Characteristics of Manilov's dead souls table is complete. Images of landowners in the poem today

The work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol “ Dead Souls"is one of the most bright works author. This poem, the plot of which is related to the description of Russian reality of the 19th century, is of great value for Russian literature. It was also significant for Gogol himself. No wonder he called it a “national poem” and explained that in this way he tried to expose the shortcomings Russian Empire, and then change the appearance of their homeland for the better.

The birth of the genre

The idea for Gogol to write “Dead Souls” was suggested to the author by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. At first, the work was conceived as a light humorous novel. However, after work began on the work “Dead Souls,” the genre in which the text was originally intended to be presented was changed.

The fact is that Gogol considered the plot to be very original and gave the presentation a different, more deep meaning. As a result, a year after the start of work on the work “Dead Souls,” its genre became more extensive. The author decided that his brainchild should become nothing more than a poem.

Main idea

The writer divided his work into 3 parts. In the first of them, he decided to point out all the shortcomings that took place in his contemporary society. In the second part, he planned to show how the process of correcting people takes place, and in the third - the lives of heroes who have already changed for the better.

In 1841, Gogol completed writing the first volume of Dead Souls. The plot of the book shocked the entire reading country, causing a lot of controversy. After the release of the first part, the author began work on a continuation of his poem. However, he was never able to finish what he started. The second volume of the poem seemed imperfect to him, and nine days before his death he burned the only copy of the manuscript. Only drafts of the first five chapters have been preserved for us, which today are considered a separate work.

Unfortunately, the trilogy remained unfinished. But the poem “Dead Souls” should have had significant meaning. Its main purpose was to describe the movement of the soul, which went through a fall, purification, and then rebirth. The main character of the poem, Chichikov, had to go through this path to the ideal.


The story told in the first volume of the poem “Dead Souls” takes us to the nineteenth century. It tells the story of a journey across Russia undertaken by the main character, Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, to acquire so-called dead souls. The plot of the work provides the reader with full picture morals and life of the people of that time.

Let's look at the chapters of "Dead Souls" with their plot in a little more detail. This will give a general idea of ​​a vibrant literary work.

Chapter first. Start

Where does the work “Dead Souls” begin? The topic raised in it describes the events that took place at a time when the French were finally expelled from Russian territory.

At the beginning of the story, Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, who held the position of collegiate adviser, arrived in one of the provincial cities. When analyzing “Dead Souls,” the image of the main character becomes clear. The author shows him as a middle-aged man with an average build and good appearance. Pavel Ivanovich is extremely inquisitive. Situations arise when one can even talk about his intrusiveness and annoyingness. So, from the tavern servant he is interested in the owner’s income, and also tries to find out about all the city officials and the most noble landowners. He is also interested in the state of the region to which he arrived.

A collegiate advisor does not sit alone. He visits all officials, finding the right approach to them and choosing words that are pleasant for people. That is why they treat him just as well, which even surprises Chichikov a little, who has experienced many negative reactions and even survived an assassination attempt.

The main purpose of Pavel Ivanovich’s arrival is to find a place for a quiet life. To do this, while attending a party in the governor’s house, he meets two landowners - Manilov and Sobakevich. At a dinner with the police chief, Chichikov became friends with the landowner Nozdryov.

Chapter two. Manilov

The continuation of the plot is connected with Chichikov’s trip to Manilov. The landowner met the official on the threshold of his estate and led him into the house. The road to Manilov's home lay among gazebos on which signs were posted indicating that these were places for reflection and solitude.

When analyzing “Dead Souls,” one can easily characterize Manilov based on this decoration. This is a landowner who has no problems, but at the same time is too cloying. Manilov says that the arrival of such a guest is comparable to a sunny day and the happiest holiday. He invites Chichikov to dinner. Present at the table are the mistress of the estate and the two sons of the landowner - Themistoclus and Alcides.

After a hearty lunch, Pavel Ivanovich decides to talk about the reason that brought him to these lands. Chichikov wants to buy peasants who have already died, but their death has not yet been reflected in the audit certificate. His goal is to draw up all the documents, supposedly these peasants are still alive.

How does Manilov react to this? He has dead souls. However, the landowner is initially surprised by this proposal. But then he agrees to the deal. Chichikov leaves the estate and goes to Sobakevich. Meanwhile, Manilov begins to dream about how Pavel Ivanovich will live next door to him and what kind of good friends they will be after he moves.

Chapter three. Getting to know the Box

On the way to Sobakevich, Selifan (Chichikov’s coachman) accidentally missed the right turn. And then it began heavy rain, besides, Chichikov fell into the mud. All this forces the official to look for accommodation for the night, which he found with the landowner Nastasya Petrovna Korobochka. Analysis of “Dead Souls” indicates that this lady is afraid of everything and everyone. However, Chichikov did not waste time and offered to purchase the deceased peasants from her. At first the old woman was intractable, but after the visiting official promised to buy all the lard and hemp from her (but next time), she agrees.

