Ivan tea - application, preparation of infusion and beneficial and medicinal properties. Medicinal properties of fireweed - methods of application and preparation recipes

The fireweed plant is widely used in both folk and traditional medicine. It attracts people's attention not only for its beneficial properties, but also for its beautifully flowering shoots.

So what kind of plant is Ivan tea? For what purposes is it used and what are its positive properties? Read more about this in our article.

Description of the plant

Ivan tea is a herbaceous plant belonging to the fireweed family. The plant is tall, growing up to 1.5 m in height (in some areas up to 2 m). It has long, narrow, lanceolate-shaped leaves.

The medium-sized flowers range in color from red to white or pink. The inflorescences are collected on the upper part of the plant. Fireweed blooms for a long time, up to 3 months (from June to August). The root system is spreading and creeping.

According to legend, the fireweed plant has been known since the 12th century. It was popular and was accessible to both the lower and upper classes. But only a century later, the fireweed plant became a traditional drink and received a different name - Koporye fireweed.

Its name comes from the area where monks first began to harvest it - the medieval settlement of Koporye, located in the province of St. Petersburg, discovered by Alexander Nevsky. After some time, Koporye tea began to be imported abroad, for example, to England, France and other large European countries. People believed that fireweed was not only a storehouse of all kinds of vitamins and microelements, but also had magical properties.

Growing area

The main growing area of ​​the plant is in the central part of Russia and the areas bordering it. Ivan-tea is a light-loving plant, so it grows mainly on forest edges, hills, near highways and trails. The plant does not tolerate high humidity, so it is pointless to look for it near ponds and swamps, as well as in a dense forest.

Chemical composition

It is very diverse, because it is not for nothing that since ancient times it has been revered and considered a healing drink. In modern times, people have learned to collect and prepare herbs, preserving maximum healing properties for the body.

Microelements contained in the plant:

  • sodium;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • manganese;
  • nickel;
  • titanium;
  • lithium;
  • molybdenum;
  • potassium.

In fact, there are much more microelements contained in angustifolia fireweed. Above are the main components, the content of which is maximum. They help restore blood circulation in the human body and normal hematopoietic function.


  • vitamin C;
  • vitamins of group A;
  • B vitamins.

In addition, it contains no less important components:

  • pectin;
  • tannins;
  • tannins;
  • sugar;
  • alkaloids;

The green leaves of the marsh fireweed contain protein that nourishes the body with vital energy.

Note: fireweed is valued due to the absence of caffeine and acids such as uric and oxalic. They, as a rule, have a bad effect on the digestive system and metabolism in the body.

All of the above turns a seemingly ordinary flower into a plant with extraordinary qualities. In folk and traditional medicine, fireweed is used to make restorative teas, decoctions, infusions and even lotions and compresses.

Properties of Ivan tea

Due to the fact that fireweed tea contains many different substances and elements, its scope of application is quite wide. Among the properties provided, the following can be noted:

  • antibacterial;
  • astringents;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • enveloping;
  • sedative;
  • sweatshops;
  • general strengthening;
  • tonic.

The range of uses of angustifolia fireweed is wide. It is recommended to drink decoctions for diseases such as gastritis, ulcers, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, digestive system disorders, etc. Infusions are made from both leaves and inflorescences. They are used for insomnia (as a mild sleeping pill and sedative).

Fireweed extract (extract) is especially useful for men; it has a positive effect on adenoma and prostate (you can read about the benefits and contraindications of fireweed tea for men).

It has a positive effect. can be used for menopause, menstruation, gynecological diseases. can also bring tangible benefits.

Considering the positive effect of Ivan tea on the body and the simple agricultural technology of its cultivation, it is worth introducing the use of tea into a person’s daily diet.

See overview video about the plant Ivan tea (fireweed):

Ivan tea is one of the unpretentious plants that can be found in clearings, forest edges, river banks and many other places. In the photo of the plant you can see how beautifully this amazing plant blooms. However, in addition to its visual attractiveness, Ivan tea has unusually beneficial properties for the body. Our ancestors noticed its medicinal properties. However, in modern folk medicine the plant has not lost its popularity and is successfully used to treat various diseases.

