Outline of a drawing lesson (senior group) on the topic: Summary of direct educational activities for the implementation of the educational field “Artistic creativity” Drawing “Vase with fruit. Drawing lesson in the senior group “Still Life”

I offer you a direct summary educational activities for children of the older group (5-6 years old), on the topic “Juicy Fruits”. This lesson summary will be useful to teachers of older preschool educational institutions groups. In this lesson, children become familiar with unconventional technology drawing.



Summary of direct educational activities in senior group on the topic “Juicy Fruits”.

Integration of educational areas:“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Health”, “Artistic creativity”.

GCD purpose: Develop an interest in unconventional drawing methods.


Educational:Expand children's understanding of fruits;

Strengthen your drawing skills unconventional methods drawing (drawing with cotton swabs).

Educational: Develop fine arts, continue to develop the ability to rejoice beautiful drawings. Preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children using finger exercises. Speech: Develop children's coherent speech. Expand vocabulary, teach comparison skills, systematize ideas about the characteristics of objects. Strengthen children's ability to answer questions in complete sentences. Educational: Foster a humane attitude towards nature andinterest in artistic creativity.

Equipment: Outlines of fruits on album sheets, blank sheets paper, gouache, cotton swabs, containers of water for each table, wet cloth napkins for hands.

Methodical techniques:Game situation, conversation-dialogue, problematic situation, children's productive activity, reading fiction, analysis, summing up.

GCD move:

Educator: Guys, let's start the lesson by greeting each other.(Children stand in a circle, say greetings and perform the appropriate movements)

Hello, golden sun!
Hello, blue sky!
We will open for you -
Both palms and hearts!
Let there be warmth in the world!
Let people smile!
Let the world be without end!

- For Have a good mood together with a smile, give each other compliments (children name different advantages next to each other standing child not only directly, but also through comparisons).

Educator: I went to today kindergarten and on the way I noticed that the fruits were already ripe in the gardens of our village. I had a camera with me and took pictures of the ripe fruit. Look how beautiful it is!

(Show photos or pictures).

Picture No. 1 - photo “Fruit tree with red apples”


Children: Apples.

Educator: What color are apples?

Children: Red, yellow-red.

Educator: What shape are apples?

Children: Round.

Educator: Draw in the air. (Children draw round fruits in the air with their fingers)

Picture No. 2 - photo “Fruit tree with green apples”

Educator: And here you see also ripe apples, but of a different color. What color are apples?

Children: Green.

Picture No. 3 photo “Branch with plum”.

Educator: Name the fruit you see.

Children: Plum.

Educator: What color is plum?

Children: Blue, purple.

Educator: What shape is a plum?

Children: Oval.

Educator: Draw in the air. (Children draw oval-shaped fruits in the air with their fingers)

Picture No. 4 photo “Fruit tree with pears.”

Educator: Name the fruits you see.

Children: Pears.

Educator: What color are pears?

Children: Yellow, green.

Educator: What shape are pears?

Children: Oblong, unusual. (Children draw pear-shaped shapes in the air with their fingers.)

Educator: Well done, you all know what fruits grow in our gardens. Now guess the riddles. The only clues will be not only the fruits growing in our gardens, but also the fruits brought to us from hot countries. Be careful!

Guessing riddles.

  1. Blue uniform

White lining,

It's sweet in the middle. (Plum)

  1. Round, rosy,

I grow on a branch;

Adults love me

And little children. (Apple)

  1. The fruit looks like a tumbler

Wears a yellow shirt.

Breaking the silence in the garden,

Fell from the tree... (pear)

  1. The most sour fruit in the world

But it is useful even for children.

From warm countries sends us their regards!

Our yellow friend...(Lemon)

  1. Warmed by the hot sun,

Dressed in skin like armor.

Will surprise us

Thick-skinned... (pineapple)

  1. Children know this fruit

Monkeys love to eat it.

He comes from hot countries.

Grows high... (banana)

Educator: Well done, you guessed all my riddles! I know you guys are good at painting with brushes and love this activity. And today we will draw fruits with cotton swabs, just like we drew butterflies in the last lesson.

Finger gymnastics “Fruits”.

Like our Zina’s Fruits in the basket:

Children make their hands into a “basket”.

Apples and pears

So that the guys eat

Peaches and plums

How beautiful!

