Alexey Vorobyov and his new girlfriend. Personal life of Alexei Vorobyov: Daineko, Maksimova and other girls of the actor

A tender photo with a beautiful brunette and a touching caption “Goodbye, my angel. I'll see you again one day…” made Alexei’s fans nervous. But, by the way, we must give them their due - not a single obscene word addressed to the couple!

Polina Larkina, the same brunette, appears not for the first time in Alexey’s posts. He made comedy videos with her, and their common photo appears on the pages of both young people. Judging by Polina's microblog, she is a modest girl: you won't find here candid photo sessions, selfies from shopping, photo-bragging from fashionable resorts. Maybe it was just such a simple and modest girl that Alexey was looking for, tired of star romances?

Despite success and fame, the guy is unlucky in his personal life. Let us remember that Alexey had a relationship with the first beauties of domestic show business - Oksana Akinshina, Victoria Daineko, Anna Chipovskaya. And just recently, Alexei was going through a difficult breakup with his girlfriend. While the singer was hard at work on a new album in the USA, his girlfriend chose not to wait for Alexey, but to start building new life already with a new man. The betrayal and betrayal of his ex-lover forced Vorobiev to completely immerse himself in work. The support of relatives and friends helped Alexey to perk up, and Lately The guy’s microblog posts are extremely positive. Perhaps Polina is partly to blame for this. Let's hope that she is exactly the girl that Alexey pictured in his thoughts; maybe the singer has finally met true love?

“Trying to understand what my woman should be like, I became convinced that there was no formula. In my life I have seen all types of girls, and they are all beautiful. My ideal woman– this is not a specific type, but the one who gets into the heart... It’s always the one who will complement me, can make me vibrate and will be able to give emotions that I don’t have - that’s what really touches me! Of course, a spectacular appearance attracts attention, but only in the first few minutes. A man doesn't need beautiful doll, but personality. A personality who will inspire, for whose sake and with whom he will move forward,” said Alexey, in one of latest interviews Woman's Day.

Photo: Press service of Alexey Vorobyov

Let us remind you that in order to meet his soul mate, Alexey decided to become the new hero of the show “The Bachelor” last year. But even on the show, the artist was unable to meet someone he liked. In the final, he did not choose any of the participants and went home alone, with a ring in his hands. But, despite everything, I remained grateful to the experience gained on the project.

“There are no chance meetings, and each of the girls influenced me in one way or another and left their mark on my heart and life. Some of them taught me to be happy every second, some - to be cruel, and some taught me that promises to love for the rest of my life are often just words that people say to each other thoughtlessly, under the influence of an injection of endorphins into the brain. blood. But the main thing is that I became convinced that the world is divided into black and white, good and bad. On “The Bachelor” I realized: there can be no compromises in the main things in life. When you overstep some of your decisions, you go astray. I tried to figure this out and understand whether there could be someone just worthy next to me. good girl who will I trust, who will guard our family hearth? Such simple family happiness when you know for sure that you will come home and she will be there. But at the same time, there will never be any storm or passion in your relationship, because this appears in people with strongly beating hearts. They may be angry and misunderstand, but they will love and adore each other for the rest of their lives. Because this is what they breathe for and what they live for. A person who does not love is, in a sense, disabled - he does not have something. That’s why I’m not ready to compromise – I want there to be love. I finally understood this,” Vorobiev admitted.

Alexey realized long ago that it is pointless to live in order to set goals for yourself and achieve them only for the sake of yourself and the goals themselves. He needs someone who will share his success with him and help him rise after defeat.

Alexey Vorobyov is a Russian singer, producer and composer, actor and aspiring director, favorite of hundreds of thousands of girls, UN Goodwill Ambassador. The only participant in the show “The Bachelor” who never chose a life partner. He represented Russia at Eurovision 2011, but took almost the worst place in the history of the country's participation in this competition.

