The history of the group is different. What happened to the group now? There are different rules. The group has different rules. What happened to them?

Five of the ten finalists of the project unsuccessfully tour Russia; the rest were simply abandoned by the organizers.

Last September, the “Become a Star” project was launched on the RTR channel. Out of eight thousand participants from all over Russia selected about 100 finalists who were included in the Moscow round of the competition. After all stages of auditioning, only 10 lucky ones reached the finals.
And only five finalists became part of a new group called “Other Rules”. What happened to the rest of the guys, alas, remains behind the scenes.

Former project participants may not talk about everything

- In Moscow, we signed agreements that prohibit us from talking about certain things regarding the “Be a Star” project,– says one of the project participants Yuliana Gubareva. – And I would not like to break this word.

In Krasnodar, the “Be a Star” qualifying round took place at the “From Dusk Till Dawn” club in July. Out of 200 contestants, the organizers of the project - Fekla Tolstaya, Seva Novgorodtsev and Alexey Makarevich - chose only seven participants instead of the declared thirteen. Among them were singers Marina Gvetadze and Yuliana Gubareva.

The contestants were kept locked up

- In the country hotel where the television version was filmed, we were completely cut off from outside world, – says Yuliana Gubareva. – Participants were forbidden to leave the territory of the house; they were not allowed to receive guests and relatives. The organizers explained the harsh conditions simply: “Everything is fair with us.”
I only lived in the hotel for three days. The jury justified their choice as follows: it is better for me to perform solo, and not as part of a group.
- I was one of the last of the Krasnodar guys to leave,
- said Marina Gvetadze. – I lived in the house for a week. All this time, we went through two qualifying rounds a day - we sang, danced, and learned songs in between. The work, admittedly, is exhausting.

Juliana: “I was wearing thousand-dollar shorts.”

At the end of 2002, based on the results of online voting and letters from viewers, 20 people were selected from the participants who did not reach the finals. They were invited to the Mother See to film the final gala concert, which was later broadcast by RTR throughout the country.
Yuliana Gubareva was also among the guests.

- For two weeks we lived in the Ostankino hotel. Every day there are rehearsals and preparation for the concert. I managed to sleep only three hours a day,- Juliana shared. - Worked with us best choreographers, stylists, hairdressers and makeup artists. Needless to say: the tattered shorts of my stage costume from stylist Andrei Manuylov cost about a thousand dollars! All project participants wore only exclusive clothes.
Bigwigs were invited to the gala concert itself Russian show business. During the concert there was no end to offers! For me personally, the current producer of the group "Other Rules" Alexander Shulgin
(ex-husband and producer of singer Valeria - approx. author) offered cooperation. But I was not satisfied with the terms of the contract, and I refused.

Agnia and Andrey were thrown

- We still maintain relationships with all participants in the project. They are all just amazing guys– Juliana continues. – During preparation for the gala concert, we communicated closely and, despite the tight schedule, had parties every day and relaxed. Now we call each other, asking about everyone’s life. I know that almost everyone remained to live in Moscow. The fabulous offers that came during the concert turned out to be just window dressing after the show. For example, the finalist from Kazan Agnia was loudly invited to work as a VJ on Muz-TV. But in fact, everything was limited to casting for general principles, which she, alas, did not pass. Andrey received an invitation to be a presenter on radio Europe Plus. One of the radio executives went on stage and announced this to the whole country. And when Andrei came to “Europe Plus” they looked at him with bewilderment - they say, “who are you anyway?” That was the end of it.
One of the participants, Irina (she was remembered by the audience as always crying), was given a training device right at the concert. He was demonstratively dragged onto the stage, but where he went after is unknown. Nastya Donets from Rostov-on-Don was promised a concert in France. But as far as I heard, everything remained at the level of promises.

- It's just a show! And no more,– Marina Gvetadze calmly explains.

Those who don't become stars will still make themselves known

According to Yuliana and Marina, those who were not included in the “Other Rules” group did not despair and did not give up. The guys are in full swing creative life: recordings of songs, videos, albums. Our girls are not far behind either. Marina regularly performs in the nightclubs "Salvador Dali" and "Strike". And recently she became the winner of the TV show “Stairway to Heaven”. By the end of the year, all the finalists of the show will release their CD, which will be rotated on regional and Russian radio stations.

Yuliana studies at the Conservatory of Culture and Arts in the folk singing department. She studies vocals in the class of the Honored Artist of Russia V.I. Zhuravleva-Ponamorenko. Yuliana combines her studies with work at Premiere. Yuna is a show theater soloist, her repertoire includes pop, jazz and Russian folk songs. Together with creative association I have already traveled half of Europe.

- "Become a Star" is an excellent school for a beginning performer,- the girls admit. – And the guys who didn’t make it to the finals will still make themselves known!