Bend your fingers, starting with the little finger.

There is no tastier fruit than ours!

Stroking the belly.

This finger is an orange

He is, of course, not alone.

This finger is a plum

Delicious, beautiful.

This finger is an apricot.

Grew high on a branch.

This finger is a pear.

He asks: “Come on, eat it!”

This finger is a pineapple

Alternately extend the fingers from the fist, starting with the big one.

Fruit for you and for us.

(Point with palms around and towards yourself.)

There is a knock on the door, the teacher goes to open the door (takes the Pinocchio doll)

Educator: Guys, look who came running to us?

Children: Pinocchio!

Educator: Hello, Pinocchio!

Pinocchio: Hello guys! Help me, please, you know how much I like Malvina, I want to give her many, many goodies, but I can’t think of what exactly.

Educator: Does Malvina like fruit?

Pinocchio: Of course, apples, plums, and pears!

Educator: Pinocchio, today we will draw fruits, maybe you will stay with us during class, and when we draw, you can choose the fruits you like and treat Malvina with them. Guys, do you agree with me?

Children: Yes!

Breathing exercises and physical education.

Educator: One generous housewife treated me to an apple. What an apple aroma! Let's take a sniff.(Brings an apple to each child’s nose)

Inhale through the nose

Exhale - “Ah! »

Oh, what an apple!

Round and tasty! (Hands on waist, squats)

Fragrant and fresh.

Sweet and crunchy! (Bends forward)

Pears are good too

We'll pick them soon. (Jumps)

Let's stretch, let's stretch,

Let's collect fruit! (Hands up, on tiptoes)

Educator: Now sit down at the tables and let's draw fruits.

The children sit at the tables.

Educator: Before you are the contours of fruits, you think and decide what fruits you will draw. Dip before drawing cotton swab in water, excess water remove it from the edge of the glass, and then dip it in paint desired color. We draw carefully, without going beyond the outline of the drawing, and do not forget to leave a little space between the points so that our drawing looks like a mosaic. What did Seryozha decide to draw?

Seryozha: I will draw plums.

Educator: Fine. What did Sveta decide to draw?

Sveta: I want to draw pears.

Educator: Fine. Children, Pinocchio is watching us, watch your posture and start drawing.

Music is playing.


Offer to admire the resulting drawings.

Works are displayed on a separate table and selected the best way analysis.

Pinocchio chooses the fruits he likes for Malvina, with the children’s permission, “plucks” them from the tree, thanks him and leaves.

The teacher thanks the children for their work. Invites them to start putting things in order in their workplaces.

The lesson is over.

Drawing lesson for senior group
Topic: “Self-assembled tablecloth”
Target: give an idea of ​​a still life; learn to draw different vegetables and fruits visual materials(wax crayons, pastels, felt-tip pens, markers); create a joyful mood; cultivate cognitive activity; teach to see the beauty of color and various color combinations.
Methods and techniques: verbal and visual method; gaming techniques: asking riddles, imaginary situations.
Equipment: reproduction of M. Saryan’s painting “Vegetables and Fruits”; paper blue color A 1, wax crayons, pastels, felt-tip pens.
Preliminary work: viewing, examining and comparing vegetables and fruits that will be used in the lesson.
Progress of the lesson:
Introductory conversation by the teacher.
- What do you like to eat more: vegetables or fruits?
- What vegetables do you know?
- What fruits do you know?
- Do you know how to solve riddles? Let's try.
Green berries
And praised by everyone.
Grow with bones
Hanging with tassels. (Grape)

In the long green house
Lots of chubby guys.
They know each other
And everyone is sitting next to each other (Pea pod)

This delicious yellow fruit
It's sailing towards us from Africa.
Monkeys at the zoo
I'm eating all year round gives. (Banana)