What does the plant look like and where does Ivan-tea grow? Externally, Ivan tea has light green oblong leaves and beautiful purple inflorescences. Unusual flowers can be easily seen in the photo of the plant. After the flowers fade, fluffy boxes form in their place, in which the seeds of Ivan tea ripen. Common places where grass can be found are forest clearings, meadows, river banks and waste areas.

This plant is also popularly called “fireman”. Ivan-tea received this nickname due to the fact that the plant is the first to appear in areas after a fire. Also, many call it “fire grass.” Due to the plant's belonging to the fireweed family, the herb is also called "fireweed".

Plant composition

Ivan tea has an incredibly rich biochemical composition. The presence of many useful substances ensures its benefits and effectiveness for the treatment of various ailments. So, fireweed includes the following components:

  • vitamins;
  • vitamin A analogues - carotenoids;
  • pectin;
  • useful acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids.

A description of the plant would not be complete without mentioning the presence of polysaccharides and phytosterols and a huge variety of vitamins and microelements that are extremely beneficial for the human body. The plant contains zinc, potassium, boron, nickel, calcium and many other substances.

Ivan tea contains an extremely large amount of ascorbic acid. Here it is 5-6 times more than in lemons and oranges.

Fireweed has enormous beneficial properties for the human body. Tea not only has a beneficial effect on all human systems and organs, but also has an incredible taste. Today, the varieties of Ivan tea are very wide. It can be found both in its pure form and with the addition of various other useful plants. So, what are the benefits of tea for the body?

  1. Regular consumption of tea has a positive effect on a person’s immunity and overall well-being.
  2. With this drink you can get rid of harmful substances such as waste and toxins. The components of the plant have powerful antioxidant properties.
  3. For anemia, Ivan tea is also indispensable. The drink significantly improves blood composition and increases hemoglobin.
  4. Drinking tea allows you to normalize all metabolic processes in the body.
  5. Fireweed also has a positive effect on the organs of the endocrine system.

For colds, drinking tea has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antiseptic effects. Tea is indispensable for both the treatment and prevention of flu and colds. The properties of Ivan tea also include:

  1. Fireweed has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of a person. Drinking the drink helps relieve stress, calm down, get rid of worries, and normalize sleep.
  2. Tea is also extremely beneficial for the digestive system. It has diuretic, choleretic properties, eliminates inflammatory processes of the stomach and other gastrointestinal tract organs.
  3. When the temperature rises, you can take slightly warm tea; the drink helps relieve fever and saturate the body with healthy vitamins.
  4. Fireweed works great for various types of pain. For headaches, toothaches or any other pain, it is recommended to drink the product warm 3-4 times a day.
  5. For sore throat, tonsillitis and various colds, it is recommended to gargle with a decoction of the plant 3-4 times a day.

Plant collection

When to collect Ivan tea? To independently prepare medicinal raw materials, the plant is picked during its flowering period. To do this, flowers and grass leaves are cut. It is recommended to leave the roots in the ground. You can collect flowers and leaves separately. It is also worth noting that if the plant is not collected during its flowering period, it will not have beneficial properties.

The plant is dried in several ways. In the first case, flowers and leaves are laid out in a well-ventilated area on paper napkins or regular newspaper. After drying, the raw materials are crushed and stored in bags made of natural fabric.

The second method is more complicated. To do this, the grass is lightly dried for 10-12 hours, then rolled into thin tubes and placed in a bowl, covered with a wet cloth. The plant is left in this form for a few more hours. The final step is to dry the leaves in a slightly preheated oven. Afterwards, the raw materials are stored in bags or paper bags. It is not recommended to store the plant in glass or tin.

There are plants similar to Ivan tea (see photo). When harvesting herbs, it is important not to confuse them with real fireweed.

How to brew tea?

