Pedagogical assessment or analysis of the results of children's activities. Analysis of GCD for the NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development"

Exercise: Studying drawings by children of the same age group, students of the same class, made on the same topic.

It is possible to use the following form of work when analyzing children's drawings:

According to the form of presentation - oral analysis, written analysis.

By participation - individual and group analysis.

Give answers to the questions:

1. Describe the drawing and draw a diagram of it.

2. What advantages and disadvantages did you notice in the drawing? Indicate their possible reasons.

3. What objective assessment can be given for this work? What mark do you put?

4. Provide a reasoned explanation for the assessment in accordance with the requirements of the program for fine arts?

This analysis of children's visual activity is compiled using a table developed earlier.

Students should know the following methods for the teacher to formulate evaluative actions in children:

Evaluation of children's drawings by the teacher (monologue);

Evaluation of children's drawings by the teacher with the inclusion of children in assessment activities (conversations, dialogue);

Children's self-assessment of their drawings.

When assessing the results of children's fine arts The psychological impact of a negative assessment on a child must be taken into account.

Questions for self-control:

1. Name the forms of the teacher’s work in assessing children’s drawings.

2. Determine methods for assessing children's drawings.

3. Determine the parameters by which children's drawings are evaluated.

4. Come up with your own technique for assessing a child’s drawing.

5. Methods of teaching how to draw a human figure. Analysis of children's drawingsExercise: studying psychological characteristics drawings by primary and secondary children school age. Methodology of pedagogical drawing on the blackboard.

1. Methods of drawing a human figure in elementary school.

Explanation of the basic proportions of the figure of an adult, teenager and child (approximate ratios of head size to figure height as 1: 8. 1: 5, 1: 3). Revealing the sequence of images of a human figure in different movements various materials and technology. Compositional placement of the human figure in the drawing. Portrait. Facial expression.

2. Methods of teaching the image of a human figure (in grades V-VII).

Analysis in drawing of various typical movements of the human figure, plasticity. Sketches from life of a person in various movements (work with a brush, soft pencil, pen). Sketches based on observation and memory of figures of people on the street.

It is necessary to trace the development of the topic over several years, observing logical consistency and systematicity, taking into account the constant complication and repetition of the material covered, including different kinds lessons (drawing from life, decorative painting, thematic drawing and conversations about fine arts).

Methodological developments should present:

1. Exercises and visual aids.

2. Illustrations for practical work students on this topic.

Methodological developments performed on A-3 format.

During the passage teaching practice students have the opportunity to conduct experienced work with kids.

Questions for self-control:

1. Influence age-related changes to characterize the shape of the human figure.

2. Stages of the sequence of depicting the human figure in sketches and drawings.

IV year, 7th semester

1. Pedagogical drawing on the blackboard. Album of pedagogical drawings “City landscape”

Exercise: gaining experience in pedagogical drawing of objects provided for in the school curriculum. Carrying out sketches of city buildings, fragments of buildings, transport and people. Performing exercises to develop certain skills in working with various artistic materials and techniques.

Drawings are made on a chalkboard and paper, using various visual materials And artistic techniques: watercolor, gouache, charcoal, sanguine, ink, pastel, felt-tip pen, etc.

Drawing up an illustrated calendar-thematic plan for academic year

Exercise: Planning fine arts lessons in accordance with program requirements and age characteristics of students. Calendar lesson plans: textual, illustrated, thematic, mixed, etc. Goals and objectives artistic education and the development of children in the system of a specific lesson, quarter and year of study.

Analysis of school programs for the course “Fine Arts” and drawing up an illustrated calendar-thematic plan for the academic year in the form of a table.

The illustrated annual plan allows you to clearly see the entire range of work provided for by the program for each class. When developing an annual work plan, it is necessary to provide for the relationship between certain types training sessions, their methodological orientation.

All educational material it is necessary to distribute it into quarters and into individual lessons, indicate the type of educational work (drawing from life, decorative drawing, etc. - highlighted with a symbol), the topic of the lesson and clearly show the content of the work (technique of execution, variant of the visual solution).

