Father of Nastya Dorofeeva. Nadya Dorofeeva made an unexpected confession about her marriage to Vladimir Dantes

Nadya Dorofeeva – young performer pop songs and an incredibly popular model. From childhood, the girl developed into creative sphere. She attended a large number of clubs, where she studied vocals, dancing and music. In 2010, the girl worked in the musical duet “Time and Glass”. It was from this time that Nadezhda’s popularity grew at a rapid pace.

Today the popular Ukrainian artist is engaged solo career. She records pop hits, participates in photo shoots and fashion shows. A girl is working out own store, which is located in the Ukrainian capital. She wants to open another store in the future.

Nadezhda is married to Vladimir Dantes. There are no children in the marriage yet. Our heroine is involved in charity work; she supervises orphanages and hospitals.

Height, weight, age. How old is Nadya Dorofeeva

Nadya looks bright, stylish, beautiful. Numerous admirers of the young artist’s talent are interested in all the information about the girl, including their height, weight, and age. How old Nadya Dorofeeva is is easy to find. The young performer prefers not to talk about her age. She is flirtatious and often jokes about it.

In 2018, the beauty celebrated her 28th birthday. The celebration took place in one of the Kyiv nightclubs. More than 60 guests came to the birthday party, including Potap, Nastya Kamenskikh and others. Our heroine's beloved husband entertained the audience.

Nadya Dorofeeva, whose photos in her youth and now amaze fans with her extraordinary design, weighs 52 kg with a height of 170 cm. The girl often visits beauty salons and gyms. The artist excluded sweets, flour and alcoholic drinks from her menu. She says that sometimes she can indulge in a chocolate bar, but then immediately goes to the gym to neutralize the acquired calories.

Biography and personal life of Nadya Dorofeeva

The biography and personal life of Nadya Dorofeeva is of interest to many fans.

The birth of the popular pop singer took place in mid-1990 in one of the Simferopol maternity hospitals. The father was a military man. In her youth, my mother thought of connecting her life with creativity, but, at the insistence of her parents, she chose for herself the profession of a doctor - a dentist.

From childhood, the baby was very artistic. She loved to gather children around her and sing and dance in front of them. The girl’s mother began to develop her daughter’s talent. The woman enrolled her beloved daughter in music school so that she learns to play musical instruments. Then Nadya began to attend dance and vocal clubs.

Despite being very busy with creativity, the girl studied well. She was one of the best students in the class. Nadezhda especially liked the humanities. The girl often participated in school events, where she performed Soviet and modern Ukrainian hits.

From the age of 12, the girl began to attend the studio in local club. The parents encouraged their beloved daughter and helped her in everything. With the ensemble, Nadezhda traveled half the country.

IN adolescence the girl began to win in vocal and dance festivals. In mid-2003, Nadya was applauded by Hungarian and Bulgarian listeners. After winning the Black Sea Games, the girl decided to become a singer.

In mid-2005, Nadya performed at the Golden Voice of Russia. The Moscow public appreciated the girl’s talent. She was invited to the girl group “M.Ch.S.”, but our heroine did not become popular at that time, so she decided to leave the group.

After returning to Kyiv, she began working at American Chance. This project was supervised by Igor Kondratyuk. But after a few months the girl goes back to the capital Russian Federation. Nadyusha couldn’t find anything to do here. The talented girl unsuccessfully went to auditions, but was always rejected.

In 2009, the pop star decided to record solo album in Kyiv. In mid-2010, the girl was invited to become a member of the Time and Glass collective, which was organized by the famous composer and producer Potap. Her colleague was singer Alexey Zavgorodniy, with whom our heroine often met at various music festivals. Within a few months the group became incredibly popular. Once, at one of the concerts, Nadya Dorofeeva and Alexey Zavgorodniy kiss, which gave rise to rumors about the relationship of the young artists.

In 2014, Dorofeeva decided to leave the team. She started studying solo project.

In 2015, Nadya began to engage in modeling. She advertises global brands. The girl also opened her own store, where she offers modern clothes for young people.

