How Lezgins treat Russian girls. Social relations and family life of Lezghians

I have already published popular statements from the forums, and now I want to continue my search for interesting posts. I came across a very interesting topic- interethnic love. IN in this case An Azerbaijani woman fell in love with a Lezgin and asks forum members for advice. Surely the girl’s soul is not at peace. In general, read

Hello! I am an Azerbaijani, raised and brought up in the traditions of morality, life, family life, etc. typical of our people. I have always been committed to starting a family with representatives of one’s own nationality. But recently, unexpectedly, I fell in love with a person. He is a Lezgin wonderful person. I would like to know the opinion of forum members, preferably Lezgins, about the character traits of a Lezgin man, about their attitude towards the relationship of a Lezgin with a woman not of his own nationality, in general, about family customs Lezgin.

Not an angel

And where did he grow up? so, then in principle what difference could there be? for relationships, this is not a question of nationality, but of a person in general, it depends on his life principles, his environment , his worldview, etc., there are minor differences in customs, but where they don’t exist and not so much that they oppress you... character traits:.. wow))))... character is often complex, but almost always these are honest, brave, daring guys)))... so good luck


The girls are right.. there is not much difference... Kafkaz so to speak...

I, too, have been friends with two Lizgins and one Tabasaran since childhood, and I also have Avars as friends. But we’re talking about Lizgins, who’s to say whether I should continue to be friends with them? What are they like in friendship? What are their friendship customs? Thank you in advance.

Who are the lizgins?

Not an angel

And they are mostly all light (light-skinned)


purely my personal opinion... love does not fit into the framework of nationality or mentality... how can you conclude whether you are suitable for each other based on belonging to one or another ethnic-social group?

I agree with your opinion completely. I am not going to give up my relationship due to the difference in nationality; if this were so, it would not be worth allowing it to arise. And the opinion, by and large, is not designed to discuss serious interethnic differences that are fraught with unpredictable consequences (judging by certain reviews). Interest is due only to everyday issues. I could talk about global issues about this, but I don’t want to.

character traits do not depend on the nation nixweiss.gif

the only thing is that they are more temperamental and emotional in general (although women have such tongue.gif)

relationship with a woman also has no nationality (((

depends on the individual

family customs are the same as throughout Kafkaz unsure.gif

z.y. and you, as a woman in love, should not take everything so painfully and be kinder girl.gif


My husband has several Lezgin friends. they have similar customs and traditionsmilie.gif

By the way, they are usually more temperamental. They are very cheerful, love to joke, and yet their character of life depends on the habitat where it is located. If he lived in the city, then he is no different from us.

I remember our neighbors are Lezgins) we have been friends for more than 50 years, yes, even my great-grandmother was friends with them. They can help at any moment, and are very friendly) By the way, I’m talking about human qualities, and I don’t look at his nationality))

So, the main thing is that you have complete mutual understanding, love and respect for each other, without these qualities you can’t get anywhere


In my entire life I have only had 2 girlfriends - and both are Lezgins....

The only thing I can say.... They are quite isolated people.. Therefore, most often they marry among themselves. Although of course there are exceptions. But these stubbornnesses, when a person gets used to his clan-tribe from childhood and cooks in its juice, then they are a little hard to polish. What else. Yes, as already noted, men have problems with alcohol and in general bad habits. Apparently, it’s some kind of genetic predisposition, or it’s temperament... couples let off like that)).. Very hot people, quick-tempered, if you punch them in the face, it’s a piece of cake)).


why not? they make good husbands

White flower

I don’t know why, but I never liked Lezgins tongue.gif

We had Lezgin girls in our class too, they always walked together, away from us, didn’t even say hello to us.. They can be very complacent (judging by those I knew and still know), arrogant and cunning. We have 2 families (Lezgins) in our block, both have husbands who play around, and some wives who are not so wacko.gif I remember once they said: Azerbaijanis descended from Lezgins))) Some of them have a son who always shouts to our guys (when disputes): Don't touch me - I'm a Lezgin! big_grin.gif And in the last block there is a Lezgin family, no one likes them either... I don’t know why nixweiss.gif

