Theater and children: the magical power of art. Nod what do we know about the theater

How to tell your child about theater with the help of books?

We have selected several works of art, in which the characters are participants and spectators of performances.

1. Alexey Tolstoy.

The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio.

The book "Pinocchio" is perhaps one of the closest to preschoolers. Concept puppet theater is revealed here quite fully. The child learns what a box office is, why a ticket is needed, dolls, a stage, a comedy (Harlequin, Pierrot, Malvina are the heroes of the Comedy Del Arte, which explains their behavior on stage).

“Pinocchio sat in the front row and looked with delight at the lowered curtain.

On the curtain were painted dancing men, girls in black masks, scary bearded people in caps with stars, a sun that looked like a pancake with a nose and eyes, and other entertaining pictures.

The bell was struck three times and the curtain rose.

On the small stage there were cardboard trees to the right and left. A lantern in the shape of the moon hung above them and was reflected in a piece of mirror on which two swans made of cotton wool with golden noses floated.

A small man wearing a long white shirt with long sleeves appeared from behind a cardboard tree. His face was dusted with powder, white as tooth powder.

He bowed to the most respectable audience and said sadly:

Hello, my name is Pierrot... Now we will perform in front of you a comedy called “Girl with blue hair, or Thirty-three slaps on the head." They will beat me with a stick, slap me in the face and slap me on the head. This is a very funny comedy...

From behind another cardboard tree, another little man jumped out, all checkered like a chessboard.

He bowed to the most respectable audience.

Hello, I am Harlequin!"

2. Tove Jansson. "Dangerous Summer"

The book "Dangerous Summer" is interesting because the characters gradually learn what theater is. They first start living in an abandoned theater because their house was damaged by a flood.

"Finally unusual item swam closer. It looked like home. At the very top of the roof, which resembled a large shell, two golden masks were attached: one cried, the other laughed. Under the grimacing masks, a semicircular room covered in cobwebs could be seen in the darkness. Probably one wall was washed away by the wave. Red velvet curtains hung on either side of the gaping opening, dragging sadly across the water.

Moominpappa peered curiously into the darkness, trying to see something.

- Is there anybody here? - he asked uncertainly.

No one answered. They heard clapping from the pitching open doors and lumps of dust rolled back and forth across the bare floor.

“I hope the residents managed to escape,” my mother said worriedly. - Poor family. I wonder what it was like? It's terrible to move into someone else's house like that."

“They entered the corridor and saw many small doors.

Mymla craned her neck and with difficulty began to read the inscription on the door syllable by syllable.

“Rek-visit,” she read. - Rek-visit. A fitting name for a scoundrel!

Khomsa gathered his courage and knocked. They waited, but Props was apparently not at home.

Then Mymla pushed the door and it opened.

Never before had they seen so many things at once. There, from floor to ceiling, shelves were piled up, and on them stood in colorful disorder everything that could possibly stand on a shelf. Huge bowls of fruit were crowded next to toys, table lamps and porcelain trinkets, iron chain mail was scattered among flowers and tools, and stuffed birds were crowded among books, telephones and fans. There were also buckets, globes, guns, hat boxes, watches, postal scales and the like.

Little My jumped from her sister's shoulder onto the shelf. Staring at the mirror, she screamed:

- Look! Look! I became even smaller. I completely disappeared!

“But this is not a real mirror,” Mymla explained to her. - And you didn’t disappear anywhere.

Khomsa was looking for jam. - Maybe it's jam? It’s no worse than jam,” he said and dug into the jar with his finger.

“This is painted plaster,” Mymla explained. She took the apple and licked it.

“Wooden,” she said.

Little My laughed.

And Khomsa was upset.

Everything around was unreal, deceptive. Attracted bright colors, he stretched out his paw, but felt only paper, wood or plaster.

The golden crowns were simply weightless, the flowers were made of paper, the violins had no strings, the boxes had no bottom, and the books could not even be opened.

Deceived in his expectations, honest Khomsa wondered what this could mean, but could not find an answer."