IN Lately the girl often gives speeches. She speaks negatively about the annexation of Crimea to Russia. In June 2018, the artist addressed the Russian authorities and personally President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin on her Instagram page. She called on them to return Crimea.

The personal life of the young beauty is also successful. She became a wife Ukrainian singer and television presenter Vladimir Dantes. There are no children in the family yet, but, according to the artist, she and her beloved husband began to think about the appearance of heirs who will appear in the very near future.

Family and children of Nadya Dorofeeva

Currently, Nadya Dorofeeva’s family and children live in several countries. Our heroine and her beloved husband spend almost all the time in Kyiv. But the couple goes on tour throughout Ukraine. Sometimes the artist flies to the United States of America, where she takes part in various fashion shows. In 2017, Nadezhda advertised a popular brand, after which she was offered to sign a contract for several thousand dollars.

So far there are no children in the artist’s family. Nadya says that for now, due to the heavy workload in various projects, neither she nor her beloved husband have time for the child. The artist reports that she will soon take up this issue, since children are happiness. Our heroine thinks that in marriage she will have two children: a daughter and a son, each of whom will be desired and loved.

Nadya and her husband oversee one of the Ukrainian orphanages. She often comes here, brings gifts, and participates in the fate of the pupils.

The girl is also involved in charity work. He transfers part of his fees to a hospice located in Kyiv.

The artist’s mother sings very well. In her youth, the woman dreamed of becoming a singer, but, on the advice of her family, she graduated from the Kiev Medical Institute, becoming a professional dentist. What is the name of her beloved mother, Nadezhda prefers not to answer. She says that she is trying so hard to protect her from excessive attention from strangers. The singer's mother sewed stage costumes daughter, developed Dorofeeva’s creative talent. Today the woman lives with her daughter and her husband.

The artist's father served in armed forces. After his retirement, he took Nadenka to various competitions. Recently, a man passed away, which was a big blow for our heroine and his beloved wife. The singer's father was buried in one of the Kyiv cemeteries.

Numerous music lovers think that Nadya Dorofeeva and Regina Todorenko are sisters. But that's not true. The girls are incredibly similar in appearance, they call each other sister, which was the reason for the appearance of this information. Regina often takes pictures with Nadezhda and celebrates holidays with her friend’s family.

Nadya Dorofeeva's husband - Vladimir Dantes

In 2013, Nadezhda Dorofeeva and Vladimir Dantes met. The young people were traveling in the same carriage on a tour. The artist recalls that the guy was talking all the way interesting stories and jokes.

A few hours after the first meeting, Dantes announced that he would certainly become the girl’s husband. She took it as a joke, saying that she would be glad to live with such a husband.

After breaking up with her boyfriend, Nadezhda thought that she would never see him again. But a few hours later Vladimir called. It turned out that the young man found the girl’s number through mutual friends. From that time on, they began to call each other often.

Returning from a tour to Kyiv, the future spouses met each other. They began to often walk along the cramped streets of the city, talk on all sorts of topics, and go to nightclubs.

A few months after they met, Nadya Dorofeeva and Vladimir Dantes decided to get married. The wedding took place in mid-2015. It was attended by a large number of distinguished guests. Photos from the event were posted on social networks. Fans greeted the news of this event with delight.

The lovers spent their honeymoon on one of the islands in the Pacific Ocean. Often the spouses took selfies and then posted the resulting pictures on their Instagram page.

Nadya and Vladimir have explosive characters. They often quarrel, declaring that they cannot live like this.

In 2016, numerous fans learned that the couple had separated. Nadya Dorofeeva’s beloved husband, Vladimir Dantes, wrote about this himself. But a few days later, the couple appeared together at one of the concerts of Potap and Nastya Kamensky. It turned out that the man decided to joke.

Currently, Dantes works on one of the Ukrainian channels. He tells the television audience about various musicians performing songs during the period Soviet Union, and in modern life.

Vladimir sometimes hosts various show concerts. He is able to spur the audience on and cause laughter with his humorous remarks.

Photo by Nadya Dorofeeva for Playboy and Maxim magazines

Photos of Nadya Dorofeeva for Playboy and Maxim magazines are incredibly popular among the girl’s fans.

