How to bet on football matches. Football betting: how and what to bet on

Football is not only interesting, but also ... profitable! Bookmakers are ready to prove this rule: if you choose correct rates and correctly make forecasts, you can consistently receive fairly high incomes. However, this type of "earnings" has both advantages and disadvantages. Knowing them, as well as the ability to distinguish between types of bets, analyze a future match and choose the right strategy of action, helps to achieve the desired result very quickly. So, football betting, let's talk about them in more detail.

Benefits of betting on football

Today, all major bookmakers offer over a hundred different options betting on any match in the regular football championship(fewer varieties are offered for modest leagues). They all have pretty high limits. Football is very popular game, and you can bet up to 10-50 thousand dollars on one match! If we are talking about the "fights of the century", then the stakes may be higher, and this means that the income may be higher.

However, optimal limits are far from the only plus of football betting. They are also characterized by such features as:

1. Having a low margin.
There are a lot of bookmakers in any city, and in order to somehow get around the competitors, they overestimate the "football" odds by 5-6 points. This allows players to get more income from football if they are lucky, unlike, for example, less popular volleyball or hockey.

2. The presence of a wide painting.
The football line of even a very modest office will be larger than the size of other sections in other sports. If we are not talking about an ordinary match, but about the Europa League, the World Cup, the Champions League, then the painting of one game will take 2-3 pages on the line. At the same time, it will often have incredible offers! For example, it is quite possible to bet on which of the players will throw in the out first.

3. Mass of television broadcasts.
It's so easy to track football betting game! It's the most broadcast sport in the world, so all you have to do is sit in your favorite bar or on your favorite couch and literally play live", betting on football online and changing your strategy as the match unfolds.

4. Minimal amount force majeure situations.
First of all, we are talking about events that can be influenced by their participants - that is, players and teams. In those sports where there is only one player (for example, in tennis), his poor health or even mood can affect the outcome of the game. In football, all this will be insignificant factors: the condition and position of individual players have little effect on the final result.

Thanks to these advantages, it can be argued that the risks in football are minimal in many respects. However, they are still there, and they should be calculated immediately.

Cons of football betting

While, in general, betting on football offers inflated odds, the total number of "values" is still not too large. Bookmakers constantly monitor each other, so the quotes are constantly “trimmed”, and there are cardinal differences in different offices still won't. It is only in a modest league that you will find supernatural odds at any particular bookmaker and not find it at others only in a modest league, but even in this case, the upper limits of bets will still be extremely low.

This leads to another drawback - fast reaction bookmakers for changes in pre-match handouts in a direction that is beneficial to them. Offices almost instantly adjust offers, tracking:

  • the beginning of "undercover" games of any team
  • key player injuries
  • substitutions on the field
  • unexpected illnesses of football players

Sometimes they find out about it even before it becomes known to the viewers - the notification system of bookmakers is unusually powerful and by an order of magnitude bypasses the capabilities of many deep insiders. As a result, the line can be corrected faster than even the most respected expert has time to adjust to changes in the course of the match.

Where is the best place to bet on football online?

If you are already tired of reading the theory and want to make your first bet as soon as possible, then do it only in trusted offices. Actually, this site was created for this purpose - to provide players with the most objective information about existing bookmakers. We have created a detailed rating, which you can read on home page and easily choose a quality office that is right for you. However, why go far, look at the TOP 5 companies in the table below.

Legal bookmakers

Bookmakers Review Bonus Rating Registration
1 4 000 ₽ 9.5
2 10 000 ₽ 9.1
3 20 000 ₽ 8.9
4 1 000 ₽ 8.5
5 10 000 ₽ 8.4
6 1 000 ₽ 8.2
7 No 8.3
8 5 000 ₽ 8.0
9 10 000 ₽ 7,9
10 No 7.2

What are football bets?

Given that there are hundreds of varieties, novice players should know at least the basic options. This:

1. Bet on the outcome of the match- it can assume any result of the main time of the game (draw or victory of one of the teams). These rates usually offer the most low margin and the highest ratio. And it is on the outcomes that players bet most often.

