Open lesson in fine art “Journey to the magical land of flowers. "Magic Rainbow"

State budgetary special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities health special (correctional) general education boarding school No. 10, Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg

Topic: “Drawing a rainbow”

Form: Game-activity

Teacher Sklyar Zh.E.

Class "Special Child"

St. Petersburg 2012



  1. consolidate the ability to work with gouache;
  2. consolidate the names of primary colors in speech;
  3. consolidate the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper;

correctional and developmental

  1. development of fine motor skills;
  2. development of attention, perception;
  3. expansion of vocabulary;


  1. develop teamwork skills;
  2. cultivate neatness


  1. brushes, gouache, drawing sheets, sippy jars, napkins, aprons, armbands;
  2. sample;
  3. sun toy, wonderful bag;
  4. flashcards

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time.

Guys, today a guest came to our lesson. Guess who it is?

Who can give me the answer:

It warms in summer, but not in cold weather.

What a bright red ball

Broke up in the sky like a fire?

Warms the earth and flowers,

Warms the grass and bushes,

Gives its warmth to everyone,

With him, as with a mother, it’s good,

In the morning it shines towards us in the window,

Did you guess it? This is the Sun)

Well done! That's right, it's Sunny.

Updating knowledge. Definition of the topic.

Guys, look, Sunny brought a wonderful bag. Let's see what's there?(The teacher takes out brushes, gouache, a sippy jar, and a sample rolled up. Children look at the objects and name them. Then they unroll the sample)

Guys, look what beautiful drawing! The sun is sad because it doesn’t shine much now. And it wants us to draw such a joyful picture. Tell me what is shown in the picture?(The picture shows a rainbow)

- Let's take a closer look at the rainbow. Rainbows can be seen in the sky during the warm season, when light, warm rain falls. And at the same time, the sun is shining through the clouds. The sun's rays pass through the raindrops and a rainbow is formed.

Guys, what does a rainbow look like?(On the arc)

What are the colors of the rainbow?(Children's answers)

And now Sunny wants to play with you.

A game.

(Teacher hands out colored cards)

Place the colored cards in front of you. What are the colors of the card? Take other cards. Consider them. What's on these cards?(Vegetables) . Name the vegetables? What color are the vegetables? Place the vegetable cards on a card of the same color.

Work on the topic of the lesson.

Before we start drawing, let's remember what we need?

(Children call instruments)

And in order not to stain our clothes, we will wear aprons and arm ruffles.

Now let's get our fingers ready for work.

Finger gymnastics

If your fingers are sad -

They want kindness

If your fingers cry -

Someone offended them, that means

(shaking hands)

We'll spare our fingers -

We will warm you with our kindness

(“washing” hands)

We will press our palms to ourselves

Let's start stroking gently

(stroke the palm with the palm)

Let your palms hug,

Let them play a little

(To cross fingers)

Every finger needs to be taken

And hug me tighter

Well done! Our fingers are ready.

Now let's remember the rules of work:

  1. apply paint to the tip of the brush;
  2. After each color, the brush must be rinsed and dried on a napkin.

Summary of the lesson.

Well done! Sunny liked it! We did a good job. Let's applaud each other.

Finger gymnastics

If your fingers are sad -

They want kindness

(press fingers tightly to palm)

If your fingers cry -

Someone offended them, that means

(shaking hands)

We'll spare our fingers -

We will warm you with our kindness

(“washing” hands)

We will press our palms to ourselves

Let's start stroking gently

(stroke the palm with the palm)

Let your palms hug,

Let them play a little

(To cross fingers)

Every finger needs to be taken

And hug me tighter

(we clasp each finger in a fist)


Teacher: Maydankina Inna Viktorovna

Class: 0-b

Item: art

Subject: Magic colors of the rainbow

Lesson type: lesson - introduction (introductory)

Equipment: computer, screen, illustrations of a landscape with a rainbow, paints, album sheet, brushes, a glass of water, dry napkins (fabric), palette.

Purpose of the topic

Forming an idea about fairy tale world visual arts, about his role in people's lives; develop the ability to work watercolor paints and a brush in a certain sequence.

Main content of the topic, terms, concepts

Peculiarities artistic creativity: artist and viewer. Mastering the basics of drawing, decorative and applied arts.

Planned result:

Use paints correctly;

Place the drawing on an album sheet;

Learn to create new colors by mixing three primary colors;

An idea of ​​the color scheme will be formed.

Children will learn to draw an arc;

An idea will be formed about geometric figure semicircle.

Subject Skills

Know basic rules mixing primary colors. Be able to work freely with a pencil, convey the simplest shape, general spatial position, and primary color in a drawing. Know the features and techniques of painting decorative objects. Be able to make a pattern from decorative material. Know the main genres and types of fine art.

