Mikhail Kazakov, biography, news, photos. Polezhaikin from "daddy's daughters" who served in prison stunned Malakhov. Acting career of Mikhail Kazakov, filmography

Mikhail Kazakov’s childhood and family - it all started with “Jumble”

Misha was born in Tver. His father was famous entrepreneur, which produces sparkling water under the Kazakov brand.

Misha has been starring in “Jumble” since childhood. He is considered a record holder, since only Kazakov managed to star in the 21st episode. Despite the fact that children over fourteen years old are not filmed in this humorous project, Mikhail was invited to filming even at sixteen. This is largely due to the fact that the good-natured fat boy looked younger than his real age.

Their friendly family traveled a lot, and the boy visited many countries of the world with his parents. In the summer, most often, he lived in the village of Myalitsino. His hobbies included growing exotic plants, growing hybrids, and mountain biking.

Mikhail Kazakov I'm not a glutton!

Despite the fact that Misha starred a lot in Yeralash, the audience already knew and loved him, and he himself liked to act; he did not think about connecting his life with the acting profession.

Tragedy in the life of Mikhail Kazakov: murder

In 2005, at the end of January, a tragedy happened - Misha killed a man. That evening he met his friend, who studied with him at the same school. She was very upset because, according to her, she had quarreled with her boyfriend, Evgeny Gurkin. Misha offered to help, and she asked him to talk to Gurkin. During a showdown, Evgeniy attacked his ex-girlfriend, and Mikhail, in order to protect her, stabbed Gurkin three times with a knife - in the carotid artery and heart. The young man died. Kazakov immediately admitted to the arriving police that he killed Evgeniy while defending an acquaintance.

At the end of the trial, the mother and grandmother of the murdered guy petitioned for no claims against the attacker, indicating that moral and material compensation had been paid to them in full. As a result, Kazakov’s case was reclassified as self-defense.

Two years before this tragedy, Misha’s father was also killed, and also with a knife. The killer was found, but the case was also reclassified as self-defense. After this murder, Misha became close to his older brother Stas, who became his best friend.

At school, the future actor was described as a gentle and kind boy; no one believed that he could kill anyone. Misha himself, according to him, was actually a goofball and loved to be a hooligan. The teachers always treated him well.

After some time, Kazakov returned to school and, after graduating, went to Moscow, where he became a student at the Financial and Legal Academy.

Acting career of Mikhail Kazakov, filmography

While studying, he received an invitation to star in the films “Money Day” and “Escape,” where he had small roles, and soon after that, in the TV series “Daddy’s Daughters” in the role of Polezhaikin. Despite the fact that the aspiring actor was already in his twenties, he played a ninth-grader. He did it perfectly. While watching the series, it really seems like there is a sixteen-year-old schoolboy on the screen. His Polezhaikin is a cute goofball with a white-toothed smile, who has a hard time studying. According to the series, Galina Sergeevna, his classmate, played by Liza Arzamasova, helps him study. The audience liked the hero so much that the actor is still often called Polezhaikin when they meet him on the street.

Mikhail Kazakov as Ilya Polezhaikin

Misha says that he never dreamed of becoming an actor, but the emotions he experiences when going on stage cannot be compared with anything, so he likes performing.

Kazakov opened in hometown casting agency "KinoDom". Over time, branches appeared in Cheboksary, Kazan, Moscow, Yoshkar-Ola, and St. Petersburg. The actor devotes a lot of time and effort to developing this idea. He has grandiose plans for the future, he wants to create a holding company and is not going to limit himself to the federal market.

Recently the theater named after. Stanislavsky invited Kazakov to play the role of the cat Hippopotamus in the production of The Master and Margarita.

Another project in which Kazakov worked was “Stroybatya”. Filming took place in Podolsk, where the actor lived right on the set for almost two months.

Personal life of Mikhail Kazakov

During the six months of filming “Daddy's Daughters,” Misha lost a lot of weight. He lost twenty kilograms without any diets. According to him, he drinks kefir in the morning and evening and tries to go to the pool often.

Mikhail got married for the first time at twenty. His chosen one, Julia, was eighteen years old. The marriage did not last even a year. As the actor said, they did not get along in character. They had no children, and they had nothing to share except a dog named Marcel, who stayed with Yulia. After the divorce, the actor left for Tver.

Mikhail does not know how to cook, but after participating in the recording of a program on the STS channel, where he cooked together with chefs simple dishes, was very interested in this, and as he himself said, he wouldn’t mind learning a little about this profession.

