Bianca's autobiography summary. Brief biography of V.V. Bianchi for children

Bianchi Vitaly Valentinovich (01/30/1894 - 06/10/1959) - Russian and Soviet writer, whose works are overwhelmingly intended for children. By using interesting stories, stories and fairy tales described wildlife. The author wrote more than 120 books, which included about 300 different works.

“A writer is a child of the people, he grows from the depths of the people’s worldview”

Noble childhood

Vitaly Bianchi was born in St. Petersburg on January 30, 1984. His father, Valentin Lvovich, was a famous ornithologist (bird expert), he was even a member of the Academy of Sciences and worked in Zoological Museum. It is not surprising that with early years the son became interested in nature - he listened to his father’s stories at home, came to his work, and compiled various notes about the world around him. Later, Vitaly will call his dad “the first forest teacher.”

By the way, the Bianchi family goes back to early XIX century. Moreover, one half of the writer’s ancestors were Swiss, and the other were German. And their last name was Weiss, which translates as “white.” But the surname Bianchi appeared under Vitaly’s great-grandfather. He was famous opera singer. And one day he was offered to go on tour in Italy. But there was one condition - to take a pseudonym so that they would be better accepted. And the great-grandfather, without hesitation, called himself Bianchi, which also means “white,” but only in Italian. And then he liked it, and he officially changed his last name.

As a child, Vitaly Bianchi did not really think about composing and writing stories. He was much more attracted to sports and exact sciences. Yes, he played professional level football, played in several teams in St. Petersburg and even won the City Cup. And after school he entered Petrograd University at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics.

Soviet maturity

Vitaly Bianchi never had to work in his specialty. In 1916 he was drafted into the army. A year later the Revolution occurred. And the future writer, like many young people of that time, was fascinated by Bolshevik romance. He quickly changed his views and joined the Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies. And since he was an educated man, he was even included in a special commission that dealt with the protection of cultural monuments in Tsarskoe Selo. And then he was transferred to Samara, where he began to write a propaganda column in the local newspaper “People”.

During Civil War Vitaly Bianchi had to move from city to city to avoid falling into the hands of the White Guards. One day he nevertheless encountered Kolchak’s army and was even forcibly mobilized into it. But at the first opportunity he deserted, changing his last name to Belyanin. From then on until the end of his life he will bear a double surname - Bianki-Belyanin.

When Soviet power was finally established in the country, Vitaly Valentinovich began working in the department of public education in the city of Biysk. He oversaw the work of museums. And at the same time, he was invited to give lectures on ornithology at a local university.

By the way, despite his absolute devotion to the Soviet regime, Vitaly Bianka very often came under the thumb of the security officers. They couldn't forgive him noble origin. It got to the point that he spent several weeks in prison. And only the help of influential friends, among whom was Maxim Gorky, helped him avoid long-term imprisonment, or even exile to camps.

Literary activity

In fact, Vitaly Bianchi began writing quite early - immediately after the army. But this was creativity “for himself”; he did not show his stories to anyone. He has accumulated quite a lot of similar texts over several years. And Vitaly Valentinovich himself called them “dead weight.”

“It was reminiscent of the Zoological Museum, where numerous inanimate creatures are collected - the animals are frozen, and the birds do not sing or fly. And I really wanted, like in childhood, to use a magic spell to bring it all to life.”

Crown creative career Vitaly Bianchi’s book “Forest Newspaper”, published in 1928. In terms of the form of content, it had no analogues in the world at that time. And the idea was to create a kind of calendar in which each month was dedicated to the life of the inhabitants of the forest. Moreover, it was served in different genres- there were stories, chronicles, telegrams, feuilletons, and even simple announcements. This book is in different times was republished, the pages were filled with pictures, the covers changed, but one thing remained forever - the author’s unique style and the insane interest of readers, especially the youngest.

With the help of the works of Vitaly Bianchi, children both before and now can easily explore the surrounding nature and learn more about the living creatures that inhabit the earth. And most importantly, do this using language and images that are accessible to them. In total, about 120 books were published from Bianchi’s pen, with a circulation of tens of millions. And if you dig hard, in almost every home you can find at least one book by this author - perhaps left over from parents and grandparents, since in Soviet time The works of Vitaly Bianchi were included in the compulsory curriculum of schools and kindergartens.