2. Handicap bet- that is, the goal difference at which the match will end. Handicaps are plus (if the team has not lost more than the number of balls specified in the bet) and minus (if the team has won no less than the specified number of balls). In fact, this is a bet on the result, but with the addition of a handicap value to the score. In such a situation, it is necessary that the outcome of the game does not go into the red, taking into account the chosen handicap. So, for example, the player who bet on it will get his money back if the match score is 1-0, and the handicap for the winner is set to -1.

However, I will give you a small example. Let's say they play Schalke-Barcelona and you bet on the victory of the first team with a handicap of 2. Figuratively speaking, this means that the match does not start with a score of 0:0, but with a score of 2:0 in favor of Schalke. Hope it's clear now.

3. Bet on total– that is, the total number of goals in the match. The total is indicated by the bookmaker, and the players place bets on a higher or lower value.

4. Correct score bet- To win, you need to guess the exact outcome of the game. The odds for such a bet will be very high, but most often it is difficult to win.

In addition, the office may include other offers in the line. You can bet on the results of the match in each half, on the number of red and yellow cards, on the number of offsides, fouls, substitutions, on the authors of the first goals ... There are also unique offers, which are very interesting, and which can play very unexpectedly.

Pre-match analytics. When is it important to think?

The answer is simple: always! But betting on football is good because the analytics in them is not as complicated as in betting on single matches. However, this does not mean that she forgives frivolity. Accurate forecasts- this is not a consequence of luck (although sometimes it is important), it is the result of a thorough analysis, and before betting on any offer, you will have to study such aspects as:

1. Physical form rivals- for this it is better to look at the teams in a complex way, evaluating their behavior in 2-3 previous matches. If the decision needs to be made quickly, then at least the final figures of previous games can be examined. It is advisable to evaluate both home and away matches, to see how each team behaves away and at home. Also important detail- Recently published interviews with club representatives, coaches, the players themselves ... They will also help to draw the right conclusions.

2. History of previous face-to-face confrontations– in other words, earlier fights of the same teams with each other. There is such a thing as "uncomfortable opponents", and it happens that teams that are such for each other can give a completely unpredictable course of the match. In any case, the evaluation of the previous joint games will open your eyes to the tactics of the players and help to predict the possible development of the game. In this case, it is also necessary to investigate the behavior of teams at home and away.

3. Motivation of each team and its standings. Motivation is extremely important (especially for championships in Eastern Europe). It happens that a successful leading team simply gives points to rivals, because it has already solved all its tasks in the championship.

4. Composition of players, number of suspended and injured. Very often, before matches, teams suffer certain “losses” - football players can get injured (and not only during previous games, but simply in ordinary life), miss matches, get sick and just get disqualified for a certain number of fights. These features should be taken into account in the forecast.

And, of course, pre-match analytics involves the study of match referees. It doesn't seem to be at all important factor, but the referee can change the course of the game in many ways through his officiating style. Teams can play differently - clean or rough, and referees also do not act the same. There are loyal referees, there are tough and adamant ones. Moreover, different clubs have special relationships with specific referees: it happens that a successful team has difficulties in a game that is judged by a referee who is biased towards it. Such a referee may give a foul for a minimal touch on the ball, he may simply create an atmosphere of tension on the field ... And all this will affect the outcome.

If we take into account the style of refereeing, the peculiarities of the work of opponents on the field, special conditions (it is worth evaluating even the arena itself, the season, the weather), we can make a forecast no worse than that of the brightest football analysts. And this forecast will play perfectly, bringing the player in the bookmaker's office the long-awaited success on the bets.

That, perhaps, is all that can be said about football betting online. Although, of course, in fact, we can talk about them for a very long time. Some gamblers can talk about them for hours on end. However, this is a completely different format, but for us, I am sure that the information described above is more than enough. Hope it was interesting and helpful. Dmitry Schukin was with you, bye!