And I wish you happiness rroza.gif not all people are the same rolleyes.gif

Master of Puppets

What kind of horror movies, I have a lot of Lezgin friends, I’ve been friends with some for more than 20 years, I’ve never heard or noticed anything like this

you can have beautiful children smilie.gif))))) light eyes, skin. hair smilie.gif))

love to argue, stubborn, noisy. Very emotional and cheerful people smilie.gif

I knew 2 Lezgins. both are scum. but how can you say something about the whole nation? you might get the best one. or worse.

it all depends on the individual. I advise you to get to know him personally. or ask his friends.


I recently had a Lezgin boyfriend. I considered this man ideal, a fair-skinned handsome man with green eyes and an amazing physique. He didn’t drink, didn’t smoke, and was generally very family-oriented (in principle, he still is, we just started communicating less often). It was after him that I changed my opinion about Lezgins, before that I couldn’t stand it

There are many examples of marriage “Azerbaijani-Lezgin” (“Lezginka-Azerbaijani”, “Lezgin-Lezgin”, “Azerbaijani-Azerbaijani”, etc.), they seem to live... I haven’t seen anyone with bruises or fractures...

Wow meeeee, how can you love a Lezgin? blink.gif

Have you fallen from the tree sumasoshel.gif, what a crime it is to love a Lezgin

I beg you, don't do such a stupid thing. poklon.gif

come to your senses before it's too late, he's LEEEEEEZGIIIIIIIIIIIN grazy.gif wacko.gif

good not Talysh yet diablotin.gif evilgrin1.gif

Alpha, sorry frown.gif

people, what's wrong...why such anger....

I thought the user just wanted to know what their everyday life and customs were like... although the title of the topic is not correct...

if they wrote about an Englishman, a Turk, a Scot, everyone would start writing about customs, giving advice...

And so, I’m also 50/50 Lezghin... Our customs are the same, I’ll tell you, as a doctor, that the customs of the Az-Ts of Guba, Khachmaz, Khudat are no different... my husband is from that zone, but he’s Azerbaijani, so no difference, right down to the accent of the local Az-tsev smilie.gif)))

Every nation wants its history to be remembered, traditions and culture to be respected. There are no two identical states on Earth. Each has its own roots and unique features - a highlight. It is one of these wonderful peoples that we will discuss further.

Caucasus - terrain high mountains, excellent wines and hot Caucasian blood. However, many years ago, when this region was still wild and untamed, there lived amazing people Lezgins (Caucasian nationality), who awakened the modern civilized Caucasus to life. These were people with rich and ancient history. For many centuries they were better known as “legs” or “leki”. Living in the south, he constantly defended himself from the great ancient conquerors of Persia and Rome.

Nationality "Lezgins": history

A long time ago, several original mountain tribes united in order to create their own state, unlike anyone else, with its own spiritual culture and deep traditions. It was beginning of XIII centuries. Well, they succeeded perfectly, because today the Lezgins (nationality) live in the southernmost territories of Russia and Republic of Azerbaijan. For a long time they inhabited the Dagestan region, which continually passed into the possession of new invaders. The inhabitants of that area at that time were called “emirs of Lezgistan.” Over time, the state split into many small khanates that fought for their independence.

People who honor traditions

Let's take a closer look at this nationality. Lezgins have a rather bright and explosive character. For a long time, these Caucasian people have honored the customs of hospitality, kunakism and, of course, blood feud. It is noteworthy that very big role Proper parenting plays a role in their culture. Surprisingly, they begin to raise the baby even when he is in the mother’s womb. This is probably what distinguishes Lezgins. Nationality has a lot interesting traditions. Here is one of them.