Vitaly Bianchi was born on February 11, 1894 in St. Petersburg in the family of an ornithologist, curator of the zoological museum of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, Russified Italian Valentin Lvovich Bianchi. One of his family branches had Swiss roots, the other - German. Vitaly Bianchi's great-grandfather was a famous opera singer, who, before a tour of Italy, at the insistent requests of the impresario, changed his German surname Weiss on Bianchi.

The apartment of the future writer was located opposite the museum, and little Vitaly Bianki and his two brothers often visited it, and in the apartment of the curator of the imperial museum there was a small zoo with cats, dogs, hedgehogs and other animals.

In the summer the family went to the village of Lebyazhye. Here Vitaly Bianchi, when he was not even five years old, first plunged into communication with nature in the forest surroundings of Lebyazhye. He was in love with the forest and its inhabitants. Vitaly Bianchi's interests and education were very diverse. He graduated from high school, then entered the Faculty of Natural Sciences of St. Petersburg University. Later, he studied another course in science - at the Institute of Art History. But his main area of ​​interest was the animal world, the world of the forest and its inhabitants. Therefore, Vitaly Bianchi considered his father, Valentin Lvovich Bianchi, to be his main teacher all his life. It was he who taught his son to write down all observations of animal life.

In 1916, Vitaly was drafted into the army and, after completing an accelerated course at the Vladimir Military School, with the rank of ensign, he was sent to an artillery brigade. In February 1917, he was elected by soldiers to the Council of Soldiers' and Workers' Deputies and at the same time joined the Socialist Revolutionary Party. He worked on the commission for the protection of artistic monuments of Tsarskoe Selo. In the early spring of 1918, his unit was sent to the Volga.

In the summer of 1918, Bianchi worked in Samara for the newspaper “People”. Then Bianki moved to Ufa, Yekaterinburg, again to Ufa, to Tomsk, and in the early 1920s he lived in Altai, worked in a local history museum and as a biology teacher in one of the schools in Biysk. Bianchi recorded his impressions and observations of the life of the abodes of the taiga, in which he spent a lot of time. He wrote down everything even when these notes seemed absolutely useless and lay dead weight in his desk drawer. However, after a few years they were destined to transform into fascinating stories and tales about the natural world and its inhabitants.

Bianchi was mobilized into Kolchak’s army, but soon deserted from there and was forced to live under someone else’s name. According to the documents, he was listed as Vitaly Belyanin, a student at Petrograd University and an ornithologist-collector of the Zoological Museum Russian Academy Sci. He hid his real name until the expulsion of the Kolchakites. The double surname Bianchi-Belyanin remained in his passport until the end of his life.

With the establishment of Soviet power in Biysk, Bianki worked in the department of public education in the museum department. Then, in addition to this position, he was appointed head of the museum, and later approved as a teacher at the school named after the Third Comintern. He actively participated in the work of the Biysk Society of Nature Lovers, gave lectures on ornithology at the Altai People's University, and organized two scientific expeditions to Lake Teletskoye.

In 1921, Vitaly Valentinovich was arrested twice by the Cheka in Biysk, in addition, he served 3 weeks in prison as a hostage.

In September 1922, one of his acquaintances warned Vitaly Bianchi about the threat of a new arrest, and he quickly packed his things, arranged a business trip to his homeland and went with his family to Petrograd. In Petrograd he met Samuel Marshak, who brought Bianchi to literary circle at one of the city libraries. Other writers also gathered there, including Chukovsky and Zhitkov. Vitaly Bianchi's stories about the lives of animals were liked by the circle participants, and very soon Vitaly Bianchi's first story, “The Journey of the Red-Headed Sparrow,” was published in the literary magazine for children with “Sparrow.” And the following year, 1923, his first book about the life of animals, “Whose Nose is Better,” was published.

His work was greatly influenced by the writers L.N. Tolstoy, I.S. Turgenev, S.T. Aksakov, D.N. Mamin - Sibiryak, American writer E. Seton-Thompson. The most famous book by Vitaly Bianchi was “Forest Newspaper”. It still remains unsurpassed both in originality of form and richness of content. Since 1928, Lesnaya Gazeta has been republished many times and translated into different languages peace.

