People's actor Vladislav Galkin has passed away. People's actor Vladislav Galkin passed away How Vladislav Galkin died

Vladislav Galkin is a talented actor who has always stood out among his colleagues with some indescribable charm, charisma and inner openness. That's why, when watching his films, it felt like you had known him all your life.

This wonderful actor seemed to be a friend to millions of television viewers who, without stopping, watched films with his participation and followed the turns of his fate.

That is why the news that Vladislav Galkin died suddenly was perceived by many of his fans as the loss of an old friend. But can we say that this wonderful actor is gone forever? Of course not. After all, a little of his soul will always live in his films, as well as in the hearts of those people to whom he was close.

Early years, childhood and family of Vladislav Galkin

The future famous actor was born in the town of Zhukovsky near Moscow on December 25, 1971. Your own father he never knew, but spent his entire life with his mother and stepfather. The mother of our today's hero, Elena Demidova, was a popular theater actress, and was also well known as a playwright and screenwriter.

Vladislav Galkin touching moment

His adoptive father, Boris Galkin, a famous actor and director, was also an equally remarkable personality. Besides, important person in the life of our today's hero there was always his grandmother - Lyudmila Demidova, with whom he for a long time lived in childhood. It was she who provided greatest influence for the whole life and fate of Vladislav. At her insistence future actor started visiting high school No. 6, which was distinguished by a good level of teaching. On her advice, Vlad came to his first screen tests in his life.

It is very noteworthy that the parents of our today's hero were always against their son connecting his life with the theater. Knowing this world from the inside, they considered the acting profession not a field of activity to which they should strive. However, at the age of nine, Vladislav Galkin still got a screen test.

The selection was successful, and already in 1980, our today’s hero received one of the main roles in the film “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.” It is worth noting that the director of the film, Stanislav Govorukhin, was subsequently very pleased with Vladislav’s acting. Seemingly created for this role, the boy so masterfully got used to the image of Huckleberry Finn that adult actors only had time to be amazed at his skill.

At some point, even Vlad’s parents changed their anger to mercy. Thus, by the age of eighteen, Vladislav Galkin’s filmography included a huge number of bright and remarkable acting works. Already in childhood talented boy became a real star Russian cinema, and therefore, to some extent, his choice of profession was already predetermined.

After graduating from secondary school, our today's hero submitted documents to Theater school named after Shchukin, in which he was soon successfully enrolled. He studied in this place until 1992. After that in fate young actor There was also a period of study at VGIK.

Star Trek of actor Vladislav Galkin, filmography

Vladislav Galkin began his career in adult cinema with the military drama “In August 44th...”. this work turned out to be very successful and very soon brought the actor big success, and with it several prestigious cinematic awards.

However, one of the following roles more than outweighed all other successes. This was the role in the legendary TV series “Truckers,” which instantly became very popular among viewers. From this moment on, our today's hero has firmly established himself in the rank of one of the most popular actors in the world of Russian television.

Subsequently, many other popular films contributed to strengthening the popularity of our today's hero. These include the films “Beyond the Wolves”, “Special Forces”, “Saboteur”, “72 Meters”, “Death of the Empire”. In 2004, Vladislav Galkin again returned to the legendary role of Alexander Korovin in the continuation of the series “Truckers”, where his partner was Vladimir Gostyukhin.

Actor Galkin beat a policeman

Each of these roles brought our today’s hero one or another cinematic award. So, by 2009, the actor’s personal collection included two TEFI figurines, a NIKA award, a Golden Eagle award, a prize from the Minsk festival Listapad, as well as the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

The last years of Vladislav Galkin’s life, cause of death

In the period from 2006 to 2009, the actor still acted a lot, but during this period, unfortunately, the name of Vladislav Galkin appeared in the press more often not in connection with his new film work, but because of scandalous incidents, caused by the actor's addiction to alcohol.

One of these was the shooting in a bar. That evening, due to a quarrel with the bartender, Vladislav Galkin took out a traumatic pistol and began shooting at bottles of alcohol. After the police arrived, he also started a fight with one of the law enforcement officers. The result of all this action was a court sentence and 14 months of probation.

