Social Latin. Social Latin American Dances

Imagine the situation - you are moving to another city where you do not have a single acquaintance. With whom to communicate? Where to look for friends? The answer is simple - in the school of social dances!

And even if you don't intend to move anywhere, social dancing can diversify your leisure time and add a "zest" to your life that you might not have been missing.

And now let's figure it out, but what kind of animal is this? Why are these dances called social?

Any social pair dance is a dance-communication. It is built on contact, interaction between partners, leading.

The leader here is the partner - he, as it were, invites the partner to make some kind of movement, and she answers him. And so the whole dance. It turns out a kind of dialogue between two people. Thus, for a gentleman, the main thing is to be able to convey to the lady what he wants to do, for the lady - to understand and respond in time. Each role is complex in its own way, and the result is improvisation - every time a unique dance is born right before our eyes. Therefore, to dance social dances, you do not need a permanent partner. Improvisation does not involve memorizing movements, everything here is based on the mutual understanding of partners.

Everyone can find a dance to their liking.

Are you a cheerful person who loves summer and Latin American rhythms? Then an incendiary salsa is for you. The very translation of the word salsa (from Spanish "sauce") characterizes this dance in the best possible way. Oddly enough, it is also suitable for shy people and those who are not ready for close hugs with strangers - physical contact in salsa is almost always limited to either hands or touching the waist or shoulder.

Romantic ladies, as well as people who prefer regularity and slowness, will surely like bachata. While dancing bachata, you can chat with your partner and enjoy the sweet-voiced singing of Spanish-speaking performers. Bachata is a must-choice for those who yearn to fall in love. Nothing in the world is conducive to romantic relationship better than bachata, because they dance it opposite each other, dreamily looking into their eyes and holding hands. Don't want to fall in love? Flirt! Bachata is just made for this.

Are you active, assertive and charismatic? Love to be the center of attention of an admiring crowd? Do you think that dancing is not only entertainment, but also a sport? Then you should pay attention to the hustle (remember the famous movie "Dirty Dancing" with Patrick Swayze?). Hustle came to us from North America at the end of the last century and gained incredible popularity. It is danced to any music, but modern popular melodies with a clear beat for every count are best suited. This is a dynamic dance with a rather strict linear structure. Dancing hustle, you will feel a powerful adrenaline rush, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on both your mood and figure. And for people who are not averse to showing their success in public, there are good news- Hustle competitions are held and classes are awarded, as in ballroom dancing.

Love a relaxed, laid-back atmosphere? Try WCS! American dance West Coast Swing (from English "West Coast Swing") is danced to pleasant music - "country", which evokes thoughts of Texas and cowboys, funk, etc. Actually, in musically WCS is close to hustle - both there and there they dance to music with a time signature of 4/4 - but unlike hustle, WCS is smoother, there are absolutely no sharp stops in it.

Do you want your dance to feel like flying? Try Brazilian Zouk! This relatively new direction has already begun to be called the dance of the XXI century. Brazilian Zouk is smooth undulating movements and beautiful rotations, not only with the body, but also ... with the head! The partner performs head rotations, and this looks especially impressive if she is the owner of long hair. When choosing a Brazilian Zouk, you need to remember that this is a fairly close dance in which you will have to completely trust your partner.

If you are not afraid of intimacy, sensual kizomba is also suitable for you. It resembles a tango - you dance, tightly clinging to each other. Kizomba was born in Africa and has already become incredibly popular all over the world. This dance is absolutely not designed for the audience, kizomba is created only for two. As you dance, you close your eyes and listen to your own feelings.

So, you have found a dance to your liking. And now a natural question arises. Where, besides classes, can you dance social dances?

World Dance Schools regularly organize special parties. There you can meet salseros or kizombers just like you, and dance to "your" music - to the melodies of your chosen direction.

Plus, social dancing is a great hobby for those who love to travel. Dance schools all over Russia and abroad organize dance workshops and congresses where you can learn from famous teachers, meet like-minded people from other cities and dance-dance-dance until you drop!

Whichever direction you prefer, dancing will open for you bright world positive emotions and new acquaintances, and you will want to return to this world again and again.

Pair dances are now called social dances, in which the main thing is communication between partners. Such a dance is not for the audience, it is for oneself, born spontaneously and sometimes even unexpectedly, as a way to relax and allow you to express yourself to any music with any partner you like anywhere in the world. They are available to everyone.