The deal was completed. The box treated Chichikov to pancakes and pies. Pavel Ivanovich, having eaten a hearty meal, moved on. And the landowner began to worry very much that she did not take enough money for the dead souls.

Chapter Four. Nozdryov

After visiting Korobochka, Chichikov drove onto the main road. He decided to visit a tavern he came across along the way to have a little snack. And here the author wanted to give this action some mystery. He does lyrical digressions. In “Dead Souls” he reflects on the properties of appetite inherent in people like the main character of his work.

While in the tavern, Chichikov meets Nozdryov. The landowner complained that he lost money at the fair. Then they follow to Nozdryov’s estate, where Pavel Ivanovich intends to make good money.

By analyzing “Dead Souls,” you can understand what Nozdryov is like. This is a person who really loves all kinds of stories. He tells them everywhere he goes. After a hearty lunch, Chichikov decides to bargain. However, Pavel Ivanovich can neither beg for dead souls nor buy them. Nozdryov sets his own conditions, which consist of an exchange or purchase in addition to something. The landowner even suggests using dead souls as bets in the game.

Serious disagreements arise between Chichikov and Nozdrev, and they postpone the conversation until the morning. The next day the men agreed to play checkers. However, Nozdryov tried to deceive his opponent, which was noticed by Chichikov. In addition, it turned out that the landowner was on trial. And Chichikov had no choice but to run when he saw the police captain.

Chapter five. Sobakevich

Sobakevich continues the images of landowners in Dead Souls. It is to him that Chichikov comes to him after Nozdryov. The estate he visited was a match for its owner. Just as strong. The owner treats the guest to dinner, talking during the meal about city officials, calling them all swindlers.

Chichikov talks about his plans. They did not frighten Sobakevich at all, and the men quickly moved on to concluding the deal. However, here troubles began for Chichikov. Sobakevich began to bargain, talking about the most best qualities already deceased peasants. However, Chichikov does not need such characteristics, and he insists on his own. And here Sobakevich begins to hint at the illegality of such a deal, threatening to tell anyone about it. Chichikov had to agree to the price offered by the landowner. They sign the document, still fearing a trick from each other.

There are lyrical digressions in “Dead Souls” in the fifth chapter. The author ends the story about Chichikov’s visit to Sobakevich with discussions about the Russian language. Gogol emphasizes the diversity, strength and richness of the Russian language. Here he points out the peculiarity of our people to give everyone nicknames associated with various offenses or the course of circumstances. They do not leave their owner until his death.

Chapter six. Plyushkin

Very interesting hero is Plyushkin. "Dead Souls" shows him as a very greedy person. The landowner does not even throw away his old sole that has fallen off his boot and carries it into the already quite decent pile of similar rubbish.

However Plyushkin dead sells souls very quickly and without haggling. Pavel Ivanovich is very happy about this and refuses the tea with crackers offered by the owner.

Chapter seven. Deal

Having achieved his initial goal, Chichikov is sent to the civil chamber to finally resolve the issue. Manilov and Sobakevich had already arrived in the city. The chairman agrees to become the attorney for Plyushkin and all other sellers. The deal took place, and champagne was opened for the health of the new landowner.

Chapter eight. Gossip. Ball

The city began to discuss Chichikov. Many decided that he was a millionaire. Girls began to go crazy for him and send love messages. Once at the governor's ball, he literally finds himself in the arms of the ladies. However, his attention is attracted by a sixteen-year-old blonde. At this time, Nozdryov comes to the ball, loudly inquiring about the purchase of dead souls. Chichikov had to leave in complete confusion and sadness.

Chapter Nine. Profit or love?

At this time, the landowner Korobochka arrived in the city. She decided to clarify whether she had made a mistake with the cost of dead souls. The news about the amazing purchase and sale becomes the property of the city residents. People believe that dead souls are a cover for Chichikov, but in fact he dreams of taking away the blonde he likes, who is the daughter of the governor.

Chapter ten. Versions

The city literally came to life. News appears one after another. In them we're talking about about the appointment of a new governor, about the presence of supporting papers about false banknotes, about an insidious robber who escaped from the police, etc. Many versions arise, and they all relate to Chichikov’s personality. The excitement of people negatively affects the prosecutor. He dies from the blow.

Chapter Eleven. Purpose of the event

Chichikov does not know what the city is talking about about him. He goes to the governor, but he is not received there. In addition, the people he met on the way shy away from the official different sides. Everything becomes clear after Nozdryov arrives at the hotel. The landowner tries to convince Chichikov that he tried to help him kidnap the governor’s daughter.

And here Gogol decides to talk about his hero and why Chichikov buys dead souls. The author tells the reader about his childhood and schooling, where Pavel Ivanovich already showed the ingenuity given to him by nature. Gogol also talks about Chichikov’s relationships with his comrades and teachers, about his service and work in the commission located in a government building, as well as about his transfer to serve in customs.

