Quiz on the pages of your favorite fairy tales in elementary school. Educational and entertaining quiz game “Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales”

Literary quiz

"Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales."

2nd grade

Literary quiz


    generalize knowledge of fairy tales, develop speech, and the ability to work in a team.

    developing students’ motivation to read through exciting gaming activities,

    ability to collaborate in solving common problems and creatively apply knowledge in new situations,

    develop Creative skills children.

Progress of the lesson

    introduction teachers.

- Guys, today we have a literary quiz. Guess for yourself what the topic is.

* Uh, follow me and you

Fairy tales run in droves!

Favorite fairy tales -

Sweeter than any berry!

* In a fairy tale, the sun is burning,

Justice reigns in it!

The fairy tale is clever and lovely!

The path is open to her everywhere.

( Children's answers. Determining the topic of the quiz).

Well done guys, you guessed right. We will visit a fairy tale.

From the early childhood we hear fairy tales. Mom reads them to us when she puts us to bed, grandmother tells them in quiet winter evenings. We listen to fairy tales kindergarten, we meet them at school too. Fairy tales accompany us all our lives. Not only children, but also adults love them.

Listening and reading a fairy tale, we find ourselves in Magic world, where miracles happen, where good always triumphs over evil.

Today we will try to remember fairy tales and fairy-tale characters, play games, learn a lot of new and interesting things, relax with a fairy tale.

Three teams play.

2. Presentation of commands.

Each team presents its name.

3.Warm up.

Name the second part of the fairy tale title:

Sivka - (Burka); The Little Humpbacked Horse); Moroz - (Ivanovich); Swan geese); Little Red Riding Hood); The Scarlet Flower); Zayushkina – (hut); Princess Frog); Tiny - (Khavroshechka); Dr. Aibolit); Boy - (Thumb); The Bremen Town Musicians).

Well done! Did a good job. You are real experts in fairy tales, and you are not afraid of any difficulties.

4. Competition "Who is more."

Each team is asked questions for 30 seconds. Which team will answer correctly? large quantity questions, she will win.

    What does Winnie the Pooh fly on? (On the ball).

    How many petals does Tsvetik - Semitsvetik have? (Seven).

    In what fairy tale did things take offense at a slob boy? (“Moidodyr”).

    Who lives in a house on chicken legs? (Baba Yaga).

    Favorite expression of Leopold the cat. ("Guys let's be friends!").

    The postman's name in Prostokvashino is... (Pechkin).

    It makes a gloomy day brighter. (Smile).

    Carlson's medicine. (Jam).

    Unfortunately, it's only once a year. (Birthday).

    Brother Kokoshi from the fairy tale “Moidodyr” (Totosha).

    Fabulous tablecloth. (The tablecloth is self-assembled).

    Bear house. (Den).

    Fairytale boots. (Boots are fast walkers).

    Round of text. (Kolobok).

    Who loves to ride on the stove. (Emelya).

    Fairytale hat. (Invisible hat).

    He has a very a long nose. (Pinocchio).

    A cat who can embroider on a machine. (Matroskin).

    What did the fox treat the crane with? (Semolina porridge).

    What did the wolf catch fish with? (Tail).

Well done, you completed the task. But they were light. Let's try to overcome a more difficult obstacle. The team that knows the answer raises its hand and answers:

1. What is the name of the work by K.I. Chukovsky, main character which “Washstands are the boss and washcloths are the commander”? (“Moidodyr”).

2. In the fairy tale “Cinderella,” a pumpkin turns into ... (carriage), a rat into ... (coachman), mice into ... (horses), and ordinary girl to... (princess).

3. A fairy tale in which a wolf eats all the main characters and only the youngest managed to hide from him in the oven. ("The wolf and the seven Young goats").

5. Poetic questions

1. Our hero didn’t wash his face

I was completely left without things.

“If you don’t want to wash your hand,

We don’t want to be friends with you!”

But soap came to the rescue.

Became a dirty fellow.

The fairy tale ended with friendship,

A good, happy ending.

(K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”)

2. He quietly climbed down from the window,

Rolled along the path.

Chubby, rosy and bold,

Everyone wanted to eat it.

From enemies and from friends

He saved himself with his song.

Well, why are you, my friend,

Did you sit on the fox's sock?

(“Kolobok”, Russian folk tale.)

3. The old man - father cannot sleep,

He gave the order to his sons to get married:

"Everyone will shoot an arrow

And he will find himself a wife!”

Happiness of the youngest, Ivan,

It was difficult, long-awaited.

Ivan walked a hundred roads

I found Vasilisushka.

(“The Frog Princess,” Russian folk tale.)

4. Sister ran and played

Yes, and I lost my brother.

How to be? Where to run?

Where can I find my brother?

In a deep forest, in a dilapidated hut

From the yaga, from the evil old woman.

Friends helped the children

They returned to their native home.

(“Geese are swans”, Russian folk tale.)

5. Grandfather was pleasantly surprised:

The vegetable is now grown.

Alone in the garden

He can't handle it.

And she sat firmly in the ground

Amazing... (turnip).

(“Turnip”, Russian folk tale).

6. There is no river or pond,

Where can I get some water?