On April 11, the concert of the group “Other Rules” was canceled in Krasnodar. The reason is the catastrophic unsaleability of tickets. There are rumors that similar failures haunt “Other Rules” not only in Krasnodar...

From the biography: Alena Seleznyova Alena was born on October 11 in Grozny and until she was eight years old she dreamed only of a quiet night without shooting outside the windows. And when she moved to Tosno (Leningrad region), she quickly got used to it and began to dream of great fame. Since childhood, Alena wanted to become an artist, singer or ballerina. From 5 years ... Read completely

Having started brightly in 2002 with the hit “ Fly-Run", group " Other Rules "disappeared from the press for a long time. And all because the team, which did not want the glory of an artificially created project, wanted to develop naturally, bypassing “black PR”. As it turned out, now “Rules” has everything “in chocolate”, they are releasing new album. Just like the acclaimed single, it is titled with two verbs and a dash between them. The correspondent of KM RU decided to clarify all the details of the release of the new record.

We were selected according to our zodiac sign

We wanted to express ourselves as clearly as possible KM RU: I would like to know where and why you disappeared for so long. After all, there was such a promising project, with a powerful message that we would play in show business by different rules. And where did it all go?

It cannot be said that we disappeared for so long. Well, maybe they disappeared for a year, but even then not completely. All the same, we appear somewhere, perform, work. We've had big changes within the group. We went through a lineup change, and such things do not go unnoticed for a team. We've been preparing for a very long time new material, remade old program. It took about six months. At other times, we were preparing for concerts and video shootings, photo sessions, etc. That is, we wanted to declare ourselves as clearly as possible: that we are still alive and still exist.

KM RU: But your first albums did not have the resonance that they could have had.

Yes you are right. We just wanted to expose ourselves natural selection. After all, at one time we went through an artificial project, so in the end we wanted to prove to ourselves that we are real, that we are pursuing our goal ourselves, and not through endless PR. For real artists only after three or four years begin to achieve what they need. Therefore, we are following the correct slow path. It is better to do more menial labor than to show your worst side. We wanted to work - and go out

KM RU: By artificial project, do you mean this TV show “Become a Star”?

Yes, that's what we've always been called. They said that this was impossible, they said, they promoted it, showed it - and everyone already knows. Therefore, this label “Become a Star” still applies to us, although 2.5 years have passed since then. But we haven’t been working with the RTR channel for a long time.

KM RU: To what extent did the artificiality of the project provoke (or not provoke) artificial relationships within the team?

Didn't provoke it. We all became friends right away, since the team was selected wisely, almost even according to their zodiac sign. Therefore, we do not have any artificiality - and so far we do not have any special friction. If we quarrel, it’s only about work. We don’t even swear, we argue. After all, we have 4 people, all very bright individuals. Therefore, some friction arises, but we quickly overcome it. After all, we all have a desire for success and a common goal. Therefore, we overcome all these obstacles on our way and do not get distracted by conflicts.

IN this moment we don't have a producer

KM RU: Does the producer decide a lot in your team?

We don't have a producer at the moment. But it’s not about the producer. We initially signed a five-year album deal with the record company. Of course, we have certain responsibilities to her. First of all, these responsibilities relate to the release of music products. Everything else, of course, is not discussed with us, since in addition to the company we also have music producer. We changed them twice, since we worked on absolutely different materials. On the first album it was Alexander Shulgin, the second record we made with many people, because it was interesting to us. Everyone who worked with us is very nice and talented people. The main thing is that we do not have the word of one person, but rather the opinions of several people, which add up to one big deal.

KM RU: So no producer put pressure on you?

They teach us how to make music correctly. After all, initially we came to the project as small, uncouth people - and they fell on us certain responsibilities. And of course, we had to be taught everything, brought up to date, we had to be instilled, finally, good habits. At the moment, all this lives in us, for which we are very grateful to those people who managed to work with us. We are ready for new cooperation. If we work with the same person for five years, we will simply become obsolete. Beautiful. Now we are very happy with Igor Tyan, with whom we are working. He is very talented and easy to work with. He made us several latest songs We look forward to further cooperation. Artyom “Plokhish” Orlov, Lyubasha and Egor Negin also recorded with us.

KM RU: Can you tell us about your impressions of working with Shulgin?

This man works - that’s how he works! And we never touched on personal issues with him. When we worked with him, it was just the peak of his scandal with Valeria, however, this did not affect us in any way. Shulgin is very demanding. He never yells, but he can say that it would be better if he yelled. In fact, he's quite stern man, but it's easy to work with. Shulgin always listened to our opinion, we usually discussed everything with him - right down to the costumes. We had a father-child relationship with him. Even a child can be afraid of his parents, but with Shulgin everything was at the level of friendship, help and mutual understanding.