A series of scandals also marked Vladislav’s personal life. So, while married to actress Daria Mikhailova, the actor openly had an affair with producer Anastasia Shipulina. The actor's wife announced that she was filing for divorce, but the celebrities did not have time to legalize it. At the end of February 2010, Galkin was found dead in his apartment in Moscow. It was noted that the famous actor died two or three days before the discovery of the body. The official version of what happened was cardiac arrest, caused by Vladislav Galkin’s destructive passion for alcohol.

The “Golden Eagle” and “Golden Rhino” awards, which the actor was soon to receive for the series “Kotovsky”, were awarded with the mark “posthumously”.

Personal life of Vladislav Galkin

The actor was married three times in his life. His first wife was a girl named Svetlana Fomicheva. Vladislav Galkin lived with her for only a year. After this there were two longer marriages with Elena Galkina and Valentina Elina.

However, the actor himself real wife named only actress Daria Mikhailova, noting that previous relationships could not be fully called marriages. Together they raised Daria's daughter from her first marriage. But, despite the apparent idyll, in 2009 Galkin began new novel– with producer Anastasia Shipulina.

Three years ago, on February 25, actor Vladislav Galkin passed away. TV screens reported that the artist died of cardiac arrest. But today the artist’s fans categorically do not believe that he died a natural death. Our publication decided to find out why.

130 thousand dollars disappeared without a trace - Half of Vlad’s face, when he was found dead in the apartment, was of blue color“,” the actor’s father Boris Galkin said bitterly, “as if he had been beaten for a long time. And there are traces of blood on the walls. Someone was with him in the apartment on that fateful day. It wasn't an accident.

Boris Sergeevich mentioned that his son had bank account A large amount of money disappeared – more than 130 thousand dollars. Vladislav took it a few days before the tragedy. And this money has not been found to this day.

The official version of Vlad’s death is still cardiac arrest. But it is known that the results of a forensic examination revealed a huge amount of alcohol in the blood. Even a hero with iron health could not drink so much.

It’s another matter if vodka and cognac were poured into an already inanimate person in order to cover their tracks. They could have gone too far with the dose. But no one paid attention to this fact. It was as if it was convenient for someone not to find a criminal component.

– Could Vladislav Galkin be killed? - says Rustam Chernov, a lawyer for special cases who has been studying contract killings for more than ten years. – Considering many strange circumstances this death, I would not rule out such a possibility. In general, it is considered " aerobatics”, if it is possible to write off the murder as an accident. This is how professionals and intelligence officers usually work. But it is not at all necessary that the actor “crossed the road” big people" Sometimes employees of certain structures carry out “illegal orders” for the sake of earning money. The average price of the service is $20,000. With a guarantee that the customer will not only not be found, but will not even be searched for. Could the actor be killed for money?

I don’t know... For the average person, probably $130 thousand is a gigantic amount. But on a global scale, it is not one for which they kill with the involvement of highly professional killers. In general, most often the reasons lie in a different plane: settling personal scores, or... envy.

Fans of the actor are seriously discussing a more cruel version: the public’s favorite could have been killed by a maniac. And the money that the actor withdrew from the bank the day before could have turned out to be a pleasant bonus, but not the reason for the murder. “A classic of the genre” is the story of the death of the legendary Beatle John Lennon. But there, Mark Chapman, suffering from manic syndrome, “worked” openly. And later he admitted that he was terribly jealous of Lennon. Since childhood, he dreamed of making music, but lacked the talent to become a star.

A Russian example is the death of Nikolai Rubtsov, who was strangled by his mistress. Later the woman reported that she was terribly jealous of the brilliant poet.

“Last Love” is happily married Galkin often played military men. Many people were eager to be friends with him, including serious people from government agencies. Whether one of them could have been jealous of the actor or had personal scores to settle with him, we can now only guess.

According to Vladislav’s housemates, two days after his funeral, “some guys came, showed him his papers and told him not to talk too much.”

– Does this crime have a chance of being solved? – we asked the lawyer.

