Horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina for Gemini. A difficult year for Aries is not a hindrance! Predictions for Russia

With the advent of the new year, we all expect a lot of positive changes. I really want to believe that having stepped over this temporary line, all hardships will remain in the past, and only good things will definitely be ahead. But what does the coming year of the Yellow Dog really bring to us? We will ask one of the most prominent astrologers of our time about this - Vasilisa Volodina.

This man is known for his forecasts not only in Russia, but also in far abroad countries. Her astrological calendars are very popular among the population. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people, based on the data provided by Vasilisa, predict their own fate.

Main Features of 2018

According to most astrologers, the coming year 2018 will bring changes in all spheres of life. People will have to face uncertainty, volatility, disappointment, and many life-changing decisions will need to be made quickly.

Innovations will appear everywhere in everyone's life, and in order for them to be positive, some efforts will need to be made.

According to Vasilisa Volodina, the main transformations will occur in professional terms. The Year of the Yellow Dog will be the most optimal for the implementation of the planned changes.

If you have been thinking about changing your profile for a long time labor activity or building a fast career, then in 2018 the stars themselves will help you with this. The main thing in accepting such innovations is to correctly calculate your strengths, because too bold steps can bring unpleasant surprises.

In respect of financial well-being The coming year will be very stable and will bring good results. Additional sources of income may arise. Wages and overall quality of life are expected to rise. The main condition for qualitative changes will be personal commitment and diligence.

Personal relationships during such a period, in general, will develop positively. In the family circle, love, respect and mutual understanding will come to the fore. Significant shocks are not expected, although minor conflicts may arise, especially in the first half of the year.

In relations with friends and acquaintances, one should expect some cooling due to the dominance of external concerns, but by joint efforts all this is easily smoothed out. New acquaintances with further development relations. indicates that the hobby that arose in 2018 has every chance of developing into a real feeling for life.

Especially successful during this period will be important, fateful decisions. Each such step must be taken confidently and with dignity, without swearing at past failures. The stars will definitely support such uncompromisingness and give a particle of the necessary luck.

Horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina for 2018 according to the signs of the Zodiac


With the onset of the first months of the new year, all representatives of this sign will have to cross the line of their comfort zone and tackle important tasks.

Positive results from such efforts will not be long in coming, and by the end of the first half of the year, the most active Aries will be able to boast of many achievements.


Taurus in next year will become a real standard of stress resistance and stability. They will endure all the coming hardships easily, in one breath, and even the possibility of frequent upheavals will not change their positive attitude.

The punchy nature of Taurus will be more useful than ever. A strong-willed attitude will allow you to go through this period without disappointments and losses.


Gemini from the first days will feel a desire for qualitative changes. They will have to put in a lot of effort to achieve their goals. But, despite this, they still manage to get what they want.

Changes are possible in personal life. In family Gemini, relationships will flare up with renewed vigor.


Indicates that next year you need to be extremely careful. Extremely unpredictable situations can arise, for which it is better to be prepared in advance.

Learn to smooth out sharp corners and not rush into a “fight” at the first hint of conflict. Do better to strengthen old ties, both labor and friendship.

a lion

For Lviv, 2018 will be a period of real triumph. Thanks to their zeal and desire to conquer new horizons, they can easily cope with the cycle of future events.

Particular attention should be paid to career, because given time will give you many good opportunities.


The coming year is preparing a lot of pleasant surprises for representatives of this sign. Especially many new impressions will arise in personal life.

People born under this constellation will get a unique chance to find their true love.

In the year of the Dog, you can count on financial well-being.


Libra in the new year will have to rely solely on their own strength. There may be some difficulty in communicating with others.

However, with the help of their innate intuition and natural hard work, people belonging to this sign will always celebrate a complete victory over circumstances.


For Scorpios, 2018 will be a somewhat paradoxical period. On the one hand, the implementation of all the planned plans will face great difficulties, but on the other hand, despite such problems, the results will be achieved very high.

Thus, for people born under this sign, perseverance and optimism will be the best assistants in achieving goals.


For Sagittarians in 2018, the time will come for romance and pleasant emotions. Much expected interesting acquaintances, which will become good help for personal life.

Lonely representatives of this sign have a high chance of finding their soul mate.


