Hvorostovsky personal life. Dmitry Hvorostovsky: wife, children, personal life

Leo Tolstoy said that “every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” This phrase is especially true when we're talking about about the loss of a loved one. On November 22, 2017, the heart of a wonderful man, an outstanding artist Dmitry Hvorostovsky, stopped beating.

The earth is empty without you

For loved ones, the singer’s death became an irreparable loss. No one will be able to feel the bitterness that gripped Florence Illy, Dmitry’s widow. On the microblog page she posted only one word - DIMA. White letters on a black background looked especially piercing. As well as a short comment: “I love you. Forever".

Despite the pain and sorrow that engulfed Dmitry’s family, his relatives found the strength to thank everyone who grieved with them. On the eve of the funeral, Florence expressed gratitude for the sea of ​​love and support that they so needed at this time. The widow asked not to bring flowers, but rather to make donations to the Cancer Research Center. Within a few days, the singer’s fans deposited 2.5 thousand pounds sterling into the center’s account.

Florence and the children stoically endured the procedure of saying goodbye to their dearest person, and for some time stopped communicating with the press. It is especially difficult to experience loss while under the constant attention of journalists.

From his first marriage, Dmitry has two children left - twins Alexandra and Danila. AND stepdaughter Maria. All children communicate closely and are friends.

Sad Christmas

December 25, 2017 Florence broke the silence and wished her subscribers a Merry Christmas. On Instagram she posted a photo of herself with her children, Maxim and Nina.

In the photo - Florence Hvorostovskaya with her children a month after her husband’s death

They all smile, but you can clearly see how sad their eyes and sad smiles are. The children have matured a lot in the month since their father's death. Maxim especially matured and felt responsible for his mother and sister.

Attentive microblog subscribers noticed that Florence wears it on a chain as a pendant wedding ring Dmitry. This fact evoked sympathetic comments and words of support addressed to the Hvorostovsky family.

After some time, Florence began posting photographs from family archive, accompanying them with touching comments.

She admits that she cannot come to terms with the departure of her loved one and counts the days lived without him. He notes that two months later the pain intensified: “I miss you more than ever.” The woman promised to remain faithful to her beloved forever.

Love story

Everyone who saw Dmitry and Florence noted the special tenderness with which the spouses invariably treated each other. They met in 1999 on the stage of the Geneva Opera, where Hvorostovsky sang the role of Don Juan, and Florence played the role of his lover. The stage kiss marked the beginning of a relationship that was ended only by Dmitry's death.

The singer then had a difficult period: family problems led to alcohol abuse. Florence revived the man to life, inspired new creative projects. The young woman abandoned her own career. For Dmitry, she was a lover, a muse, a friend. His family called Florence an angel sent to Dmitry.

In the photo - Hvorostovsky with his parents and Florence

He himself said that with her it became easier for him to breathe and sing, the world blossomed with new colors. In their marriage they had two beautiful children - Maxim and Nina.

Later she became an attentive nurse and a zealous protector, protecting the peace of her fading husband.

Sad Valentine's Day

Such an immense feeling could not disappear without a trace, and Florence Illy spent Valentine’s Day on Novodevichy Cemetery. Kneeling down near Dmitry’s grave, she uttered a heartfelt oath of allegiance. Later, on the microblog, she again confessed her love to him, said that she thinks about him every minute, and misses him immensely. Perhaps someday she will be happy again, because he wanted it that way. She will try to do this for the sake of the children, for her own sake. And he will forever remain in her heart.

Florence said that after her husband’s death she could not bring herself to listen to recordings with Dmitry’s voice. Only after 3 months I overcame my fear and was able to watch the film “Dmitry Hvorostovsky. Score for success." Viewing only aggravated the wound that had not yet healed, caused new wave longing and grief.