If women could not have children, that is, they were childless, they were sent to the sacred places of the Caucasus. In case of success, namely the birth of children of different sexes, families who were friends with each other promised each other to marry their children in the future. They sincerely believed in the healing power sacred places and took such trips very seriously. Some argue that such a custom was formed as a result of the desire to strengthen friendly and family ties between certain families.

Ancient rituals and modern life

Lezgin - what kind of nation is this? Let's take a closer look below. Despite their small numbers, the Lezgins have fairly fundamental moral standards that are associated with long-standing traditions.

From wedding customs We can highlight one of the most striking ones - bride kidnapping. The most interesting thing is that such a tradition was practiced both with and without the consent of the bride. As it turned out, there was no ransom as such. For the young woman, a certain payment was simply made to her parents. Perhaps today for some it resembles some kind of purchase and seems not entirely worthy, but practice shows that the majority local residents We treated this with joy and great enthusiasm.

Eastern traditions of hospitality

Lezgins have a special attitude towards guests and elderly people. They are shown special respect. Old people are not allowed to do difficult work, and guests are not allowed to do household chores at all, even if they urgently ask for it. Guests are given all the best: they sleep on the most comfortable bed, even if the owners may spend the night on the floor. Sometimes I wish that even today many peoples could better study their culture and learn something useful from there, especially regarding how to treat guests. People today have achieved a lot, but have lost something valuable - an understanding of the true nature of human relationships.

Eastern cultures, in principle, differ from others in their special attitudes towards women. In the East they have always been considered minor members of society. The Lezghin culture is no exception, but it is safe to say that, despite this situation, men have always treated Lezgins with deep respect. It was considered a great shame for a Lezgin family to raise a hand against a woman or to insult her dignity in some other way.

Spiritual heritage or what is the national religion of the Lezgins?

What can be said about the spiritual heritage of the ancient Lezgins? Today the majority professes Islam. Scientists readily admit that religious culture people has not been thoroughly studied, but its roots, of course, go back to paganism and are largely intertwined with folk mythology. For example, Lezgins still have a rather curious idea of ​​how the amazing planet Earth is located in space. They believe that it rests on the horns of Yaru Yatz (Red Bull), which, in turn, stands on Chiehi Yad (translated as “Big Water”). This is a rather interesting design. Although it is somewhat contrary to scientific evidence, some people believe in it very sincerely. Like these ones unusual performances Lezgins talked about peace. A nationality whose religion is Islam is quite distinctive.

famous all over the world

Some are outraged by the fact that these religious teachings are filled with mythology and quite often contradict generally accepted concepts of common sense. Modern life This people has largely accepted the principles of modernity. They certainly respect traditions, but they are much less fanatical about them than before. The national dance of Lezgins attracts special attention from tourists and travelers. Today there are very few people who have never heard of Lezginka.

This original and fascinating dance has been danced by Lezgins for a long time. This nationality is quite distinctive, and the dance is proof of this. How long ago Lezginka arose and how old it is is not known for certain. Some suggest that it originates from ritual Caucasian dances.

Lezginka is a very dynamic and movement-filled dance. By the way, modern name It was the Russians who gave it to him. The cheerful and cheerful music to which this dance is performed did not leave many indifferent famous composers. Some of them even slightly changed or interpreted the old traditional melody in a different way.

TO early XIX V. There were no Bek possessions on the territory of the Lezgins, except for villages. Kaka Samur district, where in late XVIII V. Beks from the family of Kazikumukh khans settled. The neighboring villages of Yalag and Lutkul were also subordinate to the Kakin beks. Each village supplied the beks with 75 rupes of wheat (112.5 poods) and worked for three days from the smoke.

