What are the best flowers to grow for sale? Growing flowers - your own small business

Do you like flowers? A small hobby may well develop into a serious business that generates good income. Here we will look in detail at information about how to open a flower business from scratch , what difficulties may arise during work and how in general you can make money from flowers.


The flower business is not entirely straightforward. If business is done correctly, it brings good profits (profitability of at least 50%), but can become unprofitable due to a drop in the general income of the population. You need to decide right away: how do you see earnings from flowers? If this is a family business for your own pleasure, then there is practically no need to invest in it. If you decide to enter the market and capture it, you will need to work hard.

A flower shop is both profit and aesthetic pleasure

How to register

To register, you will need to contact the nearest tax office and open an individual entrepreneur. You will immediately receive the OKVED code 52.48.32, which will allow you to officially conduct retail trade in flowers. You will also need a cash register and a stamp. You will need it if you plan to work with large suppliers - they require an imprint on documents. From the papers you need:

  1. Trade permit.
  2. Conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological station.
  3. Book of reviews and suggestions.
  4. Cash journal.
  5. KKM registration document.
  6. Lease contract.

Note:All employees must have medical books with stamps affixed to them, as well as badges with photographs.

Types of business

You can trade flowers in four different ways:

  1. A classic tent in a walk-through location. Such entrepreneurs sell classic cuts, which are not stored longer than 3-5 days. However, if the place is good, then the assortment is updated almost every day. The emphasis should be on the most popular varieties and beautiful packaging.
  2. Pavilions. They are usually located in markets, shopping centers or walk-through areas. The assortment of flowers here is at least 30-40 species. In addition to cutting flowers, you can sell ready-made bouquets and compositions, various souvenirs, vitamins for flowers, soil, etc. The pavilion brings constant profit to the owners - if the demand for flowers falls, then the business “goes out” due to various related products.
  3. Online store. Here the emphasis is on the delivery of ready-made bouquets and arrangements. Usually it is opened by pavilion owners who decided to find new niches for themselves. You can also open an online store if you have a place to buy flowers. You can even simply enter into an agreement with several pavilions and engage in intermediary activities, delivering bouquets to customers.
  4. Specialized stores. These are already serious florist centers, which usually open on central streets, in hypermarkets and other crowded places. They occupy 100 or more square meters, selling both cut and fresh flowers. Usually they have everything that is necessary for floriculture: various pots, tools, soils, fertilizers, insecticides, seedlings, seeds, etc. Investments in opening such an establishment can reach 80 thousand dollars, and the monthly profit is about 5 thousand.

A small stall in a walk-through location can bring in up to 100 thousand net profit per month

Choosing a place

From choosing a place. Essentially, location is everything for any physical flower shop. You are only interested in public places: shopping centers, metro exits, public transport stops, central streets, markets.

After the most interesting places have been selected, we look for premises. It could be a small container, a shop, a pavilion or a separate room - it all depends on your needs. Recently, selling flowers from a car has become quite popular - it allows you to save on rent and utilities, as well as change places to better ones.

Premises requirements

There are no special requirements as such. You need a fairly spacious room (20 square meters or more), which has a heating and ventilation system. It is advisable to decorate it correctly, without skimping on designer renovations. If the space allows, then set up the florist’s work place in a visible place near the display window - this will attract additional clients to you. In addition to the hall itself, you will also need a utility room for staff and storage of various materials.

In the store it is better to focus not on the cut, but on fresh flowers and accessories

We are looking for clients

For a flower shop, a constant flow of customers is very important, which guarantees a quick update of the assortment. This means that you will have to spend a lot of money on advertising. You will need all types of advertising:

  1. Order a good themed sign.
  2. Equip your store with light boxes.
  3. Provide constant advertising through flyers, posters, signs in your area.
  4. Create pages on social networks.
  5. Make announcements in the media, arrange various promotions and sales.

Where can I get the goods?

There are two ways:

  1. Buy flowers from suppliers.
  2. Grow them yourself for sale.

Finding suppliers is not difficult - you can visit various flower exhibitions, search for information on the Internet or ask the staff of flower salons.

Definitely yes. In this case, you will be able to register under OKVED A.01.12.2 and register yourself under the Unified Agricultural Tax, which allows you to save on taxes. To grow flowers, you will need a small area on which you will need to build a greenhouse with an area of ​​at least 100 m2.

The store should always have a good selection of flowers

Growing flowers yourself

In order to achieve a normal income and provide yourself with a constant flow of flowers, you need to build a thermos greenhouse with an area of ​​at least 100 square meters. The average investment for such a project is about 500 thousand rubles (including equipment for watering and heating). In such a greenhouse you can grow up to 400 bushes.

