Who is Tatyana Drobysh, biography, age, personal life, children, photos? — Useful information for everyone. Tatiana Drobysh

Victor Drobysh – famous composer and producer, National artist Russia. Victor collaborated with many Russian stars, including Alexander Ivanov, Stas Piekha, Valeria, Grigory Leps, Nastasya Samburskaya and many others.


Viktor Yakovlevich Drobysh was born on June 27, 1966 in the city of Kolino into an ordinary St. Petersburg family of middle income. The parents were immigrants from Belarus, the father, Yakov Yakovlevich, was a professional turner, and the mother, Nadezhda Nikolaevna, was a pediatrician.

Victor's passion for music arose when he was still early age- At the age of five, the boy told his parents that he wanted to take up music and learn to play the piano.
Vitya’s entire family, except for his father, was against this decision - at that time, a piano was as expensive as a car, and the parents could not afford such an expensive purchase. However, the boy’s father decided to take out a loan and bought his son an instrument.

At the age of 6, in parallel with secondary school, Vitya went to music school. At the age of 11, the boy began to actively perform at the House of Culture.

After graduating from secondary school in 1981, Victor applied for a piano class at the Leningrad Conservatory. Rimsky-Korsakov. From this moment on, Victor begins active promotion in his musical career.

Carier start

The beginning musical career Drobysh is considered to be his participation in the group “Earthlings”. Igor Romanov, the guitarist of this group, once heard the young man play the piano and offered to take the role of keyboard player in his band.

Victor immediately agreed, and what followed was a tour of the popular group at that time throughout Russia. But then “Earthlings” was already on the verge of collapse, so the musician did not collaborate with the group for long.

After the collapse of "Earthlings" Igor Romanov created new group called “Union”, where Drobysh was again invited. There he played the keyboard for four years, managing to give a concert in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Then Igor and Victor created a new group “St. Petersburg”, where Victor acted not only as a keyboard player, but also as a songwriter. In 1990, Victor joined the “Lost and Found” team, which was soon renamed “Pushking”.


In 1996, a German recording studio became interested in the musician, and the singer decided to move to Germany. There he works with the groups “Culture Beat” and “No Angels”. Victor receives recognition from foreign audiences thanks to the production of the group “BG The Prince Of Rap”, which has been at the top of many European charts for several years.

Then Victor moves to Germany, where he actively collaborates with the newly minted team “Pets”. Their composition “DaDiDam” brought the composer German prize"Golden Disc".

Victor also worked at the Finnish-Russian radio station Sputnik, where he is still vice president.

Return to Russia

In 2002, Victor decides to return to his homeland, where he begins active collaboration with the stars of the Russian stage.

The song “All My Love”, performed at the World Music Awards by singer Kristina Orbakaite, brought her first success upon returning to Russia.

Further collaboration with Christina continued, Drobysh wrote the songs “Love That Is No More” and “Just Loving You,” which Orbakaite performed together with Abraham Russo. The composition “Love That Is No More” brought Victor the “Song of the Year” and “Golden Gramophone” awards.

IN next year the composer again receives the Golden Gramophone, this time for the hit “Chasiki” written for Valeria.
Also, to the list of Victor’s hit compositions you can add the songs “I Don’t Believe You” by Grigory Leps and Irina Allegrova, “I Know”, “Tender, Sinful” by Abraham Russo, “Encore Love” by Alexander Rosenbaum, “Deified Soul” by Larisa Dolina, “Country love”, “My Beloved”, “The Body Wants Love” by Valeria, “Loneliness”, “Me and You” by Slava, “If it weren’t for you” by Stas Mikhailov, “I Still Love” by Tina Karol and many others.

In 2004, Victor became a co-producer of Star Factory-4. In the summer of the same year, the celebrity created the “Viktor Drobysh Production Center”. The project began to promote former members“Factory”, among which were Stas Piekha, Natalya Podolskaya, the group “Tutsi” and others.

