Patriotism is growing - "Dating" failed. Why did the movie "8 Best Dates" fail? The film 8 Dates is being released

But we haven’t even begun to discuss very interesting article Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - 205.1. "Promoting terrorist activities"

Even though the director Marius Weisberg expressed confidence that the film would also be successful at the box office, the premiere of the comedy “8 best dates“actually failed throughout Russia. Let us recall that the first two comedies - “8 First Dates” and “8 New Dates” - in which main role played by the sponsor of the Ukrainian punitive battalions Zelensky, with budgets of 72 million rubles and 77 million rubles, they collected 210 million and 420 million rubles at the box office, respectively.

Today we see a slightly different picture.

In our video, you saw how residents of snickering Moscow voted with labor rubles, and even more encouraging news comes from the localities. As a correspondent for the Saratov publication “The Fourth Estate” reported yesterday, the premiere screening of the film “8 Best Dates” was canceled at the “Pioneer” cinema in Saratov. The film was scheduled to premiere on March 3 at 12:50 p.m. A meticulous journalist wanted to find out from cinema visitors whether they knew about where will he go part of the money for the ticket they bought, but people who would like to watch a film with Vladimir Zelensky, it didn’t turn out.

The cinema box office reported that four tickets were reserved for the premiere screening of the film. However, no one came for them. “The cashier and the administrator were somewhat surprised by this, noting that cases when premieres are not attended, of course, do happen, but very rarely. By 12:52 not a single ticket had been sold, and therefore the decision was made to cancel the premiere screening.”

We also note that on the Kinopoisk website, the largest portal about cinema, the film has already received an “encouraging” rating.

© RIA Novosti, Ekaterina Chesnokova | Go to photobank

By the way, such a funny feature of the site is that if a registered user clicks on one star under the caption “Movie rating”, then the rating becomes even lower. I have no doubt that distributors and producers will try to increase the ratings back - but there are hundreds of thousands of times more of those who think that sponsoring punishers is bad, isn’t it?

The distributors, PR people and producers of the film seem to have not understood anything, and, as it seems to us, they are trying to stop the healing effect of protest actions for public morality using the methods of the last decade.

Compare the results for the query “8 best protest dates” in Yandex and Google. Of course, all the photos from the protests against the film disappeared from Yandex on their own, yeah. "It is itself."

However, bags of money cannot drown out the voice of truth. But we have not even begun to discuss a very interesting article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - 205.1. "Promotion of terrorist activities." This is actually what Zelensky is doing by sponsoring punitive battalions. And for his support group, this article contains paragraph 3: “Assisting in the commission of a crime under Article 205 of this Code is punishable by imprisonment for a term of 10 to 20 years.”

Two days ago, the premiere of the film “8 Best Dates” took place in Russia. The film, contrary to the expectations of the creators and actors, has already failed miserably at the Russian box office. Even Yandex, when asked for the title of a film, gives more news about the failures of the picture than links to sites with its description.

Most viewers avoid this film. main reason actor Vladimir Zelensky, who not so long ago thanked the Ukrainian military for “protection from these scum” (according to the actor, “scum” are residents of Donbass). People don’t want to watch a film with his participation, because they understand that part of the income from the film’s theatrical release will go towards financing military operation Ukrainian security forces against the residents of Donbass. I wonder what the actor was thinking when he hoped to make money in Russia?

Many people have previously advocated for a ban on the release of the film “8 Best Dates”, but in Russia they do not go for an official “ban”, because we are not Ukraine, which equates politics and creativity. People make their own choices. As it turned out, the majority now takes a sharply negative position towards Zelensky, and therefore people are boycotting and ignoring the film.

Despite the fact that the director of the film was confident of success, today “8 First Dates” is shown in half-empty theaters. If in the past all the tickets for the premiere of the first part of the film were sold out, this year the situation is different: in most cinemas there was not a single spectator. In many cities, the screening was completely canceled by the decision of cinemas, since there is no point in showing it just like that, because the hall, standing idle without spectators, can be filled by showing something else.

In some cities there was still a small amount of reservations for tickets, but no one bought them.

