Download a ready-made billiard club business plan. Preparation of production plan

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Business plan

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If you are interested in a billiard club business plan, be prepared for the costs. After all, billiards is not only a game, it is a real club where men and women gather, united by the same passion and excitement. That is why they will require the best to have a good time: good tables, soft lighting, high-quality accessories for the game, some privacy that provides a club atmosphere.

All this is taken into account in the document, which can be studied on our website. In addition, in a good billiard room you can set up a small bar where drinks, cigarettes, and coffee will be offered. All this will only increase the popularity of the establishment and make it more visited. However, in this case you will need to obtain a permit to sell food and drinks.

When purchasing a document on organizing a billiard room, immediately think about where to place it. It is better if it is the cultural center of the city, where there are good restaurants and hotels nearby. If desired, a billiard room can be planned in the hotel premises itself, but in this case, the first thing that is required is the consent of the management of this establishment. If it is received and the rental plan is not too high, you can safely start making your dream come true.

Billiards is a popular hobby among men of all ages. But only real businessmen think about the fact that a hobby can be turned into a source of very noticeable profit. The idea of ​​opening a billiard club usually comes to people who have long been familiar with the specifics of this type of business. If you are familiar with the features of the billiard business only from books, it will be more difficult for you to succeed.

There are several types of billiard clubs in Russia. The most popular of them are commercial clubs, which attract a large number of people for whom playing billiards is the best pastime. And for this they do not have to be experts or professionals.

Sports clubs are intended exclusively for professional players, but such a concept as a VIP club does not need to be deciphered. And it is clear that only people with a high level of income visit elite clubs. Accordingly, the level of service is expected to be completely different, in contrast to ordinary commercial clubs.

When thinking about how to open billiards and choose a suitable concept, most entrepreneurs are inclined to favor commercial clubs. Such establishments are distinguished by a certain democracy, which is absent in elite clubs. This attracts a large number of visitors. But for the same reason, the level of competition in this market segment is much higher. Elite clubs open much less frequently because they require very significant initial capital. But if you have money and the desire to build a profitable business by opening an elite billiards club, go for it!

A sports club is created for only one purpose - a game and only a game; one cannot expect much profit from such a project. If you are a fan of billiards and income is the least of your interests, then this option is for you. Having decided on the concept, you can start searching for premises. The opinion that a billiard club must be located in the city center is not entirely correct. Recently, clubs that are located in quiet and cozy areas have become increasingly popular. An elite club may even be located outside the city. The availability of additional services also depends on the choice of club concept. For example, in an elite club, a properly selected assortment of drinks and snacks in the billiards bar is of great importance.

When opening a billiards club, take care of its advertising. It is best to distribute leaflets and flyers advertising your services in establishments that your potential clients visit - restaurants, coffee shops, nightclubs, fitness centers. To attract new customers, billiard clubs sometimes organize various promotions. As for documenting this type of activity, you will learn about all the nuances from the billiard club business plan.

The barrier to entry into the billiards business is quite high. In order to open a popular billiards club, a businessman will need an impressive amount - from 50 thousand dollars to half a million. The final figure depends on the target audience the billiards will be designed for; it is determined by the choice of the establishment format and the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur. The most expensive projects are elite billiard clubs, the main visitors of which are wealthy people.

Opening a billiards club is very expensive, that's for sure. But a billiard room, as a business, can generate quite a bit of income. On average, such a project pays off in 1-2 years, and the profitability reaches 50%. If everything goes well for you, then you can reach the break-even point even after 6-8 months. Thus, investing financial resources in this type of business can be very profitable, and a fashionable hobby among men will turn you into a successful businessman.

The first thing that will require significant financial costs is renting a suitable premises, renovating it and equipping it with the appropriate accessories. In addition, you cannot do without the services of a designer who will develop a competent billiard room project, in which you can not only have fun chasing balls, but also relax, have a snack and chat in comfort. The amount of expenses at this stage depends on many factors, including prices in a particular region. When remodeling a room, it is necessary to take into account the specific format of the establishment. For example, commercial and sports billiard clubs are characterized by the presence of a single large space, while in elite clubs visitors prefer privacy, which requires dividing the area into separate rooms.

Another significant cost item is the purchase of billiard equipment. The cost of a good billiard table is at least 50 thousand rubles, the upper limit goes off scale for tens of thousands of dollars. The quality of billiard tables, the prices of which do not even reach 30 thousand rubles, leaves much to be desired, and by making such purchases you risk, first of all, the reputation of the establishment. The most common billiard table size is at least 8 feet for a pool table and at least 10 feet for a Russian pyramid.