Mikhail Kazakov today

Kazakov continues to act and is engaged in business. In addition to casting agencies, he has a clothing store in Tver, which was opened in 2012. He is an international economist by profession. The actor recently entered graduate school to continue his education in his specialty.

Mikhail married again in 2011. He had known his wife Elena for eight years before their wedding. She has a daughter from her first marriage. In 2012, Mikhail had a son, he was named Miroslav.

Viewers remembered Kazakov as a plump, good-natured boy. When the artist entered the studio, even Boris Grachevsky did not recognize him. Polezhaikin from "Daddy's Daughters" has lost incredible weight. In January 2018 he turned 30 years old.


The host of the program, Andrei Malakhov, was also surprised to see Kazakov. The stunned showman asked Mikhail to reveal the secret of his transformation. “The secret is very simple – walking. I devoted two months to walking, and this is the result. Many people I know now simply don’t recognize me,” Kazakov answered honestly.

Changes occurred not only in the artist’s appearance - he completely revised his outlook on life. At some point, Mikhail realized that he did not want to continue his acting career. “Acting is still not my thing. I graduated from business school, Faculty of Economics. Entrepreneurship has always been closer to me, although I am very grateful to Boris Yuryevich for the incredible memories,” the artist shared.

Kazakov returned to his native Tver and created his own business. In 2011, the actor got married, and a year later he became a dad. Now he is raising own son Miroslava and his wife’s daughter, whom she gave birth to from another man before her marriage to Mikhail.

However, not everything in Kazakov’s life is as smooth as it might seem. He served a year in prison for murder. In January 2005, Mikhail stabbed a 20-year-old boy to death in Tver. The actor himself was 16 years old at that time. He stood up for a friend, but at some point miscalculated his strength. Mikhail had to spend a year in prison until his case was reclassified to a less serious charge, allowing him to be released.

Mikhail Kazakov, who became popular as Polezhaikin from the series “Daddy's Daughters,” played the role of a kind, plump guy. Everyone has long been accustomed to seeing the actor in this image, but more recently he has transformed himself by losing a fair amount of weight. TV viewers were not immediately able to find out famous actor who shows off toned body and an updated image in in social networks. Mikhail Kazakov claims that he was able to get an athletic physique through intense walking and, of course, sports.

Briefly about the life of Mikhail Kazakov

Full name Russian actor Mikhail Sergeevich Kazakov, who has now gone into business. Mikhail gained popularity as an actor during his participation in the series “Yeralash” where he played the role of a chubby guy. And since 2007, he took part in “Daddy’s Daughters” for his role, he gained considerable weight in order to seem like a sweet and friendly young man. While filming was going on, Kazakov did not restrict himself in food, but after the series ended, he decided to pull himself together and went in for sports. Now you don’t recognize him, there’s not a trace left of the overweight guy.

In 2018, Mikhail turned 30 and, looking at him, it’s hard to imagine that this man with an athletic build was previously a well-fed guy. Now, with a height of 180 centimeters, he weighs only 77 kilograms.

The secret of Polezhaikin's slimness

According to the actor himself, he went hand in hand with sports all his life, ran, swam, and was in constant motion. One incident on the set surprised everyone when the actor lost 30 kilos, but the director told Mikhail to gain weight again so as not to deviate from the image.

When filming of the series ended, Mikhail lost weight again thanks to sports, and he traded his car for walking. On a day, Cossacks walked approximately 30, and sometimes 40 km. The result of such intense exercise was a weight reduction to 77 kg. The actor has undergone an incredible transformation and claims that only the following can help in the fight against weight:

  1. Regular walking over long distances;
  2. Refuse any means of transportation, even an elevator;
  3. Physical activity and sports;
  4. Do not resort to a strict diet;
  5. And a lot of effort is the only way you can achieve the desired result.

Recently, Mikhail appeared in public in a completely updated image, having noticeably lost weight and changed his hairstyle; he does not at all look like the well-known Polezhaikin.

He was able to achieve his success in the fight against excess weight only thanks to heavy loads and completely switching to walking. Mikhail argues that it is better to give preference to sports than to exhaust yourself with exhausting diets, after which you can quickly regain your previous weight.

Mikhail Sergeevich Kazakov is a Russian film actor who also played on the stage of the Moscow Theater named after. Actor Mikhail Kazakov was remembered by viewers for his role as Ilya Polezhaikin in the comedy sitcom, private Vladimir Bulkin in the TV series “Stroibatya”, as well as for numerous humorous videos “”.