The recipe for brewing fireweed is quite simple, but it is still different from preparing regular tea. So the procedure is as follows:

  1. You can prepare tea in both glass and ceramic containers. During the brewing process, you can feel the incredibly pleasant aroma of the drink and its stunning color.
  2. Herb at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 500 ml. water is poured with boiling water and left to brew under a closed lid for 10-15 minutes. The drink is considered ready when the leaves completely settle to the bottom.
  3. The water for preparing the drink must be of high quality, without the addition of various impurities. Various additives can affect the taste of the drink.
  4. Before pouring the tea into cups, the contents of the teapot should be stirred again.

You can also brew tea in a thermos. This method will allow you to experience the taste of the plant even more strongly. To do this, place 2 or 4 tablespoons of herbs in a thermos with a volume of 0.5 or 1 liter and fill it with boiling water. The lid of the thermos should be tightly sealed and the drink should be left to brew for 2-3 hours. You can drink tea with sugar or chalk to taste.

Traditional medicine recipes

In addition to brewing as tea, fireweed is also used in some traditional medicine recipes. The following methods are popular.

Treatment of the digestive system

To prevent and treat diseases of the digestive system, it is recommended to prepare a concentrated infusion from the leaves and flowers of the plant. To do this, pour a tablespoon of herbs into a glass of boiling water and cover with a lid. Infusion time is 20-30 minutes. Take half a glass in the morning and evening.

Healing remedy for burns and wounds

To prepare the medicine, place a tablespoon in an enamel container. l. plants and fill it with 500 ml of cold water. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat and cook for another 15-20 minutes. After cooling, the decoction is used for rubbing and bathing.

Cure for psoriasis and other skin problems

Fireweed leaves (2 tbsp.) must be ground into powder and mixed with one tsp. Vaseline. The ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and added to 10 drops of sea buckthorn oil. The resulting ointment is applied to the affected areas several times a day for 20-30 minutes.


In some cases, the use of Ivan tea and medicines based on it is strictly prohibited. Contraindications include:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  2. Children under 6 years old.
  3. People with personal intolerance to plant components.
  4. Patients with high stomach acidity.

Before drinking tea, it is very important to consult a specialist. This will help eliminate many complications and side effects.

The amazing fireweed plant has many healing properties and is a storehouse of vitamins and various microelements taken from nature. It is used both for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, and to boost immunity. Also, a decoction of this herb is an excellent tonic and invigorating drink. What is this amazing fireweed plant, and how to use it? To understand this, you need to find out what useful microelements are included in its composition.

In contact with

Places of growth and history of the name

It is very easy to find places where fireweed grows, because it is distributed throughout Russia, growing everywhere in forest clearings and clearings, in fields and dry peat bogs, along roads and in wastelands. Fireweed rises to a height of up to one and a half meters and is the first to cover the fields with its vigorous flowering of pink-violet inflorescences, which lasts almost the entire summer - from June to August.
It got its name a long time ago, back in ancient Rus'.. There are many versions about why it was called Ivan-tea. According to one of them, it came from a certain Ivan, who loved to flaunt in a red shirt. According to another, this is what the healers called it, who knew the power of a drink made from the fireweed herb, since they saw the power of its beneficial effects leading to recovery. According to the third, this is what foreign merchants called it, who bought it in large quantities, since it was in great demand in Europe.

What beneficial properties of fireweed tea should you pay special attention to?

After studying this plant using chemical analyses, a huge amount of substances necessary for the human body was identified. It contains: molybdenum and boron, manganese and copper, nickel and iron, titanium, as well as lithium, sodium, calcium, potassium and other trace elements. The vitamin set is also striking in its diversity - it contains more vitamin C alone than black currants and citrus fruits. It also contains almost all B vitamins.

It should be noted that in Rus', in order to maintain immunity and strength of the body, the roots of this plant, ground, were added to the flour from which bread was baked.

What medicinal properties does fireweed tea have, and what diseases is it used to treat?

Recipes for preparing and consuming decoctions from this plant have been preserved to this day. To know how to use them, you must study them carefully, and most importantly, you need to know how to brew Ivan tea correctly so that it retains all its beneficial properties.