Together with Natalia Podolskaya, Victor records the song “Nobody Hurt No One,” which brings Natalia victory in the national selection for the Eurovision song contest in 2005.

A year later, Victor takes on the production of the sixth season of “Star Factory”. In the same year, the producer took the post of General Producer of the National Music Corporation. In 2010, Drobysh received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

The year 2012 is marked by Victor’s collaboration with Buranovskie Babushki. He wrote the composition “Party for Everybody” for the group, which brought the performers second place in the competition.

In the same year, he took part in the first season of the “Battle of the Choirs”, where he was the mentor of a group from Novosibirsk, which was among the three finalists. Victor did not select the participants, but took a ready-made choir from the singer Laima Vaikule, who, due to the tense tour schedule, there was no time for the guys from Novosibirsk.

The next season, Drobysh was given a rock choir from St. Petersburg, which also reached the finals of the show and took second place, losing the victory to the choir from Krasnodar.

In 2015, in Belarus, Victor was awarded the honorary Order of Francis Skaryna.

On this moment Victor produces new star Aleskandra Ivanova, better known as creative pseudonym IVAN. Alexander will perform at Eurovision 2017 from Belarus.

Personal life

Throughout his life, Viktor Drobysh was married twice.
The composer married for the first time at the age of 20 to the poetess from Finland Elena Stuf. In 1987, the young couple had their first child, who was named Valery. In 1999, Elena and Victor had a second son, whom they decided to name Ivan.

2002 was a turning point for the family. Drobysh was offered to return to Russia. Victor accepted the offer, but his wife said that she was not going to move.

The composer returned to his homeland, but his wife and two sons remained in Finland. The distance had Negative influence on the spouses' relationship, and in 2004 the couple filed for divorce. The couple still have friendly relations, Victor takes an active part in raising children.

In the fall of 2007, through mutual friends, the producer met his future beloved Tatyana Nusinova. A couple of weeks after the first meeting, the composer confessed his feelings to Tatyana and offered to marry him. The lovers legalized their relationship in the summer of 2008.

Two years later, their common daughter Lydia was born, and in 2011 Daniel was born. From her ex-husband, Nusinova has a son, Anton, with whom Victor is on good terms.

Viktor Yakovlevich Drobysh was born on June 27, 1966 in Kolpino (Leningrad Region). By eastern horoscope Victor was born in the year of the Horse. His zodiac sign is Cancer. This man is talented in many ways. He is both a musician and produces some projects. IN free time tries himself as a composer, which he does very well. Victor is that rare case when he hides absolutely nothing from the press. His whole life is in full view.

Was born little Victor V ordinary family. His mother was a doctor, his father worked as a turner. They lived like everyone else ordinary people. One day, when the son confessed to his father that he dreams of becoming a musician, he was forced to spend his savings, which he had saved to buy a car, on a piano for his son. The future musician was so pleased with the purchase that he spent a lot of time studying notes and fingering the keys of his first musical instrument.

Victor's life later

When Vita was 11 years old, he became a student at a music school where the best and most experienced teachers worked. Since the boy chose his future profession himself, he, unlike his peers, attended music lessons with great pleasure. After graduating from the first music school, Victor entered the conservatory in Leningrad. During that period, a rapid career him as a musician.

Works young musician were heard by Igor Romanov, who at that time was a guitarist in the group “Zemlyane”. Where Viktor Drobysh was invited. Victor accepts the offer without a drop of doubt and begins touring with friendly team. However, after some time, the group began to break up, which is why Victor’s career in their composition was not long.

Victor Drobysh in Europe

After the communication and friendship of Drobysh and Romanov ended, Victor went to Europe, or rather to Germany. There his career is growing rapidly. He writes songs for famous bands such as “No angels” and “Culture Beat”.

In the late 90s, Victor moved to Finland. There he began his collaboration with the group “Pets”, one of whose compositions became a popular hit and brought Viktor Drobysh even greater popularity and awards.

