Energetic dancing for weight loss. Video lesson: Dancing for weight loss at home

Usually they turn their attention towards dancing. It’s not surprising, because everyone has seen dance competitions on TV more than once. And, most likely, it has not escaped your attention that most dancers have not only grace, excellent movement, excellent posture, but also a good figure. But the fact remains that among those who dance there are many fat people, and it doesn’t matter whether we are talking about beginners or people who have devoted more than one year of their life to studying it. So is it possible to combine business with pleasure? lose weight through dancing?

Let's think logically. To lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than you burn. This initial position is unlikely to ever change. To lose weight, you need to either stick to diets or give your body physical activity. But if there is no doubt that dancing develops plasticity, coordination of movements and teaches better control of one’s body, then the load on the muscles does not necessarily accompany them. It turns out that dancing to lose weight is useless? Not at all. It all depends on several factors at the same time: on where you practice, what type of dancing and how.

So, where can you practice dancing to get the best effect?

The options are as follows: at home, at a dance school or studio, in gym. Let's look at each of them. Home classes are usually carried out using various video courses. If you choose the right type of dance, you can get enough exercise, but it’s unlikely to learn how to dance. At a dance school, they will teach you great moves, and if the dance direction requires this, then you will find a partner there, however, it is worth considering that most of the time will be devoted to establishing interaction in a couple, learning movements, establishing posture and other similar points. It is impossible to say that at this time you will not receive a load; it will be difficult for beginners, but this load, with a high degree of probability, will not be sufficient for weight loss. If we talk about dance programs offered by fitness clubs, then they are aimed at to a greater extent weight correction, but in this case it is quite difficult to hope for any successful dance training. Therefore, first of all, you will have to prioritize: do you need beautiful movements, ability to dance or a slim figure.

Separately, I would like to say that many young ladies choose home exercises solely because of complexes about their figure and lack of skills. However, such worries are in vain, because there are groups with different levels training, and believe me, in each of them there will definitely be overweight people. Homework is inexpensive and requires the least amount of time, but no one will point out your mistakes, control you, or encourage you. In addition, the factor of paid money, chatting with girlfriends and, if you’re lucky, having a nice coach, works magically on some ladies even better than psychological work on your own motivation.

Let's move on to the second “point”. What dance styles are most effective for losing weight? You can choose any type of dancing as a hobby. Calm ballroom, energetic sports, charming belly dance, sexy strip dance, fiery Latin, rhythmic Irish and fashionable club dances can be preferred from the point of view of aesthetics, suitability of your temperament, proximity to the club or school. But if you are seriously thinking about losing weight, the criteria should be slightly different. You will get the greatest physical activity from single rhythmic dances. And despite the fact that in most dances almost all muscle groups are involved, some of them are loaded to a greater extent, and some to a lesser extent. For example, in belly dancing and samba the emphasis is placed on the waist, abdomen and hips, Latin American dances largely train coordination and endurance, Irish dances primarily load the legs and contribute to the formation of correct posture. But in strip dance and modern club dancing(go-go, R’n’B and others) as a rule, almost all or many muscle groups are involved. It’s nice that from rhythmic dancing you will get both aerobic and cardio exercise at the same time.

And, most importantly, we will answer the question - how to dance to get slim figure? Let's start with the fact that initially dance classes are not suitable for weight correction, so wait quick effect You shouldn’t, just as you shouldn’t hope that you can lose weight without sticking to it, with the help of such “training” alone. This explains the fact that among the dancers you can meet not only slim, but also overweight people. Besides, dance classes As a rule, they take place 2 times a week, and to achieve results in any type of fitness, experts recommend devoting at least 3-4 days a week to it. Exit? Either attending additional classes, or practicing skills on your own, or combining them with other types of training. Also (traditionally for all types of fitness) you should not eat two hours before and for an hour after class, limiting yourself to a light snack if necessary.