What is social dancing and "what do they eat with"

In Social dance there is no strict, once and for all memorized sequence of movements. Improvisation is expected and encouraged from dancers. After all, dance is an expression of feelings and you don’t need to drive them into any particular scheme. In addition to the flight of the soul and improvisation, the main step is important, which is different for each dance and should be known to the dancers, the movements are easy enough to learn for everyone.

Social dances are usually easy enough to start dancing - you just need to learn the basic step and basic movements, although if you wish, you can continue to improve all your life: they never get bored, because they never repeat. Even the same set of movements, but performed with a different partner and to different music, will give rise to new dance not like all the others.

Since there is no clear scheme, and two are dancing, such an important thing as leading comes to the fore. The partner who thinks over the dance is responsible for himself and for his partner, for the beauty of her movements - he leads her. Naturally, you need to learn this - you need to be able to show your partner what you expect from her. For partners, it would seem that the task is much simpler - to listen to a partner, but this is sometimes not easy - to get used to doing not only what you want, but to follow other people's desires. As a rule, in order to go to training, you do not need your partner or partner, because during classes the couples change all the time - you need to learn how to dance with any partner.

Everyone can find a dance to their liking

By now in social dancing quite a few trends have emerged. All of them are similar to each other, but at the same time, in addition to style, they differ in dynamics, complexity and closeness of partners during the dance. This allows everyone to find the very style that will allow them to relax, have fun and have fun.


If you are a cheerful person, loves summer and Latin American rhythms? Then an incendiary salsa is for you. Oddly enough, it is also suitable for shy people and those who are not ready for close hugs with strangers - physical contact in salsa is almost always limited to either hands or touching the waist or shoulder.


Romantic ladies, as well as people who prefer regularity and slowness, will surely like bachata. While dancing bachata, you can chat with your partner and enjoy the sweet-voiced singing of Spanish-speaking performers. Bachata is a must-choice for those who yearn to fall in love. Nothing in the world is more conducive to romantic relationships than bachata, because it is danced opposite each other, dreamily looking into the eyes and holding hands. Don't want to fall in love? Flirt! Bachata is just made for this.


Are you active, assertive and charismatic? Love to be the center of attention of an admiring crowd? Do you think that dancing is not only entertainment, but also a sport? Then you should pay attention to the hustle (remember the famous movie "Dirty Dancing" with Patrick Swayze?). It is danced to any music, but modern popular melodies with a clear beat for every count are best suited. It is a dynamic dance with a fairly strict linear structure. Dancing hustle, you will feel a powerful adrenaline rush, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on both your mood and figure.

brazilian zouk

Do you want your dance to feel like flying? Try Brazilian Zouk! The Brazilian zouk is smooth undulating movements and beautiful rotations, not only with the body, but also ... with the head! The partner performs head rotations, and this looks especially impressive if she is the owner of long hair. When choosing a Brazilian Zouk, you need to remember that this is a fairly close dance in which you will have to completely trust your partner.


If intimacy doesn't scare you, sensual kizomba is also for you. It is like a tango - you are dancing with your arms around each other. Hugs are the main thing here. This dance is absolutely not designed for the audience, kizomba is created only for two. As you dance, you close your eyes and listen to your own feelings.

Argentine tango

Argentine tango loved by dancers and audiences for its beauty, passion, drama and excitement. Social Argentine tango is based on the improvisation of movements and respect for your partner and other dancers on the dance floor.

Any of the above dances is not just a dance, it is an energy flow, getting into which a person rests from life's problems ...

Practice in Kaliningrad

All these dances are for everyone and you can practice them anywhere in the world. Special dance discos are regularly held in our city, where you can learn something new, find a suitable partner for training or, simply, new good people, participate in competitions that are held regularly and get a charge of positive emotions. They come to the club to a Latin party, they invite absolutely stranger dance and ... magic happens - it turns out a couple from strangers can dance harmoniously, harmoniously, obeying only the music and the whims of the leader's imagination!

In addition, social dancing is a great hobby for those who love to travel. Dance schools all over Russia and abroad organize dance workshops and congresses where you can learn from famous teachers, meet like-minded people from other cities and dance-dance-dance until you drop!

Modern social dancing is not just a beautiful act, but also a useful hobby. exercise stress And great wayпознакомиться.

Learn to dance, create your dance, learn and communicate with each other. A sea of ​​positive emotions and a charge of vivacity is provided to you!

