New betting strategies in bookmaker. Sports betting strategies at bookmakers

What you need to know about sports betting strategies and their types in order to choose the right one.

What is a bidding strategy

The sports betting strategy is called a system of actions that a player uses in order to most likely secure a win for himself and not go into a loss. Many bookmaker betting strategies are based on casino game methods. The main task of strategies is to ensure the stability of winnings. Often on the Internet, except for a long time and everywhere known methods, you can also find completely new sports betting strategies.

The player needs to understand the existing betting strategies, understand their features, how the strategy works, take into account all the nuances, such as the correct distribution of the amount, etc. Based on this knowledge, the player will learn how to correctly apply this or that strategy, and this, in turn, will ensure the stable growth of the bank. Let's see what types of betting strategies are.

Financial Betting Strategy

Or strategy financial management . The task of this method of betting is to manage the player's bank, that is, the amount that the player is ready to allocate for bets at bookmakers. This strategy is based on the choice of the amount to bet and its the main task, except, in fact, making a profit - so that the player does not become bankrupt, does not lose his bank completely. Financial betting strategies include:

  • the Danish system
  • row of numbers,
  • bank interest,
  • fixed income,
  • Flat (fixed bet size),
  • Kelly criterion
  • and others.

As an example, consider the financial strategy of interest rates from the bank. This method consists in the fact that the player bets the same percentage of the amount of his bank (or its balance) each time. For example, with $100 in the pot initially, the player will bet 25% of their current pot each time. The amount intended for betting can be distributed in different ways. For example, 10% for express, the rest for singles, etc.

Gaming Betting Strategies

Gaming betting strategies include such betting methods that directly involve sports layouts and depend on them. Let's consider two groups of such strategies.

The first group - strategies related to the optimization of bets on the outcome of events. Such methods allow players to optimize their winnings from bets on different markets, which directly depend on the course of the match. These strategies include:

  • system,
  • outcome (half outcome/match outcome),
  • account (accurate account),
  • total

For example, strategies for total allow you to minimize the probability of losing in express bets. By making three parlays for two events, you can minimize the loss only up to the case if both matches end with a “total under” result.

The second group of betting strategies includes those based on the principle of catch-up. « Dogon" a concept that came from the casino. Its essence is the observation that a club or an average athlete usually alternates between wins and losses. And if the player, having made a bet on the victory of this team, lost, then on the next match he again bets on victory. At the same time, he increases the size of the bet by enough to win back his previous failure. In addition to the usual Dogon, there are Double Dogon and Dogon using progressions.

Tennis strategies and more

IN separate group strategies for playing in bookmakers, we can distinguish strategies for betting on tennis. However, among them there are strategies that apply not only to tennis, but also to other sports.

The group of bets applicable not only in tennis includes game tactics:

  • corridors,
  • forks,
  • line movement,
  • Dogon.

"Corridor" - This is a strategy in which a player bets on the first and second tennis players at once, but with different odds. In the Line Movement strategy, the player closely follows the bookmaker's line and follows the handicap. When shifting up, he bets on the favorite, down - on the outsider. In the Fork strategy, the better plays for different outcomes of one event in different offices, distributing the total amount of the bet on all outcomes in such a way that, for any outcome of the match, it does not remain in the red.

Strategies that are used only when playing tennis include betting strategies such as:

  • setpoint,
  • Form,
  • price up,
  • Break
  • Break point.

In strategy Set point the bet is made taking into account the average performance of the players in the game. In strategy "Form" the player bets based on observation of the tennis player and on the basis of knowledge of the state of his current form etc.

Other strategies

There are other sports betting systems.

  • S8 system,
  • Horizontal Express
  • and many others.

- this is a strategy in which the better plays at inflated odds. Applying this game tactic in a bookmaker's office, the player evaluates the probable outcome of the match and compares his prediction with the odds for this outcome offered by the bookmaker. Based on the comparison, it is concluded whether this odd is “valuable”, that is, whether it is worth playing it.


Betting strategies are very useful knowledge for a player. They really allow you to calculate your bets and use methods in which you can ensure yourself at least a return of the money put down. But even apart from such a safety net, the strategies ensure the systematic growth of the bank itself.

