Scenario of a children's disco with contests. Games and contests for discos

Disco games


All those present form a chain or are divided into several chain teams. The first is the “head”, the last, respectively, is the “tail”. The music turns on and the caterpillar begins to move forward. At the same time, the “head” shows various dance movements as it wants - waves its arms, makes lunges, goes goose step, etc. Everyone else should follow her movements. When the “head” gets tired, it turns to the next player, strokes his head and moves to the tail, after which everything continues with a new leader and new “gags”. The contest lasts as long as the music is playing.

"Chained by one chain".

Teams of 3-7 people participate. According to the number of participants, hats or panamas are sewn to the rope with an interval of 1 meter. Participants put them on their heads and dance to the music. The team with the hat that fell off the participant first loses. You can't hold your hat with your hands.

"Dance Conveyor"

Participants are divided into groups of 5-12 people. Several melodies sound for 1-2 minutes, the groups must, quickly rebuilding, dance the corresponding movements. The most well-coordinated, fastest and most original team wins.


Several teams of 3 people participate. They are told that now they will have to dance, and the jury will evaluate them, but by what criteria they will inform later, so you need to try very hard. As soon as the dance is over, in each team, the number of buttons on the outerwear of the participants is counted. The winner is the team whose jury finds large quantity buttons.

Alternatively, in this competition, teams can be asked to perform a button dance.


Teams with equal amount Participants stand in a line and as soon as the music begins to sound, they must pass the matchbox worn on their noses from participant to participant without using their hands. The winner is the team that, without dropping the boxes, managed to pass it while the music was playing.


Princess Nesmeyana is selected from the participants, then those who wish to participate in the competition are invited to the stage. They need to make Nesmeyan laugh with their dance, without touching her.

"Dancing by Name".

During the disco, the host announces that now only those who hear their name will dance. For example: now all Sasha are dancing, and now Elena. You can call several names at the same time.

"Bronze deer".

It is best to hold this competition in a summer camp. All the boys who consider themselves the most tanned are invited from the audience. Of these, the winner and prize-winners are selected, who are awarded the title of "bronze deer". They perform the victory dance of the "reindeer".

"Record weight".

Scales for weighing are installed in the disco room. Couples are welcome to participate in this competition. Throughout the evening, they can be weighed on the scales, and the couple that weighs more than all the other couples becomes the winner and is awarded the “heroic” prize.

"Air Dance"

All participants are divided into pairs. Each pair is given 2-3 inflated balloons. In the 1st round of the dance, you need to squeeze them with your bodies and dance so that none of the balls falls. In the 2nd round - you need to burst the balls, and you can’t damage them with your hands, feet, teeth or sharp objects.

Company parade.

All teams line up on the site and, at the signal of the host, begin to move to the music in an original way.


The hall is conditionally divided into groups that need to perform synchronized dance movements to the music.

"The Worst Company"

It is necessary to climb into the gymnastic hoop. Which company will enter the hoop more people, she won.

"Square - oval - triangle."

The teams dance in a circle and, at the signal of the leader, they form a triangle, then a square, etc.

"Dancing together is strange dancing."

Two people from the team (a boy and a girl) dance to a slow composition, and the young man holds his partner in his arms throughout the dance.

"In the animal world".

Participants need to dance the way they would: elephants, snakes, centipedes, giraffes, etc.


One person from the company becomes a cabbage. The rest in one minute should decorate it with the help of improvised means. The company that "grown" the largest head of cabbage wins.

"Lower and lower."

On certain height(human height) a crossbar is installed, under which all participants must pass in turn, while performing dance movements. Gradually the crossbar lowers. The game is played until one of the most flexible participants remains.

"Spreading Dance".

Turn on any music and choose two players who will start dancing with each other. Then stop the music. The dancers are separated, and each of them chooses a different partner or partner. Now 2 couples are dancing until the music stops. Then everyone chooses a new partner for themselves, and 8 people dance. This continues until everyone is dancing.

For this game - an icebreaker you will need even number playing. If one extra player appears, then he can start and stop the music.

"Musical Falls"

These "musical chairs" do not require chairs. All that is needed is music that the host either plays on the piano or uses discs or cassettes instead. He can even do without music at all and just clap his hands. The players move in time with the rhythm. When the leader stops, everyone should sit on the floor. The one who sits last is out of the game and must step aside to the leader. To protect yourself from possible errors, you need to sit on the floor completely.

Change the type of music or rhythm so that one music is loud, another is soft, and the third is jazzy. Also change the duration of each piece of music so that the players are completely unprepared for the moment when the sound breaks. Use some very short snippets. They will make the game even more exciting.

If you are using discs or cassettes, change the volume level unexpectedly. Many players will sit down when the sound level changes, not realizing that the music is still playing and the game is in progress. These players are also out of the game.

When only two players are left, they will be watching each other closely and you will probably have several draws in a row as they will touch the floor at the same time. If this happens, ask them to close their eyes and keep moving to the music. Soon you will know the winner.

Games and Contests

“Unwound! Wrapped up!

DJ, arms outstretched wide
- Unwound!
DJ hugging a girl
- Wrapped up!
DJ with arms outstretched
- Unwound! Do like me!
DJ hugging another girl:
- Wrapped up! Do with your neighbor like me!
- Unwound!
- Wrapped up!
- Unwound!
- It's screwed up!...
The pace is accelerating.

"May he burst!"

The DJ distributes inflated balloons to the couples.
- Please put the ball between you and dance like this without letting the ball fall. Do not touch the ball with your hand! Hold with your body.
Couples are dancing. The DJ comments and rewards the couples who are the most skilled in dancing with balls.

DJ (at the end of the dance):
- And now attention! Men, press your ladies to you so that the balls burst!

"Chocolate Dance"

- The chocolate dance is announced! ..
Slow music, couple dance.
A moment before the end of the music and the parting of the partners, the DJ continues:
- ... And now, gentlemen, please give your ladies a chocolate bar!

"Dance in the Newspaper"

Several newspapers are ready, each cut out for exactly two heads.
Couples put their heads through holes and dance like that.
Who doesn't have a newspaper torn before the end of the dance?

Pair dance in the newspaper to fast music.

"Find Your Half"

Prepared cards cut into two halves.
One half of each card is for girls, the other half is for boys.
The DJ distributes the halves to the girls and boys respectively.
The participants of the game are looking for their soul mates on the dance floor.
Asking each other is allowed only in a whisper and only in your ear.
The couple that reunites the fastest is the winner.
You can prepare prizes in the theme for each pair.