Therefore, you shouldn’t place too much hope on dancing, but you shouldn’t write it off as a way to lose weight either. After all, among other things, dancing gives good mood and a charge of vivacity, make you feel more attractive and relaxed, have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and immunity. In addition, this is a fashionable hobby that gives you the opportunity to plunge into a special atmosphere, diversify your life and expand your social circle.


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Since ancient times, dance has accompanied almost every event in a person’s life: the birth of a child, a wedding, a funeral, the beginning of a war, religious ceremonies.

Rhythmic movements to music even today help people express their emotions through body language. And in Lately Dance classes began to be used as an effective and enjoyable way to burn extra calories and stay in good shape. From a modern girl you can increasingly hear “I lost weight through dancing.”

Such useful dances

So is it possible to lose weight by dancing? Undoubtedly, running, aerobics, and exercises burn extra calories. gym. But not everyone is sure whether, for example, belly dancing or other forms help you lose weight. But each style is useful for creating a slim figure, and for maintaining muscle tone, and even for improving blood supply and training the respiratory system. The skin tightens and becomes more elastic, and posture improves.

Dancing- This is not only physical activity, but also a great way to get rid of negativity. Even if you have Bad mood, do not miss class. Dance will work better than any antidepressant, and bad thoughts will leave your head. The secret is that while dancing, the brain releases endorphins, hormones that lift your spirits. Dance, and you will lose the desire to eat stress with high-calorie cakes, buns and sweets. Believe me, your figure will love it!

Choosing the type of dance

Today there are so many dance clubs and schools that it’s easy to get confused when choosing a style and direction. Let's take a closer look at how exactly they influence us different kinds dancing.

    • Waltzes, foxtrot and tango First of all, they form correct posture and beautiful legs, and also help develop body plasticity.
    • East Dance and incendiary samba have a particularly beneficial effect on the health of the female pelvic organs. Is it possible to lose weight with belly dancing? Certainly!
    • Dynamic moves in street style hip-hop help to spend greatest number calories, which means actively losing weight.
    • If your problem area is your hands, this will do flamenco, where they are most actively involved.
    • It is difficult to name a dance that would develop femininity and plasticity better strip dance. And given that classes are held in high-heeled shoes, all muscle groups tense, keeping your body in balance.
    • All directions of the Latin American group - salsa, bachata, mambo and others– increase endurance and develop coordination of movements thanks to the fast dance tempo.

Let's start dancing

Now that the question “Does dancing help you lose weight?” decided, all that remains is to begin. The main thing is not to put off this step until Monday, next month or next year. First of all, find a dance school that suits you, choose a direction you like and attend a trial lesson. It is important to enroll in a group of your level: if you are no longer new to dance, do not hesitate to join those who are continuing. On the contrary, it is worth getting acquainted with dancing in a beginner group.

What you need to know about dancing

If you are determined to dance to lose weight, remember a few tips.

    1. Dancing must be practiced systematically. This is the only way we lose weight by dancing, overweight go away, and the muscles tighten.
    2. Even the most active type of dance will not bring effective results if you eat incorrectly. You don't have to stick to a diet, but You should monitor your daily calorie intake.
    3. Dancing, like any physical activity, has its contraindications. Before starting classes, it would be useful consult a doctor.
    4. Don't be discouraged if not all steps turn out elegant and precise at once. Relax and dance for yourself, for your soul, and you will hone the technical aspects over time.

I hope you have no doubts whether oriental dance, Latin, hip-hop or strip dancing helps you lose weight. So, decide on the direction and sign up for dance school right now! Now you know how to enjoy losing weight.

One of the most enjoyable and fun sports is dance. Dancing classes develop attention, strength, endurance, coordination, they also have a very good psychological effect, they charge you with positivity and vigor. If you decide to fight excess weight through sports, but you are bored of sweating in the gym, and you don’t like running, try losing weight through dancing - this way you will not only get rid of extra pounds, but you will also find new friends, tone your body, develop flexibility and stretching, and also find a new favorite hobby.