In Kaliningrad, the most popular destinations in social dancing are Salsa and Bachata. They are taught in most studios and mostly danced at parties. Accordingly, you can easily choose a school that is convenient for you for the price and location, and then go to a cafe for a party and easily find dance partners for yourself.Kizomba is also willingly danced here, and many of those who have learned the basics of Salsa and Bachata take Kizomba into their arsenal. We have enough offers to teach and schools, the choice is yours.A very interesting and separate from everyone is the Brazilian Zouk. It is taught only in one school, where many people go to study. At parties, Zookers look bright and dizzying.The rest of the directions arrange practices in their studios, enjoy dancing in the evenings and even by candlelight.

Just like almost everything dance schools they offer free trial classes, so in addition to watching videos, you can go and try each style, and then choose the one that suits you.


It is believed that social Latin American dances finalized to late XIX century. Rhythms African drums merged with the sound of the Spanish guitar, giving rise to cha-cha-cha, salsa, bachata, merengue and more. The first foreigners to experience the charm of the new styles were American soldiers who landed in Cuba in 1898 during the War of Independence. And during the days of Prohibition (1919-1933), when alcohol was banned in the States, Americans began to frequent guests on the island. So Latin American dances turned from a purely Cuban fun into an international one. cultural phenomenon, which is associated with drinking and passions. By the way, that is why they are banned in Muslim countries.

“Latin American dances are divided into two camps: ballroom and social,” explains Anastasia Sazonova, teacher at the 5 Life school. “Ballrooms are sports, social ones are complete freedom.” According to Nastya, social latina is good, first of all, because anyone who does not have even minimal physical fitness can dance it. “These styles are built on pure improvisation,” she explains. “And this means that two strangers can merge into a dance, not really caring which of them dances better.” Nastya Sazonova herself has long ceased to use dance as a way to make new acquaintances: she has been friends with her partner Alexander Shcherbakov for many years. At the same time, she has a school of classical choreography behind her, and Sasha is self-taught. They do not invent new movements, but dance, as best they can, sleep, salsa, merengue, bachata and cha-cha-cha.

Sleep is a kind of improvisation of the African rumba. For this reason, until the 1910s, the white population of Cuba disdained to perform it. Over time, the main advantage of the dance is enough slow pace and uncomplicated rhythmic pattern - appreciated by the broad masses. Now it is one of the most popular dances from the social latin family.


Salsa means "sauce" in Spanish. In essence, salsa is a kind of mix of different musical and dance genres in Central and Latin America. The cradle of "sauce", however, is New York City, where in the 1960s and 1970s Cuban immigrants took the song dance as a basis and mixed it with jazz. The authorship of the name is attributed to the king of mambo, the famous American percussionist and vibraphonist Tito Puente.

When performing salsa, we must remember that the upper body is always motionless, only the legs work. But the most important thing is to dance with feeling. In truth, it is impossible to remain indifferent here: the partners are literally pressed against each other, and the dance automatically becomes part of a passionate relationship, albeit fleeting (the composition lasts about three minutes).


The origin of this dance still raises questions. According to one version, he family relations with the ancient guaracha dance, common among the peoples of the Caribbean, on the other hand, is the fruit of the experiments of the Cuban composer Enrique Horrin, who lived in the middle of the last century. According to the third version, the Englishman Pierre Lavelle created this dance by accident in the 1950s: he spied on Cuba how the rumba was danced, and began to teach it in England. However, not really understanding the rumba technique, he taught the English not to her, but to a completely new dance.

Cha-cha-cha - very energetic dance. The knees should be straightened with each step, accompanied by high-amplitude movements of the hips. If you practice cha-cha-cha at least once a week, after a month the result will be noticeable: the legs will become more slender, and disappear. The ballroom dancing program also has its own cha-cha-cha, but it differs from the social version in more sports technique.


The word bachata in Spanish means "noisy fun." So in the 1930s they called all the holidays indiscriminately in the poor neighborhoods of the Dominican Republic. Later, bachata was called a pair dance based on spanish bolero and Cuban son and performed to sad songs about unrequited love.

Dancing bachata is much easier than, say, salsa or cha-cha-cha: you just need to rhythmically pace left and right and back and forth. Close contact with a partner is the main goal of the dance. Bachata is performed practically embracing, without opening hands.