Very delicious water

In the hole from the hoof!..

(“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)

6. Competition "Correct the mistake."

I've been reading fairy tales for a whole week. Listen carefully and try to correct me if I'm wrong.

– “Turkey Princess”;

- “At the dog’s command”;

- “Ivan Tsarevich and the Green Wolf”;

- “Sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka”;

– “Cockerel - the golden shepherdess”;

- “Boy-with-a-fist”;

- “Fear has big ears”;

– “Axe noodles”;

- “Little Red Hat.”

7. Captains competition.

Solve fairytale problems (from the book Oster G. Problem book. - M.: Rosman, 1996).

    Ryaba the hen laid an egg, but the mouse broke it. Then Ryaba laid three more eggs. The mouse also broke these, Ryaba strained herself and took down five more, but the unscrupulous mouse broke these too. How many eggs could grandpa and grandma make themselves scrambled eggs from if they hadn't spoiled their mouse? (From 9 eggs.)

    Once upon a time there was a Little Red Riding Hood. She loved her grandmother very much. One day her mother baked pies, and Little Red Riding Hood decided to take them to her grandmother. She put 3 pies with cabbage, 2 pies with apples and 4 pies with meat in the basket. How many pies did Little Red Riding Hood take for her grandmother? (9 pies.)

Reflection.Summing up the quiz.

Now, let's count the points. The team with the most points wins (team awards).

Our journey in the world of Miracles and Magic has ended. Thanks to your knowledge of fairy tales and your friendship, we were able to walk this path. But now you can continue it yourself, because the fairy tale path is endless. Once you open the collection of fairy tales, you're off!

Did you enjoy the journey through fairy tales? (Children's response)

What did you like best? (Children's response)

Why do you think we need fairy tales? What do they teach? (Children's response)

Fairy tales teach us to be smart and kind, honest and hardworking, friendly and brave. They teach how to defeat evil, lies, deceit, never lose faith in luck, love your homeland and protect the weak.

Magical music.
Storyteller: Learned? I'm a storyteller! Hello children!
I've been walking the earth for many centuries
WITH a magic book in carved binding
You won't find anything like this anywhere else in the world.
I'm leafing through it page page,
And so, in front of us they walk in a line
All old fairy tales and new ones, however,
All good fairy tales, and very scary.
Funny, sad, different fairy tales...
And for each there is a key on this bunch.
He is the door from a fairy tale
will open before you
And he will lead you into the world of magic.
Today we are going on a journey through the pages of our favorite books. Tell me, how do fairy tales usually begin? (In some kingdom, once upon a time, etc.) Well done, you know. And also, usually in fairy tales the main characters save someone, free someone. Let's start by freeing the butterflies from the web.
(guess riddles written on butterflies)
And now, off to the fairy tale!
(Brownie runs out)
Kuzya: Oh, bad, bad, sad. There is no mink, no crack, no closet. I have nowhere to hide.
Storyteller: Kuzenka, why do you need a closet?
Kuzya: These are the dull ones. The chest needs to be hidden. I have all sorts of things in my chest. The heroes of various fairy tales lost them. And now I take care of them.
Storyteller: Kuzenka, let the guys help you find their owners. You show things, and the guys will say whose they are.
(golden key; glasses; bottle with the inscription “Drink me”;
Little Red Riding Hood; shell walnut; orange tie;
thermometer; clew; silver saucer and pouring apple;
wrench; Malachite Box; "the king's new dress";
chicken feather; pea, scarlet flower)
Storyteller: You see, Kuzenka, there’s no need to hide anything. All the owners were found. These are the wonderful guys we have.
Kuzya: Just think, you guessed right. But I can fly on a broom.
Storyteller: So take it and teach the guys.
(Kuzya recruits teams of three people. Riding on a mop, they must run
between the pins depicting trees in the forest, and don’t knock them down)
Storyteller: And the thick forest was left behind.
Kuzya: Oh, I'm chatting with you. And my hut there was left unattended. Oh, my bad, my bad grief. (runs away)
Storyteller: Guys, we ended up near the village of Prostokvashino. The heroes of Eduard Uspensky's fairy tales live here. Let's talk about them.
1) Tell me how to eat a sandwich correctly to make it taste better?
2) What three purchases did Uncle Fyodor and his friends make when they found the treasure?
3) What was the name of the tractor and what did it work on?
4) How did friends heat their house?
5) What prize did Uncle Fyodor’s parents promise to anyone who found their son?
6) Why did Matroskin dye his mustache and sit in the basement?
7) Where did Cheburashka live in the city?
8) When the girl Galya got sick, who played Little Red Riding Hood instead of her?
9) Where and with whom did the crocodile Gena work?
10) What did the crocodile Gena and his friends build?