Even Vera Brezhneva, who has a huge army of fans in Russia, could not save the picture. It was interesting to see Instagram main character film. In the comments to the photo from the film's premiere, opinions were divided. Many people love Vera, and therefore, despite the abundance of negative comments about the film and Zelensky, there are many apologies. About half of the messages are written in the spirit of: “Sorry, Vera, we really love your work, but we can’t go to the film with Zelensky in the title role. We think this is wrong."
There is a lot of negativity:

“Because of this Zelensky, few people will go there. I hope that no one will go at all!”

“I am disappointed in Zelensky and also do not want to watch the film and performances with his participation”

“Let him go and show his film to the heroes of the ATO, the murderers of the civilian population of Donbass, whom he fucking supports!”

It has gotten to the point where real demonstrations are taking place in some cities. People are demanding that the film be banned.

Two days ago, the premiere of the film “8 Best Dates” took place in Russia. The film, contrary to the expectations of the creators and actors, has already failed miserably at the Russian box office. Even Yandex, when asked for the name of a film, produces more news about the film’s failures than links to sites with its description.

Most viewers avoid this film. The main reason for this is actor Vladimir Zelensky, not so long ago thanking the Ukrainian military for “protection from these scum” (according to the actor, “scum” are residents of Donbass). People don’t want to watch a film with his participation because they understand that part of the income from the film’s film distribution will go to finance the military operation of the Ukrainian security forces against the residents of Donbass. I wonder what the actor was thinking when he hoped to make money in Russia?

Many people have previously advocated for a ban on the release of the film “8 Best Dates”, but in Russia they do not go for an official “ban”, because we are not Ukraine, which equates politics and creativity. People make their own choices. As it turned out, the majority now takes a sharply negative position towards Zelensky, and therefore people are boycotting and ignoring the film.

Despite the fact that the director of the film was confident of success, today “8 First Dates” is shown in half-empty theaters. If in the past all the tickets for the premiere of the first part of the film were sold out, this year the situation is different: in most cinemas there was not a single spectator. In many cities, the screening was completely canceled by the decision of cinemas, since there is no point in showing it just like that, because the hall, standing idle without spectators, can be filled by showing something else.

In some cities there was still a small amount of reservations for tickets, but no one bought them.

Even Vera Brezhneva, who has a huge army of fans in Russia, could not save the picture. It was interesting to see the Instagram of the main character of the film. In the comments to the photo from the film's premiere, opinions were divided. Many people love Vera, and therefore, despite the abundance of negative comments about the film and Zelensky, there are many apologies. About half of the messages are written in the spirit of: “Sorry, Vera, we really love your work, but we can’t go to the film with Zelensky in the title role. We think this is wrong."
There is a lot of negativity:

“Because of this Zelensky, few people will go there. I hope that no one will go at all!”

“I am disappointed in Zelensky and also do not want to watch the film and performances with his participation”

“Let him go and show his film to the heroes of the ATO, the murderers of the civilian population of Donbass, whom he fucking supports!”

It has gotten to the point where real demonstrations are taking place in some cities. People are demanding that the film be banned.

Moral values are strong in our people, and therefore such a reaction is not even surprising. Perhaps only those who don’t watch TV and don’t read the news will go see this film, i.e. someone who is not aware of the personal life and harsh statements of Vladimir Zelensky. And this does not make them those who support and share the views of the actor, they simply do not know the reasons for the boycott. Also, the film will not be missed by ardent fans of Vera Brezhneva, who turn a blind eye to everything for the sake of their idol.

What do you think of this film? Will you go watch it?

The film “Eight Best Dates,” starring Ukrainian satirist Vladimir Zelensky, failed at the box office. Viewers in the south of Russia, who traditionally love spring comedies, also voted with their feet against the film, the release of which in Russia was demanded to be banned by many patriotic movements and politicians. And although the authors of the film hoped that due to the scandal the film would be a success and earn at least 130 million rubles in Russia, they were very mistaken in this.

"They stop being stars"

A week ago, the comedy film “Eight Best Dates” was released in Russia - last film in a trilogy dedicated to the unsuccessful veterinarian Nikita, who has no luck in love. Four years ago the first film, “Eight First Dates,” was released, and in 2014, “Eight New Dates.”