The analysis of “Dead Souls” clearly indicates the inclinations of the protagonist, which he used to complete his deal described in the work. After all, in all his places of work, Pavel Ivanovich managed to make a lot of money by concluding fake contracts and conspiracies. In addition, he did not disdain working with smuggling. In order to avoid criminal punishment, Chichikov resigned. Having switched to work as an attorney, he immediately formed an insidious plan in his head. Buy Chichikov is dead He wanted to pawn their souls, as if they were alive, in the treasury in order to receive money. Next in his plans was the purchase of a village in order to provide for future offspring.

In part, Gogol justifies his hero. He considers him the owner, who with his mind has built such an interesting chain of transactions.

Images of landowners

These heroes of Dead Souls are especially vividly presented in five chapters. Moreover, each of them is dedicated to only one landowner. There is a certain pattern in the placement of chapters. The images of the landowners of “Dead Souls” are arranged in them according to the degree of their degradation. Let's remember who was the first of them? Manilov. “Dead Souls” describes this landowner as a lazy and dreamy, sentimental and practically unadapted person to life. This is confirmed by many details, for example, a farm that has fallen into disrepair and a house standing in the south, open to all winds. The author, using the amazing artistic power of the word, shows his reader the deadness of Manilov and his worthlessness life path. After all, behind external attractiveness there is a spiritual emptiness.

What else vivid images created in the work “Dead Souls”? The heroic landowners in the image of Korobochka are people who are focused only on their farm. It is not without reason that at the end of the third chapter the author draws an analogy between this landowner and all aristocratic ladies. The box is distrustful and stingy, superstitious and stubborn. In addition, she is narrow-minded, petty and narrow-minded.

Next in terms of degree of degradation comes Nozdryov. Like many other landowners, he does not change with age, not even trying to develop internally. The image of Nozdryov represents a portrait of a reveler and a braggart, a drunkard and a cheater. This landowner is passionate and energetic, but all of him positive traits are wasted. The image of Nozdryov is as typical as that of previous landowners. And this is emphasized by the author in his statements.

Describing Sobakevich, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol resorts to comparing him with a bear. In addition to clumsiness, the author describes his parodically inverted heroic power, earthiness and rudeness.

But the extreme degree of degradation is described by Gogol in the image of the richest landowner in the province - Plyushkin. During his biography, this man went from a thrifty owner to a half-crazy miser. And it was not social conditions that led him to this state. Plyushkin's moral decline provoked loneliness.

Thus, all landowners in the poem “Dead Souls” are united by such traits as idleness and inhumanity, as well as spiritual emptiness. And he contrasts this world of truly “dead souls” with faith in the inexhaustible potential of the “mysterious” Russian people. It is not for nothing that at the end of the work the image of an endless road along which a trio of birds rushes appears. And in this movement the writer’s confidence in the possibility of the spiritual transformation of humanity and in the great destiny of Russia is manifested.

- Images of landowners in N.V. Gogol’s novel “Dead Souls”

Advantages: Various types of heroes

Disadvantages: Negative features of society of that time are shown

N.V. Gogol's novel "Dead Souls".

From the Russian program fiction For high school attracts special attention interesting novel Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol's "Dead Souls", in which the writer depicted the society of Russian landowners of that time.

The work depicts the images of many landowners who met on the path of the enterprising swindler Chichikov, who wanted to make a fictitious deal - to buy the souls of dead peasants, in order to then receive money from the state for their maintenance. This brilliant idea came to the mind of the main character of the novel “Dead Souls” by accident, and he began to bring it to life with particular zeal.

Images of landowners in the novel "Dead Souls".

So, in N.V. Gogol’s novel “Dead Souls” the images of several provincial middle-income landowners from the Russian hinterland are drawn and described in sufficient detail. Just five of them deserve special attention:

1) Manilov is a man who lives by his dreams and is far from reality, very lazy, constantly immersed in the world of his dreams.

2) Korobochka is a kind woman, but stupid and tight-fisted, active and practical.

3) Nozdryov is an unbridled reveler and spendthrift, loves to spend money thoughtlessly and go on carousing with friends, and is also partial to playing cards.

4) Sobakevich is a strong, practical and tight-fisted owner, a solid and monumental figure.

5) Plyushkin is an elderly landowner who, after the death of his wife, abandoned housekeeping and began to plunge into the abyss of stinginess and dementia.

Now let's take a closer look characteristics each of these images.

N.V. Gogol begins the characterization of one of the characters in the novel - the landowner Manilov - with a description of his appearance. Manilov's facial features are very regular, pleasant and harmonious, but at the same time there is a somewhat cloying, even disgusting sweetness in his entire appearance.

This is a completely weak-willed and lack of initiative person, lazy and dreamy, who spends all his time in sweet dreams about the possible reorganization of his farm. But he just doesn’t get around to making specific decisions and putting them into practice.

Manilov's wife is a match for him - a pleasant woman in all respects, but completely lazy and boring. Their house is full of desolation and mismanagement, but at the same time it is decorated with the pretense of rich decoration. There are luxurious pieces of furniture, in peaceful proximity to which old shabby chairs stand - and this obvious discrepancy does not bother any of the members of the landowner's family. Rather, they simply don’t notice him.