Harvesting time and proper preparation

In order for this plant to show its qualities in full force, it must be brewed correctly, and this process has its own subtleties that must be taken into account, starting from the moment the plant’s raw materials are collected.

To make potions from this plant, leaves, stems, flowers and its roots are collected.

Flowers Fireweed tea can be collected from June to August - then they are dried in cool, ventilated areas.

Roots They dig at the end of flowering, in the fall. Then they are washed and dried in a stove or oven at a low temperature, which should not rise above 60 degrees.

Dried roots are stored well without losing their beneficial properties throughout the year.

And here leaves It is best to use during the beginning of flowering, while the flowers have not yet opened, but are in buds.

  • The leaves are torn off, washed from dust and laid out on the floor, on paper, in a layer of about 5-6 centimeters. They must “wither”; for this, their layer should be mixed regularly.
  • After a day, the leaves are rolled between the palms into peculiar “sausages” so that they yield juice.
  • The resulting twists are left to ferment for the required period.
  • If the goal is to get “green tea,” you can devote 6 to 8 hours to this process. For a deeper process, this period is extended to one or even two days - then the leaves will acquire a shade characteristic of dark varieties of tea. However, it should be remembered that significant overexposure can affect the taste of the future drink.
  • When finished, chop the sausages finely, place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment, and dry them in the oven until done. Periodically you need to check the readiness - the “tea leaves” should break in your hands, but under no circumstances crumble into dust.

In this way, fermented fireweed tea is produced.

If dried raw materials are stored in a closed container, for example, a glass jar, it will be suitable for use and will not lose its medicinal properties for two years.

To enhance the aroma, you can throw a pinch of lungwort herb into the jar.

Brewing tea

You need to know that fireweed is used very sparingly, so a couple of small spoons will be enough to brew dozens of cups of medicinal tea.
Due to the fact that the plant contains a large amount of essential oils, after preparing fireweed tea can be stored for five to seven days. But when using for medicinal purposes, it is better to brew a fresh portion each time. Connoisseurs of tea ceremonies - the Chinese - claim that the plant has its power only a few minutes after it is brewed and, of course, this property must be used.

How to brew fireweed tea correctly, two main ways:

  • Two teaspoons of tea should be poured with 0.5 liter of boiling water, closed and allowed to brew for 7-10 minutes. It is better to drink tea without additives, but you can season it with half a spoon of honey.
  • Also two spoons of tea, but pour in a small amount of cold water so that it covers the leaves, and bring to a boil over low heat. Next, remove from heat and let it brew for 7-10 minutes, but no more.

Medicinal recipes and their use

Knowing several medicinal recipes from fireweed tea will never hurt.

In inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system.

From leaves
You need to take one large spoon of tea and pour a glass of boiling water over it. This decoction should be brewed for two hours, then you can drink it. To achieve the desired effect, take one glass of this infusion three times a day.

From flowers and roots
Take a teaspoon of crushed raw materials - roots and flowers, pour a glass of boiling water, infuse for an hour and filter. You need to take this decoction three times a day with a large spoon.

To restore normal sleep

One tablespoon of dried and crushed root is poured into one glass of boiling water, infused for forty-five minutes, then filtered. You need to take this decoction three times a day, one tablespoon at a time.

Cosmetic recipes

Pre-massage bath
This infusion is used as a steam bath for the facial skin before a cosmetic massage; it is carried out for ten minutes. For it you need to take a large spoon the color of fireweed, pour a glass of boiling water and leave under a closed lid in a small saucepan. Then open the lid and, covered with a towel, hold your face over the steam.

Anti-inflammatory tonic
You need 10-15 grams of plant flowers and a teaspoon of oatmeal, pour 200 grams of vodka and add a pinch of fine salt, leave for one week in a dark place. Wipe your face with toner once a day until the skin condition normalizes.