He was born and raised in Tver in the family of a prominent entrepreneur, Sergei Kazakov, who produced his own brand of sparkling water, “Kazakov”. Mikhail has an older brother, Stas.

The boy's family was friendly. Parents and children traveled a lot around different countries peace, and summer holidays Misha most often spent time in the village, where he rode a bicycle and enjoyed growing exotic plants. Also in childhood, Kazakov first found himself on film set. He became not just another actor in the humorous film magazine “Yeralash”, but its record holder: Mikhail appeared in more than 20 stories, and starred in “Yeralash” until he was 16 years old, although directors usually limit the age of young artists to 14 years. Later he was a participant in similar comedy projects “Wick” and “6 Frames”.

The biography of Mikhail Kazakov is quite tragic. He was still a teenager when his father was killed. And two years later, the actor Mikhail Kazakov himself turned out to be a murderer. In January 2005, immediately after New Year's holidays, a 16-year-old boy became involved in a domestic quarrel between the girl Victoria, with whom Mikhail studied at the same school, and her ex-boyfriend, 20-year-old Kirill Gurkin.

While defending an acquaintance, during a fight Kazakov struck young man stabs to the heart and carotid artery. Gurkin died from his wounds, and Mikhail Kazakov, who killed the man, confessed to his crime and appeared in court. The guy was accused of exceeding self-defense, but the relatives of the murdered man withdrew the lawsuit, so the case was closed. The public learned about the murder committed by Mikhail Kazakov later, when he had already become popular.

In addition to the fact that Mikhail became famous as a film actor, he also played the cat Behemoth in the production of Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” on the stage of the Moscow Drama Theater named after Konstantin Stanislavsky. But even after becoming a star, Kazakov did not plan to connect his life with the artistic path. He graduated from the Moscow Academy of Finance and Law, and during his studies he worked as a marketer in construction company, and later opened his own business.


After numerous stories in Yeralash, Mikhail Kazakov began to receive roles in films. He appeared in episodes of the psychological drama "The Noon Demon", the action film "Prison Break", the comedy "Money Day" and the sitcom "My Fair Nanny 2: Life After the Wedding." But the sitcom “Daddy’s Daughters” brought All-Russian fame to Mikhail Kazakov.

He began acting in this comedy series in 2007 in the role of poor student Ilya Polezhaikin, who develops a friendship, and then romantic relationship with the actress’s heroine – . Households and even teachers called the girl by her first name and patronymic, because she had extraordinary intelligence and knowledge. The fame of a child prodigy and large horn-rimmed glasses did not prevent Gala from participating in beauty contests. Later, for the sake of Polezhaikin, the girl gives up her dream of studying at Oxford and enters the same department of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with him. Later, the heroes' paths diverged, but they remained friends.

The actor also appeared in the sequel “Daddy's Daughters. Super Brides,” taking part in a total of 20 seasons over five years. This film became main job in the filmography of Mikhail Kazakov.

In addition, the actor starred in leading role in the lyrical comedy "Stroibatya". Mikhail appeared in the role of the kind and narrow-minded fat man Vladimir Bulkin.

In the dramatic action film “The Shore,” Kazakov played the role of a drug addict. The series was about a major-lieutenant from the capital who ended up serving in a border military town. In a new place main character revises life values and becomes a truly high-class officer. The film also starred.

It is worth noting that, although Mikhail usually plays the role of a narrow-minded guy who always dreams of food, the actor himself is far from a glutton, and during the filming of “Daddy’s Daughters” Kazakov lost 20 kilograms.

Personal life

While studying in Moscow, Mikhail met Yulia Kotova, a student at the Moscow state university economics, statistics and computer science. They met and even lived in a civil marriage, but did not officially marry, although some media outlets call Yulia the first wife of Mikhail Kazakov. They really were going to get married, but in the end they broke up, and very painfully.

The actor got married in 2011. His wife was his old friend Elena. The girl, like Mikhail himself, is from Tver. She graduated from the Faculty of Economics and works as an accountant. Before the wedding, they knew each other for about eight years, and Kazakov’s wife even managed to be married to another person and give birth to a child. By the way, Mikhail Kazakov is raising her daughter as his own. And in 2012, the actor became a father for the first time: his wife gave him a son, Miroslav. Family photos often appear on the actor’s personal profile in “ Instagram ».