Karina was removed due to incompetence

We rarely go online KM RU: For what reason did you change the band members? There are many rumors about this, there is even talk about alcoholism of some of your former allies?

Well said (general laughter). In principle, there is some truth in these rumors. Rumors don't just happen. Our girls Zhanna and Karina once had a question about leaving the team and doing something of their own. Although it is impossible to do it that easily. There are certain obligations, a contract... At a certain point we had new producer- Yegor Negin said that he wants to see the composition of the group somewhat different. And at that moment, Zhanna just expressed her desire to leave the team. And Karina was removed due to professional incompetence. The group just grew a little - and Karina did not meet the new requirements. She found a replacement in the form of Sonya, who did everything that was required of her. Moreover, we were afraid that the fans might not understand the new changes. At the first concert with the updated lineup, fans were already asking Sonya for an autograph. Let her tell you everything herself.

Sonya: I came to the team from the Party group. When I realized that there were prospects further development no longer there, one might say, one turned up a good option. Without hesitation for a second, I agreed. Then I passed according to the results of qualifying competitions and rehearsals and very quickly joined in after four months of the preparatory period. The band's fans fell in love with me immediately; they never threw rotten tomatoes at me at concerts.

KM RU: Is it true that you, Sonya, worked with Nikita Malinin?

Sonya: Yes, yes, this was before the Party. The story of my getting into show business is not accidental, since since childhood I went to music school, sang in the choir. Then there were numerous pop projects, one of which was led by the well-known Leonid Velichkovsky. I sang with Nikita Malinin in one of these groups for a whole year. But further rehearsal processes.

KM RU: Well, what are your impressions of working with Nikita?

Sonya: You know, very good impressions! I think Nikita has changed anyway. Now we practically don’t communicate, we just say hello when we see each other - and nothing more. But at the time of my communication with him, I can say that Nikita was very good boy and, in principle, his “star” surname did not affect his behavior in any way. He behaved very calmly, never being pretentious or arrogant.

Now, by the way, we can say absolutely the same thing about him. We saw him just recently and talked to him a lot. He is an absolutely sane person. We came to his Factory. Nikita even sang with us on stage.

The current “manufacturers” are not interested in further “factories”

KM RU: By the way, how do you feel about the very idea of ​​the “Star Factory”? Interesting people's opinions. passed through the same conveyor belt.

To be honest, we think that we have too much – both “Star Factory” and “People’s Artist”. People are already full. There were 5 “Factory”, “Become a Star”, two “People’s Artists”. It's no longer interesting. Personally, we did not watch a single “People’s Artist”, nor did we watch the fifth “Factory”. We are not interested in watching how parents push their not always talented children. It's time to stop already. Although we have nothing against the very idea of ​​a reality show. There has never been anything like this in Russia - and the fact that this idea itself has grown from a purely everyday idea (“Behind the Glass”) into a musical one is, of course, pleasing. Creative people who cannot break through, this is, of course, a certain road. But the oversaturation is clearly felt. This format has now become obsolete. The “manufacturers” themselves are afraid that “Factory-7,8...10” will appear and they will be forgotten very quickly. In principle, this is what happens over time. “Become a Star,” unlike “Factory,” was released only once, although now they are saying that it will receive its continuation on another channel.

KM RU: Don’t you feel jealous of your future competitors?

No, on the contrary, it’s even great that it will happen again. We might even take part there too.

KM RU: Well, due to this uniqueness of the “Become a Star” project, the group “ Other Rules» no casual fans. By the way, how is your relationship with them?

Immediately after they appeared Other Rules“We have formed a Fan Club, which is still operating successfully. Some come, some leave (due to age). But there is a backbone there - and that’s the main thing! They often write to us, we have a website. If a person comes up to us on the street and asks for an autograph, we will never refuse him. For them it’s nice, but for artists it’s normal. It's part of the job. We don’t understand artists who turn up their noses in such a situation. Although, perhaps, if we reached the level of Philip Kirkorov, then it would be possible - and even necessary - to move away from the fans. Now this is stupid. We often hold meetings in the Fan Club and try to personally respond to all fan letters. It's not difficult and pleasant for us.

We answer all fan mail

KM RU: By the way, how is your relationship with the Internet?

We rarely go online; Sonya is basically a specialist in this matter. The guys will learn all the information from her. She keeps fans informed about all updates on the site. And the rest have not accustomed themselves to a computer since childhood. But, thank God, we have Sonya, who constantly keeps in touch with the fans.

KM RU: How do you feel about posting MP3s on the Internet?