– According to the law, the protocol version of death can be appealed within twenty years after the death of a person - if there are serious suspicions. This can be done by relatives or their lawyers. But the chances of finding the culprits are minimal. The search for the truth may take more than one year and it is unknown how it will end.
We tried to find a woman named Anastasia, who had been with Vladislav in recent days. The media called her " last love actor." Through her assistant, Anastasia conveyed that she refused to communicate on a topic that was unpleasant for her.

Mutual friends from the acting crowd, which includes Nastya, assure: she could not have romantic relationships with Vlad! She has been married for a long time, the family is strong.

Most likely, they are convinced of the party, communication with the actor was businesslike. The lady runs the production center.
Vladislav’s widow, Daria Mikhailova, is also hiding. Fans still cannot forgive her for leaving her husband shortly before his death - she betrayed her. According to some reports, a year ago Daria moved abroad. He comes to Russia occasionally for filming. She recently starred in the TV series “Lyudmila”. They said on the set: Dasha seems to still be in a state of quiet psychosis. The death of the man with whom she lived for more than 10 years came as a shock to her.

Let us remind you that Vladislav’s health was undermined by a scandalous incident in a bar in the summer of 2009. Then the actor, who had been on a spree after a difficult filming, fired at bottles and fought with a police officer. Three years ago, the actor’s father Boris Galkin said: from the very beginning the story looked like a carefully planned provocation. And the bartender and others could have been paid by someone who benefited from morally destroying the artist.

Surprisingly, but true - later a short time After the incident, the two participants in the “bar scandal” could no longer be found, both seemed to have disappeared. The waiter, on whose shift the emergency happened at the bar, was allegedly laid off at work and left Moscow. And the policeman who was hit by Vlad was transferred to a new duty station.

It is noteworthy that the artist still does not have a monument at his grave. At the burial site there is only a marble slab and spruce branches. There is also a bouquet of artificial roses and sunflowers. Two icons: St. Vladislav and the symbolic “Last Supper”.

A children's car-truck with a handwritten inscription “To Vlad!” looks touching. After all, the actor was made famous by the TV series “Truckers,” and he also had an almost boyish passion for cars. So the fans brought him a car. Several candlesticks, key chains from a car, a St. George ribbon.

For Vladislav’s “neighbors” who passed away later than him, relatives and friends long ago installed tombstones. There is a monument to actor Yuri Stepanov, who died in a car accident. The luxurious obelisk belongs to the singer Alexander Barykin, who died in March 2011. Sergei Govorukhin, who passed away at the end of 2011, has a simple obelisk with a star, the kind they gave to soldiers during the war.

Vladislav Galkin’s middle-aged father and mother are not rich people; literally, bit by bit, they collected funds for their son’s funeral, and then for a gravestone. But why don’t those who called themselves close friends of the artist do anything?

The cause of Galkin's death has been announced

Actor Vladislav Galkin died approximately 74 hours before he was discovered. The cardiac arrest occurred due to acute pancreatitis, according to a group of doctors and pathologists.

The factor leading to cardiac arrest was heart failure. As one of the doctors reported, pancreatitis most likely led to cardiac collapse.

As reported, for the last five days, Vladislav Galkin’s father, Boris, was very worried and feared for his son’s life. According to his father, Vladislav was never in excellent health, family problems, constant workload on film set, as well as alcohol led to this tragedy.

Let us remind you that on the afternoon of Saturday, February 27, friend famous actor found Vladislav Galkin dead in his Moscow apartment on Sadovo-Spasskaya Street. Cause for concern arose when the actor stopped answering calls from family and friends.

There are many unknowns about Galkin’s death

Upon examination rented apartment Actor Vladislav Galkin, who died a few days ago, was discovered by police officers with a note of mysterious content, LifeNews reports.

Found on the actor's desk green leaf paper with handwritten text: “Waiting for a call.” Despite the fact that none of his relatives or friends saw Galkin living in this apartment with anyone, the note indirectly confirms the opposite. The note could have been written by the actor himself to a certain woman who remained in the apartment. It could also be that it was left by someone who left before Galkin woke up, the publication notes. Quotes from today Russian newspapers dedicated to death famous artist, quotes the website "".