Latin American dance with black roots for a long time was considered in bad taste in the aristocratic circles of Cuba. In the 19th century, they even tried to ban it. The heyday of merengue was largely facilitated by the dictator of the Dominican Republic, Rafael Trujillo, who came to power in 1930. For countless sexual relations among the people, he was nicknamed El Chivo, that is, "the goat." Trujillo really liked the merengue, during which no one and nothing prevented him from grabbing his partner by different parts of the body.

There is a saying: “Can you walk? So you can dance the meringue." As in the case with, it is based on one movement - the transfer of body weight from foot to foot. Dance performance does not require large space- a patch of one square meter is enough.

Modern social dancing is not just a beautiful act, but also a hobby, useful physical activity and a great way to get to know each other. In this compilation, we want to tell you about nine of the most popular social dances that anyone can learn.

1. Swing

Swing originated in the southern United States in the 1920s during the popularity of jazz - it was often danced to the compositions of Louis Armstrong. At that time in America there were no original musical and dance directions, and jazz, with the swing that grew out of it, became the first manifestations of native American culture. For the first time they began to dance it in Harlem, the first swing dance was called the Charleston and was performed without a partner - the dancers simply abruptly threw their legs out with their heels, which resembled traditional dances African peoples. Little by little, the Charleston transformed directly into swing: the figures became smoother, they danced in pairs - the partner held the partner's hands.

Dynamic and beautiful swing was danced in clubs across the country, and own style was in almost every city. The figures and technique of dancing changed over time, new directions gradually appeared: lindy hop, bilboa, and much later - boogie-woogie and rock and roll.

Modern swing is characterized by very fast and smooth kicking, high plasticity and emotionality. The partner plays a “leading” role, he directs the movements of the partner, who is required to be sensitive and able to adapt to the partner. The dance is built mainly on improvisation - freedom of movement is not limited by almost anything except jazz musical rhythm. Rehearse swing mostly just before the competition.

There is a swing school in almost every major city in the world. There are international competitions where the so-called "ballroom swing" is most often performed. It is characterized by clear, smooth, interconnected movements and bright dance composition like in the video below.

2. Argentine tango

Argentine tango first appeared in Argentina and Uruguay at the end of the 19th century. Oddly enough, it was danced in brothels and gambling establishments, where men spent their time looking for affordable entertainment, women and dubious romance.

The customs of that time were quite strict, so that decent women could not even allow a partner to put his hand on her back - this was already considered reprehensible. Therefore, prostitutes were the first to dance the tango. The tango was characterized by close hugs, intertwining legs, grabbing, stroking and flirting glances, all with a blatant hint of obscenity. Of course, the women did not dance for free, and soon the men began to get together and practice on their own.

Tango gained wide popularity almost half a century after its inception. The young men taught dance, though less frank, to their girlfriends and relatives. From Latin America, tango came to Europe, where it acquired a modern look.

Now passion, close contact of partners, fast movements are typical for dance. The main role is assigned to a woman - all complex figures such as throwing out legs, turns and steps fall to her lot, the partner for the most part only supports. Argentine tango is popular all over the world. Exists great amount styles, the most common of which are milonga, salon and liso. Very important role improvisation plays in this dance. However, at international competitions held in all parts of the world, it is believed that a truly beautiful and professional dance must be rehearsed.

3. Viennese waltz

Contrary to the name, the Viennese waltz appeared not at all in Vienna, but in Germany, and a very long time ago - the first mention of it dates back to the 12th century. It is believed that it was then that the Bavarian peasants began to dance a similar dance. Later, the fashion moved to France - the appearance of the waltz is described in the Parisian newspaper La Patrie in 1559. Beautiful dance very soon gained popularity among the aristocracy - there are engravings and paintings depicting couples dancing the Viennese waltz, the most famous of which is the young Queen of England, Elizabeth I, flies above the floor in the arms of the Earl of Lancaster.

The main difference between the Viennese waltz and the classical waltz is that it is somewhat more dynamic, performed to faster, albeit smoother music. Like all waltzes, this dance is performed in three quarters, that is, there are three steps per beat. The man plays a leading role - he serves as a support and support for his partner, whose back during the dance is slightly tilted back in the shape. viennese waltz- the dance is smooth, without sharp turns and tilts - it seems that the dancing couple seems to be floating above the ground.

The dance is not so easy to perform, at least to learn how to dance it beautifully, you will need long workouts And good plastic. The Viennese waltz is included in the top five dances of the European program, which says a lot.

