Football bets at different bookmakers. Football predictions

Firstly, no need to bet blindly, just hoping for an attractive odds. Luck is a very slippery thing, and counting on it is very risky! Sooner or later she will take all your money from you!

Always look at statistics, analyze past games and, if possible, news regarding the situation within both teams. Most often, bets incorrectly determine the current state of affairs on given time, but are only justified by the rating, popularity or position of the club in the standings. However, a team may be on the decline, have key players suspended or injured, etc.!

Secondly, in nature there is no 100% winning bet, just like 100% confidence in the result of the match!

Try to define for yourself that the MAXIMUM that can be is 90-95% confidence in the result of the game (this is the highest probability, and often there is no more than 50%). It can never be 100%! If such a thought is hovering in your head, then you need to do everything to make it disappear... Find the prerequisites for the fact that such a result may simply not happen... Find the weak point that is always there!

Third, do not be lazy to find out the weather that is expected to happen on the day of the game. It plays a very important role, for example, in football and, knowing the weather conditions, one can expect the approximate course of the game for both teams.

Snow or rain are a definite advantage in defensive tactics; destruction in such conditions is much easier than attacking... Therefore, the result as an ordinary or dry draw, when one of the opponents plays for the sake of not losing, is the most likely!

Repeatedly, not knowing the weather conditions, we lost very likely bets... Rain or snow should be a surprise for everyone, but not for you! If at least something hints that there will be changes in the weather for the worse, then the best way out would be to play it safe rather than just trust in Lady Fortune!

Fourth, find out detailed information from the camps of the two opponents. Disqualifications, absences, injuries - all this will help you predict the outcome as accurately as possible, and, in turn, bet your money correctly!

If there is a disqualification or injury to defensive midfielders or defenders, then this in itself indicates possible problems in defense and potential goals conceded.

If the main attacking player or the team captain was disqualified or injured, then the question arises: will the players be able to score, what changes will they make in the tactics of the game, will they be able to implement a standard that will take them ahead.

However, if the main set-piece taker has been injured or disqualified, this may also give you pause.

Thus, try to study the future state of the players in as much detail as possible.

Fifthly, you should not bet on a clean victory for a club traveling to play on a foreign field.

One of the most common losses is when the favorite plays against a middling/underdog team and ends up bringing home one point... Players from a stronger team often cannot set themselves up for serious attitude to the outsider, and they, in turn, want to squeeze the maximum out of themselves in order to get even closer to the leader.

The most common situation occurs when a club from the top lines of the table plays an away match, scores once and tries to finish the match without playing or wasting any effort, and the opponent takes advantage of this slack and equalizes the score at the very end.

Therefore, betting on the winning of the visiting club, no matter where the opponent is in the championship table, is always a risk, and the risk should always be minimized! Therefore, the X2 bet is one of the key options for considering this kind of layout!

At sixth, weigh all your options repeatedly and make an adequate decision before directly betting on the club scoring away!

To place such a bet, you must first read and follow points 1-5 of these secret rules.

If you are really 95% sure that a club going to play in someone else’s stadium will definitely score, then feel free to bet!

But don’t forget about the home team, because their goal is also to score a goal!

Seventh, you should not bet on too small and large quotes “to win”, especially when you like to play with express bets!

Small and large coefficient s is almost a 100% loss in an express bet.

It's better not to bet on:

- large (above 1.85): the outcome is unlikely! If you think the odds are pretty high, then it's worth taking a closer look at the match and you'll probably be able to understand why the bookmaker is putting the odds so high! On top of that, remember about fixed matches! You probably don’t know about them, but there are people who make enormous money from this!

- small (1.09 and below): because it will not have weight in the express bet, and this fact alone should dissuade you. Why unjustified risk in one bet to the whole chain! And yet, they are often simply based on position in the championship and ratings, since they are not able to closely monitor all championships, tournaments and cups (this situation does not apply to the most popular championships. Everything in them is calculated scrupulously, and any change that may have an impact the result will be taken into account)…

Eighth, There is no need to bet on clear VICTORIES in friendly or pre-season, insignificant games!