Criticism of the Hvorostovsky family

First, ten-year-old daughter Nina was criticized. The girl recklessly shared her feelings about her father’s death online. She wrote about losing a wonderful friend and herself. best dad. She promised to always remember him. “We must stay strong and thank you to all those who remember dad.” In memory of her father, she sang Elton John’s song “I’m still standing.” Internet users attacked the girl with cruel criticism, probably forgetting that Nina was just a child. Fortunately, there were sensible people who performed in Nina’s defense: “Dmitry was a great lover of life, he would be pleased that his daughter does not cry, but sings in memory of him,” “Bravo, Nina! I respect you!” But as a result of the scandal, Hvorostovsky’s children closed their pages from outside visits.

The next wave of criticism hit the family when Florence appeared at the Grammy Awards with her children. Dmitry was posthumously nominated for an award in the category “Best Classical Vocal Solo Album”.

In the photo - Florence Hvorostovskaya with her children at the Grammy Awards

Naturally, the family attended the event. Unfortunately, Hvorostovsky was not awarded the prize. But Dmitry’s widow was subjected to vicious condemnation. She was accused of not observing mourning, condemned for wearing a bright dress, and reproached for becoming prettier. Her detractors dubbed her the “merry widow.” The woman left the angry attacks without comment. But many of the artist’s fans stood up for her.

Dmitry's parents

There is something anomalous about the fact that parents bury their child, violating the laws of nature. Dmitry's parents aged sharply after the death of their only son. They are a little consoled by communication with their daughter-in-law and grandchildren, who often come to Moscow.

In the photo - parents, wife and children of Dmitry Hvorostovsky

Lyudmila Petrovna and Alexander Stepanovich do not communicate with the press and live secluded lives. The only event they attended was the Bravo Awards. The ceremony took place at Bolshoi Theater, and began with a dedication to Dmitry Hvorostovsky. During the performance of “Ave Maria,” not only the parents, but also many of those present could not hold back their tears.

People's Artist of Russia, opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky, who suffered from cancer for a long time, died in London. The death of the singer was reported by Dmitry Malikov and Joseph Kobzon.

A terrible diagnosis - a brain tumor - was made to Dmitry Hvorostovsky, who lived in London for many years, in June 2015. When the illness became known, the artist canceled his performances for two months and underwent several courses of chemotherapy at one of the cancer centers in London.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky's return to the stage after a course of treatment took place on August 25, 2015 in New York on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera. However, in December 2016, the singer's health deteriorated and he again canceled all opera performances.

Date and place of funeral

A capsule with part of the ashes of People's Artist of Russia Dmitry Hvorostovsky will be buried in Krasnoyarsk, the Ministry of Culture of the region told RIA Novosti.

Hvorostovsky was born in Krasnoyarsk and is an honorary citizen of the region. He died on Wednesday morning in London after a long illness. At the end of June 2015, he announced that he was suffering from a brain tumor.

The department said that after farewell to Hvorostovsky, a cremation procedure will take place in Moscow. One capsule with ashes will be buried at the Novodevichy cemetery, and the other in Krasnoyarsk. Date of funeral in hometown The artist is still unknown.

Earlier it became known that farewell to the artist would take place in Great hall Conservatory on Monday, November 27th.

First marriage

The owner of such a voice was famous for being a passionate and gentle man. His first love arose on the stage of the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater. The first lover was the ballerina Svetlana Ivanova. But this connection was not approved by others. Svetlana was already married before, but the reason for the breakup was her uncontrollable passion for men. But Dmitry was fascinated by the dark-eyed beauty and did not listen to anyone’s advice.

Dmitry's mentor Ekaterina Iofel made every effort to destroy this union. She tried to influence Hvorostovsky by refusing to communicate with him. But nothing helped. The relationship with the ballerina lasted two years, after which Dmitry moved her and her little daughter to his small room in communal apartment. A year later, Svetlana and Dmitry got married.

The blow did not take long to arrive. One day Dmitry decided to surprise his wife and returned early from a tour. He bought a huge bouquet of flowers, came home and saw Svetlana in his marital bed with his close friend. The friends got into a big fight. Those around them believed that the relationship of the unsuccessful couple would end there. But Dmitry forgave his wife. In the early 90s, he was invited to work in the UK, and he moved his family to London.

