Assessment of the economic efficiency of implementing the automated information system 'HTControl'. Calculation of the economic efficiency of the implemented IS

Calculating cost-effectiveness is an important step when designing an information system.

The current methodology for determining the economic efficiency of an information system has established that the main indicator that determines the economic feasibility of the costs of creating an information system is the annual economic effect.

A self-financing indicator of economic efficiency is the coefficient of economic efficiency of capital investments, that is, the payback period.

The economic effect is calculated using the following formula (4.1):

- annual savings;

TO– one-time capital costs for the creation and implementation of the program;

- one-time standard coefficient of cost-effectiveness (

- current costs associated with the operation of the information system.

The payback period for capital investments is calculated using formula (4.2)


Where: TO– capital investments in the implementation of an information system;

- annual savings.

Calculation of economic effect.

Let's calculate the components of the formula - capital costs, current costs associated with the operation of information systems, annual savings.

To find K - capital costs for the creation and implementation of the program, we use formula (4.3):

- capital costs for equipment;

- capital costs for installation.

- cost of software development.

Capital costs for installation are not taken into account in our case.

It is necessary to purchase equipment and supplies. The indicators used in the calculations are provided in table 4.1

Table 4.1 – Costs of purchased equipment and support.

Name of equipment and programs

Quantity, pcs

Unit price, tenge

Cost, tenge

Depreciation rate

Depreciation costs

Borland Delphi 7


Based on the data in table 4.1, it follows that capital costs will be:


The cost of software development Ср consists of:

The basic salary of a software engineer is 3 basic(tenge);

Additional salary 3 extra(tenge);

Contributions for social needs C social need. (tenge);

Electricity costs C e/e(tenge).

Thus, we calculate the cost of software development using formula (4.4):

To calculate Z basic- the basic salary of a software engineer must be taken into account that at the analysis and design stage the analyst is involved in development. Required qualifications: higher education, first or highest category. Level of the unified tariff scale, according to – 14 (tariff coefficient 2.25).

At the stage of coding, testing and debugging - a software engineer. The category, according to the unified tariff schedule, is 9 (tariff coefficient 1.78). To complete the task, the company allocated an analyst and a software engineer in one person.

For this type of work, a time-based form of remuneration is used. As a basis for calculating wages, we use the Unified Tariff Schedule, which includes the entire catalog of existing professions and positions by category. The assignment of workers to one or another qualification and job group is based on the complexity of their work.

The official salary is calculated using formula (4.5).

minimum wage– minimum wage (from 01/01/2011 = 15,999 tenge);

TOtar– tariff coefficient, established in accordance with the Unified Customs Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

From the previous calculations, you can calculate the hourly payment for each stage. The analyst is responsible for setting the problem and developing the algorithm and database structure. Writing a program, debugging and preparing program documentation - a programmer. Since all the work will be performed by a software engineer, each stage will be calculated on an hourly basis. We calculate hourly wages based on the fact that the company has a working week (5 days) and an 8-hour working day. There are an average of 21 working days per month. This works out to 168 working hours per month. From here we calculate the payment per hour:



The calculation of the wage fund is presented in table 4.2

Table 4.2 – Payroll calculation

Stage name

Number of hours, hour

Hourly tariff rate, tenge/hour.

Stage cost, tenge

1.statement of the problem

2.development of algorithm and database structure

3.writing a program

4.debugging the program

5.preparation of software documentation

Additional salary (20%)

Contributions for social needs are accepted in the amount of 13% of the amount of basic and additional salaries according to formula (4.6):

where, P is the power consumed by the computer during operation, equal to 0.45 (kW);

T work - computer operating time (304 hours - writing a program, debugging, drawing up program documentation);

C e - the cost of a kilowatt of electricity at the moment (9.6 tenge per kW).

Expenses for electricity payments:

The cost of software development based on wages will be 74,657.08 tenge.

K - capital costs for the creation and implementation of the program according to formula (4.3) will be:

= kW,

Where: P– quantity of equipment;

- nominal essence of the equipment (KW=0.15);

- annual operating time of equipment (2920 hours);

- action efficiency coefficient (

Using the formula below we get the following:

- amount of energy consumed:

- cost of one kW/hour (

We calculate depreciation costs using formula (4.11):


- rate of depreciation for equipment;

- capital costs for equipment

So, current costs are equal to:

Z tech= 30000 + 30000+ 2943.3 = 62943.3 tenge.

- depreciation costs of used equipment;

- costs for current repairs and maintenance of equipment;

- electricity costs.

Calculation of the effectiveness of program implementation.

Before the introduction of the information system, it took 30 minutes to place one order. After the implementation of the information system, processing time was reduced by 10 minutes.

The average cost of 1 application is 10,058 tons.

A manager's working day is eight hours, or 480 minutes. On the day before the implementation of the software, the manager completed:

480/30=16 applications/day;

After implementation:

480/20=24 requests/day;

Let's calculate the difference in the number of applications filled out by the manager before and after the software implementation per year.

16*255=4080 applications/day;

24*255=6,120 applications/day.

On the day after the implementation of the software project, the time savings are:

16*20min = 320 min;

480-320=160 minutes, or 2.7 hours.

After implementation, the manager has more free time, which he can occupy with other work. Or, with existing orders, manage to place more orders per day.

We will calculate the cost-effectiveness, provided that on average we fill out one more application per day.

There are 255 working days in a year. Over the course of the year, 255 more applications will be completed.

Let's calculate the annual savings.

The difference in the sales amounts of goods will be

255 *10,058=2564790 tons/year;

The approximate profitability of one order is 27%. Annual savings will be:

Eyear= 2564790 *27% = 692493.3 tons/year;

Payback period: T approx. = K/G eq. = 194,657.08/692493.3 = 0.28, which is approximately 3.5 months.

If we take into account that orders arrive as demand increases, then the annual savings number is not an absolute value. After all, we cannot say that there will always be orders, and in the free time that the manager has after implementing the software product, he will place orders.

The economic effect will be:

692493,3 -(194 657,08*0,15+62943,3)=

The total effect shows how long it will take to recover the costs of developing and implementing an information system.

1. Study the theoretical aspects and identify the nature of “Calculation of the economic effect from the development and implementation of a software product”

2. Taking into account the fact that the automation process was applied to the manual work of the average worker, the following benefits were obtained: the process of searching for the required record became more time-efficient.

Analyzing the calculations of economic efficiency, we can come to the conclusion that this project is economical, and its implementation is beneficial for the enterprise.

I have many years of experience in the implementation and subsequent maintenance of information systems at various enterprises. The experience, in most cases, was successful - but here I want to talk, first of all, about the reasons leading to failure in this matter, to warn you against possible mistakes. I will indicate my own implementation method that I have used repeatedly and which helps avoid most of them.

The first and most important reason for failure: incorrectly set goal for the information system.

This is one of the main questions for any project in general. The customer often chooses a goal that has nothing to do with the information system, or depends only slightly on it. Examples: increasing sales, occupying a larger market share, creating a different enterprise management culture, etc. But if a company produces a product for which demand is falling, how can an information system help? The problem here should be solved by the marketing department. If you need to change the culture of an enterprise, it is a matter of HR management and the CEO. Some, however, have a glimmer of hope that if they pay money for an information system, the problems associated with business organizations will be solved by themselves. The promises of sellers selling expensive, foreign-made systems that have been tested many times and built on the “best global business practices” only strengthen this belief. But in reality, a company with an ineffective management style will remain ineffective, only with an information system. If the demand for your products has fallen, it will not change in any way. True, the information system will allow you to quickly and accurately calculate losses, including those from its implementation.

A correctly set goal for implementing an information system is the key to the success of this implementation. The goals related to information processing are correct: storage, data retrieval, tasks related to calculations, grouping, analysis. When implementing the system, all this requires less time. Remember, however, that speeding up failed processes will result in an even worse outcome for the company than would have been the case without the system.

Here is one of the recent cases during negotiations with a customer. The customer wants to change the product configuration system, hoping that this will streamline production operations. According to him, the new system should provide only a limited selection of available product options. Then it will be easier for production and the approval department to work, and a set of standard solutions will appear. The customer, however, already has a configurator. The question immediately arose: why change? The answer is amazing: another configurator will “make us work correctly,” create the necessary documentation for the product, change order processing schemes and adjust the culture of working with the customer. It turns out that managers understand what the problem is, but acknowledge their own powerlessness to change the situation and shift the difficulties of reorganizing business processes to a department that is not responsible for it. As a rule, such a project ends in failure or drags on for many years.