Personal: formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world of beauty.

Regulatory: planning - determining the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions. Mastering how to work with watercolors and gouache.

Cognitive: formation of the concept of color scheme and obtaining new colors from the three main ones; about placing a drawing on a landscape sheet.

Communicative: mastering methods of interaction in a team. Mutual assistance.

Interdisciplinary connections

Forms of work


Art culture, history, oral folk art, arts and crafts - technology, music (folk), development of children's coherent speech, enrichment of children's vocabulary with new words (watercolor, palette, landscape, blotting, arc, semicircle)

Frontal, collective, in groups, individual.

Visual demonstration material

ICT (presentation)

Organization of space

I stage Motivation for activity

Target: motivate students to study the topic “Magic colors of the rainbow”

Staging problematic issue

What colors do you know? How did the different colors come about?

In some kingdom, in some state there lived happy people. And they were happy because they knew how to notice beauty in nature. Blue sky and white clouds (slide 1) , endless sea (slide 2) , first greens (slide 3) - everything made them happy. Queen Rainbow (slide 4, 5) instilled in the souls of people a sense of beauty and kindness. But one day trouble happened. An evil, despicable wizard, flying over a happy kingdom-state, decided to take away people's joy. And he planned the most terrible thing: he covered the sky with his magic cloak and held the cloak for so long that all the colors began to fade and turn gray. (slide 6, 7, 8).But even this seemed not enough to the evil wizard. He made all people forget that the world was colorful. The wizard rejoiced: now boredom and anger will come to this gray kingdom-state. That's how it all happened. After a long night, morning came. People began to mind their own business. The colorless world no longer attracted their attention, bored glances did not linger on anything. The people themselves also turned grey: their faces, their hair, and their clothes. In addition, they began to get irritated and quarrel more often. But no matter how hard the evil wizard tried to erase memories of the colorful world, the children's gentle souls immediately felt that they had lost something beautiful. And so one boy went on the road (slide 9) . He began to walk around the kingdom-state and ask if anyone knew why everyone began to live boringly and joylessly. But people just shrugged their shoulders in response. One day a boy came across an old hut in which a blind ancient old man lived. (slide 10) .
“Listen, son,” said the elder, “I’ll tell you how people lived before and what happened then.” In those days I was younger and had good eyesight. I was a court painter. I painted castles and houses in the most delicate shades. I loved my job very much because I brought joy to people. I was even invited by an overseas king to paint his castle. And when I returned home, I almost died of grief: the work of my whole life, everything at home, and everything around me, became gray, and people seemed to be strangers. I never saw happy eyes again. I myself have turned grey, my skin has turned gray with age, my eyes have faded and become blind from tears. The most expensive thing I have left are three paints brought from afar.
“Grandfather, please show them to me,” the boy asked timidly. The old man felt the bundle and took out a tablet with three paints.

– Now, before I continue the tale, try to guess what colors the old man gave the boy? (Slides 11, 12, 13)

When showing slides, children are asked:“What do the three objects on the slide have in common?” (Color)

Now each of you draw these three colors on your sheet of paper. (slide 14) .

The boy could not take his eyes off these elegant colors. The elder felt it. He began to talk about what other colors there were, and what color everything was around. The boy listened with bated breath.
“I knew,” the old man continued, “that you would like these colors.” Any color can be made from these paints. Take them. And you can bring joy back to people. I have been waiting for this hour for a long time. The old man sighed and fell into eternal sleep. The boy cried and decided that he needed to quickly fulfill the good master’s last wish: to make the world happy. But here's the problem:

Three colors, three colors, three colors.
Guys, isn't this enough?
Where can we get green and orange? (Children's answers)
Of course, you need to mix paints in pairs!

The boy did not know how to handle paints at all and therefore, in order not to spoil anything in the city, he went to a distant uninhabited island (slide 16).

“This is where I’ll practice,” he decided. The boy splashed yellow paint on the sun. The sun began to smile (slide 17) . Sand got it too yellow. He immediately warmed up with pleasure (slide 18). A boy dropped blue paint into the sea and it came to life (slide 19) .

Now there is a tree with oranges standing alone on the island.”

- Guys, let's help the boy. Does anyone know how to get orange? (Children’s answers. Slide 20)

1. Children get the color orange on album sheets and color the oranges. (Slide 21)

Having painted the oranges, the boy began to look at the leaves of the tree. Now he easily guessed how to get green color. The boy mixed two paints and painted the leaves (slide 22) .