Dmitry dreamed that Svetlana would be his support and support in everything. He wanted to appoint her as his director. But Svetlana did not want to take any part in her husband’s fate. She only wanted to devote all her time to herself and enjoy social life London. At first Dmitry took it calmly. He believed that there was nothing wrong with his wife going out into the world. In 1996, Dmitry Hvorostovsky’s personal life went uphill, his wife gave birth to two children. The singer was very happy with his wife and children. He gave birth to twins: a boy Danya and a girl Sasha. Dmitry was sure that he did the right thing by not listening to gossip about his wife.

But everything turned out to be the opposite. Svetlana did not settle down and did not calm down after the birth of her children. She became nervous and scandalous. In the house, major quarrels began to frequently arise between the spouses. As a result, the singer developed an ulcer due to nervousness. To relieve the pain, he began to drink.

Hvorostovsky also became addicted to alcohol because he was very worried about the current family situation. He would later talk about that time that he actually drank so much that he could even lose his job.


But so far his concert activity has not stopped. Hvorostovsky went to Geneva for one of his performances. There he had to perform the part of Don Giovanni with the charming 29-year-old Florence Illy. She discovered that the famous Russian baritone was also a real handsome man and went on the attack. They had a real kiss on stage. That's where she started. The sensuality of the singer of Italian-Swiss origin did not hide from Dmitry. "IM married!" - he immediately declared. "So what?" - Flo answered completely sincerely.

This woman seems to have returned her real self to Dmitry Alexandrovich.

He again understood what tenderness and romance are, what love and care are, what quiet happiness and enjoyment of each other is - without quarrels and scandals.

Returning to London, the singer raised the question of divorce. Svetlana couldn’t believe it: her Dimochka, who forgave everything, put up with her for so long, gave her two beautiful kids, suddenly started talking about divorce?! She was offended and disappointed and never expected that this could happen. But being the wife of a genius is difficult - you need to correspond to him on the one hand and develop with him on the other. Sveta, it seems, did not cope with this task.

In a fit of rage, the woman sued him for everything he had at that time: real estate, cars, as well as huge alimony for children and her own maintenance (more than 8 million a year, if counted in rubles). But Hvorostovsky was no longer with her, and Florence was able to survive all this.

Second marriage - a new meaning in life

With the appearance of Hvorostovsky in the life of Florence, life acquired new meaning. He stopped drinking and his popularity grew. He became an even more famous opera singer. Florence became a talisman for him. She followed her husband everywhere and constantly supported him in everything.

In 2003, the couple had a son, he was named Maxim, and four years later a daughter was born. Personal life, wife and children became the most important for Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

Florence completely immersed herself in Russian life. In the first year of their life together with Dmitry, she learned Russian at a conversational level. They went on all the tours around the world only together. Sometimes they performed in concerts together.

As soon as the singer’s personal life improved, old relationships resurfaced. His wife Svetlana appeared and demanded that her alimony amount be doubled. The court approved her demands. Until the end of her days, she never worked anywhere, but lived only off these alimony payments.

After Svetlana learned about Dmitry’s diagnosis, she called him for the first time in 15 years. This was their last conversation. Svetlana died before Hvorostovsky. The cause of her death was complications from meningitis. After Svetlana's death, Dmitry learned that she was a very religious person. She often helped churches in London. She was greatly respected by her parishioners for this.

Dmitry did not abandon Svetlana’s children after her death. He continued to help them. His daughter from his first marriage became an artist, and his son became interested in music.

In 2015, misfortune came to the family. Dmitry became seriously ill. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Regular chemotherapy brought relief for a short time. The singer was forced to suspend his tours, and many concerts had to be abandoned. His performances were supposed to take place this summer, but his health did not allow his plans to be realized.


A happy father with children (from left to right): Maria (the daughter of the singer’s first wife, whom he adopted), 21-year-old Danila and 21-year-old Alexandra (children from his first marriage with ballerina Svetlana Ivanova), 10-year-old Nina, in the second row - 15-year-old Maxim.