From childhood, our heroine loved, as mentioned above, to dance and sing. She was so beautiful that her photographs appeared in various magazines. The girl's mother always tried to dress her like a doll, buying the most fashionable clothes and embroidery with beads.

Hot photos of the young singer first appeared in 2010. Fans were amazed at the perfection of the girl’s body curves.

Nadya Dorofeeva, whose photo shoot for Maxim aroused unprecedented interest in her, quite often appears candidly on the pages of both publishing houses.

Instagram and Wikipedia Nadya Dorofeeva

Nadya Dorofeeva’s Instagram and Wikipedia provide the most detailed information about the girl that the girl’s many fans so want to know.

The Wikipedia page tells where the girl was born and what she did. You can also find out how it started here. creative activity. The page lists all the hits that the artist has performed over the years.

Nadya’s Instagram is managed by her very actively. She often shares with fans everything that is new in her life. The artist posts various photos and videos on her page.

Vocalist popular group"Time and Glass" Nadezhda Dorofeeva got on big stage not at all by chance. Her vocal abilities and artistry were revealed back in early childhood, and today they bring incredible pleasure to millions of her fans. Music is not just a job for this red-haired beauty - it is her life's passion.

Life before artistic victories

In the spring of 1990, in one of the maternity wards of the city of Simferopol, a little red-haired beast was born - the popular singer Nadezhda Dorofeeva. The girl’s biography before 2002 does not differ much from the biography of any average Ukrainian child.

However, even then it gradually began to appear musical talent Hopes. The girl passionately loved to sing and dance - she did both perfectly. Noticing such extraordinary abilities of their daughter, Nadya’s parents did their best to encourage these hobbies of hers.

Early creative victories

Filled with many awards that serve as an appreciation of her talent. Moreover, the girl received the first three of them when she was a twelve-year-old teenager. The season of Nadya’s victories opened with the highest award at a vocal competition called “Southern Express”. This was followed by victory in the dance field. Nadya won the championship ballroom dancing in Crimea.

The third award for the twelve-year-old girl was second prize at the Bogatikov song competition, which was held in Yalta. Being an active and purposeful teenager, Nadezhda managed to do everything: study and participate in quite prestigious competitions that required considerable preparation.

Victories abroad

After victories at home, the inspired girl set off to conquer other countries. The next chapter of the book “Biography of Nadya Dorofeeva” has begun. Briefly speaking, she received first prize in a vocal competition in Hungary and second prize in Bulgaria. Further, after winning the all-Ukrainian competition “Black Sea Games”, fourteen-year-old Nadezhda, together with other young Ukrainian talents, represented their country on numerous stages in London.

Returning home, the girl began preparing for the all-Ukrainian competition, held in Cherkassy and called “ star Rain" Here Nadezhda distinguished herself again, winning an undeniable victory. To the next international children's competition, held in Artek, the girl was already included as a member of the jury.

Approaching current popularity

It is impossible to describe all the experiences and joys of victories of a talented and very hardworking young girl, when the purpose of the story is to describe her creativity and short biography. Having reached the age of fifteen, she did not stop in her creative victories.

She became recognizable after reaching the finals of the television project “Chance”. After this, Nadezhda Dorofeeva, whose biography stands out for the repeated high appreciation of her talent, won another victory on international competition, but already held in Moscow.

After successful participation in the competition, Nadezhda did not give up Russian capital, since she became a member of the pop group “M.Ch.S.” In the next two years, the biography of Nadezhda Dorofeeva was again replenished with further awards. The young performer’s victory came from her participation in the “Small Country” competition, as well as the “American Chance” project.

Two years before the start of cooperation with Potap, Dorofeeva was engaged in her solo project, called “Marquise”. But the young singer achieved real popularity only after forming a duet with Alexei Zavgorodniy.

“Time and Glass”: the beginning of cooperation

It was no coincidence that Nadezhda Dorofeeva, whose biography speaks eloquently of her undeniable talent and genuine hard work, became a member of the pop group “Time and Glass”, beloved by the Ukrainian audience. Her enormous experience in big stage cities of the world, the golden voice, beauty and charisma played a decisive role in final choice soloists of the group.