Even if we assume that information specialists know how to change business processes (we have good logic), they still do not have the necessary administrative resource, and the expected result does not depend, first of all, on the software. Here the effect and the cause are clearly confused. Let's say there is an enterprise A with an ABC information system. The company operates stably, there are no rush jobs, no confusion, orders are completed on time, there is a systematic activity of a well-functioning mechanism. One might conclude that everything is fine thanks to the ABC system, but this is 100% not true. The presence of an ABC system at enterprise A, of course, contributes to the business, but is not key. If the management of a certain enterprise B decided to implement the ABC system in the hope that after its implementation, enterprise B will also work in the same way as A, they will be in for a surprise. The money will be spent, but the expected effect will not occur, because... the work methodology at enterprise B will not change.

Effective Goals

I repeat - the goals that I consider effective when implementing an information system are related to accelerating existing business processes or creating new ones for data processing. You should not shift the tasks of other departments to the information system, especially without the right to influence these processes.

The implementation of an information system allows you to launch business processes that previously had no right to exist due to unacceptable deadlines. Moreover, I believe that the launch of new business processes is a prerequisite for the successful implementation of the system. Obviously, if we used to use a file to do the work, and now we have a machine, it will be a different process. If planning was poorly done, the machine, due to its productivity, will bring an even greater loss to the company.

So, we have decided on the goals, now all that remains is to correctly draw up the technical specifications.

Technical task

This is the second most important component of success when implementing an information system. Let me remind you that an effective goal is to accelerate business processes that may not yet exist. The customer only understands in general terms what he needs. It is considered a good option to draw up a detailed multi-page technical specification already in the first stages of work. This works, especially for a contract performer. The customer signs everything, not fully understanding what exactly the contractor will do. Meanwhile, for each new field or form that is not recorded in the technical specifications, the contractor will easily ask the customer for more money. As a result, the customer will receive a process with incomplete or redundant data, although formally the contract was executed in strict accordance with the requirement. The customer will be dissatisfied and will not contact this contractor a second time.

It turns out that it was not the customer who signed the inappropriate technical specification, but the contractor who developed and proposed something completely different - he did not guess what the customer dreamed of. Do you notice the paradox? The contractor writes technical specifications for himself, but at the same time he must guess what the customer really wants. In principle, this is possible (for participants in the show “Battle of Psychics”), but unlikely. I had experience creating detailed technical specifications, which at the implementation stage underwent changes of about 30%. The usual story: while working on a project, the customer had new ideas, they had to be taken into account, abandoning previous decisions. Therefore, I am not a supporter of very detailed technical specifications. They take a lot of time, and will eventually be adjusted at the stage of trial operation and implementation. If you do not make adjustments, you can ruin your relationship with the customer. When you try to refer to a detailed technical specification, you will hear in response: “well, you are experts, you should have known everything yourself in advance.”

I believe that the technical specifications should reflect only general blocks of work with a description of the expected results. Let it describe quite accurately what the customer wants to receive and what the contractor must do. Adjustment of technical specifications is inevitable due to the fact that when a new tool appears at the customer’s Necessarily new business processes will appear. Trying to maintain the same business processes will lead to project failure. Of course, not everything old is completely discarded; it is adjusted in accordance with the increased capabilities of the enterprise in the presence of an information system. The maximum that the technical specification should stop at is lists of documents for processing by the system with their samples. Thus, the compiled TOR will not change in terms of general requirements; in fact, it will be refined during the implementation process, down to specific fields and processes. In this case, the contractor in any case knows the expected amount of work. A successful project requires 1-2 iterations: a certain amount of completed work is implemented, and based on the results, the customer agrees on the correction with the contractor. The time that could have been spent on excessive detailing of the technical specifications can be much more effectively used for iterative adjustments of the system in accordance with the results of test operation.

There is another option for drawing up a technical specification: it declares the customer’s ultimate goal. And here you can immediately notice the contradictions with the previous written test. This is a case of drawing up a project in which the information system is only a part. I had experience in implementing a comprehensive company management system, where the main amount per contact was paid if the customer received a twofold increase in turnover. The question is, how is this? The answer is simple: the customer’s goals are automation and optimization of the company’s business processes, acceleration of the process of working with clients, accurate accounting of costs under contracts, accurate calculation of bonuses for managers participating in contracts, financial planning. Based on the fact that all these problems had not been solved, I signed a contract. Unfortunately, it was not possible to achieve a 100% increase in the customer’s turnover in 1 year, but 83% is also good. My remuneration was paid proportionally.

The next important document for the successful completion of work is the work schedule.

Work schedule

Schedule - a document containing a plan for specific work, which describes the actions that must be performed as customer, so executor. A schedule is needed for operational control of the work of both parties. As a rule, it lists all systems and subsystems with their processes, documents, reports that will be developed and implemented. For example: customer actions related to organizing workplaces, laying communications, personnel training, etc. At each item of the schedule, a price and duration can be indicated, this makes it possible to make mutual settlements between the contractor and the customer. Work, of course, can proceed in parallel. It's good to use Gantt charts or something similar, but not necessary.

Putting the system into operation

The launch of the system is preceded by testing by the system contractor using examples from the customer. After receiving positive results, work begins on the actual implementation and launch of the system. If trial operation is done only on experimental examples without the participation of the customer’s ordinary performers, without using real tasks, it will not achieve its goal. The goal is to collect comments that need to be eliminated in order to be put into commercial operation. It would be more correct to call this stage extended testing with the involvement of the customer’s performers. Real trial operation begins after the system has been implemented with the participation of at least 50-70% of workplaces.

The staff is trained, and brief instructions are prepared for users. This stage can last from a few minutes to several weeks. Extreme programming methods work well when comments received from the contractor’s employees are immediately eliminated by the customer’s qualified developers, preferably on site at the customer’s place. Thus, in one, maximum two weeks, you can solve the bulk of the problems associated with launching and adapting the system. Without a large-scale launch with strict requirements from the customer’s management, commissioning may be delayed for many months. If there is no strict management requirement, people will work as usual. With any innovations, people will only have the feeling that someone is interfering with their lives.

The pilot operation stage is immediately followed by industrial operation. The difference between them is only in the number of comments that must be eliminated, and in the absence of critical problems, in the presence of which operation becomes impossible.

As a result, we get the following stages of launching and implementing the system:

  • Testing with the involvement of customer employees using real examples;
  • Trial operation with immediate elimination of emerging problems;
  • Industrial operation.

This method has been tested by me many times at enterprises of various sizes. Employees of the customer’s company at some points experience discomfort, just like the contractor’s employees. But, fortunately, this discomfort quickly disappears, and the enterprise moves into systematic work with a constructive approach to solving emerging problems.

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Tatiana Bronnikova

There are different approaches to assessing the effectiveness of implementing an enterprise management information system. For example, the “by contradiction” method suggests estimating what the company will lose if it does not implement the project at all? Sometimes a separate consulting project is carried out to calculate return on investment (ROI), and the cost of such work may be comparable to the information system implementation project itself. A more appropriate approach seems to be one based on clearly setting measurable goals before starting a project and monitoring their achievement based on its results..

Sources of efficiency

The following are often considered as measurable (economic) indicators of the effectiveness of the implementation of an integrated management system (IS):

    reduction of the production cycle (in practice - by 35-65%);

    increase in revenue (5-25%);

    reduction of working capital in inventories (25-55%);

    increasing the efficiency of resource use (15-40%);

    increasing the level of customer service (25-60%);

    acceleration of the introduction of a new product to the market (25-75%);

    cost reduction (5-20%);

    reduction in manufacturing defects (35-65%);

    reduction of the production cycle (5-25%);

    increase in turnover of funds in settlements (25-55%).

It is very important to understand through what tools, algorithms and information system objects such results are achieved. Then it is much easier to justify investments in IT and, in fact, to “sell the idea” of an implementation project to the sponsor, explaining what goals can be achieved.

Reduced inventory levels due to their management using an optimization algorithm. It allows you to track inventory levels online and build a model for their management. During IS implementation projects, this result occurs already at the stage of its trial operation, when an inventory of inventories is carried out and the connection between the current level of inventories and the production program is determined.

Reduced production defects due to the use of process control methods in order to improve product quality. When developing business processes, a mandatory stage is usually determined at which quality control is carried out. Without its execution, the system blocks further “promotion” through the business process.

Increase in sales is associated with improving the quality of customer service, which is achieved through functions such as automation of order taking, improved calculations of delivery times and credit control.