All four of the singer's children live in London, they support friendly relations between themselves. Since the divorce from his first wife was scandalous and painful, Hvorostovsky rarely sees the twins from his first marriage. They still live in the British capital with Svetlana and occasionally attend the singer’s rehearsals.

In the interview, the singer avoids the topic of communicating with children from his first marriage, calling it very painful. But the singer’s wife Florence and the singer’s children support him with all their might. They not only attend concerts and rehearsals, but also often accompany Dmitry on tour. The singer is proud that Maxim and Nina already speak three languages!

He tries to raise his children with love and does not even raise his voice at them. As the singer admitted in an interview, he now strives to get home as quickly as possible so that the whole family can be together. An expressive and irritable man with children next to him complex character becomes tender and sentimental. And once Dmitry even cried when he heard his daughter Ninochka sing. The singer calls his children very talented and artistic. Who knows, maybe they will follow in the footsteps of their famous father!

On November 22, the world-famous dramatic baritone Dmitry Hvorostovsky died in a London hospice.

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Hvorostovsky was born in Krasnoyarsk on October 16, 1962 in the family of Alexander Stepanovich and Lyudmila Petrovna Hvorostovsky. His father worked all his life as a chemical engineer, his mother worked as a gynecologist in a hospital.

The family was musical, Alexander Stepanovich was the owner of a magnificent collection of records by world opera stars.

After the Institute of Arts, which Dmitry graduated from in 1985, Hvorostovky was accepted into the troupe of the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater, where he served until 1990.

In 1989, Dmitry became the winner of the prestigious International Competition opera singers in Cardiff, after which he received offers from the best opera houses in the world.

His voice sounded at the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, in Royal Theater Covent Garden (London), in Bavarian State Opera(Munich State Opera), at the Berlin State Opera, at La Scala (Milan), at the Vienna State Opera, at the Teatro Colon (Buenos Aires), at the Metropolitan Opera (New York), at Lyric opera in Chicago and many other global venues.

Since 1994, the singer has lived in London.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky's repertoire included the main roles in the operas: “Eugene Onegin”, “ Queen of Spades", "Rigoletto", "La Traviata", "Othello", "The Marriage of Figaro", "Don Giovanni", " Barber of Seville", "Faust" "Pagliacci", and he also performed Russian folk songs and romances.


Dmitry Hvorostovsky was married twice. The first wife, Svetlana, a ballet dancer at the Krasnoyarsk Theater, was three years older than the singer. They met in 1986 and got married 5 years later; Dmitry adopted Svetlana’s child from her first marriage, Maria.

In 1996, the couple had twins Danila and Alexandra. Three years later, after the birth of children and scandals in the family, Hvorostovsky separated from his wife. According to his recollection, the marriage with Svetlana was difficult, he even started drinking alcohol, and problems began with work.

Svetlana died in 2015.

The second time the singer married half-French, half-Italian Florence Illy, whom he met while still married to Svetlana.

At that time he was 37 years old and Florence was 29; they met at rehearsals in Geneva. After the wedding, she left the stage and took care of home and family.

In 2003, the couple had a son, Maxim, and four years later, a daughter, Nina.

Disease and treatment

On June 24, 2015, an announcement appeared on Hvorostovsky’s official website about the cancellation of the singer’s performances until the end of the summer due to a brain tumor diagnosed in him. It was decided to undergo treatment at the Royal Marsden Cancer Clinic in London. Despite the illness and chemotherapy courses, the singer continued to work.

Literally three months after the diagnosis, Hvorostovsky shone in leading role at the New York Metropolitan Opera in Giuseppe Verdi's Il Trovatore. A year later, the treatment had to be repeated and the previously planned performance of “Simon Boccanegra” on stage was canceled Vienna Opera. Nevertheless, on his birthday, Hvorostovsky performed on the stage of the Old Opera in Frankfurt. He continued to work despite his serious illness.