At the end of 1925, Bianchi was arrested and sentenced for participation in a non-existent underground organization to three years of exile in the city of Uralsk. In 1928, thanks to numerous petitions, including those of Maxim Gorky, who addressed G. Yagoda, Bianchi received permission to move to Novgorod, and later to Leningrad. A new arrest followed in November 1932, but after three and a half weeks Bianchi was released “for lack of evidence.” In March 1935, Bianchi, as “the son of a personal nobleman, a former Social Revolutionary, an active participant in the armed uprising against Soviet power“, was arrested again and subject to exile for five years in the Aktobe region. However, thanks to the intercession of Ekaterina Pavlovna Peshkova, the decision to exile was canceled and Bianchi was released.

During the Great Patriotic War, the writer was evacuated in the Urals. After the end of hostilities he returned to hometown, however, usually most of the time, from early spring to late autumn, he lived in the country, where he often received young nature lovers. One day, among his guests was Nikolai Sladkov, who, also under the influence of Vitaly Bianchi, became one of the best Russian naturalist writers of the twentieth century.

Despite all the hardships of life at that time, the writer received a powerful creative charge from everyday communication with nature. Directly during these years, he wrote about half a dozen stories, among them were “Order in the Snow” and “Grouse in the Holes” in 1942, “Mouse” in 1943 and many other works.

In the works of Vitaly Valentinovich it is noticeable folklore tradition, his work is very characterized by a return to works written in the past and already published. Old texts were often supplemented with new lines. For example, throughout his life, Vitaly Bianki repeatedly updated the reprints of the Lesnaya Gazeta, as well as the collection “Forest There Were and Fables,” which have long become a true classic and an example of scientific and artistic literature for children.

IN last years Throughout his life, Vitaly Bianchi was sick a lot - his legs and partially his arms were completely paralyzed. But, as before, he hosted meetings of the editorial board of News from the Forest. He repeatedly and actively participated in writing scripts for feature films, cartoons, filmstrips about nature and animals. Bianchi's plans were to create a club " Scarlet Sails", dedicated to the memory of his favorite writer Alexander Green.

They wrote the following famous works, like “The First Hunt”, “How Ant Hurried Home”, “Tales of a Trapper”, “Who Sings What” and many others. Separately, one cannot fail to mention such wonderful works as “Mouse Peak” and “Titmouse’s Calendar”.

During his life, Bianchi wrote more than three hundred stories, fairy tales, novellas and articles, which were included in 120 of his books, printed with a total circulation of 40 million copies. Bianchi not only constantly worked on new books, but also gathered around himself wonderful people who loved and knew animals and birds. He called them “translators from the wordless.” These were N. Sladkov, S. Sakharnov, E. Shim. Bianchi helped them work on their books. Bianchi's stories, short stories, and fairy tales uniquely combined poetry and accurate knowledge. He even called the latter in a special way: “non-fairy tales.” They don't have magic wands or walking boots, but there are no less miracles there.

Shortly before his death, Vitaly Bianchi wrote in the preface to one of his works: “I have always tried to write my fairy tales and stories so that they would be accessible to adults. And now I realized that all my life I wrote for adults who still have a child in their souls.”

An ornithologist by recognition, a researcher, pathfinder and traveler by way of life, a poet by attitude, active and hardworking by nature, with extraordinary literary abilities, a good storyteller and simply kind, sociable, with a lot of friends, followers, students, Bianchi became one of the founders of the whole directions in literature for children, devoting his creativity to scientific and artistic depiction of the life of the forest and its inhabitants.

His life can hardly be called easy and cloudless - exile, a bad heart, several heart attacks; however, some problems gave way to others, and he remained an “eccentric”, for whom the look at a blossoming flower or a bird fluttering from branch to branch compensated for all the failures taken together. The writer was able to convey his amazing worldview in his books, and therefore the works of Vitaly Bianchi became classics and are recognized the best textbooks natural history for people of all ages.

Vitaly Valentinovich Bianki died in Leningrad on June 10, 1956 at the age of 62 and was buried in St. Petersburg at the Bogoslovskoye cemetery.

About Vitaly Bianchi was filmed documentary"Editor of the Lesnaya newspaper."

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Text prepared by Andrey Goncharov

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    Biography of V.V. Bianchi.
    Creativity V.V. Bianki for children.