We post almost all the songs at once. Right now, for example, the album has not yet been released, but some of the tracks can already be found. We constantly monitor the download statistics of our songs. By the way, they pump well. In principle, we are happy about this and are in favor of uploading MP3s.

KM RU: Do you often encounter piracy?

Yes, all the time. For Russia, this is generally a very relevant topic. No matter how many of these actions against pirates are carried out (by the way, we ourselves participated in some of them), piracy will still be here. As a result of these actions, pirates may hide some of their products, but new editions will still be printed. Piracy in Russia is an indicator of popularity. Very often we are pushed into company with other performers - for example: “ Other Rules"visiting the "Star Factory" or "Tatu", Smash!!, " Other Rules" So much in general (laugh)! Such posts are funny – they’re simply terrifying! By the way, we collect such things. But we do not collect media, only covers. We throw away the cassettes and keep the covers. On the other hand, we can perfectly understand the consumers of our music market. After all, not every one of them has the opportunity to purchase a “native” disk for 300-400 rubles.

We try to follow advanced technologies

An artist must be able to be different, constantly change. KM RU: Please tell us about your new material.

We have something to brag about. Just the other day we have a new album coming out. True, there will be no presentation yet, it will come later. But it will be possible to purchase the disc in the next few days. The album will be called “Let’s Push – Let’s Attract.” It will include, in particular, Lyubasha’s song, on which the bet will be placed. In terms of printing, the disc will turn out to be very interesting. It looks very stylish, and the idea of ​​attraction and repulsion is graphically followed. It depicts boys and girls, not together, but separately. The album is fundamentally different from our previous discs.

KM RU: What exactly are these differences?

Club music is in fashion now, and there are several on the disc. good songs in this style. The sound has changed. We are monitoring what is happening in musical environment and try to follow advanced technologies. But the album will also contain songs that are close to the people’s soul, for example, in Lyubasha’s material there is even an accordion included. At the same time, it is very fashionable at the moment. The very sound of the voices has also changed. Firstly, there are four of us now – and the band has a completely different sound. Secondly, our voices took on an adult tone. We are growing and developing. The texts become more meaningful. With the arrival of Sonya, we have changed - both externally and internally. We stopped being children. Now we're aiming for glamour. So that people understand that we are no longer boys and girls, but young people. There are some newspapers that even published articles on this topic, expressing a negative opinion. They were not happy that we posed for explicit magazines.

KM RU: Can you be more specific from this point? :-)

There were two shootings. But before them we for a long time refused such offers. But now they decided to emphasize their adulthood. We decided to shock people. We have successfully passed the stage of puberty. Although we did not film naked, but half-naked. The reaction to these photo shoots was overwhelming. We received so many calls, we were even surprised that so many people read these magazines. They called and said: “We bought a magazine here, is it really you?!” (laugh). Then a newspaper came out with a devastating article. We had a lot of fun. Since they are talking about it, it means it is interesting in any case. So we don't regret this experience. This should benefit our image, PR and reputation. You just have to be versatile, filming with a smile on your face all the time, wearing jeans and a T-shirt is not interesting. An artist must be able to be different, constantly change.

KM RU: Okay, let's get back to the album. What actions will you carry out in support of it?

There will be a presentation, but later. We are now thinking through and preparing it. We want this to be some kind of bright and memorable event. I wouldn’t want everything to be standard at Metelitsa, everyone got drunk there and that would be the end of it... Although, it’s clear that it would be almost the same (laugh). We will gather all our friends. This will be the first presentation in our lives, so we want it to be memorable... Well, in addition to the presentation, in order to support the album, we plan to rotate our songs through music channels - and not only. There will be a press campaign and a tour. By the way, we recently had a tour around Ukraine.

I even had to perform in schools

KM RU: How debilitating was it?

It is tough! The most difficult thing about these tours is travel and hotels. And the concerts, of course, are a breeze. We traveled through a lot of cities and traveled by bus for a month. Naturally, this is not “wow”, but what to do! This is the work of an artist. Therefore, no matter how much you complain, tours are simply necessary.

KM RU: What cities do you remember?

Every city has something interesting. There are vibrant central cities, that's understandable. At the same time, Moscow and St. Petersburg are, of course, the brightest cities. Each city is interesting in its own way. A lot depends on how you were received and what your mood is. We simply didn’t have time to see some cities – we slept on the bus. And in some cities they went out because they were in the mood to take a walk. Here, Lvov is very beautiful city, Kyiv. Not good a good city– Kramatorsk. Sometimes they came to places where artists had not visited for years, like 10-20. But there they receive you in a special way.

KM RU: Do you prefer to perform in clubs, cultural centers or stadiums.