Let us also build a House of Friendship.
(two teams compete, each receives a set of cubes, in turn they need to run to a chair and bring one brick - a cube, the team that puts together their house of cubes the fastest wins)
Loud roar.
Storyteller: Who is this crying in our house of friendship.
Princess Nesmeyana appears
Storyteller: What happened, who offended you?
Nesmeyana: The mirror offended me. There, someone else always turns out instead of me. (crying)
Storyteller: Who is the other one?
Nesmeyana: I don’t know... (crying)
Storyteller: Guys, let's help Nesmeyane. Show us your mirror.
1) A woman wrapped in the finest white tulle, which seemed to be woven from millions of snow stars. She was extraordinarily beautiful. But it's all made of ice. Of dazzling sparkling ice.
2) He was wearing canary yellow trousers and an orange shirt with a green tie. On his head is a blue hat.
3) His thick, unkempt beard dragged along the floor, his bulging eyes rolled, his huge mouth clanged its teeth, as if it were not a man, but a crocodile.
4) In the very cup of the flower sat a little man, white and transparent, like crystal. A crown shone on his head, and shiny wings fluttered behind his shoulders.
5) He has blackening on his neck, there is a blot under his nose. His hands are so bad that even his trousers have come off.
6) He scraped the bottom of the tree, swept the barn, and chilled the window.
7) There was a long pole near the fence, with a straw scarecrow sticking out on it to drive away the birds. The head of the stuffed animal was made of a bag filled with straw, with eyes and a mouth painted on it, so it looked funny human face. The scarecrow was dressed in a worn blue caftan; Here and there straw stuck out from the holes in the caftan. On his head was an old shabby hat, from which the bells had been cut off, and on his feet were old blue boots, such as men wore in this country. The scarecrow had a funny and at the same time good-natured appearance.
8) the cutest of all is the youngest, with skin as clear and tender as a rose petal, with eyes blue and deep as the sea. Only she, like the others, didn’t have legs, but instead had a tail, like a fish.

Storyteller: You see, it’s okay, the heroes were just reflected in your mirror different fairy tales. Why are you still crying?
Nesmeyana: Because I'm bored... (roars)
Storyteller: Oh, guys, she’ll drown all our fairy tales. Let's try to make her laugh. Nesmeyana, look, we have the Firebird. Now Alyonushki and Ivanushki will pull out one feather from her tail and complete tasks.
1. Dance like a robot.
2. Show how a zoologist catches a butterfly.
3. Try to portray a tank using gestures, movements and sounds.
4. Draw a picture of a trumpeter whose trousers are falling down.
5. Picture a guitarist whose back is itchy.
6. Read the poem ___ as if:
a) you really want to sleep;
b) you are very cold;
c) you are three years old.
Storyteller: Finally, our Nesmeyana cheered up.
Nesmeyana: Thank you guys. I’m going into my fairy tale, and I want to give you a ball. He will take you home.
Storyteller: Indeed, guys, it’s time for us to go home.
(two teams line up like a train behind each other, the first player receives a “ball” ball,
they pass it over their heads through their hands, the last player, having received the ball, runs forward. The game continues until all players have changed places)
Storyteller: Our journey through fairy tales ends. Before we leave, let's play some more. I will name the hero of some fairy tale and throw you a ball, the one who catches it will have to name his friends.
Ivan Tsarevich; Aladdin; Carlson; Cheburashka; Ellie; Cheshire Cat; Artemon; cog; Kai; Matroskin; Hottabych; Nif-nif; Dr. Aibolit.

Well done boys. Our journey has come to an end. See you again!

Literary quiz “Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales.”
Goal: Expanding knowledge of works for children.
Objectives: summarize knowledge of children's works; develop ingenuity,
resourcefulness, erudition, memory; cultivate a love of reading.
Progress of the event.
Three teams participate in the quiz.
Guys, do you like fairy tales? How many of them do you know? But now we are
Let's check. Today we will conduct a quiz, “Through the pages of your favorite
fairy tales!
At the end of our quiz we will be able to find out who is the best expert on fairy tales. For
game we need to divide into three teams. I have pictures in my bag with
depicting objects that belonged to fairy-tale characters (a key, a pumpkin,
flower). (Children take out pictures and group into teams.)
Guys, who does the key belong to? Those who have the key, you are the Pinocchio team.
Who owns the pumpkin? You are Team Cinderella, but who owns the flower?
You are Team Thumbelina. And so we begin our quiz.
So, our first competition “Magic Words”. You need to remember which heroes
Competition "Magic words".
they said this or that magic words, and in what work.
1. "By pike command, according to my desire." (Emelya in Russian folk tale
"By magic")
2. SivkaBurka, prophetic kaurka! Stand before me like a leaf before the grass. (Ivan
the fool in the Russian folk tale "Sivka Burka")
3. “Open this way!” (Alibaba, in oriental fairy tale"Alibaba and 40
4. Fly, fly petal, through the west to the east, through the north, through the south, come back,
making a circle! As soon as you touch the ground, it’s my order! (Zhenya, in a fairy tale
“Seven-flowered flower” by V. Kataev)
5. “One, two, three. Cook a pot! (Girl, in the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “The Pot
6. “Cracks, fex, peke” (Alice the Fox, Basilio the Cat, Pinocchio, in the fairy tale by A.N. Tolstoy
"The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio."
7. "Kara Baras". (Moidodyr, K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”)
8. “Oh, you, my poor orphans, my irons and pans!