Then, of course, the old theater rat Emma will tell the Moomins where they are:

"- Pantry! - Emma was indignant. - Pantry! You call the prompter's booth a pantry! You call the stage a living room, the backstage - paintings, the curtain - a curtain, and the props - uncle! - She flushed, and her muzzle wrinkled. - I'm glad! - shouted she. “I’m very glad that Maestro Fillyjonk—his eternal memory!—doesn’t see you! You know nothing about the theater, even less than nothing, you don’t have the slightest idea about the theater!”

And the Moomins will be so carried away by the theater that they themselves will want to stage a play:


And this will help parents find the lost Moomintroll and Miss Snork.

3. Anton Soya "Yozhkin Theater".

From the annotation: " Who would have thought that the Fairy Tale school would be overwhelmed by real Shakespearean passions? And all because Yozhka, Kostya and Gorysha got seriously carried away high art and decided... to organize school theater! To everyone’s delight, it turned out that “The Fairy Tale” was simply a treasure trove of theatrical talent. But staging a play is a serious matter: it didn’t go without a hitch... Friends will experience not only daily rehearsals, but also real creative pains, brilliant acting discoveries and, of course, a whole tub of fun - how could it be otherwise?”

(We deliberately cited this book as an example, too, despite the fact that it is positioned for younger schoolchildren. Nowadays children are so developed that older preschoolers often listen to books for younger schoolchildren with pleasure."

A short excerpt:

“And so it happened that thanks to Troika’s initiatives, the “fairy tale” school in the second quarter turned from just a fairy tale into a fairy-tale theater school. Now in Nil Nilych’s lessons, students read by role and analyzed fairy-tale plays.


Correct speech for a theater actor is a paramount requirement, and if you are ever going to perform on stage, try right now to learn and repeat the following tongue twister ten times in a row: “In the shallows, we lazily caught burbot and we exchanged the burbot for tench.”

Children sit on chairs on the carpet.

Educator: Children, we have guests today. Let's say hello.

Children: Hello.

Educator: We have invited guests today. They want to relax with us and see what we can do. We were waiting for them, so we must greet guests with a smile.

Children greet with a smile.

Educator: Let's think about it. Where can people relax after work, after doing some homework?

Children's answers.

Educator: Today I would just like to continue the conversation with you about the theater. I will now give you tickets, according to which you will take your seats, as in a theater, according to your ticket number.

Children take their places at the tables.

Educator: You already know something about the theater, and you will learn something today. Today we will fill an empty vase with knowledge about the theater, for this you have cups with beads on your tables, and I have an empty one on my table. And as your knowledge increases, you will fill the empty cup with beads. You also have trays on your tables, divided into three parts with symbols(+, -, ?) - such a three-part diary, pictures on plates.

Try to remember everything you know about the theater. Select the appropriate picture and place it in the largest section of the plate, where there is a “+” sign. Then you confer with your table neighbor and exchange opinions on what he knows about the theater. And when you are ready to answer, signal this to me by raising your hands clasped together.

I have the same diary on my board, I will fill it out based on your answers.

We will fill out the section of the plate where there is a “-” sign when you learn something new about the theater. And the section where the “?” if you want to know anything else about the theater.

Children work individually and in pairs, signaling their readiness.

Educator: Well, I see that everyone is ready.

Children tell what they know about the theater, and for each correct answer they fill an empty bowl on the teacher’s table with beads. At this time, the teacher, based on the children’s answers, fills out the section with the “+” sign in his diary.

Educator: Tell me, please, what theaters do you know?

Children call.

Educator: Today I invite you to try yourself as an artist. As you correctly noted, there is a puppet theater, a theater for young spectators, where actors play roles, a pantomime theater, finger theater, bi-ba-bo theater. So, you will now divide into groups. We have three theaters in our group:

1. Theater for young spectators.

2. Pantomime theater.

Z. Concert hall.

Educator: You will go to the door of the theater whose color corresponds to the color of the number of your ticket number.