There are a wide variety of betting schemes in bookmakers. Before starting to apply any of them, the player should carefully familiarize himself with all the intricacies of the strategy he liked, with the distribution of amounts, with the choice of coefficients and other nuances. Only by correctly observing all the conditions of the chosen method, you can achieve the result. With some effort, without losing focus, you will eventually learn to apply profitable strategies in BC. So we advise you to use strategies against bookmakers in your game.

    The most popular sports betting strategies among bettors

    There are hundreds, if not thousands, of such plans that help bettors to bet and win. But how effective are they all? Is it worth spending time and money to study each such plan and check how good it is? To make it easier for you to choose the best way to make money on deals with bookmakers, we have collected in this article some of the best and most worthy strategies that you can use to different types sports. And it turned out a kind of TOP-8:

    1. Dogon. Ideal for average bettors who are no longer beginners, but at the same time, have not yet become real pros. It is built on the ability to conduct calculations and attentiveness.
    2. Time matches. A fairly simple strategy that allows even beginners to make good profits at the most modest cost.
    3. Outcomes. An excellent option for betting, which is sure to appeal to beginners with its simplicity and uncomplicatedness.
    4. Totals. Most bettors like to use this plan for only two options for the outcome of the event, which greatly increases the chances of winning, with detailed analysis match, duel or meeting, of course.
    5. Account. Many pros call this strategy ideal for beginners, as it is not too complicated and at the same time quite profitable.
    6. Corridors. Relatively understandable and accessible (both in terms of time and financial costs) is a strategy that can be used by absolutely all clients of bookmakers.
    7. Value betting. This mathematical strategy should be advised to all lovers of accurate calculations and detailed analysis of the bookmaker line, the size of the coefficients and other important nuances.
    8. Playing forks. This method can only be used if you make a bet in at least two bookmakers at once. But this strategy will bring stable profits due to small, but constant, winnings.
    9. Express systems. The method allows, thanks to the creation of various combinations of parlays, to bring the player closer to a positive outcome for his capital.

    However, you should not focus on the place of the strategy in this rating. You can use any of them at your discretion, but remember that most of them bring good profit only in the long run.

    More detailed description each strategy:

    1. Catching up strategy

    The meaning of this plan is to bet on the same event until the outcome you predicted happens. That is why this strategy is ideal for live betting, when the bettor constantly monitors what is happening in the sports arena.

    It works like this. For example, you watch a football match and bet on the victory of one team with a score of one ball. If everything goes perfectly, then you will not need to use the catch-up. If your favorite starts to lose, just bet twice as much on the other team to win, but already twice as much to cover the losses from the previous bet that has not played. But you need to stop in time (in a pinch, you can use catch-up in another match and catch up in the next event), otherwise you risk losing your entire bank.

    2. Time Match Strategy

    This strategy is based on betting not only on the outcome of the event as a whole, but also on the completion of its first half (time, several sets, period, etc.). If you manage your funds wisely, you can hit a good jackpot, especially if you bet on a draw in the first part of the game. After all, in the same football, the first halves very often end with parity, even novice clients of bookmakers know this.

    3. Strategy Exodus

    This strategy is considered one of the simplest and is ideal for both real pros and novice amateurs. It consists in an elementary analysis of the upcoming sporting event, identifying a clear favorite (or, in the absence of this, betting on a draw) and betting on his victory. The main disadvantage of such a plan can be considered rather modest odds that most bookmakers give in the presence of a clear leader in the upcoming pair of opponents.

    4. Strategy Total

    The meaning of this strategy, understandable and accessible to everyone, is based on the fact that with this option of concluding transactions with a bookmaker, you don’t have to delve into analytics or mathematical calculations. It is enough to bet on the outcome more or less than the value offered by the office.

    For example, on football matches most bookmakers give totals of approximately 2.5, for basketball from 180 to 210, and for hockey matches from four and a half to six and a half. Thus, having roughly estimated the difference in the class of opponents and their usual number of goals conceded and scored in a match, you can immediately place a bet. It is worth noting that the best odds on total bookmakers are offered to bettors before the start of the event, so try to make such bets in the usual mode, and not live.

    5. Strategy Score

    Most beginners biasedly consider the account betting strategy to be very difficult, since even for real pros it is very difficult to predict the exact result of a sporting event. In fact, this is far from the case. For example, most football matches end in a draw with a zero result (or 1:1), or the victory of one of the teams by a margin of one, maximum two goals. So it’s enough to bet on just a few options to end the match, based on the team’s statistics. And winning one of, let's say, three concluded deals, will surely cover all expenses and leave you with a good profit. Especially considering the fact that it is this type of bet in most bookmakers that will please bettors very much. high odds.