In 2002, the musician again arrived in Russia, where he entered into working contracts
with several performers, including Valeria, Kristina Orbakaite and Abraham Russo. They performed a song written by Victor, which became a hit in those years.

Personal life of Victor Drobysh

During his life, musician and composer Viktor Drobysh was married twice. His first wife was Elena Stuf, who bore him two sons. Valera and Vanya. Despite the fact that the couple seemed perfect family, their union did not last long. In 2008, Victor married for the second time. His second wife is former model Tatyana Nusinova. She also gave him two children - daughter Lida and son Danya. In addition, Tatyana has a son from her first marriage who lives with them.

Today, Victor is a happy family man and father. He and his wife are always together, everyone calls them a “never spilled” couple. They are as happy as before, and are not shy about showing it. Victor in one of latest interviews admitted that he dreams of having another baby. According to the spouses, they are going to start working on it soon.

  • instagram.com/vdrobysh

Leila Fattakhova appears first at the meeting place, ex-wife Joseph Prigogine and true friend Valeria. About five minutes later playful Tatyana Drobysh flies in. Next is Valeria, accompanied by her beloved man, who does not let go of the phone. “And these energetic laughers are 50?” Unfortunately, in our society there is still a stereotype: a woman has no life after 40. We are generally silent about 50. Fortunately, the stereotype is gradually being shattered about such energetic, purposeful, interested, greedy people. And with whom, if not with them, to talk about how to live life to the fullest, without worrying about the number in the passport. It was not possible to intervene in the conversation, and there was no need to. We just overheard a conversation between three friends. We publish fragments from it.

Tatiana: Ler, I did your hair for you!

Valeria: A la 90s, I liked the way you were laid back then. So cool!

Tatiana: I like it too, you can’t recommend anything bad. Not as the saying goes: “ Best friend- bald friend." I think this is so low. It's better to remain silent. But no, how often false compliments pour in from “sworn friends.” It’s not like here, we’re all beauties, we all trust each other.

Leila: If a person is essentially deceitful, it doesn’t matter whether he’s a girlfriend or not...

Valeria: Girls, how wise we are ( laughs)... We all look the same here, right? Tanya, are you from 1969?

Tatiana: Yeah, we have “5 A”, “6 B” and “7 B” classes. And my “classmate”, Joseph from “5 A”, needs to be seated at our table, because it’s impossible without him.

Valeria: Why is this? Very much so! That's it, Yosya, go, don't disturb. We're having girl talk here.

About female friendship, usurper husbands and the Pokrovsky Gate

Valeria: Girls, how long have we been friends?

Leila: Well, not so long ago. Lizka (daughter of Leila and Joseph - Ed.) was 10 years old when I first sent her on vacation with you to Switzerland. She is now 19. We started talking then and became friends a little later. It was a huge step forward for me when I asked Joseph if I could invite you to perform at our concert in the House of Music. Do you remember? Yosya then doubted, and you firmly said: “It’s possible!” It was so important to me. Bel Suono had their first concert then, no one knew much about it, but you supported us. And it was significant. There are other points of contact besides children.

Valeria: Yes, there must be something in common for the friendship to be strong and last long years. As a student I had close girlfriend, we communicated wonderfully, and then life tore us apart. When we meet, we remember the past, but we don’t see each other often.

Leila: And there is nothing like that in this, by the way. Nobody betrayed anyone, life just changed: everyone has families, children, their own worries.

When a woman gets married, she loses great amount friends. And it doesn't depend on whether it's bad or good husband

Valeria: Yes, it’s a completely different reality. I actually had this specificity family life that I had no right to have girlfriends. I was then usurped once and for all. Such were the living conditions.

Tatiana: Well, I can tell you that not only yours ex-husband- tyrant. They are all tyrants and usurpers. When a woman gets married, she loses a huge number of friends. And this does not depend on whether the husband is bad or good. The focus of communication is simply changing. Maybe I would like to go somewhere with the girls, and my husband will say: “Well, hello, what about me?” And you are with us because Valeria’s husband is Prigozhin. Ler, well, you and I started to communicate closely through our husbands.