It doesn't matter at all! Possible everywhere. We even worked in schools – it was normal. It was a special tour that was supported by one of the shampoo companies. They were the ones who provided us with light and sound. They sang either in the assembly halls or in the foyer. It doesn’t matter where you perform, the main thing is the atmosphere. People don’t care where they end up; it’s much more important to feel the buzz and drive. We have some very funny reserves. Here’s one of them we recently discussed with the “Factory” group: first they performed in one place, and then we performed. It was fun: a bunch of oligarchs gathered who decided to relax with music and have a tropical summer in the fall. There was no stage as such, right in front of us the oligarchs drank and ate, and we sang for them. Looking into the mouth, roughly speaking. They ordered the same song 25 times. They said: sing, we will pay extra, just this song again, please. But the atmosphere is intimate! All artists work like this, and then share their impressions. Recently we Hi-Fi group flew to a wedding. There the scenes moved apart, the bride cried, and we had to cheer her up.

Alena is 18 years old, she lives in the city of Tosno near St. Petersburg. Her initial attitude towards the project cannot be called positive. “Then I tried to resist. I thought it was a waste of time and nerve cells - because the outcome was known in advance, and the five vacant “star places” had long been bought. But dad insisted, and I signed up for the first stage.”

At the first stage, when she had the opportunity to choose compositions on her own, Alena performed Dunaevsky’s lullaby from the film “Circus” in a jazz arrangement. Alena has many good memories associated with this song, since it was with her that the girl won more than one competition.

Alena set the goal of becoming a singer or, at least, a dancer as a child. In Grozny, where the Seleznev family lived before the outbreak of hostilities in 1993, Alena studied ballroom dancing. At the age of 10, having already moved to northern capital, she enrolled in a children's music studio with the very symbolic name "Little Stars". Over the next seven years, Alena was the soloist of “Zvezdochki” - she performed with them at the main venues in St. Petersburg and toured throughout Russia and Europe. During this time, she managed to win victories in international and all-Russian vocal competitions, including " Morning Star". In addition to studying in the studio, together with two friends, Alena organized an independent group Music Style.

Alena finished working with “Little Stars” in April, shortly before the start of the “Become a Star” competition. And, without thinking twice, I entered the first year of the Pushkin University at the Faculty of State Municipal Administration. According to Alena, it is possible to combine a group and study, and activities that are so different in essence and nature, such as management and stage work, only add variety to life and do not allow you to die of boredom. Alena loves Bulgakov, Pushkin and Lermontov, clinically does not “digest” Dostoevsky and modern prose, addicted modern dances, is familiar with the basics of acting, listens to and performs pop, jazz and blues. She can list her favorite artists endlessly, but warns that “there are no idols - there are performers who simply like.” Assessing vocal abilities contemporary performers, Alena singles out Christina Aguilera for her “most powerful voice,” as well as Whitney Houston, Madonna, Kylie Minogue, Janet and Michael Jackson, Irina Ponarovskaya. Among the bands she likes is Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Aerosmith, Corn, “Spleen”, “Bi-2”, “Dancing Minus”, “Vopli Vidoplyasova”, “Dynamite” and “Prime Minister”.

"Being a star for me means working. Working on yourself, on your voice, on your dance. Record good songs, give brilliant live concerts and give love to people!"

Roman is 19 years old. At school they might well have teased him as “German” if they had known that he was born in Dresden. However, the notorious German stiffness did not have time to penetrate the boy’s consciousness - a year after his birth, the Beresnev family left for Russia. Now in the “quintet of winners” Roman is considered the most cheerful and carefree person. He came to the “Become a Star” qualifying rounds, held in Novosibirsk, from Kemerovo, where at that very time his fellow students at the Academy of Culture and Art were taking an exam. Having made it to the second round, Roma realized that the variety directing department would not see him soon.

The first serious one creative competition The novel passed at the age of 9 when he decided to join the troupe children's theater. Then he dreamed of dancing, but he was accepted into the vocal department. From now on singing career Romana went downhill. Together with the group he traveled a lot Russian cities, became a laureate and diploma winner of the “Golden Cockerel”, “At Cinderella’s Ball”, “Spring Drops”, “Rainbow” competitions. He has many friends in the clubs of his native Kemerovo, and at home some teddy bear or White Bim peeks out from every corner - gifts from fans.

At the age of 13, Roma’s team moved to a higher, “adult” level. professional level. But three years later Roman decided to start solo career. At that time, he only worked at a minus level. "Since childhood, I was taught that normal professional person should work "minus". In Kemerovo it is almost impossible to do otherwise. The situation when the vocal microphone cannot be adjusted is considered normal. If I had the opportunity to go on stage with a bass guitar, I could do it. After all, I graduated from music school."