But already in 1813, after the formation of the Kyura Khanate, which included mainly foothill areas, the best land here was distributed to the beks, who also belonged to the Kazikumukh Khan’s house. Enslaved peasants (rayats) were obliged to pay taxes to the beks and serve feudal duties. Thus, residents of the villages of Nyutyug, Kurkent, Karchag, Ekendil, Zizik and Chilik of the present Kasumkent region, subordinate to the beks from the villages. Karchag, did not have the right to leave their villages without the latter’s permission; they paid taxes, cultivated the lands of the beks, carried them firewood on their carts, etc. In the second half of the 19th century, with the penetration of capitalist relations into the Lezgin village, stratification among the highlanders intensified . Along with the emergence of a handful of large landowners and sheep breeders, the number of poor peasants grew rapidly. According to the 1886 census, out of 2,927 farms in the Kurakh naibstvo (present-day Kurakh district), which was considered the largest cattle-breeding region in Dagestan, 655 farms had no cattle, 1,851 sheep and goats, and 1,961 horses. In the Samur district in 1917, 69% of farms did not have cattle, 39.9% of farms did not have draft animals, and 20% of farms did not have land. At the same time, individual farms concentrated in their hands a large number of livestock and land. So, a village resident. Maza Jafar Haji Jalil-oglu had 20 heads of draft cattle, 11 heads of cattle, 1470 heads of sheep and 45 sabahs of arable land. Back at the beginning of the 20th century. The dependent classes in Lezgin society, as throughout Dagestan, continued to bear feudal duties in favor of the beks. Under the influence of the revolution of 1905, the serfs of the Kyurinsky district began in 1906 to refuse to fulfill these duties. In 1907, the same thing happened in the villages of Lutkul and Yalag, Samur district. But only in 1913 was the law on the liberation of dependent classes in Dagestan published, and right up to the Great October revolution“liberated” peasants made large redemption payments. Along with the beks, the Lezgin peasantry was exploited by large kulak sheep breeders, traders and Muslim clergy. Lezgin workers were also subjected to cruel oppression. The tsarist government strangled the people with unaffordable taxes.

Only the establishment of Soviet power freed the working Lezgins from the yoke of the exploiters. The old society, divided into oppressors and oppressed, was replaced by a socialist community of workers, collective farm peasantry and intelligentsia.

A modern Lezgin family most often consists of five to eight people. In addition to the father, mother and children, it includes the parents of the husband or wife, often minor brothers and sisters of the wife or husband, and widowed daughters-in-law. In some villages (Kasumkent, Ikre, Akhtakh, Mikrakh, etc.) there are families consisting of 15-17 people, including two to four married brothers. But in general, large families among Lezgins were rare already in the second half of the 19th century. For many centuries, relationships between family members were built on unquestioning obedience to elders and on the inequality of women. IN Soviet time Lezginka - collective farmer, worker, employee - became economically independent, gained access to education and social activities. All this, together with the implementation of Soviet legislation on marriage and family, freed the Lezgin woman from unlimited dependence on her father, brother and husband. However, there are still many facts testifying to the strength of patriarchal clan traditions, which still prevent many Lezgin women from occupying a truly equal position with men. In many families, a woman will not eat with men in front of strangers, and men are ashamed to openly help a woman with work, etc. Considerable explanatory work is still needed to make these relics a thing of the past.

In the recent past, remnants of patriarchal-tribal relations played a large role in Lezgin life. True, without having yet explored the question of the existence of tribal property among the Lezgins, but such remains tribal system, such as blood revenge, mutual assistance of relatives, compact living of relatives in one block, unquestioning obedience to older relatives, etc., persisted for a long time. Bloodshed disappeared among the Lezgins only shortly before the October Revolution, and mutual assistance among relatives has long been supplemented and replaced by mutual assistance among fellow villagers in general.