You can place a greenhouse in your dacha or rent a piece of land with electricity supplied to it. Planting material for such a greenhouse will cost you about 150 thousand rubles. The total costs for one cultivation cycle are 600 thousand rubles.

Now let's calculate periodic costs. To heat a properly constructed greenhouse at current electricity prices, it will require about 50 thousand rubles per year at the rate of 4.5 kW in the cold months. To process flowers you will need chemicals at the rate of 40 thousand rubles per year. In total, you will spend about 90 thousand rubles in a year.

Now let's calculate how much you can earn.very promising. Let's imagine that we planted roses. From one bush you can make at least 250 cuts per year. From the 400 bushes we planted, 100,000 cuts are made. One flower costs at least 40 rubles. This means that our business will bring in 4 million in profit in a year. Let us subtract from this amount the costs of the greenhouse itself, seed material, fertilizers, electricity and taxes - it turns out that in one season we not only fully recoup the investments made, but also earn at least 3 million rubles. And this is not counting the fact that the store can sell various related products!

Note:40 rubles per rose is the selling price. A good flower in a store can cost 100-200 rubles, which significantly increases the profitability of the entire project.


Your stores should look decent and be as functional as possible. Therefore, you will need to purchase special furniture and equipment. You will need:

  1. Showcases.
  2. Counters.
  3. Shelving.
  4. Refrigeration equipment.

Be sure to hire a competent florist - he will create a beautiful showcase

It is advisable to purchase all this from one supplier, asking him to equip your outlet with everything you need. It will be cheaper than taking everything separately.

You will also need a good air conditioning system. This is very important - your room should have as even temperature and humidity as possible. In total, the purchase of equipment for a store of 30-40 m2 will require about 300 thousand rubles, including a refrigerator.

Let's start working

For a small store you will need at least one competent florist, one salesperson and one delivery person - a security guard. For a large store, a minimum of 4 sellers and 4 florists working in 2 shifts is required. In order to create a showcase, you will need at least 20 different types of flowers, 50-100 pieces each, for a small pavilion, or 50 types of flowers, 100-200 pieces each, for a store. Also, don’t forget about related products. In total, to start work you will need to invest at least 40 thousand, ideally 200 thousand only in flowers.

As you can see, growing flowers as a business very profitable. All initial investments pay off in an average of 6-9 months, after which the store begins to generate net profit.

In contact with

Greenhouse business professionals believe that it is flowers that can bring maximum profit. In modern conditions, buyers and wholesalers are increasingly giving preference to high-quality domestic products. With growing demand, supply is not being satisfied, which gives great advantages to newcomers who want to occupy a niche in a promising market.

How to grow flowers in a greenhouse for sale? The answer is contained in this publication.

When planning to start growing flowers in a greenhouse for sale, you need to evaluate the pros and cons of this type of business.

There are many advantages to the flower greenhouse business. These include:

  1. stable demand from retail outlets and end customers;
  2. high profitability;
  3. high productivity: up to 250 flowers can be cut from one rose bush per year;
  4. the ability to grow any type of plants, including exotic ones;
  5. good trade margin.

Despite the significant advantages, there are also disadvantages to the home greenhouse business. Among them:

  1. Necessary experience in floriculture. When starting industrial flower growing without the proper skills, it is very difficult to achieve success.
  2. High energy costs. To ensure good growth, the greenhouse must be lit almost 24 hours a day.
  3. Seasonality. In summer, the demand for flowers drops sharply, but before the holidays it reaches its maximum.
  4. Competition with foreign and out-of-town suppliers and owners of larger greenhouses.
  5. To guarantee stable profits, you need to constantly look for new sources of sales.

Sales of products: which method is more profitable?

Greenhouse owners are considering several options for selling flowers. Among them:

  • wholesale sales to buyers;
  • sale through flower shops;
  • offering products to florist salons.

A very promising option is opening your own retail outlet. Retail trade is suitable for owners of several greenhouses growing different crops.

But if you rely on roses, some of the flowers of other varieties for your own store can be purchased in bulk. By hiring a florist, you will be able to serve weddings and offer flower arrangements to restaurants and hotels.

You can read how to grow strawberries all year round at home and what varieties of strawberries to choose for business

Home business with flowers: business plan with calculations.

Business plan for growing flowers for sale: balancing expenses and income

For example, you can consider a small farm with 1 thermos greenhouse, designed for the simultaneous cultivation of 400 rose bushes. Primary expenses:

  • construction and equipment of a greenhouse (100 sq. m) – from 400,000;
  • purchase of planting material and fertilizers – from 120,000.