Cards can be writtennames of literary heroes:

Hamlet - Ophelia

Romeo - Juliet

Don Quixote - Dulcinea de Toboso

D "Artagnan - Mrs. Bonacieux

Eugene Onegin - Tatyana Larina

Master - Margarita

It can be heroes of fairy tales:

Ivan Tsarevich - Princess Frog

Prince - Cinderella

Kai - Gerda

Fox Alice - Cat Basilio

Pierrot - Malvina

Movie characters:

Clyde - Bonnie

Jo Bradley - Princess Anne ("Roman Holiday")

James Bond - Bond Girl

Korben Dallas - Leela ("The Fifth Element")

Vincent - Mia ("Pulp Fiction")

Pairs of skaters:

Pakhomova - Gorshkov

Torvill - Dean

Grischuk - Platov


Linichuk - Karponosov

"Dance of Meetings and Partings"

During a slow (or fast) dance, a soloist and a soloist are chosen.
As soon as they are in the center of everyone's attention, the DJ explains: "When the music stops, and it stops - I promise you this - the partner, to your applause, will say goodbye to the lady and invite another guy to his place - of his choice."

The music is playing again.

The couple solos in the center of the circle in an updated composition.
But - again a pause, and this time the lady, to the applause of the dance floor, thanks her partner for the dance and invites another soloist instead.
So in the solo pair, guys and girls change in turn, but the intrigue remains: who will be next and how warmly will the partners say goodbye?

"Dance with a flower"

The DJ puts a chair on the dance floor in front of the stage. Invites a girl to sit on a chair. Gives the girl a flower.
- Now slow beautiful music will sound. To the girl who sits in this velvet chair with golden tassels and holds in her hands a fragrant rose covered with diamond dew drops, two young men will approach - they will approach at the same time! With one of them, the girl, so be it, will agree to dance, but she will give the flower to another, and he will take her place in the chair.
Two girls will approach the young man sitting in the armchair at the same time. One of them - only one! - the young man will invite you to dance, and the other girl will give the flower, and she will remain in the chair.

The girl with the flower in the chair will be approached by two young men, and so on, until everyone is dancing!

The DJ makes sure that two of them come up. If the next couple does not appear for a long time, he praises the girl or young man sitting (s) in the “armchair”, urging the audience to “be bolder”.

When the music ends, the DJ asks the person sitting in the chair to keep the flower for herself.

Instead of a flower, there can be anything: a balloon, a toy, a book - they become a comforting gift. last participant games, who did not have time to invite.

When the game starts, the DJ suddenly turns the "chair" back to the audience, so that the person sitting does not see who is coming up to him. Those who come up put their palms on the shoulders of the person sitting, he “by touch” chooses a partner (partner) for the dance.

"Sum of buttons - 13"

- Prizes in the competition are given to a couple, the sum of buttons in whose clothes is 13!
A slow dance.

Applicant couples come out.

There is a vowel count of buttons.

"Change Partner"

- Now the music will stop for a couple of moments. In a pause, you are invited to change partners! If the music is playing again and you don't have a partner, you're out! Which couple will be the smartest?
The music is interrupted several times. As a rule, several couples win the competition at once.

"Don't dance with a broom"- old french game

A DJ appears in front of the dancing hall with a broom in his hands:
- I want to dance too. But I can't do it because my partner, the broomstick, doesn't dance. But I have the right to do something else: take a broom, go down to the hall (does it), go up to any couple, give the broom to a young man, and in return take his girlfriend and dance with her!
True, at young man now there is a broom! He, in turn, can approach any couple, give the broom to the gentleman and pick up his lady. And so on.

This game is best played in an audience where everyone knows each other.
Instead of a broom, there may be a staff of Santa Claus, a conspicuous toy.

Two start the game, He and She (Father Frost and Snow Maiden, a guy and a girl - animators, a DJ and his assistant). He, “breaking” the couples, takes the girl for the dance, She is the young man.

Instead of brooms, hats are used, which are put on the heads of the “victims”: “You don’t dance in a hat!”

"The most dissimilar couple"

Under slow music- competition "for the most dissimilar pair". He and She must be different. Growth. By weight. Hair color, eye color, etc. Two prizes are awarded - to her and to him.

"Disco Ball with Postcards"

DJ-animator invites three young people.
Gives each a postcard - Valentine.

He asks to send postcards - throw them as far as possible.
Guys quit. As a rule, postcards fall nearby.
The winner of the postcard throw gets a prize.
Animator announces that he will teach everyone how to throw correctly New Year cards. Gently places the postcard on a vertically raised forefinger. Gently, but strongly, with his free hand, hits the edge of the postcard, twisting it. The postcard, revolving like a helicopter propeller, flies far away.


The DJ blows a piercing football whistle, immediately gathering all the attention. Humming the tune of a football march.
He announces that this year - the year of the World Football Champion - is impossible without football, so the regional football championship begins on the dance floor.

Divides the audience into two teams.

One team is grouped to the left of him, the other - to the right.
DJ addressing one of the groups:

What is the name of your team?
- "Spartacus"!
- And yours?
- Dynamo! (Could call out any name.)
- The rules of the game are simple. When I lift up left hand, your team - "Spartak" (left) - loudly, unanimously shouts the word "Goal!"
When I raise my right hand, your team - Dynamo (right) - shouts the word "Goal!"
When I raise both hands up, no one shouts anything.
Whistle. The game starts. The DJ raises up his left, then his right hands, from time to time - both hands.
Someone in the teams is sure to shout out of place. This counts as a team goal.
The DJ keeps score.
The winning team is rewarded with good music.
The optimal number of "football players" in the team is 10 - 30 people. With a smaller number of players, they are collected, they rarely make mistakes. At more players, on the contrary, every time someone makes a mistake - the score is predictable.

"Dance in Silence"

- Everyone will dance to the music. And you try to dance without music, in silence! I wonder if there are those who do not lose the rhythm?
So, the music gradually fades (the DJ mixer lowers the volume), and you dance, the music fades, and you dance.
Finally, the dancers move in complete silence.
The DJ might chime in: “What's going on here? Where am I?"
- Now the music will return. Let's see who hasn't lost the rhythm.
Turns up the volume abruptly. Awarded with the prize of "the most rhythmic".

Dance with nothing

- We dance ... without the help of legs! Only with hands! Squat down. Dance with your hands.
- And now, squatting, wrap your arms around your shoulders. We dance with our heads!
- Now the head is motionless. Let's dance mime!
- We dance only with lips!
- Only language!
- Only ears!
- Only eyes!
- Let's dance to the fullest!
Rewards the most inventive dancers "with nothing".

Find "treasure"

Before the start of the program, while the audience has not yet gathered, the DJ hides a "treasure" in the hall - a bottle of champagne or a toy.

At the right moment of the evening he invites two "treasure hunters". (Two teams of several people can also participate.)

- A treasure is hidden in the hall - champagne. Two absolutely identical cards, on which the treasure is marked, are in my hands.