The natural perseverance of Capricorns in the coming year will finally bring high results. Especially bright victories are expected in career and finance.

Everyone who redirects internal resources to the work process from the first days will be more than rewarded by the end of the year.

IN modern world there are many people who call themselves astrologers, seers and clairvoyants, but not all deserve attention. Most famous astrologer Vasilisa Volodina is rightfully recognized in Russia today. This woman, who has been practicing professional writing for many years, astrological forecasts concerning different parties human life. They turn to her for advice in a difficult life situation or standing at a crossroads. Vasilisa's approach to making predictions differs from many others in that it is extremely individual.

Horoscope for 2018 for women and men from Vasilisa Volodina

The services of an astrologer, as a rule, are very expensive, but thanks to this article, you can find out what V. Volodina promises you for the coming 2018. So, according to Vasilisa, the most active area in 2018 will be career and money. Therefore, if you focus on this path, you probably will not lose. Part of the signs of the zodiac will be focused specifically on this area, which will help them succeed and enlist the support of the symbol Eastern horoscope- a yellow earthy Dog, which also has a positive attitude towards those who love and want to work.

Which zodiac signs will be lucky in 2018?

Signs aimed at career in 2018: Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Capricorn, Pisces. Another part of the signs will be carried away by the construction. By the way, it is believed that marriages entered into in the year of the Dog will be especially strong and durable. Love Signs: Aries, Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius. In turn, Gemini, Libra and Scorpio are those signs that will deal with health issues, bringing their inner and outer world into shape, which will be an excellent foundation for achieving success in the future.

Vasilisa Volodina: horoscope for 2018 - Aries

At the very beginning of 2018, Aries will have to leave their comfort zone and do things that previously seemed completely unthinkable to them. The nice thing is that in just a few weeks you will see the first fruits of your labors.

Vasilisa Volodina: horoscope for 2018 - Taurus

Good stress-resistant performance will be demonstrated by representatives of this sign. Astro forecast from Vasilisa Volodina says that Taurus in 2018 will be successful in the business field. Their consistency and self-confidence will help to achieve stunning heights.

Vasilisa Volodina: horoscope for 2018 - Gemini

Gemini at the very beginning of the year will feel that it is time to take on themselves and get in shape. And it's not just about excess weight, if available. You will probably feel that some of the attitudes that have guided you for the past few years no longer work. Probably, the process of finding new goals will not be the most pleasant, but it will help you navigate the future.

Vasilisa Volodina: horoscope for 2018 - Cancer

Crayfish feel good in many matters: they are easily managed with official duties and have intimate relationships with their families. In 2018, friendships should be strengthened and purposefulness should not be lost, then success will not keep them waiting long.

Vasilisa Volodina: horoscope for 2018 - Leo

The Lions will shine all 2018 on the promotion of career ladder. They will work hard, however, not forgetting their own interests. It is likely that by the end of the year their professionalism will reach the level when you want to open your own business.

Vasilisa Volodina: horoscope for 2018 - Virgo

Vasilisa Volodina recommends that people born under this sign focus more on the love sphere, because it will be especially strong for Virgos in the coming year. If you have long wanted to change your marital status, or just a new pet, then 2018 is the best time for that.

Vasilisa Volodina: horoscope for 2018 - Libra

In 2018, Libra will feel that their intuition is especially acute in vital situations. Sometimes you should listen to your inner voice in order to avoid troubles or, conversely, get a little more out of life ... However, it is worth remembering that your main task for this period will be to restore health and general transformation through more vigorous activity, moderate nutrition and learning the art of calm and peace.

Vasilisa Volodina: horoscope for 2018 - Scorpio

Scorpios will be very tense from the very beginning of the year, because many life circumstances will go against what was previously thought. You will have to learn to calm down and look at the world with different eyes. This will help you newfound friends, whom you will meet in the middle of the year.

Vasilisa Volodina: horoscope for 2018 - Sagittarius

A pleasant romantic time will come for Sagittarians in 2018. Lonely representatives of this sign will definitely meet “their” person who will become not only loved, but also good friend. And those Sagittarians who have already found their love can prepare for replenishment in the family.