Best of the day

Roman is confident that pop music is a normal and worthy style. It’s just that in our country today no one works at the proper level in this style. So the sacramental phrase " Led Zeppelin- it is too popular music“Coming from him, it doesn’t seem absurd at all. Roman listens to sunny music that gives a positive charge. “Almost all the performers who are at the peak of popularity today have compositions that I like. But this is not enough yet. It is important how the artist works. By working on stage you can pull out the most primitive song. I really like the way Britney Spears presents herself. Even if she’s a three-time American pop idol and the dream of dropout teenagers, she works great!” According to Roman, worthy representatives of the Russian pop scene today, in addition to Alla Pugacheva, are two groups - “Dynamite” and “Prime Minister”.

Roma quickly decided on his position in the group: “For all of us now, the most important thing is to simultaneously and “in step” climb the ladder held by the producer. In fact, there is no more serious project in Russia that would affect the sphere of show business and it wasn’t. I constantly feel a colossal responsibility, because I understand: I’m still far from being an ideal artist. But I don’t just need to be excellent musically and professionally. physical fitness, but also to retain energetic warmth in oneself - in order to convey it to the viewer."

Jeannette is 22 years old. She is a Muscovite. She combines oriental expression and European prudence - which undoubtedly won over the jury. Jeannette is mulatto, but she did not consider exotic appearance as one of her possible trump cards. I found out about the competition in May while lying on the couch in front of the TV at night. I decided to run to the audition right away. But I found out that the first competition was being held in Yekaterinburg, and patiently waited until August, when the Moscow stage of selection began. At the competition she performed songs that corresponded to her inner temperament - “Guitar” by Irina Ponarovskaya, “Beautiful Country” by Zhanna Aguzarova and “Without You” by Mariah Carey.

Jeannette has been familiar with competitions, concerts and performances since she was five years old. However, Jeannette had never practiced professional vocals - and therefore, having consistently won each stage of the competition, she was surprised to watch how people with much better singing skills dropped out of the game. Before entering music school, Jeannette learned to play the piano on a painted keyboard: there was no real instrument at home. But this did not prevent her from successfully graduating from the State Academic School at the Moscow Conservatory in 1999. Tchaikovsky. She was prevented from turning into a new Rachmaninov and continuing her studies at the Gnessin Academy by an “overplayed hand.” “This is when you play a transcendental etude by Liszt, and there is an incredibly transcendental passage - solid thirty-second notes with triplets. And your hand goes numb...”

Jeannette decided not to spend a year restoring equipment, but started foreign language- completed English courses at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Unfortunately, a further attempt to enter the Institute of Friendship of Peoples ended unsuccessfully - and, in order not to lose the skills and acquired knowledge, Jeannette entered one of the paid Moscow universities for a year. All this time she did not stop playing music: she was a soloist in a jazz band, with which she traveled all over the Moscow region, sang in an a cappella ensemble and was invited as a soloist to Alexander Schweller’s funk group. He does not lose hope of enrolling in the pop vocal department at Gnesinka.

Jeannette loves classical music, jazz, funk, pop, trance, as well as strong and original vocals found in Whitney Houston and Madonna. For some time she experienced a strong grunge period, but got tired of the depressiveness of Nirvana and switched to drum-n-bass and new wave dance music.

Since the announcement of the results of the competition, he has been in permanent euphoria, but tirelessly reminds his teammates of the need attentive attitude to each other. The main point in the group’s work is the establishment of correct contact between the performer and the audience. “An artist must definitely receive an energy return from the audience.”

Alexey is 25 years old - he is the oldest member of the group and a family man. Alexey’s son recently turned one year old. However, neither age nor family are serious obstacles for him, because life on stage has long become the only possible form of existence for Alexey. He was brought to a preview screening in Moscow in May by a former classmate. For listening, Alexey chose songs not from the modern pop mainstream, but from the classical repertoire Soviet stage- “Closing the Circle” by Chris Kelmi and “Don’t Need It in Vain” by Alla Pugacheva, which surprised and at the same time attracted the attention of the judges.

Alexey has been involved in music and dancing professionally - and for so long that his inclusion in the quintet of winners seems to be a natural result of the addition of all his many years of creative efforts. Suffice it to say that in music club He started going to school when he was three years old, and to dance classes when he was six! His stage career began with the famous school-studio of Igor Moiseev. Even before graduating, he was already working as an artist at the State academic ensemble folk dance - and traveled with him to many countries. Naturally, the tour instilled in him a passion for travel.

However, in parallel with dancing and balalaika classes, Alexey tried to develop his own project. Having met young people of similar musical tastes, he became the lead singer of the group “People in Different Things”. It was then that he first had to face the sad realities of domestic show business. The group played “Russian glam rock” and periodically appeared on the stages of the “R-Club” and “U-Tu”, traditional for beginning Moscow musicians. The rehearsal and concert frenzy continued for about a year, but the group sorely lacked competent management, and performances in low-budget clubs, of course, did not bring in any money.