Siberian fireweed tea

In Western Siberia, they began to collect and prepare fireweed on an industrial scale. The plant is collected in ecologically clean areas of the taiga. Since the summer in Siberia is shorter than in the central part of Russia, and the plants are quite adapted to local conditions, during this time they manage to absorb a much larger amount of useful substances than those growing in industrial zones or on poor soils. Therefore, for environmental purity and medicinal qualities Siberian tea is superior to that which grows everywhere.
Dried tea grown in Siberia is packaged in hermetically sealed jars or packages. You can buy this fireweed tea at a pharmacy or order it online.

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Is there any harm

There are a lot of rumors about the benefits and harms of fireweed, let's find out. We looked at the positive qualities at the beginning of the article. It is not for nothing that brewing recipes have passed through the centuries, reached our time and are still used today. What about the negative impact on humans?

Studying the components of this plant, scientists came to the conclusion that there are no contraindications for the use of fireweed, which means that this tea can practically not cause harm, excluding cases of individual intolerance and an allergic reaction.

The main thing is that you need to buy real tea, and not a skillful fake. And it’s even easier to go out to flowering meadows or meadows on the weekend and prepare the leaves of this magnificent plant for future use yourself.

A very interesting video about Ivan tea:

Be healthy!

The medicinal herb angustifolia has long been known, from which a healing drink was made in Rus'. The more common name for this unique plant is fireweed. Angustifolia fireweed is found everywhere throughout Russia, including in the Arctic and subarctic regions. The popular names of this plant are plakun, mother plant, skrypnik, Koporsky tea, breadbox, and napkin.

The chemical composition of fireweed and its effect on the body

The foliage of the plant contains tannins, lectins, vitamin C, organic acids, and flavonoids. Among the trace elements found in Koporye tea, a special place is occupied by iron, copper, calcium, potassium, and manganese. Thanks to these unique substances, decoctions and infusions of fireweed have anti-inflammatory, astringent, diaphoretic, enveloping, sedative and antibacterial properties. Benefits of Ivan tea for humans:

  • has a tonic effect;
  • calms nerves, normalizes sleep;
  • alleviates the symptoms of epilepsy;
  • normalizes the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • relieves flatulence, colitis;
  • treats headaches, migraines;

  • normalizes the oral mucosa;
  • prophylactic against periodontal disease, caries;
  • has an antipyretic effect;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps improve metabolism;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Benefits for women

For centuries, in folk medicine, fireweed tea has been used to treat women's diseases. The use of this plant is effective for the treatment of female infertility associated with obstruction of the fallopian tubes, the prevention of cancer of the genitourinary system, and the normalization of the menstrual cycle. A decoction of angustifolia fireweed has a restorative effect on pregnant women and enhances lactation in nursing mothers.

For men

Ivan tea is an ancient remedy for the treatment of prostatitis, prostate adenoma. A decoction of this medicinal plant has a beneficial effect on potency, which is why it is often called a male herb. There is an opinion that excessive consumption of Koporye tea inhibits the sexual functions of the stronger sex. This feature is associated with the sedative properties of the plant.

How to brew Ivan tea correctly: recipes

Traditionally in Rus', a healing drink from angustifolia fireweed was prepared in a samovar. The dry grass was poured with spring, hot water, allowed to brew for about 10 minutes, after which people enjoyed the aromatic tea. In modern conditions, porcelain, ceramic or glass dishes are perfect for brewing a healing drink. Preparation and method of use:

  • For brewing a drink, it is not ordinary dry grass that is healthier, but fermented Ivan tea. It has a delightful floral and fruity aroma. For brewing you will need 2-3 tbsp. fermented Koporye tea.
  • To prepare a healing drink, use spring or purified water.
  • Boil 0.5 liters of water. Pour boiling water over the teapot, pour tea into the bottom, and fill 1/3 with water. Let the herb steep for 5 minutes, then add the remaining water. Do not wrap the container with the infusion; let the drink brew for 10 minutes.
  • After drinking freshly prepared Ivan tea, add boiling water to the remaining tea leaves up to 5 times. At the same time, the drink retains its healing properties.
  • Ready Ivan tea can be stored in a cool place for up to 4 days.