Children are divided into groups.

Educator: Now I will read you the tasks that you will need to complete. You will agree among yourself who will perform what role or who will perform what task. When you are ready, signal me by raising your clasped hands.

Young theater artists need to show a fragment of the fairy tale “Teremok” to the audience;
- pantomime theater artists show a fairy-tale hero in motion to the appropriate music “Tarantella”, “Baba Yaga”;
- artists performing in concert hall, perform Marshak’s poem “The Young Moon is Melting” or the song “Pussy, pussy, how are you.”

Children play the role of artists, the role fairy tale characters, perform pantomime to music.

Educator: You are convinced that it is not easy to become an artist, for this you need to change your voice, speak with expression, change your facial expression, make some kind of hand gestures. All this takes a long time to learn. We will now learn some points that are necessary for an artist.

Children go out onto the mat and sit down.

Educator: I suggest you play "Mimic Cube". One of you rolls the dice and you get a fruit or vegetable. You need to depict his taste on your face.

The game "Mimic Cube" is played.

Educator: Now I suggest you play a game "Fan". I show you an image of a face, and you need to say the phrase “We have guests” with the intonation in your voice that matches the mood you see on the depicted face. Here's an example: scared "...".

Educator: Now take your seats in the theater. Theater is public place. You need to behave culturally in it. Do you know about the rules of behavior in the theater?

Children: Yes.

Educator: We have another guest today, the doll Tanya. She wants to introduce you to the rules of behavior in the theater.

The teacher speaks on behalf of the doll.

If you came to the theater,
Conduct yourself politely there:
Don't shout, don't make noise,
Calmly go everywhere.

Come to the wardrobe
Ask politely
I'll take your coat.
Don't forget to take your number with you.

When you go to the theater with your family,
Always choose a clean outfit.
You yourself are pleased
And the boy sitting next to you will also be happy.

When the artists perform,
Don’t bother showing them a fairy tale.
Clap for their performance
Give a bouquet of spring flowers.

During the break, which is called intermission,
Don't do it like this:
Don't push spectators with your elbows when exiting.
At the buffet, don’t shout: “Give it to me!”

In the hall where the artists perform,
They don’t chew, they don’t throw candy wrappers on the floor.
They try to remember the fairy tale,
And then they try to tell it to their friends.

Educator: Now you have learned about the rules of behavior in the theater. Find a card with the letter “P” in your plates and put it in the section of your diary where there is a “-” sign. This is what you learned in class today.

Educator: Is there anything else you would like to know about the theater?

If the children are silent or doubtful, ask them leading QUESTIONS: How does the theater work from the inside? What are the names of the seats in the hall and on the balcony? Who first created the theater? What theaters are there in our city of Kirov? How to become an artist?

Educator: I am very pleased that you still have questions about the theater. Well, we'll talk about this next time. You were very active and emotional today. And thanks to you, I also did a good job.

Let's play a game at the end of our lesson “Find a match for a fairy-tale hero”. And if you select all the characters correctly, then we will be able to read the word together with the guests, which will characterize our activities in this lesson.

Fairy-tale characters are displayed on the board. Children take cards from the table with other fairy-tale characters and match them with a pair from the same fairy tale. If all the characters are chosen correctly, then the word “WELL DONE!” is revealed.

About Me: I write scripts for events, compose poems, bake and share food, and am a deputy of the district Duma of the 2nd and 3rd convocations. In 2008, the winner of the regional competitive selection of the best teaching staff regional state and municipal educational institutions(in the category “Best Teacher”), winner in 2009 regional competition"My Innovations"

Ponomareva Valeria Sergeevna

Educator, MBU DS No. 120 "Fairytale", Samara region, Togliatti

Ponomareva V.S. Lesson notes for older children preschool age on the topic “What is theater?” // Owl. 2017. N2(8)..02.2019).