With Potap’s choice of the lead singer of the “Time and Glass” group, everything was decided from the very beginning. He began collaborating with him when he was still 11 years old. Estimated over time collaboration Alexey's talent and artistic abilities, Potap without a doubt invited him to participate in a new project.

Nadezhda, according to the producer, turned out to be the only one of the thousands of participants in the online casting that was a worthy match for Alexey. Being completely different in nature, they know how to work together as a single organism, striking with their energy and enthusiasm. By the way, the name new group Potap saw it in a dream. It symbolizes that the time has come for new young talents to appear on stage, and for the old ones the time has expired.

“Time and Glass”: here it is, popularity

Real finest hour- like the biography of the pop group “Time and Glass” - Nadya Dorofeeva began in 2010. It was then that their first song and video premiered. The song “This is how the card fell,” written by Potap, became at the peak of popularity in a matter of days.

The group’s subsequent singles - “There is no love point”, “Silver sea”, “Tile”, “Tear”, “karoche”, “Dance with me”, “Take it away” - also instantly fell in love with the public. It turns out to be especially interesting creative team clips filmed on the themes of the songs. They amaze with their creativity and the wonderful acting of Nadezhda and Alexey.

The group's soloists take part in many entertainment programs broadcast on Russian and Ukrainian television. They are invited to various major musical events both as participants and as guests.

What about your personal life?

Nadezhda Dorofeeva achieved success not only in the creative field. The girl's biography also has pages about happy love. Nadezhda’s chosen one was no less talented group"DiO Films", Vladimir Dantes.

The long-term relationship between Nadya and Vladimir grew over time into such a strong feeling that prompted Vladimir to propose marriage to Nadezhda, and the girl to agree to it without hesitation. So on July 8, 2015, the wedding of these two young people madly in love took place in Kyiv.

Nadezhda, who is 170 cm tall and weighs 55 kg, is wearing snow-white Wedding Dress it looked great. At the request of the bride, the wedding venue was decorated with many lavender bouquets, which gave the celebration an unforgettable atmosphere. The gift of the newly-made wife to her husband was the fulfillment new song own composition.

Nadezhda met her stage partner long before the formation of the Vremya i Steklo team. They performed on the same stage, then started talking and became friends. Their relationship remains friendly to this day.

Not every person gets the chance in life to do what they like, to work with those with whom you are friends, and to love someone who loves you, and even shares your interests. Nadezhda Dorofeeva was lucky in all these respects. Or maybe it was not luck, but great determination, colossal efforts and incredible femininity that made her who she is today - the lead singer of a popular group, a favorite and guide for many, and a happy woman.

Nadezhda Dorofeeva is a Ukrainian singer, designer and video blogger, born on April 21, 1990 in Simferopol.


At first, little Nadya dreamed of being a deputy. Then I wanted to dance. Seeing such a desire from their daughter, the parents sent the girl to a ballroom dancing studio and a vocal school. At the age of 12, Dorofeeva was already singing in a nightclub.

She was the first to go on stage, followed by the ballet dancers. modern dance, and only then the strippers began their work. Her hair was dyed burgundy, and a year later it was dyed black and red.

It was very fashionable at that time to wear denim suits, rap pants, and berets. With her friend Nadya went to second-hand stores to buy old glasses, jackets and other things.

In childhood

In her youth, she liked the song “Love, girls, simple romantics”; from the groups she singled out “The King and the Clown”, “Casta” and even “Lube”. I wanted to be like the diva Alla Pugacheva.

The girl's earnings were $500, and stable. For performing at school concerts, teachers practically freed Nadya from worries regular school. They helped me so that my academic performance was always good. Dorofeeva completely managed the money she received herself.

It is commendable that the first thing she bought was a fur coat for her mother. The girl spent almost all her money on clothes to be stylish. Shopping was a favorite pastime and did not tire me, although it lasted the whole day.

Participation in large quantities vocal and music competitions and festivals where the girl occupied top places, allowed Nadya at the age of 14 to become a member of the jury and evaluate the abilities of other young artists.