Nature is full of extraordinary wonders. It never repeats itself, so we should teach children to seek and find new things in what is already known and seen, and the works of V. Bianchi help us with this.
Literature promotes the mental development of children, their logical thinking and speech.
Fiction and observations serve as a powerful tool in the environmental education of children and contribute to the formation of the first concepts of the unity of man and nature, help develop creative imagination, fantasy, flight of thought and provide an opportunity to reveal the enormous potential inherent in every person, educate a person.
For 35 years creative work V.V. Bianchi created more than 300 stories, fairy tales, novellas, essays and articles. All his life he kept diaries and naturalistic notes, and answered many letters from readers. His works have been published in a total circulation of more than 40 million copies and translated into many languages ​​of the world. Shortly before his death, Bianchi wrote in the preface to one of his books: “I always tried to write my fairy tales and stories so that they would be accessible to adults. And now I realized that all my life I wrote for adults who still have a child in their soul.”

    Biography of V.V. Bianchi.
Vitaly Bianki was born in St. Petersburg. He got his melodious surname from his Italian ancestors. Perhaps they also have an enthusiastic, artistic nature. From his father - an ornithologist - the talent of a researcher and interest in everything “that breathes, blooms and grows.”
My father worked at the Zoological Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The collection curator's apartment was located directly opposite the museum, and the children - three sons - often visited its halls. There, behind glass display cases, animals brought from all over the globe froze. How I wanted to find a magic word that would “revive” the museum animals. There were real houses: a small zoo was located in the keeper’s apartment.
In the summer, Bianchi’s family went to the village of Lebyazhye. Here Vitya first went on a real forest journey. He was then five or six years old. Since then the forest became for him magical land, paradise.
His interest in forest life made him a passionate hunter. No wonder he was given his first gun at the age of 13. He also loved poetry very much. At one time he was fond of football, even being a member of the gymnasium team.
Interests were different, education was the same. First - a gymnasium, then - the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the university, and later - classes at the Institute of Art History. And Bianchi considered his father to be his main forest teacher. It was he who taught his son to write down all his observations. After many years, they were transformed into fascinating stories and fairy tales.
Bianchi never attracted observations from the window of a cozy office. All his life he traveled a lot (though not always of his own free will). I especially remember the hikes in Altai. Bianki then, in the early 20s, lived in Biysk, where he taught biology at school and worked in the local history museum.
In the fall of 1922, Bianchi and his family returned to Petrograd. In those years, in the city, at one of the libraries, there was an interesting literary circle, where writers who worked for children gathered. Chukovsky, Zhitkov, Marshak came here. Marshak once brought Vitaly Bianchi with him. Soon his story “The Journey of the Red-Headed Sparrow” was published in the magazine “Sparrow”. In the same year, 1923, the first book (“Whose nose is better”) was published.
Bianchi's most famous book was The Forest Newspaper. There was simply no other one like it. All the most curious, most unusual and most ordinary things that happened in nature every month and day found their way onto the pages of the Lesnaya Gazeta. Here one could find an announcement by starlings “We are looking for apartments,” or a message about the first “peek-a-boo” sounded in the park, or a review of the performance that the great grebe birds gave on a quiet forest lake. There was even a criminal chronicle: trouble in the forest is not uncommon. The book “grew” from a small magazine section. Bianchi worked on it from 1924 until the end of his life, constantly making some changes. Since 1928, it has been reprinted several times, become thicker, and been translated into different languages ​​of the world. Stories from Lesnaya Gazeta were heard on the radio and published, along with other works by Bianchi, on the pages of magazines and newspapers.
Bianchi not only constantly worked on new books (he is the author of more than three hundred works), he managed to gather around him wonderful people who loved and knew animals and birds. He called them “translators from the wordless.” These were N. Sladkov, S. Sakharnov, E. Shim. Bianchi helped them work on their books. Together they hosted one of the most interesting radio programs, “News from the Forest.”
Bianchi wrote about the forest for thirty-five years. This word often appeared in the titles of his books: “Forest Houses”, “Forest Scouts”. Bianchi's stories, short stories, and fairy tales uniquely combined poetry and accurate knowledge. He even called the latter in a special way: non-fairy tales. They don't have magic wands or walking boots, but there are no less miracles there. Bianchi could talk about the most unprepossessing sparrow in such a way that we are only surprised: it turns out that he is not at all simple. The writer managed to find magic words, who “disenchanted” the mysterious forest world.