You go home unwashed, I will wash you with spring water. I'll clean you up
sand, I will pour boiling water over you, and you will be again,
Like the sun shining." (Fedora from the work of K. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s grief”)
Competition "Amazing Transformations".
The second competition is called “Amazing Transformations”. You need to remember
who the heroes of various works turned into or were enchanted into
for children. 1. Who did Prince Guidon turn into in A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Tale of
Tsar Saltan, about his glorious son and mighty hero Prince Guidon Saltanovich and
O beautiful princess Swans"? (bumblebee mosquito, fly)
2. Who did the giant cannibal turn into in Ch. Perrault’s fairy tale “Puss in Boots”? (lion,
3. Who did the old witch turn into? handsome boy Allegedly in the fairy tale by V. Gauf?
(to dwarf)
4. Who did the 11 prince brothers turn into every morning in H. C. Andersen’s fairy tale?
(in the fairy tale “Wild Swans” there are 11 beautiful swans)
5. Who did you turn into? ugly duck in the fairy tale by H. C. Andersen? (into a beautiful swan)
6. What did the girl Snegurochka turn into in the Russian folk tale? (in a cloud)
7. Who did Ivan the Fool turn into in the Russian folk tale “Sivkaburka”
going in the right ear and coming out in the left? (in a good fellow, no matter what you think of, no
guess, neither say in a fairy tale, nor describe with a pen)
8. What did the Little Mermaid turn into in H. C. Andersen’s fairy tale? (into sea foam)
Competition "Who is the author".
Our third competition is called “Who is the author”. Each team will be read
an excerpt from a work, you need to guess the author of this work, and that’s it
1. Tell my mirror my light,
2. Tell me the whole truth.
Yal is the sweetest in the world,
All blush and whiter...
(A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes"

3. As soon as the oblique team sat down,
The entire island disappeared under water.
(N.A. Nekrasov “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”)
4. My phone rang.
Who's speaking? elephant!
Where? from a camel.
What do you need? chocolate.
For whom? For my son?...
(K. Chukovsky “Telephone”)
5. An old man lived with his old woman by the very blue sea;
They lived in a dilapidated dugout. Exactly thirty years and three years
. (A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”)
6. Fly, fly petal, Through West to East, Through North,
through the south, return after making a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground, you will be mine.
(V. Kataev “Tsvetiksemitsvetik”)
7. Are you warm, girl? Are you warm red?
Warm, Frost, warm, father.
(Russian folk tale "Morozko")
Competition "Guess the riddle."
1. This girl is very small, and she was sleeping in a flower.
The beetle danced with her
The vole mouse was kept in a hole,
She found herself in the land of flowers. (Thumbelina)
2. This boy is very strange. Carlo is made from logs.
And I got involved with the fox in vain
You can't become happy like that! (Pinocchio)
3. This guy is very cunning.
He has a tail, but he is famous. He always wore boots, he defeated the Giant.
(Puss in Boots)

4. This girl is very beautiful,
But Pinocchio taught in vain. (Malvina)
5. This dog served Malvina,
And Buratino locked herself in the closet.
Competition "B" unusual country»
The next competition is called “In an unusual country”. You have to guess which one
heroes visited one or another unusual, or magical, country.
1. Who visited the kingdom of Crooked Mirrors?
(Olya and Yalo in the fairy tale “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors” by V.G. Gubarev)
2. Which of the heroes went to the country of Limpopo?
(Doctor Aibolit in the work of K. Chukovsky)
3. Which of the heroes ended up in the land of fools?
(Pinocchio in A.N. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key”)
4. Who visited the country of Lilliput?
(Gulliver in G. Swift’s fairy tale “Gulliver in the Land of Lilliput”)
5. Which of the heroes flew to the moon?
(Dunno from N. Nosov’s work “The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends”)
6. Which of the heroes went with friends to Emerald City to the Great Goodwin?
(Ellie in A.M. Volkov’s work “The Wizard of the Emerald City”)
Competition "Friends".
In the “Friends” competition, you probably already guessed that you need to name your friends
fairy-tale heroes.
1. Crocodile Gena (Cheburashka)
2. Girl Gerda (boy Kai)
3. Carlson (Kid)
4. Pinocchio (Artemon, Malvina, Pierrot)
5. Uncle Fyodor (cat Matroskin, dog Sharik)
6. Girl Ellie (Toto, Tin Woodman, Lion, straw man)
Competition "Fairytale Crossword".

In this competition you have to solve a crossword puzzle and answer the question: Who writes
fairy tales? (storytellers)
1. In a Russian folk tale, what was the name of the girl who turned into a cloud?
(Snow Maiden)
2. Who did Gena work in the work of E. Uspensky in the work “Crocodile Gena”
and his friends"? (crocodile)
3. What was the best medicine for Carlson? (boiling)
4. Which of the fairy tale heroes went to the ball in a pumpkin carriage? (Cinderella)
5. Who in the Russian folk tale demolished golden egg for grandpa and grandma? (hen)
6. When meeting which fairy-tale hero do you have to shed tears? (Cipollino)
7. Name the main character of the fairy tales “Frog Princess” and “Sivkaburka”? (Ivanushka)
8. What they put under twenty mattresses and twenty feather beds for the princess in a fairy tale
H.K. Andersen? (pea)
9. What vegetable did the grandfather grow in the Russian folk tale? (turnip)
10. What flowers did the stepdaughter pick in the forest in the fairy tale “The Twelve Months”?