At the age of 15 she began professional career V youth group"M.C.S." After school, Dorofeeva entered the Moscow University of Culture and Arts, where she received a diploma of higher education.


In the late 2000s, Nadya had the pseudonym “Marquise”. Solo creative activity did not bring rapid success. In 2010, the girl was incredibly lucky. Luck covered her with its blanket. Casting with the famous Ukrainian composer Potap and the birth of a heterosexual duet called “Time and Glass”.

First clip from symbolic name"That's How the Card Fell" and thousands of views on YouTube made it clear that it was a success. But it had to be secured, which happened later. It was important to attract attention and win the first fans.

Each single, song and album of the group, as they say, “shot”, already collecting hundreds of thousands of views on the Internet. Nadezhda Dorofeeva hit the jackpot.

It would be strange if everything went smoothly and without problems. Happened and creative crises, when the singer and producer Potap quarreled. Alexey Zavgorodniy (Positive), who intervened, also received a flight on the fifth day. I had to take a break, calm everyone down and continue working.

When the emotions were splashed out, and this is always useful from a psychological point of view, the song “Name 505” was born. It contains the words: “We have one love and only one life.” The group got a new start.

Nadya is very happy that she is lucky to work in a creative and talented team. When the lyrics of a new song are born, the secretary, the director of PR technologies, and the lawyer - anyone can tell the right word or whole rhymed lines. When shooting videos, all sorts of ideas are born during the process itself, and are immediately introduced into the storyline.

Secrets of success

With the help of electronic networks, you can become a star today very quickly. The wheel of fortune is unpredictable, and everyone has a chance to succeed. “It is impossible to predict in advance what exactly will play a decisive role, but the fact that competition contributes to a high-quality musical product is good,” says Nadya Dorofeeva.

Inimitable charisma and successful song lyrics with a well-made arrangement - this is what, according to the singer, the artist’s popularity grows on. And on top of that, you still need the ability to constantly surprise.

Nadezhda’s creative life is saturated to the limit. Tour concerts in 25 cities of Ukraine, filming, interviews, performances at various events. Travel abroad to Latvia, America, Germany, Israel and other countries.

In the colorful kaleidoscope of bright events, the fly in the ointment is the quality of Ukrainian roads, which are a test for the mental and even physical health of the singer.

The most driving and unusually exciting moment comes before going on stage. Nadya experiences indescribable feelings that she can compare to a first date. The team of the pop group came up with a special ritual with a countdown of 10 to the final words: “Time and Glass!”

Recent data suggests that the number of views of the popular group’s videos on YouTube has exceeded one billion. The number of subscribers is already two million people. The video for the song “Troll” took an honorable seventh place in the world ranking of short video films. A huge success. A rhetorical question hovers in the air: “Well, this is how they do it?”

Dorofeeva claims that she is incredibly lucky with her partner Positive. Then he adds that he experiences with him big problems, since he is often late (he is allowed, Zavgorodniy and Potap work 10 years longer than Nadya). When traveling, he does not allow the girl to sleep on the bus, singing songs until six in the morning. I have to quarrel with him a lot, but to no avail.

Nadezhda, being a very slender girl, with a height of 170 cm and a weight of 55 kg, also became interested in the modeling business. Her mother has always been her fashion icon. Dorofeeva likes it when a person develops his own personal style. Everyone should look neat, individual and unique. When choosing brands and clothing models, the singer focuses exclusively on her own feelings.

Dorofeeva believes that in order to be more interesting, everything needs a touch of trash, or, to put it another way, a rebellious approach is needed.

Personal life

About how Nadya met her husband Vladimir Dantes ( real name Gudkov), also a singer and winner of the “Star Factory”, she talks differently in different interviews. This probably happens because of her constant desire surprise.

In the first version, Dorofeeva said that they saw each other while being in the same big company. Vova was very shy, he was afraid to even touch Nadya. But only one hour passed and... lo and behold!

The young people kissed for the first time, and in front of everyone. She further claims that she was first of all attracted by the guy’s audacity and perseverance, and she is strongly impressed by confident men.

With her husband Vladimir. Wedding.