    6. Strategy Corridors

    In some English-language sources, this strategy is usually called middles (from English middles). The meaning of the middles is to make two bets in different bookmakers on the same event, the total result of which will lead to at least a refund of the funds spent on bets. And in best case will make good money.

    For example, you make a bet in two different offices for a basketball game. In one of them, you have a coefficient equal to two, with a handicap of minus four and a half. And another bookmaker accepted your bet with the same odds, on the victory of the other team, but with a handicap of plus five and a half. In the end, no matter which club wins, worst case you will lose the amount in one office that you win in another. If the bets in both bookmakers play, you get an excellent profit. The main thing in such a strategy is to calculate everything correctly and fit into this very corridor.

    7. Value betting strategy, also referred to by some domestic betters with the slang word value.

    The essence of this strategy is to study the BC line, a detailed analysis and search for the so-called underestimated events. It is on them that some bookmakers offer too high odds, taking into account the probability of the desired outcome and other factors.

    In an example, it looks like this. You know for sure that a certain club wins every third away game. And the bookmaker gives a coefficient of 3.3 for the victory of this team. Now it is enough for you to bet one dollar each for three matches of this club outside the walls of your own stadium to win three dollars and thirty cents.

    In reality, everything is a little more complicated, but, having gained a little experience, you can have a stable, albeit not very large, profit from almost every cycle in several bets.

    8. Forks - arbitrage situations

    The meaning of this strategy is to search for at least two events, betting on which you will either win or at least break even. Many experts call surebets a win-win strategy in the sense that in any case you will get more than you spend on bets. At the same time, remember that for such a not quite fair play in several offices at the same time (if you bet from one account on opposite outcomes), you may be denied access to personal account forever...

    A few words about financial strategies

    In addition to the game strategies described above, there are still a huge number of their analogues, which are much more related to financial management. Such plans are designed for the correct distribution of the bank, the miscalculation of the maximum allowable rates and other the most important nuances related to your money.

    Generally financial strategies there are almost the same number as gaming ones. And you should not disdain them either, because, for example, such popular options as flat or Kelly system will help you save and increase your assets much faster!

    Choosing the optimal system for playing in bookmakers

    Returning to the question of strategies and tactics when making bets in bookmakers (earlier on our resource you could read material about two out of three systems and the like), you just can’t help but talk about a number of popular ways to get rich when placing bets. It should be noted right away that some of them are not designed to receive fabulous profits, but, first of all, to reduce their own losses due to those who did not play the bet.

    In any case, if you want to consistently make money on bookmakers, and not just give them your money, this material will be useful to you, regardless of whether you consider yourself a real pro or are a complete beginner in betting. Let's move on to the description and principles of operation of each of the currently popular methods for playing bookmaker. And we will make a kind

    TOP 10 most popular tactics and systems:


    This system is based on the principles equal amounts bets that the better will not change in any case. That is, the player must always bet on a certain fixed amount, even if he really wants to put almost all his savings on the next sure thing. And the nuance is that with the growth of capital, you can use more than large sums if you learn how to properly manage your capital.

    It works as follows. Let's say you have one thousand rubles, which you are ready to spend at a bookmaker's office. Bet an amount equal to five percent of your total capital. That is, always bet fifty rubles. And as soon as your capital grows due to winnings, you can increase this very amount, but in percentage terms, it should remain the same. That is, having earned five hundred rubles, you can bet already seventy-five rubles, the same five percent of one and a half thousand.

    Flat was originally developed several decades ago and has been successfully applied in many gambling. Its main advantages can be called the almost inability to lose all the money, the stability of the bettor, as well as the ability to adjust the plan and tactics already in the course of betting, without changing the rules of the method itself. Of the minuses, it is worth noting the low rate of capital growth and the high chances of the system failing due to the desire to bet more than the established limit.

    Fixed Interest Strategy

    In some ways, this system is similar to flat. It should also determine the size of the bet, but this is not done in advance, but before each specific betting. This approach gives the chances of making a profit much faster than the same flat. But with a large series of unplayed bets, you will have to try hard, otherwise return start-up capital it won't be easy. But, despite the fact that before each bet you will have to spend a little time recalculating its size, this method works and helps to receive a modest but stable income.