2. Creativity V.V. Bianki for children.
V.V. Bianchi, having entered children's literature in 1924 as the author of the magazine Sparrow, created many works about nature for young readers. Their heroes are animals, birds, plants. In 1923, his first fairy tale, “The Journey of the Red-Headed Sparrow,” appeared in the magazine “Sparrow.” In the next two years, his books “The First Hunt”, “Whose Legs Are These?”, “Who Sings What?”, “Whose Nose is Better?” were published. In total, V. Bianchi owns more than 250 works. The writer created educational picture books, natural history tales, short stories, essays, hunting stories; he invented and launched the famous “Forest Newspaper” into literary life.
In his books we can find funny fairy tales and fairy tales full of drama, stories about animals with a skillfully constructed plot and stories with almost no plot at all, full of poetry and lyrical reflection. His tales intertwine humor, simplicity and naturalness of speech, richness of language, and swift action. But these are not just fairy tales. These fairy tales teach us not only to observe nature, but also to enjoy its beauty and take care of its riches.
The topics of V. Bianchi's books are varied. The writer’s fairy tales, short stories, and stories contain extensive biological knowledge. Bianchi's works give the reader correct ideas about nature and cultivate a caring attitude towards it.
All Bianca's tales are educational, in them we get acquainted with the important laws of natural life. Even within the same genre, the writer creates works that are very diverse, from a short fairy tale-dialogue (“The Fox and the Little Mouse”) to an extended fairy tale (“Mouse Peak”, “Orange Neck”).
In Bianchi's stories about nature there is less fiction and play than in fairy tales, and the role of man in them is different - he is a hunter, observer, naturalist. Everything that happens in stories can happen in reality. The surroundings turn out to be as interesting as in a fairy tale, if only you know how to observe properly. By reading the writer's stories, the young reader learns to see and observe. Bianchi very carefully introduces descriptions of nature into his stories, because... This does not appeal to all children.
For young readers, Bianchi wrote short anecdotes, the entire content of which is based on some curious or edifying adventure (“Musician”, “Music Box”).
Along with individual fairy tales, the writer also creates cycles of stories. In the cycle “My Cunning Son” a boy hero appears. On walks with his father, he learns the secrets of the forest. He manages to spy on how a frightened fox to death takes off running from a desperate little squirrel, who jumped almost into her mouth.
The writer’s stories for older children, included in the collection “Unexpected Meetings,” have a harmonious composition, a poetic beginning and ending. They are also combined into cycles: “Thoughtful Stories”, “Stories about Silence”, etc. Simple in plot, the stories make the reader think about what happened.
V. Bianki knows how to arouse the reader’s interest in the surrounding nature, in getting to know animals and birds. To interest the little reader, the writer often gives titles to his works in the form of a question: “Whose nose is better?” The writer involves the child in independently solving questions and riddles, teaches him to observe nature and reveal its secrets. The writer creates his works based on accurate scientific facts; all his characters have specific characteristics.
Therefore, V. Bianchi’s books about nature are an encyclopedia of biological knowledge for children of primary school age. This is an encyclopedia created by a scientist and writer who clearly understands the needs of his little reader.
Almost all of Bianchi’s tales are scientific; they take the reader into the world of living nature and show this world as the author himself sees it. All fairy tales are educational; in them we get acquainted with the important laws of natural life. In every work of the writer one can feel a deep love for nature, for the animal world, for people. His works teach us not only to observe nature, but also to enjoy its beauty and take care of it. In Bianchi's tales, the presence of the author is not felt; in them, animals act and reason like people.
Researcher of the work of V. Bianchi Gr. Grodensky rightly writes: “And even though most of the heroes of Vitaly Bianchi’s works are just forest animals and birds, they awaken in a child great human feelings: courage, perseverance, kindness to the weak, the desire to achieve a goal. Here the justice of the triumph of reason and the victory of good over evil is affirmed; humanism and patriotism are instilled. A poetic vision of the world is revealed.”