Determine your maximum budget. First, decide what maximum amount, which you can place on bets. On the one hand, too high a budget can lead to personal bankruptcy. On the other hand, a small amount of budget will limit you a little. Follow the rules of this article and place the correct bets that will reduce the risk of large losses to almost zero. The maximum budget for a beginner according to " basic rule based on extensive experience” should be 35,000 rubles.

Choose the maximum amount of your bet. Placing all your money on one outcome, the only correct one in your opinion, you will not achieve your goal. Only the division of risk between several games will lead to profit. Thus, limiting the maximum bet will increase your chances of winning. According to the “rule of thumb”, the maximum bet amount for a beginner is 1,750 rubles.

Choose the right betting line. Bet only on the two main categories: Match Result and Total Over/Under 2.5 Goals. "Match result" means the choice of one of three possible outcomes of the game: home win, draw or away win. "Total over/under 2.5 goals" means determining the total number of goals scored in the match: over or under 2.5. The most recent statistics prove that bets in these two categories are the most effective. And we believe in science!

Examine the probability of the outcome of the game. The probability of the outcome of the match, as a rule, is determined in the range from 0% (no chance) to 100% (correct bet). For example, the probability of an outcome in the Match Result category could be: home win = 60%, draw = 15%, away win = 25%. For the category "Total over/under 2.5 goals": under 2.5 = 45%, over 2.5 = 55%. The sum of all the final probabilities of the "Match Result" line should be equal to 100%, since one of these three variations will definitely take place. The sum of the probabilities of the outcome on the line "Total over/under 2.5 goals" should also be 100% too, since the total number of goals scored during any football match will either be more than 2.5 goals or less. In other words, the probability of any outcome expresses your belief in the selected outcome, distributed between 0% and 100%. Possible probabilities, also commonly known as "betting tips" or "predictions", can be found on the Internet. Let's explain how you can rate them.

Find a good website or rate prediction. The best way find the probabilities of the outcomes of matches - the use of Internet resources. There are a number of websites that provide free advice. Type "football betting tips" into Google and you'll find most of them. When choosing your site, make sure the forecasts provided perform well over time by comparing between likely and real results matches. The bigger the difference between these tips and the bookmakers' predictions (explained later), the bigger your earnings.

Explore the "fixed odds" market. Bookmakers determine fixed odds for each outcome in the categories Match Result and Total Over/Under 2.5 Goals. For example, the odds of the Match Result line could be: win at home = 1.5, draw = 3.6, win away = 5.8. This means that if you bet 3,500 rubles on a home win and the bet wins, you will receive 3,500 * 1.5 = 5,250 rubles from the bookmaker. If not, you will lose your 3,500. So the odds basically multiply your bet, and you are interested in their maximum value in the outcome of the match you are betting on.

Understand the relationship between odds and probability. Given the above coefficients, try to determine them reverse notation: 1/1.5, 1/3.6, 1/5.8, and multiply by 100%. You will get the probable, according to the bookmaker, percentage for this outcome: home win = 66%, draw = 27%, away win = 17%. Unfortunately, when you calculate their sum, as in the previous example, you will get not 100%, but 110%. The 10% difference is the commission that the bookmaker adds to the odds. Subtracting 10%/3 from the three percentages above will give you the exact betting probabilities: win at home = 63%, tie = 24%, win away = 13%.

Choose your bookmaker. The best bookmaker for you is the one that provides the highest odds for the results you choose to bet on. Prediction and statistics websites usually offer you a list of bookmakers and their odds for each game. You can choose the bookmaker with the highest odds and register to place your bet.