    Fixed income strategy

    The peculiarity of this method lies in the selection the same size winnings for each bet. That is, when making a bet with a coefficient of 2.0, you will need to bet a hundred to win the same amount. At the same time, to get the same hundred rubles with a coffee of 3.0, it will be enough to bet fifty. Moreover, all calculations take no more than a minute; it is enough to subtract one from the coefficient and divide by the resulting number the amount that you would like to win.

    The only problem is that with this approach it is not easy to predict the growth or decrease in the starting capital, which (especially after several failed bets in a row) will decrease by an indefinite amount. But with good hands, you can easily determine the number of banknotes in your capital.

    Martingale method

    The main feature of this approach is to raise the amount after each failure so that the profit from the new bet won with the bookmaker overlaps the previous failure. Usually this way we call it Dogon. With high risks of losing all the money (if a real black streak begins), the better receives a stable income not only in the long term, but also in the medium term.

    Anti-Martingale method

    Completely opposite of the one described above. Its meaning is to reduce all subsequent bets in case of failures, and increase them with each win. That is, the risk of losing all savings, as can happen if you play using the Martingale method, is minimized, and when successful outcomes in the long run, you can get a good profit.

    Method D "Alamber

    In some ways, this option is similar to the Martingale strategy. The only difference is that after a failed bet, you need to increase the amount to make the next bet exactly by the amount of the previous loss. And if you win by the same amount, you need to lower the bet. And keep in mind that we are talking about the size of the bets themselves, and not profit or loss. Taking into account the fact that you can lose all the money (if the series of losses drags on), this system is still very often used by many bettors. After all, even in the case of half of the bets won, you can get a good profit, since the size of each subsequent bet will cover previous failures.

    Anti-D "Alamber method

    As the name suggests, the exact opposite of the above system. In case of failure, the bet must be reduced, and after winning it must be increased. A little risky method, but in the long run it can significantly enrich you.

    Grind method

    This option is based on the D "Alembert method. But the difference is that immediately after the system goes into plus, you reset the bet to the initial value. Thus, if you bet fifty rubles, you lost three times and increased the amount for betting to two hundred rubles, in case of winning, you will reset the bet again to 50. With this approach, the profit will not be too large, but the risks of losing everything are minimized.

    Kelly system

    This strategy is usually used only by professional bettors. It is based on a detailed study and determination of the chance of the outcome of each individual event on which the player is going to bet. Then you need to compare them with the odds in different bookmakers and calculate whether the probability of such an outcome is overestimated or underestimated by bookmakers.

    It works as follows. If your indicator of the probability of an outcome as a percentage of the bookmaker odds and divided by one hundred exceeds one, then the bookmaker underestimates such a bet. And you can safely bet on this event.

    Provided that the better is well versed in the topic and will be able to predict most of his transactions, he will not only never lose his starting capital, but will also consistently receive a small, but still profit.

    Miller method

    In this system, bets are placed only on such bets, the chances of two outcomes of which are approximately equal. And, if the chances are about 50/50, then it is enough to win at least fifty-one out of a hundred cases in order to always remain in the black.


    Remember that these ten systems are not some kind of canon. You can use other tactics and strategies you like, of which several thousand have been developed over the decades. But it is these techniques that are used by most bettors around the world. Moreover, many of them have long become real pros thanks to the above systems.

Expression "betting strategies" is one of the most requested in search engines, in the subject of "sports betting". This is due to the fact that players are trying to find a win-win betting strategy, in which the risk of losing money in bookmakers will be minimal. The next most popular queries are sports betting strategies: football and tennis.

Football betting strategy

In this section, you can get answers to what exactly football strategies best bet. Don't forget, a win-win strategy is a myth, any team can both lose and win. Despite this, football is a safer type of betting than the rest, since the random factor is minimal.

Tennis betting strategy

Despite the fact that tennis is not in the top 3 most popular sports, there are more than enough requests for tennis strategies. This is due to the random factor, because only 2 players enter the court (in doubles 4) and the probability of losing / losing the match by the leader is large enough to satisfy the needs of all players and get profit from the right strategy, the best betting strategies are presented on the BetAdvise resource.