What two colors did the boy mix? (Slide 23)

2. Children mix paints, get green and paint the leaves on the tree.

Then the boy put red paint on his brush, but accidentally touched the blue one, and the two colors got mixed up. (slide 24) .
“It’s okay,” the boy decided, “I’ll use this color for my trousers.”

Guys, let's mix red paint with blue and see what color we get. (Slide 24)

And now,” the boy decided, “I’ll mix together all three colors that I have: yellow, blue and red.” (slide 25) .

He tried mixing the paints several times, adding more yellow, then red, then blue. And, lo and behold, he got different colors.

What colors did you get by mixing three paints? (Slide 25)

Is it possible to choose a color for the trunk of a palm tree from these flowers? Color it (slide 26) .

The young artist was about to leave the revived island, but saw that the sky remained lifeless white. “No, it’s the same here Blue colour“like by the sea, it won’t do,” the boy thought.
– How to make the sky soft blue? (Slide 27) .

I mixed different colors, but not a single shade suits the sky.” The boy began to cry from powerlessness. A transparent tear rolled down her cheek and dripped directly onto the palette with blue paint. The paint spread and turned light blue. (Slide 28)

Guys, what happens if you add more water to any paint? (Children's answers)

3. Children receive blue, pink and other lightened colors.

The boy learned a lot. He boldly went to the city where she was waiting for him big job to the delight of people. Thus began his journey into the world of colors.

II stage. Educational and cognitive activity

Sequence of study

Educational and developmental tasks and exercises for “knowledge”, “understanding”, “skills”.

Planned activities.

1.What will we do in fine arts lessons. Landscape with a rainbow

Goals: introduce children to the fine arts, the content of art lessons in preparatory class; give a first idea of ​​the fabulous world of fine art, its role in people’s lives; conduct the first systematic familiarization of children with watercolor paints and the rules of working with them.

Conversation on the topic “Who is an artist and what will wedo in art lessons?

An artist is like a wizard - he can capture the beauty of the surrounding world: proud red tulips and delicate white daisies, fabulous forest wilds and cheerful curly birch trees in a sunny meadow, fiery red sunsets and heavy gray clouds, various animals, man and his labor activity, modern technology etc. The work of an artist brings people joy and evokes a feeling of admiration.

Introduction to watercolor paints.

1) What are the names of the paints? (Watercolor) What word does the name come from? (Aqua- water)

How do watercolor paints work?

Paints are diluted with water on the palette; the more water, the lighter the paint becomes. To make the paints dissolve better, a drop drips onto each paint (to make them softer), but does not touch them with the bristles of the brush, because otherwise, the paint will remain on the bristles, and during subsequent dipping of the brush, both the water and the paint that is being wetted will become contaminated.

A quick “Magic Paints” exercise on techniques for mixing basic primary colors (yellow, red, blue) to create new colors.

Showing a colorful image of a rainbow. Introduction to the specific order of the colors of the rainbow .

Rainbow and its colors.

K O ZH 3 G S F. (Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits)

Place the sheet horizontally. There is no need to be afraid when you draw. Go deep into your work, don't disturb others. You will succeed.

Independent work children. Rainbow imagepaints.

Heuristic conversation about the profession of an artist.

Show illustrations with specific colors and pronounce their names.

Mix the main colors (yellow, blue, red) to obtain composite colors: orange - from mixing red with yellow, green - yellow with blue, violet - red with blue.

III stage. Intellectual-transformative activity.

Goals: develop the ability to work with watercolor paints and brushes in a certain sequence; develop the ability to convey a silhouette image of an arc with thick and thin lines, observing the sequence color range; develop aesthetic perception, sense of rhythm.

Physical exercise.

There is a pine tree in the clearing,

she reaches for the sky.

Poplar grew up next to her,

he wants to be more authentic.

(Standing on one leg, stretch – arms up, then do the same while standing on the other leg)

The wind was blowing strong,

shook all the trees.

(Tilt the body to the left, right)

The branches bend back and forth,

the wind shakes them, bends them.

(Jerks with arms in front of chest)

Let's squat together -

One, two, three, four, five.


And now the step is in place,

above your feet!


Stop, one, two!

Finger gymnastics


Look: the rainbow is above us,

(draw a semicircle with your hand above your head; swing motion).

Over the trees

(raise your hands up, fingers open)

(hands folded over head)

And over the sea, over the wave,

(draw a wave with your hand)

And a little bit above me

(touch your head).

Let's draw a rainbow-arc with paints, but first remember and name all its colors in order. The teacher shows how to draw a rainbow.

Forms of control.

Name the seven colors of the rainbow;

How can you get green, orange , blue, purple colors?