Order No. 27747

Target: give children an idea of ​​the theater. Introduce types of theater (drama, puppet, artistic)

Program content:

  • tell about the history of the creation of the theater
  • introduce children to the structure of the theater and the professions of people working in the theater
  • stimulate their interest in performing arts
  • develop the ability to distinguish people’s emotions by external manifestations, improve the ability to manage one’s emotions
  • enrich children's vocabulary with theatrical terms.

Equipment: projector, screen, multimedia presentation, Kuzya (brownie) doll, magic chest. “Talking” letter, d/i “Wardrobe”, pictures-emotions. To make tickets: ready-made templates and blanks, colored pencils, napkins, glue.

Progress of the lesson:

Teacher: Hello, friends! You are together again, which means our interesting and exciting journey continues. And today, our old friend, Kuzya the brownie, will come to visit us. He sent me a letter saying that he had prepared a surprise for you.

Crying is heard, Kuzya appears (he is upset, crying)

Teacher: Hello, Kuzya! What's happened? Why are you crying?

Kuzya: Hello, I was in such a hurry to come to your meeting today, I prepared such a surprise for you, and now I don’t know what to do?!

Teacher: Maybe you can tell us what happened, and the guys and I will try to help you.

Kuzya: I prepared my chest for our meeting, in which I put a very amazing and an interesting fairy tale to show it to the guys. And when I opened the chest today, it turned out that all were mine. fairy-tale heroes ran away. They left me a "talking letter"

Teacher: Come on, quickly, your “talking letter”, we will listen to it and find out where our fairy-tale heroes went.

An audio recording is listened to in which fairy-tale characters tell Kuza and the guys that they went to the theater to see what it is and learn more about it.

Teacher: Kuzya, why are you so upset, because nothing terrible happened.

Kuzya: Is it okay? I've never been to the theater and don't even know what it is?

Teacher: Guys, let's go on a trip with Kuzya to Magic world theater Who knows what theater is? Why do people go there? Listens to children's answers and summarizes them. That's right, the theater is a beautiful building where performances are shown and various productions are staged. Draws attention to the screen.

Here is a house, big, beautiful, elegant, old. This is the theater building. Look, in front of him is a colorful, bright poster. What is it? (playbill). On it, with the help of drawings, photographs and different words contains information about upcoming performances. SLIDE №1-2

Let's go inside and see how the theater works inside. Look, there is a small window in front of us. This is the “Theater Box Office”, what is it intended for? (they sell tickets there) Who does this? (cashier) SLIDE No. 3

Guys, who have we become now that we bought a ticket? (by viewers). What rules should spectators follow in the theater? ( do not make noise, do not litter, do not talk, etc.). Maybe someone will remember the very first spectator rule? Where should viewers go first? (locker room, wardrobe). In the theater, the dressing room is called the wardrobe. SLIDE No. 4

Having taken off our outerwear, we head... (children's answers). That's right, to the auditorium. Having taken our chair, we look at the most important place in the hall (scene) where they will soon play their roles... (actors). In the meantime, the stage is still closed by a theater curtain. SLIDE No. 5

Show slides using terminology: auditorium, boxes, balconies, stage, curtain, wings, ramp, backdrop, orchestra pit, etc.

Teacher: Well done boys. Before continuing our journey, I suggest you rest a little, and you, Kuzya, repeat after us.

A physical education session “We’re going to the theater” is being held.

We're having fun walking with you,

We're going to the theater!

We walk in place.

And we'll sing a song.

La la la la,

(4 claps)

We're going to the theater.

(Steps in place)

La la la la,

(4 claps)

We sing a song.

(Steps in place)

Teacher: We introduced you to the internal structure of the theater. But depending on what type of performance is shown in the theater, it is called that way. There are puppet theaters, there are opera and ballet theaters, there are drama theaters, there are theaters of facial expressions and gestures, there are children's theaters, shadow theaters and many others. Now you look at the slides and determine which theater, where?

Scenes of various theatrical productions. Children look through the slides, name where - which theater.

Kuzya: Oh, how interesting, how do actors play their roles in such theaters?