The police also seized a leaflet that was stuck on outside front door. It was written on it: “Ilya, builder, 8-915.....”. It seems that this man had an agreement with Galkin about a meeting, however, when he arrived, he did not get through.

Galkin’s close friend, 39-year-old Igor Kostenko, told the police about last days his life. On February 25, Igor came to Vladislav along with his father Boris Galkin. “I noticed that Galkin had a bruise under his eye, abrasions on his elbows and drops of blood on the floor,” says Kostenko. “Vlad explained to us that he fell in the apartment when he was in a very strong state alcohol intoxication. Then Boris Sergeevich and I began to persuade him to undergo treatment for alcoholism."

After this conversation, at approximately 23:30, Galkin Sr. asked him to check on Vlad at least once a day. He gave the key to Vlad’s apartment, and he left for filming.

On February 26, Kostenko came to check on his friend, but could not open the door - it was locked with an internal latch. He called Vlad on his cell phone and home, but no one came.

On February 27, around noon, Kostenko again came to Vlad’s apartment and again could not open the door. Then he called the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the police. Rescuers opened the door and found Galkin dead.

Despite the fact that the preliminary diagnosis of Vladislav Galkin’s death has already been announced (acute heart failure due to chronic inflammation of the pancreas), many mysteries still remain in his death, the publication writes.

In the apartment of the artist, who allegedly died a day and a half before his body was found, forensic scientists found traces of blood.

The actor's body was found in the room. Vlad was lying face down on the floor. In the kitchen, police found an almost empty 0.7-liter bottle of Araspel cognac and two glasses. One is empty, the other contains leftovers tomato juice. Next to them is a small ashtray filled with cigarette butts. Here, in the kitchen, was the actor’s mobile phone; the second phone was in the room.

As the head of the capital's Department of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office (SKP) of the Russian Federation, Anatoly Bagmet, told reporters, on Monday experts will conduct an autopsy on the body of Vladislav Galkin, RIA Novosti reports.

“There are no grounds to initiate a criminal case. Today, on Monday, an autopsy of the artist’s body will be carried out, which should finally establish the causes of his death,” Bagmet said.

"No sign violent death“We didn’t find the actor,” the UPC representative emphasized. At the same time, he noted that the pre-investigation investigation into Galkin’s death continues.

Let us remember that a month ago Galkin underwent a two-week course of treatment at the Moscow Botkin Clinical Hospital, where he was taken with inflammation of the pancreas. It is possible that the health of the actor, who had previously been seen drinking alcohol more than once, could have deteriorated New Year's events. Previously, for the same reasons, he had problems with the law.

The actor’s colleagues believe that one of the reasons for Galkin’s sudden death could have been his worries and the media hype about his trial. Let us recall that in December the Presnensky Court of Moscow sentenced Galkin to one year and two months of suspended imprisonment with probationary period a year and a half, having found him guilty of **** gangsterism and resisting police officers.

The artist will be buried on March 2. The farewell will take place from 9 to 12 o'clock on Tuesday in the Great Ritual Hall of the Burdenko Hospital. And the actor will be buried at 15:00 at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

Vladislav Galkin is an Honored Artist of Russia. He starred in 40 films. His film debut was the role of Huckleberry Finn in Stanislav Govorukhin’s film “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.” He was nine years old then. Vlad’s godmother Ekaterina Vasilyeva also starred in this film. His latest work is the television series "Kotovsky", which is just about to be released. On October 2, 1998, Galkin married actress Daria Mikhailova; he has no children.

The famous actor was found dead on Saturday, February 27 at about 2 p.m. At first, there was information that Galkin died in his friend’s apartment in the center of the capital. Then information arrived that the actor died at home.

According to preliminary data, Galkin died from acute cardiovascular failure. This was reported by the Rossiya 24 TV channel.