Also in this section are presented live strategies for basketball and hockey. By choosing profitable betting strategies for yourself, you will be able to earn according to a clearly structured scheme. A well-built betting strategy and financial management of the game bank are the main keys to the success of a bookmaker's player.

The only negative that all strategies for sports, in particular football, have is that they are not absolutely win-win. Some effective and working ways of betting with 4-5 losses in a row completely empty the better's bankroll. Other mathematically more advanced strategies for sports with minimal risk allow the better to stay afloat even with 8-10 missed events.

On our website you will find the best sports betting strategies, with a description of the system, examples of how to work with them, their real benefits and shortcomings. We will reveal to you all the secrets of proper bankroll management. Let's talk about the interesting aspects that every successful sports betting tactic has. A solution about whether or not to check whether this or that tactic of playing sports betting is profitable, take it yourself.

Sports betting - profitable and not so - TOP

Most best strategies on sports betting can be subdivided into several types:
  • The financial system of the game on sports betting includes such types of strategies - strategies for football and other sports, where the theory of money management is applied in practice.
  • Game working strategies sports betting can be such - methods of sports betting, the profitability of which depends on the sports layouts and the ability of the player to predict the results.
What are the most profitable sports betting? No one can answer this question unambiguously.. Effective Rates for sports depend not only on the methodology used, but also on what forecast the better uses, how strong his desire to earn money, and whether it contradicts common sense. In any case, each player experimentally finds what he can call "time-tested sports betting strategy". We can only tell everything about what are winning methods rates, and how to apply them most effectively in practice.

Bookmakers have begun to be popular with people again, the number of players is growing every day. Just playing on bets, not adhering to any strategy, there is a high probability of losing your cash. What are strategies for? That's right, to be able to win at bookmakers constantly, with a long-term game.

Any sport, be it football, hockey or other sports, lives by strategy, thoughtless play in professional sports is not acceptable. Playing in a bookmaker's office is also a sport, here players compete in winnings with each other, it's just unrealistic to display this rating.

Our site will offer you a wide variety of strategies and tactics, management, to increase your cash account at times. Here you will find such strategies as fixed rate, catch-up, d'Alembert's strategy and many others. It is important to find a game strategy for yourself, either it will be a long game, designed for a small but sure win, or a fast game, but with risk, and big win, you decide.

Remember, the right tactics are the key to victory!

To have constant success in a bookmaker's office, you need to adhere to a certain strategy, I want to tell you about one of them. What is this "safe express" strategy? That is what I wanted to talk to you about today. This is another strategy (you will find a lot of them on our site), which makes a profit when playing in a bookmaker's office for a long time. So, the “safe parlay” game strategy is an opportunity to win bets on parlays with high odds, with a minimum of risk.

"Against a draw" is a well-known strategy for playing football betting, which is often used on the stock exchange Betfair rates, although you can successfully use it in any bookmaker's office. The strategy is interesting and, when used correctly, is very effective, although it has certain drawbacks. We will talk about all this in this article.

Express bets one of popular types sports betting. It's no secret that many players use this type of bet to get good profit and increase your bank.
I want to warn you right away that with an express bet it increases the risk of losing. But not everything is so sad. Express rates are good way to earn and for this you need patience, collecting more information and of course a specific strategy that will reduce the risk of losing.
One of such strategies is the strategy of express bets on totals.

For the first time, this betting strategy is mentioned in the novel "The Gambler" by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. As practice shows, the overclocking strategy has a number of advantages that you can use to improve the quality of your bet. Also, the “overclocking” strategy is called “horizontal express train”, also called “anti-martingale”, as it is based on the opposite principle.

In the world of betting, this game strategy is used by many players. What is a corridor? This is a simple and at the same time effective strategy for playing in a bookmaker, thanks to these pluses, it has gained considerable popularity among players, both beginners and professionals. To use the “corridor” game strategy, you do not need to spend a lot of time and money, just a couple of hours of free time and 1000 rubles in your pocket to make a profit by playing this strategy. Let us consider in more detail the strategy of the game "corridor".

Betting on yellow cards in football matches is a unique opportunity that online bookmakers have begun to provide. Today you can bet on yellow cards in many bookmakers, as a rule, such bets are available on popular football matches, for example, the Champions League, English Premier League, World Cup, European Championship, Serie A and others. Also, some bookmakers allow you to bet on statistics. yellow cards V Live mode, which is especially interesting.