In terms of energy consumption, dancing can be compared to running, playing badminton or basketball, swimming or doing gymnastics. Calorie consumption during dancing can be from 150 to 500 kcal per hour, depending on the speed, complexity and intensity of the movements. This is a great aerobic exercise that will keep you fit and a way to have fun at the same time. In addition, they do not require special equipment (with the exception of some cases, for example, for half-dancing or dancing with canvases), you can easily practice dancing for weight loss at home, on the street, on vacation - anywhere.

To lose weight through dancing, you must do it regularly, at least 2 times a week.. As an additional load, strength training and stretching are suitable separately. Your sample training schedule might look like this:

  • Monday: dancing;
  • Tuesday: strength training;
  • Wednesday: rest;
  • Thursday: strength training + stretching;
  • Friday: dancing;
  • Saturday: rest;
  • Sunday: running, walking, cycling, swimming or other aerobic exercise + stretching.

The duration of the workouts should be 60-90 minutes, first, be sure to warm up, and at the end of each workout, spend at least 5 minutes stretching.

Of course, the effectiveness of dancing for weight loss also depends on your diet. Eliminate unhealthy high-calorie foods from your diet, limit alcohol consumption, stop smoking, eat healthy natural foods, drink enough water, and the result will not be long in coming - your extra pounds will begin to disappear, and in their place will be beautiful, elastic muscles.

The diet on training days should be special, with a high protein content. 2 hours before training, eat something protein-carbohydrate. Drink enough during training. Afterwards, do not eat anything for 2 hours.

The most effective dances for weight loss

Of course, different types dances have different effectiveness. If you have a good physical fitness(or intend to get it), dances such as strip plastic, body ballet, aerobics, zumba, Latin, sports or ballroom dancing, disco. For more advanced dancers, we can offer acrobatics, pole dancing, canvas dancing, break dancing and various types of street dancing, ballet.

Strip plastic, body ballet, half dance, etc. – serious physical training combined with beautiful music . Besides slim body, these dances for weight loss will also give you strong muscles, grace and flexibility of your figure, good stretching, femininity and sexuality.

Aerobics, sports, Street dance, hip-hop, breakdancing, rock and roll - these dynamic and quick views dancing requires good endurance, strong muscles, and some require good stretching.

Both girls and boys love Latin dances - they have so much sun and energy that it fills and permeates us through and through. These dances for weight loss are very effective, especially their fast types (reggaeton, merengue, etc.), they do not “pump” muscles and do not require strong stretching, but they train endurance, coordination and flexibility.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such an effective dance from the point of view of weight loss as Zumba. Zumba is a mixture Latin American dances physical movements, fitness and aerobics, performed to energetic music. This is not only very intense, but also very fun training and great way burn off extra pounds. But belly dancing is much less suitable for burning fat than is commonly thought, but it has another advantage. Energetic movements bottom bodies improve blood circulation in it, so this dance is very useful for women's health.

Burning calories while dancing

Here is the approximate calorie consumption during different dances (per hour):

  • light aerobics – 215 kcal;
  • intense aerobics – 485 kcal;
  • ballroom dancing – 275 kcal;
  • disco – 400 kcal;
  • low-intensity modern dances – 240 kcal;
  • fast dynamic dances– 350 kcal;
  • classical dancing – 160 kcal;
  • striptease – 420 kcal;
  • dance hall - 370 kcal;
  • latina – 300-500 kcal;
  • body ballet – 350 kcal;
  • jazz modern - up to 700 kcal;
  • rock and roll - 400 kcal;
  • Zumba – up to 550 kcal.

As you can see, almost all types of dancing burn a lot of calories. In addition, you get great mood, toned body and cheerful friends who support you, rejoice at your successes, and share their experiences with you.

First dance lessons for weight loss

If you have never danced, go to any school where they will help you choose a direction, teach you basic movements, and explain the rules. Don’t be afraid or shy - you can start dancing at any age, the main thing is your desire.