Another version of the participant of the duet “Time and Glass” tells that they met, it turns out, on a train. And when Nadya had already gone to bed in her compartment, Volodya unexpectedly came in (she probably forgot to latch the door) and said that he would marry her.

It would be interesting to know if she fell asleep after that. Despite the proposal made so quickly, the girl did not perceive Dantes as her potential boyfriend. However, everyone knows what came of it.

Vladimir was a successful young man, and he was also a good ladies' man. The producer of the group “Time and Glass” Potap considered Dantes a flighty guy and warned Nadya, saying that she would be hurt later. But Dorofeeva’s roof was blown away so thoroughly that she could not perceive anything.

Potap had to talk to Dantes and warn him so that he would not dare to offend the girl. “My girl,” said the popular musician and showman both in Ukraine and Russia. When six months had passed, Potap told Nadya about Vladimir that he was great.

The newlyweds' wedding was lavender. In the most literal sense. This is what Dorofeeva wanted after seeing a photograph somewhere that showed a cup with a sprig of lavender. Hope was sparked by the fact that at her most important event in life there should be a lot of these fragrant dark blue small flowers. Several bags of lavender branches were picked in Crimea, and even paid workers.

Despite the fact that they, as artists, were given all sorts of discounts, the wedding cost more than $10,000. The money Dantes earned on the set was invested in a memorable celebration.

As the singer admitted: “Money in our family is distributed very in an interesting way" What she earns is hers, and what her husband earns is common. Moreover, Vladimir Dantes himself decided so, and therefore he is the best for his wife.

The group “Time and Glass” has long been in the hearts of music lovers. Several years ago, they already firmly occupied a niche in the world of pop stars. Most fans are interested detailed information about one of the members of the team, namely Nadya Dorofeeva. Let's talk about the life and work of a public person, about her first steps on the path to fame. We are sure this will interest fans. A short biography of the group “Time and Glass” will also be presented to the reader’s attention. So, let's begin.

Biography of the singer

The soloist of the group “Time and Glass” Nadya Dorofeeva was born on April 21, 1990 in warm lands where the gentle sun shines and the blue sea splashes along the shores. Namely in Crimea, the city of Simferopol.

A talented girl grew up and was brought up in a simple, ordinary family. Nadya's parents made a lot of efforts to ensure that their daughter had everything she wanted. These were bright books, beautiful dolls, big toys and new dresses. In general, they spoiled their beloved daughter as best they could.

Abilities of Nadya Dorofeeva

WITH youth the girl was fond of dancing and singing, she was an incredibly active and inquisitive child. Parents sought to develop their daughter’s talents as much as possible.

From an early age, Nadya attended a dance school, as well as a studio, where she tirelessly studied vocals. For all classes talented child I walked with great pleasure.

In 1997, Dorofeeva went to 1st grade, where she immediately made many great friends. The teachers could not praise the bright student enough for her diligence and attention, and also for her active participation in the life of the entire school.

When future soloist The popular group is 12 years old and has already achieved significant success in both dance and musical fields. It is quite difficult to list all the merits of a gifted girl at once. But we will try to highlight the most memorable moments in the childhood biography of the talented performer.

The girl took an active part in all competitions related to ballroom dancing, which were regularly held on the Crimean Peninsula, where the jury recognized her as the best.

Nadezhda Dorofeeva also has a Grand Prix for participating in the Southern Express vocal competition. And the young singer was often sent to various international competitions and dance festivals.

As a child, the young artist managed to visit Hungary, heady Italy and stunningly beautiful Bulgaria, as well as other countries.

When Nadya turned 15, she received a tempting invitation to become one of the members of the Moscow group “M.Ch.S.” The young and promising woman, of course, did not miss her chance and accepted the invitation.

The singer began to travel to Moscow quite often. After graduating from school, Dorofeeva came to Kyiv, where she began studying at the popular and prestigious Institute of Culture.

Biography of the group “Time and Glass”. How it all began

The main character of our story, by and large, did not at all strive to sing solo, she always dreamed of performing in a group, in music group. Her dream was destined to come true in 2010.