It is clear to everyone that it is better to bet on a clear leader, or at least on a team that performs more or less successfully. In principle, most beginners do just that.

Probably, there is some truth here, because such teams show a more stable game. However, in the world of sports betting, not everything is so simple! It turns out that experienced professionals very often use the “services” of outsiders, or rather, the high odds that the bookmaker puts on them.

Frank Belanger System No. 8 is a betting strategy that allows bettors to systematically make a profit with a pass rate of only 40%. Frank Belanger's System #8 is an improved fixed income game strategy, only this system has a lot of advantages and is less risky for players.

Game strategy for sports betting "incomplete surebets"

Perhaps most bettors have heard about the well-known strategy of the game "forks". This is one of the few win-win strategies when a player bets on all possible outcomes of a match and makes a profit in any result due to the difference in odds, as a rule, due to the difference in the odds of different bookstores. But few people know about the existence of the “incomplete forks” strategy, which is a simplified version of the “forks” strategy.

If you follow football, you will certainly notice that the favorites often concede first, but then win back and reduce the match to a draw or pull out a victory. Why not take advantage of this data and build an effective football betting strategy on it.

Today we will consider with you probably the simplest strategy for playing in a bookmaker's office, called "fixed profit". The essence of this strategy is that the bet amount remains constant throughout the game. There are players who change the bet during the game, this leads to a loss of money. The fixed profit strategy is ideal for beginners.

Today we will consider another strategy that brings profit to players in bookmakers, called "Forks". Many players only want to win at bookmakers. It is not known by whom it was invented, most likely by the players themselves. This game strategy allows you to place bets without the risk of losing your money. The Forks game strategy can be called differently: holes, arbitrage, win-win bets and so on. What is a "Fork"?

Today we’ll talk about another betting strategy called “flat” or “fixed bet size” in other words. The “flat” strategy gained popularity in the American betting market, on bets on equal chances, with two outcomes for handicaps and totals, where both odds are approximately 1.91. In the European case, with three initial options, a completely different math comes into force and the flat strategy loses its advantage. This strategy is used by both beginners and "experienced" players.

"Catch-up" is a strategy for playing in a bookmaker's office, in which the size of each next bet depends on the result of the previous bet. The main goal of this strategy is to return lost funds and make a profit. A special case of this strategy is the Martingale strategy (you can find it on our website). "Catch-up" is one of the win-win strategies. The main thing in "catching up" is your bank, if you are not a beginner and have been playing in a bookmaker's office for a long time, you should know that the correct distribution of the bank is next to the choice of strategy. This is the key to the success of this strategy. Making bets differently stable income you will not have, not a big profit, which over time can be lost.

To date, there are many strategies for betting in bookmakers. One of the less well-known, but at the same time very effective, is the so-called Frank Belanger System No. 20 strategy. This is a specific game strategy, which is a kind of Martingale system. Compared to other betting strategies, the Frank Belanger No. 20 system has a lot of advantages. And in order to be convinced of this, we will consider here the essence, features and examples of using the Frank Belanger No. 20 system.

What players just don’t come up with to constantly beat bookmakers. The strategy that I wanted to talk to you about today is called the Kelly Criterion game strategy. From the name it is clear who it was invented by. Back in 1956, a game strategy was invented by the player John L. Kelly, which was later called the "Kelly Criterion". At first, this strategy was played in the casino (blackjack), there is even a book on the Internet in English, translated by our players. Years passed and the Kelly Criterion began to be used in betting on sports events, then it became a revolution in the world of bookmakers.

The Danish betting system initially appeared in casinos, then skillful players began to use it in bookmakers and quite successfully, with the right approach. The Danish betting system is one of the strategies of financial management, is an ambiguous and controversial strategy, there are many disputes about the effectiveness and rationality of using the Danish system in sports betting.

This strategy, like many others, came to the players of bookmakers from the casino. Over time, bookmakers began to gain their popularity, and D'Alamber's game strategy switched to sports betting. First, let's talk about the strategy of D "Alembert, then counter D" Alamber. With a competent game, D'Alamber's strategy gives a good income.