Reduced transportation and procurement costs due to the system’s capabilities for constructing and analyzing various delivery schemes and selecting optimal options. The system allows you to automate this process and provides information for decision making.

Reduced production costs associated with improving demand forecasting and optimizing the use of production assets. This is achieved by using the forecasting algorithms available in the system based on the analysis of stored information.

Reduced production cycle and the reduction in the development cycle of new products is achieved as a result of the use of modeling tools based on the technological data of the system.

Reducing administrative and management costs and the elimination of “manual” preparation and maintenance of documents are associated with the possibility of automated accounting. The system also provides analysts and managers with tools for independently preparing reports.

Increase in turnover of funds in calculations occurs due to the presence in the system of tools for forecasting cash flows. This allows you to quickly track the shortage (or excess) of cash.

In addition to measurable indicators, the qualitative effects of implementing the system are also monitored:

    increasing the investment attractiveness of the enterprise;

    increasing organizational discipline;

    formation of a unified information environment;

    scalability, etc.

Approaches to performance assessment

In order to organize work to assess the effectiveness of a future IS implementation project, it is necessary:

    Record the company's strategic goals.

    Determine the structure of the main business processes.

    Evaluate these processes from the perspective of their influence on the achievement of strategic goals.

    Identify indicators that measure this impact.

    Determine for each process the factors influencing it, positive and negative.

    Select quantitative indicators that reflect the influence of these factors. For example: “reducing the number of customer refusals will increase turnover by 2 times”; or “reducing the volume of raw material inventories by 15% allows you to save storage costs by 30%,” etc.

Let us consider, as an example, an assessment of the effectiveness of implementing a budgeting system. The use of budgeting as a tool of a modern enterprise management system is, as a rule, aimed at increasing the efficiency of financial and economic activities and increasing the manageability of the enterprise.

The effectiveness of the budgeting system should be assessed not only by a set of quantitative metrics, but also by qualitative indicators.

Qualitative indicators

Building an information budgeting system allows you to link the planned and actual data of an enterprise and generate operational plan-actual reporting. Such a planning and analysis system ensures transparency of financial and economic indicators, controllability, and flexibility in making operational management decisions.

Transparency of financial and economic activities is achieved through the unification of key financial and non-financial indicators for various business areas and divisions and the possibility of quick and direct access to this data for managers at various levels.

Manageability is achieved through the use of performance indicators of individual departments as a tool for planning, control and motivation.

The ability to quickly adapt the budget management model to changes in business requirements, external conditions, etc. provides flexibility in management. In addition, the budgeting system provides advantages such as the ability to model to calculate various plan options; increasing the economic validity of decisions made; growth of professional skills of personnel in the field of financial management, etc.

Quantitative indicators

The results of implementing an effective budgeting system and plan/actual analysis can also be assessed by certain measurable economic indicators. Thus, the heads of several companies that implemented a budgeting system noted that they recorded a reduction in the need for working capital by 10-30%, and a reduction in direct operating expenses by 3-20%. The use of the system also leads to a significant reduction in the time spent by managers at different levels and specialists of financial departments on the formation and approval of the budget, reporting and plan/actual analysis.

Thus, by clearly setting goals and formulating the tasks of implementing an information system at the beginning of the project, the company itself determines the results it wants to achieve.

“Economics and Life” No. 47, 2008

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1 . Calculation of the economic efficiency of the implemented IS

In this thesis project, we will determine the economic efficiency of implementing a system for accounting for clients and resources spent on repair work.

The economic effect of implementing the system can be direct and indirect. Direct - savings in material and labor resources and money obtained as a result of reducing the consumption of basic and auxiliary materials due to the automation of specific types of work. economic monetary repair costs

Indirect - cost savings in the production process, manifested in the final result of the company's economic activity. Both types are interconnected with each other.

The implementation of any project requires material and financial costs. It is always associated with risk, since it is impossible to say in advance to what extent the project will be commercialized and whether there will be consumers for the new product or service. Therefore, the preliminary assessment stage is an important link in innovation activities. Despite the complexity of the assessment, it is necessary and is a factor that reduces the risk of activity.

To evaluate a project for the degree of its feasibility means assessing the socio-economic efficiency of the project at a stage when there is little reliable information, therefore assessments should be interval: from optimal to pessimistic forecast.

1 . 1 Indirect economic effect

The implementation of a sales automation system will allow:

Ш saving the client in the database;

Ш submission of an application for delivery of goods;

Ш predict the date of purchase of goods

W increase the competitiveness of the company in the market for the services provided.

Since centralized storage of information is used, its reliability and reliability increases, which also cannot but affect the time it takes for the manager to process data on requests; therefore, there is no need to manually compare the data received for processing with real data. Such a reduction in terms will increase the speed of the information circulation process and the responsiveness of employees, which will lead to an increase in labor productivity.

1 . 2 Calculation of direct economic effect

Overall economic efficiency is defined as the ratio of the effect to the capital costs that caused this effect.

It is recommended to compare different investment project options and select the best one using various indicators, which include:

Net present value (NPV) or integral effect;

Profitability index (ID);

Internal discount rate (IRR);

Payback period.

Net present value is the excess of integral results over integral costs. Defined as the sum of current effects for the entire calculation period, reduced to the initial step.

If during the calculation period there is no inflationary change in prices or the calculation is made in base prices, then the NPV value for a constant discount rate is calculated using the formula:

where Dt are the results achieved at the t-th calculation step;

Рt - costs incurred at the same step;

b - discount rate;

Дt - Рt - effect achieved at the t-th step.

If the NPV of an investment project is positive, then the project is effective (at a given discount rate), and the issue of its adoption can be considered. The higher the NPV, the more effective the project. If the investment project is implemented with a negative NPV, the investor will suffer losses (the project is ineffective).

The profitability index is the ratio of the sum of the given effects to the amount of capital investment:

The profitability index is constructed from the same elements as the NPV. If the NPV is positive, then ID > 1 and vice versa.

The internal discount rate is the discount rate at which the value of the reduced effects is equal to the reduced capital investment.

IRR is the solution to the equation:

Calculation of the NPV of an investment project shows whether it is effective at a certain given discount rate.

Payback period is the minimum time interval from the start of the project, beyond which the integral effect becomes and subsequently remains non-negative. Those. the payback period is the period measured in months, quarters or years, from which the initial investments and other costs associated with the investment project are covered by the total results of its implementation.

1 . 3 Schedule of main stages in creating the project

The schedule for creating a sales automation system includes the following stages:

1. Pre-project research (planning and analysis of requirements, research and analysis of the existing system, determination of requirements for the created IS);

2. Development of technical specifications;

3. Implementation (development and debugging of a sales automation system, filling the database);

4. Testing (comprehensive debugging of the system);

5. Project implementation (hosting on the provider’s server, staff training);

6. Operation (content management).

The design schedule for a sales automation system, taking into account the duration and costs of each design period, is shown in Table 3.1.

The duration of development and implementation of the software package was 1 month, 20 working days.

Table 3.1 Schedule plan design schedule.


Duration, in days


Database developer, rub.


The developer's salary is 9,000 rubles. per month.

Since there are approximately 20 working days in a month, therefore

rub/per day

We will analyze the costs of creating and implementing the system.

Let's determine one-time costs, i.e. those investments that are made once when creating the system. Such costs include costs for technical, system and software.

1 .3.1 Technical support costs

When developing the task, the following technical means were chosen: PC, global Internet. The organization already has all these technical means and their power is sufficient to provide a solution to the problem.

Therefore, the cost of the selected technical equipment cannot be taken into account when calculating the costs of the technical means necessary to solve the problem.

Thus, the cost of technical support is 0.

1 . 3.2 System costs

When developing the system, it was proposed to use the following system software:

Microsoft Windows Ultimate and 1C 8.3.

One of the main conditions for system development is the obligation to use only licensed software and development tools.

Microsoft Windows Seven Ultimate OS is installed at the Workplace. Since all the system software is already available at the enterprise, the cost of purchasing licensed software products is 0

1 .3 .3 Fixed costs

In addition to one-time implementation costs, fixed costs will inevitably arise during the operation of the system.

Fixed (current) costs include: energy costs, costs of consumables.

Table 3.2 Calculation of electricity for an eight-hour working day




kW per day (approx.)

kW per month


Air conditioner


For individuals 1 kW/h = 3.25

Per month 3.25*208= 676 rubles.

Table 3.3 Calculation of monthly costs for maintaining the system.

Of these: electricity consumption by equipment - 676 ​​rubles.

R post = 676 rub. - fixed monthly expenses.