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Hvorostovsky is a Soviet and Russian opera singer. His baritone is known all over the world, in every corner of the globe. In 1995 he received the title of People's Artist Russian Federation. In 1991 he became a laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR named after. Glinka. He also holds the international Opera News Award, awarded for his contribution to the art of opera.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky is one of the few famous personalities who independently came to success. Unremarkable, he managed to achieve fame and become a people's favorite. His soft baritone makes even the hardest hearts melt.

Even knowing about his fatal diagnosis, he continued to perform and support young talents in Russia.

The biography of Dmitry Hvorostovsky is full of interesting facts.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky has thousands of admirers. Fans are interested in knowing everything about their idol, including many who are interested in the singer’s physical characteristics, namely, what is his height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Hvorostovsky at the time of his death? This is a simple question - it is enough to know the dates of birth and death of the singer. By easy calculations, it turns out that Dmitry Hvorostovsky died at the age of 55. Photos in his youth are still a popular request on the Internet.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky was very tall - his height was 193 centimeters, and he weighed 88 kilograms.

According to the zodiac sign, the singer is a reasonable, calm, but creative Libra. And nobility and special power gave him freedom Eastern horoscope. Dmitry Hvorostovsky was born in the year of the Tiger.

Biography and personal life of Dmitry Hvorostovsky

The biography and personal life of Dmitry Hvorostovsky begins in Krasnoyarsk. The future singer was born on October 16, 1962. Father - Alexander Hvorostovsky, chemical engineer. Mother - Lyudmila Hvorostovskaya, gynecologist

As a child, Dmitry Hvorostovsky was very talented. At the age of 6 he already knew how to play the piano.

The opera singer studied at the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical College and graduated from the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts. Later he became a soloist of the Krasnoyarsk state theater opera and ballet.

Since 1989, Dmitry Hvorostovsky was noticed in Europe. Later he moved with his family to London. Dmitry Hvorostovsky had two citizenships - the Russian Federation and Great Britain. Often performed with symphony orchestras. Sang songs on patriotic themes.

Regarding the personal life of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, he was married twice. He loved his wives madly and was jealous.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky died on November 22, 2017 from a brain tumor. Family, friends, fans could not come to terms with this news for a long time.

Family and children of Dmitry Hvorostovsky

The family and children of Dmitry Hvorostovsky are an asset opera singer. He was married twice and has four children - two boys and two girls.

The singer’s first chosen one was the Krasnoyarsk corps de ballet actress Svetlana Hvorostovskaya. She gave Dmitry Hvorostovsky royal twins. Rumor has it that the babies were born as a result of IVF, because... Once, in a fit of jealousy, the singer beat his wife so much that she became infertile. Later, in his second marriage, he had another son and daughter.

In the family, children speak Russian, French, English and Italian. Dmitry Hvorostovsky loved his children very much and always supported them.

Son of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - Danila

The son of Dmitry Hvorostovsky is Danila, one of the royal twins. He was born in 1996 by the singer’s first wife, Svetlana Hvorostovskaya. At home the boy was called Daniel.

Danila studied at London school, lived in a prestigious area. After his parents divorced, he missed his father very much and supported his mother in every possible way.

Now he is a completely grown guy. Danila followed in his father’s footsteps and gave his heart to music. True, he did not become an opera singer. The guy plays the guitar very well and prefers rock music.

Son of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - Maxim

The son of Dmitry Hvorostovsky is Maxim, the second son of the singer. The boy was born in 2003 in London in his second marriage. Then Dmitry Hvorostovsky was married to Florence Hvorostovskaya.

The boy is the spitting image of his father. He is very similar to Dmitry Hvorostovsky both in appearance and in character.

Now Maxim is studying at school. Fluent in three languages. He loves music and cars. She also often participates in photo shoots. This is a rather sociable and calm guy, but at the same moment he can easily explode if something does not go according to his plan.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky's daughter - Alexandra

The daughter of Dmitry Hvorostovsky is Alexandra, the other half of the opera singer’s royal twins. Born in 1996 in the artist’s first marriage. Her mother is Svetlana Hvorostovskaya.