“Now I will give these cards to the treasure hunters. But first, I ... tear them into 8, not into 32 parts (tearing this and that card into an equal number of parts), remember them (crumples), mix the pieces (interferes, admires the fruits of his labors).
Your task is to assemble the map from the pieces and find the treasure. Forward, filibusters!

If the "treasure" is really well hidden, you can first invite the public to find it.

Having torn and crumpled the scraps, one or two of them can be removed - to complicate the task.

"Who wants candy?"

- Who wants candy?
- I!
- Come here, hold (gives candy).
- Who else wants candy?
- I! I! I!
- Uh, no, the one who wins the competition will get this candy.
Conducts a competition.
This feature helps to start a disco when people are not swinging well. The second candy goes to the one who first starts dancing.

"Find Yours"

The animator forms two teams of equal size.
Assistants blindfold the children and "mix" them with each other.
One team "grunts", the other "meows".

Task: ahead of rivals, get together with your team in a “bunch”.


Can be done right during the children's disco.

- Touch the yellow - one, two, three!
Each player tries to take on as quickly as possible desired color thing (item of clothing, part of the body) of any of the dancers. Who did not have time - leaves the game. The DJ repeats the command, this time with a new color. The last one left wins.

Marina Anchutina

Target: Preserving and strengthening the health of children, raising the emotional level, as well as developing creativity means of musical and rhythmic movements.


Teaching the simplest dance moves, through games, dances and exercises;

Giving your child the opportunity to be creative

abilities through motor and game improvisation;

Creating a positive emotional mood, relieving tension.

Development of communicative qualities personalities: the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of a partner.

Contributing to overcoming shyness, indecision, self-doubt.

Develop a sense of responsibility for your health.

Raising a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.

caregiver: Guys, what does it mean to be healthy? (Do not get sick, do not cough, be strong, dexterous. healthy person Nothing

no pain, good appetite, good dream, good mood.

What kind of people are called healthy? Strong, strong, hardy, those who eat right, observe the daily routine, go in for sports, there are many moves.

What are we doing in our kindergarten to be healthy? (We do exercises, go to physical classes, pool, temper ourselves, play outdoor games, observe the daily routine)

Guys, let's dance move Is it about taking care of your health?

Today I invite you to the nursery discotheque« move more» .

We will relax, have fun, play and, most importantly, dance! You are ready "spark off"? To be the best today!

Children: Yes!

Well then let's go! Allow me to present

DJ of our discos- Tatyana Anatolyevna.

Light designer - Tatiana Sergeevna, who will monitor the lighting of our discos.

"Dance workout" We dance with different parts of the body.

Now only the hands are dancing

Only legs

Only tummies

One second ... we dance with all parts of the body.

Well done! This is how you should dance throughout discos.

caregiver: Disco, guys, we continue,

Let each of you try to be the best!

A game "Changing". All in pairs spin under the arm as soon as the presenters say the word "change", everyone immediately begins to look for another partner for themselves, and they continue to spin around under the arm to the music, etc.

caregiver: The cool guys are here!

We are ready to call them even for an encore!

And yet, in order to conquer us to the end,

More than once you have to surprise everyone!

A game "Jump in the circle"

In clothes who have white color;

Who loves ice cream;

Who has pets;

Who knows how to ride a bike.

Who washed today;

Who big ears;

Who likes to sleep longer;

Who offends friends.

We keep on dancing

Now you need to try to hold on to the waist.

"Funny feet". They dance to the music, but only with their feet, because they hold each other by the waist with their hands.

caregiver: I see each of the songs "goofy",

Let's dance as much as we can!

Disks, DJ, charge us now,

Light us up with a fire dance!

caregiver: Our games disco continues and I offer you a very fun competition "Rubber".

To do this, you need to stand in a circle (children walk and dance in a circle, perform various movements, and as soon as the music ends, you must jump out of the circle, and whoever has an elastic band on his leg answers my questions)

1. What should be done in the morning to be alert and healthy? (charging)

2. How many teams play hockey? (2 teams)

3. What is the name of the sports equipment that athletes use with sticks? (washer)

4. Children's winter transport? (sled)

5. Skates for the summer? (rollers)

6. What fruits, vegetables and berries are used to lower the temperature and to treat colds? (Raspberry, lemon, garlic, linden)

7 Who are "walruses"? (People swimming in the ice hole in winter) .

8 What sports do you know? Answers (football, hockey, volleyball, wrestling, boxing, gymnastics, swimming, figure skating, basketball, speed skating, alpine skiing).

9 What is Olympic Games? (Competitions of the best athletes)

Finish the proverb:

Who starts the day with exercises, (body is fine). 2Swift and nimble disease (does not catch up). 3. Cleaner wash, water (don't be afraid). 4. Whoever lies a lot (side hurts).

Don't be afraid of the cold, it's up to your waist... (wash).

IN healthy body, … (healthy mind).

Sun, air and water... (our true friends).

Who loves sports... (healthy and cheerful).

Who is engaged in sports, that strength ... (typed).

Give sports time, and in return get ... (health).


Songs sound groovy today.

Do you sing like this yourself?

Children's answer.

Which team is ready now -

Sing us a song without words?

Contest "Guess the song without words"

You are advanced in dancing, it can be seen.

And many here in the hall are even envious.

dance competition "Forbidden Movement".

Everyone performs the movement behind the leader, except for the forbidden - cotton.

caregiver: Well done, you danced incendiary!

A lot of moved! Disco ours is over. Choose an emoji that suits your mood. Why are you in a good mood? (It was fun, a lot moved)

What are the benefits of movement, exercise?

(Strengthen health, give a cheerful, cheerful mood.)

caregiver: I want to wish you "Be healthy". Have a good mood!

And you wish it to our guests

Children: "Be always healthy"!