Monthly expenses include expenses for heating, lighting the greenhouse, replenishing the planting stock, and gasoline. This will cost from 35,000 rubles per month. Over the course of a year, the cost of maintaining a greenhouse will be about 80,000 rubles.

You can find out how to open your own flower shop from scratch and draw up a competent business plan with calculations

The profit from the sale of roses taken from 400 bushes will be at least 4,000,000 rubles.

This amount is calculated based on the minimum wholesale price for a flower (from 40 rubles). With retail sales, profits will increase significantly.

The first cut is possible 6 months after planting the cuttings. The greenhouse will pay for itself in 7-10 months, the profitability of the project is at least 70%.

Growing flowers for sale at home is an ideal option for those who love and know how to work with plants. Starting with one greenhouse, you can significantly expand production by working with new varieties and developing adjacent markets.

Flower greenhouse business at home - video with professional recommendations

In every locality there is always at least one area where country houses are located, which are becoming increasingly in demand. At the same time, their owners are actively looking for various decorations for their garden plots, and the best among them, undoubtedly, are decorative flowers and shrubs. That is why a business in plants for the garden and local area will be very profitable, especially considering that this area is still poorly covered.

How to sell plants?

The first step is to clearly define the range of “green” products that the enterprise will specialize in. It can be:

  • plants for winter gardens - they are very easy to work with, especially for a beginner, since they are very hardy
  • exotic flowers (they require a very careful approach, so it is better to choose them only for specialists who have been doing business with plants for several years)
  • any flowers that decorate flower beds (asters, violets, azaleas, daffodils, tulips, etc.)
  • plants that can bloom from spring to late autumn
  • green shrubs and bushes of flowering plants
  • plants for alpine slides
  • seedlings of annuals and perennials

As a rule, the entrepreneur grows seeds for seedlings, sprouts and seedlings himself. At the same time, a plant growing business can be organized right on your own balcony - there you can place small “beds”, from which you can get an excellent “batch” of flowers and bushes for sale. Those who have their own land can develop a business on it. In addition, you can periodically purchase interesting new products from other sellers, and some plants can be obtained independently in forests and plantings, even without having a place to grow them (however, in this case you need to clearly know how the “production” will grow, and what from it will work out later).

To start growing plants for sale, you only need one thing - to organize an individual entrepreneur and register with the tax office. A simplified taxation system is suitable for such work.

Business on plants: how to make good money?

When selling seedlings and seeds, you shouldn’t limit yourself to just this! You can offer clients a number of additional services that will allow you to earn more. It could be:

  • design of flower beds and alpine slides
  • landscape design
  • rental of gardening tools
  • caring for already purchased plants

An entrepreneur can offer his services either in his own office (you can rent a small room in a place convenient for clients) or simply in the market. Moreover, the sale of garden plants can also be carried out via the Internet - all you need to do is create a website with offers. In such a situation, you can work from home.

If you want to constantly be in contact with potential clients in specialized markets, you will need to rent a sales space. Also, if an entrepreneur has enough funds, he can create his own store. And, of course, in any case, we must not forget about visiting specialized fairs and exhibitions, which will provide more for business development than just standing at the counter.

Investments and profits: what will a plant growing business give?

This type of activity is unique in that the entrepreneur himself chooses how much money to invest in future work. He can, for example, spend:

  • 5-7 thousand rubles - to create “beds” on your balcony or garden plot
  • 7-9 thousand – for renting a place in the market or in a specialized store
  • 15-20 thousand - to create a website for sale on the Internet
  • 50-100 thousand (minimum) – to open your own store (you can rent a retail outlet and make minimal repairs to it)

In fact, only a few expenses remain constant, and the main one among them is the cost of purchasing the seedlings or seeds themselves. Typically, 1 unit of seedlings costs 100-200 rubles, a bush seedling costs 200-300 rubles, and a set of seeds costs up to 100 rubles. In order for the sale of garden plants to be successful, you first need to purchase at least 10 varieties of each product - that is, at least 10 varieties of flowers, 10 types of plants and 10 different bushes. This will cost 10-15 thousand rubles (if you wish, you can spend more).

You will also need to purchase gardening tools, and their total cost will depend on what is included in the kit - you can spend 20 thousand rubles, or you can end up spending 50-70 thousand.