The best option would be to not pay attention to such matches at all. However, if you still really want to bet on similar game, then keep in mind that the probability of WINNING in such matches is reduced by half or three times!!! You will ask why? But because the plans of the coaching staff for these games are unknown to anyone. Perhaps he wants to try new defensive tactics, maybe he wants to test his young subjects, giving the leaders a break, and the like. Or maybe the players are simply not in the mood, which happens most often!

Ninth, you should not dial EXPRESS from a huge number of games! The fewer games there are, the more your chances of winning increase!

The best bet is an express bet of 2-3 games. Playing with express bets is a very big risk, and if you decide to play on 8-9 matches, then the probability of winning drops significantly, which is not advisable!!! If you are still dreaming of a big jackpot, take a risk, but the outcome will be sad for you! Fortune may smile only once, but soon you will still give away your money on a whim! (This refers specifically to the express system).

Tenth, you should not include an unreasonable result or a result with a low degree of probability in an express bet...

A fairly common mistake is when you selected all the matches you wanted and calculated, but the odds turned out to be much less, what were your expectations, or is it simply not round or ugly, AND THEN you deliberately insert into the express an outcome that you didn’t even look at! And what kind of result do you think will not live up to expectations? Eleventh, do not chase large coefficient! The best EXPRESS is the one that consists of 2 - 3 games, with a total quote of 1.5-3.5.

Don't take a big odd! Don't dig yourself a financial hole!

Eleventh, if, nevertheless, the desire to score a lot of matches has overcome your common sense, then it makes sense to explain to you the so-called “SYSTEM”...

If you looked at the bookmaker’s line of matches, and you were interested in the games you wanted to bet on, but there are more such matches than 7-8, then the Express in this case will most likely be lost... It’s better to just bet “SYSTEM”!!! The probability of winning money from “SYSTEM” is much higher, since often in such a large express bet one or two results may not agree!

Today I will show on real examples how to bet on football using handicaps, totals, corners, exact scores and half results.

Probably many of us understand how to bet on football, but I bet that only a few know how to bet on football and win. Let me note right away that I do not guarantee constant winnings, but I will significantly minimize your losses.

Total match total

The total match total is the sum of goals that both teams score against each other. Usually a total of 2.5 goals is chosen as the average. The player is asked to bet that more or fewer goals will be scored.

For example: The player bet on “Total less than 2.5”

You don't have to choose 2.5 goals as your average. You can also bet on the total 2, but then the odds will decrease or increase. Everything will depend on what you bet on. Totals can be set for absolutely any event in the match. Whether it's the quantity yellow cards corners or the percentage of ball possession of one of the teams.

The total can be not only fractional, but also integer. Let's see how it works using the example of the “Total goals over 2” bet:

  • If there are more than 2 goals - the bet is won
  • If there are less than 2 goals - the bet is lost
  • If there are exactly 2 goals (score 2:0 or 1:1) - the money you bet will be returned to you

In bets with totals they arise quite often.

Player's individual total

Individual total of one of the players - this bet is similar to the bet on the total total, only here on average they take 0.5 goals per game.

But there are also exceptions. For example, now, when Messi and Ronaldo rule world football, bookmakers quite often choose 1.5 goals per game as the average total.

Betting on corners

Statistics and specifics of the selected team will tell you how to bet on corners in football. Review previous fights and do a thorough analysis of them. Find out how many corners a team takes on average per match.

Example: Barcelona, ​​beloved by many, serves quite a bit - only 5-6 per game. Be sure to take into account the state of the field, the status of the match, and the manner in which the teams play in your calculations.

Result of the first half and the match

Each player has his own favorite type of bet. Some may bet solely on the result of the first half.

Example from life: I had a friend who could place a bet online 50 seconds before the half-time whistle. He tried many strategies for football, and his intuition and observation told him what to bet on. He noticed that quite often the first halves end without extra time. However, this only happens when there are no delays in the game in the form of substitutions, injuries, skirmishes, etc. If he watches football and sees a “perfect” first half, without long delays, then when the 44th minute comes, he places a bet on the total.