A separate sheet contains a description of the lessons: goals and objectives, materials and equipment, exercises, visual aids.

Related information.



2 "Secret language"Children's drawing Children love to draw. They depict on paper everything that they feel and notice around them. Parents keep the most successful examples of this creativity as memories; the rest, as a rule, are not given importance. Meanwhile, having looked more closely at the most ordinary children's drawing, you can see everything that is going on in the baby’s soul, and which he will not be able to explain to adults, even in the most confidential conversation. Olga Novikova psychologist

3 "Evolution" young painter Drawing for a child is not art, but speech. Drawing makes it possible to express what, due to age restrictions, he cannot express in words. In the process of drawing, the rational goes into the background, prohibitions and restrictions recede. At this moment the child is absolutely free. A child's drawing most often clearly demonstrates the area of ​​interest of the child himself. little artist. In the early stages of development (up to three years) these are dashes, lines, circles. The child “tests” a pencil or brush and experiments. Usually he first makes a drawing, and then comes up with what he depicted, what it might look like. Later (by the age of four) the idea of ​​the drawing appears. From a certain age (at 3.5–4 years), a person becomes the object of close attention and study. From the point of view of psychodiagnostics, a person’s drawing is one of the most accurate and reliable sources of information. The only difficulty is that the information contained in such a message is figuratively “encoded”, and the drawing must be “read” correctly.

4 Details depend on age. The child should be asked to draw his family. Moreover, so that everyone is busy with some kind of activity. Let him have a selection of colored pencils and enough paper - a regular landscape sheet (A4 format) will do just fine. Do not rush your child or comment on his drawing during the drawing process. And when he finishes the family portrait, it’s time to ask questions: who exactly did he paint and what are all these characters doing? When starting to analyze a drawing, adults should take into account that its content and, relatively speaking, quality depend on the age of the young artist. In three-year-old children, people most often look like “cephalopods”: certain creatures whose body and head are a single “bubble” with legs. A face may also appear. But, strictly speaking, analyze the drawing from the point of view personal development And psycho-emotional state It will be more accurate from 4-5 years.

5 Analysis based on your own feelings To correctly read a child’s drawing, you need to trust your impressions. What emotions does it evoke? Peace and tranquility or worry and anxiety? To more accurately determine this, you can try to describe the drawing using the concepts: “light” “dark”, “bright” “dim”, “harmonious” “disharmonious”, “calm” “restless”, “ordered” “chaotic”, “cheerful” » “sad”, “aggressive” “benevolent”, “rich” “poor”, “heavy” “light”. This will help to perceive the child's condition. All words that can be used to describe the drawing are related to the current state of the child. For example, some negative definitions. Inharmonious - unsettled in color, busy parts of the picture, and character dynamics. Disorderly and chaotic in arrangement on the sheet. A sad one in which family members are separated, are in different parts of the sheet, their faces are joyless or completely absent. Aggressive with threatening facial expressions, postures, possibly with weapons.

6 Home hierarchy Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the structure of the family pattern. It is necessary to compare its real composition with that depicted by the child on paper. You should also evaluate the order of drawing, the size of the figures and their location on the sheet. The first and largest, as a rule, is depicted the most significant family member in the understanding of the young artist. Children usually draw themselves next to those to whom they feel the greatest affection. And furthest away in the picture is the baby’s most unattractive relative.

7 The image in profile or from the back also indicates a tense relationship between this family member and the author of the drawing. Children live by momentary experiences. And often an emotional relationship with someone close (a recent quarrel, resentment) can make adjustments to the drawing. In this case, the baby may even “forget” someone. For example, 6-year-old Alyosha does not draw his father, who pays little attention to him and is rude. And his absence in the picture is explained by the fact that “dad went on a business trip.” Alisa (4 years old) did not draw her little sister Ksyusha, explaining her absence by saying that the baby was “sleeping in another room.” The girl cannot come to terms with the fact that her mother does not pay as much attention to her as before because of her sister. The opposite situations also occur, when the child depicts in the drawing really non-existent family members.