All three films were directed by Marius Weisberg, and played the main role Vladimir Zelensky, former member Ukrainian KVN team "95th Quarter", which then created creative association under the same name. Zelensky was a member of the board and general producer the largest Ukrainian TV channel "Inter" (its controlling shareholder is a billionaire Dmitry Firtash), on which the show “Evening Quarter” was broadcast for many years. Then the TV show moved to the competing TV channel “1+1”, which is controlled by another oligarch no less famous to Russian viewers. Igor Kolomoisky.

It is important to name the owners of TV channels with which Zelensky’s creative team collaborated, because main genre his jokes are political satire. “Evening Quarter” equally scathingly castigates the entire Ukrainian and Russian elite, starting from Nikita Dzhigurda and ending Oleg Lyashko. However, for the mass Russian audience, “Evening Quarter” (released, by the way, in Russian) is practically unknown.

But it is widely known that Vladimir Zelensky actively supports official Kyiv in civil war in the Donbass, spoke out against the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR, and at the same time against Moscow and Russia as a whole. Participants of the “95th Quarter” have been constantly performing for the last two years before the soldiers of the National Guard of Ukraine; it is also known that at least once (in August 2014) they transferred funds to the fighters of the anti-terrorist operation (ATO). The conversation, according to Ukrainian publications, was about a million hryvnia (approximately), which was used to purchase personal hygiene products and medicines for soldiers.

"If Russian performers express anti-Ukrainian views, for me they simply cease to be stars,” Zelensky said in an interview. And before the start of the release of the film “Eight Best Dates” in Russia, Vladimir Zelensky was reminded of this ambivalent position. After all, he criticizes our country, but it’s where he makes money.

The Ministry of Culture is against prohibitions. Bye

A wave of protest arose on the Internet against the screening of the film “Eight Best Dates.” Activists of the National Liberation Movement, which is headed by a State Duma deputy from “ United Russia» Nikolay Fedorov held a series of pickets in many cities across the country. Picketers in front of cinemas held posters with approximately the following content: “Vladimir Zelensky is a bloody buffoon” or “Zelensky is a sponsor of the murders of Donbass residents.”

It is strange, however, that Zelensky presented his previous film “Eight New Dates” in Russia in December 2014 without any problems. Although by that time the Ukrainian showman had clearly expressed his position in relation to our country. Nevertheless, Russian viewer actively “voted” for Zelensky with rubles: the film was watched by 1.6 million Russians, it collected 335 million rubles at the box office. Let’s say, Krasnodar residents put almost 20 million rubles in the “95th quarter” basket, Rostovites - 7 million, Volgograd residents - 5 million...

This time, the civil protest against Vladimir Zelensky’s film worked much more powerfully: during the premiere week (which, remember, fell on the holidays), the film barely made up the production budget of 75 million rubles. Moreover, for example, all republics North Caucasus added less than 250 thousand rubles to the comedy collection. That is, in fact, the film was a complete failure in wide release. Of course, the Internet campaign had an impact. In addition, many politicians actively campaigned against Zelensky’s painting, starting from the deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture Vladimir Bortko and ending with the head of the North Caucasus Association of Orthodox Rehabilitation Centers, deputy of the Stavropol Regional Duma Nikolai Novopashin.

The Ministry of Culture of Russia headed by Vladimir Medinsky spoke out against the ban on the distribution of the film “Eight Best Dates.” Cinemas (at least those included in large federal chains) also did not remove the film from distribution. Meanwhile, in the recent history of the South of Russia, there are many examples when, under public pressure, films did not reach the audience. For different reasons.

"This is propaganda of ruthlessness"

The most recent example is the ban on the erotic melodrama “50 Shades of Gray” based on the novel by an American writer Erica James, which tells about the sadomasochistic orgies of a student and a billionaire playboy who falls in love with her. The film received an “18+” distribution certificate, that is, viewers were asked for their passports at the entrance to the cinema halls.

In four republics of the North Caucasus (Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan and North Ossetia) at the request of the local religious administrations of Muslims, they refused to show the picture. “It is necessary to delimit the limits of what is permitted. In pursuit of profit concert halls and film venues should not recklessly and blindly follow the lead of unscrupulous promoters,” commented the Minister of Culture of North Ossetia Fatima Khabalova.