Moreover, the total can be less than 0.5 or 1.5. It all depends on the design of the game. The coefficient can reach 1.12. He tries to choose championships with low results. Of course, if the referee records a violation and awards a dangerous free kick in the immediate vicinity of the goal, then he will not make a call, but if the game is sluggish and proceeds without dangerous moments, then this is exactly what you need.

It even happened that when he placed, the goalkeeper was preparing to put the ball into play. It lasted about 40 seconds. The ball spent 2-3 seconds in the air, and when it landed, the players only had time to make a couple of touches before the referee’s whistle sounded, which meant that the teams had to go for a break. He bet 1000 rubles each time. So in a simple way he could bring his net profit to 1,500 rubles a day. The most important thing is that absolutely any tournament is suitable for such bets. Be it the Chinese Championship or the Italian Serie A. The main thing is to watch the football carefully so as not to see a goal in the third extra minute.

At one time I tried to place bets using his system. I must say that I won about 1200-1300 rubles, and then in one match I lost 1000. Frankly, I was just lucky a couple of times and could have lost much earlier. Having found myself in a small plus, I stopped making such bets and, over time, stopped communicating with this person. I don’t know anything about his current fate, but this strategy has a right to life.

Which team will score first?

Some players really like to bet on which team will be the first to “sign” in the opponent’s goal. It must be said that the odds for this type of bet are always quite high, so they enjoy a certain popularity.

Here it is important to soberly assess the capabilities of the selected team and predict its game plan. It is best to bet on the team that needs to storm the opponent’s goal from the first minutes and score.

Example from personal experience: I bet in the recent Champions League semi-final that Bayern would score first and I was right. I think that the bet suggested itself. The pre-match setup was just perfect for her. Bayern lost the away match, and in the match at home, Guardiola's players had to immediately go forward and turn the situation around.

Handicap betting

How to bet on a handicap in football and what is it all about? If you are not satisfied with the odds provided by the bookmaker, then you can bet on a handicap.

There are odds:

  • Positive
  • Negative
  • Zero

Let's look at the example of the match between Shinnik and Barcelona.

Positive handicap. Bet on the outsider. We believe that Shinnik is not so bad and put “+2” on Shinnik’s handicap. This means that we add 2 goals to Shinnik’s goals scored and if he wins, then the bet is valid

Negative handicap. Placed on Favorite. We believe that Barcelona will tear Shinnik to pieces and we put Barcelona's handicap at -2. This means that we subtract 2 goals from Barcelona’s goals scored and if they still win, then the bet is valid

Zero handicap. You doubt that Barcelona will win, but you are sure that it definitely cannot lose. Then we put on zero handicap Barcelona. In case of a win, you get your winnings, and in case of a draw, your bet is returned to you and you simply do not lose anything.

Situation on how to use a handicap bet: If the odds for a clear victory for Real Madrid are 1.2, then the odds for them winning with a 1.5-goal handicap are 1.6. This means that the royal club must win with a difference of two goals.

Exact match score

Guessing the exact score of a match is quite difficult, although not impossible. There are many teams that play the lion's share of their matches with the same score.

Practical example: Atletico Madrid and Juventus of Turin, finishing most of the matches with a score of 1:0. This bet is also quite popular. After all, for the guessed result, bookmakers pay luxurious dividends that reach up to 1 in 20.

What is the best bet on in football is a purely personal matter. Each person is individual and gravitates towards a certain type of bet. The main thing is not to forget that any bets must be made with a sober head and with cold calculation.

Many bookmakers have land-based betting points that are visited by a large number of bettors, spending a lot of time there looking for a bet. But it is still worth recognizing that the majority of players place bets via the Internet. This is especially true for young players who are just taking their first steps, most often trying their hand at the number one sport - football.

It is for this reason that below we will discuss with you how to place your first bet on football on the Internet.

On this moment valid on the territory of our country whole line licensed bookmakers, but the most popular among them, based on reality better conditions games are used by such companies as:

Therefore, we will study how to correctly and conveniently place bets on football via the Internet in each of the above mentioned offices.