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Energetic modern music sounds.
Against the background of the song "How beautiful this world is", a voice from behind the scenes
on the topic of ecology
Host: Hello, young people! Well, let's have some fun!
Rap-style DJs read their poems.
Leading: Here, a big holiday,
Here they have fun with an open mind.
Host: Dances and music, jokes and laughter.
A holiday for the region is a holiday for everyone.
Moderator: How are you feeling? (In!)
Moderator: Is everyone of this opinion? (Yes!)
Host: Well done!
Children: Hurrah!
Host: Dear friends! Today we have gathered to enjoy the sun, life and enjoy the beauty of nature! The motto of our holiday is "Flower the Earth"!
Moderator: Now let's stand in big circle and get to know each other.
Music sounds to the tune of the song “Stand in a circle”, assistants gather children in a circle.
Host: But our acquaintance will be unusual - now each of you will say your name loudly. On the count of three! One two Three!
Children call out their names.
Host: Well, I didn't hear you.
Host: Once again, and louder! (children call out their names). Now we have met.
Host: Do you think that all friends are here today?
Moderator: And now we will find out. Shall we play?
Host: Let's play.
Leading: Today we are all friends: me, you, he, she.
Host: Hug the neighbor on the right.
Host: Hug the neighbor on the left.
Host: We are one family.
Host: Pinch the neighbor on the right ...
Host: Caress the neighbor on the left ...
Host: We are one family.
Host: Give your hand to the one on the right.
Leading: Give your hand to the one on the left.
Host: Smile to the neighbor on the right.
Leading: Smile to the neighbor on the left.
Host: We are one family.
Host: It's great that we are all so friendly!
Host: Each of you has a flower - red, blue, yellow, green, orange.
Leading: Now we will be divided into teams according to the color. Every team must have a captain! Your task is to choose and gather around him! Red! Yellow! Orange! Blue! Green!
The song “Smile” sounds, teams are formed.
Host: Ready to have some fun? Well, where are your pens?
The song of the group "Virus" "Well, where are your hands" sounds.
Moderator: Are the teams ready?
Moderator: Now we will check it. Have each team form a circle holding hands.
Host: Squat down!
Leading: Now a poem will be heard in which the colors of your teams occur. When you hear your color, then get up together. And then sit down again.
Host: Start!
Presenter: Vitya brightly painted the house In a yellow-blue stripe.
Leading: Looks at the lantern Alyona:
It's either red or green.
Host: Vanya sleeps very sweetly On an orange sofa.
Leading: Mom offered Vovka,
Buy blue sneakers.
But the boy has an idea:
"Run faster in orange!"
Host: The artist Timur has a romantic nature.
Kat he draws beautiful:
2 orange,
1 green
2 blue,
1 yellow
2 red
Host: Well done! To advance to the next contest, you must switch places with the neighboring team, and clockwise: red
- in place of yellow, yellow - in place of orange, orange - blue, blue
- green, green - red.
Host: Let's move on!
Music "Lambada", transition to another place.
Host: Great, everyone has taken their new places, and our holiday continues!
Host: I see our teams are cheerful and active!
Moderator: And who is the most active in the teams?!
Moderator: I need one participant from each team.
Activists approach the leader.
Moderator: Your task is to collect as many signatures as possible in two minutes. Boys take signatures from girls, and girls take signatures from boys.
Moderator: And the teams support their representatives.
Host: Are you ready! (Yes!)
Nyusha's song "Sky" sounds, the children complete the task, the results are announced.
Moderator: All teams did a great job! And who won? The captains count the number of signatures from the neighbors, they say to the host. Green -…Red -…Blue - …Orange -…Yellow - …
Host: Let's play!
Leading: Next game- Finish the sentence. Everyone participates!
Host: Shall we try?
Host: Let's go!
Leading: Summer is a wonderful time,
The kids are screaming ... (hooray!)
Leading: Both rivers and forests Give us in the summer ... (miracles).
Leading: Who did the miracle,
Summer into a fairy tale ... (turned).
Leading: Who made the whole world like this:
Voiced, joyful ... (colored).
Leading: The whole earth around has become Bright, colorful ... (carpet).
Leading: Where under the dome of heaven It turns green magnificently ... (forest).
Leading: And the flowers of the Unprecedented ... (beauty) are blooming around.
Leading: Among the ears of corn near the Zasineli River ... (cornflowers).
Host: And, greeting the guys,
The bells are ringing).
Leading: How nice it is for you to run,
On chamomile ... (meadows)!
Leading: Here they danced along the mirror of the river ... (floats).
Leading: And around - gentle, clean,
White lilies ... (flowers).
Host: Like sunbeams
Golden ... (dandelions).
Leading: Bees are flying merrily On honey ... (aroma).
Leading: Into the world of goodness and beauty They turn the world ... (flowers).
Host: You are so active and cheerful. Well done!
Moderator: To move on to the next contest, you must change places with the neighboring team in a clockwise direction (red - in place of yellow, yellow - in place of orange, orange - blue, blue - green, green - red).
Leading: And for this we will become elephants for a short time. Like this (shows).
Music sounds, teams change places.
Leading: Guys, today we have gathered such a large and friendly company.
Leading: And good, kind songs always sound in the circle of friends.
Host: Right. And now each team must perform a song about nature. Team captains, come get the text. You have one minute to prepare, think about the originality of the performance.
Music playing while preparing
then the teams perform excerpts from the songs.
Moderator: The first team to perform is ...
What song are you performing?
Moderator: Ok, I bet! Go!
The backing tracks of these songs are a verse, a chorus.
Blue - "Clouds, white-maned horses."
Green - "A grasshopper was sitting in the grass."
Orange - "A song about summer."
Red - "There was a birch in the field."
Yellow - "Grass near the house."
Host: Well done!
Host: What fun and smart guys have gathered here.
Host: And who do we have more today? Girls or boys?
Host: That's what we'll find out.
Leading: Two stomps, two swoops Hedgehogs, hedgehogs.
Host: Anvil, anvil,
Scissors, scissors.
Leading: Running in place, running in place.
Bunnies, bunnies.
Leading: Come on, together, come on, together:
Host: Girls!
Host: Boys!
Host: Well done!
Host: Do you guys often quarrel?
Leading: I suggest you dance a dance
The game-dance "Quarreled - reconciled" sounds
Host: To move on to the next contest, you must again change places with the neighboring team in a clockwise direction (red - in place of yellow, yellow - in place of orange, orange - blue, blue - green, green - red).
The transition of teams under "Lezginka" to the place of the neighboring team.
Host: The next task is in the envelopes of your captains.
Now you will open the envelopes, each of them contains a word, and in order to solve it, you need to collect all the particles. Collecting you will learn the word.
~ blue "Fate"
~ green "nature"
~ orange "it"
~ red "our"
~ yellow "fate"
You have 3 minutes to complete the task. Time has gone.
Teams build a sentence "The fate of nature is our fate"
Song of the ensemble "Earthlings" "Grass near the house."
Host: Time is up. And what did we get? So,…
(the facilitator asks the teams to name the letter in order of priority in the word).
Host: Let's say in unison what we got - "Earth".
Leading: Earth - it is the beginning of everything,
Land near, land far.
Host: And we repeat here again - Everything starts from the Earth!
Leading: And now let's make our Earth bloom. Let your flowers decorate it.
Children become in one circle, hold hands, raise their hands
with flowers up, as if the earth had blossomed.
The song by Yu Antonov “Do not pick flowers” ​​sounds.
Host: Well done guys! With your help, our planet flourished. She has become even more beautiful!
Host: Congratulations!
Host: And let my Earth bloom:
And forests, and rivers, and fields.
Leading: We are responsible for everything with you,
Host: If we want to live on the planet.
Host: Dear friends! We hope that our holiday gave you minutes Have a good mood, a charge of vivacity and communication with each other. Love your Earth! See you soon!