As a child, Alexandra sang and drew well. She loved her father madly. And, unlike her brother Danila, Sasha was very upset about her parents’ divorce.

Now the daughter of Dmitry Hvorostovsky from the royal twins lives in London. She is serious about painting. His wonderful paintings often exhibited in art galleries Worldwide.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky's daughter - Nina

Dmitry Hvorostovsky's daughter - Nina, second daughter and youngest child singer The girl was born in 2007 in her second marriage. Her mother is Florence Hvorostovskaya.

Nina is well developed and smart. The girl does well at school and also actively takes part in school amateur activities. She speaks three languages ​​fluently.

The girl has the ability to sing. She studies music and vocals. Dmitry Hvorostovsky always supported the baby and sincerely rejoiced at her success. The opera singer predicted her future as an opera diva.

The ex-wife of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - Svetlana Hvorostovskaya

The ex-wife of Dmitry Hvorostovsky is Svetlana Hvorostovsky, the first chosen one of the opera singer. Her maiden name- Ivanova. The young people met in 1986. Then Svetlana Hvorostovskaya was a ballerina of the Krasnoyarsk theater.

They got married in 1991 and a little later moved to London. Svetlana Khvorostovsika already had a child from her first marriage. Dmitry Hvorostovsky accepted him as his own.

In 1996, twins Alexandra and Danila were born into the Hvorostovsky family.

After 15 years of a quiet life, the marriage broke up. The reason for the divorce was Svetlana Hvorostovskaya's infidelity. According to some sources, it is known that the opera singer is able to alcohol intoxication severely beat his wife and her lover. According to divorce conditions ex-wife Dmitry Hvorostovsky was owed luxury house in London, annual payments amount to more than $190 thousand. To increase payments in 2009, Svetlana Hvorostovsky again filed an application to the court, which she successfully won.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky's wife - Florence Hvorostovskaya

Dmitry Hvorostovsky's wife is Florence Hvorostovskaya, the second wife of the opera singer. As a girl, Florence Illa, singer. She had Italian-French roots, but for the sake of her lover she learned Russian.

The young people met in 1999, when they performed an opera part together in Geneva. After the wedding, Florence Hvorostovskaya left her singing career and became a caring mother. In 2003, the family’s first child, son Maxim, was born. In 2007, his wife made Dmitry Hvorostovsky happy for the second time by giving birth to his daughter Nina.

Dmitry and Florence Hvorostovsky were very happy. They lived together for more than 15 years.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky: latest health news

On November 22, 2017, Dmitry Hvorostovsky died. Last news The public was very concerned about the health of the opera singer. In June 2015, it became known that Dmitry Hvorostovsky was dying of cancer; he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The opera singer never ceased to delight his fans while performing on stage. His touring activities were interrupted only to undergo chemotherapy courses.

It is known that in October 2017, the media reported the death of the opera singer. But this information turned out to be a hoax. Therefore, when reporting the death for the second time, at first no one believed it. As of today, information about the death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky was confirmed by the singer’s relatives and close people. It is now known that the ashes of Dmitry Hvorostovsky are buried in two cities: Moscow and Krasnoyarsk.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Hvorostovsky

On the Internet there is Instagram and Wikpedia of Dmitry Hvorostovsky. Here is information about the life of an opera singer.

Thousands of fans of Dmitry Hvorostovsky are subscribed to the opera singer’s Instagram page. Here you can get acquainted with the artist’s hobbies, and also posted a large number of photographs from family and creative life singer

Wikipedia Dmitry Hvorostovsky has reliable data from the biography of the singer, his personal life and creative path. The information is available to everyone.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky is the owner of a unique baritone, a world legend, our national treasure. Was tied up very tightly family ties. Grew up in a wonderful family surrounded parental love and attention. Married twice. Father of five. National artist Russian Federation. The singer's life was cut short after a serious illness in November last year. Dmitry Hvorostovsky's parents are alive.

