A journey into the universe with mysterious photos of deep space. Space paintings on canvas Fantastic space landscapes drawings

Pictures of space are what help us better understand the unknown world of the universe. On clear, warm evenings, looking at the sky strewn with millions of stars, people involuntarily freeze before its grandeur and incredible beauty. It is so secret and alluring.

What does the moon hide inside? Why do stars twinkle? Are there living inhabitants on other planets? A person can see the full extent of space mysteries either on a dark, moonless night, or by admiring beautiful photographs of space in excellent HD quality.

The planets of the solar system excite the imagination and evoke a hundred thoughts. It's amazing that there are other worlds different from ours. Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Mars - what are they? What does the earth look like from space, if you look at it from the outside?

The answer lies in the selection, which contains pictures on the theme of space. All its greatness, beauty, fabulousness are collected here, and many mysteries are revealed.

Photos of space are rich in surprises and unusual landscapes and that is why they are so popular among people. They keep secrets that humanity has not yet been able to unravel. By studying photographs of the earth from space, we only make our own assumptions about the existing life in other civilizations.

Perhaps one day we will see creatures similar to us or even more developed on them. And who knows, maybe it will be tomorrow? Install space images on your desktop, and suddenly a cute alien will smile at us from the photo and joyfully say: “Hello!”

Modular paintings of planets are posters or paintings consisting of several parts at once, which are gaining popularity.
The decor of any interior space of an office, apartment, or cafe plays an extremely significant role: with the help of special decorative stylish elements, you can create the necessary mood and emphasize the overall design concept. One of the most famous options for interior decoration in our time is this, as well as paintings of space and other similar works for the interior.

In our online store, everyone will find exactly what they like and suit them in all respects. From the catalog of the online store, you can select and order in a couple of minutes a wide variety of prefabricated images that will simply fit perfectly and successfully complement any interior.

Our company specializes in the sale of modular paintings at quite affordable, pleasant prices, because we are engaged in their creation, so we do not charge large markups. The main thing for us is that one day you decide, for example, to buy modular space paintings from us, and after that you become our regular grateful customer! We work exclusively with reliable and trusted suppliers in order to purchase the highest quality and original work from the manufacturer under the most favorable conditions.

Our company also carries out custom work. In addition, all our products are inexpensive; we are the developer and manufacturer of the brightest, high-quality modular paintings on space themes on canvas in Russia.

Advantages of working with our online store:

  • a huge assortment of paintings on various topics, which are constantly being improved, updated and replenished with new, even more stylish and sophisticated works. If none of the paintings in the catalog touches you, you can contact our specialists and make a sketch of the desired painting, which we will make for you to order;
  • Our team has the necessary skills, knowledge and abilities to satisfy the requirements of even the most demanding and capricious customer.
  • You can also count on competent and complete consultation from our designers, who in a matter of minutes will prepare a sketch of a modular painting with planets for your future interior.

An individual approach to working with clients is important to us. This is what our main activity is based on! We are confident that each of our potential clients will find something they like on our website. Otherwise, we are ready to carry out work of any complexity to order, inexpensively and as quickly as possible!

For Cosmonautics Day on April 12. About the painting of Russian cosmonauts Alexei Leonov, Vladimir Dzhanibekov and American astronaut Alan Bean

It is difficult to imagine astronauts - people of a truly heroic profession - in philosophical reflection, with a brush at the easel. This is understandable. Space is a harsh world that does not forgive a person for mistakes either in orbit or on earth, requiring extreme rationality. But for those chosen ones who have visited it, space is also fantastic emotions, completely special experiences, an internal dialogue with eternity alone with the limitless universe. Perhaps that is why astronauts take up their brushes. And not without success: not on the table, but with albums, with books, with exhibitions, with museums. These are the kind of cosmonaut-artists that we will talk about.

The most famous artist among cosmonauts since the 1960s is, of course, Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov (1934). Twice Hero of the Soviet Union (cosmonauts were simply not given more than two gold stars), the first man in outer space (that time miraculously not dying in an emergency situation), a daredevil who more than once looked death in the eye. Together with Gagarin, he applied for participation in a manned expedition to the Moon (which never took place). However, Leonov is not a stern hero, but a charming, smiling person, a favorite of the residents of Star City. His book “Solar Wind”, decorated with his own drawings and paintings, was read by many Soviet schoolchildren. In those days, no money was spared on education.

Leonov is an artist of impressions, for whom it is not graphic perfection and photographic quality that are important, but a fantastic palette and unearthly views that he observed with his own eyes. Leonov managed to bring colored pencils on board the ship, so many of his works were based on sketches made on board the stations. It is no coincidence that one of his best paintings was “Above the Terminator” (the zone where day and night change), in which there are no astronauts or spaceships of the future - only nature in all its perfection.

Leonov painted paintings both entirely himself and together with Andrei Konstantinovich Sokolov (1931–2007) from the mid-1960s. Leonov and Sokolov's paintings were published many times, and one of their series of paintings formed the basis for the design of the 1972 "15 Years of the Space Age" postage stamp series.