    Order for a disco

    Regulations on the disco.

    Disco scenario.

    Application for materials





ORDER No. ____

from ___________

About holdingthematic



Conduct themed discos for pupils of the DUOO named after. K. Babina according to the program of the camp and the plan - a grid of events.

1. Responsibility for the organization, provision of conditions and holding of thematic discos is assigned to the methodologist Ganich L.N., deputy director for the economic part Berezan A.V. and Art. teacher organizer Korotenko N.V.

2. Teacher organizer Korotenko N.V., equipment maintenance operator Korotenko I.A.

2.1. draw up and approve (at the teachers' council) Regulations governing the holding of thematic discos for pupils of the DUOO named after. K. Babina.

2.2. write a scenario for the event and select musical accompaniment.

3. Responsibility for the life, health and behavior of children during discos is assigned to educators and leaders of the detachments. Conduct safety briefings with students.

4. Methodist Ganich L.N., Deputy Director for Economic Affairs Berezan A.V.

4. 1. Make a schedule for those on duty in the territory during the disco evening. from among the employees of the DUOO.

5. Doctor Petrenko S.I. K. Babina to provide medical support during discos.

6. To impose control over the execution of this order on the methodologist of the DUOO named after. K. Babina Ganich L.N.

This order comes into force from the moment of its signing.

Director of the DUOO named after K. Babina Savchenko V.M.


Korotenko N.V

Petrenko S. I.

Kondratiev A. Yu,

Berezan A.V.

Ganich L. N.

Kosolapova N.B.

Belaya A.I.

Kapatsina A.Ya.

Boklach D.V.

Dotsyak M.A.

Shapovalova E.K.

Korotenko I. A.

Zagorkova A.V.

Chaly D.O.

Nadtoka S.V.

Sereda E.R.

Titarenko O.V.

Getun B.D

Toshoporan Yu.V.

Zhilinskaya A.S.

Voronina E.K.

Novak A.V.

Moiseenko A.M.

Dotsyak M.A.

Iskra E.A.

Smooth E.O.

Samus E.V.

Smooth. A.G.

Titaeva D.A.




about the farewell bonfire

This Regulation determines the procedure for holding evening themed discos

Goals and objectives:

    the formation of pupils of a sense of belonging to the camp, to its traditions;

    popularization active forms leisure among pupils aimed at the formation healthy lifestyle life;

    to instill in children a sense of belonging to the events that took place in the life of the camp;

    rally the children in the detachments in the process of performing detachment and camp songs and dances.


The event is attended by all detachments in full strength, administration, camp staff.


The event is held on the dance floor on the territory of the DUOO named after. K. Babina.

Conduct form:

Theatrical - musical performance.



Event progress


Jan Savitsky, film director.

Mikhail Pankratov, videographer.


Any disco, groovy music sounds. Come out

2 Leaders.

1st leader. Good evening!

2nd leader. Hello, hello, hello!

1st leader. Let me introduce myself! Main director film studio "Kadr" Yan Savitsky!

2nd leader. And I, the videographer of the film studio Mikhail Pankratov ( filming guys on camera).

1st leader. In general, guys, everything is very simple. Today in the camp we will shoot a movie, and it's called "Princess Almivia's Summer Tale". Your applause!

2nd leader. And we came here in order to choose among you the most deserving, the most artistic, the most, the most talented in leading role in film...

1st and 2nd host (together). "A Summer Tale of Princess Almivia".

2nd leader. And how do we identify talented guys among all these boys and girls?

1st leader. As usual, Mikhail, we will do something like a casting. And now I invite three boys to this stage.

2nd leader. There is a scene in our film where main character rides a horse to save Princess Almivia from the dirty clutches of the Evil-eyed Barbun Krivchak. So, they are the first participants of our competition. Let's give them a round of applause!

1st leader. Yes, I forgot to say that by winning the competition, you will receive such an invitation card ( shows), which will give you the right to star in a film called ...

All (together). "Princess Almivia's Summer Tale"!



The host puts 3 chairs on the stage, he puts pumps for inflatable boats on the seats. Uninflated balloons are put on the ends of the hoses and secured with tape. On command, the guys jump on the pumps, holding the hose in their hands. Balloons must be inflated, and whoever bursts the balloon first wins. During the game, the contestants must make a joyful neigh of the horse, on which they supposedly jump. This competition, like all subsequent ones, is filmed by a videographer.

The winner is awarded.


1st leader. And we continue our program, we continue to choose the very best. And I ask: what do they like to give famous artists movie? That's right, autographs. And now let's imagine that everyone in this room is the superstars of such blockbusters as Titanic, Rimbaud, Terminator, Toughie”, and our four new contestants ( the guys get on stage) will take your autographs.

The participants of the game are given sheets and felt-tip pens, on command the contestants run into the hall and collect signatures from the guys, only legible signatures are considered. Whoever collects more autographs in 1.5 minutes will win.

Musical break - 2 songs.

Mummy in love

1st leader. And our casting continues. Recently, we went to Egypt with a film crew and met a mummy there. And you don't have to go anywhere because you will see this mummy here, in our camp. For the next competition I need four boys and four girls.

The participants take the stage.

The host breaks 4 pairs into 1st and 2nd numbers, as a result, 2 girls and 2 boys should be obtained, which will be the first numbers, and he will give rolls to the second toilet paper. On command, the second numbers are made from the first mummies. 3 minutes are given for this task, after the mummies are ready, the presenter asks the DJ to turn on a slow dance, the mummy boys are inviting the mummy girls to dance. After the dance, the mummy with the most paper left on it is declared the winner.

The winner is awarded, he is given an invitation card.

Musical break - 2 melodies.

voice acting

1st leader. And we continue to prepare for the filming of the film, which is called ... ( the children shout: "Princess Almivia's Summer Tale"!) Right! Well done! But tell me, what do they do with the film when they finish shooting it? That's right, they say it. And the next competition is called "Voiceover". I invite you to voice situations that are probably familiar to you.

The host invites 3 players to the stage, their task is to voice the most plausible text that will be read to them.

Text options:

1. Morning came in the camp *, the leader of the second detachment Vasily woke up *, brushed his teeth *, washed himself *, woke up the children *, they reluctantly got up *, went to exercise *, birds chirped merrily in the street *, they jumped and ate worms *, suddenly there was a thunder *, it began to rain *, the detachments ran to the building with joyful cries *, the counselor Olya dreamed horrible dream *.

2. Dinner time has come in the camp *, the fifth detachment with its chant entered the dining room *, but lunch has not yet been served *, the eighth detachment was dining at the next table *, the girls were crunching cucumbers *, the boys were drinking compote *, dogs barked joyfully outside the windows * , the watchman brought them bones *, a bread truck drove by *, the guys chattered their teeth from hunger *, but then lunch was quickly covered *, happy children sat down at the table *, counselor Anton had a terrible dream *.