A little about the family

Which family produces brilliant children? Scientists all over the world are studying this issue. Many studies have been conducted, thousands of reports have been written, but no clear answer has been received. However, now all scientists, with high probability, declare a large percentage of the transfer of one or another talent to a child by inheritance. This is followed by the conditions in which the child grows and develops, and only then by one’s own hard work and diligence.

Just recently the world lost a brilliant opera singer, the idol of millions of fans. classical music- Dmitry Hvorostovsky. Passed away wonderful person, loving husband, good father and, what is most sad, a beloved son. He recently turned 55 years old.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky was born in the city of Krasnoyarsk. Date of birth: October 16, 1962. His mother, Lyudmila Petrovna, worked as an obstetrician-gynecologist, his father, Alexander Stepanovich, was a chemical engineer. Nothing is known for sure about nationality. Dmitry himself considered himself Russian. Although the parents’ profession did not in any way cover the world of art, the family literally idolized music. The head of the family was very good at playing the piano, sang superbly, and collected recordings of opera singers. He passed on his passion to his son. The father decided to take it seriously musical education Dmitry. Music was constantly playing in the house, and guests often gathered. Since childhood, Dmitry attended premieres of the Krasnoyarsk Opera House with his parents, went to exhibitions and met with interesting people. Dmitry is the only child of his parents, so he was fully surrounded by attention and care. Studying at school was not easy for him. Nevertheless,

Dmitry grew up as an inquisitive, interested boy. IN music school The teachers saw in their student, first of all, a talented pianist, and not a vocalist. After a very difficult reference given to Dmitry at the end of school, he was only able to enter a pedagogical school.

Having received the profession of a music teacher, he entered the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts. Here luck smiled on the young talent. He took a course from the famous opera vocal teacher Ekaterina Iofel. According to the singer, it was her instructions and lessons that helped him throughout his creative career. From 1985 to 1990 he worked in the troupe of the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater as a soloist. Almost immediately he became opera star” of the local theater and took the main roles in “The Queen of Spades”, “La Traviata”, “Faust”, “Eugene Onegin” and others.

1989 brought to the young singer victory in the prestigious international competition in Cardiff. This victory opened the door for him to the best opera houses peace.

1994 brings the singer many awards and international awards. In the same year he and his family moved to permanent place residence in London.

The first time Dmitry tied the knot was back in Krasnoyarsk in 1986. His chosen one was his theater colleague, ballerina Svetlana Ivanova. She already had her own child. After 10 years, she gave the singer two charming twins. Thus, three children grew up in the family. But constant quarrels and disagreements between the spouses led to the fact that the marriage eventually broke up. This happened in 2001. The main reason was the constant betrayal of his wife. By the way, Dmitry Hvorostovsky had to pay a considerable amount of compensation.

Soon Dmitry married for the second time. His chosen one was Florence Illy. In 2003, the couple had a child, Maxim, and after some time, the wife gave Dmitry a daughter, Nina. Finally famous singer found happiness. His new family painted his life with new colors. However, the happiness did not last long.

Tragic fate

In 2015, Dmitry was informed that he had a brain tumor. He suddenly began to suffer from headaches and short-term loss of coordination, decreased hearing and vision. He told those around him that the tumor was benign, although he himself initially knew that it was not so. Dmitry bravely fought for life and took any available therapy. During remission, Dmitry Hvorostovsky, without losing his fortitude, gave big concerts, believing that the stage and the love of the audience will help him cope with his illness. Together with Anna Netrebko and Lara, Fabian took part in the “New Wave”. With a repertoire of classic works opera music conducted a tour of Germany. The last concert took place on June 2, 2017. In Austria he appeared on stage again on June 22.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky, after 2 years of struggle with a serious illness, died in London on November 22, 2017. Last days his life was spent with the people closest to him. The parents flew to their son a few days before his death. They were able to communicate with him as much as his condition allowed. Every day while the singer was in the clinic, friends and family visited him. He was not left alone.