After this, all types of plants need to be planted at home to see what will grow from them. Then the seeds from the resulting plants and flowers, seedlings and shoots can be sold, increasing the price by 30-50%. This can give a profit of up to 20 thousand rubles per month, and when the plant business develops a little - up to 50 thousand. Then the income will increase due to additional services, individual orders, work on client sites... And if the entrepreneur is truly dedicated to his business and will sell plants with pleasure, the circle of his customers will begin to increase from .

The idea of ​​the business is to grow indoor flowers at home for subsequent sale. The older the flower, the more expensive it is.


Let's start by calculating the potential income that the activity of breeding and growing indoor flowers can bring.

For example, let's take the following indoor plants: Monstera, Money Tree and Dracaena.


A plant 12 cm high costs about 593 rubles with a pot. And the same flower but 2.4 meters high costs 10,000-15,000 rubles. This is how a flower grows in 5 years.


You will have to buy 2 pots (1000 rubles), as well as fertilizers (500 rubles for 5 years). Total expenses for 5 years will be: 2,100 rubles.

Prices for monsteras over 2 meters high start from 10,000 rubles. Consequently, the profit from the sale of one monstera can be at least 7,900 rubles. The disadvantage of breeding monsteras is the need for large premises. Therefore, it will be more profitable to sell one-year or six-month monsteras.

Money Tree.

A money tree shoot costs 40 rubles. But, after 2 years, this flower can be sold for 800 rubles

Expenses for 2 years will be 300 rubles (200 pots + 40 rubles shoot + 60 rubles fertilizer) Profit: 500 rubles.

Dracaena Marginata Bicolor

1 barrel 12 cm. Cost 200 rubles. But here is the same flower after 3-4 years: 3 trunks 150 cm. Cost 3,400 rubles

Expenses for 4 years will be:

Pots: 500 rubles
Fertilizers 200 rubles
Buying a shoot 200 rubles

Total expenses: 900 rubles.

The profit from the sale of one Dracaena can be 2,500 rubles.

Business growing home flowers

As can be seen from the examples growing indoor plants for sale The business is highly profitable, but it takes a lot of time.

Before starting this type of business, you will need to read materials about growing indoor flowers, what kind of lighting they need, what kind of soil, how often they need to be watered, and so on; you can get all the necessary information from specialized literature, as well as from the Internet, on forums etc.

You can start a flower growing business in an apartment, but the most suitable for these purposes is a private house with a separate room with large windows.

It is advisable that the area of ​​the room that is planned to be used for growing flowers should be at least 20 sq.m.

So in a room with an area of ​​20 square meters, you can place up to 100-150 plants; the time to care for this number of plants will take 1.5-2 hours a day.

Sales of grown flowers can be carried out in the following directions:

  • Sales through friends, a rather interesting sales channel, the capacity depends on the number of friends and the so-called “word of mouth”;
  • Sales via the Internet. Currently, online platforms are gaining more and more popularity, offering their users to post various advertisements for sales and purchases of various things.
  • Implementation. To increase sales volumes, you can try to establish sales through flower shops. Plants can be given for sale or for a specific order.

The business of breeding and growing flowers can be considered as an additional income, without leaving your main job; this type of business is also suitable for retirees.

Indoor flowers as a business

Plants are now found in almost every home and the demand for them is not decreasing, which means that a business with indoor plants can be quite a promising activity. I have already written more than once about different types of income from flowers, including such exotic ones as, but today the article will simply be about how to start a business growing indoor flowers for sale.

You've probably noticed that flower stalls, shops and even supermarkets now sell a lot of potted indoor plants. Exotic chic shrubs in flowerpots or popular indoor flowers that do not require care, from cacti to tangerine fruit-bearing trees - the list can go on for a long time. Previously, many of them were imported to Russia from other countries, but a sharp jump in the dollar made this type of business on indoor plants unprofitable. But he gave Russian flower growers the opportunity to show themselves in all their glory.

Promising business on indoor plants

Nowadays, growing indoor flowers for the sake of business is quite common; there are so many flower shops in many cities that it seems impossible for a beginner to break through. But if you pay attention to the assortment, you will see that it is very limited. It’s almost always a collection of the same plants, and people always want something new, something exotic.

Therefore, there are prospects even in those cities where the flower industry is well developed and, although this is not a “how to quickly become a millionaire” topic, a profitable business with indoor flowers can be built, and built without large financial investments.

If you have indoor flowers at home and know how to grow them, then all that remains is to study the market of plants offered for sale, which ones are in high demand - these are city forums, websites of flower growers or companies selling indoor plants and flowers. Ask even about little things - usually experienced flower growers do not see a future “competitor” and willingly share their experience. Over time, you yourself will learn to recognize promising species and varieties and will enter the market with something original, which means it will sell well.