In the vastness of Russia, BC Liga Stavok enjoys well-deserved respect due to its reliability and excellent playing conditions. For these reasons, let's start with this office. How to register for the Betting League is described in detail in the bookmaker's review, which also provides registration instructions. After registration, we will learn how to place a bet before the game itself begins.

How to place a bet before the match starts

Let's look at a specific case. For example, it was decided to study the Spanish example. Most often, young bettors begin their first steps with the favorites, so the Real Madrid-Alaves match will obviously attract the most attention. The championship leader is hosting the 10th team of the current season, so you can try to play on options such as “Win1” (win by Real M) or on its negative handicap, for example, F1(-2). How to find this match in the vastness of BC Liga Stavok and place the higher indicated bets there? There's nothing complicated here

Here is the main page of the bookmaker Liga Stavok.

In the upper left corner we find the “Football” section and click on it. We get this picture.

Here the bookmaker offers a large list of championships and international football competitions. You need to use the mouse wheel or use the cursor to move down, where the “Spain” section will be found. Cashing in on it will open a list of Spanish championships, among which, of course, you can find Primera.

Click on this section, check the box and a list of matches will appear a little to the right at the very top of the open page major league Spain.

We see that Real Madrid is playing with Getafe to win the favorite (Win1) they give too small coefficient 1.22. Click on this number and pay attention to the upper right part of the open page.

Here we see the “Coupon” section, where we enter the amount, for example, 100 rubles, in a free frame. Just below, the winning amount is automatically calculated (122 rubles). If everything suits you, then click on the “Place” tab. That's it, you and I bet that Real M will win 100 rubles. As you can see, there is nothing complicated.

Someone may try to bet on this option, but it is better to play on the negative handicap of Real M, as mentioned above. But just how to find F1(-2.0), which hints that the hosts will be able to win with a difference of more than 2 goals? Again, look at the picture where the list of matches of the Spanish examples is presented, there green The bird is highlighted upside down.

You should click on this bird, additional bets will open. Or, click on the names of the playing teams to open the page dedicated to their match.

Here we find our bet “F1(-2.0)”, for which BC Liga Stavok set odds of 1.9, not the highest figure, but quite playable. After that, we do the same thing when we bet on Victoria Real M (W1): click on the odds of 1.9, and enter the required amount in the “Coupon”. In this match, you can try to play on other options, for example, on “Total (3.5) over”. You can choose another bet; to do this, you should gradually move down. This bookmaker schedules football matches using a large number of types of bets, so here you can find many interesting and playable options. For example, you can use this rate.

This option will win if Real Madrid wins and there are 4 or more goals in the match.

In BC Liga Betting, the website is designed in such a way that searching for bets does not cause any difficulties, and the large number of types of bets used to schedule the matches themselves allows you to realize all your ideas and conclusions from the analysis football match.

How to place a live bet

IN Lately Live bets are very popular; some even build a whole strategy for playing on them. It’s worth saying right away that BC Liga Stavok has good conditions games on this type of bets.

On home page Find the “Live” section.

Click on it and get the following.

Here you can play a variety of sports. Many people like to play only on those sports competitions, which are shown in live video broadcast. In BC Liga Stavok there is such an opportunity; to do this, you need to check the box “Only with video” (circled in the picture with a red rectangle). You can, while viewing all the proposed live events, note for yourself which of them will be shown on the video; such events are indicated by this icon.

But we need football matches, we find a section of the same name here.

We get the following picture.

For example, we were very interested in the match within the Chinese Cup “Dalian Tunshun - Jilin Baijia”. He was interested in the fact that it was possible to view it via video broadcast. Click on the name of this match and this window will pop up.

If you want to watch this fight, you need to click on the view sign, but you just need to log in. If, while watching the match, you decided to play on the home team’s victory, then click on the odds of 3.60 (located in the green frame). And in the coupon we do everything exactly the same as for the victory of Real Madrid. It’s immediately clear that even for such a not-so-popular match as the Chinese Cup, BC League Betting offers a good choice rates.