Valeria: Yeah, so let's go to the cinema together. The boys are sitting behind us, and we are in front. It’s good for them, and it’s good for us. Also, when Lisa comes from Switzerland, Leila and I have another reason to meet.

Leila: But we are already dating without Lizka. This degree of intimacy. You are my man.

Tatiana: You have the “Pokrovsky Gate” right there, high relations! It seems to me... No, exactly! I wouldn’t be able to communicate with my husband’s ex like that.

Tatyana Drobysh, TV presenter, wife of Viktor Drobysh (since 2008). Daughter Lydia (8 years old), son Daniel (7 years old). From her first marriage to businessman Alexei Nusinov, Tatyana has a son Anton (21 years old)

Leila: So there is Joseph’s first wife, and the relationship there is not going well at all.

Valeria: A lot depends on the person here. When Lisa came to us, it was immediately clear what kind of mother she was and what was said in the family. Even if a child is cunning, he will still screw up somewhere. When Yosin’s elder children came to us, they were in the enemy’s camp. All the time they were looking for some kind of trick, information was leaked in tons. And it’s clear that this all comes from my mother. Why is not clear. Children should not stand at a crossroads between their parents and try to choose someone. It is pointless. If my ex was adequate, I would be happy to communicate with him. I’m glad that everything worked out this way for Lisa and me from the very beginning. I remember that on this first trip she generally followed me with her tail, reaching out to the girl.

Leila: She is her mother's daughter, there is no mother, there is a second mother. And now it’s like that with us, Lizka really calls Leroux her second mother.

Tatiana: Leila, honestly, aren’t you jealous?

Leila: Absolutely not! On the contrary, it’s better to consult Lera if I don’t know what to do. At school, there were always two email addresses as contacts: mine and Lerin’s. The documents were sent in English, I don’t know the language, Lera always called and asked if everything was in order there, if it was possible to sign. Everyone benefits from this. The children are friends. Subject (Artem Shulgin is Valeria’s eldest son. - Ed.) He calls Lizka his sister. Recently she visited him in Switzerland to pick up something, and he handed her 50 francs. I tell her, you’re cunning, and she admits with surprise that she didn’t even expect it.

Valeria: Tema himself has tasted student life, when you have to save money, money is all sorted into shelves. Remember when we were all in London at the concert? Lisa then hugged me and said: “I am the happiest today! All my loved ones are nearby." This is so touching! That’s how we communicate, a big friendly group.

About teenage love, resentment and a pocket fire extinguisher

Valeria: Oh, Senya writes, chooses a gift for Anya...

Tatiana: Oh, you and I already have daughters-in-law!

Valeria: Do you have a new one now?

Tatiana: Yeah, the second one already. Divorced from the first one ( laughs).

Leila: Girls, I would also talk to you about this topic, but they don’t initiate me...

Valeria: Yes, Lisa is learning from you, she’s all about business, she has no time for that yet!

Leila: And let him still be a child. And then jealousy, anxiety...

Valeria: Do you think you'll be jealous? I kept waiting for my maternal jealousy to wake up, but it didn’t. Senya has been in a relationship for two years now. They live together. Senya is the last of the family to branch off. I remember when he walked out the door with his things, I cried a lot. And he says to me like an adult: “Mom, it’s like you’re escorting me to the army or another country. I’m here, next to you, almost on the next street.” And I’m crying, I can’t. And now he is the head of the family, provides for Anya (Anna Sheridan is Arseny’s girlfriend - editor’s note), but does not forget about his mother.

I know that my children, no matter who appears next to them, always have a place in their hearts for me

We were sitting here at the concert: me, Senya and Anya. And during the concert, he took her hand and mine, and sat through the entire concert. I know that my children, no matter who comes next, always have a place in their hearts for me.

Tatiana: What a grown-up! But you still raise him, make a gentleman out of him. Here give way to Anya, open the door here...