3. It was evening in the camp *, the first group went to a disco *, the DJ was on a roll *, the girls squealed with delight *, the boys pulled the girls' pigtails *, the counselors counted the children *, cows appeared on the territory of the camp *, the watchman threatened the cows *, and together with the guys tried to drive them out of the camp *, the cows resisted *, and DJ Max lit everything and lit it up *, the guys had fun from the heart *, the counselor Alina had a terrible dream *.

1. Night *, it’s quiet in the village of Kantemirovka *, the wind howls *, the rooster crowed *, the yard dogs immediately barked *, the chickens in the chicken coop languidly cackled in response *, the sound of footsteps was heard *, the sun appeared over the horizon *.

2. Early morning *, Dr. Aibolit sits in the room *, grunting affectionately, a pig appears in the room *, Aibolit gently scratches her belly *, the pig squeals with pleasure *, woodpeckers tap in a measured voice *, in a hissing whisper the parrot Kudro begs for sugar *, the sun rises *.

3. Evening *, thunderous applause is heard behind the scenes of the circus *, inhuman laughter of a clown *, tigers growl in fright *, an elephant steps on the caretaker's feet in surprise *, The sound of an ambulance siren is heard *, the sun sets *.

Applause determines the winner.

The winner is awarded.

Musical pause.

Dances with balls

1st leader. So, there are only a few minutes left before the shooting of our film. But first, let's have one last contest. There is a scene in the film where the princess dances with the king. Well, who loves to dance, get on stage.

Dancing couples rise to the stage.

Each pair is given a balloon. On command, the couples hold the ball with the part of the body that the presenter calls, for example: head, knees, little finger, back of the head, heels, back and begin to dance. The task of the guys is not to drop the ball and dance better than others, you cannot support and correct the ball with your hands.

The winners are awarded. The presenter asks the winners not to leave the stage.

1st leader. This is the moment we have been waiting for so long. I invite to the stage everyone who has invitation cards for shooting in the film "A Summer Tale of Princess Almivia."

7–8 guys with tickets come on stage, the host announces a musical pause in 3 melodies, and he leaves with the artists in order to hand over the costumes to the guys and explain to them their acting task.

1st leader. So, the time has come when we still shoot our film. And I want you to greet our artists with thunderous applause. Here they are, welcome! ( guys come on stage dressed as the characters they will play). Meet! ( child artists, when called, come forward and bow) In our film you will meet such characters as: the King and Above, Princess Almivia, the old witch negative character Evil-eyed Barbun Kravchuk, horse Koberul, positive hero Shaggy Maclohi. And the ubiquitous police! So let's get started, is the camera ready? ( videographer nods). Yes, I completely forgot: everyone who does not participate in the film will be our extras. ( Appeals to the hall) When you hear the phrase: “Everyone is noisy!”, Shout loudly, clap your hands, stomp your feet. Let's rehearse. Everyone is dumbfounded! ( screams, noise, roar). Well done, the extras are ready, the artists are ready! Camera, let's go!

Disco with contests

A disco is always more interesting if fun contests are held on it. Here are some of them.

Am, am

3 couples take the stage. The boy puts his hands behind his back, the girl is blindfolded and given a banana in her hands. On command, the girls should feed the bananas to the boys. The winner is the pair in which the boy eats the banana first and shouts "Am, um!"

Samba, Rumba, Lambada

10 people are invited to the stage. The host says that now everyone will see how they dance New Year's round dances in Brazil, and declares himself a Christmas tree. All players stand around him, turn to the right, take the person in front of him by the shoulders (waist). The host says: "Samba!" Everyone should take a step forward right foot, then: “Rumba!”, The players take a step forward with their left foot. When the host says “Lambada!”, Everyone in the circle, without removing their hands from the neighbor’s shoulders, dances the lambada. The host says that he likes the way the guys dance and offers to complicate the task. Now all players take the shoulders not in front of the standing participant, but through one. The circle narrows, and it starts all over again: "Samba, Rumba, Lambada!"


There are 3 boys on stage. The host gives them a sheet of paper and offers to make airplanes. Whoever launches them into the hall first, he will win. The only difficulty is that the guys must make airplanes with one left hand, removing their right hand behind their backs.

digital disco

Upon entering dance hall the guys get tickets on which the numbers from 0 to 9 are written. The host starts the game program and asks the child who has a ticket with the number 7 to go up on stage. The first of the children with such a ticket to enter the stage wins. After a while, the host calls, for example, the number 16. Two players already enter the stage - with the numbers 1 and 6. Then 490, etc. The task of the guys is to quickly orient themselves, unite in groups and go on stage with tickets.

Heel - shoulder

5 couples are invited to the stage. The host invites them to dance to the groovy music, but with one condition: on command, the couples must connect with those parts of the body that he calls and continue to dance in the position in which the host calls (palm to palm, ear to shoulder, heel to heel, knee shoulder, elbow to heel, nape to lower back).

two tangerines

The host invites 2 people to the stage. He gives them a tangerine each. The task of the guys is to peel the tangerine and eat it 1 slice at a time, alternating with the enemy. Whoever eats the last piece of tangerine wins the competition.


3 boys are taking part in this competition. Everyone receives a plastic one and a half liter bottle, in which there are 7 felt-tip pens without caps. Caps are sold separately. The host invites the guys to charge the machine. To do this, the team needs to open the cap of the bottle, take out felt-tip pens from it, put caps on them (according to color). Put the markers back into the bottle and close the lid. The most dexterous one wins this competition.

Music disco

The host invites everyone in the hall to remember the songs in which the words begin with the syllable "do". As in an auction, the winner is the last one to sing an excerpt from the song. Then the game takes place with the syllables "re", "mi", "fa", "la", "si".

Complete the poem

Children who love to compose poems take part in this competition. 5 players enter the stage, they are given sheets on which it is written:





Participants need to complete the poem in 1 minute. After which they read out their verses, and the presenter awards the winner.


Two players sit on chairs with their backs to each other. You need to sit straight, move your legs. A short rope is stretched under the chairs. On command, both bend down at the same time, trying to snatch the rope from under the chairs. Whoever succeeds first, wins.

five points

Fold a stack of identical sheets of paper and pierce them through with an awl in five places. Each player receives a sheet, and then makes a drawing of any object on it so that the line of the drawing passes without interruption through 5 points. 3 minutes are given for this task, after which the author himself original drawing is declared the winner.

Q&A disco

The host prepares 2 decks of cards - one with questions, the other with answers. During game program he invites two people to the stage and invites them to choose cards and read their questions and answers to each other. Then the next couple is invited.

sample cards



1. Do you enjoy success with girls (guys)?

1. Give me a period of three days to think

2.Do you like toothpaste Colgate?