The bets themselves are placed quickly. All this only speaks of good conditions for playing online.

Place a bet on football using a mobile application

How to download and install a mobile application for the iOS and Android operating systems on your tablet or mobile device, you can study in the article “Review of the legal bookmaker “Liga Stavok” and correct registration” in the section “Mobile application “Liga Stavok” for iOS and Android” .

The mobile application is hidden in the middle of the right side of the main page of the site.

Click directly on the “iOS” or “Android” tabs, a window will pop up where everything will be described in detail, how to download and install the application and how you can place bets using it. The instructions are described in sufficient detail.

The downloaded mobile application allows you not only to place bets, but also to watch sporting events via video broadcast.

When choosing football bets via mobile application, this picture comes up.

Pay attention to the sign in the form of a basket; this is where the bets selected in the future will go. Click on the “Football” insert and select the necessary options.

Interesting offers from BC Liga Stavok in the “football” section

BC Liga Betting offers its customers some attractive offers for playing football bets. In general, it is worth noting that football bookmaker specialists very competently set odds for classic bets (win, handicap, total, etc.), which is why it is extremely difficult to beat the bookmaker on such options. Therefore, it would be a good idea to pay attention to some not entirely standard betting options, where the experts themselves often make mistakes.

Non-standard bets appear in the regular list. It looks like this.

From this entire list, let’s take, for example, a section such as “Which team from the RFPL will make it to the Champions League at the end of the 2016/2017 season?” Click on it and get it.

Let’s say that during the analysis it was decided that CSKA will be able to get into the Champions League, click on the odds of 2.65, and on the right in the “Coupon” we put the required amount in the empty window.

You can still find a number of interesting offers, but you can already do this yourself by registering with a bookmaker.


BC Betcity is famous for its reliability and integrity, which is the reason for the constant influx of new clients. Details about registering with this office can be read in its review. Our task is to figure out how to make a football bet.

Studying, for example, the matches of the 2018 World Cup, the Russia-Egypt match attracted close attention.

During the analysis, it was decided to play on the fact that Egypt will not lose (X2). Now let's try to bet on this outcome. To do this, go to the “Line” section on the main page.

And in the window that opens on the left, we find the “Football” insert, click on it.

A whole list of championships and international tournaments appears, among which you need to find matches for the 2018 World Cup.

Click on this line and a list of matches appears.

Click on the name of the match “Russia-Egypt”, opening the so-called “list” of the match.

We look for the previously selected outcome X2 in it - the bookmaker gives odds of 1.69 for it and click on it with the mouse, adding this outcome to the “Basket” located on the right.

How to place a live bet on football

Live events offered by BC Betcity are located in the “Live” section. It can be found here.

Click on this insert and this window appears.

On the left we find the “Football” section; after clicking on it, the bookmaker offers you a whole list of ongoing football matches. It’s worth noting right away that it is possible to view some popular matches by clicking on the corresponding icon.


BC Olympus is a relatively young company that quickly gained popularity thanks to its extensive line, high odds and excellent reputation. Placing bets here is quite simple and convenient.

Pre-match bets

On the main page of the BC Olympus website, select the “Line” section - it is located at the very top.

In the bookmaker’s line, select the appropriate section and click on it with the mouse.

Clicking will open a list of current tournaments on which you can place pre-match bets. Let us choose, for example, the World Championship as the most interesting event. This can be done either in the top menu, where the most famous tournaments are listed, or by selecting the desired section from the alphabetical index.

We look for the one we need in the list of upcoming matches, and then there are several options for action. First, if you want to bet on one of the basic outcomes: win, draw, double chance, total or handicap, you can do this right on the line without opening the match list. Just click on the odds you want, this will add it to the bet slip.

The second option is that if you want to see more outcomes for a match, you can open its description without leaving the line by clicking on this icon. It is located under each match.

Clicking on the triangle will open a compact painting of the match. Betting is supposed to be done using the same algorithm as above, simply by clicking on the appropriate odds.