The group “Time and Glass” almost immediately became popular, and all thanks to the fact that its producer was none other than Potap, a member of the famous group “Potap and Nastya”. And the idea of ​​the project itself belonged to Alexey Zavgorodniy. Most people know him by his stage name Positive. It was on his shoulders that the full musical accompaniment of the guys fell.

Alexey Zavgorodniy and Nadezhda Dorofeeva worked together, and the very first one was released in November musical composition, which instantly gained popularity. “So the card fell” was heard from the speakers of radio stations several times a day. And on Youtube channel The clip collected thousands of views within a week. It was this video that interested many producers.

Soon invitations began pouring in to take part in various talk shows, music programs and concerts. The guys started touring all over the country.

Soon fell into the heart of the experienced Russian viewer youth group “Time and Glass”. Singer Nadezhda Dorofeeva has gained many fans. They began to be invited to Moscow and others big cities Russia, including St. Petersburg.

Today the group already has many impressive videos, as well as more than a dozen famous songs.

The most famous compositions:

  • "Dance with Me".
  • "Tile".
  • "Silver Sea" and others.

Not long ago it was released to fans new composition"Name 505." And it again became a mega-popular hit. The clip received more than half a million views in just a few days.

External data

The lead singer of the group "Time and Glass" has amazing data that any woman can envy.

Nadya's height is 170 centimeters, and her weight is only 55-56 kilograms. The red-haired beauty achieved this through constant training in the gym, as well as a properly formulated diet.

The lead singer of the group “Time and Glass” does not drink alcoholic beverages and does not smoke.

Life behind the scenes

Slender, beautiful Nadezhda is the type of woman you can’t help but admire. Both at school and at university, the pretty girl simply had no end to her numerous admirers. Naturally, the personal life of the talented performer is in full swing.

The heart of the lovely Nadya is in her hands popular TV presenter Vladimir Gudkov. His show airs on both Russian and Ukrainian television. By the way, fans know the young man under the name Vova Dantes.

The guys' relationship lasted a long time, more than four years. They ran a joint household together. But recently the singer received a marriage proposal, which the lead singer of the group “Time and Glass” accepted.


The wedding of the loving couple took place in the summer, on July 8, 2015. This was a joyful event for everyone.

The festive event was scheduled in a country complex, where there were many guests, most of them prominent representatives of show business and the Russian star elite. The event was hosted by the famous MTV radio host Anatoly Anatolyevich.

Eyes of Nadezhda and Vladimir in literally glowed with happiness. The bride wore a luxurious dress that completely hugged her stunning figure and a snow-white veil. The groom wore a strict, classic, but unusually elegant suit. A bow tie completed the look.

In conclusion, we note that the group “Time and Glass” is flourishing, singer Nadezhda Dorofeeva is becoming more and more beautiful. We can only wish her success!

Nadezhda Dorofeeva is a pop singer, member of the duet “Time and Glass”. She gained fame after winning a series of Ukrainian and European vocal competitions. In 2016 she began her career as a fashion designer.

Childhood of Nadya Dorofeeva

Nadezhda was born on April 21, 1990 in a military family. Nadya's mother dreamed of becoming an artist, but at the insistence of her parents she became a dentist. Little Nadezhda adopted her love for the stage.

“From the age of 6, I sat down the guests who came to our house for a holiday and danced. I was sent to all sorts of creative clubs. I went to music school, to dance, then I started taking vocal classes,” Nadya told reporters.

Such a busy schedule affected my studies at Lyceum No. 3 in Simferopol. Nadya tried to study well. She often spoke at school, and the teachers loved her and encouraged her. However, as Nadya herself admitted, she did not remember anything from the lessons in the exact sciences.

Vocals came to Nadezhda as if by itself. At the age of 12 she began performing at the local Albion club. Her mother helped her sew stage costumes from beads - each weighed three kilograms. And dad took her to the club every Saturday morning for performances, where she sang Ukrainian songs in a modern arrangement. Their success with the public was incredible.

We can say that Nadya Dorofeeva got into show business even then - she was already earning her first money. Her parents were pleased with the results, despite the fact that strippers were preparing for the performance in the same dressing room with little Nadya.