Compare the odds and your odds of winning on bets. For a long time known way comparison of bookmakers' odds and your odds - a simple multiplication of them. If you receive high value for some outcome, it means there is a good chance of making a profit. However, if your predictions are inaccurate, then the potential final calculation may be incorrect. For example, bookmaker odds are: home win = 1.5, draw = 3.6, away win = 5.8. And the advice you found on the internet says the following: home win = 60%, draw = 15%, away win = 25%. The multiplication results then result in the following potential for each outcome: home win = 1.5 * 60% = 0.9, draw = 3.6 * 15% = 0.54, away win = 5.8 * 25% = 1 .45. You can see that in this case the chance of winning the guests is the highest. Unfortunately, the chance of the away win is 25% and so if you choose to bet on away wins, your chances of winning are only 25%.

Find a bet with high winning potential. The basic "rule of thumb" is: bet on an outcome with odds greater than 3 and a probability greater than 40%. In this case, the value will be 1.3. So, you can calculate the stake: Stake = 1/100 * Budget * (Probability - (100% - Probability) / (Odds - 1)). For example, when home win odds = 3.0, home win probability = 40%, and budget = $35,000, you would bet: Bet = 1/100 * $35,000 * (40% - (100% -40%) / (3–1)) = 3,500 rubles. Since the maximum allowed bet amount is 1700 rubles, then this will be your bet. If the calculated rate is less than 0, do not place it.

Football is one of the most popular sports in Russia, the CIS and many other countries. Almost everyone knows at least the basic rules and nuances of the game. Bets on football matches and there are championships in every bookmaker's office. For games taking place within the framework of the largest championships, a list is offered, including up to a thousand possible outcomes. This article will cover the main features of online football betting. Here you can get acquainted with the major championships, the basics of online betting and the golden rules of football betting.

Features of Online Football Betting

Most bets on football are made online, on the website of the bookmaker. Players look through the line, select the desired championship, match and outcome, and if the proposed options suit them, place a bet.

Main advantage football online betting- convenience. You can bet on the bookmaker's website both from your home computer or laptop, and from a smartphone or tablet during a bus trip.

Other advantages include high profitability, the ability to analyze data and offers from several bookmakers. Here you can place pre-match and live bets, watch video broadcasts or text versions of what is happening on the field.

To increase the potential profit, you can select several single selections and combine them into a common multiple bet. Odds single bets at the same time, they are multiplied among themselves, and the size of the possible winnings increases accordingly. The only caveat is that in order to win multiple bets, all single outcomes must win.

Main tournaments

Hundreds of championships and tournaments are held around the world every year. different levels. Every day, millions of fans and thousands of bookmaker customers watch what is happening on the field.

Championships are held under the patronage of various football organizations.

Among the most famous competitions held by the International Football Federation (FIFA):

  1. The FIFA World Cup, also known as the Mundial, is the largest tournament held every four years. For various matches taking place within the framework of this championship, quite big bets, and the 2016 World Cup final was watched live by more than 700 million people.
  2. Confederations Cup. The winners of six continental championships compete in the tournament - Europe, South America, North and Central America, Oceania, Asia, Africa. The Championship is held one year before the start of the World Championship.
  3. football competitions on Olympic Games.
  4. Club World Cup, or Club World Cup.

Under the auspices of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA), the following major competitions are held:

  1. European Football Championship. Final tournaments are held every four years. 24 teams take part in the games. 23 win the right to participate during the qualifying tournament, one country (host of the championship) skips the qualifying stage and goes directly to the final.
  2. The UEFA Champions League is considered the most prestigious and famous European club football tournament. The tournament is held annually. 78-79 teams participate in the qualifying stage, 32 reach the group stage. The most titled club is Real Madrid, which won the Champions League 6 times after changing the format in 1992. This club is the only one to have won the league title in two consecutive seasons.
  3. The UEFA Europa League is an annual football tournament, the second most important among all European clubs belonging to UEFA. Teams that have taken certain places in the standings according to the results of the national championships can take part in the Europa League draw. Specific places are determined by the country's place in the UEFA rankings. In addition, finalists and winners of national cups can take part in the tournament. In total, 48 teams play in the group stage, for each of which you can bet on sports at bookmakers.
  4. UEFA Super Cup. Strictly speaking, it can only be called a tournament formally. The Super Cup opens European football and consists of a single match between the winners of the Europa League and the UEFA Champions League last season. This is one of the most interesting and unpredictable matches for sports betting in BC.