Teacher: And we’ll show you this now, right, guys? Imagine yourself as artists different theaters and say hello to a friend if we are artists:

opera theater (children sing the word “Hello”)

theater of facial expressions and gestures (greet with gestures)

dramatic artists performing the role of Tsokotukha Fly and Mosquito

puppet theater (take bi-ba-bo dolls and interact with them)

finger theater (show how they play with finger theater characters)

Kuzya: Well, now I know everything about the theater and the artists...

Teacher: Wait, Kuzya, don’t rush. Theater is a holiday. Most people go to the theater to relax, have fun, and watch a performance. But for some people, theater is work. After all, not only artists work in the theater, but also many other people, without whom not a single performance would take place! And the professions of these people are very interesting and varied. Tell me, guys, if I now want to play the role of Baba Yaga, can I go on stage? Why? (Children's answers)

Teacher: That's right, guys, before going on stage I need to put on a suit and do the appropriate makeup and hairstyle. For this purpose, the theater has costume designers and seamstresses. The hairdresser does the actors' hair, and the make-up artist applies the makeup. And we also have to get into a fairy tale; the scenery created by the artists will help create the atmosphere of a fairy tale. They will also work on making a poster inviting us to the theater. And, of course, the theater needs musicians. Lighting crews work to ensure that everything that happens on stage is clearly visible. The theater also has a sound engineer, prop makers, cashiers, ticket takers, and cloakroom attendants.

Slide show of theatrical professions, with explanation.

Teacher: And now, guys, I suggest you play a game called "Wardrobe"

Game "Wardrobe" The teacher explains to the children the saying “The theater begins with a coat rack”, talks about such a place in the theater as the wardrobe and invites the children to find an item of each of the theater visitors, for example, to choose a hat for each character: Little Red Riding Hood, Santa Claus, Puss in Boots, postman Pechkin.

Teacher: And one more game that will help us find out what you remember about the theater and the professions of the people who work here.

Word game “Add a word”

Come to the theater soon

You are always welcome here, young... (viewer)

Skill plus labor, plus intelligence -

Sewn stage... (costume)

Ours is honorable and enviable... (role)

The director cannot live without actors.

And the howling of the wind, and the cry of a child

Voiced by... (sound engineer)

And the jester, and the king, and the grenadier

And he played them all …(actor).

A watermelon made of plaster, an ax made of cardboard,

I put the props on stage... (prop man)

Teacher: But the main profession in the theater is the director. His task is to select a play for production, distribute roles, teach actors to read their roles expressively, conduct dialogues, and express their emotions.

Game "Emotions". Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about emotions, to explain the connection between emotions and a person’s facial expression (facial expressions), to repeat the names of parts of a person’s face, to improve skills in depictive activities, and to develop imagination.

Progress of the game:

The teacher explains that actors in the theater need to be able to portray various emotions. They do this through facial expressions (facial expressions). The teacher gives the children face templates and asks them to depict any emotion (fear, joy, anger, etc.). Children can use mirrors while playing.

Kuzya: I loved it and learned so much about theater. Only we didn’t do the most important thing, we didn’t find my friends.

Teacher: Kuzya, who are they, your friends, what do they look like?

Kuzya: They are dolls who know a lot of fairy tales and love to show them to children.

Teacher: Guys, since Kuzya’s friends are dolls, then in which theater can they be found? (In the puppet room) That's right, of course, in a puppet show.

Kuzya: But I don't have a ticket to go to the puppet theater.

Teacher: And the guys and I will help you. Really, guys?

The teacher invites the children to the tables and invites them, using templates for tickets, blanks for work, pencils, and glue, to make theater tickets for Kuzya. After completing the task, the guys give Kuza tickets.

Kuzya: Thank you very much, why do I need so many tickets?

Teacher: Kuzya, we’ll just go with you to puppet show and we will help you not to get lost in the huge world of puppet theater and find your friends. And now we will part for a while to meet again and go to the puppet theater.