Famous actor Vladislav Galkin died in Moscow. He died in his apartment; the preliminary cause of death is acute heart failure. An anonymous source in medical circles confirmed to Interfax that the cause of death was acute heart failure, but accompanied by acute pancreatitis. However, the actor’s cause of death has not yet been officially announced. At the same time, doctors suggest that Galkin died two or three days ago, and the cause of death was cardiac arrest.

“The actor died in his bed, where he was found,” one of the doctors told RIA-Novosti. According to him, the cause of Galkin’s death could also be edema internal organs, in particular, the pancreas, which ultimately led to cardiac arrest.

“We confirm that Vladislav Galkin died today in his apartment,” said Viktor Biryukov, head of the information and public relations department of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate.

Representatives of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate reported that Galkin’s relatives contacted the police, who were alarmed that Vladislav was not answering phone calls for a long time. As a result, according to the statement of relatives, the actor’s apartment on Sadovo-Spasskaya Street was opened by police officers. In it, police officers and rescuers discovered the body of a famous actor without signs of life. Anatoly Lastovetsky, duty officer of the Department of Information and Public Relations of the capital's Central Internal Affairs Directorate, reported this to ITAR-TASS.

“According to the preliminary information that we have, no traces of violence were found on Galkin’s body, that is, there is no crime there,” the agency’s interlocutor said. The Investigative Committee of the Russian Prosecutor's Office began an investigation into the death of Vladislav Galkin. This is stated in a message on the department's website.

“Currently, an investigative team is working on the spot, inspecting the scene of the incident, and a forensic medical examination has been appointed and carried out. Based on the results of the inspection, a procedural decision will be made,” the UPC said in a statement.

Galkin’s death was confirmed by the actor’s ex-wife Daria Mikhailova.

"This is true. I don’t know the details,” she commented on the news of her death ex-spouse D. Mikhailova.

Neighbors of actor Vladislav Galkin said that in last time saw him a few days ago, and over the past two weeks loud music has been heard from his house, RIA-Novosti reports.

His neighbor learned about Galkin’s death from journalists.

“I can’t say that he was a bad neighbor and behaved extremely badly, but for several weeks I heard loud music and it was noisy,” said Vlad’s neighbor Yulia, who lives on the floor below.

“He came out in sweatpants, apparently seeing someone off. Was he in drunk“, to be honest, I don’t know, because from the very beginning I thought that I had messed up,” she said.

Vladislav Galkin was born in 1971 in Leningrad. His father is the equally famous actor and director Boris Galkin, his mother is Elena Demidova. His father and Vladislav himself are direct descendants of the sister of the famous Field Marshal Mikhail Kutuzov. In 1991, Vlad married Svetlana Fomicheva, with whom he lived for only a year. On October 2, 1998, he married actress Daria Mikhailova.

The actor made his film debut quite early. Vladislav Galkin’s first role became a star: nine-year-old Vlad starred in 1980 as Huckleberry Finn in Stanislav Govorukhin’s film “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.” The actor is also known for his roles in such films as “72 Meters”, “Voroshilov Shooter”, “In August 1944”, as well as in numerous TV series: “Special Forces”, “Saboteur”, “Truckers” and others. In 2009, V. Galkin was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. Vladislav Galkin’s last work was the role of Grigory Kotovsky in the TV series “Kotovsky”, which will premiere on the Rossiya TV channel on March 1, 2010.

In December 2009, the actor divorced his wife Daria Mikhailova. He also faced a difficult ordeal with an unpleasant scandal and subsequent prosecution, the fault of which was the actor himself.

Let us recall that on July 23, 2009, in the premises of the Tiki Bar cafe, located on Sadovo-Kudrinskaya Street, Vladislav Galkin, being drunk, started a drunken brawl in response to the bartender’s refusal to pour him whiskey. He tried to smash the bar counter with a chair, and then took out a gas gun and shot at a row of bottles behind the counter, hitting a glass on the counter. In response to the demand of the local police commissioner of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Presnensky district of Moscow, who had arrived on a call, to proceed to the police department, Galkin dealt him a strong blow to the head, after which the policeman required medical assistance.

Investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee in Moscow opened a criminal case against Galkin for hooliganism and the use of violence against a government official. During court hearings the famous actor fully admitted his guilt and repented of his actions.

