Guf and the girl from home 2. Rapper Guf harassed Nastya worms

Recently it became known about rapper Guf’s affair with a former participant in the scandalous television project “Dom-2” Anastasia Kiushkina. The relationship did not last long. The artist broke up with his girlfriend and announced a casting call for a vacant position.

The personal life of rapper Guf is in full swing. The artist changes lovers, ends up in a pre-trial detention center for being too cheerful during and after concerts. This time Guf I was struck by the transience of yet another novel. Just the other day, he stopped hiding his relationship with 21-year-old former participant in the scandalous television project “Dom-2” Anastasia Kiushkina. And now the star’s heart is free again.


The musician’s colleague, rapper Ptah, published his photo on his Instagram page. He accompanied the photo with an eloquent caption: “Girls, it happened... Guf is a free man. We announce casting. Tag him in your photos." The person responsible for the publication reposted the ad on his page.

Subscribers were surprised and even invited Guf to take part in the project “Dom-2” or “Bachelor” and finally find your love. “Mmm yes... wonderful! And such an alliance was planned))”, “Maybe he should go to “Dom-2”?”, “Like gloves”, “And how is Nastya? The happiness did not last long”, “Yes, it would be interesting watch Guf in the show “Bachelor”, “Gufi is just a collector!”, “Lekha weaves better intrigues than on “Dom-2”, "Oh yes Kabelina", "Moscow loner psycho",– users commented.

Let us remind you that Guf’s affair with Anastasia Kiushkina, who left the Dom-2 project, became known on October 23. “This is, in fact, the reason for my leaving, the reason for my joy,” Anastasia said on her Instagram. Famous rapper reposted this post, boasting about his beloved, who is 15 years younger than him.

Executor, after breaking up with his wife Aiza Dolmatova, he was quite riotous Lifestyle, stressed that this time he is counting on serious relationship. “We haven’t been together for long,” Super quotes Guf. “But it seems to me that things could be serious with us.”

And this is not the first time that a spectacular girl from a scandalous television series has an affair with a star. Russian show business. The list of those who fell under the spell of the beauties from “House-2” includes rapper Guf, MC Doni and even Kai Metov! We took a look back at all the celebrities who were caught in the arms of the longest-running reality show.

The romance between the 21-year-old TV star and the 36-year-old rapper broke out very suddenly in 2016. In “House-2” Nastya Kiushkina built love with Oleg Burkhanov. The couple often quarreled, and things even came to blows. After another brawl, the model could not stand it and broke off relations with her lover. Imagine the surprise among fans of the television project when literally a couple of weeks later Kiushkina announced that she was having an affair with the popular rapper Guf. The girl told the housemates that they were introduced by a mutual friend - former member TV series Inessa Shevchuk. Nastya assured: she and Lesha (the rapper’s real name. - Editor's note) everything is serious, so she doesn’t see any point in continuing to be on the project.

True, Guf himself did not think so. After Kiushkina left Dom-2, the couple was together... for a week. The artist initiated the break, explaining his decision by saying that he and Nastya were too bored. According to the star, he initially fell for the pretty appearance of the reality participant, but after getting to know her better, he realized that they were not on the same path.

Guf and Anastasia Kiushkina

Guf and Anastasia Kiushkina

Despite all Nastya’s stories about how hard it was for her to bear the break with Guf, after a couple of months the former participant of “House-2” began an affair with another performer - Alexander Tarasov, performing under the pseudonym T-killah. The couple made video calls with fans together through the then popular Periscope application. During the broadcast, Nastya and Sasha did not hesitate to show their feelings: the lovers hugged, kissed, and called each other “my baby.” As in the case with Guf, the relationship quickly exhausted itself. By the way, Kiushkina and Tarasov never officially confirmed their romance.

Anastasia Kiushkina and T-killah, still from video broadcast

Margarita Ovsyannikova is a current participant in “House-2”. The 22-year-old girl does not hide her escort past, and this does not in the least prevent her from building relationships. On the project, Margot met with Simon Mardanshin, flirted with Roman Gritsenko, and now admits tender feelings Artem Soroka.

In April, fans of the reality show discussed Ovsyannikova’s relationship with the label’s artist Black Star MC Doni. The rapper and the reality participant met at Dom-2, where Doni performed during evening show. After the performance, Margot and Doni exchanged numbers and agreed to meet. In addition to the fact that the couple went on a date, they also came together to the RU.TV awards pre-party. Ovsyannikova shared tender shots on social networks, but after a couple of days, talk about the relationship between the TV show star and the rapper faded away. What caused the quarrel is unknown.