Valeria: How else? I look at the situation as a woman. Yes, Senya is my son, but this does not mean that I will always be on his side. And I scold him if Anya says something wrong. Anya has already become part of the family. It so happened that they met each other early, and I already perceive them as one whole. I can make a remark to Anya, and to Sena. It’s always clearer from the outside.

Leila: Moreover, Ler, you are definitely an arbitrator! When mine grow up, I will invite you.

Valeria: Temka gave me a test on Facebook. Definition of psychotype. I passed, then I think: somewhere I didn’t answer frankly. I tried it a second time, but the result was the same. Do you know which one? Peacemaker!

Tatiana: Oh, but it’s true! How did you get there? You always try to reconcile everyone. I’m offended by Vitya, I’m calling you to complain, five minutes of conversation, and all my emotions were blown away. It’s unclear why I was offended!

Valeria: Yes, I've been carrying a fire extinguisher all my life. This is my mission.

Leila: Although you are an Aries, you should be explosive.

Tatiana: And she is not a peacemaker in Zen, she is a fighter for justice.

Valeria: Yosya jokes that there will be no war. But there will be such a struggle for peace that it will not be good ( laughs). We need to look globally. We are all wrong in little things. But to be offended and angry is such childishness and lack of self-confidence. I can be offended within the family for educational purposes. Like, I was offended, so that they would know, so that they wouldn’t pass by, that they shouldn’t do this or that. But this is all funny too. I wear this mask and I don’t remember why I’m having a demonstration here. But I don’t really remember when I was offended. I can always take the other person's side. I really doubt that people do anything out of evil intentions, it seems to me that they are simply mistaken.

Leila: You know, recently I once again, but now I’m sure - forever, broke up with one friend. You do good to a person, but the person accumulates envy and anger within himself. At some point, this results in rudeness in public, and you stand, listen and do not understand how a person for whom you have all your heart can feel so much hatred towards you. I have stepped on the same rake many times already. We need to become smarter somehow. If I had known that a person treated this way, I would not have come close.

Valeria: I’m also always not ready for rudeness, Leila. But don't promise it. They say you need to learn from mistakes, but on the other hand, openness is your quality, why break yourself. It happened and happened. Move on with the same open heart, I think so. Negative experiences are also experiences.

About age, happiness and small children for big fathers

Leila: Recently I came across an article about the age of happiness, our age. What is happiness for you?

Tatiana: It seems to me that happiness is not a permanent state. I look at Danka and instantly feel happy. It's a fraction of a second. And then again worries, and so I can scold my source of happiness ( laughs), wow! This is Lera, our supermom. Children adore you! When you talk to Lida, your voice immediately becomes so calm and affectionate...

Valeria: I’m like this with other people’s children, do you know how they got me down? The one little children love is Yosya. He can spend hours fiddling with them and talking.

Leila: I think he needs a little one.

The souls of children are given to us for temporary storage. Until the age of 18, we must protect and support them, but understand that they are not our property.

Valeria: Oh, yes, he could use a little one right now. Right now. Vitya amazes me! I had no idea he was such a father. Doesn't let go of the children.

Tatiana: Yeah, our husbands have grown up to have small children.

Valeria: Yes, before they had no time, they were building a career, making money, there was a lot of fuss around. But here everything is already stable. I look at Vitya and think: is it really him? He manages to do everything: to roller skate, to get up for fishing at five in the morning, and to sit in the studio and get things done. These fathers need to give birth to children on time.

Tatiana: But here is another danger. At this age, dad can only be a carrot. Knut is always mom. Although, when it’s the second day alone with the children, dad can’t stand it. Recently they went to the pool, and Lida whined and whined. Vitya calls and mutters in a guttural voice, restraining himself as much as possible: “Please take her.” I brought my beloved father.

Valeria: Yeah, and mothers will endure everything without a break.

Leila: That's how it should be.

Valeria: And what about Leila? wise mother. She sent her only child to study in Switzerland at the age of 12!