I'm sweet, grew up in the south,
Like the sun in the leaves,
Orange and round
The kids like me. (Orange)
(The teacher puts these fruits and vegetables on the table)
- How beautiful they are! I just want to draw them! Quite a few artists have done this. They painted a lot of canvases depicting these wonderful vegetables and fruits.
If you see in the picture
Cup of coffee on the table
Or fruit drink in a large decanter,
Or a rose in crystal,
Or a bronze vase,
Or a pear, or a cake,
Or all items at once -
Know that this is a still life.
- Such paintings are called still life. Let's look at one of them. (Demonstration of reproduction and discussion on issues)
- How do natural fruits differ from those depicted in the picture?
- What color is the fruit in the artist’s painting?
- What shape are they?
- What do you see as the beauty of this combination of color and shape?
- Who liked which combination better? Why?
- The shape of which fruit attracted your attention? Why?
- Some fairy tales, if you remember, talk about self-assembled tablecloths.
This tablecloth is famous
The one that feeds everyone until they are full,
That she is herself
Full of delicious food.
- This is a magic tablecloth on which all sorts of dishes and delicacies miraculously appear. Let us imagine that your blue sheets are a self-assembled tablecloth, and fruits and vegetables, ripe and tasty, will “appear” on it. And we will help her with this - we will draw her. But first let’s create a composition, i.e. let's arrange our fruits and vegetables so that they are friends and do not interfere with each other... And now let's get to work.
(Children draw on their sheets). After finishing the work, the teacher asks the children questions:
- What vegetables and fruits did you draw?
- Which fruits and vegetables turned out to be the brightest and juiciest?
- Guys, look how beautifully yellow bananas and blue plums combine; green grapes and orange peach!
- You did a good job and your self-assembled tablecloths are full of various treats. While you were drawing, my self-assembled tablecloth also prepared a treat for you (the teacher treats the children with pieces of fruits and vegetables - apples, pears, carrots, and plays the game “Guess by taste!”)

Target. Develop the ability to work in a group.

Tasks. Tell children about the art of stained glass. Introduce children to a new material - stained glass paints and their visual possibilities: you can decorate smooth surfaces of objects (mirror, window, glassware). Learn to apply multi-colored lines on the film, pressing evenly on the tube, alternating the color of the paint. To consolidate knowledge about fruits and their benefits for human health.

Preliminary work: conversation about fruits, didactic game "Taste it!" , drawing fruits with colored pencils.

Material: photographs with stained glass works, replicas of fruits, stained glass paints, files (transparencies), album sheets depicting the contours of different fruits.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, today I want to introduce you to an amazing ancient art called "stained glass" . Word "stained glass" translated from Latin language stands for "glass" . Stained glass is a picture made of colored glass. The art of stained glass was created many centuries ago. How were stained glass windows created? First, the artist came up with a drawing, then made a silhouette of objects from metal wire, and then filled the image with colored glass. Such a picture was inserted into the window frame. Later, stained glass windows made from colored glass were replaced by painted ones. Now stained glass windows decorate the foyers of theaters, museums, and the interiors of metro stations.

The teacher shows photographs of stained glass works:

See what you can decorate with stained glass.

Children look at photographs and name objects that can be decorated with stained glass.

Guys, do you think it is easy or difficult to make real stained glass?

Of course it's difficult. But this technique is quite easy to imitate. For this you will need stained glass paints. We will now introduce you to these colors and try to create our own stained glass windows with which we will decorate the windows of our group. Since it’s autumn now, we’ll decorate the windows with autumn gifts, and you’ll find out which ones if you guess the riddle.

Pear, apple, banana,
Pineapple from hot countries.
These delicious foods
Together everyone is called... (fruits)

That's right, we will paint fruits with stained glass paints.

Children are offered a choice of album sheets depicting silhouettes of different fruits, inserted into transparent files.

The teacher offers to take seats at the tables on which stained glass paints are prepared.

Then the teacher suggests studying the structure of tubes of stained glass paints and remembering the principles of working with them: stained glass paints dry quickly, so you need to try to draw the line exactly the first time.

Guys, first you need to outline the outline of the drawing using a special contour paint and let it dry.

Children trace the contours of the fruit. At the end of this stage of work, the teacher suggests doing physical exercises and guessing riddles to give the contour paint time to dry.

Fizminutka “Here’s an apple!”

That's an apple! (Stand up.)
It - (Hands to the side.)
The juice is full of sweets. (Hands on waist.)
Stretch out your hand (Stretch your arms forward.)

Pick an apple. (Hands up.)
The wind began to shake the twig, (Shake your arms overhead.)
It's hard to get an apple. (Stretch.)
I'll jump up and extend my hand (Jump.)

And I’ll quickly pick an apple! (Clap your hands above your head.)
That's an apple! (Stand up.)
It - (Hands to the side.)
The juice is full of sweets. (Hands on waist.)