And finally, the third option is to open the most detailed description of the match by going to its page. To do this, click on the title. The mechanism for making bets does not change; just click on the event you need and enter it in the coupon located on the right.

Having decided on the moves, we move on to the bet coupon; it has several sections. Single – for those who place a separate bet on each event. In this case, simply enter the amount and click “Place bet”.

You can specify the amount either manually or using the special “+” and “-” buttons. You can set the step for them in the amount settings menu. Options for working with changing coefficients are also indicated there. This is very important for, first of all, live betting, but even here it would be useful to configure this menu.

If you prefer to bet with express bets, switch to the desired section of the coupon and indicate the bet amount. The system will automatically calculate the total odds, add a small bonus to it and show the possible winnings.

That’s it, all you have to do is click on the “Place a bet” button.

Live betting

The mechanism for placing bets during the game is almost the same, with the only difference being that at the very beginning you need to select the “Live” section.

Switching sports in the Live section is above the line.

Similarly, we select the desired outcomes directly in the line, or by going to the match page.

The bet coupon for the Live section looks the same as for pre-match bets. This is true for both single and express bets.

We can say that Olympus offers one of the most convenient and functional platforms for betting, where everything is clear on an intuitive level and making your first bet will not be difficult even for beginners. And given the good bookmaker odds, which are often slightly higher than the market average, you can get quite a good income from this.


Due to the fact that BC Winline offers excellent playing conditions, this office is very popular among domestic bettors. But one of the main advantages of this bookmaker is the large offer of football matches and their chic live coverage. How to register for this playground, you can find out in the article and instructions for quick registration.”

How to bet on a football match before it starts

Having studied the next round of the Italian championship, it was decided to place a number of bets on the Napoli-Juventus match. Here you can try to play on Napoli’s zero handicap (F1(0)), as well as on such an option as “Both teams will score - yes”.

Now we go to the BC Winline website and see this picture.

On the left side in the middle we see the “Football” section, go here, a list of championships appears, among which we find Serie A of Italy.

In the middle part of the site we find the match of interest. To find the betting options indicated above, you should open an additional list. This can be done by clicking on the number located in the green rectangle; it reflects the number of types of bets with which this match is scheduled. A nearby “PLAY” sign indicates that this match will be broadcast on the site itself.

So, click on the additional description of the fight and get the following.

A large list of types of bets opens, which are also well described. If you wish, you can immediately go to the required section, which is highlighted in green. Looking through the proposed bets, we find a zero handicap for Napoli “F1(0)”, for which the odds are 1.80.

By clicking on this number, we find “Coupon” on the top right side, where you should enter the bet amount, and then click on the “Place a bet” tab.

Below is another one of our bets.

After the selected options have been marked, you can look through other offers and pick up something else.

How to place an express bet in BC Winline

We remember that an express bet includes two or more events, while having overall coefficient, obtained by multiplying the coefficients of selected events. For example, when studying Serie A of Italy, it was decided to assemble an express train from the zero handicap of Napoli and Victoria Roma (P1).

We already know how to find Napoli’s zero handicap, so having found this option, click on it so that it gets into the “Coupon”. After that, select “Coupon” and Roma’s Victoria. The result is the following.

In the “Coupon” we enter the required amount and click “Place a bet”. That's it, the express is set.

How to place a live bet on football

Let us remind you once again that BC Winline has good conditions for playing online. The live events themselves can be found here.

You can immediately see how convenient the choice is: you can choose football matches that will take place in the next 2 hours or 4 hours, or you can simply view all today’s events. The picture shows that the one running in the mode online match Sweden (until 21)-Czech Republic (until 21) can be viewed live. You must log in to watch the match only. The bookmaker offers 22 types of bets, so there is plenty to choose from. Click on this number “22” and select suitable bid. For example, we decided to bet that Sweden will win, so we bet on W1 for 1.60.

A “coupon” pops up, enter the amount there and place the bet.

If you want to see what sports matches will take place on the current day, you should click on the “Today” insert and the following information will be provided to your attention.