You may begin to succeed at everything from the very beginning, or it may happen that the first dance lessons for weight loss will only have such results as muscle pain and the belief that you are not able to learn to dance. Cast aside all doubts - each of the dancers who make you gasp in admiration, looking at them, once came to his first teacher and was also upset because he could not do anything. In order to learn to do the same as advanced choreographers, and also in order to gain a toned, slender figure, teachers are needed. Once you have mastered the basics, you can practice dancing to lose weight at home. To do this, you only need comfortable clothes and shoes and good music.

Dancing for weight loss at home

Many fitness trainers and choreographers produce video lessons on various directions dances that allow you to practice at home. Such video lessons can be found on strip plastic, aerobics, Latin dance styles, hip-hop, zumba, etc. You can practice independently using these lessons or based on own experience. However, classes at home are suitable for those who already have dance experience; for beginners, it is advisable to first take dance lessons for a couple of months to lose weight, otherwise there is a risk of incorrect assimilation of the material - and in some dances, such as strip plastic, ballet, Zumba, this may cause injury.

If you decide to exercise at home, follow a few tips that will help you make your workouts more effective:

  • create a schedule for dancing classes for weight loss at home and don’t deviate from it;
  • follow the diet and special diet that we wrote about above;
  • Before dance training, be sure to do a warm-up, warm up your muscles, and do exercises to warm up your muscles and joints;
  • It is best to practice dancing in the morning before breakfast, drinking a cup of coffee or green tea - then the fat burning process will be especially fast.
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Editor's experience: is it possible to lose weight from dancing?

I have been dancing since childhood: at the age of three I was sent to a dance school, and at 18 I was performing at leading belly dance competitions. There were in my life different directions dances: ballroom, folk, belly dancing, strip dancing, pole dancing and contemporary.

I love dance. It seems to me that you can see a strong manifestation of life in them. Dance is passion, love, pain and dreams. As for losing weight, the question is ambiguous.

Many girls go to belly dancing with the goal of losing weight. I have been doing this type of dance for 11 years. It perfectly develops femininity, helps you feel much better, prepares you for childbirth (we’ll talk about this separately), works well with the abdominal muscles and enhances plasticity.

However, as for losing weight, unfortunately, without correcting your diet and doing cardio, losing weight is quite difficult. Belly dancing is more likely to become auxiliary view loads for losing kilograms, but not the main thing.

Oriental dancing is an ideal type of exercise when you want to work on your flexibility and femininity, but not on losing weight.

Poledance (pole dancing)

Pole dancing is an excellent choice for those who want to make their body strong and flexible. Severe sore throat, fatigue and a lot of stress are guaranteed.

Already from the first lesson for beginners, you will feel a strong load, which will intensify with each workout. Is it possible to lose weight by exercising on the pole? Definitely yes.

The main thing is to exercise regularly and not slow down. With the help of poledance I lost weight after two births. In two months I lost 5 kilograms, without any nutritional adjustments. But this is not the most important thing. The important thing is that in both cases my body became as elastic and toned as possible.

Pole dancing is a great choice when you want to lose weight and get a strong body. Just be prepared to work hard.

Latin dances

Latin dancing is my special passion. When you're sad, dance Latin. When you're in a bad mood, dance Latin. And, in general, in any case, dance Latin.

When it comes to weight loss, Latin dancing is a great cardio workout. Which means they drive very well. excess fat. Every time I go on vacation, where I gain a couple of extra pounds thanks to the abundance of food and alcohol, I devote a month to Latin, after which I can brag about both the number on the scale and the volume in the mirror.

If you want to lose weight and improve your mood at the same time, choose Latin dancing.

Photo: Depositphotos, Youtube, Pinterest

Every woman dreams of having a slim figure, but not everyone can afford to follow strict diets, because as a result, you can end up with more serious health problems. But don’t despair, because there are much more pleasant methods of losing weight, for example, dancing.

You can use diets for weight loss up to the age of 30, since at this age the body recovers much faster and returns to normal, but after overcoming this point, a significant slowdown in metabolism occurs, and without physical activity it is simply not possible to deal with the problem.