8 Sasha (5 years old) surprised his mother a lot when he drew a picture of a baby playing next to him and announced that he finally had a brother! Such “adjustments” to the composition of the family are made by children who are dissatisfied with their emotional situation. They require more friendly attention from adults and games “on equal terms”, and better entertainment in the company of other similar kids.

9 Important role When analyzing a child’s drawing, what the family members are doing also plays a role. If they are united by some common cause, most often this indicates a favorable family climate. A very significant indicator of psychological closeness is the real distance between the depicted figures. By drawing himself separately from others, a child can “signal” his isolation in the family. If he separates his family from each other with partitions or places them in different “rooms,” this may indicate problems in communication. The size of the image indicates the place this person occupies in the emotional life of the family. For example, if a child draws a younger brother or sister larger than himself, then we can assume exceptional attention to him from his loved ones. He "occupies a lot of space in their lives." The absence of the smallest artist in the drawing is a frequent sign that the child feels lonely in the family, and there is “no place” for him in relationships between

10 Assessment of “writing manner” A fairly common sign of increased anxiety in a child is self-correction. Numerous decorations, very weak pencil pressure, low (not for age) detailing of the figures are depicted very small. the baby depicts himself in an open position, symbols of aggressive tendencies

11 Palette is the mirror of the soul?. Each color has its own symbolic meaning: dark blue concentration, focus on internal problems, need for peace and satisfaction, introspection; green balance, independence, perseverance, stubbornness, desire for security; red willpower, eccentricity, outward focus, aggression, increased activity, excitability; yellow positive emotions, spontaneity, curiosity, optimism; purple fantasy, intuition, emotional and intellectual immaturity (children often prefer this color);

12 brown sensual support of sensations, slowness, physical discomfort, often negative emotions; black oppression, protest, destruction, urgent need for change; gray “absence” of color, indifference, detachment, desire to leave, not to notice what is disturbing.

13 Examples of analysis of specific drawings: Children's drawing 1 The author of this “family portrait” is Alyosha (6 years old). Age criterion The child’s behavior contains traits that are more typical early age, the emotional-volitional sphere is characterized by immaturity. All characters in the picture are depicted in the same way. Clothing, with its inherent details, is missing. Hairstyle acts as a symbolic sign of gender. The characteristic lack of a neck in the people depicted in in this case indicates the difficulty of controlling the mind over bodily impulses, that is, Alyosha’s behavior shows high mobility, and at times disinhibition and impulsiveness.

14 Children's drawing 2. Its author is Maxim (4 years 10 months) This drawing is more typical for six-year-old children. We can say that the boy is developing intellectually ahead of his age. Emotional characteristics The drawing is bright, dynamic, but restless. Features of the image of the family. The family is shown in in full force. Noteworthy is the sexual identification of the young author with his father (see clothes). However, emotionally the child is still closer to his mother, which is typical for a preschooler.

15 Children's drawing 4 Petya, 4 years 6 months Perfect unusual drawing for a child 4.5 years old. The cephalopods immediately turned into mature drawings. This is especially true for images of adults. Undoubtedly, this is a drawing of a very observant, developed and at the same time anxious child. Abundant shading, density, tightness of the image, and emphasized eyes indicate the presence of anxiety. The most prominent and significant figure is the pope.

16 . At first glance, it may seem that analyzing children's drawings is not such a difficult task. However, I would like to warn parents against harsh formulations and making a psychological diagnosis. Indeed, behind the apparent simplicity and elegance of the method there are many nuances, interconnections of individual manifestations and features. In addition, the person analyzing the drawing views it through the prism of his own personal experience and conditions in this moment time. Therefore, you should not draw far-reaching conclusions on your own. And if something in the child’s drawing alarms or puzzles the parents, it is better not to postpone a visit to a specialist. Let him help you figure it out!