Here you can see when the next matches will start and which of them will be broadcast. Typically, professionals who play exclusively live bets watch what matches will be broadcast on video, study this match carefully, and then play according to it.

BC Leon

How to place a football bet before the match starts

When studying the Italian Championship, the Sassuolo-Lazio match attracted increased attention.

During the analysis of this match, it was decided to play on the victory of FC Lazio, and also on the fact that there would be many goals in this match.

Now go to the BC Leon website and find the “Football” section.

As in other offices, the list of sports offered is located on the left side, and football is traditionally placed one of the first, as the most popular sport. By clicking on the “Football” insert, we find a list of championships and international competitions, find the Italian Serie A in it and click on the “Italy – Serie A” insert.

In the middle part of the page there appears a list of all matches of the Italian top football league, where the match we are interested in comes first.

Here it is worth noting that below the odds there is a designation of the maximum bet amount. We see that they give odds of 1.80 for Lazio to win, click on it and a coupon pops up, where we insert the required amount in the window (for example, 1000 rubles) and click “Place a bet”.

In order to make the next bet (TB), you should pay attention to the inscription located on the very right side (it is surrounded by a green rectangle), which is called “More (9) ...”.

This means that the bookmaker offers 9 more types of bets to our attention. The article is written several days before the match, so there are not many types of bets offered yet. Click on this “More (9)…” and get the following picture.

For the “Over 2.5 goals” bet, BC Leon offers odds of 1.72, which suits us quite well. It should be noted that in the coupon we can put maximum amount, equal to 14,800 rubles. This maximum is indicated right next to the odds.

How to place a football live bet

In BC Leon, the list of live events is displayed immediately in the center of the main page.

You can scroll down the page and view all the online events offered. Below is a list of expected live events.

But we are interested in football, so we are looking for this sport. At the time of writing (Wednesday morning) there were few football matches, so the bookmaker did not offer any live football matches in real time. But you can see what is offered later. To do this, move to the “Planned” section and see what is there. We find the following.

We see that a football match from Lithuania is expected at 18.00, and an hour later from Norway. While there is time, you should carefully study the features of each match, analyze it and wait for the start of these confrontations.

There are more fights a little later.

It is clear that when in general there are not too many football matches played on this day, then the bookmaker cannot offer a large number of live football events.

How to place football bets using a mobile application

Bookmaker Leon allows its clients to place bets using a mobile application.

To download it, you should go here.

There are offerings for iPhone and iPad, as well as an Android version. How to download and install directly on the site there is everything necessary instructions. There is also . The same site has instructions for iOS devices.

When you have downloaded and installed everything, when you enter the BC Leon website, you will see this picture at the top of your phone (tablet). Enter the “Sports” section, find “football” there and then everything is as written above.

Interesting offers for football

Leon in the section " Long term rates» sometimes offers enough interesting options with a good chance of winning.

Let's go to this section.

A list of championships of all sports opens, find football championships and, for example, look at what the bookmaker offers for the English Premier League.

We see that one of the betting options is “Premier League - Best Club North-West". This is quite an interesting proposal, where you can sometimes “catch” good option With high coefficient. For example, in the example presented, you can play on Liverpool FC, for which the bookmaker offers odds of 4.85.

And there is such an option.

In fact, there are many good offers. And it is precisely on such bets that the office’s specialists often make mistakes, thereby giving them the opportunity to win with the help of a high odds.


Each office described above has its own interesting offers and strengths:

  • BC League Betting gives you the opportunity to win large amounts money (up to 5 million or more, and recently one player won 28 million rubles);
  • BC Winline provides excellent gaming conditions in live mode;
  • Bookmaker Leon gives you the opportunity to play on attractive exotic bets;
  • To all this, all that remains is to add high reliability, honesty and decency.


Collective betting game types sports are considered less risky. Popularity football betting is also explained by the fact that bookmakers today offer fans a wide range of opportunities – high limits, bonus offers, etc.

So, first make your choice. The determining factor here should be honesty and solvency. Pay attention to the level of odds, operating hours, convenience and loading speed of the website, the ability to top up your account and withdraw money, availability bonus programs.