Margarita Ovsyannikova and MC Doni

Margarita Ovsyannikova and MC Doni

Most recently, the star of the show “Dom-2” began an affair with a famous rap artist. Anastasia Kiushkina shared with StarHit the details of her separation from Guf.

// Photo: Instagram

The news that 36-year-old Alexey Dolmatov, better known as Guf, and a 21-year-old participant in the popular project “Dom-2” are now together surprised their fans. For the sake of her loved one, the girl even left the show, in which she was in a relationship with Oleg Burkhanov. However, I didn’t have time to start new novel, as it ended immediately. Already today, a close friend of the performer and colleague Ptah published a photo of Guf, signing it as follows: “Girls, it happened so... Guf is a free man. We announce casting. Tag him in your photos." Dolmatov himself reposted the photo on his page, which supported the words of his comrade.

Apparently, the relationship of the newly-made couple has cracked. In a conversation with StarHit, Anastasia commented on the breakup with the rapper.

“Yes, we broke up... Now I look at this situation differently: this is probably what should have happened. I am grateful to him for the time spent and for the fact that I was distracted from past difficult relationships and morally left that person. We can say that the wedge was knocked out with a wedge. True, I have already been invited to Dom-2, but I don’t plan to return yet. I want to rest, be at home with my family and loved ones, gain strength, and then maybe I’ll come back,” she said.

// Photo: Instagram

Guf spoke about the seriousness of his intentions in the relationship, but Anastasia does not believe that the performer was ready for this: “Saying and doing are completely different. You can say whatever you want, but act completely differently. If someone in a relationship is ready to put attention, soul, care and seriousness into it, and someone is not, then nothing will work out. Lesha was not ready...”

Fans learned that Nastya and Alexey were dating from the girl’s Instagram. The ex-participant of “House-2” published a touching joint photo with Dolmatov. “This is actually the reason for my leaving, the reason for my joy,” Nastya signed the photo.

As shared in exclusive interview Kiushkina herself told StarHit; they were introduced to Guf by a mutual friend.

// Photo: Instagram

Alexey Dolmatov is known for his love of love, because the rapper is often seen in the company of various young and beautiful girls. However, at the end of spring 2015, the musician tried to reunite with his ex-wife Isa and son Sam. However, as we know, this attempt did not end in success. Not long ago Isa got married, and now she is happily married.

Guf also appeared in the company of a girl named Lesya. The couple dated for a year and then got back together. Back in the summer, he posted them on his microblog joint photos from vacation.

Rapper Guf in Lately famous for his loving nature. The rapper is often found in the company of various young girls. But at the end of spring of this year, the musician tried to reunite with his family: ex-wife Isa and son Sam. As is known, the attempt was unsuccessful. After this, Guf appeared in the company of the tattooed girl Lesya. Over the course of a year, he dated on and off with her. Back in the summer, he posted photos of them together from their vacation on his microblog.

Now it turns out that the rapper has another lady of his heart. She became a participant in the television project “Dom-2”, 21-year-old Anastasia Kiushkina. The girl shared a photo on Instagram in which Guf hugs her. Interestingly, Anastasia signed the photo rather mysteriously. “This is, in fact, the reason for my leaving, the reason for my joy. And I’ll tell our story tomorrow, watch it on air.” Fans of the TV show immediately rebelled, because the girl on the project had a relationship with Oleg Burkhanov. “How so? But what about Burkhanov?”, “You looked better with Oleg,” “Yeah... It would be better if I stayed with Burkhanov. Mom will definitely say so now,” subscribers wrote. But among the fans there are also those who are against her romance with her boyfriend. “Why should she be with Burkhanov? She forgave him for his infidelities so much. Let her be with someone with whom she feels good,” fans defended the new couple.

It is known that Kiushkina’s relationship with Burkhanov on the television project was ambiguous. The romance of the young lovers developed very rapidly, quarrels often occurred, but at the same time they had tender feelings. The couple got matching crown tattoos on their bodies. “Nastya’s crown means that she is the empress, and let me be the king!” - Oleg explained the meaning. And on right hand the guy made a bracelet of two stripes. The prototype of the drawing was a positive pregnancy test. At the beginning of their relationship with Nastya, the girl was suspected of being pregnant, then the young man got this tattoo. “I think for me they symbolize life. After all, a positive test is a signal of the beginning of a new life,” says Burkhanov.

Their romance developed in the Seychelles, but not so long ago Nastya left the tropics for Moscow for health reasons. That's when she saw true attitude Oleg to her. The fact is that the show is broadcast with a six-day delay. Thanks to this, the girl learned that Burkhanov was not at all embarrassed by her presence on the island and even then began to flirt with Kristina Lyaskovets. Then Kiushkina said that very soon she would come to the “House-2” clearing, especially since Ksenia Borodina personally promised to invite her a wonderful man. But apparently it was during that period that Nastya began communicating with rapper Guf. The girl promised that very soon she would tell the whole story of their love.