Alexey’s musical preferences were formed according to the principle “every performer has at least one worthy thing.” That's why he listens to the most different music. Among his “favorites” are Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Uriah Heep, Queen, U2, Jamiroquai, Lenny Kravitz, from Russian groups - "Auktsion", "Resurrection", "Aria", "Master".

Participation in “Become a Star” required a certain sacrifice from Alexey: he had to radically change his hairstyle. “In the episodes where the audience saw me, I had practically no hairstyle. I simply grew my hair. However, already at the first stages in Moscow, they approached me with the question of whether I was ready for the fact that they could completely change me. A little later I got ready consultation, at which it was decided that I needed to be radically changed. So I sat down under the typewriter and I liked this alternative to my previous image.”

Alexey evaluates reaching the “star final” as a continuation of the movement towards his own creative self-determination. He's sure that a new group should be unlike any existing pop project.

18-year-old Karina heard about the competition while not in her native Ufa, but in Karelian Petrozavodsk. Circumstances were such that she could easily not have become a participant, much less a winner, of “Become a Star”: the date for the qualifying round was set on the day ahead of schedule arrival of the Petrozavodsk-Ufa train. However, Karina managed to change her ticket at the last moment and literally jumped on the bandwagon of flying fate.

Karina moved to Ufa from Petrozavodsk, where she graduated from a music school in piano. Karina's parents - professional musicians. Dad is a conductor, mom is a singer opera house, Honored Artist of Russia. It is not surprising that Karina learned classical music and the style of classical singing in early childhood. From the age of three she already knew all her mother’s arias by heart.

In 2001, at the “Spring Chord” competition, Karina received an award for best vocal, after which she entered the School of Music in Petrozavodsk. But soon her parents were invited to work in Ufa, and Karina, accustomed to endless travel, transferred to the Ufa School of Arts in the classical vocal department. The fact that none of the “classics” except herself was present at the qualifying rounds did not bother Karina at all. For the jury, she prepared two songs from her favorite group “Kvartal”, but sang only “Island of White Birds”.

Despite the fact that Karina listens to the music of the most different styles, the classics still remain in the first place of her personal hit parade: the romantic Beethoven, the jazz classics represented by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong, and many others. Karina does not feel any warm feelings towards rollicking pop music like the Dynamite group. But he listens to Whitney Houston, Russian rock, Valeria, electronic music and rock operas.

The academic school taught Karina to see herself from the outside. “Maybe I evaluate myself too harshly, but I almost never liked myself in this competition. I didn’t like my performance at all in dance competitions. Already during the performance of the number, I always immediately noticed what I did well and what I didn’t. In general, my inclusion in the top five seems strange to me: I was surrounded by a wild number of people who were familiar with the stage almost from the cradle, who earned their bread and jam with this - and they all flew out..."

The finalists of the reality show “Become a Star” criticize “People’s Artist” and are preparing for a second breakthrough. On the eve of Student Day, the first graduates of the first in history visited Kuzbass Russian television project for sculpting stars in real time - the group “Other Rules”, especially loved by our fellow countrymen thanks to Roman Beresnev, a student in the department of pop directing at KemGUKI.