Step by step execution of work.

Reproductive tasks:

Draw according to the pattern shown on the board.


Children perform tasks under calm conditions slow music.

An exhibition of children's works is being organized.

View the presentation "Autumn Blues".

Evaluation of performance results.

  • contribute to the formation of an aesthetic attitude towards reality and natural phenomena;
  • develop imagination, independence, and a creative attitude towards the depicted plot;
  • develop knowledge and skills in consistently depicting the colors of the rainbow;
  • To cultivate observation skills in children and the ability to admire nature.

Equipment: multimedia projector, screen, workbook, gouache, paints, brushes, palette, napkins, sippy cup.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

And at 10 years old, and at 7, and at 5
All people love to draw.
And everyone will boldly draw
Everything that interests him
What is of interest:
Deep space, near forest,
Flowers, cars, fairy tales, paints...
We’ll draw everything - if only we had paints...

Video about the colors of nature, see Annex 1

2. Communicate the topic and purpose

– So, we saw that there are many different colors in nature. You might be interested to know what we will draw in class? To do this you need to solve a riddle.

Colorful gates
Someone built it in the meadow
But it's not easy to get through them,
Those gates are high.
I tried that master,
He took some paint for the gate.
Not one, not two, not three -
As many as seven, look!
What to call those gates?
Can you draw them?

– Indeed, today in the lesson we will learn a lot of interesting things about the rainbow and learn how to draw it. But first... Close your eyes and listen to the sounds of nature. Try to imagine the picture and describe it like a word artist.

(Sounds of wind, thunder, rain)

– What indicates in nature that rain is approaching?

3. Working on the topic of the lesson

– Open your notebooks to page 8 and let’s color in the rain cloud.
-What color will the cloud be?
– Do you think this is a color of cold or warm shades?
– Before we get started, let’s get acquainted with the rules of work:

– gently wet the brushes in water without rubbing the hair;
– moisten the paints with water (slightly), rinsing the brush each time;
– you should never stain paints with a dirty brush (that is, in another paint);
– to obtain a different shade or color, use a palette;
– you cannot rub the brush on the paper and spoil its “hairstyle”, and also keep it dipped in water for a long time.

– Now let’s get to work and don’t forget about the rules. Try to color carefully, without going beyond the contours of the cloud.

Independent work of children.

Against the background of the music “We are not afraid of rain,” the children do their work.

– Finally the rain stopped. The storm has passed. It became lighter. A bright sun appeared from behind a cloud.

– Children, let’s draw a sun emerging from behind a cloud in the upper right corner. Which paint should we choose? Is it a cool or warm color? Let's get to work and don't forget about the rules.

Exercise for eyes and fingers

Exercise 1
I.p. - standing. Blink quickly for 1-2 minutes. (to improve blood circulation);

Exercise 2
I. p. - sitting. Close your eyes tightly for 3 - 5 seconds, repeat 6 - 8 times. (Strengthens eyelid muscles, improves blood circulation and relaxes eye muscles);

Exercise 3
I.p. - standing. Extend your arms and tap each finger one by one thumb(improves coordination).

– We work together with children. We watch our posture.

Independent work of children.

Problem situation:

– At the beginning of the lesson, we told you that we would draw a rainbow. Why did we draw a cloud with rain and the sun?

Reading a poem p. 8

- What is necessary for this. For a rainbow to appear in the sky? Do you know how the word “rainbow” came about?

IN ancient greek mythology there is the sun god RA.
Also in ancient times, the Volga River was called “Ra”.
You and I know what an “arc” is.
So, a rainbow is a solar or water arc.
There is a rain cloud, there is a sun, all that remains is to draw a rainbow.

The rainbow is built like a layer cake:
Red layer, orange, yellow and green
Light blue and blue next to purple...
There are seven colors in the rainbow - you need to know about it!
Color first: red
It's like a fire in the garden
Red tomato burst into flames
Following him as an example,
The dawn also turned red.
Both carnation and peony gave their colors to the rainbow.
Red is at the beginning:
He is the very first.

– Find the very first arc of the rainbow and color it in.

Second color: orange.
I have an orange in my hand,
Orange Africa's son.
He always considers it an honor
That its color is in the rainbow.

Paint the second arc.

Third color: yellow.
Yellow sun and yellow sand.
I drink orange juice greedily.
In the sultry breath of summer
Even the eyes are yellow in the heat!

Paint the third arc.

Fourth color: green.
Look: the grass is green in the meadow.
The edge of the forest is green,
In the green swamp - “kva-kva” and “kva-kva” -
Very green frog...

Paint the fourth arc.