In mid-December last year, the Presnensky District Court of Moscow rendered a verdict against Vladislav Galkin, who was found guilty. The famous actor received a suspended sentence of 1 year and 2 months.

According to a number of acquaintances and friends of the actor, in Lately Vladislav Galkin often abused alcohol and was very worried about family problems which led him to divorce his wife and litigation after the memorable pogrom at the Tiki Bar. All this combined, most likely, shook Vladislav’s health. It was previously reported that Galkin was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis and delirium tremens (delirium tremens).

Let us recall that a few days ago Vladislav Galkin was discharged from the 50th surgery department of the Botkin Hospital in Moscow, where he was hospitalized in January 2010 due to inflammation of the pancreas. Doctors prescribed him a diet and a course of treatment, since according to preliminary data, the actor had serious problems with his liver and pancreas.

Vladislav Galkin is one of the favorite actors of millions of domestic television viewers. Today he remains the brightest star for many admirers. Russian cinema. Open, charming and charismatic, Galkin could win over any person with just his disarming smile.

Vladislav Galkin was born in December 1971 in the city of Zhukovsky near Moscow. He never knew his own father, Georgy Cherkasov. He was raised by his mother, stepfather and grandmother. Vladislav was godmother famous actress. Mom Elena Demidova is a theater actress, playwright and screenwriter, and her adoptive father is everyone famous actor and director.

As a child with my family | Gordon Boulevard

Parents, always busy with work, were often absent. Vlad and his younger sister Masha remained in the care of her grandmother Lyudmila Demidova. Lyudmila Nikolaevna worked as a teacher junior classes at the prestigious 6th school of Zhukovsky, famous high level preparation. There, under the supervision of their grandmother, Vladik and Masha studied.

It was the grandmother who determined future fate grandson. She was the first to recognize his acting talent and took 9-year-old Vladislav Galkin to a screen test after hearing that a casting had been announced for the film “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.”

Later, the artist recalled with a laugh that his parents were shocked when they found out that he had passed the audition. After all, the grandmother, known for her “verbal incontinence,” managed not to let her daughter and son-in-law know about her plans to take her grandson to the film studio.

As Huckleberry Finn | Kino-Teatr.RU

This is how the cinematic biography of Vladislav Galkin began with the role of Huckleberry Finn. The boy so skillfully transformed into his hero that he surprised everyone: the adult actors (his godmother Ekaterina Vasilyeva starred in the film), the film crew and the director himself.

It cannot be said that the parents were happy with their son’s choice of an acting path. They knew well how heavy this piece of bread is sometimes. But when they saw Vlad on the screen, they realized that he could not take any other path.

Vladislav Galkin's childhood was quite happy. He studied under the strict guidance of his loving grandmother. In the summer she worked at a pioneer camp and also did not let her too playful grandson out of her sight. Thanks to Lyudmila Nikolaevna, graduate Vlad Galkin was given an excellent reference with which he went to enroll in a theater university.

Baby photos

At that time, the young actor already had solid film work in his baggage. At the age of 11, Vladislav Galkin starred in the children's film “That Scoundrel Sidorov.” And 3 years later, a film with his participation, “The Golden Chain,” was released. In addition to them, there were several more films in which the skill of the young artist was visible, so to speak, to the naked eye.

Vladislav Galkin entered the B. Shchukin Theater School. He took the course of Albert Burov. Later he improved his acting skills under the guidance of VGIK.


Vladislav Galkin early became an independent person. From the age of 17, he preferred to live on his own, outside the walls of his parents' house. He greatly valued freedom and personal space, which he protected even from his beloved parents.

In 1998 creative biography Galkina continued with a small role as a local police officer in Govorukhin’s film “Voroshilovsky Shooter,” beloved by millions, where the young actor had the pleasure of playing with such a master of Russian cinema as.