If you want to lose a couple of extra pounds through dancing, you should choose the most suitable option for yourself. We can say that at its core, dance is a set of rhythmic movements, thanks to which excess calories are consumed more quickly. Therefore, the more you move, the faster the weight loss process will occur.

We can conclude that absolutely any type of dancing can help in the difficult fight against excess weight. However, the most effective are those that involve intense and fast movements. If it is not possible to attend sports clubs and dance classes, you can do it much simpler - set up a dance club at home, because it will be enough to just download video lessons on the Internet and practice for your own pleasure.

The most important thing is not to forget about the warm-up, during which the muscles are intensively warmed up and injury can be avoided. When choosing dances, you should also take into account your personal preferences. It is necessary to choose not just dances that are effective for weight loss, but those types that you like the most, in otherwise exercise will get boring very quickly and getting a slim figure will become much more difficult.

You can safely opt for delightful and bewitching oriental dances, which will help not only in the fight against excess calories, but also give smooth movements and a more feminine gait. Also an excellent choice would be bachata, salsa, intense go-go, and of course, strip dancing. The most important thing to remember is that only those workouts that will bring you pleasure will not be possible to quit after the first lesson and in a relatively short period of time you will be able to see a positive result.

That's all today more girls They are trying to find dances with which they can correct the abdominal or thigh area, because these are the most problematic parts of the body. However, the most important thing here is to take into account the fact that the human body has a truly unique structure and at a time when weight gain occurs, it is not possible to gain weight as much as we would like, because in this case genetics “rule the roost.” Also, excess fat will be lost in an order that is completely independent of a person’s desires.

It is almost impossible to carry out intensive burning of existing fat deposits in only one place. That is why, when choosing dances for weight loss, choosing the option in which a lot of movements are performed either with the arms or legs, it will only be possible to increase muscle tone in this area, and the weight loss process itself will take place in the order that nature has established.

Dancing for Beginners

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the fact that dancing will only help you achieve the desired result if you practice it regularly. You need to create a training schedule - for example, three times a week, with each training session lasting approximately 40-60 minutes. If you can’t devote so much time to a lesson, then training can be done five to six times a week, but now for 20-30 minutes.

Training can be done quite easily not only in the morning, but also in the evening; the most important thing is to wait some time after a meal - the interval between eating and training should be at least one hour.

In order not to soon begin to gain excess weight again, it is recommended that after training you do not eat either fatty or carbohydrate foods for about 1.5 hours. During this period of time, if you simply have an irresistible desire to eat something, it is best to opt for protein foods (milk, various dairy products, meat, fish, poultry) or fresh vegetables. The most effective exercise will be if you drink a cup of coffee before training, but without adding sugar or cream.

To start dancing, you don’t need any special preparation, because a simple desire will be enough. Scientists were able to prove that during a dance class (30 minutes) human brain begins to produce the same amount of endorphins as after eating two chocolate bars.

Can dancing really help you lose weight?

Today, almost all modern fitness clubs offer specially designed for weight loss dance programs. Main feature such classes is that the trainer selects all movements taking into account individual characteristics the client’s body structure, and of course, the general state of health will be taken into account. However, such a program has one significant drawback - it is quite difficult to actually learn to dance, since the whole thing will be limited to only the simplest movements.

Oriental belly dancing helps to significantly strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and abdomen. This type of dance is one of the most popular, because with its help you can not only lose a couple of extra pounds, but also provide a soft and effective massage internal organs pelvis, which in turn has positive influence on the general health of the woman.

Latin American dances (bachata, merengue, salsa, cha-cha-cha, rumba, jive) are very energetic and therefore energy-consuming. At the same time, there is a great opportunity to learn how to hold your back correctly, tighten your abdominal muscles and pump up your leg muscles.

The least effective in the fight against excess weight are ballroom dancing (quickstep, slow foxtrot, Viennese waltz, tango). Indeed, in this case, all movements should be as smooth as possible, which is not the most in a positive way affects the extra calories, but at the same time the muscles of the arms and back are worked out perfectly.