I came across the concept of “Theater” in school years, where I enjoyed watching the performances of our guys. I was amazed and still amazes how a person on stage can change once he gets into the role! His gestures change, his image changes, and even his voice becomes different. I always, noticing the changes happening in a person, thought: “But this is talent! TALENT with a capital T!”

I work as a teacher in a kindergarten. We often stage theatrical performances. Telling the children that a theater awaits them, I watch the action of this magic word. But it really is magical! Why? Yes, because I see smiles appear on their faces, sparks of fun light up in their eyes. Children may not ask: “Which theater?”, “What is it called?”, but they will always ask, “When will it be?” But the most unique thing is the atmosphere of the theater: it’s nice to watch the curtain as children enter the hall, sit on chairs, look at the decorated stage and fall silent in anticipation of a fairy tale.

I never refuse an offered role. I get into the character with interest and come up with ideas myself. the smallest details. I can say that theater is my hobby. With the help of the stage I get to know people and their characters, I learn to understand people, with the help of the stage I learn to give children what they so lack in modern hectic life - warmth, love and happiness. Many people believe that performing arts is an illusory deception that makes people believe that you are someone else. I can say with complete confidence that theater is an opportunity to create images, characters, individual life situations and understand them.

Yes, theater takes a lot of time and effort. And what kind of work goes into each performance, how much emotional and physical strength invested in every gesture and look of the actor? Instead of watching TV or just surfing the Internet, you have to go to rehearsals, cram the role, think about the missing details of the image (where to get a costume, shoes that match it, a wig, how to do makeup...) But despite this, I understand that I can’t live without creativity. Performing in the theater, I get great pleasure from the fact that my efforts bring results. I am truly happy when children appreciate my vision of the image, my performance, my effort. How they jump up from their chairs, telling me what to do, how to behave. They sing and dance, cry and laugh, love and worry, grieve and rejoice. It seems like one minute of acting on stage, but it is worth more than all the sacrifices made for it. By participating in the play, I feel that I am living, that my performance can be interesting to other people in my interpretation. Theater for me is a lot of emotions and a rush of adrenaline!
For me personally, theater is an action that grabs you immediately and stays for a long time.

Theater is a world of living words, living music, living soul. How necessary this is for children in our time filled with technical innovations! For them it is like a breath of clean air. With the help of theater we enrich our souls and broaden our horizons. Theater acts as a source of information about the world around us, about life, giving rise to the work of thought.

What is theater?

/A story about theater for children and their parents/

Musical director Sorokina Margarita Alexandrovna kindergarten №1341

Nice thing, theater. Do you know what it is? What does performing arts mean? Who are the actors? What kind of performances are there in the theater? What kind of scenery is there? Lighting? Transformations?

Now I will explain to you in order.

You buy a ticket and go to the theater to watch a performance. A theater employee meets you at the door of the auditorium - usher. In his hands program today performance. A program means a piece of paper on which is printed everything that you are interested in knowing about the performance before it starts: which actors are playing, who composed it and what the name of the play is.

And a performance means a spectacle presented by actors, or, as they are more often called, artists.

You are invited to the lobby, where spectators take off their coats, hats, and leave umbrellas for the storage of the employees, who, after hanging up your things, give you a number

The waiter invites you into the hall, pointing to the nearest door

V auditorium. Offers binoculars in order to better see what interests you, but is located at a far distance.

IN auditorium the audience sits on all sides except one, where the eyes of all spectators are directed.

Below, in the middle, are rows of chairs and armchairs. These places are called parterre, which translated from French means - on earth.

On the sides below - lodge, which translates as “premises” In each such box, that is, a fenced area, four or six chairs are placed. The bottom row of boxes is called Benoir,

It is usually at the same height as the stage. The boxes that form above the benoir mezzanine. A number of places above them are called balcony, the places above the balcony are called gallery. Or in the old way - paradise, since there is nothing higher than these seats in the theater, just as there is nothing higher than heaven in the sky.

