has communities throughout Russia and professes massive selling of books and video material. The teachings of the church base on Vedas, texts that are claimed to be ancient Aryan holy scriptures, the oldest part dating from the 40,000 BP. Besides the Vedas, Ingliists teach their adherents for example „h’Arriiskaya arifmetika“ and ancient Slavic grammar. Special emphasis is laid on “healthy way of life,” which includes such very common features as eating natural and pure food, living responsible and sober life, but also ideas basing on theories of human biology and genetics which are very far from the academic perceptions ."
  4. List of public and religious associations, other non-profit organizations in respect of which the court made a decision to liquidate or prohibit activities that has entered into legal force on the grounds provided for by the Federal Law “On Combating Extremist Activities” // minjust.ru
  5. Yngling sect leader Alexander Khinevich sentenced to prison
  6. Clearing Father Alexander's criminal record! // 03/11/2011
  7. So in the text, see CAB 1, p. 168. Not to be confused with repentance.
  8. Khinevich A. Yu., Ivanov N. I. Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Parts 1-4. / Old Russian Yngling Church of Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings. Omsk (Asgard Iriysky). 2nd ed. 2005, 3rd ed. 2007
  9. The Omsk court recognized the “Slavic-Aryan Vedas” as extremist // Gazeta.ru, 02.25.2016
  10. Snorri Sturluson. Circle of the Earth. - M.: Nauka, 1980. Translation by M. I. Steblin-Kamensky.
  11. Demystification author= (undefined) . Archived from the original on December 2, 2012. (link unavailable since 12/19/2015)
  12. Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Book One, “Santia of the Vedas of Perun - First Circle”, Santia 6, verse 12 (92)
  13. Telegony (Questions to Father Diu of the Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Inglings to Father Alexander) 03.08.07
  14. (English) . - article from Encyclopædia Britannica Online.
  15. Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Book One. - edition for general use, corrected and expanded. - Omsk: Asgard, 2001. - 256 p. - ISBN 5-89115-028-X.(hereinafter referred to as SAV-1). P. 144.
  16. Slavic-Aryan Vedic culture. Its differences from paganism and neo-paganism // Second International Conference of Orthodox Old Believers. - Anapa, 2003.
  17. Official Statement of the Circle of Pagan Tradition and the Union of Slavic Communities of the Slavic Native Faith (USF SRV) dated December 25, 2009 “On the substitution of concepts in the language and history of the Slavs and on pseudo-paganism” Archived copy dated November 1, 2010 on the Wayback Machine
  18. M. N. Zadornov. Strizhak. "Proper Education".
  19. Instructions for creating a “filthy” sect using the Internet using the example of the so-called. "English Church" and its St. pis. “Slavic-Aryan Vedas” vol. 1 (hereinafter “Akhinevich’s Vedas”), as well as about piracy and robbery in paganism. It was first published on the old website of A. I. Asov in October 2005 (http://www.educatorsoft.com/alexandracov/default.aspx?PageID=77)
  20. www.interunity.org Text of the letter

Literature [ | ]

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  • Racism was outlawed in the name of Perun // Nezavisimaya Gazeta. - 11/18/2015.
  • Neopaganism in Russia// The price of hatred. Nationalism in Russia and combating racist crimes: (collection of articles) / Comp. A. M. Verkhovsky. - M.: Center "Sova", 2005. - P. 196-225. - 256 s. - 1000 copies. - ISBN 5-98418-005-7.
  • Polinichenko D. Yu. Political mythologems of folk linguistics // Political linguistics. - 2010. - No. 4. - pp. 196-202.
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