Roma is a diligent student and, despite permanent job in the capital, regularly appears at his native university. Whatever you say, no one has canceled the session yet. So this time, after a performance at the Volna cultural and entertainment complex, student Beresnev sat down with his books and actively prepared for the exams for a whole week. Which, however, did not stop the MK correspondent from meeting with the four “others” and finding out from them last news. And, in particular, ask the question that worries everyone: “Where did Zhannette and Karina go? And why did the new soloist Sonya Ignatova join the already familiar Alena Selezneva, Alexei Ignatov and Roma Beresnev?”
Novel: There is an explanation for everything. The fact is that after parting with our first producer Alexander Shulgin, we had a change in composition. This happened almost a year ago, a new producer Egor Negin just came, who decided to change the lineup, brought new material, made stylistic adjustments, etc. This is how it appeared new girl Sonya. We grow, we change. And so then they perceived what was happening quite adequately.
“MK”: Weren’t you worried? After all, you were together from the first day and always the five of you...
We've calmed down a little now. But the sediment still remained. Yes, it's a little disappointing. But, thank God, we survived this period.
“MK”: Do you know what the ex-“others” are doing now?
We still have friendly relations. We meet often and talk on the phone. Zhanna auditioned for New Wave 2004 in Jurmala. But, unfortunately, it didn’t work out. And Karina is currently organizing her personal life (and also, as far as MK has learned, is participating in the new project “Diva” - author).
“MK”: Why did you break up with Shulgin? There are still a lot of rumors about this...
Initially, we had an agreement with him to release one album and one video. And so it happened in the end: the album “Fly!” was released, which Shulgin and composer Evgeny Kuritsyn wrote for us, and two videos - “Fly! Run!” and "Opera". When the contract ended, we went our separate ways mutual consent. Still in good relations. In general, Shulgin is very interesting and cool. A man with a very clear own opinion, which is almost impossible to challenge. And if you try, you will fail.
“MK”: Who determines the musical policy of the group today?
We ourselves! We are currently in a transition period, because, naturally, it is not easy to change the composition and image. Yes, we had a seasonal producer, but on our own initiative we parted ways with him ( we're talking about about Mr. Negin - author).
Alyona: We work according to the Western principle - there the artists themselves choose with whom to work. Same Madonna - she changes producers according to her mood.
"MK": Not a bad comparison...
Well, you need to strive for the best! It’s more interesting to work with people who invest something new in you...
Alyona: At the moment, we have already recorded and are ready to release our second album. And for now everything depends on our record company (today “Other Rules” is bound by obligations with “www.records” - author). When she decides to launch a new PR campaign, then you will see our new disc. We hope that this will happen in the spring. In the meantime, we are actively giving concerts.
"MK": I would like to know more about your new soloist
I was born in Moscow, sang in the choir since childhood, participated in various projects, three years before “Other Rules” I was a member of the girl group “Party”. So I’ve been on stage for a very long time. Previously, she combined singing with modeling. But now I’ve definitely decided.
Novel: In fact, Sonya is very good girl. Charismatic is very important. Beauty, talent, voice - she has it all. The four of us worked very well together. Today we have the same strong family as before. Remember Japanese transforming toys? Which are going to form one big giant? It’s the same with “Other Rules”: when we are together, we are a giant!
“MK”: I wonder how you evaluate the latest “star” projects of Russian television?
Both “People’s Artists” were made by the same team as our own project “Become a Star”. But, compared to what we had, “People’s Artist” is much angrier. In my opinion. First of all, this concerns the statements of the jury towards the contestants. There was a pleasant, friendly atmosphere at Become a Star. Of course, there was nervousness and emotional tension, but I don’t like that now, on “People’s Artist,” this tension is achieved by some not very pure methods.
Alyona: We know the behind the scenes of this project, and we know why the jury members speak as they do. Yes, of course, we need to create a show, but still not so cruel.
Alexei: And also, you know, we are against any competition between “Become a Star”, “Star Factory”, “ People's Artist" and so on. This is absolutely different ways revealing talents, despite the fact that this is all a reality show. Although now, it seems to me, the audience is already fed up with them, the ratings are falling. Naturally, what we saw in Lately, this is already too much.
“MK”: At the end of the interview, a logical question for Roma: has Kemerovo changed while you were away?
I don't know if it's for the better or for the worse, but he's definitely changed. Not even the city itself, but the setting. Maybe this is a view from the outside, from a person who has lived in Moscow, at a different pace, with different faces. Kemerovo is a nice, cozy city, very green in summer. For me, Kemerovo is home! It's always very good here.

Other rules

Other Rules is a group created in 2002 following the results of the “Become a Star” competition on the RTR television channel. As a result of the selection, the members of the group were performers from Ufa, Kemerovo, Moscow and St. Petersburg: Karina Akhmetzaripova, Roman Beresnev, Zhanette Kavesa, Alexey Ignatov and Alena Selezneva.

The group became popular among domestic radio listeners mainly for the songs “Wind of Memory”, “Without You”, and also “Read in the Eyes”. The guys released three albums, their debut was the full-length disc “Fly!” published in 2003. According to information provided by the official website of the group's agent Other Rules, from 2003 to 2009 the group also included Sofya Ignatova, but the group's producers decided that this was not beneficial to the project. In 2009 old composition was resumed. Other Rules also maintain an online blog located on LiveJournal, which allows their fans to always keep abreast of all events in the life of the project. Now you can order a performance by the group Other Rules at your event.

Returning to the origins of the Other Rules group, it is impossible not to mention the “Become a Star” competition. It was conducted by the Russia TV channel in the fall of 2002. Unlike other musical television projects, the broadcasts of “Be a Star” began with castings in various cities of Russia. In total, 8,000 people took part in the qualifying rounds, of which only 100 were invited to the final qualifying round in Moscow. Quite strict conditions were imposed on applicants for a place in the project; they had to sing several songs and demonstrate their ability to dance in 2 qualifying rounds. Many finalists of the competition, after its completion, received work on various Russian television channels. Organizing a concert for the Other Rules group, in turn, became the main goal of the show's producers after the successful completion of filming the reality show.