4. Zouk

Zouk originated in the Caribbean in the 1980s. The word "zouk" from the French Creole language is translated as "party" - originally zouk was danced at parties and discos. As the dance developed, numerous schools opened, new directions appeared. In the music to which the zouk is danced, African, Brazilian motifs, elements of flamenco and other musical trends can be distinguished. Zouk has gained the greatest popularity in French-speaking countries.

Unlike most Latin American dances, there is no overt eroticism and sharp dynamic movements in zouk, it is performed to slow “dramatic” music, the dancers move smoothly and very plastically. Zouk is characterized by tenderness, humility, slight sadness and sensuality. In principle, it is quite simple to dance it, no special preparation is required, and anyone can take part in the competition by simply submitting an application. Of course, a couple of “masters” who deal with zook professionally will win, but this direction is also accessible to beginners.

5. Merengue

Merengue, both music and dance, comes from the Dominican Republic. The ancestor of the merengue is the tumba dance, which is not so common - it is very complex and is not suitable for the main purpose of social dances - entertainment and communication. Relatively simple merengue that does not require memorization and reproduction complex figures, quickly fell in love with young people and soon penetrated most of the Dominican parties. Now merengue is most popular in Latin America and the USA. Most of the performers live there.

Merengue is performed to incendiary dynamic music, where the main accompaniment instrument is the accordion. The contact of partners in the dance is minimal - both men and women dance his “solo”, touching rarely and mostly with their hands. Close bodily contact is not typical for merengue - both partners commit a large number of movements: rotation of the body, movement of the shoulders at a stunningly fast pace, circular movements of the hips.

Merengue is quite easy to learn on your own - improvisation is typical for the dance, and you only need to be able to withstand a frantic rhythm. As with all other dances from our list, there are competitions for everyone in the merengue. Of course, it will be difficult to get into international competitions as a participant, but at amateur competitions it is quite possible to have fun and learn something from others. dancing couples.

6. Reggaeton

Reggaeton first appeared in Puerto Rico. Based on the name, basics musical direction and dance originate from reggae music. Over time, very little remained of the classic reggae in reggaeton, but you can hear echoes of techno music, rap, bombs, captivity and hip-hop.

This dance is relatively young - it was first danced in the 1990s at discos and parties. The main thing in reggaeton is a strong rhythmic beat, it is extremely easy to move to this dynamic incendiary music. In this dance, too, there are no obligatory figures, but very fast rotation of the hips and stomach and movements of the shoulders at an unrealistically fast pace are characteristic, and these movements are performed by both partners. Another feature of reggaeton is its provocativeness - in the movements of the partners there is a clear sexual overtone, challenge, passion.

Reggaeton is especially popular in Argentina, where friendly competitions are even held and broadcast on it.

7. Hustle

Hustle is another disco dance style. It first appeared in Europe and America in the 1960s and immediately gained popularity among young people, because it did not require special preparation, was simple to perform, and at the same time beautiful and romantic. Almost any music is suitable for hustle - it is enough to feel the rhythm a little, and you can whirl with your partner. Dance appeared in the USSR in the late 1980s. By the way, it is he who is shown in the film "Beloved Woman of the Mechanic Gavrilov."

In the hustle, unlike many of the above dances, there is nothing provocative. His movements are just a six-count step, inside and outside single turns and not too close contact between partners. Although the Hustle was originally a social dance and was invented as a way to have fun and get to know each other, it is now used as a sporting event. Hustle has a lot different directions, but the most interesting is hustle jack-n-jill: a couple at the competition goes to the floor and dances an impromptu dance to music unknown to them. The level of the dancer is determined by one of five classes - to get the next one, you must participate in competitions and occupy top places.

8. Irish set dances

Irish set dancing originated in the 18th century. The merry Irish liked the classic French quadrille, perfectly suited to their folk melodies. The quadrille mixed with Irish dances like reel, hornpipe and jig, and the result was something unimaginable. In the next two centuries, it was danced everywhere: on village holidays, weddings, in pubs. Gradually, set dances replaced even the traditional Irish keili.

The most amazing thing is that the movements are mainly made only with the legs: all kinds of turns and jumps, sliding steps, overlaps and swift throws of the legs. At the same time, the body remains calm and hardly moves, and the hands, as a rule, lie on the belt. Irish dancing is a mixture of pride, hot temperament and mischief.

Now set Irish dances are no longer so popular - you are unlikely to meet them at discos - not the kind of music. But all over the world, many championships are held on them, the largest of which are the All-Ireland Championship, the British Championship, the American National Championship and the World Championship. Everything you need to learn Irish dance- the ability not to stray from the rhythm and breathe correctly.