The operating life of the system will be three years, since technologies are continuously developing and will require an updated approach to creating a sales department automation system. Fixed costs and estimated savings over the operating life (based on the stability of the economic situation for the entire period under consideration) are shown in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4 Fixed costs

Period (year)

1 (2014)

2 (2015)

3 (2016)

Maintenance costs

Total in year

At the moment, in the absence of an automated system for receiving applications, all information processing by the office operator is carried out manually. These actions take the company manager a total of 4 to 5 hours a day per day, depending on the number of clients that day, this leads to lost profits and loss of potential clients. Knowing the daily wage (on average it is 410 rubles/day), we can calculate that this work costs the company an amount equal to:

rub/per hour

rub/per day

Therefore, the daily payment for this work is 255 rubles/day.

rub/per month

rub/per year

Since it took 20 days to develop the system, these days must be deducted from the annual funds for remuneration of the Database developer.

rub/per year

Since the system is scheduled to be put into operation at the beginning of July, we divide the cost savings for 2014 by half. Then we get a savings of 35,130 rubles.

After commissioning the sales department automation system, it will take the manager approximately 1 hour to process the information.

rub/per day

rub/per month

rub/per year

Labor savings will be:

rub/per year

Also an undeniable convenience for the enterprise is the absence of the need for expensive long-distance negotiations with long-distance clients.

Table 3.5 Current savings

Based on the data from tables 3.4 and 3.5, we will construct a histogram of income and expenses (Fig. 3.1).

Fig.3.1. Company income and expenses

From Fig. 3.1 it is clearly seen that the savings from the implementation of the developed system are several times higher than the costs and the net income increases every year.

1 .4 Economic indicators of the effectiveness of the project being developed

The economic situation in our country is not stable and the inflation rate may change upward, that is, when the money supply depreciates, we will calculate the discount rate taking into account inflation.

b = (refinancing rate - percentage of inflation)

(1+percent inflation)

Table 3.6 One-time costs


Amount, rub.

One-time costs


Let's summarize the calculation of indicators in a table.

Table 3.7 Economic indicators of the developed system






NPV with cumulative total

D, rub.

R, rub.

D", rub.

R", rub.


201 4




Based on these data, we calculate the payback period of the system (Fig. 3.2).

Rice. 3.2. System payback period

Analyzing the graph, it is clear that the payback period for the system will occur in the first year of its operation at the enterprise.

1 .5 Conclusion

As a result of the research carried out in this section of the diploma project, it was found that the economic efficiency from the implementation of the developed system will amount to 114,186 rubles over 3 years. Moreover, the system will pay for itself within the first year after its implementation.

Thus, the feasibility of using the developed system lies in the absence of costs when implementing the system and a significant expansion of the client base. Maintenance of the system will not require the recruitment of additional personnel, since this work can be carried out by the office manager, who was previously responsible for processing applications.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the implementation of this system is economically feasible and effective.

2 . Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational safety is the creation of safe and healthy working conditions by various means. The concept of labor protection is distinguished in the broad and narrow sense of the word.

In a narrow concept, labor protection should be understood as ensuring healthy and safe working conditions by all means: legal, economic, medical, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic, medical and preventive directly at the workplace. In a broad sense, the term “labor protection” is used to refer to the entire set of labor law norms aimed at the comprehensive protection of all labor rights, that is, the right to work and its payment, to rest, and so on.

2 .1 Legal andregulatory and technical basis

The legislative and legal basis for labor and environmental protection consists of the relevant laws and regulations adopted by the representative bodies of the Russian Federation, as well as by-laws, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, presidential decrees, decrees of local authorities and instructions of specially authorized bodies.

Among the sources of labor law, the Constitution of the Russian Federation is the fundamental law, an act of supreme legal force. It is a document of direct effect, establishes the basic provisions of the legal system, consolidates the initial principles characteristic of all branches of law, including labor law (Articles 2, 7, 24, 37, 41, 42, 45, 60).

After the Constitution of the Russian Federation, among the labor laws, the most important is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of February 1, 2002, which establishes state guarantees of labor rights and freedoms of citizens, the creation of favorable working conditions, the protection of the rights of workers and employers (No. 116-FZ, 125-FZ, 165 - Federal Law)

ь Law of the Belgorod Region “On Labor Protection” dated March 25, 1999. determines the occupational safety management system in the Belgorod region;

b Federal Law “On the protection of the population and territory from natural and man-made emergencies (1994), which forms the legal basis for organizing work in emergency situations;

ь Federal Law No. 69-FZ “On Fire Safety”;

b Fire safety rules (PPB 01-03);

b Federal Law No. 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements”;

b Federal Law No. 384-FZ “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures”.

b Law “On Environmental Protection”, introduced in January 2002 and aimed at ensuring environmental safety on the territory of the Russian Federation;

b Law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (1991), establishing criteria for the safety and harmlessness of factors in the human environment;

b Law “On compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases” dated July 7, 2003 No. 118-FZ establishes the legal, economic and organizational foundations of social insurance;

State regulatory requirements for labor protection in the Russian Federation include the following tasks:

Intersectoral rules on labor protection (IOT R M), intersectoral standard instructions on labor protection (TI R M).

Industry rules on labor protection (POT R O), standard instructions on labor protection (TI R O).

Safety rules (PB), design and safe operation rules (PUBE), safety instructions (IS).

State standards of the labor safety standards system (GOST R SSBT).

Construction norms and rules (SNiP), codes of design and construction rules (SP).

State sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (sanitary rules (SP), hygienic standards (GN), sanitary rules and norms (SanPin), sanitary standards (SN)).

SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for video display terminals, personal computers and work organization.”

2.2 Organizational arrangements

Occupational safety measures - planned specific activities of the organization aimed at achieving goals in the field of labor protection, determined by the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts, as well as the organization’s policy in the field of labor protection; is an integral part of the occupational safety management system (OSMS), ensures the implementation of occupational safety programs.

The basis of these activities is safety precautions - a system of organizational measures and technical means that prevents the impact of hazardous production factors, which is an integral part of labor protection.

In the process of vehicle maintenance and repair, a number of works are performed, characterized by the complexity of technical operations and the variety of equipment used. Safety conditions when performing all types of work are necessarily specified in the descriptions of the technological process, technological maps and instructions for using the equipment. At the same time, for all types of transport, it is possible to identify areas of work that are similar in the content of technological operations and safety requirements.

Placement for maintenance and repair. Maintenance and repairs are carried out in specially designated areas or at specialized enterprises (repair bays). A vehicle sent for maintenance and repair is washed and cleared of dirt, snow, ice, and the remainder of the cargo being transported. Cars are washed and cleaned of dirt using a hose washing method in an open area or mechanically in a room equipped with a washing installation. Car washing takes place in conditions of high humidity, dust and gas pollution, and the presence of toxic substances in wastewater. This requires compliance with special techniques for performing technological operations and special clothing.

The vehicle is transported to the place where maintenance work is performed by self-propelled vehicle or by towing. Towing is carried out using signals and commands indicating the start of movement, maneuvering and stopping.

Lifting the car. Lifts or lifting structures are used to lift the vehicle. The work is carried out under the supervision of a specially authorized person (engineer, foreman), who monitors compliance with safety regulations and the operation of lifting equipment. When lifting a vehicle, people are not allowed to be in the cabin, on the roof, or below the lifted vehicle. Completion of the lift is accompanied by fixing the lift in the raised position.

Organizational safety measures include:

Instructing and training workers in harmless and safe work practices and methods;

Occupational safety briefing- this is an integral part of the overall training process for employees of the organization, the regularity and quality of which determines the general working climate in the organization.

Experience shows that 60-80% of all accidents and accidents occur for reasons beyond the control of technology and equipment.

Labor safety briefings are carried out with all employees of the enterprise in accordance with GOST 12.0.004-90. Organization of occupational safety training.

Instructions are divided into:


2.primary at the workplace;


4. unscheduled;

Introductory training on labor protection

Introductory training on occupational safety is carried out with all newly hired workers, regardless of their education, work experience in a given profession or position, with temporary workers, business travelers, students and students arriving for on-the-job training or practice.

Induction training at the enterprise is carried out by a labor protection engineer or a person assigned these responsibilities by order of the enterprise.

At large enterprises, appropriate specialists may be involved in conducting individual sections of induction training.

Introductory training is carried out in a labor safety office or a specially equipped room using modern technical training aids and visual aids (posters, full-scale exhibits, mock-ups, models, films, filmstrips, videos, etc.).