Due to constant daydreaming, isolation from real life and complete stupidity of Manilov in business matters, his estate and economy are in complete decline. His servants drink and steal shamelessly, not minding their own business.

But the owner of the estate clearly has no time for that - he is not interested in such trifles, because it is much more pleasant to give various nice surprises to his wife in the form of useless gifts and enjoy life in constant idleness.

The request for the sale of the souls of dead serfs, which Chichikov made, caused Manilov incredible surprise. But he agreed to help such a pleasant and courteous person, despite the obvious illegality of the actions being taken. Moreover, Manilov gives away “dead souls” for free, philosophically discussing the frailty of earthly existence.

The only female image of a landowner in the novel Dead Souls, depicted by the author with particular irony and sarcasm. Korobochka represents the elderly owner of a small landowner's estate, in which, despite everything, order reigns and vigorous economic activity is in full swing.

Korobochka is a stupid and narrow-minded woman, but at the same time, she is practical and stingy, she knows the value of every penny. That is why her estate is thriving, despite the apparent stupidity of the mistress. The serf peasants work on the Korobochka estate, their huts are strong and well-groomed.

Nothing goes to waste on the farm, because the landowner sees, notices and remembers everything, and she has taught her serfs to be orderly.

When Chichikov invited her to sell the dead peasants, Korobochka was at first surprised, but then suspected him of selfish intentions. At first she doesn’t agree to the deal because she’s afraid of selling herself short. The doubts of the landowner Korobochka are expressed in one single phrase: “What if buyers come running?”

She is little concerned about moral and ethical issues, because for the landowner, dead peasants are the same commodity that can be sold but can also be useful on her own farm. In the image of Korobochka, N.V. Gogol created the image of a Russian landowner, for whom the aimless accumulation of material values ​​became the meaning of her entire life.

This character deserves special attention, which is why he is described by the author in great detail and colorfully. Nozdryov is a cheerful, strong and fresh middle-aged man, cheerful and lively, who will always and anywhere find friends. At the same time, he is a carouser, plays cards and spends money completely recklessly, taking the last crumbs from the serfs.

The landowner Nozdryov is not at all involved in running his own household, and therefore his entire estate is in a deplorable state - with the exception of the kennel, where everything is well-groomed and arranged simply perfectly. This is where Nozdryov feels best - he comes and plays with the little puppies as if he were his own children.

To all the negative character traits of the landowner Nozdryov, one can add his immense love for drink and fun companies. Fairs and hunting trips with dogs are Nozdryov’s element, in which he feels like a fish in water.

At the same time, the landowner often lies and is rude to everyone around him. His speech is incoherent and often meaningless, he jumps from one topic of the story, not caring about the semantic load of phrases.

In relation to Chichikov, Nozdryov immediately behaved like an old friend, but at the same time, it was his statements that became the reason that Chichikov’s idea received wide publicity.

The houses of serfs on Sobakevich's estate are new, strong and well-groomed. The practicality and thoroughness of the owner is felt in everything.

Hearing Chichikov’s proposal, Sobakevich was not at all surprised, but began to praise his “product,” talking about the professional and personal qualities of each deceased peasant. Thus, he wanted to inflate their price in order to sell them at a higher price.

During his first meeting with the landowner Plyushkin, Chichikov initially found it difficult to determine who was standing in front of him - a woman or a man? The old man was dressed in some kind of nondescript, tattered and dirty robe.

In more early years Plyushkin was simply a thrifty and zealous owner, and order reigned on his estate. He lived with his wife and children. But after the death of his wife, the landowner became despondent and practically stopped looking after the farm.

The most came to the fore negative qualities his character: stinginess and suspicion. He began to reproach the peasants for theft and tried to drag everything into his house. As a result, it turned out that Plyushkin remembered where the smallest feather or piece of sealing wax was hidden in his house, but at the same time did not pay attention to the mass of spoiling food in the pantries and to the general decline of the economy.

When Chichikov suggested that Plyushkin sell the souls of dead peasants, the landowner was very happy and even became emotional. He bargains a little with Chichikov and asks to increase the price for each peasant. For Plyushkin, this deal is profitable, if only because he received a small income.

Many people have heard about the landowners in Dead Souls, whom Nikolai Gogol so vividly portrayed, but not everyone knows why these characters were created and how they can be characterized.

So, the landowners in Dead Souls are positive or negative characters? IN poem Dead souls Nikolai Gogol depicted what Russian landowners are like with the help of five characters.

The image of the landowner Manilov in Dead Souls

The first person Chichikov turns to with his vague proposal to buy dead souls is the courteous Manilov. With sugary speeches, memorized over many years of empty existence, he endeared himself to his new acquaintance.

The insensitive Manilov loved to indulge in dreams that led nowhere. He lived in his own serene world, in a world without problems and passions.