2.Only in the dark

3.Are you tired of roommates yet?

3. Do you want anything more?

4. When do you have the idea to do something useful?

4. Only in moments of weakness

5. How often do you wash your face?

5. Do I look sick?

6. Have you ever been put in a corner?

6.Yes, especially with oil

7. Do you like eating semolina?

7. Do you doubt?

8. Would you invite me to dance at the disco?

8. Only within common sense

9.How long does it take to get to Magadan by train?

9. You better know about it

10. Why are you so happy?

10. Every Tuesday

11. Can you call yourself cute?

11. Century would not see him

12. Where and when do you get scared?

12. Twice a week

13. Do you wash your face often?

13. In principle, no, although you can try

14. Do you like sharing gifts?

14. On Saturday it is necessary

15. Would you share a second dinner with me?

15. There is a person here, because of which I cannot answer you

16. Have you ever wanted to send counselors to a cage with a lion?

16. Yes, if someone helps them

17. Do you play football?

17. Whenever I see a pretty girl

18. Do you walk at night?

18. Imagine, this is all I dream about

fish disco

In their teams, the guys must make 5 fish from improvised materials, choose three fishermen, and come up with costumes for them. During the disco, fishing enthusiasts come on stage and show everyone the fish they have caught, tell everyone about it. After that, the leaders collect the entire catch in a common pot and spend competitive program. From each team of fishermen, one participant leaves. They receive fishing rods - a stick 1 m long, to the end of which a felt-tip pen is tied with a thread. The player stands on a chair and, at the command of the leader, tries to lower the felt-tip pen into the neck of a plastic one and a half liter bottle, which stands in front of the chair at a distance of one and a half meters. Among the participants, the winner is revealed. After a while, the second numbers come out, then the third. After that, the host conducts the same competition between the three finalists and awards the winner with a diploma "The most avid fisherman (fisherwoman) of the camp"

Thematic disco "Dandies against Gangsters"!

Presenter 1: Good evening everyone! We are glad to welcome you today in our hall at the themed disco "Dandies against Gangsters"!

Presenter 2: Today we will relax with you all evening, have fun, play and, most importantly, dance! Ready?!

Presenter 1. An incredible feeling of unbridled fun, freedom and drive.

Host 2. Infectious rock and roll, never fading boogie woogie, mischievous twist and swing - all these energetic body movements will fill us tonight.

Presenter 1. But, guys, do not forget that first of all we are here to help the correctional boarding school in the village. Resurrection, because all the proceeds cash will go to the school's charity.

Presenter 2. Also, a disco is held to promote a healthy lifestyle, prevent alcoholism, drug addiction, bad habits, extremism and terrorism among young people.

Presenter 1. Before we start our disco for the most stylish and bright, let's check if everything is in place?

Presenter 2. Yes, exactly. Stilyagi - are you here?

Host 1. Gangsters? I can not hear you!

Presenter 1. So, our teams are defined: the Stilyag team and the Gangster team!

Presenter 2. Are you ready to participate in contests and competitions with your rivals and show them what you are capable of!!! (yeah)

Presenter 1. Great! So let's all together, shout together and clap as much as we can, greeting each other!!!

Presenter 2. So, it should be noted that

according to the results of all competitions at the awards ceremony, the most of the most will receive the title of a true Gangster and Stilyagi !!! So there is something to fight for!

Presenter 1. Oh, yes, we almost forgot! Down with familiarity.

Presenter 2. Today, during the whole disco, you should not call each other by name and call your own.

Presenter 1. Everyone, without exception, should come up with a pseudonym for their style.

Presenter 2. And if it suddenly happens that you used the name, then you should make amends with some very interesting task !!!

Presenter 1. Well, is everything clear to everyone? So let's get started!!!

Host 2. Are you ready to rock? Well then let's go!

Competition 1. "Hot dances"

Presenter 1. Well, friends! Where dudes and gangsters, there is a tap! Who will participate in the tap competition?

Presenter 2. The dude team and the gangster team will need to invent and learn the rhythm repeated by kicking!

Host 1. But that's not all!!!

Each of the teams should bring down the other team with their rhythm when you come together to dance opposite each other.

Host 2. Well done! This is how you should dance throughout our evening.

"Dance warm-up" Babinsky dances

Competition 2. "Find the item"

Presenter 1. Each of the guests, secretly from the rest, hides in his clothes one of the small items that we pre-distribute.

Presenter 2. We post a list of all hidden objects and announce the start of the game.

Presenter 1. Your task is to find objects on top of each other.

Host 2. The winner is the one who discovered the largest number hidden items.

Dance warm-up

Competition 3. "On the legs, like on the boulevard"

Host 1. So, the participants stand in a row. One is tied to the ankles of each participant's legs. balloon.

Presenter 2. The task of the couple is to dance in such a way that as often as possible they hit the legs of other participants with their balloons.

Presenter 1. That couple, whose “weights” burst or deflated, leaves the funny dance floor.

Presenter 2. The best ones receive well-deserved encouragement!!!

Dance warm-up

Competition 4. "Engine"

Presenter 1. In this game, we all become one after another in a string, holding on to the belt or shoulders of the person in front.

Presenter 2. The head of the train - the “locomotive” - runs fast, often and unexpectedly changes its direction.

Presenter 1. And you and I must follow him and at the same time not tear ourselves away from the train.

Presenter 2. BUT, that's not all!!! We will name the part of the body that you must grab onto during the movement (stomach, knees, nose, heels, etc.). Ready? Then let's go!

Dance workout.

Competition 5. "Dancers"

Presenter 1. For you, a cut from music from different times will now sound, arranged in such a way that one dance abruptly replaces another.

Presenter 2. This will reveal not only the one who can dance the best, but also the one who has the most fast response.

Host 1. And don't forget those who are the most active will get a prize!

Dance warm-up

Presenter 1. So, it's time to take stock,

perhaps the coolest and brightest party, in the style of "Dudes vs. Gangsters", which I have ever seen (la) !!!

Presenter 2. Finally,

the time has come when we can reward the true Gangster and Stilyagu! And give them honestly deserved prizes.

Presenter 1. To be awarded this honorary title, we invite

Host 2. Well,

Let's give them another round of applause! They deserve it.

Presenter 1. Well done guys! But our time has come to an end. And on this cheerful note, our disco ended!

Presenter 2. Thanks to everyone who took an active part! And, of course, do not forget to say thanks to our organizers

Lead 1.

Well, well, see you soon! We hope you liked it!

Presenter 2. Goodbye! See you soon!

Penalty quiz:

1. What distinguishing feature dude? (Bright, provocative clothes).

2. What is the name of the boots with high rubber soles? (Boots on "semolina").

3. What accessory did the dude prefer, which they definitely didn’t have ordinary people, was a big deficit? (Sunglasses).