Vasilisa Volodina: horoscope for 2018 - Capricorn

Thanks to the purposefulness of Capricorns, their financial issues will finally begin to be resolved with great profit (see by zodiac signs). We expect this order of affairs, because the representatives of this sign worked well and hard in Lately. Therefore, success will be well-deserved and especially inspiring for new achievements.

Vasilisa Volodina: horoscope for 2018 - Aquarius

Aquarius will be involved in building romantic relationships. In addition, they will actively communicate and, most importantly, get great pleasure from this, with relatives, friends, neighbors and just acquaintances. The benevolence of Aquarius will help them find a rear that will support them in the future.

Vasilisa Volodina: horoscope for 2018 - Pisces

Pisces are not the most active workaholics, but they are well aware of their strengths and know how to plan time, which is why the implementation of their goals is very successful for them. If you do not continue to be distracted by foreign issues, but move along the established course, then already in the middle of 2018, Pisces will have an increase and increase in prosperity.

Usually Cancer does not like to travel, but 2018 will change everything. Cancers do not recognize themselves - a lot of communication, travel, travel. The main thing is to overcome natural shyness and the star of Cancers will shine in the sky. But do not overdo it, it is important to adequately assess yourself and your strengths and not go to extremes - be unnatural or give up after the first failure.

Cancers should not be afraid to dream, many dreams in 2018 can come true. Of course, it is worth showing an effort, and not counting on the fact that everything will work out by itself.

The stars will eventually provide support, but you need to stick to the chosen strategy.

You should not be frank even with trusted people, clear enemies no, but there are detractors.
It is important to overcome some natural indecision and not give yourself offense. On the way to the goal, you will need the support of like-minded people. If loved ones are not ready for drastic changes, you will have to make new connections. To find truly dedicated people, you need to listen to your intuition. And it is very developed in crayfish.

As for many signs in the coming year, Cancers complete a stage in life and begin the next. For everything to pass the best way all debts must be settled. Both monetary and intangible. Otherwise, forward movement will stall. It is necessary to deal with psychological problems, complexes, old grievances, internal conflicts. Having cleared the mind of old grievances, forgiving yourself and everyone, this is the only way to move forward. The coming year is very fruitful for Cancer in getting an education. Diplomas, certificates, certificates received in 2018 will play the role of credentials in the future, a guarantor of future success.

If the plans included the purchase of real estate, the purchase of housing, moving, then 2018 is very favorable in this regard, so you should not postpone.


Family for Cancers is a kind of guarantor of success, backwater where loved ones are waiting. 2018 is favorable for the further strengthening of the family union. Joint trips, trips, holidays with the family will unite the spouses even more. You can count on mutual understanding and support of the second half. But apart from economic and domestic problems It's good to revive old feelings. More romance, candlelit dinners and passion will flare up with renewed vigor.

Cancerians are prudent by nature and rarely look to the side, but in 2018 they will be so charming that they will literally have to fend off the attention of fans.
But unmarried Cancers do not need to refuse them meetings at all, meet, flirt, twist novels. Perhaps 2018 will bring a meeting with the chosen one, and if not, then the time spent will be remembered by many pleasant moments.

Career, business.

Cancers are rarely career focused. Their priorities are home and family. What women. That men see work only as a means to provide for their families and, of course, to equip the family hearth. But 2018 brings its own changes. You will have to make an effort on yourself and make a breakthrough. Otherwise, Cancers may lose their positions in the profession or even move down. Cancers are generally strong good professionals, they are very organized, but tend to underestimate themselves.

It's time to step forward and show all your professional quality. Gradually, Cancers will appreciate the taste of victory and strengthen their positions. It will seem to many Cancers that they have long outgrown their position and are capable of more, they may want to change their field of activity.


Changes are also coming in the lives of children, perhaps the child will have to go to kindergarten, school. Or even a university. One way or another, the child will need your support. Try to avoid criticism and do not put pressure on the child.


Engage in strengthening immunity. Your defenses aren't that strong. It is important to take care of health promotion and it is possible to undergo a course of health-improving procedures in a medical and preventive institution. Rest and wellness treatments - what you need.