V. Bianchi's books teach children a scientific vision of nature. His works help the teacher to reveal complex natural phenomena to children in an entertaining way and show the patterns that exist in the natural world. Thus, the fairy tale “The First Hunt” by V. Bianchi introduces young children to such a complex phenomenon in nature as mimicry, shows various forms of animal protection: some cleverly deceive, others hide, others scare, etc. Interesting tales by V. Bianchi “Whose are these legs?”, “Who sings with what?”, “Whose nose is better?”, “Tails.” They make it possible to reveal the dependence of the structure of a particular organ of an animal on its habitat and living conditions. The teacher also uses the works of V. Bianchi to show the child that the natural world is in constant change and development. From the works of V. Bianchi “Forest Newspaper”, “Our Birds”, “Titmouse Calendar”, children learn about seasonal changes in inanimate nature, in the life of plants and various representatives of the animal world.
Books by V. Bianchi are works of natural history; they take us into the world of living nature, full of unique charm. The books are usually based on a specific biological fact, the geographical location of the action is precisely indicated, the calendar season of the year is determined, the biological specific accuracy of the animal, bird, insect, plant is preserved, i.e. everything that is mandatory in natural history books.
To talk with children, V. Bianchi very often resorts to a fairy tale, because it is psychologically closer to the child. He created the genre of scientific fairy tales on a folklore basis. His tales are emotional, optimistic, imbued with love for his native nature (“Forest Houses”, “The Adventures of Ant”, “Mouse Peak”, etc.).
In each of Bianchi’s works one can feel a deep love for nature, for the animal world, for people who treat animals intelligently and kindly. This is noted in the article by the writer N. Sladkov about Bianchi: “His birds and animals are not symbols, not people dressed up as birds and animals: they are genuine, real, truthful. And at the same time, they are deeply connected with a person, naturally included in his circle of interests, arouse his curiosity and excite his thoughts.”
One of Bianchi’s most famous works is his “Forest Newspaper”. “Lesnaya Gazeta” was originally born as a permanent natural history department in the magazine “Sparrow”. In 1926 - 1927, Bianchi worked on materials from this department for the publication of the book “Forest Newspaper for Every Year,” and in 1928 the book was published. This big book is an encyclopedia of Russian nature. First published in 1928, it remains one of the most beloved and popular works Soviet children's literature for children.
The success of this book is largely determined by the author’s imagination: the material in it is selected and arranged as in a real newspaper, with articles and essays, short notes, telegrams from the field, letters from readers, interesting drawings, riddles at the end of the issue. The newspaper is based on the repeating cycle of seasonal changes in nature. Therefore, the names of the months in its twelve issues are unusual: “Month of Chicks”, “Month of Flocks”, “Month of Full Pantries" etc.
"Forest Newspaper" is a game book. The reader does not remain passive. The author constantly draws him into observations. The book is conceived and implemented as a single whole, it contains
This book, like all the works of V.V. Bianchi, contributes to the formation of a materialistic worldview in the young reader. “In all his works, in every page, in every word there is such a love for his land, such an inextricable connection with it, such a purity of moral attitude that one cannot help but be infected by them.”
Translated into many languages, Lesnaya Gazeta is included in the golden fund of world children's literature. Essentially, it includes the entire work of Vitaly Bianchi.
Bianchi's works are excellent material for reading, raising and developing children, especially today, when humanity is on the brink of an environmental disaster.
With all his creative activity, the writer sought to reveal to the young reader the richness and diversity of his native nature, and to instill a love for it. In the article “Education with Joy” he wrote: “But in order to teach children a kindred attention to everything living with us on earth, we need only one thing: to passionately love their native land. Having passed on this love to the children, the teacher will give them all the endless joys that knowledge of one’s native land brings to a person, revealing the small and then the big secrets of nature.”