Hustle is couples dance, which is performed to almost any energetic music. This type of dance combines some elements from modern and Latin American dances. Comprehensive training helps to effectively increase muscle tone and improve body flexibility.

Very effective Irish dances, since this set of exercises belongs to intense dance aerobics, thanks to which it helps to burn extra calories much faster. The most important thing is that the exercises are regular, since in this way you can not only lose a couple of extra pounds, but also significantly improve the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Jazz modern is fairly new dance direction, which began in the USA. This type of dance includes almost everything modern trends– this is break, and hip-hop, and rock and roll, and step, and techno. Such exercises will help not only in the fight against excess weight, but also all the muscles of the body are perfectly worked out, and plasticity improves.

Many modern girls opt for strip plastic, which includes stretching, Latino, and some elements from oriental dances. This dance can replace full workout, during which the muscles of the legs, arms, abdomen, buttocks, and chest will be involved.

The most important thing is not only to choose the ideal type of dance that will help get rid of excess weight, but also choose the right shoes. In fact, the clothes in which the training will be carried out have no of great importance, enough that it will be convenient to move. Properly selected shoes are much more important.

Shoes should have a smooth sole that will glide easily on the parquet, fit perfectly on the foot, be soft, but in no case rubber. It is important to remember that the quality of the shoes will have a direct impact on the precision and ease of the movements performed. This is why professionals advise choosing shoes with treated suede soles, as they can provide the required level of friction.

Such shoes can be easily purchased in a store, however, when trying on, you must remember that very soft leather is used to make them, therefore, they quickly take the shape of the foot. If the wrong size is chosen, the shoes can wear out greatly and literally fly off during the dance.

Of course, a couple of workouts for an hour can’t give stunning results; you can lose a couple of extra pounds and tone up your muscles, but if you have a global goal of losing weight, you need to simultaneously exercise and monitor your own diet with increased attention.

It is the combination of dancing, anaerobic exercise and proper nutrition able to give the desired result. In addition, dancing can help you learn to control your own body; over time, ease of movement, dexterity and cat-like grace will appear.

Home dancing for weight loss

As a rule, the maximum load will be provided during a rhythmic single dance, during which almost all muscle groups are involved. For example, if there is a need to remove a few centimeters from the waist and abdomen, or correct the shape of the hips, then simply ideal option There will be a selection of oriental dances, which will significantly improve posture.

But first, you need to properly prepare for the upcoming home workouts - choose the most suitable dance, since classes should also be enjoyable, create conditions for training at home, choose the right shoes and clothes for classes.

The place where you are going to dance should not cause a feeling of discomfort - it is desirable that the room is bright and spacious enough. The ideal option is to have a large wall mirror, which will make it much easier to see your own mistakes.

You need to choose the right shoes and clothes. Of course, when working out at home, most women do this in old “sweatpants,” but in some cases, a beautiful suit means half the success. Also important Music also has it – it’s worth choosing precisely those compositions that are simply impossible to resist. Don't be afraid to experiment.

For dancing to really help you lose weight, you need to pay special attention to your own nutrition - food should be perceived as fuel that gives energy. After all, there will be absolutely no benefit from dancing if, after training, you eat half the food supply from the refrigerator.

Of course, the first time you may not succeed at all, but the most important thing is not to despair and gradually move towards your goal and soon you will begin to achieve not only complex “steps”, but also a wasp waist will appear, movements will become smoother and more graceful, and most importantly, self-confidence will appear.

Before training, you can also use safe energy drinks - this gives vigor, vitamin B, ginseng, and of course, plain water.

The advantages of home dancing include not only the fact that the extra centimeters on the waist gradually melt away, but they also give a good mood, a charge of vivacity and positivity, because people who regularly dance are not angry and gloomy, they radiate a love of life and a positive attitude .

Regular training, playing sports, proper and balanced nutrition - all this can give not only a beautiful and slim figure, but also excellent health.