The coming year will bring many Libra love adventures. If representatives of this sign are ready to take partnerships seriously, they will surely be able to find a person with whom there is every chance to link fate. 2018 is also notable for the fact that Libra themselves will begin to change very quickly both externally and internally. Therefore, if partners fail to feel the metamorphoses taking place with them in time, this will inevitably lead to a cooling of relations. At the same time, it is possible that Libra will tend to idealize loved ones. This, however, will not prevent them from soon losing interest in their partner if he commits an act that does not correspond to the role assigned to him. Libra is ready to endure and forgive a lot if they sincerely love, but they may not comply with their obligations if close person does not fulfill these promises. That is why, without yet parting with the former partner, Libra can easily start a relationship with another. Some of them will be able to keep the adventures a secret, while others will be forced to dodge and control their every step so as not to inadvertently confuse anything.


In 2018, it will probably be more difficult for Libra than other signs of the Zodiac to realize themselves in the profession and move up the career ladder. The reason will be the pressure of someone else's authority, under which they will have to constantly be. In addition, ill-wishers will be next to Libra. They will begin to put spokes in the wheels and, under a variety of pretexts, suppress the initiative proposals of representatives of this zodiac sign, belittling the significance of the work they have done. Of course, this state of affairs will require patience and endurance, since there is nowhere to retreat: if the representatives of this sign want to succeed, they will have to constantly prove their worth and run a long distance. But there is a blessing in disguise: in order to get around those obstacles that cannot be jumped over, Libra willy-nilly learn flexibility and the ability to adapt. Of course, such experience will be useful to them in the future. Libra will be able to fully appreciate its need when they have to manage other people. Today main problem there may be a reluctance of Libra to actively confront difficulties. There is a possibility that after the first troubles they will want to leave for a new job, where they are likely to face the same problems.


In the coming year, up to a certain point, Libra is unlikely to show much interest in their well-being. However, already with the appearance of the first symptoms of malaise, they will begin to be noticeably nervous. In general, for Libra, the picture is extremely favorable: during 2018, representatives of this sign will even feel an excess of strength. Possible ailments will most likely provoke an incorrect distribution of energies in the aura, as well as untimely disposal of negative emotions. It is worth paying special attention to this aspect: it is the inability of Libra to balance internal representations with external events that can cause malfunctions in the work of various organs and systems. It is also necessary to prepare for the fact that Libra will easily lose his temper, and it will take them much longer to calm down after a stormy showdown. In search of a way out of this situation, Libra will begin to strive for the right way life. They will willingly dive into one system of recovery, then another, although none of them will captivate Libra for a long time, so it is hardly worth expecting tangible results. In this case, a reasonable diet will help. Some dietary restrictions will keep your usual weight and will not allow you to recover due to a sedentary lifestyle. An integral part of well-being for the representatives of this sign will be a good sleep. This is how they can quickly restore strength and cope with overloads.

There is a high probability that it is in 2018 that the cherished dreams of Aquarius will come true. Airy women have been moving towards their goal for so long that the stars simply cannot refuse their cherished request. A woman should read the horoscope for 2018 Aquarius carefully in order to understand what secrets the heavenly bodies have prepared. In personal life, happiness and peace will reign only in those love couples in which there will be mutual understanding. Not everyone will be able to succeed in a career, as someone will be ready to go to work headlong, while others will begin to do nothing.


A great solution for single Aquarius in the first months of 2018 will be to go on blind dates. love horoscope predicts that acquaintance through friends or social media can bring long-awaited female happiness. The Goat, Ox and Dragon have every chance during this period to meet their future husband. Love forecasts from the stars say that it is time to forget about old grievances in the middle of winter and spring family women. Only with such tactics will it be possible to return peace to the family and love harmony. Monkey, Rooster and Boar (Pig) should more often look at their behavior and stop dominating in love relationships. Aquarius women, who are only dating so far, should not put pressure on their lover in the first half of the year and demand forcibly desired development.

The love horoscope believes that in the middle of the year in married couples the long-awaited peace will reign. Partners will understand each other well, which is why peace will mature in a love relationship. The Snake, Rat and Horse should try to share the interests of the other half and find a common hobby. The most memorable sex in the life of single women will happen in the middle of the year. The horoscope believes that it will be useful for Aquarius to relax and enjoy such a love affair. A woman should try to take love advice from a horoscope carefully. Those Aquarians who are still at the stage of falling in love should try to exclude jealousy from their love relationships. Such behavior can lead to separation in such signs as: Tiger, Dog and Rabbit.