In addition to tables, you also need to buy all the accessories for playing billiards - cues, stickers, cue sticks. We should not forget that income from playing billiards is not the only source of profit, especially in commercial billiard clubs. If your club has a good bar, the revenue from it can be an impressive part of the profit. But for this you need to invest good money in equipping the bar.

How much it costs to open a billiards room with 3 tables or another number of them - you can easily calculate on your own if you have a professional billiards club business plan at hand. From it you will learn what taxes the owner of a billiard room needs to pay, how much it costs to open a billiard room, and what kind of profit you can expect if you follow all the recommendations of professionals.

Today, billiards has become a fairly popular sports game in our country.

Both adults and even teenagers play it. Gradually it has grown into a specific sport, in which competitions and other sporting events are held annually.

First steps in this business

An entrepreneur who decides to open a billiards club, with the right approach, can earn much more money than was originally invested in it.

To achieve success in this matter, you need to choose a suitable location and draw up a competent business plan for a billiard club. Such an entertainment establishment must adhere to a certain concept.

Required documents for opening

To register a billiards business, no special documents are required. Need to:

Register an individual entrepreneur;

Obtain the necessary licenses and permits;

Carefully ensure that the club premises meet all the requirements of firefighters and the SES.

Obtaining such documents is a completely standard procedure.

Types of billiard clubs

All billiard clubs that are currently open in our country can be divided into several groups, based on the size of the room and the number of billiard tables.

The first type includes billiard rooms, which are located in holiday homes, boarding houses or hotels. In such a room there are no more than 5 tables intended for fans of this type of sports game.

The second type is billiard rooms located in entertainment centers and large shopping centers. These clubs have at least 15 tables, which are designed for different types of billiards. Billiard clubs of this format often hold professional competitions at the regional level.

The third type of billiard rooms occupies a separate room and has 20 or even more tables in its arsenal. To create this type of establishment you will have to spend money, but an elite billiards club as a business will bring in several times more profit than others.

Subtypes of clubs

In addition to this conditional division into types, billiard clubs are also divided into subtypes: entertainment, elite and sports.

Billiard rooms of an entertaining nature can be combined in one room with other entertainment for visitors.

Professional clubs are equipped with the highest quality equipment and focus on high-quality play, with the entertainment side being the last thing they care about. Many of the professional players come to the game with their own (custom made) cues and always use pool gloves.

The main concept of the establishment

Before you start drawing up a business plan for a billiard club with calculations, you need to decide on its character and think through the concept of the establishment. On paper, it is worth detailing all the costs point by point, and if the business plan is done correctly, then soon you will receive your first income from your business.

Naturally, expect that in the first months of the club’s operation, before you receive your first income, you will have to constantly and heavily invest in it. An establishment of such a high rank requires equipment corresponding to its status. It should not only be of high quality, but also expensive.

Please keep in mind in advance that it will not be possible to recoup all the financial costs that will be spent on holding tournaments, so owners often combine the billiards business with entertainment and entertainment components.

High competition

If you have already decided to found an elite establishment, but do not know how to open a billiard club and what is needed for this, then first of all, in addition to the financial viability of the owner, an initial client base must be compiled!

If at the initial stage of business development the founder of a billiard room misses these two points, then there is a high probability that the business will simply burn out and bring losses. Business analysts claim that the market for billiard clubs is highly competitive.

There are entrepreneurs who may doubt this statement of analysts and believe that there is enough free space for the development of this type of business, the main thing is to draw up a clear business plan for a billiard club.

But experts stand their ground and assure that this type of business is growing rapidly, and over time the number of billiard rooms, designed for any social strata of the population, will grow exponentially.

Only one has a chance

You can enter any market if you wish, but note that opening an elite billiards club is directly related to big money. In a small town, where there are not many billiards fans, and there are already clubs, albeit of an average rank, they will not give the opportunity to open another such establishment. Therefore, know that your project will fail.

Important points when opening a billiard room

The following conclusion can be drawn: the Billiard Room business will be profitable only if its founder is not so much chasing income as he is obsessed with the idea of ​​an ideal and high-quality establishment.

In such an environment, entrepreneurs survive who strive to raise the club to a certain level and then receive money from it. If the idea of ​​​​creating a billiard club is based only on generating income, then it is better not to start working in this area!


When an entrepreneur decides that there are enough funds and opportunities to compete with other clubs, the business plan of a billiard club is planned and ideally developed, you can still “stumble” and stop halfway due to the inability to recruit professional, competent staff for your elite establishment .