Initial training at the workplace

Initial briefing at the workplace before the start of production activities is carried out by:

b with all those newly hired at the enterprise, transferred from one division to another;

b with employees performing new work for them, business travelers, temporary workers;

ь with builders performing construction and installation work on the territory of an operating enterprise;

ь with students and students who arrived for industrial training or practice before performing new types of work.

Persons who are not involved in the maintenance, testing, adjustment and repair of equipment, the use of tools, the storage and use of raw materials and materials do not undergo initial training at the workplace.

The list of professions and positions of workers exempt from initial training at the workplace is approved by the head of the organization in agreement with the trade union committee and the labor protection engineer.


All workers undergo repeated training, with the exception of persons exempt from initial training at the workplace, regardless of qualifications, education, length of service, or the nature of the work performed, at least once every six months.

Enterprises and organizations, in agreement with trade union committees and relevant local government supervisory authorities, may set a longer period (up to 1 year) for repeated training for some categories of workers.

Repeated briefing is carried out individually or with a group of workers servicing the same type of equipment and within a common workplace according to the initial training program at the workplace in full.

Unscheduled briefing

Unscheduled briefing is carried out by:

Upon the introduction of new or revised standards, rules, instructions on labor protection, as well as amendments to them;

When changing the technological process, replacing or upgrading equipment, devices and tools, raw materials, materials and other factors affecting labor safety;

In case of violation by workers and students of labor safety requirements, which can lead or have led to injury, accident, explosion or fire, poisoning;

At the request of supervisory authorities;

During breaks in work - for work for which additional (increased) labor safety requirements are imposed for more than 30 calendar days, and for other work - 60 days.

Unscheduled briefing is carried out individually or with a group of workers of the same profession. The scope and content of the briefing is determined in each specific case, depending on the reasons and circumstances that necessitated its implementation.

Targeted briefing

Targeted instruction is carried out when performing one-time work not related to direct responsibilities in the specialty (loading, unloading, cleaning the territory, one-time work outside the enterprise, workshop, etc.); liquidation of consequences of accidents, natural disasters and catastrophes; production of work for which a permit, permit and other documents are issued; conducting excursions at the enterprise, organizing public events with students (excursions, hikes, sports competitions, etc.).

Initial on-the-job, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings are carried out by the immediate supervisor of the work (foreman, industrial training instructor, teacher).

On-the-job training ends with a test of knowledge through oral questioning or technical training, as well as a test of acquired skills in safe work practices. The knowledge is checked by the employee who conducted the instruction.

Persons who have demonstrated unsatisfactory knowledge are not allowed to work independently or undergo practical training and are required to undergo instruction again.

The employee who conducted the briefing makes an entry in the workplace briefing logbook and (or) in a personal card with the obligatory signature of the person being instructed and the person instructing about the conduct of initial briefing at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled, internship and admission to work. When registering an unscheduled briefing, indicate the reason for it.

Targeted briefing with employees carrying out work under a permit, permit, etc. is recorded in the permit or other documentation authorizing the work.

Ш training in the use of protective equipment used on the basis of industrial sanitation and occupational hygiene standards;

Industrial sanitation is defined as a system of organizational measures and technical means that prevent or reduce the impact of harmful production factors on workers.

Occupational health characterized as preventive medicine, which studies the conditions and nature of work, their impact on the health and functional state of a person and develops scientific foundations and practical measures aimed at preventing the harmful and dangerous effects of factors in the working environment and the labor process on workers.

Ш development and implementation of work and rest regimes when performing operations related to exposure of workers to hazardous or harmful production factors.

2.3 Analysis of hazardous and harmful production factors

A person is exposed to hazards in his work activities. This activity takes place in a space called the work environment. In production conditions, humans are mainly affected by man-made, i.e. associated with technology, hazards that are commonly called hazardous and harmful production factors.

Hazardous production factor is a production factor, the impact of which on a worker under certain conditions leads to injury or other sudden sharp deterioration in health.

Injury -- this is damage to body tissues and disruption of its functions by external influences. An injury is the result of an industrial accident, which is understood as a case of exposure to a hazardous production factor on a worker while performing his job duties or tasks of a work manager.

Harmful production factor is a production factor whose impact on a worker under certain conditions leads to illness or reduced ability to work.

There is often no clear boundary between dangerous and harmful production factors.

Diseases arising under the influence of harmful production factors are called occupational.

To hazardous production factors should include, for example:

b electric current of a certain strength;

b hot bodies;

b the possibility of the worker himself or various parts and objects falling from a height;

b equipment operating under pressure above atmospheric, etc.

To harmful production factors relate:

* unfavorable meteorological conditions;

* dustiness and gas contamination of the air environment;

* exposure to noise, infra- and ultrasound, vibration;

* presence of electromagnetic fields, laser and ionizing radiation, etc.

2 .3.1 Hazards

? Fire danger

Fire is an uncontrolled combustion outside a special fireplace, causing material damage. Large fires often take the form of a natural disaster and are accompanied by accidents to people. Fires are especially dangerous in places where flammable and combustible liquids and gases are stored.

Eliminating the causes of fires is one of the most important conditions for ensuring fire safety at service stations. The enterprise should promptly organize fire safety briefings and classes on fire safety standards. On the territory, in production, administrative, warehouse and auxiliary premises, it is necessary to establish a strict fire safety regime. Special smoking areas must be designated and equipped. Metal boxes with lids are provided for used cleaning material. For the storage of flammable and combustible substances, locations are determined and permissible quantities of their one-time storage are established.

The territory of the ATP must be systematically cleared of industrial waste; the territory of the designed site must be equipped with primary fire extinguishing means.

Fire safety must comply with: the requirements of GOST 12.1.004-85, building codes and regulations

? Electrical hazard

Dangerous and harmful effects on people of electric current, electric arc and electromagnetic fields manifest themselves in the form of electrical injuries and occupational diseases.

The degree of dangerous and harmful effects on a person from electric current, electric arc and electromagnetic fields depends on:

Type and magnitude of voltage and current;

Frequencies of electric current;

Current paths through the human body;

Duration of exposure to electric current or electromagnetic field on the human body;

Environmental conditions.

Standards for permissible touch currents and voltages in electrical installations must be established in accordance with the maximum permissible levels of human exposure to touch currents and voltages and approved in the prescribed manner.

Electrical safety requirements when exposed to electric fields of industrial frequency according to GOST 12.1.002-84, when exposed to electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies according to GOST 12.1.006-84.

Electrical safety must be ensured:

Design of electrical installations;

Technical methods and means of protection;

Organizational and technical measures.

Electrical installations and their parts must be designed in such a way that workers are not exposed to dangerous and harmful effects of electric current and electromagnetic fields, and comply with electrical safety requirements.

Electrical safety requirements (rules and regulations) for the design and installation of electrical installations must be established in the standards of the Occupational Safety Standards System, as well as in the standards and technical specifications for electrical products.

Technical methods and means of protection that ensure electrical safety must be installed taking into account:

Rated voltage, type and frequency of electrical installation current;

Method of power supply (from a stationary network, from an autonomous power supply);

Neutral (midpoint) mode of the electrical power supply (isolated, grounded neutral);

Type of execution (stationary, mobile, portable);

Environmental conditions;

Particularly dangerous premises;

High-risk premises;

Premises without increased danger;

On open air;

Possibility of relieving voltage from live parts on which or near which work must be carried out;

The nature of possible human touch to the elements of the current circuit:

Ш single-phase (single-pole) touch,

Ш two-phase (two-pole) touch,

Ш touching metal non-current-carrying parts that are energized;

Possibility of approaching live parts that are energized at a distance less than permissible or getting into the zone of current spreading;

Types of work: installation, adjustment, testing, operation of electrical installations carried out in the area where electrical installations are located, including in the area of ​​overhead power lines.

Safety requirements for the operation of electrical installations in production must be established by regulatory and technical documentation on labor protection, approved in the prescribed manner.

Safety requirements for using household electrical installations must be contained in the manufacturer's operating instructions attached to them.

To ensure protection against accidental contact with live parts, the following methods and means must be used:

Protective shells;

Safety barriers (temporary or permanent);

Safe location of live parts;

Insulation of live parts (working, additional, reinforced, double);

Isolation of the workplace;

Low voltage;

Safety shutdown;

Warning alarm, lockout, safety signs.