The healing drink is consumed not only in its pure form, but also honey, rose hips, and lemon zest are added. And traditional sea buckthorn, meadowsweet, and mint give tea an unsurpassed taste and aroma. Strawberry leaves, raspberries, and pieces of dried fruit are added to the drink made from angustifolia fireweed. Such ingredients enrich Ivan tea, enhancing the beneficial properties of the plant.

Contraindications for use

Despite all its beneficial properties, Ivan tea has restrictions on its use. First of all, this is individual intolerance. If you do not like the taste and smell of this healing infusion, or if you experience discomfort after using it, discard it. If you have chronic diseases, consult your doctor before taking Koporye tea. Contraindications:

  • The plant has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it is not recommended to be used in combination with antipyretics.
  • Ivan tea should not be taken with other sedatives as they cause drowsiness.
  • The healing drink has a laxative effect, so people with gastrointestinal diseases should use it with caution.
  • Koporye tea contains coumarin, which, when taken for a long time, accumulates in the body and has a harmful effect on the liver.
  • During pregnancy and lactation, the healing infusion is taken under the supervision of a doctor.
  • It is not recommended to give a decoction of fireweed angustifolia to children under 6 years of age.

Video about preparing and fermenting fireweed tea

To enjoy a fragrant, healing drink all year round, you don't have to buy herbs. Although, you can buy Ivan tea in bags for a price of 60 rubles. per package or fermented - from 120 rubles. for 100 g. Using the video instructions below, you will prepare your own medicinal plant. This process consists of harvesting the tea, drying the herb, and fermenting the leaves. To ensure that a drink made from Koporye tea brings you maximum benefit, find an environmentally friendly place where it grows. Do not collect the plant near highways, railways, or industrial enterprises.

Photo: what the fireweed plant looks like

Angustifolia fireweed reaches a height of 200 cm and is a perennial herbaceous plant. The stem of fireweed is erect and densely leafy. The leaves of the plant are wedge-shaped, with short petioles, shiny, dark green above, glaucous, reddish or pale pink below. Small buds of Koporye tea are collected in the apical inflorescence of a pink, less often white, hue.

Hi all!

Anyone who has seen Ivan-tea bloom will never forget this sight!

Extraordinary beauty!!!

Even in ancient times, numerous healing properties were attributed to Ivan tea, and today this unique plant is not deprived of the attention of folk and modern medicine.

Let's talk in detail about the medicinal properties of Ivan tea, where it grows, what Ivan tea looks like, how to collect it, how to use it and how to brew it correctly.

From this article you will learn:

Medicinal properties of fireweed - recipes and application

It’s hard to believe, but this is a completely unpretentious plant, found on forest edges, on the banks of reservoirs, in meadows, gardens and orchards.

It is the first to grow in fires, for which it is popularly called “fire grass” and “fire grass.”

Ivan-tea (lat.Chamerion) is a genus of perennial plants of the fireweed family (Onagraceae). The most famous species is narrow-leaved willowherb (lat.Chamérion angustifólium), sometimes popularly called “fireweed”, from which a traditional Russian herbal drink is prepared.wiki

Botanical information - what does fireweed look like?

The perennial Ivan-tea (angustifolia fireweed) belongs to the fireweed family.

Main morphological characteristics of the plant:

  • It has a thick, creeping rhizome with many shoots, and an erect stem up to 1.5 meters high.
  • The leaves of fireweed are lanceolate, long and narrow, pointed at the apex.
  • Large lilac-red, wide-open flowers are collected in an inflorescence, which is a conical raceme 40 cm long.
  • The fruits of Ivan tea are a fluffy pod-like box about 8 centimeters long, in which many small seeds ripen.

What does fireweed look like - photo of the plant

This is the medicinal herb Ivan tea, look at the photo. You often met him on the edges and along roads, didn’t you?

Photo of Ivan-chai

Ivan tea - chemical composition of the plant

The aerial part of the fireweed angustifolia contains many useful substances:

  • B vitamins
  • carotenoids (precursors of vitamin A)
  • polysarachides
  • pectins
  • phytosterols (in particular beta-sitosterol)
  • organic acids
  • flavonoids (quercetin and kaempferol)
  • coumarins
  • triterpenoids
  • tannins (up to 20%)
  • small amount of alkaloids

What vitamins does Ivan tea contain?