Entrepreneurs who want to make money from entertainment most often wonder how to open a billiards club. Such an institution is really very popular, and if you think through all the nuances of its work, you can earn very good money. However, it is worth considering that a billiard room at the stage of its organization will require quite large investments.

What do you need to open a billiard room?

First of all, you should pay attention to the premises of the future club, and it does not necessarily have to occupy a separate building or a separate room - sometimes you can simply agree with any catering establishment that has free space (30-40 sq. m will be quite enough), and this would save. In such a situation, the owner of the billiard room will only need to give part of the income to the owner of the cafe or restaurant. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to open a club in the city center - billiard rooms in residential areas are also very popular.

The second important step for those who decide to open a billiards club is business registration. For a start-up establishment, a regular individual entrepreneur with a simplified taxation system is suitable. Later it will be possible to switch to a common system. At the same time, the billiard room will not require obtaining a large number of permits to operate: it does not need licenses or patents, unless the club sells alcohol - in such a situation, you will only need to purchase a permit to sell alcohol. All you need is permission from:

  • municipal authorities - they will check that the billiard room is not too close to housing and does not disturb people living next to it
  • fire inspection - it will determine how safe the premises are from the point of view of a possible fire
  • Sanitation station - its inspection will be necessary if you plan to open a billiards club with a bar or cafe

When all checks have been passed, you will also have to worry about decorating the premises. It is not so much the style of the club itself that is important, but the “correct” renovation: high humidity and temperature changes are unacceptable in the hall - this can have a bad effect on the condition of the furniture for the game. You should also ensure that the floor is as strong as possible (this is especially important because a businessman will probably want to choose the best quality pool table, and they are usually quite heavy).

How much does it cost to open a billiards room?

The answer to this question depends on what kind of club you plan to create. He can be:

  • commercial - a club for a wide audience with different levels of gaming practice (the majority of such billiard rooms in any city)
  • sports club for professionals (there will be no casual visitors here)
  • elite – a club for very wealthy clients, providing exclusive and rather expensive services

For each of the establishments, you will need to separately select a billiard table, or rather several tables - any club will need tables for American pool and Russian billiards, and a sports club will also require the purchase of tables for carom and snooker. Of course, the cost of furniture for the game will depend on its quality and brand, and an elite club will need to pay higher costs, while a commercial one will save money. However, a businessman should in any case focus on average prices. Here's what you need to open a billiard room:

  • tables for Russian billiards - can cost 13.5-25 thousand rubles per unit (you should have 3-4 tables in the hall)
  • pool tables – 70-140 thousand rubles (the cheapest are suitable for a commercial club, the most expensive for a professional club)
  • cues - can cost from 5 thousand rubles per piece (two cues are needed for each table)
  • balls - the cheapest ones will cost 700-800 rubles per set, but many clubs choose branded balls, which cost 5-6 times more
  • triangle for balls – 300-400 rubles
  • leather stickers and crayons – up to 300 rubles per set
  • billiard cloth – from 1.5 thousand rubles per linear meter
  • electronic timer for the game – 17-30 thousand rubles (the number of timers is purchased according to the number of tables)

To these expenses, you will also need to add the cost of renting premises (depending on the location of the club, the price may vary), as well as paying staff (on average, 2-3 million rubles can be spent on these purposes per year). Also, 70-100 thousand will be needed to repair the premises.

Is the billiards business profitable?

The answer to the question of how much you can earn from it will depend on how much it costs to open a billiard room. As a rule, the most standard clubs bring 200 rubles per game on weekdays and 300 per game on weekends. Visitors can order a minimum of 10 games per day, which will bring revenue of 2 and 3 thousand rubles, respectively, but most often the number of orders is higher. To these figures should be added income from the sale of alcohol and various dishes in the bar.

As a result, on average, a billiard room can bring in 120-150 thousand rubles per month. If the club provides the opportunity to host corporate parties, this figure can double.

As a rule, businessmen who decide to open a billiard club manage to recoup their costs in 1.5-2 years. At the same time, over such a period of time, the billiard room manages to become very popular, and if its owner continues to develop and offers clients more services, he can count on excellent income that will grow regularly.

So, let's figure out how to open a billiards club. First of all, you need to choose a legal form; the best option would be to register an LLC. This is due to the fact that you will have to obtain a license for alcohol, without which the billiards revenue will be much lower. Registering an LLC today will cost four thousand rubles, plus an authorized capital of at least ten thousand.

A license to sell alcohol is issued for a period of one year, its cost will be forty thousand rubles. To avoid problems, hire a lawyer and an accountant part-time. They will be able to correctly prepare a package of documents.

After registering and obtaining a license, you can take care of organizational issues: finding premises and purchasing equipment.