Leila: Well, you remember how for the first two years we didn’t get out of Skype. I thought that I would die here without her, I doubted the decision. And now I realized that I did everything right.

Valeria: Of course that's right! As they say, the souls of children are given to us for temporary storage. Until the age of 18, we must protect them, support them, but understand that they are not our property. That they have their own path and their own life. All we have to do is help them start on this path and walk alongside them further if they need help. But don't impose.

Leila Fattakhova, producer of the piano show Bel Suono, second wife of Joseph Prigozhin (they lived in a civil marriage for 7 years. Daughter Elizaveta (19 years old)

Tatiana: Girls, look how interesting it is: from talking about happiness, we smoothly moved on to children and husbands...

Valeria: So this is also part of our happiness. How, Tanya, did you say that happiness comes from little things? I agree with you. I also think that happiness is when there is no unhappiness.

Leila: And our happiness is that we live brightly and do not stop. We don’t live the lives of children or husbands, we have a lot of our own affairs and activities. Many women, especially in Soviet time, disappeared into the children’s lives, and by the age of 50 they had nothing more. We gave the children a way, we are always there, but at the same time we develop ourselves. And that’s why children are interested in being with us.

Valeria: And this is the secret of how beautiful we look ( laughs). But seriously, none plastic surgery will not replace a real interest in life. I had a teacher at the institute. One day we invited her to come with us to celebrate something and have fun. But she flatly refused, saying it’s not for my age. She was 40 years old! Only 40, you know? And already such fatigue, lethargy, as if I had already seen everything and had nothing to be interested in. And in contrast, my mother, who at her advanced age is involved in fitness, teaches English language, tutors students. She is interested in everything: concerts, theater. And my grandmother, at 100 years old, read albums on art, was aware of all events, and was drawn to everything new and interesting. And everyone in my family is long-lived. And when at 40 you decide that it’s no longer interesting, you give up on life, that’s scary.

Tatiana: Well, we're not in danger. We also know how to have fun as children. By the way, we haven’t played in the association for a long time. Shall we get together this weekend?

Valeria, Leila (in chorus): Agreed!

We would like to thank Hills restaurant for their help in organizing the shooting.


Victor Drobysh was born on June 27, 1966 in Kolpino, Leningrad. Graduated from music school School of Music, Conservatory named after. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov in piano class. Victor studied at school No. 467 from 1973 to 1981. At the same time, I went to a children's music school.

He played keyboards in the groups “Soyuz” and “St. Petersburg-2”.

He took part in the creation of the group “Lost and found” (later renamed “Pushking”).

Since 1996 he has worked in Germany. After working in Germany, Victor Drobysh moved to live in Finland, where he created the duet “Pets”.

At the same time, he was vice-president of the Russian-Finnish radio station Sputnik, whose St. Petersburg studio later became Radio Monte Carlo Petersburg.

The German record company “Edel Records” awarded Drobysh the “Golden Disc” for the composition DaDiDam, performed by a duet.

Later, when Drobysh returns to Russia, the song YesDiDam will be performed by Kristina Orbakaite, but in Russian.

These are widely known famous works composer as

  • All My Love, performed by Kristina Orbakaite at the World Music Awards in Monte Carlo in May 2002;
  • Love that no longer exists, received national music award“Golden Gramophone” in 2002 (in December 2003, Drobysh was awarded the “Song of the Year” award for it) performed by Kristina Orbakaite and Abraham Russo, as well as
  • just love you, which became a hit with Kristina Orbakaite and Abraham Russo,
  • Valeria's hit Watch, for which Drobysh also received the Golden Gramophone award in 2003, etc.

Star Factory

In 2004, Viktor Drobysh took part as a co-producer in the First Channel musical television project “Star Factory-4”.

In August 2004, the Viktor Drobysh Production Center was created, which dealt with creative promotion graduates of “Star Factory-3”: the groups “Tutsi”, “K.G.B.”, as well as such performers as Yulia Mikhalchik, Natalya Podolskaya and Stas Piekha.