Kazakov has repeatedly said that he does not intend to get involved with acting for the rest of his life. In his native Tver he opened own store clothes, but Mikhail’s main hopes are directed towards the KinoDom network of casting agencies. He created the first of the branches in his city, and then opened new branches in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan and Yoshkar-Ola. Having arranged his personal life, Mikhail Kazakov expects to achieve heights in business.

Mikhail Kazakov now

Despite Mikhail Kazakov’s statements that the acting profession is already behind him, he does not stop appearing in his hometown at local corporate events and concert events as a showman and presenter. And in 2017, he accepted an invitation from the creators of the comedy. According to the plot of the film, the head of state decides to spend his vacation traveling around the country, changing his appearance with the help of makeup. Having chosen a random image, the president outwardly becomes similar to the outcast Valera, who is hiding from the collection service.

Trailer for the film "President's Vacation"

The girl Zina becomes his companion on the southern seaside. The main character is played by , and his girlfriend is performed by . Appears in the role of a real president, famous artist from Comedy Club. Mikhail Kazakov embodied the image of a traffic police officer on the screen. The film premiered at the beginning of 2018.

In March of the same year, the artist became a participant holiday issue talk show “Hello, Andrey!”, dedicated to the anniversary of the humorous magazine “Yeralash”. The meeting was attended by artists, different time participated in the creation of Yeralash. Mikhail Kazakov amazed the audience with his appearance. From a plump, pink-cheeked boy, the artist turned into a tall, handsome man with a toned torso. Now the weight of the thinner Kazakov is 68 kg with a height of 180 cm. Boris Grachevsky jokingly noted that the actor “fell out of character.” According to Mikhail Kazakov, he discovered a simple way to lose weight - walking, while the young man does not exhaust himself with hours of training and dieting.


  • 2003 - “Demon of the Midday”
  • 2005 - “Escape”
  • 2006 - “Money Day”
  • 2007-2012 - “Daddy’s Daughters”
  • 2008 - “My Fair Nanny 2: Life After the Wedding”
  • 2010 - “Build Batya”
  • 2013 - “Shores”
  • 2013 - “Daddy's Daughters. Super Brides"

// Photo: frame from the TV series “Daddy’s Daughters”

New episode of the program “Hello, Andrey!” on “Russia 1” was dedicated to the actors and creators of the film anthology “Yeralash”. Boris Grachevsky and his numerous charges appeared in the studio. One of these wards was Mikhail Kazakov. Fans remembered the young artist thanks to his bright appearance. The boy had always been chubby, but it seemed that he was not at all embarrassed by his excess weight.

When Kazakov entered the studio, even Grachevsky did not recognize him. It turned out that Polezhaikin from “Daddy’s Daughters” lost incredible weight. According to Mikhail, he never exhausted himself with long workouts or diets.

“The secret is very simple - walking. I devoted two months to walking, and this is the result. Many people I know now simply don’t recognize me,” said Kazakov.

The man has really changed a lot. Moreover, he completely revised his views on life. According to Mikhail, at some point he stopped being interested in acting. That is why the ex-artist returned to his native Tver, where he opened a business. Now Kazakov is happily married, and in 2012 his wife gave him a son, Miroslav.

“Acting is still not my thing. I graduated from business school, Faculty of Economics. Entrepreneurship has always been closer to me, although I am very grateful to Boris Yuryevich for the incredible memories,” the man shared.

On the air of the program “Hello, Andrey!” Other Jumble stars also appeared. Thus, the hero of the program was Alexander Golovin, who first became famous during the filming of a children's film almanac. According to Grachevsky, dozens, hundreds of letters were written to the boy every day, but he refused to even look at the messages from fans.

Adult actors also became guests of the studio and took part in the filming of “Jumble” with pleasure, considering it an invaluable experience. Stas Sadalsky, Marina Fedunkiv, Olga Prokofieva and many others thanked Boris Grachevsky for his incredible work.

The creator of “Jumble” came to the shooting with his young wife. He talked about the real reason the popularity of his main creative brainchild.

“Even in our song it is sung “Boys and girls, as well as their parents”... Each issue seems to be humorous, but it carries certain meaning for children, their mothers and fathers. It is important for me that Yeralash is watched by the whole family, so that people see in it not only funny pictures, and morality,” said Grachevsky.

At the end of the program, studio guests thanked Boris Yuryevich for his incredible work. Over the several decades of the existence of Yeralash, Grachevsky managed to find and educate many stars. However, the man does not intend to stop there, dreaming of continuing to work on the film almanac.