Childhood and family

Russian singer and musician Alexey Vladimirovich Vorobyov was born on January 19, 1988 in a simple family from Tula, far from the world of art. The star's father, Vladimir Viktorovich, worked as the head of security at the enterprise, and his mother, Nadezhda Nikolaevna, took care of the housework. According to the singer, complications arose during childbirth and the doctors barely had time to save his life. Alexey has an older brother, Sergei and younger sister Galina. Both of them, having matured, connected their lives with music: Sergei plays the accordion in the Jazzophrenia group, Galina became a singer.

As a child, Alexey Vorobyov loved football and played for the Tula youth team. And he even became the top scorer, and his team became the regional champion. The young man dreamed of connecting his life with sports. However, a little later plans he changed towards singing. However, according to Alexey, sports and the stage are very similar to each other - the intensity of emotions and the desire to win everyone.

IN school years the Vorobyov brothers went to music school, where they studied in the accordion class. But at the age of 15, after 9 years of studies, Alexey decided to leave musical instrument and start singing. After graduating from school, Vorobiev entered the Dargomyzhsky Musical College of Arts with a degree in “leader” folk choir" This decision was incomprehensible to his relatives: “What, are you going to sing like an old grandmother?” his mother asked, but the young man was adamant.

Music career

At the age of 15, Alexey joined the Tula folk ensemble “Uslada”, and at 16 he became its soloist. Teachers noted his unprecedented diligence and hard work.

In 2005, the 17-year-old singer became the winner of the Delphic Games and received a medal in the Vocal category. Then Alexey went to Moscow for the all-Russian casting of the television competition “The Secret of Success,” which was broadcast on the Rossiya channel. The young man reached the finals and became one of the winners of the show. Inspired by the victory, Lesha Vorobyov moved to Moscow and immediately entered the Variety and Jazz School named after the Gnessins. A year later, the promising performer has a signed contract with Universal Music Russia.

Alexey Vorobyov performs only live. He is one of the few artists who does not sing along to a soundtrack, even when recording television broadcasts.

A year later, Alexey Vorobyov performed the official anthem of the Youth Eight J8 during the Summit, and also spoke at the opening and closing international event. Also in 2006, the singer released his first video for the song “Summer”.

Alexey Vorobyov – “Summer”

Vorobyov has only one full-length album – “Vorobyov’s Lie Detector,” released in 2011. At the same time, he has a huge number of singles, including those recorded with other artists. Most often, Alexey collaborated with the group “Friends!”: together they released 7 songs. He also did feats with Yegor Creed (“More Than Love”), his brother and sister (“As in last time"), Vika Daineko ("Going Crazy Without You").

Scandal at Eurovision

In 2008, Alexey Vorobyov tried his luck at the Eurovision qualifying round. The singer performed “New Russian Kalinka,” which was received favorably. However, in the final standings the artist took only fifth place.

Alexey Vorobyov – “New Russian Kalinka”

A year later, Alexey tried his hand again and tried to get to the final of the Russian selection for Eurovision. This time the singer passed the qualifying round, but refused to participate in the competition due to being busy with another project. Luck smiled on him in 2011. Alexey Vorobyov finally got the chance to represent Russia at Eurovision with the song “Get You” by Moroccan producer RedOne. The singer took sixteenth place. This result was the worst in the entire history of the country’s participation in the competition, with the exception of the result of Philip Kirkorov in 1995 - 17th place. But Alexey Vorobyov’s participation in Eurovision was remembered not only for bad results, but for his defiant behavior.

Eurovision 2011: Alexey Vorobyov – Get You

Even before participating in the competition, Alexey Vorobyov made a number of homophobic comments about representatives of sexual minorities during an interview.

If you hear or read that at Eurovision Vorobyov “marked an innocent person,” know: it was one of the gays who tried to pester me. And he was immediately rewarded with a blow to the melon!