Well done boys! Fairy tales are written by storytellers. We all really like fairy tales,
let there be more of them. This concludes our quiz.


1. Develop reading interest, instill a love of reading and books; promote the development of speech and memory.
2. Organize leisure time for children, help strengthen children's group, instill the ability to listen and hear each other.
3. Foster intolerance towards human vices- greed, lies, cowardice.
4. Show the children amazing world fairy tales, their wisdom and beauty; develop interest, creative thinking, attention, memory; cultivate a love of fairy tales.
Equipment: illustrations for fairy tales, projector, screen, presentation “Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales,” presentation “Guess it!”, exhibition of student drawings.
At the fairy tale a pure soul,
Like a forest stream.
She comes slowly
In the cool hour of the night.
Native people its creator
A cunning people, a wise people,
He put his dream into it,
Like gold in a casket.

Children perform the song “Little Country”, author I. Nikolaev.

Why do we need fairy tales?
What does a person look for in them?
Maybe kindness and affection.
Maybe yesterday's snow.
In a fairy tale, joy wins
A fairy tale teaches us to love.
In a fairy tale, animals come to life,
They start talking.
In a fairy tale, everything is fair:
Both the beginning and the end.
The brave prince leads the princess
Definitely down the aisle.
Snow White and the mermaid,
Old dwarf, good gnome -
It’s a pity for us to leave the fairy tale,
Like a cozy sweet home.
Read fairy tales, children!
Learn to love them.
Maybe in this world
It will become easier for people to live.
Presentation "Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales"
Slide No. 1 of the presentation “Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales” is shown.
(Title slide of the presentation)

Guys, I propose to go on a journey on a flying ship through the pages of your favorite fairy tales. We will not only meet our familiar fairy tale characters there, but also check how well you remember these fairy tales. And so, let's go!

Slide No. 2(A flying ship is projected on the screen)

Not in reality and not in a dream,
Without fear and without timidity
We're flying around the country again
Which is not on the globe.

Not shown on the map
But you and I know
What is she, what is the country
The country is magical!

Gloomy centuries float by,
Floating like clouds in the sky.
They hurry, they run after year after year,
And the fairy tale is on you! - lives!

When and who folded it
In my hut somewhere -
And the oldest old-timer
Won't give you an answer.

And about animals
And about kings,
And what in the world happened -
Everything is a fairy tale in my memory
Saved it for you and me.

She lives in any house
And travels across countries.
And why?
Yes because
That we can’t live without her.

Now let’s turn over the pages of your favorite fairy tales and check how you remember them.

In what fairy tale did the king-father address his sons with the words:

“Before all honest people I give my royal word,
That today, in passing, I, sons, will marry you!
Here are your bows, here are your arrows - get to work!
You shoot an arrow without looking,
Where your arrow lands, there your bride is waiting for you!” (Princess Frog)
Slide No. 3(Slide showing an illustration for the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”)

Slide No. 4

(Slide with the image of Moroz Ivanovich)

What is the name of this fairy tale? Who was awarded by Moroz Ivanovich in the fairy tale “Morozko”? (Needlewoman)

Slide No. 5(A slide is projected for the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”)

Why did Ivanushka turn into a little goat? (Drank water from the goat's hoof print) Who saved him? (Merchant)

Slide No. 6(Illustration for the fairy tale "At the Pike's Command")

What is the name of the hero of this fairy tale? (Emelya)
What magic words did the pike tell him?
(At the behest of the pike, at my desire...

The geese quietly flew up,
We circled around and looked,
The boy was quickly grabbed
And they put me on wings,
Gone beyond the clouds
Without leaving a trace.
Slide No. 7(slide with illustration for the fairy tale "Geese and Swans")

Who helped Mashenka save brother Ivanushka? (Mouse)
What did Masha’s parents promise to buy? (handkerchief)

Poems are read by trained students
Many interesting tales
Accumulated over centuries
But especially famous
About Ivan the Fool.

Frank, kind guy
And naive, like a child.
He never lost heart
I did difficult things jokingly.

He didn't have to study
Learn book wisdom
But the magical Firebird
Only he managed to catch it.

On his hunchbacked horse
He galloped halfway around the world.
Famous and rich
He conceded nothing.

There was a simpleton Ivan,
But cabbage soup
Laptem still didn’t take a sip.
He is the immortal Kashchei
Found and punished.

Russian guy from the village
Wasn't afraid of anything
And the beautiful princess
She married him.

Vanya threw a noisy feast,
But without quarrel and without fights,
Because he was smart
He was a very smart fool!
What fairy tales do you know in which Ivan was the hero?