Nadya actively went to vocal competitions with her parents and won prizes over and over again. In 2002, she took the Grand Prix of the Southern Express vocal competition. In the same year, the girl won the Crimean ballroom dancing championship and received second prize at the competition named after. Yuri Bogatikov. In 2003, she won prizes at competitions held in Hungary and Bulgaria. And after Nadya Dorofeeva won the Black Sea Games 2004 competition, her relatives had no doubts - before them future star scenes.

The beginning of the creative path of Nadezhda Dorofeeva

The starting point in Nadezhda Dorofeeva’s career was the “Golden Voice of Russia 2005” competition, which was held in Moscow. “It was just another competition. I sang. Dad and I were immediately approached backstage,” Nadezhda recalled. The producer of the girl group “M.Ch.S.” became interested in the talented girl, and he invited Nadezhda to become her new soloist, promising a good fee. This is how Nadina began her independent life.

Nadezhda admitted in an interview: “It was a difficult period. I strived for this, but I didn’t like the songs, I didn’t like our producer.” At the same time, she studied at the correspondence department of the vocal faculty of the Moscow state university culture and arts.

When in 2007, shortly after the release of the group’s studio album, the girl decided to leave M.Ch.S. and return to Kyiv, where she was taken into the “American Chance” project with producer Igor Kondratyuk. But the project didn’t work out, and Nadya went to Moscow again. For a while, she had to earn money by teaching vocal lessons for adults - she had 10 students - and even handing out leaflets. It was a period of worries and wanderings. Desperate to find her place in Moscow, Nadezhda returned to Kyiv with grandiose plans for a solo album.

Nadya Dorofeeva and “Time and Glass”

In Kyiv the girl started solo career under the stage name "Marquise". In 2010, Nadezhda was lucky - she was advised to audition for new project famous composer and producer Potap (Alexey Potapenko). He just had a plan for a new “multi-sex” pop duet. He found a soloist a long time ago - he worked with Alexey Zavgorodniy (Positive) for 10 years - but with female vocals it was tight.

It turned out that Nadya Dorofeeva met Alexei Zavgorodny a year ago in Artek. She also knew Potap’s partner, Nastya Kamenskikh, personally: they were both winners of the 2004 Black Sea Games, only Nadya took first place in the middle age category, and Nastya in the senior category.

Nadya was afraid of Potap, but when they met in person, all her fears disappeared like smoke. It was then that she decided to leave her solo career in favor of the “Time and Glass” project.

First clip Time and Glass - That's how the card fell

The first video of the newly formed group was shot for the song “So the Card Fell”, the words and music for which were written by Potap. In the first hours after its publication on YouTube, the video collected several thousand views. It was a success.

Release was ahead of them debut album“Time and Glass”, then many concerts in Ukraine and Russia. Each single of the group was sure to be a success; their videos collected hundreds of thousands of views. One of them – for the song “Take It Away” – was filmed in Mexico.

At the beginning of 2015, a crisis began in the group: “I said that I wanted to make songs. I wrote a slow song. Potap asked why it was better than the song “Tear,” for example. We all quarreled: I left in tears, Potap freaked out. The next day we arrived at the studio, and in half an hour the song “Name 505” was written,” shared Nadya. The composition took off, giving the group a new start.

“Time and Glass” – “Name 505”

Model business

Nadezhda’s mother instilled an interest in clothes in her childhood. She was always smartly dressed. It is not surprising that Nadya was interested in a career as a fashion designer.

“Fashion is my passion! I have always been fascinated by everything related to clothing and accessories, and I could not always find unique items that completely reflected me from local manufacturers. Moreover, increasingly in social networks They started asking me questions about my style and asking where they could buy the same things. That’s when I decided to create my own brand “It’s My DoDo,” Nadezhda said on Ukrainian television. In the fall of 2016, Nadezhda flew to New York to film for advertising campaign Maybelline.

Personal life of Nadya Dorofeeva

On July 8, 2015, Nadezhda Dorofeeva married Vladimir Dantes, a TV presenter and former soloist group "DiO.films".

The lovers officially got married three days before the ceremony. Careful preparations were carried out for the wedding for six months. The celebration was noisy, 70 people were present.