In addition to homophobic remarks, Vorobiev accused his Swedish rival Erik Saade of plagiarism. Representatives of the Russian performer said that the Swedes adopted the number with glass, which was invented by Alexey’s group for their performance at the Russian Music Awards. However, the accusations were refuted, and the “act with glass,” as it turned out, had already been staged by other performers before Vorobiev.

During the announcement of the results in the first semi-final, Alexey Vorobiev suddenly shouted into the camera in live: "It's Russia! This is Russia, damn it! Come here, damn it! Look me in the eyes, damn it!” and kissed the lens. “A disgrace,” - this is how many artists summed up his act, for example, Anfisa Chekhova and Sergei Lazarev.

Actor career

In 2006, Vorobiev not only made his debut on big stage, but also started his creative path as an actor. In the fall, the young man became the face of the MTV channel and the main character of the multi-part interactive series “Alice’s Dream” with Masha Malinovskaya. The latter was shown on air on a popular music channel every day.

After this, Alexey Vorobyov began actively acting in films and decided to enroll in a theater university. In 2008, the singer received a diploma music school and entered the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio, where he studied acting on the course of Kirill Serebrennikov. However, due to being very busy in 2010, the young man left the institute. By that time his filmography included the main role in the military drama “The Second”, participation in the horror film “Phobos. Club of Fear" with Pyotr Fedorov and a dozen less noticeable heroes.

“Papa”, short film by Alexey Vorobyov

Alexey tried to perform stunts in films on his own. Before filming began, Vorobyov underwent serious physical training. The singer was fond of extreme driving and motorsports, and these skills greatly helped Lesha in one of the shots to perform such difficult stunts as jumping from the 4th floor and burning.

The actor’s filmography has been updated year after year. In 2012, together with Galina Bob, he starred in the TV series “Deffchonki” in the role of Sergei Zvonarev, with Maxim Averin in the films “Capercaillie. Come, New Year! and “Runaways”, with Maria Kozhevnikova and Elvira Ibragimova - in the film “Treasures of O.K.”

Alexey Vorobyov on television

Alexey Vorobyov is invited to take part in television projects. So, he could be seen in “Cruel Intentions”, “Great Race” and ice show“Ice and Fire”, where he made a great pair with Tatyana Navka.

Alexey Vorobyov and Tatiana Navka – Show Must Go On

But perhaps Vorobyov’s most memorable appearance on television was his participation in the fourth season of the show “The Bachelor,” which aired in March 2016.

He really hoped that the project would help him find his love, but in vain. He didn’t want to adapt to the rules of the project and fake feelings for girls when in fact he didn’t have any. As a result, he became the first bachelor who did not give preference to any participant at the end of the season.

Other projects

In 2007, Alexey Vorobyov became a goodwill ambassador. Candidacy Russian singer was reviewed for a year at the UN headquarters in New York. And only after approval, Alexey received an official offer to represent the organization in Russia. It is noteworthy that the position and responsibility is quite prestigious.

Alexey Vorobiev became the first Russian artist, which has received such a prestigious status. He is responsible for the United Nations programs to combat AIDS in Russia. And in parallel with this, Lesha became an ambassador and active worker youth program"Dance4Life" and the UNICEF Foundation.

Tragic accidents in Vorobyov's life

In 2012, Alexei Vorobyov was taken unconscious to a hospital in Florence. During the filming of a mass brawl for the film about Florentine football “I Calcianti,” Alexey missed a blow to the head. The injury did not seem serious to the doctors, and after a couple of days Vorobiev left the hospital.

At the beginning of 2013, information appeared in the press about a serious car accident with the participation of Vorobyov. It happened on one of the roads in Los Angeles. Alexey ended up in wheelchair, the left half of the body was partially paralyzed. As journalists reported, the damage affected a quarter of the singer’s brain.

Only youth, thirst for life and willpower helped the singer cope with his illness. He learned again, not only to sing, but to talk! Already in May 2013, Alexey returned to Russia to continue acting in the TV series “Deffchonki”.