Overseas tournaments are held under the auspices of the Conmebol Football Association. First of all, these are:

  1. America's Cup
  2. Copa Libertadores
  3. South American Cup
  4. Recope of South America

Due to the fact that football is not a major sport in the United States, bets on the North American championship are accepted much less often than, for example, on the UEFA Champions League.

How to choose a bookmaker for football betting

In order to successfully play on bets and make a profit, you need to carefully approach the choice of a bookmaker. A bookmaker is a sports betting organizer with which players make bets on a particular outcome.

Among the main indicators of the best bookmaker for football betting are the following:

  1. Good line. Hundreds of football matches of various levels take place every day in the world. Bookmakers offer to bet not only on games within the top championships, but also on events from the second and third leagues, regional matches.
  2. Detailed painting. The number of outcomes for high-profile football matches can exceed a thousand. Leading bookmakers offer dozens of outcomes even for passing events.
  3. Live line. The difference from the standard one is that the bets here are made in real time, in the midst of the match. Football is a dynamic game, and the situation on the field changes many times during the game. The bookmaker must timely draw conclusions from what is happening and display new outcomes and odds.
  4. High odds. Kef is the main indicator that affects the profitability of a bet for a player. Each bookmaker has his own opinion on which of the teams will be able to win the next football match and evaluates the chances for different outcomes in his own way. The difference in the coefficients often does not exceed a tenth, but with big stakes this is important.

How to bet: an analysis of the main strategies

There are several basic strategies for playing football betting, with strict observance of which you can get a good constant income.

  1. Bets on the correct score. This football betting strategy is popular with beginners and experienced players. The point is to guess accurate count, with which the match will end. Exact numbers It is quite difficult to predict, but with luck, the rate increases several times.
  2. Time match bets. This strategy is often used in meetings of unequal teams. Players must determine the result of the first half and the entire match.
  3. Bets on totals. Here you also need to guess the number of goals that the teams will score each other during the match. Unlike the first point, you do not need to determine the exact score.
  4. Dogon strategy. If the bet has not played, its amount is doubled (increased so that possible win covered all previous expenses). There are two nuances here: a) you need a solid gaming bank and b) you need a bookmaker that does not limit maximum rates. The streak of bad luck can last a very long time.
  5. Fork strategy. This strategy is considered the only win-win. The player is looking for differences in the odds of different bookmakers regarding the same match. This allows you to earn a solid amount with virtually no risk. The only nuance this strategy not all bookmakers approve, and when arbers are identified, their gaming accounts are often blocked.

How to make money on football betting

Let’s take a look at a few “golden rules” for betting on football matches.

  1. You do not need to bet on the team you are a fan of. You will not be able to impartially assess its chances of winning or losing.
  2. Before placing bets on a football match, you need to familiarize yourself with the statistics. Even if the team has every chance of winning, but changed its coach two days ago, this is already a reason to think.
  3. Always follow the chosen strategy. If you use catch-up, increase the amount of the bet. If you bet in equal shares, in no case do not exceed a certain percentage or amount.
  4. Never play with other people's money. Never play for money whose loss is critical for you or your family.
  5. Psychology. The main thing in betting is composure, regardless of whether you win or lose. If a football team wins during playing time, this does not mean that the opponent will not be able to win back in extra time.

Football betting today

In this section we offer announcements best predictions for football with high traffic. In order to make a qualitative forecast for football, it is necessary to process a large amount of information, starting with the promotion of the tournament itself, the level of play of teams and individual players, and the composition of teams in a future match. It is necessary to take into account all injuries and replacements of important players and coaching staff, analyze the statistics of personal meetings and home and away matches held during the season.

All of the above and many other specialists of our company study and analyze when compiling high-quality predictions for football matches.

The calendar of popular football and hockey matches is updated every day. Here you can always find out who is playing and at what time, as well as select specific sports matches for detailed information.