IN Soviet Russia In the post-revolutionary period, the formation of politically and class-biased children's literature almost immediately began, which was supposed to open for children “the path to a clear understanding of the great things that are happening on earth,” which called for freeing children from the pernicious yoke of the old book. The country's leadership takes a tough position on creating class- and politically oriented children's literature, which is reflected in the decrees of the party and government. So, in fact, the party documents clearly state the task of forming a “new man”.
In the first post-revolutionary decade, writers working in children's literature appeared. V.V.Bianki and many others are involved in creating works for children. Functional orientation, propaganda certainty, the requirement to attract party, trade union and Soviet organizations to create children's literature to help the Komsomol were still there when Soviet children's literature was just emerging as a mass phenomenon.
Thus, after 1917, children's literature began to have a purposefully ideological character. Children's writers were tasked with creating a new type of children's book. The children's book became one of the main tools with which the Soviet government solved the problem of creating a “new man.” During this period, the publication and content of children's books were shaped by those who led the country and determined its future.

Vitaly Bianki's biography for children will help you prepare for the lesson and learn about the work and life of the writer and author of children's works.

Vitaly Bianchi short biography

Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi was born in St. Petersburg on January 30 (February 11), 1894. The writer had German-Swiss roots. The Bianchi family inherited their unusual surname from their great-grandfather, who lived in Italy.

Vitaly’s father was an ornithologist, so the future writer’s youth was rich in hobbies and trips to the forest. He played football well, read literature, and loved hunting and traveling.

Vitaly was educated at Petrograd University at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics.

In 1916 he was drafted into the army, and a year later he joined the Socialist Revolutionary Party. Since 1918, Vitaly Bianki worked in the Social Revolutionary propaganda newspaper “People”. Soon he was mobilized by the Russian army, from where he deserted. The writer hid under the name Belyanin, which is why until the end of his life he had double surname. In the 1920-1930s, he was arrested more than once for participation in non-existent underground organizations. M. Gorky and his first wife E. P. Peshkova interceded for him.

Bianchi did not participate in the Great Patriotic War due to developing heart disease.

In 1922, Vitaly Bianchi returned to his hometown. In Petrograd he met Chukovsky, Marshak and other children's writers. Communication with writers marked the beginning of Vitaly Valentinovich’s writing activity. In 1923, his first works were published: a short story “The Journey of the Red-Headed Sparrow” and a book of stories “Whose Nose is Better?”

In his works, he revealed the world of nature and taught how to penetrate its secrets. All of Bianca's stories were written in easy and colorful language, accessible primarily to children.

The famous Lesnaya Gazeta, first published in 1928, brought the author the greatest fame. He rewrote and expanded this book throughout his life. It describes the events that happen to forest dwellers at different times of the year.

Vitaly Bianchi is a famous Russian writer. He loved very much native nature and talked about it in the books he wrote for children.

Vitaly was born in the capital of Tsarist Russia - St. Petersburg. The Bianchi family inherited their unusual surname from their great-grandfather, who lived in Italy.

The boy's father was engaged in ornithology - studying the life of birds and worked in the scientific Zoological Museum. Little Vitaly and his brothers liked to visit their father’s work. They looked with interest at the display cases with frozen birds and animals, because exhibits with different corners planets.

When summer came, the whole family left the city for a summer vacation in the village of Lebyazhye. The village was located in a picturesque location: on the seashore, next to a forest and a small river. Little Vitaly was greatly impressed by trips to the forest. The dense thicket seemed like a mysterious, wonderful country to the boy. He learned a lot of interesting things about the life of forest inhabitants from his father.

Vitaly was smart and inquisitive. Walking through the forest, he noticed something interesting and immediately wrote it down. Many years later, these observations became the basis fairy tales and stories.

The future writer's youth was rich in hobbies. He played football well, read literature, and loved hunting and traveling.

Military service coincided with a revolutionary period in Russian history. During the turbulent war years, Vitaly lived for several years in the Altai Territory in the town of Biysk. There he began to do his favorite thing - organizing scientific hikes in the mountainous region, running a local history museum. At the same time, the young man gave lectures on biology, introducing students to the fascinating world of animals and birds. After all, he knew him well and loved him.

In 1922, Vitaly Bianchi returned to his hometown. In Petrograd he met Chukovsky, Marshak and other children's writers. Communication with writers marked the beginning of Vitaly Valentinovich’s writing activity. In 1923, his first works were published: a short story “The Journey of the Red-Headed Sparrow” and a book of stories “Whose Nose is Better?”

The author’s greatest fame was brought to him by the famous “Forest Newspaper,” which he rewrote and expanded throughout his life. In this amazing book the events that happen to forest dwellers at different times of the year are described.

All subsequent creations of Bianchi were dedicated to the forest. In their good stories and fairy tales, he revealed the secrets of the forest, showed the life of its inhabitants from a new perspective, and conveyed the beauty and diversity of Russian nature. V. Bianchi's books teach careful attitude to all living things that surround a person.

Bianchi's creativity

If you want to know how the little gray bunny moves around winter forest, or a hungry wolf prowls in search of prey, just read a few stories of the famous children's writer Vitaly Bianchi, who spoke in his books about all the secrets of nature.