Many old customs and prejudices are behind last years disappeared or underwent significant changes. Thus, customs associated with childbirth underwent changes. In connection with the opening of hospitals and maternity hospitals, for example, magical means that grandmothers resorted to to “facilitate” childbirth are no longer used. Previously, the father would leave the house during childbirth. The one who first informed him about the birth of a child received a gift from him. The birth of a daughter was considered less a joyful event than the birth of a son. The name of the child was given by one of the older relatives. This was accompanied by a family celebration and food. Often a child was given, and is still given, the name of a deceased grandfather or other deceased relative.

In the past, marriages among Lezgins were preferably among relatives. Nowadays this custom of endogamy is disappearing. The marriage was preceded by a preliminary agreement between the parents of the bride and groom, often when the latter were still children. Sometimes marriages were concluded by kidnapping the bride; but they resorted to it when the bride did not want to marry or in case of resistance from her parents. The wedding was preceded by a matchmaking procedure. A close relative of the groom came to the bride's parents and proposed to them. After obtaining consent, one of the groom’s close relatives brought the bride a dish of pilaf, a ring and a scarf. After some time, the groom's father, accompanied by several men, brought money and a scarf to the bride's house. Immediately, during the refreshment, the parties agreed on the size of the bride price. From this time until the wedding, the groom was unable to meet with the bride.

The wedding began with feasts in the house of the groom and in the house of the bride, which took place separately. When married within one related group During the wedding, relatives were divided into two camps - the groom's side and the bride's side, between which a state of struggle was staged. At the beginning of the wedding, the groom went to one of his relatives or friends and had fun there with friends. Then the groom and his retinue followed the bride with music and dancing. She was supposed to refuse to leave her home for some time. Finally, the bride, with her face covered with a scarf, was put on a horse or in a carriage (cart, phaeton) and taken to the groom's house. The wedding director walked in front, followed by the musicians, then the groom and his companions, and the rest of the men and women. At the end of the procession rode the bride, who was accompanied by an elderly relative and one of her friends. They carried a dowry with them.

When the bride approached the groom's house, money, nuts, candies, sugar, etc. were thrown at her from neighboring houses. When entering the groom's house, the bride had to crush right foot a spoon with butter placed on the threshold. After this, the bride was brought into the room and seated on the dowry chest. The entire time the festivities continued, the bride had to sit silently. Around midnight, the groom came to her, and the girls and women surrounding the bride left. In the morning the groom went to the river to swim, and then spent the whole day at the house of his friend or relative.

The current Lezgin wedding differs in many ways from the old wedding. Marriages are concluded without paying a dowry and without the participation of a mullah. Cases of bride kidnapping and betrothal of minors have disappeared. wedding ceremony generally unchanged, except individual moments. Thus, in many villages the bride is taken to the groom’s house not on a horse or a cart, but in a passenger car, and her dowry is taken on a truck.

Funerals among Lezgins, as well as among other peoples of Dagestan, in their external form do not differ from ordinary Muslim funerals (the deceased is wrapped in a shroud, placed in the grave on his right side, with his head to the west, etc.). Now, due to the massive departure of the population from religion, religious rituals during burial are observed less and less often.


Before the Great October Socialist Revolution, the official religion of the Lezgins was Sunni Islam. Village residents. The Miskiyajas of the Dokuzparinsky district have long been Shiites. It is known that Islam began to be implanted in Southern Dagestan back in the 8th century. Arab conquerors. It is not surprising that he penetrated deeply into the social and family life of the Lezgins. Not only during the period of Dagestan’s annexation to Russia, but also during the October Revolution and civil war, and also in subsequent years, the Lezgin clergy acted in alliance with large cattle breeders and traders. Until collectivization, Lezgins had mosques everywhere, not only common to the entire village (juma mosques), but also neighborhood mosques. Before the establishment of Soviet power in Dagestan, mosques owned a significant amount of hay and arable land (waqfs), which Soviet authority handed over to the working people. Nowadays, religious prejudices are being eliminated more and more among the bulk of Lezgins. They are especially alien to young people and middle-aged people. This is a consequence of the unprecedented growth of culture and enlightenment of the people. It would be wrong, however, to think that the Lezgins are already finished with religion. There are also quite a few who perform prayers, decorate the graves of “saints” with sacrificial rags, so-called feasts, etc.