Remember: any entertainment business, including billiards, requires constant improvement, adding features and original ideas. Otherwise, customers will simply get bored with it.


For a billiards club you need to find a room with an area of ​​120-150 square meters. This area should accommodate the main hall, kitchen, toilet, and small storage room. In the main hall there are: 5-6 billiard tables, a bar counter, 5-6 tables for those who want to relax and have a snack.

A bar is a necessary thing in a billiard room, since people who come to relax don’t mind drinking a couple of glasses of whiskey, beer or cocktails. You can make good money on alcohol and drinks, but without them the club may become uninteresting for clients.

The cuisine may have a small assortment, several hot options, salads, dessert. You can periodically update the menu, replacing unpopular dishes with something else. Thanks to the kitchen, you can earn money from passers-by who come in for a snack or coffee, thus expanding your circle of customers.

Important: make sure that the premises comply with the standards of the fire service and SES. Otherwise, you will face large fines.

It is best to rent the premises in which there was a cafe. In this case, you can agree with the owner to add several tables for food, an equipped kitchen and a bar counter to the rental. Thus, you will be able to save a good amount at the initial stage; new furniture and kitchen equipment are expensive.

Club equipment

If you were able to find a room with furniture and a bar counter, then all that remains is to purchase billiard tables, cues, balls and the necessary small items. It is also best to invest in automated time-keeping equipment; this will make the work easier for staff and avoid wasting money. The cost of such a system ranges from 20 to 30 thousand rubles.

For an average club you need a couple of tables for playing Russian billiards, one small table and two tables for American pool. In total, you need to purchase five tables. Their total cost will be about 350 thousand.

Tables, as a rule, are equipped with balls, but it is better not to save money and buy spare ones (it will cost 4-5 thousand rubles). Also, five tables will require twenty cues, with an average cost of 2-3 thousand rubles.

Also, for each billiard table you need to buy a lamp; five lamps with six lamps (for each table) will cost 70-75 thousand rubles.


To be successful in the billiard business, you need a professional marker. This is not just a person who is familiar with the rules of all billiards games, but also who owns a cue at a high level. He often has to play with clients, so he must be a good psychologist who will understand what a person expects from him. He must be able to impose a fight on the most avid player in order to earn his respect and increase the authority of the club. His functions also include maintaining inventory and resolving conflicts that arise. Typically, markers receive daily pay, bonuses from management, and large tips from clients.

Also for customer service you will need

Bartenders (2 people, in shifts),

Waiters (4 people, 2 per shift),

Cooks (2 people, in shifts),

Administrators (2 people, in shifts),

Cleaning woman.

The profitability of your billiard club will depend on the correct selection of personnel. People strive to relax in a place where they are answered politely, served professionally and are not rude in any way. Therefore, carefully monitor the work of your subordinates, train them, and punish them for any carelessness that affects the client.

Expenses and income of a billiard club

The billiard club given as an example has several sources of income:

Billiard table rental,

Let's assume that the billiard club will be open 14 hours a day (from 12 noon to 2 am). The average cost of renting a billiard table is 300 rubles per hour. This club can rent five billiard tables at the same time. The main flow of customers occurs from 19 pm to 2 am. Then the average monthly revenue from table rental will be 300-350 thousand rubles. With such attendance, a bar can bring in 250-300 thousand revenues per month, and a kitchen 150-200 thousand rubles.

Total monthly revenue is 700 – 900 thousand rubles.

Now let's move on to costs. At one time you will have to spend 460 thousand rubles on the purchase of equipment. This amount will include a time tracking system, five billiard tables, cues, balls, and lamps. Also, to these expenses we will add obtaining a license for alcohol - 40 thousand rubles. Total one-time costs: 500 thousand rubles.

You need to pay rent monthly, approximately 150 thousand rubles. Salary to employees - 200 thousand rubles (15 thousand salary for a waiter and bartender, 15 thousand for an administrator and marker, 20 thousand for a cook, 7 thousand for a cleaner, 5 thousand for a lawyer and accountant). Taxes – 35,000 rubles. Purchase of food and alcohol per month – 150 thousand rubles. Total monthly costs will be: 535 thousand rubles.

Let's calculate the total costs for the year of operation of the billiard club: 535,000 X 12 + 500,000 = 6,920,000 rubles. Payback at average turnover (800 thousand rubles per month) will take 9 months of work.

As we were able to see, a billiard club is an expensive business, but it pays off very quickly and has a lot of potential. Therefore, if you decide to open an entertainment establishment, then pay attention to the billiards business. According to experts, six out of ten such clubs are experiencing a payback period and continue to develop further. Good luck in finding your business!