The strategy of the game "Value Betting" is a game with inflated odds. Value Betting is translated from English as “bets on valuables”. There is nothing complicated in the theory of this strategy, you need to compare your probability of an event with the odds set at the bookmaker. If, according to your assessment, it turns out that the bookmaker underestimated the event, but actually overestimated the odds for it, it is also “Value Betting” found. You can check whether an event fits the "Value Betting" strategy using the mathematical formula:

This strategy came to the bookmakers from the casino. According to legend, the Oscar Grind strategy game is named after one "fortune lover" player who played in the casino in the 1950s-60s. He became famous for making profit on small bets and beating casinos with low risks of losing the pot. He never chased super profits, he slowly increased his capital. Further, the Oscar Grind strategy became popular in sports betting, as it used to be in casinos. It started to be used professional players, like most other casino game strategies. Oscar Grind's strategy was based on simple odds, such as black and white.

If at a certain period of time you realize that sports betting does not give the desired results, it's time to organize the game process, try to apply various sports betting methods and highlight the one that will help you make a profit.
Exists big choice sports betting strategies.
The plan of betting on "total" in football or in the calculation to catch a significant coefficient when draw results often used by beginners due to their popularity. Among such well-known schemes, one should single out the search for an opportunity to bet on all potential outcomes of a match in different bookmakers and a betting strategy that is detrimental to the bankroll, in which the volume of a further bet is determined by the results of past bets.

Tennis betting today is very popular among fans of excitement. Bets of this kind have a lot of advantages that really do not exist in other sports. Tennis is becoming even more popular than football with bookmakers. The only thing that remains out of competition is equestrian sport.

I bring to your attention a strategy that works only in tennis, from the name you probably guessed that it works in bets during a tennis match, when the game is delayed and the score on the scoreboard is 40/40, only in this case we begin to act on this strategy.
Before the start of the event, our task is to place a bet on one of the games, the score in which will be “40-40 - yes”, so that the coefficient varies from 2-4.

What a pleasure to watch football matches with big amount goals scored, and if you make money on it, this joy increases many times. Today I want to talk about a betting strategy called “BTTS”, this abbreviation means playing on “both teams to score” bets, agree that it’s much more pleasant to root for beautiful football than for one of the teams you bet on, especially since this type bets can play at any moment while the match is going on, and if you play on bets during the match, with a score of 0-0, the odds for such events are simply “space”.

Today I want to introduce you to a strategy that will help you in playing the sweepstakes. As a rule, bookmakers offer a totalizator (super express) in which you need to bet on 15 events. What is the advantage of sweepstakes? This is of course a huge jackpot that you can win if you guess all 15 events, history knows quite a few cases when 1 ticket hit the entire deck pot, in most cases it's luck. If you follow a certain strategy, the totalizator can generate income, let's consider in more detail the points:

If you like to play odd or even bets, then the Odd Difference strategy is for you. This strategy works on football, and as you may have guessed from the name, bet on a draw match outcome, and an odd match total. Why these particular outcomes you ask? Bookmakers give good odds for such types of outcomes, for a draw from 3 to 5, for an odd total up to 2, with a competent game, the Odd Difference strategy will bring income.

For those who like to play at sports competitions, I present the Next betting system. Playing this strategy is simple, even a player who has just started betting at a bookmaker will understand it, it takes a little time for you to master the theory of the Next betting system. If you devote a lot of time to the statistics of football championships, then it is directly created for you, since the system has shown excellent results in practice.

Do you want to make money on football? Then the Double Indemnity strategy is for you, it appeared in 2012. This strategy is based on three bets, a victory in each of which will bring profit to the player, or a small minus. Intrigued? Then let's look at how the "Double Indemnity" strategy works:

The Cover betting system is not popular with players, there are reasons for this, which I will discuss later, but its main plus is that it slowly but surely increases your bank. The system is designed for two bets, players believe that one bet is superfluous, since we give the obviously winning money to the bookmaker.

You are well versed in football, regularly follow the main results of team matches, then the strategy of the game according to the "12 teams" system is for you. To play according to this strategy, you need to know all the subtleties of football, which not every player in the bookmaker sees, this will drastically reduce the risk of defeats and increase your income.

Do you want to try something new? Then the "Outsider Insurance" strategy is for you, it is unique in its own way, it offers us a game in a bookmaker's office, on pronounced favorites. The strategy has not been fully tested, and while it is not known how much profit it brings, I recommend trying to play it only with virtual money.

This strategy is designed for football, it will just be relevant on the eve of the World Cup, the main task of this strategy is as follows, you need to bet not on the team, but on the attacker who “drags” the team.