To provide protection against electric shock when touching metal non-current-carrying parts that may become live as a result of insulation damage, the following methods are used:

Protective grounding;


Potential leveling;

Protective wire system;

Safety shutdown;

Insulation of non-current-carrying parts;

Electrical network separation;

Low voltage;

Insulation control;

Compensation of ground fault currents;

Individual protection means.

Technical methods and means are used separately or in combination with each other so that optimal protection is ensured.

Requirements for technical methods and means of protection must be established in standards and technical specifications.

Persons who have been instructed and trained in safe working methods, have tested their knowledge of safety rules and instructions in accordance with their position in relation to the work performed, and have been assigned the appropriate safety qualification group and who do not have medical contraindications, should be allowed to work in electrical installations.

To ensure the safety of work in existing electrical installations, the following organizational measures must be taken:

Appointment of persons responsible for the organization and safety of work;

Drawing up a work order or order for work;

Granting permission to carry out work;

Organization of supervision of work;

Registration of the end of work, breaks in work, transfers to other workplaces;

Establishment of rational work and rest schedules.

Specific lists of work that must be performed according to work order or order should be established in industry regulatory documentation.

To ensure the safety of work in electrical installations, the following should be done:

Disconnecting the installation (part of the installation) from the power source;

Checking for lack of voltage;

Mechanical locking of switching device drives, removing fuses, disconnecting the ends of power lines and other measures to eliminate the possibility of erroneous supply of voltage to the place of work;

Grounding of disconnected live parts (application of portable grounding conductors, switching on of grounding knives);

Fencing the workplace or live parts that remain energized, which can be touched or approached at an unacceptable distance during work.

When carrying out work involving voltage relief in or near existing electrical installations:

Disconnecting the installation (part of the installation) from the power supply;

Mechanical locking of the drives of disconnected switching devices, removing fuses, disconnecting the ends of the supply lines and other measures to ensure that it is impossible to erroneously supply voltage to the place of work;

Installation of safety signs and fencing of live parts that remain energized, which during operation can be touched or approached at an unacceptable distance;

Applying groundings (switching on grounding blades or applying portable groundings);

Fencing the workplace and installing mandatory safety signs.

When carrying out work on live parts that are energized:

carrying out work simultaneously by at least two persons, using electrical protective equipment, ensuring the safe location of working and used mechanisms and devices.

2 .3.2 Harmful factors

· Microclimate.

From a scientific point of view, microclimate is a complex of physical factors of the internal environment of premises that influences the body’s heat exchange and human health. Microclimatic indicators include temperature, humidity and air speed, the temperature of the surfaces of enclosing structures, objects, equipment, as well as some of their derivatives: the vertical and horizontal air temperature gradient of the room, the intensity of thermal radiation from internal surfaces.

If all these parameters are normal, then a person will not experience any sensations of discomfort; he will not feel hot, cold, or stuffiness. Comfortable microclimatic conditions are a combination of microclimate indicator values ​​that, with prolonged exposure to a person, provide a normal thermal state of the body with minimal stress on the thermoregulation mechanisms and a feeling of comfort for at least 80% of people in the room. However, despite its apparent simplicity and clarity, microclimate violations are the most common among all violations of sanitary and hygienic standards.

The following are considered comfortable working conditions:

Air temperature in the workplace, C:

Indoors during the warm period; 18-22

Indoors during the cold period;20-22

Outdoors during warm periods; 18-22

Outdoors during cold periods; 7-10

Relative air humidity, %40-54

Air speed, m/s: less than 0.2

Toxic substances (multiplicity of MPC exceedance) less than 0.8

Industrial dust (multiplicity of maximum permissible maximum) less than 0.8

The required air condition in the work area can be ensured by performing certain measures, the main ones of which include:

Mechanization and automation of production processes, their remote control;

The use of technological processes and equipment that prevent the formation of harmful substances or their entry into the work area;

To normalize the air, ventilation, both natural and artificial, is used. Air conditioning ensures automatic maintenance of microclimate parameters within the required limits throughout all seasons of the year, cleaning the air from dust and harmful substances.

· Air dustiness

Air dust content should not exceed 19.6 mg/m3. One specialist working in a car service must have a room volume of 150 m 3 with an area of ​​70 m 2 (excluding passages and equipment). During a working day, it is necessary to ensure air exchange in a room with a volume of 150-250 m3, moisture removal of 350-500 g and heat of 50 kJ for each kilogram of body weight of the worker.

? Negative effects of noise

Noise is a chaotic combination of sounds of different frequency and strength that adversely affect the human body, interfering with its production work and rest.

Noise and vibration are among the common environmental factors that adversely affect the human body. People working in high noise environments complain of fatigue, headaches, and insomnia. A person's visual and hearing acuity decreases, blood pressure increases, attention weakens, and memory deteriorates. Vibration, in turn, affects the central nervous system, the vestibular apparatus, and has a negative effect on equipment. All this leads to a significant decrease in labor productivity, an increase in the number of errors in work, and a decrease in the service life of equipment.

In rooms where workers are located, the noise level should not exceed 82 dB. At workplaces in rooms housing noisy units, the noise level should not exceed 98 dB.

Reducing vibration and noise created at workplaces by internal sources, as well as noise penetrating from outside, is carried out by the following methods: by reducing noise at the source, equipment, devices, devices are installed on special foundations and shock-absorbing pads. Perforated slabs, panels and other materials of similar purposes are used as sound-absorbing material, as well as thick cotton fabric, which is used to drape the ceiling and walls. Suspended acoustic ceilings can also be used.

? Insufficient lighting

Natural lighting in production, auxiliary and household premises must comply with the requirements of current building codes and regulations. Premises for storing vehicles, warehouses, as well as other premises in which the permanent presence of workers is not required may be without natural light.

Windows facing the sunny side must be equipped with devices that provide protection from direct sunlight.

It is not allowed to block windows and other light openings with materials, equipment, etc.

The light openings of the upper lanterns should be glazed with reinforced glass or metal mesh should be suspended under the lantern to protect against possible glass falling out.

Cleaning the glazing of light openings and lanterns from contamination should be carried out regularly, in case of significant contamination - at least 4 times a year, and in case of minor contamination - at least 2 times a year.

To ensure safety when cleaning the glazing of light openings, you should use special devices (step ladders, scaffolding, etc.).

Premises and workplaces must be provided with artificial lighting sufficient for the safe performance of work, stay and movement of people in accordance with the requirements of current building codes and regulations.

Cleaning of fixtures must be carried out within the time limits specified in the current building codes and regulations.

The design and operation of the artificial lighting system must comply with the requirements of current regulations.

Luminaires must be located so that they can be safely serviced.

For power supply of general lighting lamps in premises, a voltage of no higher than 220 V is used, as a rule. In premises without increased danger, the specified voltage is allowed for all stationary lamps, regardless of the height of their installation.

In rooms with increased danger and especially dangerous when installing lamps with a voltage of 220 V for general lighting with incandescent lamps and gas-discharge lamps at a height of less than 2.5 m, it is necessary to use lamps whose design excludes the possibility of access to the lamp without the use of a tool. Electrical wiring supplied to the lamp must be in metal pipes, metal hoses or protective shells. Cables and unprotected electrical wires can only be used to power lamps with incandescent lamps with a voltage not exceeding 50 V.

Lamps with fluorescent lamps with a voltage of 127 - 220 V may be installed at a height of less than 2.5 m from the floor, provided that their live parts are not accessible to accidental touches.

For local lighting of workplaces, lamps with non-translucent reflectors should be used. The design of local lighting fixtures must provide for the possibility of changing the direction of light.

To power local stationary lighting fixtures, the voltage must be used: in rooms without increased danger - no higher than 220 V, and in rooms with increased danger and especially dangerous - no higher than 50 V.

12 - 50 V sockets must be different from

plug sockets with a voltage of 127 - 220 V, and plugs 12 - 50 V should not fit into sockets 127 - 220 V.

When using fluorescent and gas-discharge lamps for general and local lighting, measures must be taken to eliminate the stroboscopic effect. In damp, especially damp, hot and chemically active environments, the use of fluorescent lamps for local lighting is allowed only in specially designed fittings. Illumination of inspection ditches with lamps with a voltage of 127 - 220 V is permitted subject to the following conditions:

All electrical wiring must be internal (hidden), with reliable electrical and waterproofing;

Lighting equipment and switches must have electrical and waterproofing;

Lamps should be covered with glass or protected with a protective grille;

Metal housings of lamps must be grounded (zeroed).

Emergency lighting must provide the necessary illumination for the continuation of work or the safe exit of people from the premises in the event of a sudden shutdown of the working lighting.