Personal life of Alexey Vorobyov

Alexey Vorobyov is known as a heartthrob. However, the singer prefers not to talk about his victories.

It is known that after the artist took part in the show “Ice and Fire,” he began an affair with his colleague Tatyana Navka. For her sake, he left his previous girlfriend, Anna Chipovskaya, whom he met on the set of the video “New Russian Kalinka”.

Alexey Vorobyov is credited with an affair with actress Oksana Akinshina, his partner in the film “Suicides”. The couple initially denied their affair, but soon began to appear in public together, which indirectly confirmed their relationship.

In May 2011, the couple broke up, but Alexey did not remain alone for long; already in August 2011 he began dating Victoria Daineko. The romance also turned out to be short-lived; Alexey and Victoria broke up in May 2012.

Alexey Vorobyov and Victoria Daineko – For the last time

Many rumors about Vorobyov’s personal life were generated by the series “Deffchonki”, where the actor played the lover of the heroine Galina Bob. Also on the set, the artist became friends with

Alexey Vorobyov – interesting and versatile developed person. He is a singer, a musician, a composer, an actor, and a presenter. One could enumerate for a long time the talents of this young, but not yet fully realized person.

Alexey was born in Tula, on Epiphany, January 19, 1988. He himself says that he was born almost dead, but through the efforts of doctors they managed to revive him. Whether this is a legend or not, probably only his parents know. There are three children in the Vorobyov family. Alexey has an older brother, Sergei, and a younger sister, Galya. He and his brother enjoyed playing football and showed success. But music became the unifying passion for all the children in the family. In the end they all grew up professional musicians. The brothers graduated from music college, where they played the accordion, now Sergei is a professional accordionist, and Alexey plays the most different instruments. Galina is a professional academic vocalist. Lesha himself spent some time as a soloist in the Tula folklore ensemble"Delight." At the music school, he also decided to study in the vocal department.

Vocal and acting career of Alexey Vorobyov

In 2007, he received the MTV Discovery Award at the MTV Russian Music Awards. In 2008 and 2009 he made it to the finals of the Eurovision Song Contest, but both times he did not go to the competition.

He did this only in 2011, but his participation was accompanied by many scandals, the source of which he himself became. The result is only sixteenth place.

Lesha participated in various projects, for example, in 2010 in the reality show “Cruel Intentions”, where he took 2nd place. Alexey’s participation in the “Ice and Fire” project, which was filmed in 2010, became noticeable.

Alexey Vorobyov with Tatyana Navka in the show “Ice and Fire”

There he participated together withTatiana Navka, together they became the winners of the project, despite the fact that during the project Alexey broke his arm and ended his participation with a cast.

In 2011, he managed to sign a contract with such a famous music producer, like RedOne. This opened up opportunities for him to become not only Russian performer, but also gain worldwide fame.

However, the contract had to be postponed due to a serious accident in which Alexey got into in January 13th year. He was partially paralyzed and had to recover for many months after the accident.

Alexey is building not only a career as a musician, but also as an actor, which he also does well. His film debut took place at the age of 18. After graduating from music school in 2008, Alexey decides to enter the Moscow Art Theater School and studies on the course of K. Serebryannikov. But his serious workload prevented him from completing his studies, and in 2010 he left the university. He has over 30 film roles to his credit. He also tried himself as a film director, filming a short drama based on his own script “Dad" The film received several well-deserved awards.

Alexey is a real workaholic at work. As he says to himself, he has free time syndrome, that is, if he has a free hour, but cannot just sit back, he will definitely do some kind of work. In general, secular wasting of life and wasting time are absolutely alien to him.

Personal life of Alexey Vorobyov

Vorobyov's personal life is very stormy. His first love took place in the Uslada ensemble; later there were novels withAnna Chipovskaya, Oksana Akinshina, Tatiana Navka, Victoria Dainekoand with other beauties.

But with none of them the affair lasted longer than a few months. Alexey admits that before marriage he still needs to work on his career, although he dreams of a strong family and several children.