There, where the public's eyes are directed, hangs a cloth a curtain.

Hidden behind it scene, that is, the place where the play is presented.

Notice the light coming from the edge of the stage and illuminating the curtain. Here is a row of light bulbs called ramp. The performance begins as soon as the curtain rises or parts. Because curtains come in two systems: rising and sliding.

In ancient times, the Greeks were the first to discover ways to present well in the theater, like serious works - tragedy, and funny, called comedies.

After the third call

the light in the auditorium has gone out and is visible only in front of the curtain and slightly in orchestra ( space in front of the stage ) appeared in the middle of the orchestra conductor, that is, the manager of the musicians. The conductor tapped his baton: attention! Everything became quiet. He waved his wand and the music began. This overture, What does "discovery" mean in French?

The curtain wavered and rose, revealing the stage to the audience!

It's like you've been transported to another world! And the performance began!

Behind the scenes

The actors and employees of the theater have their own entrance from the street, leading directly to the stage. If we get there, we will most likely meet director theater

A director is to actors what a conductor is to musicians. But he not only manages the entire performance, but, one might say, creates it. He carefully reads the play, studies it and discusses it with the actors. Next checks whether the play is good roles, that is, the words and those images that actors must speak and portray on stage. Then he draws up a plan for the production, deciding in what scenery, in what lighting, at what tempo (i.e. with what speed), distributes roles and assigns rehearsals – exemplary performance of the role. There are many rehearsals every day from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The actors also need to learn the words of the role and rehearse the game in front of a mirror.

But the work of preparation the play is on not only on stage, work is in full swing during rehearsals in the neighboring rooms, and the following people participate in it: decorative artist with his assistants.

Hanging Scenery- curtains - in the theater they are called “backdrops”, “arches”, “cloths”. But the decorations leaning against the wall - they are actually folding - are called “pavilions”. The scenery is often called the backstage, which is why in the theater they began to say that they are “behind the scenes” about those who are on the stage but hidden by the scenery. The decorator's art is difficult, but, above all, you need to be talented artist.

Propper- another one important profession in the theatre. From the first moment, a prop workshop resembles a toy store or an armory, or even a junk shop. A prop maker - that is, one who makes artificial things - props - he must be both a furniture maker and a sculptor, be able to sculpt from clay, be a blacksmith and carpenter, and a glass painter and a specialist in props, that is, those things that are brought to the stage during performance. There are few good prop makers in the world, and they are highly valued in the theater.

Dresser with a whole staff of tailors. And the costume room! There is a lot to admire here. Various plays are presented on stage: historical ones, where people of past centuries act; and fantastic, but simply fabulous, for which costumes need to be specially composed. For a suit, first of all, a sketch is drawn, in which the style is drawn up - the cut, color and trim of the suit. The sketches are handed over to the tailors, and based on them they sew exactly what is drawn. There are a lot of such costumes accumulated in the theater. They must be kept in great order.

Now let's look into actor's restroom.

A table with a mirror on it, paint, powder, Vaseline. Some kind of hair, wigs, a chair in front of the table, a hanger with a dress on the wall. That's all. The room is tiny, but great things happen here. This is where the actors transform into heroes of the play. But as? Are there paints on the table here? These are the so-called makeup paints. Actors use them to paint their faces in order to become like those who need to be portrayed on stage by role. The art of giving your face a different look and expression through paints, glue, and artificial hair is called makeup. And theater theater helps the actors with this make-up artists and hairdressers.

I have not listed all the professions that exist in the theater.

When, finally, everything is ready for the performance, the director schedules a “dress rehearsal, which takes place in the scenery, costumes, makeup - just like real performance, just without an audience. The first performance of the play is called premiere

(in French this means “first time”). And, as a rule, all tickets for it are sold out, since this is a new product for theater lovers - theatergoers.

Well, our journey to the theater has ended. And what a great happiness it is to join this art.

Go to the theater! Love the theater!

/ The material is based on the book for children “What is Theater”