4. The most favorite drink of dudes? (Cocktail).

5. Is the name of the fashionable hairstyle dudes - men? (Cook).

6. What did dudes usually give to their dudes after spending the night together? (Stockings).

7. Who is a dynamist? (The girl who gave the dude false hope, and she herself ran away early from the party in a taxi. Taxi was then called the "dynamo machine").

8. The word "dudes" was offensive. What did the dudes call themselves? (Staff).

Scenario move of the orange disco "Danc Mix"

IN 1: Hello, Dear friends!

AT 2: We are glad to welcome all lovers of incendiary orange discos!

IN 1: The orange party is a summer, sunny mood in the fall!

AT 2: Orange color- the color of the setting sun and the most useful vitamins!

IN 1: This is a huge charge of positive energy!

AT 2: This is our orange world, full of smiles, kindness and joy!

IN 1: The most important thing at the disco is what? (turns to the audience, listens to the answers)

AT 2: That's right, dancing!

IN 1: So let's dance!

AT 2: Are you ready to rock? (the answer is YES!). Well, let's go then...

IN 1: Let's start with a dance warm-up

AT 2: We dance first with SHOULDERS…., FINGERS ON HANDS….., move WAIST….., dance with FACE, and now only LEGS are dancing…, and now the whole BODY is dancing… LETS GO, LET'S LIGHT!!!

IN 1: Don't stop, keep moving, great start!

AT 2: Friends, attention! Who brought with them the symbol of our orange disco (orange, tangerine, grapefruit)? (Whoever answered first, we invite 2-3 people to the stage)

IN 1: In exchange for your fruits, you participate in a contest (takes fruits from participants). Explain the rules of the competition. The task of the contestants is to simultaneously twist the hoop rhythmically to the music and drink the contents of the glass. It is important not to spill a drop of liquid and not to drop the hoop. The winner will receive a prize reminiscent of summer.

AT 2: Participants received equipment and descend to the center of the hall. The rest all support the participants with loud applause!

A competition is being held

IN 1: And, we have a winner! Your prize. And the following dance compositions we dedicate to the contestants. Everybody dance!

Dance non-stop (2-3 songs)

IN 1: Friends! Who wants candy? (from audience: Me!) Come here, hold on! (gives candy)
Who else wants candy? (from the audience: Me! Me! Me!). Uh, no, this candy will be given to the one who will dance the best in the next task "Hurry to pass."

AT 2: We all stand in a circle, we pass an orange to the music. Whose orange will it be? (we take 1 orange from those who wish) the music stops, whoever has an orange in his hands dances in the center. (We do this 2 times)

To the best dancer we give the promised candy

AT 2: We continue our bright, juicy orange dis-co-te-ku!!!

Dance non-stop (2-3 songs)

IN 1: So, friends, the last song sounds

AT 2: and according to tradition, we end the orange disco with the Friendship train, let's go ...

IN 1: We wish everyone good mood, positive and explosive emotions!!!

AT 2: Until we meet again!!!

Additional competitions if the audience is not dancing:

two tangerines

The host invites 2 people to the stage. He gives them a tangerine each. The task of the guys is to peel the tangerine and eat it 1 slice at a time, alternating with the enemy. Whoever eats the last piece of tangerine wins the competition. The prize is an orange.

Disco figure, freeze!

A paraphrase of the famous children's game "The sea is worried." During the dance, the leader considers:
Orange disco worries - time. Orange disco worries - two. Orange disco worries - three. Disco figure - freeze!
Turns the music off abruptly. Everyone freezes motionless. The host comments on the "sculptures", asks to come up with something more interesting.
Dance music and counting resume.
Another pause.
Finally, on the third pause, the presenter awards prizes to those who came up with the most interesting poses.

"Rope Dancing"

A satin ribbon is stretched across the entire hall at the level of the dancers' belts. Their task is to go to the music under it. The tape level is constantly decreasing.

"Race for the Leader"

One active participant is selected, who shows movements on the stage, the rest repeat after him


Lighting equipment

- Microphones

— Disco music

— Water and plastic cups

— Prizes

— Details for contests

Presenter 1: Good evening friends! We welcome you today in our hall at the game disco "Move more!".

Host 2: Today we will relax with you all evening, have fun, play and, most importantly, dance!

Presenter 1: So let's get started!

Host 2: Are you ready to rock? The answer is "Yes!" Well then let's go!

"Dance workout" Leading to the music show the movement, the children repeat.

Dance break.

Presenter 1: Well done! This is how you should dance throughout our evening.

Host 2: The one who will be the most active today will receive a good prize! So worth the fight!

"We are changing." Everyone in pairs spins under the arm, as soon as the hosts say the word “Change”, everyone immediately begins to look for another partner and continues to spin under the arm to the music, etc.

Dance break.

Presenter 1: Thank you! All of you were incomparable in this dance. We were especially captivated by…. (calling). Here's our prize! But that is not all. Now it is you who will be the "head" of the train - the "locomotive" in a very mobile game "Train". In this game, we all become one after another in a line, holding on to the belt or shoulders of the person in front. The head of the train - the "locomotive" - ​​runs fast, often and unexpectedly changes direction. You and I must follow him and at the same time not break away from the train.

Host 2: We will name the part of the body that you must grab while moving (stomach, knees, nose, heels, etc.). Ready? The answer is "Yes!" Then let's go!


Dance break.

Presenter 1: Our game disco continues, and I offer you a very fun contest "Mom, I'm all!"

Host 2: To do this, you need to split into two teams.

Presenter 1: The first person standing in the team puts on a cap on his head, runs to the pot, sits on it and shouts “Mom, I’m all!”, then runs to next participant gives him a cap and he does the same, and so on.

Host 2: Whose team will come faster, she won. On your marks! Attention! March!

Competition - "Mom, I'm all!" (Requisites: caps 2 pcs., pots 2 pcs.)

Dance break.

Presenter 1: For the next competition, 8 people are needed.

Host 2: All participants of this competition stand in a circle, put hats on their heads.

Presenter 1: You will be given 5 commands.

Host 2: 1st team put your right hand on your neighbor's head; 2nd team remove the hat from the neighbor and put it on his head; 3rd team take off the hat from the head and shout out ""; 4th team put their hands on the shoulders of a neighbor and close the circle; 5th team take off your hat, raise your hand up and shout loudly "Hurrah!".

Presenter 1: We will call the teams in discord, your task is not to go astray! Be careful!

Host 2: Ready? The answer is "Yes" Well then let's go!

Competition "Hats" (Props: hats 8pcs, prizes 8pcs)

dance break

Presenter 1: All well done! On this cheerful note, our disco ended!

Host 2: Did you like it? Answer "…"

Presenter 1: Have a good vacation!

Host 2: Goodbye!