“O land of overflows of formidable and quiet spring forces... “Oh, the land of the overflow of formidable and quiet spring forces... Museum of Wood Carving in the Ryazan Region

Most modern people love to travel. Their personal list of favorite cities includes New York, Paris, London, Barcelona, ​​Moscow and many other world-famous cities. Have you ever heard about Spas-Klepiki (Ryazan region)? Or maybe you were even lucky enough to visit there? No? But in vain...

Today we will talk about this amazing place.

Section 1. Getting to know each other or general information about the locality

The city of Spas-Klepiki is a regional center, which is rightfully considered the smallest settlement in the Ryazan region. Geographically, it is located in the middle in the north-eastern side, at a distance of 67 km from the regional center of the city of Ryazan. It should be noted that there are two rivers here at once. Almost the entire city lies on the Sovka, and only part of it is on the left bank of the Pra. The population is quite small. In 2013 it was only 5,788 people. The settlement began to be called Spas-Klepiki at the beginning of the twentieth century, and in 1920 it received the status of a city.

Section 2. History

Historians claim that in the place where Spas-Klepiki is now located, the village was formed back in the 14th-15th centuries, although it was first mentioned in writing only in 1676. Then the name was a little shorter - Klepiki. The town got its name from the word “klepik”, which translated from the Old Russian language means “knife for cleaning fish”.

Over time, the second part of the name arose - “Spasskoye”. This happened in the 19th century thanks to the opening of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. By the way, there are two legends about the origin of the church. According to one of them, it is known that in the distant past there was a crossing in these places through which trade convoys passed. The impassable swamps made the crossing a hot spot for robbers, among whom the Klepikov brothers became very famous. After the brothers got rich from robbery, they repented, and therefore built a church in honor of the Savior. The second legend says that the robbers were beheaded, and the Church of the Savior was built by merchants in honor of deliverance from robberies.

But one way or another, the modest settlement played a huge role in the history of the country’s formation. Why? The fact is that very important trade routes were laid through Spas-Klepiki in the 17th century: one led from ancient Ryazan to Vladimir, and the second from Yegoryevsk to Kasimov. Crafts were actively developing. In the 2nd half. In the 17th century, a linen factory was already operating here. Thanks to such circumstances, the village became the subject of interest of wealthy merchants and turned into a fairly large center. Merchants in the city center lined their houses, thus forming a square square, from which the streets with less wealthy houses stretched out like rays. Craftsmen, minor officials, and artisans lived there.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the settlement became quite large. It had several dozen small shops, two churches, a pharmacy, a post and telegraph office, three schools and a hotel. Among other things, there were fifteen cotton factories producing cotton wool and tow, a tannery and a soap factory in Spas-Klepiki. A narrow-gauge railway was also built here, which by the beginning of the twentieth century connected Ryazan and Vladimir.

A few years ago, in 1999, there was a big fire. The railway bridge over the Pra River and the train station burned down. To the great joy of the local residents, they were saved from the fire.

Spas-Klepiki currently does not have its own railway station. The nearest one is located in the village. Tuma, 25 km from the town.

Section 3. How does the city live now?

Today, the Interlock factory, which produces shoes, is actively operating here and provides jobs. But it is famous not only for its excellent quality, but also for its low price. That is why dishonest suppliers often pass off factory products as Italian or French, thereby raising prices several times. There are also textile and knitting, sewing and cotton factories in the city. In addition to the above production, Spas-Klepiki also established the production of plumbing hoses. Construction of a plant for the production of plastic windows is currently underway. Not far from the city, in forest lands, wood and peat are mined.

Section 4. Main attractions

The city has several culturally interesting museums:

  • military and labor glory;
  • wooden architecture;
  • branch of the museum-reserve of the famous poet Sergei Yesenin.

Stone buildings from the 19th century have survived to this day, including the church and teachers' school where the brilliant Yesenin studied. At the school building and on the street. Enlightenment installed his bust.

The city has Meshchersky which is a must-see for every tourist. Here you can be alone with nature, have a picnic, read or take a walk with your children in the fresh air. There are excursions in the park three times a day. Experienced guides will be happy to talk about both memorable places associated with the park and several unique plants that have been preserved here thanks to the caring leadership of the city of Spas-Klepiki.

Three kilometers from the village is the village of Polushkino, in which there is a recreation center known in tourist circles. From here you can go hiking along the Klepikovsky lakes and along the Pra River.

In the city park, in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the victory in the Second World War, an authentic L-29 fighter was installed on a pedestal.

Section 5. Interesting facts

  • The brilliant poet S. Yesenin studied at the Spas-Klepikov school in 1909-1912.
  • K. Paustovsky, in his numerous stories, for example “The Australian from Pilevo Station”, “Meshchera Side”, “Road Conversations”, glorified the nature of the Meshchera National Park.
  • Young people will love the fact that the town is considered the birthplace of the now famous thrash metal band called Sledgehammer.
  • By the way, you can get to know the locality better on TV. In 2006, the film “Graffiti” directed by Igor Apasyan was filmed here.

Section 6. How to get there

Intrigued? Want to visit here in person? Well, then remember the road: buses from Ryazan and from Ryazan constantly go to Spas-Klepiki. In addition, the following highways pass through the city: Egoryevskoye Highway (P105) and 67 km of the Ryazan - Spas-Klepiki road (P123). From Moscow you can get to Spas-Klepikov in approximately three hours along the Z105, P105, M5 highways.

“The best thing that nature has come up with is a tree. From him comes both life and beauty on Earth...”