Home flower business - where to start?

Breeding and growing indoor plants for sale are somewhat different things; you can breed your favorite plant in any quantity and give it to friends and acquaintances, or you can sell it. If you don’t know how to start, give the most beautiful specimens to your friends and ask them to tell their friends where they can buy such flowers. Don’t be afraid to advertise yourself on Avito, the city website, social networks, participate in indoor plant exhibitions, and be sure to make beautiful business cards that will help increase the number of those who know about you. Growing flowers is a great job at home for women who, for some reason, have a lot of free time - this includes home decoration and “pocket” (and even more) money. Starting with one client, you can create a client base that will constantly expand - it is real and not as difficult as it seems.

What you need to grow indoor plants:

  1. The desire to tinker with soil, flowers, plant pests, etc.
  2. An area in the house that you wouldn’t mind giving away to a lot of pots and containers. If you're building a home-based business, indoor plants need to have everything from a comfortable place for them to the best fertilizers.
  3. Indoor plants that already “live” in the house.
  4. Books, it is advisable not to use advice “from knowledgeable” people who do not themselves deal with indoor plants. Read encyclopedia books, magazines that were published earlier, during Soviet times - there are only facts and advice from plant growers. You can suggest books by Vorontsov, Klimenko, Ketter and others.
  5. Choosing a plant for which you can create all the conditions in your home. In principle, most people start by breeding flowering cacti or violets.

Does future income depend on initial investments?

If you want an increase to the family budget, then choose the plants that are simplest in all respects, for example, geraniums, tradescantia, ficus. In general, the plants that grow best for you. The costs will be minimal, and the increase will be in the amount of the family’s monthly income with a client base of 8-10 people or an agreement with a flower shop.

If you expect to build a business on indoor plants, then investments will be required, but also small:

  1. Manufacturing additional shelves for placing plants, wiring lighting, other construction work - from 1.5 to 3 thousand rubles.
  2. Buying planting material from good floriculture companies - 2-3 thousand rubles.
  3. Pots, boxes, packaging material when transporting plants to clients, tools for caring for plants, fertilizers and additives - from 3 thousand rubles.
  4. Soil, hydroponics or hydrogel are purchased depending on what you will grow - from 1 to 12 thousand rubles.
  5. Other costs for various small items - up to 5 thousand rubles.

You can reduce most expenses if you do a lot of things yourself, but it will take time away from housework and childcare.

I will give a few examples of the primary costs of obtaining an increase to the budget:

Pachistachis yellow– from one two-year-old flower, with timely pinching, you can get up to six to seven cuttings the next year, and the original plant will remain growing. Humidity, absence of drafts, room temperature, fertilizer - mullein or granulated chicken manure, drainage up to 1.5 cm. That is, from one plant you get at least five good stems, decorated with leaves. Costs only for the purchase of mineral fertilizer and wide pots - isn’t it true that growing indoor flowers is not a very expensive business? The cost of one formed flower is 1-2 thousand rubles. taking into account the store's requirements.

Saintpaulia– all the lower leaves can be future planting material, and since the violet blooms almost all year round, it can be considered a profitable offer – contracts with clients can be concluded for a long period. Costs: multi-cell wooden lattice, water tray (the lattice is placed in it), small pots for seedlings, mineral fertilizers, proper watering. A violet from hand will cost less - 500-600 rubles, through a store - up to 1.5 thousand rubles.

Asparagus or “herringbone” for flowerpots - excellent for any apartment or house, but not an office. Comfortable temperature, sufficient lighting, propagation by shoots, the number of which depends on feeding. The shoots easily take root in moist soil saturated with fertilizers, grow quickly, and the bright green color makes the presence of such a flower in the house pleasant. A formed plant together with a flowerpot costs up to 3 thousand rubles.

Most specialize in growing several types of plants, while others specialize in just one - ficus, geraniums, orchids, cacti. Moreover, some sell young plants, seeds, cuttings, while others base their income on growing large plants - large plants for offices, shopping centers, and country houses. So get started, try it, study the market, look for customers, and gain authority. Landscaping a sanatorium or hotel can cover a family's annual budget.

Growing indoor plants has almost no waste material, because all flowers not sold on time can be given as a gift. In addition, some flowers bloom for a long time, so sales continue at the same rate in winter. Increasingly, buyers prefer a flower in a pot as a gift, rather than a bouquet that will wither in a week.

Growing indoor flowers for sale is neither new nor exotic; it is widespread, which, however, does not prevent some from making a good additional income from it, and others from making it their main activity.