Having carefully studied the free forecasts from the love horoscope, Aquarius women will find out what the stars have prepared for them at the end of the year. Misunderstanding and domestic quarrels can overshadow the life of family signs. In the life of singles will appear a great opportunity to meet a new gentleman. A love relationship can be built without leaving the workplace. The love horoscope believes that women who are just dating their loved ones need to be careful with their feelings. There is a high probability that Aquarius will want to sin in the arms of a new gentleman.

From Vasilisa Volodina

A woman should study the horoscope for 2018 Aquarius carefully in order to spend the whole year in spiritual harmony. Vasilisa Volodina will point out to Aquarius women possible mistakes on their part. If there are not enough friends in the environment of the constellation, then it's time to expand your horizons. In fact, it will be possible to make new acquaintances for free by attending training or thematic courses. For the Boar (Pig), the Dragon and the Dog, such acquaintances will be more important than the rest of the signs. In the first half of the year, Aquarius needs to pay attention to their health. Constant stress at work and misunderstandings in a couple can lead to overwork.

The compatibility horoscope from Volodina indicates that in the fall the zodiac sign will often quarrel with others. The influence of Uranus can be especially negative for the love couple of the Ox, Tiger and Snake. Those women who are ready to spend the weekend at work will achieve the desired heights in their careers. The horoscope indicates that such zeal can negatively affect the health and love relationships of the sign. The Rat, Rooster and Rabbit need to give up the desire to succeed in all areas. The compatibility horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina says that this trio needs to pay more attention to the personal sphere in order to maintain relationships in harmony.

Toward the end of the year, the cherished desire of Aquarius will come true. If the airy woman from Vasilisa Volodina takes advice seriously, she will be able to translate her plans into reality. The astrologer says that the main thing for Aquarius will be to go beyond their comfort zone and then everything will work out. It will be easier to overcome your fears thanks to self-development courses or the advice of wise friends. Goat, Horse and Monkey in 2018 should think about replenishment in the family. The compatibility horoscope says that it is this year that all suitable opportunities for the birth of the first child or even the second child will appear.


"Attention! A unique opportunity for career growth and development will appear in the spring or early summer. The influence of Jupiter will be beneficially displayed on the desire of the stars to get what they want. Free predictions from the horoscope indicate that the Ox, Goat and Boar (Pig) will get a promotion. It is worth the Tiger, the Dragon and the Snake to behave more carefully with the leadership. It is worth the Rooster, Dog and Horse to change jobs for further growth.

A woman whose work is connected with constant communication with people must learn to relax at the end of the working day. Such relaxation will have a positive effect on the health of the constellation. By carefully reading the horoscope for 2018, all Aquarians will find options on how to improve their current state of affairs. Only the Rat, Monkey and Rabbit should not count on changes in life.

Those Aquarians who have been moving towards this for a long time will be able to build the desired career and open their own business. The horoscope for 2018 believes that this period will be favorable only for those signs that will think outside the box and forget about conventions. Great opportunities for growth will appear for all women of this sign closer to the middle of the year.


Only the presence of a sufficient amount of money will allow women to feel confident. Free Predictions from the horoscope, they advise the constellation to spend money not only for their own pleasure, but also for useful things, including. If those born during this period decide to allocate finances for their health, they will begin to feel much better. It is especially important to check your condition for the Tiger, Ox and Dragon. Aquarians will have excellent travel opportunities closer to summer. The financial horoscope indicates that the Goat, the Boar (Pig) and the Rabbit should travel with the other half. In the case when there is no loved one, it is important to go to explore new places in the company of friends.

A free horoscope for 2018 is an opportunity for Aquarius women to learn the secrets that the stars have prepared for them. Celestial luminaries are advised to listen to the following recommendations:

  • Set aside funds for home improvement and new furniture purchases in 2018. The Rat, Rooster and Snake will especially need comfort;
  • Do not spare money to make the other half pleasant. The compatibility horoscope believes that the constellation should pamper your soulmate more often. This advice is most relevant for the Monkey, Horse and Dog;
  • Allocate money in 2018 for a sanatorium or wellness treatments. Massage, going to the gym and swimming will also make you feel better.