Ivan the peasant son", "Ivan and the Miracle Yudo", "Sivka-Burka", "The Little Humpbacked Horse", "Ivan the Tsarevich and Gray wolf", "Princess Frog")

Slide No. 8(On the slide is an illustration for the fairy tale “Sivka-Burka”)

What magic words did Ivan the Fool say in this fairy tale so that Sivka the Burka would appear?
(Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass)

Slide No. 9(Slide with the image of Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf)

What is the name of this fairy tale? ("Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf")
Who brought dead and living water for Ivan Tsarevich? (Crow)

Slide No. 10(Image of King Berendey

What was the name of the king whose Firebird stole apples from his garden? (Berendey)
What fairy tale is he from? ("Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf")

Slide No. 11(Illustration for the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen")

Who broke the egg? (Mouse)
Slide No. 12(Slide with an illustration of the fairy tale “Tops and Roots”)

What fairy tale characters are depicted? (“Tops and Roots”)
Why was the bear offended by the man?
(Because the man deceived him)

Slide No. 13(Slide showing an illustration for the fairy tale "Kolobok")

Which kolobok song was the last? Why? (Fourth, the fox ate the bun)

Slide No. 14(On the slide there is a picture for the fairy tale “The Cockerel and bean seed")

What did the cockerel choke on? (Bean seed)
Who helped the hen save the cockerel? (Mistress, master, cow)
What is the name of this fairy tale? ("The Cockerel and the Bean Seed")
What does this fairy tale teach?
(Comradely mutual assistance, the ability to be friends and help each other)

Teacher: You're right guys. A.S. Pushkin also said: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.” What lessons does the fairy tale teach us? What does it teach?

You can learn from a fairy tale
She's full of wisdom
Her heroes teach life,
Kindness adorns them.
Cinderella comes to the rescue
The mermaid of speech says,
Puss in Boots reads a story
Koschey the immortal is sleeping at home.
Are there no fairy tales in life?
Heroes here, heroes there, -
The good wizard is sunbathing,
And even goes to Amsterdam.
Everyone in the world needs magic,
All people believe in miracles
And Snow White dark night,
Draws cities online.
And I want to believe so much
That in a fairy tale we are once again magical,
Let there be storms and blizzards in life,
We wish you kindness.

Now let's turn to the exhibition of your drawings. For today's event, you illustrated your favorite fairy tales. I give the floor to the authors of these drawings. Present your work, guys.
(Children describe their work and express their attitude towards fairy tales.)

Many thanks to the authors of wonderful works for their love of fairy tales, creativity, and ability to express their feelings in drawings. I invite everyone to draw a picture together to wish everyone well famous fairy tale. But our drawing will be unusual. We will make it out of puzzles. They themselves form a picture if you guess the riddles correctly. So…
Presentation "Guess it!"

Presentation "Guess it!"
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Slide No. 1, No. 2 (Title slide of the “Guess It” presentation”, slide with an appeal to the guys)

“The fox worked all winter, rebuilt the house.
Decorated, tidied up,
She felt good in it.
But spring has come, away from home
There was no trace left.
All the foxes' mansions
Melt water washed away.” (Zaykina's hut")

Slide No. 3 (Slide with image of 1 puzzle)

As a child, everyone laughed at him,
They tried to push him away:
After all, no one knew that he
Born a white swan. ("Ugly duck")

Slide No. 4 (Slide showing two puzzles)

In this book there are name days, There were many guests there.
And on these name days
Suddenly a villain appeared.
He wanted to kill the owner
Almost killed her.
But to the insidious villain
Someone cut off the head. ("Fly Tsokotukha").

Slide No. 5 (slide with 3 puzzles)

Who didn't want to work, but played and sang songs?
To the third brother later
They came running to new house.
We escaped from the cunning wolf,
But they shook their tails for a long time.
The fairy tale is known to every child
And it’s called... (“The Three Little Pigs”).

Slide No. 6 (Slide with 4 puzzles)

And now we’ll start a conversation about someone’s house...
It contains a rich mistress
Lived happily
But trouble came unexpectedly:
This house burned down! ("Cat house").

Slide No. 7 (Slide showing 5 puzzles)

He pounded and pounded on the plate with his nose,
Didn't swallow anything
And he was left with his nose.

Slide No. 8, (Slide showing the whole picture: illustration for the fairy tale "Teremok")

Teacher: I am sure that you enjoyed today's journey and will take away from it good lessons, you will become more attentive to others, you will rush to help those who need it, show courage and determination, ingenuity and resourcefulness. And I hope that we will have more encounters with fairy tales. Thank you for your activity.

We will grow up, we will become different,
And maybe among the worries
We will stop believing fairy tales,
But the fairy tale will come to us again!
And we will meet her with a smile:
Let him live with us again!
And this fairy tale to our children
We will tell you again in good time!

Organization: MBOU Secondary School No. 16

Locality: Stavropol region, Pyatigorsk


  • recall familiar fairy tales with children, activate children’s knowledge of familiar fairy tales;
  • promote interest in fairy tales and the development of coherent speech among students;
  • promote kindness, politeness, courage, resourcefulness;
  • cultivate a love of fairy tales.