Vitaly Valentinovich was born in 1894 in St. Petersburg. In his childhood, he often wandered through the forest and listened with particular eagerness to the stories of experienced hunters. He tried to delve into many of the secrets of nature that interested him. Bianchi considered his father to be his main teacher, since it was he who taught him everything natural phenomena write down in a notepad. After studying at the gymnasium, Vitaly Valentinovich entered Petrograd University in the department of natural sciences. In 1916, he took accelerated courses at a military school in Vladimir and was sent to an artillery brigade. In 1918 he joined the Socialist Revolutionary Party and worked in their current newspaper. After mobilization into the Russian army, the writer is forced to become a deserter and go into hiding for a long time under someone else's name. He had to leave for Altai, where he happily became the organizer of tourist and local history trips and the creator of a local museum. In addition, Bianchi lectured on biology.

In 1922, he returned to Petrograd, where his frequent activity was visiting the literary community. Among the representatives of the circle were the well-known Korney Chukovsky and Samuil Marshak. And so readers get acquainted with Bianchi’s first work, “The Journey of the Red-Headed Sparrow.” This was followed by a collection of short stories, “Whose nose is better?” The writer, in his forest tales, answered many of the children’s questions. Soon, Vitaly Valentinovich published the “Forest Newspaper” for older children, where, on the basis of published works, he sought to teach children to observe on their own. He worked on this book for more than 4 years, and achieved results. Each of his stories did not leave a single reader indifferent to the life of our lesser brothers. But if you carefully read his works, you will notice that his heroes are not only animals and birds, but also their child friends. This is the resourceful Egorka from the story “Following the Footsteps” and first-grader Mike from “Winter Summer School”.

During the period of his creativity, the writer created a scientific society where they gathered the best minds St. Petersburg. In addition, Vitaly Valentinovich worked on the radio, where he hosted the program “News of the Forest”. For my creative activity Bianchi created about 300 stories and novellas in which he instilled in children a love of nature. His works are read with great interest by both preschoolers and students primary classes. The writer died from a long-term lung disease in 1959.

Biography 2

Everyone who remembers their school years, the name of an outstanding writer will always be remembered, inextricably linked with childhood, school, books on extracurricular reading. In textbooks primary school we read, and even now our children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren read, and will read stories about nature, about the life of animals, by Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi. Without his “Forest Newspaper”, “Teremka”, “First Hunt” it is impossible to imagine school curriculum and my childhood. His books are the first to introduce the little reader to a sense of duty, responsibility and, most importantly, a feeling of love and care for our smaller brothers.

The writer was born in St. Petersburg. The writer’s ancestors were Italians, hence this unusual surname. His entire childhood was inextricably linked with nature. His father was a biologist, an employee of the Museum of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences. The family's house was located not far from the museum and little Vitaly spent all his days there, their entire apartment was filled with animals, birds, there were even snakes. For the whole summer, the family went to the village of Lebyazhye, and all the pets traveled with them. There in the village a huge horizon opened up for “nature lovers”.

Naturally, after such an eventful childhood, the son of a biologist entered the natural sciences department of the university in St. Petersburg. But with the outbreak of the First World War, the young man was forced to quit his studies and join the army. In 1918 he went to Altai on an expedition. Here he was sent to Kolchak’s army, but deserted and hid with the partisans. After the establishment of the new Soviet regime, Vitaly continued to live in Biysk, organizing there local history museum and teaches at school. In this city, the writer married Vera Klyuzheva, who was a teacher. French, the family had a daughter and 3 sons.

In 1922, the Bianchi family moved to St. Petersburg, where the writer joined a circle of children’s writers, which already included S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky and others. A year later, the magazine “Sparrow” published on its pages one of the first stories - “The Journey of the Red-Headed Sparrow " Next comes the book “Whose nose is better?” Easy readable tone Interesting Facts about the life of animals, simple humor - the reader liked everything. In 1924, one of the famous works"Forest Newspaper" A year later and until 1935, the authorities began persecuting the writer. To the Great Patriotic War, he and his family were evacuated to the Urals; he was not taken to the front due to heart problems.

The writer spent the remaining years of his life fighting various diseases: diabetes, vascular disease, suffered 2 strokes, a heart attack - all this did not allow him to walk, go to his favorite forest, but he continued to write. Vitaly Bianchi died at the age of 65 from lung cancer.

Biography by dates and interesting facts. The most important.

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