The image of the landowner Korobochka in Dead Souls

Further, the road led Chichikov to Korobochka, a very thrifty elderly landowner. This is very interesting character. She conducts business with intelligence and petty extravagance, so the village is in good condition. However, at the same time, Korobochka is slow to think, afraid of change: time in her house seems to have stood still.

All this did not give Chichikov the opportunity to immediately agree on a deal. The landowner Korobochka was terribly afraid of selling herself cheap, because she could not understand the purpose of buying dead souls.

The image of the landowner Nozdryov in Dead Souls

The next person who was offered to get rid of them was the landowner Nozdryov. This crazy man is full of energy and passion, but he directs his stormy flow in the wrong direction.

And again Nikolai Gogol makes the reader wonder at the worthlessness of the landowner’s life, because the lies and boasting of the landowner Nozdryov have neither limit nor meaning.

Although this and other landowners in Gogol's Dead Souls are very bright characters, they are united by one thing - spiritual emptiness.

The image of the landowner Sobakevich in Dead Souls

The image of the landowner Plyushkin in Dead Souls

Perhaps the most terrifying image in the poem is that of the landowner Plyushkin. A man who once led a bright, fulfilling life has turned into a fanatical collector, seeking to dominate everything that catches his eye. The surname Plyushkin speaks of an unhealthy passion to have every little thing, considering it a kind of bun, that is, useful.

Because of this blasphemous attitude, the peasants suffer greatly: they have to look at mountains of rotting grain when they themselves have nothing on their plate.

As a result, the landowners in Gogol's Dead Souls are very bright characters who cannot be confused. But they all have one thing in common - spiritual emptiness.

We also bring to your attention a brief summary of Gogol's poem

In this article we will describe the image of landowners created by Gogol in the poem “Dead Souls”. The table we have compiled will help you remember the information. We will sequentially talk about the five heroes presented by the author in this work.

The image of landowners in the poem “Dead Souls” by N.V. Gogol is briefly described in the following table.

landowner Characteristic Attitude towards the request for the sale of dead souls
ManilovVulgar and empty.

For two years, a book with a bookmark on one page has been lying in his office. His speech is sweet and cloying.

I was surprised. He thinks that this is illegal, but he cannot refuse such a pleasant person. Gives it to peasants for free. At the same time, he does not know how many souls he has.


She knows the value of money, is practical and economical. Stingy, stupid, club-headed, hoarding landowner.

He wants to know what Chichikov’s souls are for. The number of deaths is known exactly (18 people). He looks at dead souls as if they were hemp or lard: they might come in handy on the farm.


He is considered a good friend, but is always ready to play a trick on his friend. Kutila, card player, "broken fellow." When talking, he constantly jumps from subject to subject and uses swear words.

It would seem that it was easiest for Chichikov to get them from this landowner, but he was the only one who left him with nothing.


Uncouth, clumsy, rude, unable to express feelings. A tough, evil serf owner who never misses a profit.

The smartest of all landowners. He immediately saw through the guest and made a deal to his advantage.


Once upon a time he had a family, children, and he himself was thrifty owner. But the death of the mistress turned this man into a miser. He became, like many widowers, stingy and suspicious.

I was amazed and delighted by his offer, since there would be income. He agreed to sell the souls for 30 kopecks (78 souls in total).

Gogol's portrayal of landowners

In the works of Nikolai Vasilyevich, one of the main themes is the landowner class in Russia, as well as the ruling class (nobility), its role in the life of society and its fate.

The main method used by Gogol to portray various characters is satire. The process of gradual degeneration of the landowner class was reflected in the heroes created by his pen. Nikolai Vasilyevich reveals shortcomings and vices. Gogol's satire is colored by irony, which helped this writer speak directly about what was impossible to talk about openly under censorship conditions. At the same time, Nikolai Vasilyevich’s laughter seems good-natured to us, but he does not spare anyone. Each phrase has a subtext, a hidden, deep meaning. Irony is generally a characteristic element of Gogol's satire. It is present not only in the speech of the author himself, but also in the speech of the heroes.

Irony is one of the essential features of Gogol’s poetics; it adds greater realism to the narrative and becomes a means of analyzing the surrounding reality.

Compositional structure of the poem

The images of landowners in the poem, the largest work of this author, are presented in the most multifaceted and complete way. It is constructed as the story of the adventures of the official Chichikov, who buys up “dead souls.” ABOUT different villages and the owners living in them allowed the author to tell the composition of the poem. Almost half of the first volume (five of eleven chapters) is devoted to characterization different types landowners in Russia. Nikolai Vasilyevich created five portraits, not similar friends on each other, however, in each of them at the same time there are features that are typical of the Russian serf owner. Acquaintance with them begins with Manilov and ends with Plyushkin. This construction is not accidental. There is a logic to this sequence: the process of impoverishment of a person’s personality deepens from one image to another, it increasingly unfolds as a terrible picture of the collapse of serf society.