Emergency lighting luminaires must be connected to an electrical network independent of the working lighting and switch on automatically when the working lighting is suddenly turned off.

In the storage rooms for vehicles operating on CNG, as well as in the rooms for their maintenance, repair and inspection of technical condition, emergency lighting must be provided in accordance with the requirements of current regulations.

In these premises, the power supply for emergency ventilation, emergency lighting, as well as the gas environment control system must be provided according to the first category of power supply reliability.

To power portable lamps in high-risk and especially dangerous areas, it is necessary to use a voltage not exceeding 50 V.

In the presence of particularly unfavorable conditions, when the danger of electric shock is aggravated by cramped conditions, uncomfortable position of the worker, contact with grounded (zero) surfaces (work in boilers, containers, etc.), a voltage of no higher than 12 V is used to power portable lamps.

In explosive areas, explosion-proof lamps should be used, and in fire hazardous areas, lamps in a moisture-proof and dust-proof, closed version should be used.

The room for the acetylene generator must have external electric lighting through tightly closed transom windows.

2 .3.3 Emergency

Extremely high flows of negative impacts create emergency situations (ES). In accordance with GOST R.22.0.02-94, an emergency situation is a condition in which, as a result of the occurrence of a source of emergency at an object, a certain territory or water area, the normal living conditions and activities of people are disrupted, a threat arises to their life and health, and damage is caused to the property of the population , economy and environment.

The source of an emergency situation is understood as a dangerous natural phenomenon, accident or dangerous man-made incident.

Experience shows that an emergency situation at industrial facilities goes through five conventional typical phases in its development:

1. Accumulation of deviations from the normal state or process; the phase is relatively long in time, which makes it possible to take measures to change or stop the production process and significantly reduces the likelihood of an accident and subsequent emergency situations;

2. The initiating event phase or the “emergency” phase. The phase is significantly short in time, although in some cases there may still be a real opportunity to either prevent an accident or reduce the scale of the emergency;

3. The process of an emergency event, during which there is a direct impact on people, objects and the natural environment of primary damaging factors; in the event of an industrial accident during this period, energy is released, which can be destructive;

4. Phase of action of residual and secondary damaging factors;

5. Emergency response phase.

Let's consider a possible emergency situation - a fire during welding work at the site of the plumbing and mechanical works post.

1. When using a welding machine, a spark hits flammable objects and substances (upholstery, plastic, gasoline, kerosene, etc.). It is possible to prevent this by pre-repair disassembling the upholstery, placing a damp cloth in areas where sparks are expected to hit, and having fire extinguishing agents on hand.

2. Car fire. It is still possible to extinguish the fire using fire extinguishing agents.

3. From a burning car, the fire spreads to the walls and ceilings of the building, thereby endangering the lives of workers and visitors to the car service center.

4. Possible human losses, burns and poisoning, building collapse, loss of equipment.

5. Calling firefighters, fire extinguishing, immediate medical assistance to those in need.

The consequences of a car fire can be material for the car owner, as well as possible poisoning from combustion products and burns.

2 .4 Calculation part

Ventilation is a device for forced regulation of air exchange in a room. The ventilation system is an essential item and is designed to ensure the necessary cleanliness, temperature, humidity and air mobility in the room. In the absence of ventilation in a closed room, people's well-being worsens, drowsiness and headaches appear.

For many production facilities, air purity, temperature and humidity play a significant role in production. Therefore, it is necessary to create forced air exchange in the room, due to the design of ventilation equipment, air conditioners, filters, heaters, etc. The ventilation system allows you to organize such climatic conditions under which the safety of materials, objects, and equipment occurs.

For calculation we apply the following methodology:

The size of the car service room where our employee sits is calculated using the formula:

Where V pom- volume of working space (m 3);

a - room width (m);

b- length (m);

h- height (m).

The volume of air is determined based on the heat balance equation:

Where V vent- volume of air required for exchange;

Q excess - excess heat (W);

C = 1000- specific thermal conductivity of air (J/kgK);

Y = 1.2- air density ().

The temperature of the exhaust air is determined by the formula:

Where t = 1-5°C- excess t at 1m of room height;

t r.m. = 25 °C- temperature in the workplace;

h= 3.5 m - room height;

t coming= 18 degrees.

Excess heat from electrical equipment and lighting:

E- coefficient of electricity loss for heat removal ( E=0.55 for lighting);


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As world practice shows, large companies change their computer management system or switch to a fundamentally new version on average every five years. Thisoccurs when a company revises its business processes or introduces new information technologies, or when an existing management system becomes obsolete. When deciding to use a qualitatively new system, an enterprise must act in the same way as during its initial implementation - evaluate the effectiveness of this process.

How is the effectiveness of system implementation measured?

The effectiveness of using the system depends on the successful implementation of the business strategy. In other words, a company should consider the implementation of an ERP system primarily as a way to achieve the desired level of key indicators characterizing its position in the market. If a company plans to use an ERP system to implement exclusively tactical tasks, then a fundamental improvement in the company’s business may not occur when it is implemented. As a result, the efficiency of using the system is significantly reduced. Mainly because of this, there is a widespread opinion that modern ERP systems are too expensive and do not justify themselves.

To assess the effectiveness of the implementation of computer systems, return on investment indicators are used ( ROI - return on investment) and total cost of ownership ( TCO - total cost of ownership), as well as cost-benefit analysis ( CBA - cost-benefits analysis).

One of the main indicators for assessing the effectiveness of implementation is total cost of ownership(TCO). When calculating TCO, both initial costs (for implementation) and all subsequent costs (for operation, modification, etc.) are taken into account. The disadvantage of using this indicator is that it allows you to estimate only the costs of implementing and operating an ERP system. Therefore, calculating TCO alone does not give a complete picture of the feasibility of using the system: the more users work in a single system and the more complex the business processes, the higher the TCO will be. However, the benefits of installing such a system will be much higher. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account not only the costs, but also the benefits of implementing an ERP system, which are determined using return on investment(ROI). This coefficient allows you to evaluate the return on investment in the purchase and implementation of an ERP system and is calculated using the formula:

ROI = (Benefits from system implementation - - TCO): TCO x 100%.

However, many of the benefits of using an ERP system at the decision-making stage about choosing a system cannot be quantified. In such situations, to assess the effectiveness of system implementation, it is advisable to conduct cost benefit analysis(NVA). CVA is based on a comparison of two alternative options (without comparison, there is no point in using this method). When assessing the expected effectiveness of implementing an ERP system, options for working both with and without using the system are considered. At the same time, possible losses (opportunity cost) are calculated if the implementation project is not implemented.

To choose the best option, it is necessary to compare the benefits of the project and the costs required for its implementation. This takes into account both quantitative indicators (for example, the cost of purchasing a program, equipment, accelerating inventory turnover, increasing labor productivity) and qualitative indicators (for example, greater customer loyalty due to increased efficiency of their service).

Depending on corporate requirements or challenges facing the company, it can develop its own indicators to analyze the effectiveness of system implementation. Such indicators, as a rule, are based on an assessment of the expected benefits from the implementation of an ERP system and the costs of its use. Let's look at how to estimate these benefits and costs.

Benefits from implementing an ERP system

The goals and objectives of the company that you want to solve using an ERP system must be formulated taking into account the business strategy. To more accurately estimate the expected return on investment, you need to answer the following questions:

1) achieving which indicators (strategic and tactical) is most important for the company’s business;
2) whether those responsible for achieving the expected results have been appointed, and whether a mechanism for accounting for changes made has been defined;
3) will the implementation of the system help (if so, how, how much and when):
-- achieve or exceed the desired level of performance;
-- improve planning and control over the implementation of financial and operational plans;
-- improve relationships with clients;
-- increase sales volume;
-- reduce order execution time;
-- reduce production and operating costs;
-- reduce investment in inventory;
-- reduce the time to develop and bring new products to market.

According to the latest data from foreign news agencies, with the correct implementation of an ERP system, companies can achieve truly significant results, for example:

Reducing operating and management costs by 15%;
- saving working capital by 2%;
- reducing the product sales cycle by 25%;
- reduction of commercial costs by 35%;
- reducing accounts receivable by 12%;
- increasing the turnover of funds by 25%.

Personal experience
Oleg Barinov, director of the information technology department of the SV-Technosila company (Moscow)

Thanks to the implementation of the ERP system, we expected to optimize:

  • distribution (through automation of deliveries, analysis of turnover and sales speed);
  • inventory based on sales forecast;
  • forecasting and daily analysis of transactions;
  • monitoring market conditions and current consumer preferences in real time;
  • taxation of retail sales;
  • procurement planning based on analysis of sales speed, speed of delivery of goods to the distribution network, profitability, turnover.