Despite the long existence of Islam in Lezgin society, some traces of ancient beliefs remained here until recently. The Lezgin word gutsar, used as a synonym for “Allah,” in the past, apparently, was the name of one of pagan gods. The holiday of the spring equinox, accompanied by the ritual of lighting bonfires over which young men jumped, had the same pre-Islamic character; May holiday picking flowers; a procession of men with decorated branches during a drought, the participants of which doused each other with water; a procession of girls with a doll during excessively heavy rains; worship of the “sacred” mountain Shalbuzdag; hanging in yards as a talisman against " evil eye» horseshoes, skulls and bones of dogs and horses; various magical remedies used during childbirth, at weddings, when building a house, etc.

The attitude towards women was very contradictory. The woman enjoyed great respect in society, but at the same time she had no rights in the family, even in relation to her own children. The man treated her as a lower being, the main burden of household work fell on her: preparing clothes, food, conducting all kinds of household chores and much more. However, on this basis it is hardly justified to conclude that women are inferior.

As F. Engels correctly emphasized, “the division of labor between both sexes is determined not by the position of women in society, but by completely different reasons. Peoples whose women have to work much more “than we think should be the case, often have much more genuine respect for women than our Europeans.”

A WOMAN did housework and enjoyed respect and honor among her household, although outwardly the attitude towards her was harsh. It was considered a great shame to assault a woman, insult and humiliate her in any form. He covered himself with shame if, contrary to custom, he raised his hand to a woman and, by word or action, desecrated her honor.

Insulting a wife, let alone beating her, was considered a disgusting act; society turned away from such a person; such an insult was equated to a blood offense. No matter how joyless a woman’s life may be, it must be said that among Lezghins, acts of rudeness and violence against her are extremely rare. Hitting a woman is considered disgraceful. If the family discord has reached the point of a major quarrel, the wife goes to her parents’ house and the husband begins efforts for reconciliation.

The exceptional position of the Lezgin woman in society is also evidenced by the non-extension of blood feud to her. No matter what blood feud there was between the families, a woman was never killed. If someone committed such a crime, then he incurred the greatest contempt of society.

The most irreconcilable enemies stopped fighting if a woman took off her scarf and threw it between them. This was also the case with other Caucasian highlanders. Indecent expressions were absolutely not allowed in the presence of a woman. Taking revenge on a woman was considered a disgrace, unworthy of a man.

If a woman and a man walked side by side, then the woman took right side, and if two men walked with her, then between them. In both cases these positions were considered the most honorable. Largest quantity etiquette norms were associated with women. No matter to what extent the intoxication of the feasting men reached, no matter how cheekily the company of young people behaved, no matter how intense the bitterness of those quarreling, fighting or fighting, the mere appearance of a woman curbed the brawlers, stopped and stopped the bloodshed. An ambiguous word in the presence of women, a careless movement during dancing, and careless treatment of a girl caused condemnation from the entire society.

The sex ratio among Lezgins shows a predominance of the male population. This population structure distinguishes Lezgins from the rest large nations and indicates that a large number of labor migrants from Azerbaijan, largely represented by men, live and work in our country.

True, the gender ratio has leveled off slightly since the last census: the proportion of women increased from 48.7% to 49.5%. But most likely this is due to the undercounting of Lezgins in major cities, and this is where labor migration is directed. Additionally, only a small proportion of Lezgins from Azerbaijan were counted in both the 2002 and 2010 censuses. This situation is explained by the fact that migrants, who did not want to complicate their stay in Russia, avoided communicating with census takers. In 2010, a trend towards an increase in the share of the Russian population in Moscow and other cities was also noticed, at the expense of the non-Russian population. One of the reasons for this policy is an attempt to reassure Russian city dwellers about the dominance of migrants in the cities.