Leonov's paintings are in museums, participate in exhibitions, and have been exhibited at auctions three times. The highest price was registered at Sotheby's back in 1996. Then his one and a half meter canvas with the moment of the launch of Soyuz-19 was sold for $9,200.

Paintings by Leonov's co-author, the artist, were put up for auction. Sokolov had no direct connection to space, but was one of the pioneers in space painting. An architect by training (his father, by the way, built Baikonur), Sokolov since 1957 became interested in painting on a space theme, with a science-fiction slant. Science fiction writer Ivan Efremov dedicated the story “Five Pictures” to him - a rather reactionary one, criticizing abstractionism in accordance with the spirit of the time and elevating artists working with the themes of space and the future of space research. Efremov’s “Russian Falcon” - accidentally found “the only Russian space artist who worked at the very beginning of the space age” - is just Sokolov. His paintings inspired not only Efremov. In the biographies of Andrei Konstantinovich, you can read that it was under the influence of his painting “Elevator to Space” that Arthur Clarke wrote the book “The Fountains of Paradise”. Quite possible. Both the picture and the idea itself still make an impression. Today Sokolov’s paintings can be purchased on the gallery market. And just a month ago, one of his paintings, “Sakhalin from Space” (1980), was sold at the Russian Enamel auction for 90,000 rubles.

Another Russian cosmonaut who is seriously involved in painting is (1942). A daredevil, a professional of the highest class and very smart. Made five expeditions, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. Dzhanibekov was sent into the thick of things, on the most difficult and risky tasks. In 1985, Dzhanibekov and Savinykh were sent to restore the operation of the Salyut-7 station, which had lost control and was inoperative. We docked with it in visual manual mode, without automation. They came in, repaired it, and as a result the station continued to operate.

Vladimir Dzhanibekov draws and writes not only space, although he often encounters space subjects. But if you look at his selected works on the official website, it becomes clear that he is rather interested not in the technological side of space exploration, but in man and the philosophical questions of the universe. Dzhanibekov is a member of the Union of Artists, and in 2012 he was accepted into the Mitki art association.

Dzhanibekov’s painting has been exhibited on the auction market only once so far - in 2015 at the Berlin auction Auctionata. Then his canvas “Cosmonaut” (1984) was sold for $455.

For our cosmonauts, painting is more of an internal need; they certainly do not make a living from art. But their overseas colleague manages to earn money from his civic hobby. American astronaut Alan Bean (1939) participated in the 1969 Moon landing as part of the Apollo 12 crew. He walked on the surface of the Earth's satellite, collecting soil samples in the Ocean of Storms.

After retiring from NASA in 1981, Alan Bean chose not the usual political career for retirees, but devoted himself entirely to painting. Its main theme, naturally, was lunar landscapes, astronauts in spacesuits working on the surface of the Moon. His works are exhibited in museums at specialized space exhibitions, sold by galleries, and their price level is about $45,000. The only auction sale for paintings by Alan Bean was registered in 2007. A medium-sized acrylic depicting an astronaut working on the Moon sold at a New Orleans auction in the US for $38,400. Large lithographs of it (about $500) and photographs taken during the lunar expedition ($300–$1,000) are also being sold at auction.

These are the kind of space artists they are.

And, taking this opportunity: cosmonauts, astronauts, engineers, scientists, doctors, all specialists participating in space programs, and everyone who supports them - happy holiday! Happy Cosmonautics Day! Happy 55th anniversary of Gagarin's flight, which we celebrate in 2016!

Vladimir Bogdanov,A.I.

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490 images on the theme "Space" in our catalog of paintings. All images are specially selected taking into account further interior printing on canvas stretched on a stretcher.

You can choose a convenient photo size or filter Space images by format (horizontal, vertical or square). On the page of each image you will see photographs of such a painting in the interior.

The catalog shows the minimum prices for printing a painting with this image. The minimum price includes the cost of the image itself (if it is not free), the cost of printing on canvas or other material, the cost of making a wooden stretcher, stretching the canvas onto it and packaging the finished painting.

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Our designers added to the "Space" catalog only those images that are most suitable for most interiors. However, if you need the help of a professional interior designer, then our specialists will help you choose the ideal space-themed painting specifically for your apartment, home, office or establishment.

The theme of space - its conquest and development, space flights and a possible meeting with another, alien intelligence, other civilizations is not new. The topic of space flights, it would seem, is an absolutely scientific, highly professional topic that is raised in literature and cinematography with varying frequency and degree of popularity.

Space, the idea of ​​man’s exploration of the Universe, the theme of man’s conquest of others different from the world of Earth, and acquaintance with other civilizations could not be ignored by the visual arts. Speaking about the space theme in painting, I would like to highlight several directions in the theme “Space and the Artist”. Such themes are cosmic realism, which describes the everyday life of space explorers, the realities of today, and, a more popular theme, science fiction.

The very idea of ​​the space theme in painting has its own stages of development, passing its way - depending on society’s understanding of the very idea of ​​space flight - from illustrations to the works of H. G. Wells, Edgar Burroughs and Konstantin Tsiolkovsky to canvases and exhibitions dedicated to the everyday life of cosmonauts and astronauts , a vision of tomorrow's technologies.