The page of each event contains all the information necessary for choosing a bet: match announcement, team line-ups, head-to-head statistics and tournament tables. We also find certain patterns in the games of teams and present the bets arising from them. In addition, on the match page in common table quotes from different companies are presented, which makes the comparison convenient and clear and makes it easy to choose best odds bookmakers.

Daily on Legalbet are published free predictions from experts and handicappers of the site. The expert team consists of specialists whose professional life closely associated with sports: former athletes, coaches, sports journalists and commentators. In the handicap team, predictions are shared experienced players on bets that have proven the success of their predictions at a distance.

The Legalbet blogosphere publishes daily materials that look at sports betting from different angles. These may be forecasts from users of our site, various helpful reviews or educational materials that tell both about the betting industry in Russia and about specific bets and bookmakers.

How to choose a bookmaker with Legalbet

There are several ratings of bookmakers at Legalbet, each of which is based on calculated indicators. None of these ratings takes into account the subjective opinion of Legalbet: the criteria by which Russian bookmakers take this or that place in them are transparent and open to everyone.

Our world can be imagined without any of existing species sports, but not without football. This is the number one game, the passion of billions, the whole religion. Naturally, in terms of the number of bets accepted by bookmakers, football occupies a confident first place.

The best bookmakers for betting on football

The popularity of football is both an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage is that it is easy to find the necessary information, the broadcast, the conditions of the bookmakers are favorable, and the minus is that the analysts of the bookmakers are very well versed in this sport, therefore, it is the most difficult to beat them, especially if we are talking about the long term.

So the ease of football for betting is very deceptive, so you need to take the game seriously if you do not want to quickly “drain” your deposit.

Football betting types

One of the biggest mistakes beginners make is making bets without learning the basic types. When placing bets, you need to understand what it means and in what cases the better is expected to win or lose. Actually, more on that later.

Perhaps you can write a book about the types of bets on football matches, or at least create a separate section on the site. There are an incredible number of them, while every year bookmakers manage to come up with new betting options, sometimes even very exotic ones, for example, a bet on the removal of a coach, a goalkeeper goal, a bite of Luis Suarez, and so on. Below we consider only the most popular species rates.

Main outcome

This is the simplest type of bet that the gambling world has known about since the time of the first sports sweepstakes, this is the basis of the basics. In the field of betting, the main outcome is usually called bets on the winner of the match and a draw. Thus, in football there are three options:

  • P1 - the first team will win;
  • X – draw result;
  • P2 - victory of the second team.

double chance

Double outcome or double chance is a subspecies of the previous type of football betting. IN this case the bet combines two outcomes out of three possible: P1, X, P2. As a result, we have three options:

  • 1X is P1 or X, that is, the first team did not lose;
  • X2 is P2 or X, non-losing of the second team;
  • 12 is P1 or P2, that is, the victory of one of the opponents.

For example, a player bets 1X on the match between Bayern and Real Madrid. He will only lose if Real Madrid wins. A victory for Bayern or a draw will bring the win. That's why the bet is called a double chance - the better has two chances out of three.

Match Total

Total in football is the number of goals scored. The main bets in this category are the match total over or under. The bookmaker sets the value of the total, and the player is faced with the task of predicting whether the teams will score more or less goals for two. For example, if a better bets Over 2.5 - total over 2.5 goals, then to win the bet, it is necessary that 3 or more goals were scored in the match.

There are also bets on the total of the first and second halves, or individual segments of the game, for example, you need to predict the total in the game interval from the 15th to the 30th minute. In addition, it is possible to bet on an individual total - the number of goals scored by a certain team.

Asian Handicap

Bets on the winner of the match, taking into account the handicap (advantage). You can bet on the victory of a team with a plus handicap, or you can bet on a minus handicap. Let's say we took a -1.5 handicap on the hosts in the match Barcelona - Juventus. The bet will win if Barça wins by two or more goals.