In the meantime, he believes that he is exactly at the age at which he needs to fall in love, which he does with pleasure every time.

If you are interested in the biographies and careers of other stars musical Olympus, read more biographies.

The singer announced that his heart is free again

Photo: DR

The regiment has again received more eligible bachelors. True, the circumstances that contributed to this can hardly be called pleasant. A couple of hours ago in my Instagram Alexey Vorobyov announced that his next romantic relationship ended with a scandal.

Apparently, the reason for the breakup was the girl’s betrayal. The singer said that he decided to surprise his beloved and flew from the USA to Moscow for one day specifically to meet her. However, less than a day later he took a return ticket and is now returning back to America as a bachelor.

“I flew for 13 hours, spent only 18 hours in Moscow from the moment I got off the plane and boarded a new flight, where I will now spend 13 hours in flight again. And guess what? It was worth it... Now I know for sure that miracles do not happen. I flew in to be with my girlfriend for at least a few hours, but I’m leaving as a bachelor... The moral of the story is this: If you want to make a surprise and fly across the ocean for a day for someone, it’s better to warn about your intentions,” the singer wrote in the comments to your photo from the plane.

Alexey chose to leave the name of the mysterious stranger who broke the heart of the idol of millions of Russian women a secret. However, a little later, in a fit of emotion, he nevertheless posted two photographs in which the face of his chosen one is not visible. Judging by the captions to the pictures, the brunette really left a deep mark on the musician’s soul.

“I’ll remember us like this, okay? And I’ll just erase the rest as if it never happened. I’ll erase your phone, since I don’t remember it by heart, I’ll erase your photos, and I’ll erase you from my life,” he signed the photo now ex-lover Alexei.

The star of the show “The Bachelor” is going through a difficult personal drama. Alexey successfully avoided going to the registry office even with the most spectacular and talented beauties. However, it seems that a mysterious representative of the fair sex was found who managed to hook 28-year-old Vorobiev. True, not for long.


A day earlier, the eligible groom announced that he had become a bachelor again, and his heart was now broken. The artist had been dating a certain brunette for a long time. Alexey stubbornly did not show the girl’s face, but he willingly showed off other parts of her body, such as her butt.

The idyll did not last long. Careerist Vorobyov had to go to work in the USA. He decided to surprise his beloved and flew to Moscow to see her. And caught cheating. After which he rudely called the flighty brunette. Upset Alexey posted a middle finger emoticon on social media.

"This is for all the moralists who decided that life shouldn't be put on display. It's my life and my f*cking Instagram. So, with all due respect, fuck off with that bitch ", the performer, killed by the betrayal of his beloved, moved to the mat.

Later he repented of his careless words. “13 hours in the sky is sobering, and music allows you to cleanse yourself. Only work has always saved me, and continues to save me. Please forgive my attack of rage. This door is slammed, let’s move on✌🏻,” I decided to start with clean slate Vorobiev.

Let us remember that the artist poured out all the feelings that overwhelmed him. “I flew for 13 hours, spent only 18 hours in Moscow from the moment I got off the plane and boarded a new flight, where I will now spend 13 hours in flight again. And you know what? It was worth it... Now I know for sure that miracles doesn't happen. I flew in to be with my girlfriend for at least a few hours, but I'm leaving as a bachelor... The moral of the story is this: If you want to make a surprise and fly across the ocean for a day for someone, it’s better to warn about your intentions. #Love,” – Alexey complained to the fans.

Then the singer published a photo of his sweetheart’s luxurious buttocks. Vorobiev chose not to name the beauty who broke the heart of the idol of millions of Russian women. Judging by the caption to the photo, the brunette left a deep mark on the musician’s soul. “I’ll remember us like this, okay? And I’ll just erase the rest, as if it never happened. I’ll erase your phone, fortunately I don’t remember it by heart, I’ll erase your photos, and I’ll erase you from my life,” he signed the photo of his now ex-lover artist.