And with the development of science, the growth of technical knowledge at the beginning of the twentieth century, the creative approach of writers is changing, who from absolutely fantastic ideas of conquering space and traveling through time by the power of the mind (like the heroes of Burroughs’ novels) take a more pragmatic approach to the idea of ​​conquering space. And with the transition from “fantasy” to science fiction in literature, the work of illustrators changes accordingly. The creation of the first, one cannot say scientific, but fantastic films about space flights and the conquest of Mars, also provided a topic for reflection and implementation in illustrative works.

After Konstantin Tsiolkovsky published books of various directions, from scientific works to science fiction works, the conquest of space ceases to be science fiction. Perhaps as illustrations for various science fiction stories, but the idea was alive. Looking at the paintings of artists devoted to the theme of space, travel along the roads of the Universe, not a shadow of primitivism or lack of understanding of the topic is visible. Even in the illustrations to the works of K. Tsiolkovsky, where the cosmonaut is dressed in a hard spacesuit, an understanding of the dangers of being in airless space is clearly visible. And indeed, cosmonaut Alexei Leonov almost died during his first spacewalk. The reason was the soft suit, due to which he was barely able to return to the ship.

And yet it is worth noting that realism remained a priority. The artist’s task was considered to show the heroes of his era. Pilots, workers and collective farmers - in the pre-war period, heroes of the front and rear - the war period and the victorious people in the post-war period.

While not occupying a leading position in the visual arts, the theme of “space roads” remained quite popular as illustrations for science fiction novels – both by Soviet and foreign writers. One of the “gurus” of this trend can be called Yuri Pavlovich Shvets, known both for his sketches for science fiction films and for his individual works on similar topics.

Undoubtedly, interest in space and its conquest by man increased after Yuri Gagarin's flight into outer space on April 12, 1961. But actually, there was nothing to talk about except the idea itself. The artists’ works were presented in topics such as: “Conquest of space by Soviet man” or on topics: “Is there life on Mars?”, “Climate of Venus - planets of fogs”. These were mainly illustrations for popular science publications and science fiction stories.

The paintings of Alexei Leonov, which were released in 1967, begin to change the situation. Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov, pilot-cosmonaut, who made his first flight in March 1965 - as the co-pilot of the Vostok-2 spacecraft. During this flight, a spacewalk was performed. In July 1979, together with V. Kubasov, he made his second flight on the Soyuz-19 spacecraft. During this flight, the Soyuz and Apollo spacecraft docked.

The cosmonaut, who knows space not from the plots of novels and has his own idea of ​​​​the roads leading to the Universe, creates both his own canvases and works in collaboration with Andrei Sokolov, whose work, since 1957 - the launch of the first Soviet satellite into orbit of the Earth, has been dedicated to the topic space. The work of Andrei Konstantinovich played a noticeable role not only in Russian painting, “The Fountains of Paradise” - a book by science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke, written under the impression of his painting “Elevator to Space”.

A major role in the development of the direction of space painting was played by the popular magazine “Technology for Youth”, which not only told its readers about the latest achievements, such as a rocket plane or a jetpack, but also held painting competitions related to science fiction since the late 60s, such as “The World of Tomorrow” or “Siberia Tomorrow”.

In the territory of the former USSR, the space theme became especially popular in the 70s of the twentieth century. In 1973, on the big screens of the country called the Soviet Union, the first part of the science fiction film-dulogy “Moscow - Cassiopeia” was released, in 1984 the second, “Youths in the Universe”. These films are undoubtedly the best in the line of science fiction films for children.

Similar films depicted spaceships, showed the proposed equipment, and popularly conveyed ideas for the further development of technology (photon engines that make it possible to develop and exceed the speed of light). Films intended for children and teenagers conveyed to future artists a picture of the technologies of tomorrow, new ideas and aspirations of humanity in a format that was understandable to them.

In 1977, the magazine “Technology for Youth” opened the competition “Time – Space – Man”. Over the three years of the first stage of the competition, over 1000 paintings were sent to it. 200 submitted works were published on the pages of the magazine, 500 original works were exhibited in art galleries related to science fiction and space. The competition lasted until the collapse of the Soviet Union, however, during that period, space exploration and the conquest of the Universe themselves were “not the topic of the day.”

The space theme of the late 80s - early 90s is not just dreams of star roads, it is a period when stereotypes in politics and painting were broken, a period when the possibility of cooperation between two great powers, the USSR and the USA, mutual understanding between the peoples of states, in a state of Cold War, began to see each other as allies. This is clearly visible in the joint works of Andrei Sokolov and Robert McCall. The cities of the future American artist, space stations and ships in his paintings are, in fact, an unrealized reality.

Cosmic reality and fantasy, artist's imagination and scientific knowledge. How close is fiction to reality? In the works of Walter Myers, an American artist who is interested in astronomy, we see pictures of distant planets in our solar system.

Time, space, man. The theme of space, the conquest of the Universe is something that will allow you to see the future through the eyes of an artist, to see distant worlds, spaceships and cities. Fantasy, a look through time and space - an idea that has been relevant and will remain so for a long time.