Guys, today you will draw different fruits, who chose which one. You can find out what kind of fruit this is if you solve the riddles.

Someone there, in the corner of the garden,
In a modest purple dress
It hides timidly in the leaves.
Did you guess it? This... (plum)

The fruit looks like a tumbler
Wears a yellow shirt.
Breaking the silence in the garden,
Fell from a tree... (pear)

Yellow citrus fruit
It grows in sunny countries.
And it tastes sour.
What's his name? (Lemon)

This fruit is in a bright shirt
Likes it to be hot.
Doesn't grow among aspens
Round red... (orange)

Children know this fruit
Monkeys love to eat it.
He comes from hot countries.
Grows high... (banana)

On top there is a golden skin,
In the center there is a large bone.
What kind of fruit? - Here's a question for you.
This is sweet... (apricot)

Round, rosy, I grow on a branch,

Adults and little children love me... (apple)

Well, well done, you’ve solved all the riddles, you’ve rested and are ready to continue working. What's left for us to do? That's right, the fruits need to be colored.

Children paint fruit and leave their work to dry, and in the afternoon they transfer their stained glass windows to the group's windows. The teacher draws the attention of everyone in the group to the decorations that the children made together.

Abstract of GCD in the senior group on the topic "Introduction to still life" using ICT

Bezukhova Svetlana Nikolaevna
Description of work: intended for educators preschool institutions, teachers additional education working with preschool children
Target: introduce children to the genre of still life painting
1. Develop an active interest and understanding of the content of paintings, a vision of aesthetic beauty in still life, and develop a sense of composition.
2. Teach to distinguish genre visual arts still life from other genres, correlate the proportions of objects.
3. Cultivate an emotional response to works of art, the desire to carefully examine paintings, aesthetic feelings.
Dictionary enrichment: dividing line, table plane, foreground, background, proportions, horizontal plane, vertical plane;
Activating the dictionary: still life, landscape, composition, obstruction, dummy.
Materials and equipment: interactive board; interactive games: “Guess the riddle”, “Make a still life”, “Genre of the painting”, “What does a still life consist of”; presentation “Still Lifes”; items for composing the composition: vase, fruit models, vegetable models, table, fabrics, easels, simple pencils, A4 sheets of paper.
Preliminary work: Examination of reproductions with the genres of “landscape” and “portrait”, guessing and making riddles for children, D/I: “Complete a symmetrical object”, “Horizon line”

Progress of the lesson

1. Introductory part
Teacher: Please look at the board, in front of you is B. Khrutsky’s painting “Flowers and Fruits”, what do you see? (Slide No. 2, presentation).
Children: Grapes, table, flowers, peonies, glass of water, decanter, peaches...
Teacher: Tell me, please, can this painting be called a portrait? And why?
Children: No. Because a portrait is an image of a person.
Teacher: Well, then, maybe this is a landscape?
Children: No, this is not a landscape. Landscape is an image of living nature, sea, forest, field, sky.
Teacher: But what can we call what is depicted in these paintings? What do they have in common? (Shows various still lifes in the presentation, slides No. 3,4,5,6). Try to find a word.
Children: Things. Various items, dishes, food, furniture.
Teacher: Well done guys, exactly the items. Not living objects. All of these paintings depict still life.

Interactive game “Guess the riddle!”.(№3)
If you see in the picture
Miracle vase on the table,
It contains a bouquet of beautiful
Snow-white chrysanthemums;
There are a lot of dishes,
And glass and, and simple.
Maybe a cup or saucer
With gilded border.
And yet, and it happens,
Game is drawn there.
In conclusion, let's put

Ripe peaches and plums.
And also in the picture maybe
Drawn to be a cake.
And so the picture
It's called still life!