Meeting Manilov

Manilov - representing the image of landowners in the poem "Dead Souls". The table only briefly describes it. Let us introduce you closer to this hero. The character of Manilov, which is described in the first chapter, is already manifested in the surname itself. The story about this hero begins with an image of the village of Manilovka, which is capable of “luring” few people with its location. The author describes with irony the master's courtyard, created as an imitation with a pond, bushes and the inscription “Temple of Solitary Reflection.” External details help the writer create the image of the landowners in the poem "Dead Souls".

Manilov: character of the hero

The author, speaking about Manilov, exclaims that only God knows what kind of character this man had. By nature he is kind, courteous, polite, but all this takes on ugly, exaggerated forms in his image. sentimental and beautiful to the point of cloying. The relationships between people seem festive and idyllic to him. Various relationships, in general, are one of the details that create the image of the landowners in the poem “Dead Souls”. Manilov did not know life at all; reality was replaced by empty fantasy. This hero loved to dream and reflect, sometimes even about things useful to the peasants. However, his ideas were far from the needs of life. He did not know about the real needs of the serfs and never even thought about them. Manilov considers himself a bearer of culture. He was considered the most educated man in the army. Nikolai Vasilyevich speaks ironically about the house of this landowner, in which there was always “something missing,” as well as about his sugary relationship with his wife.

Chichikov's conversation with Manilov about buying dead souls

Manilov in an episode of a conversation about buying dead the shower is compared to an overly smart minister. Gogol's irony here intrudes, as if accidentally, into a forbidden area. Such a comparison means that the minister is not so different from Manilov, and “Manilovism” is a typical phenomenon of the vulgar bureaucratic world.


Let us describe another image of landowners in the poem “Dead Souls”. The table has already briefly introduced you to Korobochka. We learn about her in the third chapter of the poem. Gogol classifies this heroine as one of the small landowners who complain about losses and crop failures and always keep their heads somewhat to one side, while collecting money little by little into bags placed in the chest of drawers. This money is obtained by selling a variety of products subsistence farming. Korobochka's interests and horizons are completely focused on her estate. Her entire life and economy are patriarchal in nature.

How did Korobochka react to Chichikov’s proposal?

The landowner realized that trade dead souls profitable, and agreed after much persuasion to sell them. The author, describing the image of landowners in the poem “Dead Souls” (Korobochka and other heroes), is ironic. For a long time, the “club-headed” one cannot figure out what exactly is required of her, which infuriates Chichikov. After that, she bargains with him for a long time, afraid of making a mistake.


In the image of Nozdryov in the fifth chapter, Gogol depicts a completely different form of decomposition of the nobility. This hero is a man of what is called a “jack of all trades.” In his very face there was something daring, direct, open. He is also characterized by a “breadth of nature.” According to the ironic remark of Nikolai Vasilyevich, Nozdryov - " historical person", because not a single meeting that he managed to attend was ever complete without stories. He loses with with a light heart plays a lot of money at cards, beats a simpleton at a fair and immediately “squanders it all.” This hero is an utter liar and a reckless braggart, a true master"pouring bullets" He behaves defiantly everywhere, if not aggressively. This character’s speech is replete with swear words, and he has a passion for “spoiling his neighbor.” Gogol created in Russian literature a new socio-psychological type of so-called Nozdrevism. In many ways, the image of landowners in the poem “Dead Souls” is innovative. A brief image of the following heroes is described below.


The author’s satire in the image of Sobakevich, whom we meet in the fifth chapter, takes on a more accusatory character. This character bears little resemblance to previous landowners. This is a tight-fisted, cunning tradesman, a “kulak landowner.” He is alien to the violent extravagance of Nozdryov, the dreamy complacency of Manilov, as well as the hoarding of Korobochka. Sobakevich has iron grip, he is laconic, on his own mind. There are few people who could deceive him. Everything about this landowner is strong and durable. In all the everyday objects surrounding him, Gogol finds a reflection of the character traits of this person. Everything surprisingly resembles the hero himself in his house. Each thing, as the author notes, seemed to say that she was “also Sobakevich.”

Nikolai Vasilyevich portrays a figure that amazes with its rudeness. This man seemed to Chichikov to look like a bear. Sobakevich is a cynic who is not ashamed of moral ugliness in others or in himself. He is far from enlightened. This is a die-hard serf owner who only cares about his own peasants. It is interesting that, except for this hero, no one understood the true essence of the “scoundrel” Chichikov, but Sobakevich perfectly understood the essence of the proposal, reflecting the spirit of the times: everything can be sold and bought, the maximum benefit should be obtained. This is the generalized image of the landowners in the poem of the work, however, it is not limited to the depiction of only these characters. We present to you the next landowner.