9. Rumba

Rumba was invented, oddly enough, by African slaves who lived in Latin America. Their own culture during the years of slavery, it was closely intertwined with the culture of the Spanish invaders. The word "rumbo" in Spanish means "fun". Initially, the dance was really dynamic, the music was like the famous melody "Kukaracha". But over time, the rumba was divided into two directions - directly rumba and cha-cha-cha.

The dance is characterized by smooth, erotic movements and wide steps of both partners. Rumba is considered a ballroom dance. The main thing here is the emotional content, light eroticism and drama. Music is slow and smooth. Sometimes the rumba is even danced at weddings as the first dance of the couple in Latin America- the dance symbolizes family responsibilities and reverent love.

Of course, you can’t dance rumba in discos either, but this dance is popular in everything modern world. It belongs to ballroom dancing and is one of the five standard Latin American ballroom dancing programs.

Dance is not just a set of movements. This is a kind of game, the rules of which are dictated by music. The rhythm of the composition creates the mood and tells you how to move. dancing man really happy, because he knows how to express his emotions and share them with others.

Perhaps someone now sighed sadly and regretted that he could not dance. No problem! Social dancing will come to the rescue. What it is, where it is taught and whether it is possible to start practicing if you have never danced in your life, “Easy Useful” will tell.

What dances are called social

Pair dances are social dances, which have the main goal of communication and interaction with a partner. You probably already guessed that the language of communication here is movement.

This type of dance came to us from America, where social dance, or “got down,” as they are called in Russia for short, has become widespread since the 20s-30s of the last century. The emergence of this direction was due to the fact that young people engage in ballroom dancing became boring, because to achieve mastery, it took a lot of time and effort. In addition, young people did not want to limit their freedom to a certain set of movements, so they began to be attracted to ethnic Latin American and African dances, which allow improvisation and do not require polished movements.

The youth gathered at dance parties, where there was a lot of communication and fun. The warm atmosphere was conducive to relaxation, no one followed the correct movements of neighboring couples, because the main goal was to relax, make new acquaintances and enjoy the movement.

Social dance is directed not outward, but inward; it is performed not for the audience, but for oneself.

Where to begin?

Social dance, as we have already noted, is a pair dance. However, this does not mean at all that you need to come to class with a partner. The first thing to do is to gather your thoughts, cast aside all doubts and come to a dance class. They won't leave you without a partner.
Learning to dance came down easy. You only need to learn the basic steps and a couple of movements, the rest is a matter of improvisation. The main thing is the constancy and regularity of classes. At the first training session, it may seem that nothing works, especially if you compare yourself with experienced dancers. However, already for the second or third time you will “catch the wave” and be able to relax, enjoying the movement.

4 curious facts about social dancing

In order to better understand the essence of the descended, it is worth revealing in more detail some of its interesting features.

Where to go to dance

Social dance clubs open in all major cities. However, for residents of small towns there is an opportunity to try the new kind recreation. Start dancing came down you can:

  • In the studio for group lessons. This best option, as lessons with a specialist in a group provide an invaluable experience of dancing with new people.
  • In private lessons. Their cost is higher, but this training option is also available and is gaining popularity.
  • At home, watching videos on the Internet or on DVD. The advantage of this form of training is that you do not need to go anywhere or go. It is also suitable for those who are shy about dancing in front of other people. But there are also disadvantages: no one evaluates your progress from the outside and does not point to possible mistakes. And most importantly: you are losing communication, and this is no less important component of the downfall than the dance itself.

No matter how you start learning social dances, it will take from a week to a month to learn the basic movements, depending on your diligence.
And then the fun begins! In a city where there is at least one studio gone, exactly held dance parties certain types of dance. The most common of them are Latin American. At such parties, you can relax, dance from the heart and relieve stress for the benefit of the body.

Popular directions of social dances

The dance directions of the descended are very diverse, but the most common among them are the following styles:

What are the benefits of social dancing in terms of psychology

Social dances are not just entertainment - they are actively used to solve some psychological problems:

  • help to gain self-confidence;
  • allow you to establish communication, including with the opposite sex;
  • promote personal growth;
  • relieve stress;
  • develop initiative and creativity.

If you want to relax, meet new people, get in shape or forget about problems, take up social dancing. Life will definitely begin to play with new colors!