  • “Fairytale chips” (for the correct answer)
  • Plasticine
  • Colored paper
  • Scissors
  • Natural material


  • Presenter
  • Driver
  • 2nd grade parallel students (2 teams)
  • Heroes of fairy tales ( The Snow Queen, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Pinocchio).
  • Guests

Rules of the game:

Students of 2nd grade in parallel (two teams) take part in the game. Each team has a captain, team name, emblems of the participants, and a chant. Led by the captains and the train driver, the teams set off on a “fairytale train” on an exciting journey. When arriving at the station and making a stop, the game participants are met at the station by heroes of fairy tales known and loved by children and adults. Fairy-tale heroes have prepared various tasks for the team members, so that the guys can go further on their journey, they need to answer the tasks correctly. For the correct answer, the team receives a “fairytale chip”. At the last station, the leader and the captains count the collected chips. The team that collects the most chips during the journey wins. After this, the winners are awarded.

Progress of the game - travel:(slide 1.)


Hello guys and guests of our holiday! Today we will go on an exciting journey “Through the pages of our favorite fairy tales.” After all, you are all familiar with fairy tales. A fairy tale is our faithful, kind friend. Fairy tales live in every home bookshelves, you just have to reach out and take the book, and the fairy tale comes to life. Fairy tales lead us through fabulous forests, seas and different countries, they tell us interesting stories and tell amazing secrets. Well, now we are going on a journey!

1st station: “Winter”(slide 2.)

(upon arrival at each subsequent station, the driver asks the children a riddle so that fairy tale hero, after the children guess it, a fairy-tale hero appears who lives at this station, the hero asks riddles to the children so that they can continue their journey through the “Pages of Fairy Tales”).


This woman is beautiful
Her beauty is dangerous.
It can destroy you with a glance,
Freeze your heart in an instant.
She is all full of deceit,
To her icy kingdom,
If someone gets caught,
It will probably disappear.
Who is this beauty
What is famous for deceit?
Powerful, rebellious...
(QUEEN OF THE SNOW)(slide 3.)

(The Snow Queen appears"

The Snow Queen:

Guys, you recognized me. Well done! And now, so that you can continue your journey and not freeze at my station, try to guess my riddles that I have prepared for you. Ready? Then listen carefully...
1. Quickly remember the fairy tale:

The character in it is the boy Kai,

Queen of the Snow

My heart froze

But the girl is tender

She didn’t leave the boy.

She walked in the cold, blizzards,

Forgetting about food and bed.

She was going to help a friend.

What is his girlfriend's name?

(Gerda)(slide 4.)

2. Accordion in hands
On top of the head is a cap,
And next to him it is important,
Sits, Cheburashka.
(Crocodile Gena)(slide 5.)

3. Mother's daughter was born
From a beautiful flower.
Nice, little one!
The baby was an inch tall.
If you have read the fairy tale,
Do you know what my daughter's name was?
(Thumbelina)(slide 6.)

4. Lives in Prostokvashino
He carries out his service there.
He delivers mail to everyone,
He is their local postman.
(Postman Pechkin)

The Snow Queen:

You completed the task! You are great! Hurry up and get on the fabulous train and hit the road. Bon Voyage!

Station 2: “Magic”.(slide 8.)


Do you know this girl?
She in old fairy tale sung.
She worked, lived modestly,
I didn’t see the clear sun,
There is only dirt and ash around.
And the beauty's name was... (Cinderella)

(Cinderella appears)(slide 9.)


Hello guys. I am glad to welcome you to my “Magic” station. But so that you can continue your journey further, complete my tasks...

1. Who was the fiancé of the Tsokotukha Fly? (Komarik). (slide 10.)

2 . What were the names of the three little pigs? (Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf, Naf-Naf). (slide 11.)

3 . Who went to Africa by telegram? (Dr. Aibolit). (slide 12.)

5 . Which king has a golden cockerel on his knitting needle? (At King Dadon's) (slide 14.)


That's right. Goodbye, guys!

Station 3: “Interesting”(slide 15.)


For breakfast he only ate an onion,
But he was never a crybaby.
I learned to write with the nose of a letter,
And he put a blot in the notebook.
Didn’t listen to Malvina at all
Dad's son Carlo... ( Pinocchio)

(Pinocchio appears)(slide 16.)


Hello children. Now you will see fragments from fairy tales - cartoons. Your task is to guess them...

  1. Fragment from the fairy tale-cartoon “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” (slide 17.)
  2. Fragment from a fairy tale - cartoon " flying ship» (slide 18.)
  3. Fragment from the fairy tale - cartoon "Thumbelina" (slide 19.)
  4. Fragment from the fairy tale - the cartoon "Pinocchio" (slide 20.)
  5. Fragment from the fairy tale - cartoon "Teremok" (slide 21.)
  6. Fragment from a fairy tale - cartoon " Winter's Tale» (slide 22.)
  7. Fragment from the fairy tale - cartoon "Kolobok" (slide 23.)
  8. Fragment from the fairy tale - cartoon “Doctor Aibolit” (slide 24.)
  9. Fragment from the fairy tale - cartoon “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” (slide 25.)
  10. Fragment from the fairy tale - cartoon "The Snow Queen" (slide 26.)


Guys, you are great!!! I had fun with you, now move on. Bon Voyage!

Station 4: “Fairytale phrases”(slide 27.)


The wolf lives in a big forest,

Everyone around knows the trails.

Along one of them goes

The one who lives in a fairy tale.