The leaves of this plant contain a high concentration of macro- and microelements such as iron, manganese, copper, potassium, sodium, boron, calcium, titanium, magnesium and nickel.

As for vitamin C, Ivan tea contains 6.5 times more than lemons and 3 times more than oranges.

The rhizomes of Ivan tea contain a lot of easily digestible proteins, polysaccharides, starch, and organic acids.

They also contain salts of cobalt, phosphorus and calcium, but there are no tannins at all.

Angustifolia fireweed does not contain components harmful to the human body, such as caffeine, purine bases and oxalic acid.

How is fireweed tea useful?

Tea made from fireweed angustifolia is not only tasty, it also has a significant healing effect.

Ivan tea treatment is very effective!

Let's look at the main medicinal properties of fireweed:

  1. Regular consumption of this vitality-enhancing and immune-strengthening drink
  2. Helps to cleanse yourself of toxins and impurities and has an antioxidant effect.
  3. Normalizes the acid-base balance of the blood, improves its composition, and raises the level.
  4. Improves lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.
  5. Stabilizes the activity of the endocrine system.
  6. It has antiviral, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects, helping in the prevention and treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  7. Normalizes.
  8. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the male genitourinary system (prostate), improves erectile function and increases potency.
  9. Helps get rid of insomnia, the consequences of mental stress and increased excitability, and relieves headaches.
  10. It has an anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membrane of the intestines and stomach, optimizing the balance of intestinal microflora.
  11. It has a diuretic and choleretic effect.

The healing properties of fireweed - video

Watch this interesting video and you will find out that fireweed tea has not only healing, but also magical properties.

How to brew Ivan tea correctly?

Brew and drink this drink in the same way as black tea: 0.5-1 teaspoon of tea leaves per glass of boiling water, leave for 2-5 minutes.

Drink in small sips of an incomplete glass 2-5 times a day.

For scent, you can add several meadowsweet flowers to the tea leaves.

It is healthier to drink this drink without sugar, especially since its taste is already a little sweet.

How to prepare fireweed correctly?

For medicinal purposes, the flowers and leaves of Ivan tea are mainly used, and much less often the stems and rhizomes.

To get a truly healthy drink, you need to know how to prepare this plant correctly.

When to collect fireweed - preparation and collection time

This can be done in several ways:

  1. During flowering, the entire top of the plant, that is, the inflorescence and nearby leaves, is cut off. Dried in the shade, and used in recipes as the herb Ivan-tea.
  2. Flowers and leaves are collected separately and dried in the shade. Use separately, depending on what is indicated in the recipe.
  3. Leaves and flowers are prepared as raw materials for tea: holding the top of the plant with one hand, with the other hand, with one downward movement, all the flowers and leaves are plucked, to the very bottom.
  4. Fireweed blooms from June to August, and at this time it should be collected.

How to dry Ivan tea?

In order for this raw material to make good tea, it must undergo a fermentation process, like regular black tea.

  1. The collected leaves and flowers are dried and kept in the shade for 24 hours.
  2. Then they are rolled in the palms until the juice comes out, placed in a basket and, covered with a wet cloth, left for 6-10 hours until a fruity smell appears.
  3. Then the raw materials are spread in a thin layer on a baking sheet and dried at 100 ° C for 40 minutes in a slightly open oven.

Due to the fact that the fermentation process is carried out with some differences, different varieties are obtained that have individual taste qualities.

How to store fireweed?

Properly prepared Ivan tea can be stored in a closed glass container for up to 2 years.

Useful video about harvesting fireweed

Ivan tea contraindications for use

This wonderful herb has one contraindication - individual intolerance. In all other respects, a wonderful aromatic drink will only bring benefits.

Drink Ivan tea and be healthy!

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Also check out these certified organic teas from around the world! Hand-picked!!! Just try it!

Alena Yasneva was with you, Be beautiful and take care of yourself! See you again!