They were not afraid to show it only in Karachay-Cherkessia, but in the end the distributors went broke - the film collected only 45 thousand rubles in this region. In Kabardino-Balkaria, the film earned 2.5 million, and in the Stavropol region - as much as 13 million (that’s approximately 65 thousand viewers): such a huge box office success is due to the fact that freedom-loving youth from neighboring Muslim republics came to the film screenings in the cities of Kavminvod .

Particular indignation of the Islamic community was caused by the fact that in the North Caucasus the priests did not demand a ban on the distribution of the film “50 Shades of Black” - a vulgar and base parody of erotic melodrama (although what could be even more base if “50 Shades of Gray” was recognized as the worst film of 2015 ). Nevertheless, a vulgar comedy They refused to demonstrate it only in two regions with the strongest religious traditions - Chechnya and Ingushetia.

Involuntarily, I remember the story of 2006, when many cinemas in Russia (including in the North Caucasus) refused to rent the film “The Da Vinci Code”, where the New Testament story is interpreted in a special way. One of the initiators of this ban was the then Archbishop of Stavropol Feofan and the Chechen mufti Sultan Mirzaev(the latter demanded not only to refuse to show the film in cinemas, but also to refuse to sell cassettes and discs with it). However, the protest excitement around the generally mediocre film only fueled audience interest.

It is also worth recalling that currently the State Duma deputy from Chechnya Shamsail Saraliev proposes to limit the distribution of Hollywood films in Russia. “Many American horrors and thrillers are real propaganda of ruthlessness, violence and immorality. How much do we need this Western ideology? Is it useful to us? This is worth thinking about seriously,” says the deputy. But as experience has shown, you shouldn’t even think about it. The viewer, as practice has shown, can decide for himself what to watch and what not. Just don't go on a date...

You and I often hear statements that sport is outside of politics, culture is outside of politics, charity is outside of politics. Politics is a separate little world that supposedly does not claim absolute dominance. A little world that seems to be OUTSIDE, but at the same time EVERYWHERE...

Politics, no matter how the term is defined, is in fact an opinion. And what more people This opinion is supported by the stronger the politician. Ask anyone you know if they have their own own opinion? The answer will be clear!

That is, any society is extremely politicized and to believe that politics is OUTSIDE of anything is a myth and a delusion. Politics is our essence. Politics is a kind of game. A game for money, territory, resources, people and power over all of the above. And as one told everyone a famous person: “Our whole life is a game, and the people in it are actors.”

We are all essentially politicians, only of different calibers and playing our own games. And our every action is another political step, known only to ourselves.

The absolutely apolitical comedy film “8 Best Dates” is being released in Russian cinemas. And they kind of tell us, guys, go take a look. Do not pay attention to the fact that Zelensky plays one of the main roles. After all, culture is OUTSIDE of politics. Bring the money and enjoy the acting and funny situations presented in the film.

The Ministry of Culture issued the film a distribution certificate and did not interfere with the screening in any way. Near-state structures supported the premiere and its screening in Russian cinemas. The distributor was Central Partnership, which is part of the state holding Gazprom Media. Leading Russian media promoted this picture on television and radio.

However, as it turns out, people HAVE THEIR OWN OPINION! AND great amount Russians staged a boycott of this film. The reason is the Ukrainian showman Zelensky. Who bowed to the punitive forces, sponsored the genocide of the population of Donbass and thanked them for “killing the scum.” I thanked him for the murder of children, civilians and people who defend their families and their homeland with weapons in their hands.

As a result, the film did not collect the multimillion-dollar money it claimed Russian citizens. The rental was a spectacular failure in our country. Has the state influenced Russians so that they do not pay money for viewing? No! Did the TV box influence the opinion of Russians? Definitely NO! In fact, the protests organized by activists in front of some cinemas were not even covered in the media (except for a few blogs and websites).

What influenced it then?

And it was influenced by what I am happy to observe last years. It's hard civil position. This is the cohesion of the population. This is your own opinion, independent of anyone. And thank God, the Russians now have all this!

And if this is the merit of the current policy, it’s up to you to decide. After all, you have your own opinion on this matter?)