Roles in acclaimed films | Kino-Teatr.RU

Two years later, Vladislav distinguished himself with his next serious role in “adult” cinema. He brilliantly portrayed the heroic Lieutenant Tamantsev in the military drama “In August 44th...”. Perhaps this is the picture that opens the “mature” filmography of the star. Vlad’s stepfather, Boris Galkin, admitted that he was amazed by his son’s performance. According to him, Vladislav managed to penetrate the spirit of an unfamiliar time. Looking at him, Boris Sergeevich saw fellow soldiers of his front-line father.

Vladislav Galkin became deafeningly popular after the release of the much-loved adventure series “Truckers,” in which Vlad got key roles. The actor himself was very pleased with his work in this film. He later admitted that all 20 episodes of the project turned out to be, in essence, separate films, in which he was lucky to play in almost all famous genres: action film, melodrama, thriller and lyrical comedy. The artist came up with his famous costume - a Panama hat and overalls - himself.

In the series "Truckers" | Sobesednik.RU

Galkin and Gostyukhin worked on the set of the series for several months. The series was released in 2001 and received high ratings. Vladislav woke up as a star. From that moment on, he was offered only key or bright supporting roles, which finally strengthened his star status.

In 2002, fans of Vladislav Galkin enjoyed watching his new works - the series “Special Forces,” in which the actor played a GRU officer nicknamed Yakut, and the thriller “Beyond the Wolves.” In the latter, he played senior lieutenant of the criminal investigation department Sergei Vysik.

Thus, in the early 2000s, the artist’s film career developed rapidly. Galkin “took” height after height. He starred in the second season of “Truckers” and in the new war film “Saboteur.” The latter turned out to be no less popular than the story about two wonderful truck drivers.

The role of the Homeless Man in the film "The Master and Margarita" |

And in 2005, a new film adaptation of the immortal novel “The Master and Margarita” was released. In the film by Vladimir Bortko, Vladislav Galkin played the restless poet Ivan Bezdomny. As expected, he managed to masterfully convey the character of this colorful character.

The year 2007 was marked by a new landmark project that television viewers had been waiting for: the second season of “Saboteur” was released, called “Saboteur. End of the war."

Photo of the actor |

Two more notable film events of 2008 were the comedy melodrama “An Imperfect Woman” and the police series “Petrovka, 38. Semenov’s Team,” in which Galkin again got the key characters.

2009 became last year cinematic career of a wonderful artist. Vladislav Galkin worked very hard. He was at the peak of fame and demand. He seemed to be in a hurry to do as much as possible, feeling that death was near.

The detective series “Dirty Work” and “The Serpent’s Lair” were released. In the first project, Vlad turned into a private detective, in the second - into a hired killer.

Talented artist | Want

In Andrei Krasavin’s 4-episode comedy-grotesque film “I Am Not Me,” released after the actor’s death, Vladislav Galkin played in tandem with talented colleagues, and.

The historical adventure film “Kotovsky” by Ekaterina Bashkatova is one of the artist’s latest works. The hero of the civil war, Grigory Kotovsky, was played by Vladislav Galkin.

In the role of Kotovsky |

The series was originally conceived in two parts. The first is about Kotovsky’s young years, the second is about the years of a military leader and politician during Civil War. But due to Vlad’s death, plans for filming the second part had to be abandoned.

Contrary to popular belief that last job Vladislav Galkin had the series “Kotovsky”; in fact, the actor said goodbye to viewers and fans with the melodrama “Love in the Mine”, playing the main character Kolya Evlashkin.

Personal life

The actor was married four times. His first wife was Svetlana Fomicheva. Vladislav Galkin lived in this marriage for only a year. The same sad ending followed the second and third marriages - with Elena Galkina and Valentina Elina.

Later, when Vladislav Galkin met his fourth wife - an actress - he admitted that everything that happened before his marriage to Daria can actually hardly be called marriage. It was Mikhailova that he considered his real wife, and everything that happened before meeting her “can hardly be called married.”

With Daria Mikhailova | Kino-Teatr.RU

They got married in October 1998. It was love at first sight. Vladislav Galkin later shared that the first meeting with future wife happened on her initiative. Daria Mikhailova staged the play “The Brothers Karamazov” and invited him to play the role of Dmitry. They met and never parted. Vlad realized that the woman who would become his wife was standing in front of him from the very first minutes of the conversation. “What a damn chemical-physical process, some kind of explosion,” he said, happened.