At the planning stage, the ROI (return on investment) indicator was determined by expert means. This was quite difficult, since it is impossible to take into account future indirect profits associated with changes in business processes and the total effect of improving a large number of indicators. Nevertheless, based on the calculation results, we decided that the implementation of the system would pay off.

At the end of August last year, the system was implemented and within a few months it began to bring results: customer loyalty increased, since deliveries began to be carried out in optimal times and we responded very quickly to changes in market conditions; the minimum inventory has been reduced by optimizing the shelf life of goods; resources were freed up for analytical and management work due to the automation of the order system.

Timothy Irwin McMurray, financial director of Deloitte & Touche CIS (Moscow)

When deciding to implement the system, we planned to increase the efficiency of business processes in the company, as well as achieve accuracy and timely receipt of financial information. In addition, the integration of the ERP system with the Client-Bank system was very important for us.

At the stage of preparation for the project, the expected effectiveness of the project was determined. First of all, we were interested in the possibility of reducing the time required to implement our specific processes and procedures by automating them.

The system has been working for six months now, fully meeting our expectations. We are confident that the results will be even better in the long term.

Costs of using an ERP system

To calculate the effectiveness of using an ERP system, it is necessary to carefully assess the upcoming costs that will arise during the entire life of the system.

The life cycle of an ERP system can be divided into six stages:

- acquisition;
- implementation;
- exploitation;
- improvement;
- replacement with a new one.

During the implementation of each stage, significant costs will be required, including equipment, system and application software (software), services of third-party consultants (external consulting), salaries for employees involved in the implementation and support of the ERP system (internal consulting), as well as general production costs associated with system implementation. Let's take a closer look at what expenses a company should plan at each stage of the ERP system life cycle.

Costs when choosing a system

When starting to select a system, it is necessary to organize an internal (working) group that will work with the system throughout its entire lifespan. However, extremes should be avoided when company managers involve either only their own employees or only third-party consultants in the system selection process. The structure and volume of costs associated with the implementation of an ERP system may vary depending on the situation.

Based on his own experience, the author classifies as expenses for internal consulting only those that in any case must be incurred by the company's employees, and all other expenses are considered as expenses for external consulting.

So, when choosing a system, costs will be required for:

- external consulting- collection, documentation and analysis of requirements for the future information system; creating a model of existing business processes;
- internal consulting- analysis and evaluation of proposed solutions from various suppliers.

System acquisition costs

At this stage, significant costs will be required for computer hardware, as well as system and application software. If software is supplied by different vendors, there may be costs associated with engaging a third party to analyze the compatibility of the selected software.

There will also be expenses for the work of the supply department and the company’s legal service (preparation and verification of supply contracts, etc.).

The price of the purchased system can range from $1,500 to $5,000 per seat. It should be borne in mind that when using the most expensive systems, you often have to pay for those program features that most likely will not be in demand.

System implementation costs

During the implementation stage, it may be necessary to purchase additional equipment. This is often due to the fact that at the previous stages all the nuances were not taken into account, for example, the power of the enterprise server turned out to be insufficient to use the ERP system.

There will also be costs for the work of third-party consultants to put the system into operation, including modeling future business processes, training users, testing the system, preparing and loading data, and consulting users during the use of the new system.

In addition, the development and approval of a model of future business processes will take place at the enterprise itself, which will require the involvement of employees and, accordingly, additional costs. Also, employees will have to spend their working time (and the company's money) on training to work in the new system and participating in its testing.

The ratio of the cost of implementing an ERP system to the price of software can be approximately estimated as 1 to 1.5 for mid-range systems (for example, Microsoft Navision Attain) and 1 to 3 for high-end systems (for example, SAP R/3). The cost of implementing one workstation for ERP systems for large enterprises is several times higher than for systems for medium-sized businesses.

System operating costs

This stage involves costs for external and internal consulting.

External consulting may incur costs for:
- training new employees;
- data verification;
- development of new reporting forms;
- introducing changes to the system related to legal requirements; - creation of additional jobs in the system associated with the emergence of new directions, departments, etc.

When using internal consulting, there may be costs associated with maintaining the functionality of equipment, operating systems, servers, etc. and means of integrating the ERP system with other programs, as well as regular data archiving.

During the operation of the system, as a rule, there is a need for new departments and divisions to participate in the system. This, in turn, will require additional costs for equipment, system and application software.

System improvement costs

Over time, it is necessary to modify the system: not only to increase the number of personnel working in it, but also to expand the functional areas of application of the system. Again, this will entail additional costs for the purchase of equipment, system and application software. Therefore, when planning project costs, it is very important to provide for all possible options for system development. At this stage, costs may arise for external consulting - business process reengineering, as well as partial or complete re-implementation of the system. In addition, you will have to incur expenses for internal consulting, and they will be associated with the same work as during the implementation of the system.

Costs of replacing the system with a new one

At this stage, hardware and system software costs depend on how widespread the standards on which the company's system is based are. The more common they are, the cheaper the next implementation will cost.

The costs of external consulting depend on how difficult it is to transfer data to the new system and transform it.

Overhead costs

So, we have analyzed the main costs at all stages of the ERP system life cycle. However, overhead costs were not considered at any stage, since they are better calculated for the project as a whole.

When calculating overhead costs, you need to take into account:
- costs of organizing meetings with potential and selected ERP system suppliers;
- expenses for the purchase of information and analytical materials;
- costs of renting the premises in which the internal implementation group works;
- depreciation costs of equipment used by the internal implementation group.

Additional risks when implementing an ERP system

Calculation of the planned total cost of the system will not be accurate if the risks associated with the implementation of the system are not taken into account. Since work to minimize risks (and, ideally, eliminate them) will require additional costs from the company, we will highlight the main risks that arise when implementing an ERP system.

1) Software functions are inadequate for automated business processes:
-- “overpayment” (features that will not be used in the near future are paid for);
-- “weak system” (the software does not have the necessary set of functions for successful automation of business processes).

2) Exceeding the estimate for system implementation (consulting services):
-- underestimation of the scale of the project;
-- overestimation of the company's human resources, the inability to hire the required specialists and, finally, insufficient professional training of employees;
-- unsatisfactory management of the implementation project.

3) Changing the company's goals.
During a long implementation process, the company's priorities and business methods may change (the implementation of an ERP system usually takes more than a year. - Editor's note). At the time the system is put into operation, it may no longer meet the new requirements of the enterprise. In addition, the more detailed the system is, the more difficult it is to rebuild it depending on external conditions.

4) Decrease in the efficiency of the enterprise:
-- staff resistance to introduced changes;
-- internal information flows of the system are not fully applicable or not applicable at all to a specific enterprise;
-- the lengthy implementation process requires the constant involvement of the enterprise's in-house experts;
-- long-term training for inexperienced users.

When choosing a system, you need to take into account that you should not suddenly “jump” from lower-class systems to higher-class systems (for example, replacing the 1C:Enterprise system with SAP R/3). In the author's opinion, it is advisable to replace a low-class system with a middle-class system (for example, Microsoft Navision Attain). When making the final decision to implement a new system, it is necessary to weigh all the possible consequences of such a decision - benefits, costs and additional risks that were analyzed above.

Advice for financial directors planning to implement an ERP system

Oleg Barinov, director of the information technology department of the company "SV-Technosila" (Moscow)
As a rule, ready-made IT solutions are difficult to find. Therefore, you need to choose a system that most fully meets the necessary requirements and can be improved in the future. In any case, the system will have to be adapted to the characteristics of the company, its competitive advantages and work patterns. The problem lies in choosing the most developed system in terms of its use and adaptation to the company's requirements, which must be clearly formulated and understood.

Timothy Irwin McMurray, financial director of Deloitte & Touche CIS (Moscow)
The project must have the support of the company's top management. The intended benefits from using the system must be expressed in clear and measurable terms.

You must be sure that the benefits of implementing an ERP system will exceed the costs of its implementation, use and maintenance.

From the beginning of the project, it is advisable to involve employees of the company’s information technology department in this process. To monitor the progress of the project, you should consider the possibility of participating in the implementation of the system by a third party - independent experts. Consultants will also help to “relieve” the financial director, who is forced to devote most of his working time to the project.

End users must be involved at an early stage in the implementation process so that their commitment to the goal contributes to the success of the project.

Terekhov Andrey (General Director of ATK Consulting Group CJSC, Moscow)