In 2006, Drobysh became music producer The sixth season of the TV project “Star Factory” as well as General Producer National Music Corporation, which produces such artists as Stas Piekha, Marta, Natalya Podolskaya, Yulia Mikhalchik, Zara, Sogdiana, Ivanna, Alexey Khvorostyan, Prokhor Shalyapin, Alexander Kireev, as well as the groups “Tutsi”, “K. G.B.", "Chelsea" and "Ultraviolet".

"Battle of the Choirs"

Viktor Drobysh participated in the television project “Battle of the Choirs”, where he was the mentor of a choir from Novosibirsk, which reached the finals, but lost to Yekaterinburg. Unlike his colleagues, he did not select participants in the city, but took ready-made guys from Laima Vaikule, who, due to her busy touring schedule, abandoned the choir. In the new season, he was the mentor of a rock choir from St. Petersburg, which lost in the final to the Krasnodar Territory.

Prizes and awards

  • As a music producer and composer Viktor Drobysh great attention devotes his time to working with talented young people making their debut on Russian stage. For this activity he was awarded the Order “For the Revival of Russia in the 21st Century.”
  • By Presidential Decree Russian Federation No. 1637 of December 29, 2010 Viktor Yakovlevich Drobysh was awarded the title Honored Artist of Russia (2010)

Personal life

  • First wife, poetess Elena Stuf
  • two sons: Valery Drobysh (born in 1987) - composer, co-author of his father, and Ivan Drobysh (born in 1999)
  • Second wife since June 21, 2008 Tatyana Drobysh (born 1969), she has a son Anton Nusinov from ex-spouse businessman Alexey Nusinov.
  • Daughter Lydia Drobysh (born May 6, 2010)
  • Son Daniil Drobysh (born December 15, 2011)

Victor Drobysh - photo

Viktor Yakovlevich Drobysh. Born on June 27, 1966 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian composer and music producer, Honored Artist of Russia (2010). Author of the Buranovsky Babushki song Party for Everybody, which took 2nd place at Eurovision 2012.

Victor Drobysh was born on June 27, 1966 in Kolpino, Leningrad. Graduated from music school, music school, conservatory. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov in piano class. Victor studied at school No. 467 from 1973 to 1981. At the same time, I went to a children's music school.

He played keyboards in the groups “Soyuz” and “St. Petersburg-2”.

He took part in the creation of the group “Lost and found” (later renamed “Pushking”).

Since 1996 he has worked in Germany. After working in Germany, Victor Drobysh moved to live in Finland, where he created the duet “Pets”.

At the same time, he was vice-president of the Russian-Finnish radio station Sputnik, whose St. Petersburg studio later became Radio Monte Carlo Petersburg.

The German record company Edel Records awarded Drobysh the Golden Disc for the composition DaDiDam, performed by the duet.

Later, when Drobysh returns to Russia, he will perform the song DaDiDam, but in Russian.

In 2004, Viktor Drobysh took part as a co-producer in the First Channel musical television project “Star Factory-4”.

In August 2004, the “Viktor Drobysh Production Center” was created, which was engaged in the creative promotion of graduates of “Star Factory-3”: the groups “Tutsi”, “K.G.B.”, as well as such performers as Yulia Mikhalchik, Natalya Podolskaya and Stas Piekha.

In 2006, Drobysh became the music producer of the Sixth Season of the TV project “Star Factory” as well as the General Producer of the National Music Corporation, which produces artists such as Stas Piekha, Marta, Natalya Podolskaya, Yulia Mikhalchik, Zara, Sogdiana, Ivanna, Alexey Khvorostyan, Prokhor Shalyapin, Alexander Kireev, as well as the groups “Tutsi”, “K. G.B.", "Chelsea" and "Ultraviolet".

The composition “Feat” by St. Petersburg Trash Shapito Kach brought wide popularity to V. Drobysh.