The creative destinies of this couple were similar in many ways. Vladislav Galkin began acting at the age of 9, Daria at 12. They immediately found mutual language. Vlad got along with Daria's daughter from a previous marriage, Vasilisa, and raised her as his own.

With his wife Daria Mikhailova |

It would seem that Vladislav Galkin’s personal life will finally shine with new colors and be illuminated with love. But this did not happen. The feelings that flared up with a bright flame quickly burned out. A year later, the couple decided to divorce. But they didn’t have time to finalize the divorce.

The artist’s last love is said to be 34-year-old Anastasia Shipulina, a film producer. It was with her that he celebrated his last birthday on December 25, 2009. To do this, the couple, accompanied by friends - actors and spouses of Ekaterina Bashkatova, went to St. Petersburg for one day.


Shortly before the artist’s death, something happened loud scandal with the participation of Vladislav Galkin in the Moscow cafe "Tiki Bar". At that time, Vlad was finishing filming the TV series “Kotovsky”. At the end of July, he returned from filming in Yaroslavl and went to a cafe for a drink. According to the bartender, he practically downed several glasses of whiskey in one gulp. And when he demanded another one, the bartender, seeing Vladislav’s condition, refused him. Then the heavily drunk actor began to become rowdy. He pulled out a traumatic pistol and fired several shots at bottles and indignant cafe visitors. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

Later at the trial, Vlad, who was shown the video from the surveillance camera, admitted that he did not remember anything. He sincerely repented of what happened. And his stepfather Boris Galkin said that Vlad’s condition was explained by his role as Kotovsky. As is known, talented actors It’s hard to instantly return to real life.

Be that as it may, on December 23, 2009, Vladislav Galkin was convicted and sentenced to 14 months of suspended imprisonment. He was very worried about what happened. Journalists added fuel to the fire by inflating the scandal to a universal scale.

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In January 2010, Galkin was hospitalized due to worsening inflammation of the pancreas. According to his relatives, after being discharged from the medical facility, he followed a diet and gave up alcohol, to which he had recently become addicted.

And on February 26, Boris Galkin sounded the alarm: Vlad did not answer calls. When rescuers arrived at the star’s place of residence, it was too late. After breaking the door, they saw that Vladislav was dead. According to some sources, he passed away 2 days ago. According to others - 3.

Forensic doctors found no signs of violent death. The cause of the artist’s death, according to the official conclusion, was acute heart failure. Experts agreed that Vladislav Galkin’s heart stopped due to nervous exhaustion and wear and tear of the body.

Artist's burial place

The artist's funeral took place on March 2, 2010. The grave of Vladislav Galkin is located in the capital's Troekurovsky cemetery, on the actors' alley.

The official version of the cause of Vladislav’s death was refuted by Boris Galkin. He said that on February 19, his son withdrew from the bank a large sum money for apartment renovation. He kept the entire amount at home. Supposedly strangers could know about this. Boris Sergeevich claims that Vlad received threatening SMS messages. Moreover, abrasions and bruises were found on the body of the deceased (according to Boris Galkin - killed) Vladislav. Moreover, forensic doctors could also see them after the discovery of the body.

Photo of the artist | KM.RU

Boris Sergeevich considers the version that Vladislav Galkin drank before his death (a bottle of vodka and a pack of tomato juice were allegedly found near his body) to be unconvincing. He is sure that after treating pancreatitis, Vlad gave up alcohol and followed a strict diet. 136 thousand dollars, withdrawn by the deceased shortly before his death, were not found in the apartment.


  • 1981 – “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn”
  • 1999 – “Voroshilovsky shooter”
  • 2001 – “In August 1944...”
  • 2001 – “Truckers”
  • 2002 – “Beyond the Wolves”
  • 2002 – “Special Forces”
  • 2005 – “The Master and Margarita”
  • 2007 – “Saboteur. End of the war"
  • 2008 – “An Imperfect Woman”
  • 2009 – “Kotovsky”