The sixth chapter is dedicated to Plyushkin. On it, the characteristics of the landowners in the poem “Dead Souls” are completed. The name of this hero has become a household word, denoting moral degradation and stinginess. This image is the last degree of degeneration of the landowner class. Gogol begins his acquaintance with the character, as usual, with a description of the estate and village of the landowner. At the same time, a “particular disrepair” was noticeable on all buildings. Nikolai Vasilyevich describes a picture of the ruin of a once rich serf owner. Its cause is not idleness and extravagance, but the painful stinginess of the owner. Gogol calls this landowner “a hole in humanity.” Its very appearance is characteristic - it is a sexless creature resembling a housekeeper. This character no longer causes laughter, only bitter disappointment.


The image of landowners in the poem “Dead Souls” (the table is presented above) is revealed by the author in many ways. The five characters that Gogol created in the work depict the diverse state of this class. Plyushkin, Sobakevich, Nozdrev, Korobochka, Manilov - different shapes one phenomenon - spiritual, social and economic decline. The characteristics of landowners in Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" prove this.


The image of landowners in the poem "Dead Souls" (table). Characteristics of landowners in the poem by N.V. Gogol

March 31, 2015

In this article we will describe the image of landowners created by Gogol in the poem “Dead Souls”. The table we have compiled will help you remember the information. We will sequentially talk about the five heroes presented by the author in this work.

The image of landowners in the poem “Dead Souls” by N.V. Gogol is briefly described in the following table.

landowner Characteristic Attitude towards the request for the sale of dead souls
ManilovVulgar and empty.

For two years, a book with a bookmark on one page has been lying in his office. His speech is sweet and cloying.

I was surprised. He thinks that this is illegal, but he cannot refuse such a pleasant person. Gives it to peasants for free. At the same time, he does not know how many souls he has.


She knows the value of money, is practical and economical. Stingy, stupid, club-headed, hoarding landowner.

He wants to know what Chichikov’s souls are for. The number of deaths is known exactly (18 people). He looks at dead souls as if they were hemp or lard: they might come in handy on the farm.


He is considered a good friend, but is always ready to play a trick on his friend. Kutila, card player, "broken fellow." When talking, he constantly jumps from subject to subject and uses swear words.

It would seem that it was easiest for Chichikov to get them from this landowner, but he was the only one who left him with nothing.


Uncouth, clumsy, rude, unable to express feelings. A tough, evil serf owner who never misses a profit.

The smartest of all landowners. He immediately saw through the guest and made a deal to his advantage.


Once upon a time he had a family, children, and he himself was a thrifty owner. But the death of the mistress turned this man into a miser. He became, like many widowers, stingy and suspicious.

I was amazed and delighted by his offer, since there would be income. He agreed to sell the souls for 30 kopecks (78 souls in total).

Gogol's portrayal of landowners

In the works of Nikolai Vasilyevich, one of the main themes is the landowner class in Russia, as well as the ruling class (nobility), its role in the life of society and its fate.

The main method used by Gogol to portray various characters is satire. The process of gradual degeneration of the landowner class was reflected in the heroes created by his pen. Nikolai Vasilyevich reveals shortcomings and vices. Gogol's satire is colored by irony, which helped this writer speak directly about what was impossible to talk about openly under censorship conditions. At the same time, Nikolai Vasilyevich’s laughter seems good-natured to us, but he does not spare anyone. Each phrase has a subtext, a hidden, deep meaning. Irony is generally a characteristic element of Gogol's satire. It is present not only in the speech of the author himself, but also in the speech of the heroes.

Irony is one of the essential features of Gogol’s poetics; it adds greater realism to the narrative and becomes a means of analyzing the surrounding reality.

Compositional structure of the poem

The images of landowners in the poem “Dead Souls,” the largest work of this author, are presented in the most multifaceted and complete way. It is constructed as the story of the adventures of the official Chichikov, who buys up “dead souls.” The composition of the poem allowed the author to tell about different villages and the owners living in them. Almost half of the first volume (five out of eleven chapters) is devoted to the characteristics of different types of landowners in Russia. Nikolai Vasilyevich created five portraits that are not similar to each other, but each of them at the same time contains features that are typical of a Russian serf owner. Acquaintance with them begins with Manilov and ends with Plyushkin. This construction is not accidental. There is a logic to this sequence: the process of impoverishment of a person’s personality deepens from one image to another, it increasingly unfolds as a terrible picture of the collapse of serf society.

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Meeting Manilov

Manilov is the first person to represent the image of landowners in the poem "Dead Souls". The table only briefly describes it. Let us introduce you closer to this hero. The character of Manilov, which is described in the first chapter, is already manifested in the surname itself. The story about this hero begins with an image of the village of Manilovka, which is capable of “luring” few people with its location. The author describes with irony the master's courtyard, created as an imitation of an English garden with a pond, bushes and the inscription “Temple of Solitary Reflection.” External details help the writer create the image of the landowners in the poem "Dead Souls".