So, the expression nature morte came into Russian, of course, from French. As you can see, it is divided into two parts - “nature” and “morte”, which are translated respectively as “nature, nature, life” and “dead, quiet, motionless”. Now we put the two parts together and we get the familiar word “still life”. Still life translated from French means “dead nature,” but this name does not define the entire essence and diversity of this genre.
Teacher: We were the first to turn to the image of the world of objects Dutch artists Peter Claes “Still Life with Lobster.” (Slide No. 7). Looking at still lifes, we can observe richness natural world and the world of things surrounding a person. Artists, depicting ordinary things, show their beauty and uniqueness. In still lifes, things speak about themselves, invite us to admire the beauty of their shape, texture, color, and make us feel the aroma and freshness of nature’s gifts. “What a strange painting this is - still life: it makes you admire a copy of those things whose originals you cannot admire.” Pascal, French philosopher (1623-1662)
When an artist composes a still life, he tries to place the main objects so that the rest decorate and complement them. But the artist talks not only about objects, but also about the people who created, decorated, and grew them. Plucked flowers wither, people eat fruits and berries, but those painted by the artist will live forever, delighting us.

Exercise for the eyes
“The eyes need a rest.” (The guys close their eyes)
“You need to take a deep breath.” (Deep breath. Eyes still closed)
“The eyes will run in a circle.” (Eyes are open. Movement of the pupil in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise)
“They will blink many, many times” (Frequent blinking of the eyes)
“The eyes feel good.” (Lightly touch closed eyes with fingertips)
“Everyone will see my eyes!” (Eyes are wide open. There is a wide smile on the face)
2. Main part.
Didactic game using interactive whiteboard“Help send still lifes to the artist”.(№7).

Teacher: I offer you the game “Help send still lifes to the artist.”
D/i “Help send still lifes to the artist” (using an interactive whiteboard)
Didactic game using an interactive board “Make a still life” (No. 6).
Teacher: Guys, let's remember where all the objects stand?
Children: On the table, on the floor, on the tablecloth.
Teacher: That's right, objects don't fly in the air, because... there is gravity of the earth. They all stand on a horizontal plane and in a certain order, usually called the “foreground,” and behind the objects there is a vertical plane, the background, the “background.” A plane has a beginning and an end. Every picture has composition center, the artist places all the most important things precisely in the center of the sheet. The artist places the most important and largest object in the center, but not in front, but in the middle of the table plane. For an artist, it is important that all objects lie beautifully. Objects should not completely block each other and should not lie on the same line. All objects are grouped into a single semantic center.
Teacher: I suggest you practice on our board and create a still life based on the model.

Didactic game using the interactive board “Make a still life”.(№6).

Physical education minute.
The wind blows in our faces (wave our hands on our faces)
The tree swayed (sway from side to side)
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter. (sit down, wave your arms up and down)
The tree is getting higher and higher. (reach up)

3.Part. Practical part.
Teacher: And now, guys, we will assemble our real still life from
the items that are here. These are dummies - exact copies vegetables and fruits. Here is the plane of the table, covered with a tablecloth. I need an assistant. A child comes out and helps arrange the still life objects.
Teacher: Let's make our own still life from the objects that I prepared. We will place a vase with flowers in the center; it will be the most important in our picture. To the right and left are other objects. It is impossible to place all objects on the same line, so we will place the dummy pear a little in front on the left, and the pepper on the right, even closer to us, the cherries, close to the front edge of the horizontal plane, in front. We will hang a beautiful fabric with folds on a vertical plane. Ready! Thank you! Let's draw this still life from life. What does from nature mean? We will look at a real still life and draw.
The teacher shows how to arrange a still life composition on the interactive board and comments on his actions.
Teacher: Always look at the still life. First, we use lines to determine the width of the table plane, select the front and back edges of the table. We find the center and draw the largest and most important object, for us it is a vase of flowers. We determine its size by eye, how much space it will take up on the sheet. In the drawing it is necessary to convey not only the correct proportions (sizes) of objects, but also correct location them relative to each other, and also: What are these objects? What are they? Form? Size? Which one is bigger? Which one is smaller? Which object is closest to you? Which one is next? What object is to your right? Which one is on the left? Mentally imagine a complex-looking object and what geometric shapes it consists of. The vase has a round base and a neck that widens towards the top. So, a circle and a trapezoid. The handle is in an arc, located on the vase on the right. And so we find the location and shape of each object.

Finger gymnastics “For girls and boys.”
For girls and boys
There are five fingers on the hand:
Thumb - a guy with a soul,
Index finger - Mr. Influential,
The middle finger is also not the last.
The ring finger walks arrogantly with a ring,
The fifth - little finger, brought you a gift.