In February 2016, Timur Garafutdinov came to the well-known and beloved TV project “Dom-2” in Russia. The guy quickly won the sympathy of many TV viewers and began to actively show himself on the show. It was this project that brought Garafutdinov fame. Many became interested in the participant’s life outside the project.

The future star was born in 1987 in Kazan. Timur and his sister were raised by their mother Galina Gennadievna. When little Timur was only 5 years old, the family changed their place of residence, going to Gomel. The future musician spent his childhood and youth in this city.

Carier start

While still a teenager, Garafutdinov became interested in music and decided to develop in this direction. First, Timur entered the music department at the university, and just a few years later he founded his own group, which he called Tim Bigfamily. Garafutdinov’s first album, entitled “Light Up,” was recorded in Gomel, Belarus. The musician involved his entire family and many friends in working on this project. By the way, Timur Garafutdinov’s mother early years approved of her son’s occupation and supported him in every possible way.

Musical achievements

Having achieved the first success, Music band Tim Bigfamily went to conquer the capital of Russia, where the group’s second album, called “Glamourous Hip-Hop,” was recorded. The group organized tours not only in Russian cities, but also abroad. However, Garafutdinov felt real fame after recording the soundtrack to the film “Savages”. It was after this event that Timur became a popular star in show business.

He received numerous invitations to various television projects, music shows and radio broadcasts. For example, one of the most memorable projects with Garafutdinov’s participation for viewers was the broadcast " Fashionable verdict", broadcast on Channel One. At the same time, Garafutdinov did not stop working on a new album and filming videos. And most significant event in its musical career Timur himself calls the song “Don’t Disappear,” performed in a duet with Joseph Kobzon in 2015. It was this song by Timur Garafutdinov performed with Joseph Kobzon that became the most popular track among the musician’s fans.

Participation of Timur Garafutdinov in “House-2”

Timur went to the show to build love relationship His first step was an expensive gift to Christina in the form of a pearl necklace, presented in front of the other participants. At the same time, the guy was not at all embarrassed by the presence of several rivals on the project, who were also seeking the favor of the beautiful Christina. And even the girl’s admission that she could not forget her former lover did not stop Garafutdinov. Timur was confident that he could easily conquer the obstinate blonde and build a relationship with her.

However, despite many loud statements on his part, Timur did not take practically a single step towards Christina. For several weeks the guy did nothing but rehearse upcoming performances, prepare for events and work on joint project with Gleb Zhemchugov. And only a few weeks later, realizing that he could leave the project, Timur decided to take the initiative by inviting Lyaskovets on a date. However, the girl refused Garafutdinov, hoping at the same time to resume relations with ex-lover. True, just a few days later, Christina’s favorite left the project on his own, without even saying goodbye to the girl.

At first Timur thought that now nothing would stop him from achieving Christina, but the reality turned out to be harsh. This time Lyaskovets decided to pay attention to another of her fans - As a result, Timur got tired of running after the blonde, and he completely stopped communicating with her, realizing that Christina was not interested in a serious relationship. For a long time after this, Garafutdinov remained on the show as a bachelor, gradually looking closely at the other participants in the project.

Further developments

During all this confusion between Timur, Christina and her fans, a former participant in the show returned to the project - And Sasha returned for a reason, but for the sake of a new participant, as she herself admitted. The newly-made couple quickly began a passionate romance, but at this time Lyaskovets decided to win her admirer away from Kharitonova. Christina even pulled Timur Garafutdinov’s mother into her games, who, in the girl’s opinion, had to bring her son to reason.

Garafutdinov is very for a long time rushed between two beauties, not knowing which one to give preference to. But after figuring it out a little, Timur still chose Alexandra. The couple even started a wedding rehearsal, but at the celebration itself, Sasha unexpectedly announced to everyone that she did not want to participate in it. Well, the reason for such a rash act was ordinary jealousy of Christina. As a result, the relationship between Sasha and Timur fell apart.

To take a little break from what was happening, Garafutdinov went on vacation to the Seychelles. Christina kept the guy company on the trip, introducing herself as a friend. True, in the Seychelles, the couple’s relationship has clearly grown from simple friendship into something more. Returning to Russia, Christina and Timur announced their relationship to everyone.

Last years

Now Timur Garafutdinov lives in the capital. A few years ago he opened own bar, where he often organizes performances by metropolitan stars. In addition, another hobby of Timur has grown into a business: the guy is actively developing his own workshop, specializing in car tuning. But despite numerous achievements in Timur’s career, the guy’s songs dedicated to Olga Buzova are still the most discussed today.