Accurate score

It is not easy to predict the type of bets, because it is necessary to name the exact final score of the match. However, the odds in this market are quite tempting, so it always makes sense to take a chance.


Another type of betting is betting on goalscorers or, in other words, the total of football players. Players today can bet on a goal in a match of almost any football player. Moreover, on the most productive, for example, Ronaldo, Messi, Lewandowski, you can meet total goals over 1.5 or even 2.5.

Time Match

An interesting variant of the game, where the better needs to guess not only the outcome of the match, but also the outcome of the first half. For example, a bet X/W1 means that the first half will end in a draw, and the hosts will win the match.


A scattering of bets on goals in bookmakers, the most popular of which are both teams to score, a goal in the first half, who will score the first goal, and so on.

Game statistics

Recently, bookmakers allow you to bet on statistical indicators, the number of which is constantly increasing. These are corners, fouls, yellow cards, offsides, possession percentage, shots on target, etc.

Long term rates

A separate type of bet - long-term rates or futures. The peculiarity of these bets is that they are made on the results of tournaments or other football events. Here are bets on the winner of the championship, and on the team's entry into the playoffs of the Champions League, and on the top scorer, and on the owner of the Golden Ball.

The main championships for betting on football

In the line of bookmakers, you can find several hundred different football tournaments for betting, even the leagues of Haiti, Zambia or Malta. Undoubtedly, if you understand such exotic championships, you can make good money by betting on the matches of these tournaments. But it is still better to choose status competitions. Firstly, it is easier to find information, statistics, broadcast on them. Secondly, the coefficients are higher and the painting is wider. And thirdly, the likelihood of match-fixing, the cancerous tumor of modern sport, is much lower. First of all, you should take a closer look at the following football tournaments:

The place where the strongest clubs in Europe gather. The advantage of the Champions League for betting is that here all the teams play with great dedication, and the number of agreements is close to zero.

The younger sister of the Champions League, of course, is not so beautiful and popular, but also enjoys in great demand among the bettors. You can always choose good fights for betting.

The Premier League has been number one among all national championships for many years. good performance, high speeds, unpredictable fight for the title and amazing underdog victories - that's what the English Championship is famous for.

Naturally, Real Madrid, Barcelona and Atlético immediately come to mind. But you should not abuse bets on the victories of these teams. Odds are usually meager, and sensations occur from time to time.

In Germany there is a football shark Bayern, several elite clubs, including Borussia, Bayer, Schalke and others. In addition to these teams, the Bundesliga shows good football and other teams, bets on which can be very profitable.

Immersed in tactical schemes, Italy sometimes surprises with its unpredictability, but in general, an easily predictable championship for betting, despite all the stereotypes about in large numbers match-fixing is a thing of the past.

Of course, the main football league of the country is of particular interest to Russian bettors. To view is not so easy to find good matches, but there are always good options for betting.

From year to year French league blooms. If earlier PSG did what they wanted here, now Monaco, Nice, Lyon and Marseille have appeared, who are ready to fight for their place in the sun. A significant advantage of Ligue 1 is considered to be high-quality broadcasts.

Being in the shadow of the top leagues, the Dutch Football Championship has the status of one of the most productive. In the Netherlands, they do not like to dig in near their goal, attacking football is in trend, which makes the Eredivisie a favorite tournament for players who bet on total more.

In general, the championship is not the strongest, but three whales pull it out - Benfica, Porto and Sporting, sometimes Braga shoots. Actually, the matches with the participation of these teams are of interest for betting.

Everyone's favorite dish football fans- mundial. Matches are played one after another, so you can use a variety of strategies and convert your love of football into money.

European Football Championship. The second most important tournament at the national team level is the Euro, which is not as bright as the World Cup, but more predictable, which is a plus for predictions and bets.

America's Cup. Do not forget about the Copa America - a tournament between the national teams of South America, which is distinguished by a special flavor and big amount scored goals.

Experienced players advise betting on such major tournaments as the Champions League, LE, World Cup, European Championship, and at the same time focus on one national championship, having studied it in detail.