Meshchersky Museum of Wooden Architecture named after. V.P. Grosheva was located in a spacious clearing near the small village of Lunkino, lost among the swampy forests and lakes of Meshchera, so wonderfully sung by Sergei Yesenin and Konstantin Paustovsky.

The museum displays 3.5 thousand exhibits.
Artistic wood carving, root plastic.

Wood painting.
Products made from wicker.

Antique household items.
Landscape sculpture.

Models of “Ancient wooden Moscow” and “Kizhi”.
Operating children's play complex, souvenirs.

Today the Museum of Wooden Architecture is a whole complex that includes:
— a vast clearing of 3.5 hectares with pine and birch trees;
— 3 museum buildings, in which 15 halls contain amazing fairy-tale exhibits;
- the existing children's play complex "Meshcherskaya Tale" - the result of five All-Russian festivals of masters in garden and park sculpture;

The recreation area is represented by a cozy gazebo for 40 people, a barbecue, and fire samovars.
A souvenir shop with a wide range of handmade souvenirs and gifts.

The place where the museum is located is ancient. Here, on a sandy ridge between two lakes, people have settled since ancient times, and for the last few centuries the ancient village of Lunkino has been located. In 1997, in love with these places and the quiet nature of Meshchera, entrepreneur and philanthropist, president of the Academy of Management and Market V.P. Groshev (1940-2009) decided to organize an Interregional School of Craftsmen in Lunkino, in which young people could master local Meshchera crafts. And since the main ornamental material in this forest region has always been wood, the students and their mentors first of all worked with it. Soon the first artistic crafts appeared, which formed the basis of the museum’s current collection.

During the work of the museum, its collections have collected more than 3.5 thousand exhibits, which represent the whole variety of styles of carving, artistic painting on wood, the art of wickerwork, various genres of painting and the life of old Meshchera. About a third of the exhibits are works by students and graduates of the Interregional School of Masters, participants in camp-seminars, and teacher-mentors.

The museum's exposition is presented in 15 halls, and in the spacious clearing around the museum there are many landscape sculptures made at a highly artistic level. The museum is especially proud of its magnificent works created by skilled craftsmen from different regions of Russia. The exhibition also presents works by foreign masters - mysterious Japan, sunny Spain, unknown Thailand, native Belarus and many other countries.

We are waiting for your visit!!!

We invite you to visit.


Direction: Kasimov, Vladimir.
By car: get to Spas-Klepikov - take the bypass road to the roundabout - turn left onto Yegoryevsk. Drive 3 km to the lake and along the main road to the left until the sign “Wood Carving Museum”, turn right towards the museum.
By bus: from the Prioksky bus station to Spas-Klepiki. Transfer to a bus to Shatura or Moscow - 10 km to the museum or by taxi.

By car: Yegoryevskoe highway 167 km to the sign on the highway “Wood Carving Museum”.
By bus: from the Shchelkovsky bus station to Spas-Klepiki, 7 km before the city, get off at the sign “Museum of Wood Carvings”, walk 600 m to the left.

GPS coordinates:
Ryazan region, Klepikovsky district, Lunkino village
latitude — 55.190 235
longitude — 40.162 926

website http://www.myzeidereva.ru/

(Spas-Klepiki - Museum of Wooden Architecture in Lunkino)

Spas-Klepiki is a city located 80 km from Ryazan. At the beginning of the twentieth century it was a large trading village. In 1896, an educational institution was opened there that trained teachers of literacy schools. Spas-Klepikovskaya second-grade teacher's school was located in the spiritual department.

In 1985, the preserved building of the teachers' school, which became a branch of the State Museum-Reserve S.A. Yesenin, opened its doors to the first visitors. In 2005, on the 110th anniversary of the birth of S.A. Yesenin, in the building of the Spas-Klepikovskaya second-grade teacher’s school, a new exhibition was opened, telling in detail not only about Sergei Yesenin’s studies at this school in 1909-1912, but also about the life of the Klepikovites of the late 19th - early 20th centuries.

The Museum of Architecture appeared near the village of Lunkino in 1997. It is a masterpiece of wooden architecture - a carved town with numerous characters from fairy tales, myths, legends, and folk songs. It is surrounded by Meshchera forests. The museum exhibits 2,500 objects of wood art: paintings, household items, garden sculptures, wooden models of Kizhi and Moscow.

The museum is located on Yegoryevskoye Highway, near the town of Spas-Klepiki, not far from the village of Lunkino (Ryazan region, Klepikovsky district). It is noteworthy that this is not a museum of wooden architecture, like in Novgorod or Kostroma; there is not a huge number of wooden buildings and wicker bast shoes, but there is an impressive exhibition of carved wooden figures.

The museum is young - it is only 10 years old, like the School of Masters, but it has already created an exhibition that can be the envy of any museum of wood carving art in the country. The main thing that even experts note is the high quality of work and their professional level. Just one look at the winter gallery of the museum, reminiscent of the wooden rampart of the Slavic Kremlin, and at the museum itself, similar to a Russian tower and decorated with traditional house carvings for the Ryazan region, suggests that the traditions of ancestors, accumulated over centuries, are carefully preserved here. the best that is created at the school in close connection with these traditions will be consistently collected. As a bank for the enterprise and for the School, the museum is a kind of magic box in which the most expensive wealth is concentrated, what is created by human hands.

The formation of the museum became the logical embodiment of V.P. Groshev’s idea “to give children such a professional education, to develop their artistic taste and abilities to such a level that would allow them to create real works of art.” Naturally, such works must be stored somewhere, people must see them, and beginning carvers, those who come to the School after their elders, must learn from them, as from models.