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Consultation for
parents and
consider children's
Prepared the consultation
on iso-activity
Rusakova N.V.
Everyone knows that children love to draw. Everyone draws -
houses, flowers, cars, birds, animals, your loved ones. Drawings
these are very different. The world of children is different from the world of adults.
Therefore, adults often think that in children’s drawings there is something
that's not right. Drawing something on paper, child
puts into it not only his thoughts, but also his feelings,

Unfortunately, often parents, considering
children's drawings, they see only flaws, they note
unsuccessful. And the kid tried. Hearing a negative assessment
his drawing, he loses interest in drawing. Some
children begin to be afraid to draw.
When analyzing a child’s drawing, be sure to
consider the child's age. Aged
The baby is four years old and does not yet have
sufficient understanding of
material world, moreover, not yet
sufficiently mastered
pencil skills and
felt-tip pens. But from the age of four or five you can already
Using drawings, evaluate the baby’s mental development.
Those people who occupy the main place in a child’s soul are

stand out
significant size,
"above all."


If the child “forgets” to draw any of the members
family (including sometimes himself), or paints him as tiny,
faded, expressionless, away from others, many times
corrects the image or erases it completely (“does not
it worked!”) is an alarm signal, the reasons for which
need to think about it.
So, by looking at children's drawings, you can do a lot
talk about what the baby cares about, what he thinks about, whether he has
some kind of him.
Picture color
Choice and
a color scheme. When small children
draw, they tend to use
a bright, multi-color palette - not
calm down until all the colors
they'll try. This is absolutely

experiments with color, tries
him to
taste", "touch".
Later, by the age of 57, the child feels more and more freely
yourself with color, choosing and using exactly those that are in
at the moment reflect his state of mind. It is important not

only the use of one color or another, but also their combinations -
for example, a combination of bright red and black will cause
a feeling of aggressiveness, and blue and green - calmness and
balance. In fact, every color is deeply connected with
certain topics, carries a certain semantic
Does the child use the entire palette - or his color palette?
the gamma is usually poor and it is limited to a couple of three
colors? If this is so, then we can talk about asthenia, fatigue,
passivity or even depression.
Pay attention to the colors your child chooses.
An abundance of black, gray, brown and other sad
colors in children's drawings indicate that the child is something
depressed and upset, something oppresses him. If you notice that
your baby often chooses similar colors, talk to him.
Just don’t scold him or ask him directly:
“Why do you choose these colors? something about you
upsets?" Be tactful, try carefully
find out from the baby what worries him. If, as a
color scheme the child uses cheerful colors -
yellow, red, green, it means he is experiencing more

positive emotions than negative ones, and reasons for
no worries.
Pressing on
This is an indicator of the child’s psychomotor tone. If
the pressure is weak, light, uncertain - this indicates
timidity, passivity, asthenia (mental exhaustion)
If the lines are constant

are erased
instability, anxiety. And when the strokes are made as if
sketchy - first with light strokes, then pointed
fatter is an attempt to control your anxiety, take control of yourself
in your hands.

If the outlines of the images are thick, press hard
paper, this may be evidence of emotional
tension, impulsiveness. Well, what if the pencil tears the sheet?
- this is a sign of possible conflict, aggressiveness, or
simply an excited state or hyper-reactivity.
Size of drawings
Normally, the largest object in a drawing occupies approximately
2/3 sheets of A4 format. If the drawing of a person or animal
very large, takes up the entire sheet or even extends beyond it
limits - this may suggest anxiety or
stress state of the baby at the moment. And here
a tiny drawing often indicates low self-esteem or
depression. If the size of the drawings is not constant - the child
emotionally unstable. Drawing at the top of the sheet
indicates high self-esteem (or a tendency to
"with your head in the clouds"), but the small size in combination with
location “bottom” may indicate emotional
Story about the drawing
So many important information can be gleaned from
talking about the drawing, but it is important to construct it correctly.