Be that as it may, they moved to Russia temporarily and permanent place Many Lezgins live not only from Azerbaijan, but also from Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and other countries. Only Armenians and Azerbaijanis exhibit a more deformed gender structure - they experienced a more powerful “influx” of migrants, with a much higher proportion of men than Lezgins.

The census also showed a drop in the proportion of people under working age among Lezgins: from 30% to 25% due to an increase in this indicator among the working population (from 61% to 66%). The share of the elderly population remained almost unchanged - 9%. The main factors of this transformation are also the migration of the working-age Lezgin population to Russia and the fall in the birth rate.

An interesting feature of recent years has been a noticeable increase in married Lezgin men from 60.4% to 66%, the share of married Lezgin women has changed slightly from 61.4% to 62.2%. Probably young and middle-aged Lezgins, migrating to the cities, began to actively start families, and they more often choose life partners from representatives of other nationalities, mainly Russians. Nevertheless, the number of mono-ethnic Lezgin households has grown from 72 to 90 thousand, on average one household consists of four and a half people. It is noteworthy that the proportion of divorced people, both men and women, fell slightly.

The Lezgin family is becoming small. This process also affected other Dagestan peoples. The proportion of women who do not have children or have given birth to 1-2 children is growing, and the proportion of mothers having 3 or more children is decreasing (from 35% to 31%).

The share of Lezgins who speak their native language has fallen - to 82.4%, 94.6% speak Russian. Wherein native language for Lezgins it becomes a kind of symbol. The proportion of Lezgins who indicated Lezgin as their native language increased from 94% to 94.9% from 1989 to 2010. According to this indicator, the Lezgins are still inferior to the peoples of Dagestan and the Vainakhs.

A more favorable situation among Lezgins is observed in the educational sphere. The share of people with higher and postgraduate education increased one and a half times: from 14.4% to 21.6% (the Russian average is slightly higher - 23.4%). True, the same and even faster growth was observed among other large nations. Among the Mountain Caucasian peoples, only Ossetians have more high level education (30%). However, as is known, the quality of education has been steadily declining in recent years.

Unfortunately, the census revealed a very high unemployment rate among Lezgins - 22.8% of the working-age population of private households. This situation is typical for all Mountain Caucasian peoples and is due to the fact that North Caucasus is a depressed region. However, a significant part of the unemployed actually regularly travel outside their region to work. We should expect further outflow of Lezgins from Dagestan until the unemployment rate drops to an acceptable level.

Amil Sarkarov

Information and Analytical Center FLNKA

Quote: Naira Sergeeva

I am a Lezginka and married to a Russian, we have three small children and everything is wonderful, our relatives are friends, we celebrate both Kurban Bayram and Easter with Merry Christmas. And most importantly Love.

Quote: Lazarus

You have blind love. We don’t need support from the Russians; we ourselves are a strong and smart nation. And you are a nagging traitor. And who will Lezgi GENE POOL save your Ivan or what?

I am Lezgin by nationality. One must get married for love, regardless of religion or nationality. The more such marriages there are in Russia, the fewer conflicts there will be on ethnic grounds. I have a lot of relatives who are married to Russian beauties, and married to Russian guys. I’ll tell you honestly, in such families the immunity to preserving the family is more developed than in ordinary Lezgin families. Dagestan Lately There is an increase in divorces specifically among the Lezgin people, and I don’t see anything bad. Of course, Lezgin girls are concerned that our guys will marry Russian girls, I don’t see anything bad about it. On the contrary, there will be more support from the Russians. The Russian nation is great and strong nation. I am for such marriages.

The Lezgin nation, it has always been and is closer to the Russian nation than other nations in Dagestan. I have cousin In the 80s she married a Russian village guy. Now they have big family children, grandchildren live happily. Also cousins married to Russian girls. They also have their own families. In Dagestan, there are many divorces among Lezgins. I think you should marry for love, there is no difference between Russian and non-Russian. Of course, when the blood is mixed, children are born healthier and more gifted.