Manilov: character of the hero

The author, speaking about Manilov, exclaims that only God knows what kind of character this man had. By nature he is kind, courteous, polite, but all this takes on ugly, exaggerated forms in his image. This landowner is sentimental and sweet-hearted to the point of cloying. The relationships between people seem festive and idyllic to him. Various relationships, in general, are one of the details that create the image of the landowners in the poem “Dead Souls”. Manilov did not know life at all; reality was replaced by empty fantasy. This hero loved to dream and reflect, sometimes even about things useful to the peasants. However, his ideas were far from the needs of life. He did not know about the real needs of the serfs and never even thought about them. Manilov considers himself a bearer of culture. He was considered the most educated man in the army. Nikolai Vasilyevich speaks ironically about the house of this landowner, in which there was always “something missing,” as well as about his sugary relationship with his wife.

Chichikov's conversation with Manilov about buying dead souls

In an episode of a conversation about buying dead souls, Manilov is compared to an overly smart minister. Gogol's irony here intrudes, as if accidentally, into a forbidden area. Such a comparison means that the minister is not so different from Manilov, and “Manilovism” is a typical phenomenon of the vulgar bureaucratic world.


Let us describe another image of landowners in the poem “Dead Souls”. The table has already briefly introduced you to Korobochka. We learn about her in the third chapter of the poem. Gogol classifies this heroine as one of the small landowners who complain about losses and crop failures and always keep their heads somewhat to one side, while collecting money little by little into bags placed in the chest of drawers. This money is obtained by selling a variety of subsistence products. Korobochka's interests and horizons are completely focused on her estate. Her entire life and economy are patriarchal in nature.

How did Korobochka react to Chichikov’s proposal?

The landowner realized that trading in dead souls was profitable, and after much persuasion she agreed to sell them. The author, describing the image of landowners in the poem “Dead Souls” (Korobochka and other heroes), is ironic. For a long time, the “club-headed” one cannot figure out what exactly is required of her, which infuriates Chichikov. After that, she bargains with him for a long time, afraid of making a mistake.


In the image of Nozdryov in the fifth chapter, Gogol depicts a completely different form of decomposition of the nobility. This hero is a man of what is called a “jack of all trades.” In his very face there was something daring, direct, open. He is also characterized by a “breadth of nature.” According to the ironic remark of Nikolai Vasilyevich, Nozdryov is a “historical man”, since not a single meeting that he managed to attend was ever complete without stories. He loses a lot of money at cards with a light heart, beats a simpleton at a fair and immediately “squanders everything.” This hero is an utter liar and a reckless braggart, a true master of “casting bullets.” He behaves defiantly everywhere, if not aggressively. This character’s speech is replete with swear words, and he has a passion for “spoiling his neighbor.” Gogol in the image of Nozdryov created a new socio-psychological type of so-called Nozdryovism in Russian literature. In many ways, the image of landowners in the poem “Dead Souls” is innovative. A brief image of the following heroes is described below.


The author’s satire in the image of Sobakevich, whom we meet in the fifth chapter, takes on a more accusatory character. This character bears little resemblance to previous landowners. This is a tight-fisted, cunning tradesman, a “kulak landowner.” He is alien to the violent extravagance of Nozdryov, the dreamy complacency of Manilov, as well as the hoarding of Korobochka. Sobakevich has an iron grip, he is taciturn, he is on his own mind. There are few people who could deceive him. Everything about this landowner is strong and durable. In all the everyday objects surrounding him, Gogol finds a reflection of the character traits of this person. Everything surprisingly resembles the hero himself in his house. Each thing, as the author notes, seemed to say that she was “also Sobakevich.”

Nikolai Vasilyevich portrays a figure that amazes with its rudeness. This man seemed to Chichikov to look like a bear. Sobakevich is a cynic who is not ashamed of moral ugliness in others or in himself. He is far from enlightened. This is a die-hard serf owner who only labor force takes care of his own peasants. It is interesting that, except for this hero, no one understood the true essence of the “scoundrel” Chichikov, but Sobakevich perfectly understood the essence of the proposal, reflecting the spirit of the times: everything can be sold and bought, the maximum benefit should be obtained. This is the generalized image of landowners in the poem “Dead Souls”. Summary the work, however, is not limited to depicting only these characters. We present to you the next landowner.


The sixth chapter is dedicated to Plyushkin. On it, the characteristics of the landowners in the poem “Dead Souls” are completed. The name of this hero has become a household word, denoting moral degradation and stinginess. This image is the last degree of degeneration of the landowner class. Gogol begins his acquaintance with the character, as usual, with a description of the estate and village of the landowner. At the same time, a “particular disrepair” was noticeable on all buildings. Nikolai Vasilyevich describes a picture of the ruin of a once rich serf owner. Its cause is not idleness and extravagance, but the painful stinginess of the owner. Gogol calls this landowner “a hole in humanity.” Its very appearance is characteristic - it is a sexless creature resembling a housekeeper. This character no longer causes laughter, only bitter disappointment.


The image of landowners in the poem “Dead Souls” (the table is presented above) is revealed by the author in many ways. The five characters that Gogol created in the work depict the diverse state of this class. Plyushkin, Sobakevich, Nozdrev, Korobochka, Manilov are different forms of one phenomenon - spiritual, social and economic decline. The characteristics of landowners in Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" prove this.