Remember the rule: no direct questions leading into
dialogue is a child. Intonations should be soft and
no critical
it goes without saying

need to
the child has no right
answer them.
What would you call your drawing? Tell me about yours
drawing. Or: what is happening in the picture? How do you feel
Are there people or animals in the picture? Any part of a drawing, figure
or an object, reflect certain experiences of the baby. All,
what the characters in the drawings are experiencing is quite likely what they are also experiencing.
the child himself.
How do the figures in the picture feel towards each other?
friend? If they could talk, what would they say to each other?
friend? Such questions help the child express in words those
the feelings that he tried to convey in the drawing.
Giving your child the opportunity to answer your questions for
characters in the drawing, you can clarify and clarify unclear
moments, figure out what experiences or fears are being talked about


director of the NGO Center,

Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor,

Prize of the President of the Russian Federation


A bunch of
children's works in front of the assembled members
the jury must choose the winners. Participants
competition - these are children who discovered
your artistic abilities
activities, they are more than others
express their need to draw,
they like to do it - and that's
the most important indicator of talent.

performed under competitive conditions
children's work, we must remember that
the main goal and value is oneself
the child, his developing soul and
maturing personality. Therefore, the choice and
evaluation of children's work requires us to
special responsibility, and should be
understood as a dialogue, a form of communication with
child and his teacher. But, inevitably,
we find ourselves in a situation of instruction and
directions. I must say what
period of the competition level
the quality of children's work increases with
every year. This is not particularly noticeable
only by the best works, but on
number of works high level and by
the growing artistry of the majority
submitted works. Because now
we did not choose “the very first”, but
allocated more wide circle works
in different categories.

children's drawings can be approached from different
sides, assessing it from completely different
positions. The emergence of analytical
interest in children's drawing accepted
dates back to the beginning of the twentieth century, when children
the drawing became the object of research,
most of all psychological, aimed
on the ratio of graphic qualities
children's drawing with intellectual
development of their authors. Drawing process
used, however, as now, in
as a type of psychodiagnostics and
psychotherapy. Our approach is different
content, but cannot be ignored
degree of identification of the inner world
children in their drawings.

approach - when the criterion for analyzing children's
drawing is defined by “skill
images" - that is, the skill is illusory
depict objective world V
in accordance with professional
rules of training. This position is long
served as a common basis
to judge the artistic
inferiority of children's creativity.
Certain rules and techniques, of course,
a necessary component of learning, but
Each rule must be clear
and demanded, relevant meaning.
Then the rule acts as a means
statements and means of artistic
knowledge, and not as an imposed pattern
for imitation, not as a reception. Execution
a memorized technique should not be
the ultimate goal in the artistic process
child development.

approach to children's creativity directed
to identify artistic nature
children's visual activities.
The essence of a child's image is similar
the essence of professional creativity
artists, it lies in the expression
personal experiences of the author, his vision
and relationship to the world. Therefore, the basis
assessments children's work perform
such qualities as the activity of the author
position in relation to what is depicted,
expressiveness of figurative content
and visual media, ingenuity
in their search, sensitivity to character
art materials.

and you can evaluate composition in a drawing
solution, general mood, choice of plot
through its semantic and emotional
interpretation. The choice of subject is reflected
interests of the child, his current
impressions and knowledge. Image tasks
in children, as in “adult” fine arts
art are not determined by the desire
more or less accurately convey the appearance
subject, but the desire to express one’s
understanding and emotional attitude towards
him. The attentive gaze of a young artist
highlights what is personally significant for
him and the essential aspects of the environment
world, and if he manages to express them in
drawing, then it becomes real
discovery and revelation for the viewer.
Children's works are unique in that
that they embody diverse
experiences of a child's soul opening
the world around you.

education and training to a great extent
depends on the skill of the teacher, on
creative approach to learning, and of course
from knowledge developmental psychology. Teacher
must achieve in his activities,
so that, even educational, lesson, specific
topic of the assignment, visual
the child's activity was for
him as his own need, as
the desire of his soul, which corresponds
real purpose of creative
Images. It doesn't have to be a job
“for show”, focused only on
successful result, replacing creativity
execution. Specifics of children's drawings
lies precisely in the significance of the
the drawing process during which
develops and changes, grows
its content. This process, which includes
game as a form of experience and
modeling reality and it is reflected
on the result and gives the drawing quality
special emotional intensity.
Modeling and reproducing in the image
impressions of reality,
the child author is aware of his individual
experience in forms of figurative language,
in which cultural development takes place
and self-knowledge. And as a consequence, the very

children's artistic expression
works evoke emotional
response and aesthetic empathy
viewer. Children's competitions and exhibitions
creativity is a medium of communication that
search and young artists, and their teachers.
Exhibition exposure as a result
competition selection of drawings, under construction
in order to identify the characteristic features
children's creativity, organize
interaction between artist and viewer,
provide an opportunity to clearly demonstrate
works by young authors of a wide range
to the public. This an important event in life
every child who draws. Within
exhibitions, seminars and
teacher consultations, open
methodological workshops that
allow using examples of children's work
discuss artistic issues
development and education of children atmosphere
exchange of teaching experience and
the joys of professional communication.