So, girls, stop swearing! I myself am half crest, half Bulbash, half Russian, although there is also a mixture of other bloods. My wife is Kabardian, we have been living together for 4 years. I believe that it’s not about the nation, but about the person. I consider myself Russian. And this whole melting pot will end, believe me, with a new Soviet man.

Don't write nonsense!!! It seems that Lezgin guys have stopped falling in love with their Lezgin girls. And they hang themselves on our Russian beauties. Apparently they are bored with you, you obey, but we know how to rule over men! And along the way they love it!!!

Russian Girls love our Lezghin guys very much and Russian guys broadcast in Russian girls because the Nazis and Russian girls don’t care whether they marry them or not, Lezghin girls really love their Lezghin guys and marry their Lezgins as they should. All Lezgin girls miss their Lezgin boyfriends because Russian girls take away our Lezgin boyfriends. A Russian girl should have self-esteem.

Khkemzhu] Yes, not only Lezgins, in almost all Dagestan nationalities there is an increase mixed marriages, including with the Russians. The main reason for mixed marriages in Dagestan is the outflow from mono-ethnic villages to large Dagestan cities where the share of each nationality is no more than 15%.

Because Russian girls bully their brains, that’s why our guys marry Russian girls, Lezgin Avar Kumyk girls, etc. aren’t people or what.

dzhama1982.. Lezgin men as a lifeline for Russian girls in Makhachkala and Dagestan!!!

Lezgin men value their Lezgin women and they live with Russian girls temporarily; after 5 or 10 years they come to their homeland and marry their Lezgin women for love, as it should be, every Lezgin or Lezgin woman should know their customs and traditions, should love their Lezgin people. a Russian girl should love and marry her Russian boyfriend as she should and not talk about other people’s guys, Russian girls don’t like Lezgin girls, but they look at our Lezgin guys. Russian girls are better than Lezgins. Lezgin girls are smart, pretty, educated, kind and well-mannered.

tariverdiev... You don’t know the main thing... Lezgin horsemen are 99% pleasant in appearance and also well-mannered, smart and weak in their religiosity of attacks, but they are economical. This is well known to the beautiful Rusachki. his parents weakly don’t want to be a wagon train with his parents, he knows that they won’t be able to handle the wedding (social problem). After the wedding, consider that he has lost half of his status. Lezginism is no longer the same Lezgin as he used to be before marriage (old friends don’t show it in appearance) in fact....) If you live and work in a Lezgi village, then it’s positive... And if the children know 100% of the Lezgi language, consider that he has restored his status as Lezginism and the children are treated with respect by their peers. There is a lot here, well, absolutely, there is no such respect for this Lezgin, no matter who he is..... in one word.... AM VIRIDAN VILERAG AVATNA

You're right sister

Tatyana] Don’t write nonsense!!! It seems that Lezgin guys have stopped falling in love with their Lezgin girls. And they hang themselves on our Russian beauties. Apparently they are bored with you, you obey, but we know how to rule over men! And along the way they love it!!!

Lezgin guys are those who marry Russian girls because of their position because of money for better life and Russian girls don’t know this, they think that our Lezgin guys marry them for love, Russian girls, you’d better hit your stupid heads against the wall, you have no brains, you don’t understand that when a Lezgin marries a Russian girl, then the Lezgin remains old maid because only a Lezgin should marry his Lezgin as it should be. Our Lezghin guys come to you temporarily because of the dough, so Russian girls reject our Lezghin guys and marry your Russian guys as it should be, you say that a Lezgin has the right to marry a Russian, you are wrong, who else will Lezghin marry when he Lezgin by nationality, of course our Lezgin will marry his Lezgin, as Russian girls are supposed to be strangers to us LEZGINOV understood, you...