I won’t tell you about the color of the Panama hat,

What did mom put on her daughter?

Because they're all kids

They know about it from a book.

(Little Red Riding Hood)

(Little Red Riding Hood appears) (slide 28.)

Little Red Riding Hood:

Hello guys. I was waiting for you very much. I need your help. The whole point is that fairy tales are mixed up on the pages of my books; there is the beginning of a phrase from a fairy tale, but there is no end. Please help me finish the sentence and restore all the fairy tales. (slide 29.)

In some kingdom... in some state.
By magic ...according to my desire.
Soon the fairy tale will tell... it won't be done soon
And I was there, drinking mead beer... It flowed down my mustache, but didn’t get into my mouth.
They began to live and live. and make good money.
Grandfather beat and did not break... the woman beat, beat
Lived once… Grandfather and Baba
Koschey... Immortal
Elena… Beautiful
Vasilisa... Wise
Sister... Alyonushka
Brother... Ivanushka
Serpent... Gorynych
Sivka... Burka

Little Red Riding Hood:

Oh, thank you very much, guys. I couldn't have done it without your help.

I really want to thank you. And therefore, I will perform my favorite song for you. (Little Red Riding Hood sings the song “If it’s long, long, long...”.)

If it's long, long, long,
If it's long along the path,
If it's long along the path
Stomp, ride and run,
Then, perhaps, then, of course,
That's probably true, true,
It's possible, it's possible, it's possible,
You can come to Africa!

And in Africa the rivers are this wide!
And in Africa the mountains are so high!
Ahh, crocodiles, hippos,
Ahh, monkeys, sperm whales,
Oh, and a green parrot!
Oh, and a green parrot!

And as soon as, only, only,
And as soon as on the path,
And as soon as on the path
I'll meet someone
Then to the one I meet -
Even the beast, - I believe, I believe, -
I won’t forget, I will, I will,
I'll say hello.

Ah, hello, rivers this wide,
Ah, hello, mountains this high,
Ahh, crocodiles, hippos,
Ahh, monkeys, sperm whales,
Oh, and a green parrot!
Oh, and a green parrot!

But of course, but of course
If you're so lazy
If you're so shy
Stay at home, don't go out.
You don't need roads for anything,
Slopes, mountains, mountains,
Gullies, rivers, crayfish.
Take care of your hands and feet!

Why do you need a sea this wide?
Why do you need the sky to be so high?
Ahh, crocodiles, hippos,
Ahh, monkeys, sperm whales,
Oh, and a green parrot?!
Oh, and a green parrot?!

After Little Red Riding Hood finished singing the song, she says goodbye to the guys and wishes them a good journey!!!

Station 5: “Guessing Game”(slide 30)

Station 6: “Fairy Tale Workshop” (slide 33.)


Over my simple question

You won't spend much effort.

Who is the boy with the long nose?

Did you make it out of logs?

(Papa Carlo)

(Papa Carlo appears)(slide 34.)

Papa Carlo:

Hello guys. If you reached my station, it means that you were able to cope with the tasks that you had to face at previous stations. This means that you know a lot of fairy tales, and probably each of you has a favorite fairy-tale hero. I invite each of you to make your favorite fairy-tale hero from the material that is in my workshop. (slide 35.)

(Teams are given 5 minutes to complete this task. After the fairy-tale hero is ready, the team captain shows it to the audience. If they were able to accurately determine who it is, in this case the team receives a “fairytale chip.” Then the results are summed up - counting “Fairy chips.” The team with the most chips wins).


Why do we need fairy tales?
What does a person look for in them?
Maybe kindness and affection.
Maybe yesterday's snow.
In a fairy tale, joy wins
A fairy tale teaches us to love.
In a fairy tale, animals come to life,
They start talking.
In a fairy tale, everything is fair:
Both the beginning and the end.
The brave prince leads the princess,
Definitely down the aisle.
Snow White and the mermaid,
Old dwarf, good gnome -
It’s a pity for us to leave the fairy tale,
Like a cozy sweet home.
Read fairy tales to children!
Teach them to love.
Maybe in this world,
It will become easier for people to live.

Well then, guys! Did you enjoy the journey we took today? (children's answer). You are great, well done!!! You know a lot of fairy tales, so you accurately and easily overcame all the tests that the heroes of our favorite fairy tales prepared for you. And now it's time to say goodbye. Goodbye! We look forward to the next meetings.

(To the music from the TV show “Visiting a Fairy Tale,” the characters leave the hall, the children return to class).

The holiday is over.


  1. V. Pashnina “A fairy tale is coming to visit us” - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2005.
  2. Children's literature. Edited by E. E. Zubareva. Moscow, 1993.
  3. When compiling the summary, fragments from extracurricular activity on reading “What a charm this fairy tale is!”, Vyrypaeva L. S. Festival pedagogical ideas 2005/2006 academic year.
  4. Games, puzzles, riddles for primary schoolchildren. Popular manual for parents and teachers / Comp. T. I. Lingo. - Yaroslavl: “Academy of Development”, “Academy and K”, 1999.

Proverbs, sayings and idioms: Primary school / Comp. I. V. Klyukhina. – M.: “VAKO”, 2009.