Analysis of a child's drawing

Most children like to draw. For this they use traditional materials: paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, and sometimes even the most unexpected ones, for example, mother’s lipstick. And a cabinet, furniture, or wallpaper can be chosen as an easel. Much of what a child cannot yet express in words is reflected in a child’s drawing.

Analysis of a child's drawing allows you to identify the characteristics of a child’s character and “see” his inner world.

Children under three years old draw mostly circles, lines, and dots. It is difficult to grasp the meaning in such drawings. After the age of four, characters quite recognizable to adults already appear in children's drawings. Most often, the first heroes of a baby’s drawing are mom and dad, and the child himself. It is believed that analysis of children's drawings can be carried out from the age of five. Then the children already draw everything they see around them - people, animals, trees, houses.

If you want to analyze your child's drawing, give him the task of drawing something. At the same time, do not correct the child while working, do not tell him how to draw correctly, just observe. Give your child a variety of colored markers and better than pencils. This way you will see what colors your baby will prefer for his drawing, and the use of pencils will allow you to see the force of pressure. The stronger the pressure, the more impulsive your child.

So, if your child draws a person in the center of a piece of paper, then he is confident. And vice versa - the picture at the bottom of the sheet means that he has low self-esteem. If the drawn hero has a large head, this indicates the good mental abilities of the baby, but a small one indicates that the child is not developed enough for his age.

Large ears mean that hearing is an important way for him to perceive information. A mouth with protruding teeth indicates aggression, bulging eyes can indicate such a phenomenon as fears in children

Large, long arms indicate that the child is physically well developed, and vice versa, a weak child will draw short arms. Carefully drawn fingers indicate aggression. The longer the legs of the drawn man, the more your child strives to become independent. If the legs are spread wide apart, it means the baby is confident. Boys, unlike girls, often draw angular, square bodies - a sign of masculinity. A child who feels humiliated and has very low self-esteem will draw a disproportionately small torso compared to the rest of the body.

A drawn house without doors and windows speaks of the child’s isolation; small windows indicate his shyness. A tree with spreading branches stretching to the top, a thick trunk and traced roots indicates that the child is cheerful and self-confident.

Conducting analysis of children's drawings, Pay attention to what colors your child uses. The more colors in his drawing, the more emotional and sensitive he is. Basically, the child’s drawings contain 5-6 colors. The abundance of yellow indicates curiosity and optimism. Blue color, on the contrary, speaks of internal problems. Green is about the desire for security and stubbornness. Red symbolizes aggression and eccentricity. If black predominates in the picture, your child is depressed, pay attention to his internal psychological state.

When your baby draws his family, the first one to appear in the picture is the one who plays in the family. main role for the child whose authority is most important to him. If all family members in the picture are holding hands, the baby is sure that he is loved. If he forgot to draw someone, it means that this person is unpleasant to him. If a child does not draw himself when depicting his family, this is a sign of loneliness and lack of attention. Sibling rivalry towards a brother or sister may result in a reluctance to draw one or another family member. This option is also possible: the “artist” will draw them, but separately from the rest.

Take a child's drawing in your hands and ask yourself what emotions it evokes in you more - positive or negative. If the picture has bright colors, smiles on the faces of the people depicted, the sun is shining - most likely your child is happy, feels parental love, friendly.

Dull, dull colors and sad faces indicate the child’s experiences, perhaps some problems in the family. Therefore, try to be interested in what your dear little man is drawing as often as possible. Perhaps this will help you avoid many problems in the future.