Go to several forums and read. Consult with professional players. In addition, you can obtain information about the certification of bookmaker sites using a special program of the WebMoney payment system - WebMoney Advisor.

Register on selected sites. Choose a championship that you are good at. Your performance will improve if you begin to pay attention not only to major football events, but also, for example, to national championships. Follow different types tournaments and choose the most profitable ones for yourself. Use the special website of the selected championship and view the statistical tables of the past season.

To make a successful prediction on the outcome of a football match, it is necessary to take into account all the details - the expected composition of the teams, which of the strong players will miss the match for any reason, the position of the teams in the standings. Find out which one only needs a win, and which one might need a draw. The style of play depends on this. Analyze the ratio of goals scored and goals conceded, and whether the team is larger - on their own or someone else's field. Secondary conditions can also affect the outcome of the match - the composition of the refereeing team, weather, field state. In addition, various accidents are possible during the meeting - injuries, removals, etc.

Amateurs are offered various types of bets. The most typical is the forecast for the outcome of the match. A good variety of it is bets with insurance – 1X, 12, X2. 1X – you win if the first team wins or is fixed draw result. X2 – the second team will win or the result will be a draw. 12 – victory for any team, but not a draw. This covers all three possible outcomes of the match. But the coefficients in this case, low.

A few more common types of forecasts: total - bets on the number of goals scored by both teams. Typical ratio is 2.5. Bets on certain events, for example, on the time when the first goal will be scored, or on which team will open the scoring, on the half of the match or the number of penalties, etc. They can bring quite significant winnings. More suitable experienced players who know the team they are betting on well. Correct score – the odds are quite high. But it's hard to win. You need to guess the match score up to a goal. In addition to all of the above, bookmakers offer many more various types rates. And lastly: experts do not advise betting on clear favorites, since in this case the risk is not justified by the possible winnings.

Bookmakers, as a rule, do everything to include in their lines a maximum of sporting events taking place in different parts of the world. The goal is to attract maximum quantity new clients.

Among sports, the king in any bookmaker is undoubtedly football. No other species comes close to its level of popularity. Therefore, if you have decided to bet on the number 1 sport, let's look at where to bet on football and which are the best bookmakers for betting on football matches.

To play, it is better to immediately open an account with a bookmaker, where the choice of main outcomes and additional options is the widest.

Where is the best place to bet on football?

If we turn to Russian-speaking companies, here we can name one of the best for football.

There are both top and less popular championships here, where almost every match is scheduled with maximum detail.

Bets can be placed on both outcomes and totals and Asian odds A type of handicap bet that adds or subtracts a conditional number of goals, points, corners, etc. to the final result. A draw is not taken into account as an outcome. For each team it is possible to find individual statistics. The choice of bets on matches of leading European football leagues and tournaments is especially wide.

Besides everything else, in similar cases You can make predictions on the number of corner kicks, cards or fouls. The live mode works well. Almost 24 hours a day there is a match available on which you can place bets. Acceptance and processing of bets occurs almost instantly. Payments are made quite quickly. You won't have to wait long to receive your winnings.

Another bookmaker that is great for football betting is .

At first glance, the line may not impress with its vastness, but all popular events are clearly represented here. The advantages include high maximums, the size of which is indicated next to the outcome. The player can see what maximum bet he can do.

The best foreign bookmakers for betting on football

Of the foreign bookmakers, but nevertheless completely Russified, the best ones for football bets are the British ones. In first place is rightfully where football is the main sport. The painting here is so wide that sometimes you are simply amazed at what you can bet on. Matches of the most popular football league peace nuclear submarine English Premier League.

The bookmaker's office also deserves attention.

All kinds of promotions are organized here almost every day and bonuses are offered for bettors who are interested in the most popular view sports Clients of this company can play in a free sweepstakes.

The main thing you need to pay attention to when playing in foreign bookmakers is the nuances when working with electronic payment system Webmoney. They will require you to open all player data in settings WMID Member ID. This can be easily fixed: simply uncheck the corresponding box in the Webmoney passport.