Now start drawing from life. Take a piece of paper and draw with simple pencils the composition of our still life, and in the next lesson we will talk about the color of our still life.
The teacher monitors the completion of the task and provides individual assistance struggling children.

4.Part. Final.
Teacher: Guys, please answer the questions:
- In what genre of fine art did we draw today?
- So what is a still life? (address to the board)
- What did you find most difficult about your work?
- What mistakes do you see in your work? What worked especially well?
Children: We really enjoyed the lesson, very much interesting topic. We can now compose our own still lifes and draw from life. I especially liked the games on the interactive board.
Teacher: and at the end of our lesson I want to offer you one more game.

Didactic game using an interactive board “What does a still life consist of?”

Olga Karelina

Subject: fruits and vegetables.

Software tasks:

Learn to paint the background first;

Learn to convey the characteristic round shape and color of apples and pears;

Learn to mix colors to get the desired shade;

Learn to beautifully arrange the composition of a drawing;

Strengthening skills in working with gouache and brush.


Illustrations with still lifes of fruits;

Illustrations with drawn outlines of fruits;

Thick paper for watercolors;

Brushes No. 6 for painting the background and No. 3 for painting the fruit;

Napkins for blotting brushes;

Cans of water;

Fruit replicas;

Progress of the lesson:

The doll Katya comes to our group and asks us to help her prepare for the arrival of guests. We need to help her decide which fruits are vegetables and which are fruits.

D/i "Vegetables and fruits".

Riddles about fruits.

Round, rosy,

I'm growing on a branch.

Adults love me

And little children. (Apple)

She was little green

Then I became scarlet,

I turned black in the sun,

And now I'm ripe. (Cherry)

Himself scarlet, sugar,

The caftan is green, velvet. (watermelon)

It's orange and juicy

Loves New Year.

Look under the tree - exactly

He's waiting in gifts!

This red-haired gentleman -

Delicious sweet. (Mandarin)

Blue uniform

Yellow lining,

And it's sweet in the middle. (Plum)

After the children list the fruits they know, Doll Katya asks to lay a beautiful tablecloth on the table and put the fruits, because guests will come to her soon!

I offer this example.

Look, guys, what is shown here? - Apple and pear. How else can we call them in one word? - These are fruits. Such paintings, which depict fruits, vegetables, dishes, books and other inanimate objects, are called still life. Repeat: - Still life. Can we call our painting a still life? - We can, because it shows fruit.

We look at the sample and determine what colors were used for the background? Grey, blue and blue. What do we do first? - First we draw the background. Our background is divided into 2 parts: the wall and the table on which the tablecloth lies. First, with a wide brush, paint a gray wall up to about half of the sheet, then a light blue tablecloth. Then we go to rinse the wide brush, and in the meantime our work will dry.

Then we paint blue stripes on the tablecloth with a thin brush.

Physical education lesson “Mouse and Clock”.

We need to draw an apple and a pear. What color are they? - Green with yellow and red with yellow. Right! Look at our fruits (dummies! Are they the same color? - No, one side is lighter, the other is more red, on an apple one side is yellow. It turns out that there are no fruits that are strictly one color; there are always color transitions. We will try to convey this in the drawing. First we draw a red pear. It is round in shape, elongated on one side. We wash the brush and take yellow paint. It’s okay, if the paint blurs a little, it’s okay, it will look more natural. Then we draw a green apple and also paint one side with yellow.

These are some wonderful drawings we made! How else can we call them? - Still life!

Today you are all great! Helped the doll Katya prepare for the arrival of guests. Do you think they'll like it? - I'll like it!

Thank you for your attention! Good luck to everyone!

Publications on the topic:

"Canning fruit." Summary of a drawing lesson in the second junior group Drawing with paints “Canning fruits”. Goal: Continue to develop children’s ideas about preparing food for the winter. Task: Exercise.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior speech therapy group “Fruits” Summary of a lesson on speech development in high school speech therapy group. Topic: Fruits. Objectives of the lesson: Correctional and educational: - teach children.

Summary of a frontal speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Vegetables and fruits” in the senior group. Goals: Educational: consolidate knowledge.

Program content. Clarify and consolidate the concepts of “vegetables” and “fruits”; explain their benefits of use; continue to introduce children to.

Summary of direct educational activities in the senior group "Sun", on the topic "Fruits and vegetables." Goals: continue to shape.