Fifth color: blue.
Blue sky, blue sea,
The breeze plays with blue waves.
And on the horizon blue space
The blue sail looms all day.

Paint the fifth arc.

Sixth color: blue.
The blue cornflower looks into the sky,
Joy without hiding, without concealing:
I'm not alone in this world!
There is my blue in the rainbow.

Paint the sixth arc.

Seventh color: purple.
Heavy purple clouds
The rain fell on the meadows and fields.
He passed. And suddenly cheerful violets
The earth lit up like smiles.
This rainbow sent us greetings -
Your seventh, your purple bouquet.

We paint the seventh arc.

– Look what a beautiful rainbow we have! Here's what kind of rainbow you can see in nature:

Slide show with the song “Song about the Rainbow” in the background.

– So, how many colors does the rainbow have?

In a rainbow, the order of colors is observed - each color has its own strictly assigned place. The sequence of colors is easy to remember if you learn the phrase: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting.”

Do you think it is possible to see a rainbow without rain? Where?

Slide 6

4. Lesson summary

Exhibition of works.

5. Reflection

– What will the rainbow you drew symbolize in your life? May the rainbow you created bestow each of us with amazing artistic energy. Let the rainbow mood visit you as often as possible and inspire you.

Slide: “Thank you for your work.”

Summary of GCD for children 6-7 years old on the topic “What color is the rainbow”

Author. Sokolova Svetlana Sergeevna, additional education teacher
MBOU DOD Center children's creativity, village Syava.

Description of material: I offer you a direct summary educational activities for children 6-7 years old, 1 year of additional education educational program mug "Art Studio". On the topic “What color is the rainbow.” This lesson summary will be useful for educators kindergarten and 1st grade teachers of secondary schools. This summary educational activity is an introductory course in the additional educational program of the Art Studio club. The teacher can select images for computer-based accompaniment of the lesson at his own discretion.

Lesson topic: “What color is the rainbow”

Target: Familiarization of children with the content of fine arts classes in the “Art Studio” circle. Identification of the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of children in the field of fine arts.
Introduce the rules of work in the lesson and materials for
fine arts classes.
Develop workplace organization and work skills
brush and paints.
Learn to depict a natural phenomenon without a preliminary drawing.
Develop the ability to accurately paint with watercolors.
Develop aesthetic responsiveness to the beauty of the surrounding world.
To develop visual memory in children and the ability to depict from memory and impression.
Cultivate interest in visual arts.
Cultivate love for native nature and a caring attitude towards her.
Bring up friendly relations in a team, the desire to help each other.
Type of lesson: Learning new material.
Type of lesson: Practical lesson with elements of conversation.
Methods: Explanatory and illustrative, partly exploratory using the practical method.
First year of study. Introduction to the additional educational program.
Children's age. 6-7 years.
Class time. 35 minutes.
For the teacher:
- lesson presentation,
- an exhibition of children's drawings made in different techniques,
- tape recorder, cassettes with melodies,
- gouache.
- For children:
- album,
- watercolor paints,
- brush,
- a jar of water.
Lesson plan.
Organizational stage. 1 minute
/ greetings/
Preparatory stage. 8 minutes
/message of topic, goals and objectives/
Main stage. 20 minutes
a/ theoretical.
b/ practical.
Final stage. 5 minutes
/summarizing the lesson/
Reflective stage. 1 minute
/lesson self-assessment/
Progress of the lesson
1.Organizational stage.
Goal: Organization of the workplace, psychological attitude towards the upcoming work.
Greetings, checking the group for class.
2.Preparatory stage.
Goal: Preparing children to perceive new lesson material.
- Let's get acquainted. My name is Svetlana Sergeevna, I am a fine arts teacher.
- Now introduce yourself. (children say their names)
I really like to draw
Trees, and birds, and animals,
I like to think, dream
ABOUT future life Guys.
Smile, sunshine, for us more often.
Smile, sunshine, for our happiness. (Slide 2: children’s drawings)

- Look how many children's drawings are at our exhibition. How do you think
Do the children who drew them like to draw? (exhibition of drawings, children's crafts), (children's answers)
- Guys, do you like to draw? (children's answers)
- In fine arts classes we will draw, sculpt,
make various crafts, learn to depict all the amazing things,
what we can see around us, invent, fantasize.
Purpose of the lesson: Today we will draw a beautiful natural phenomenon - a rainbow. Let's learn the first techniques of working with paints and a brush. Let's develop our imagination creative thinking, ability to work in pairs and independently.
“Guys, he came to visit us.” Cheerful pencil"and now he will hold interesting game“Artist's Briefcase”, you need to guess the accessories necessary for drawing. Guys, whoever knows the correct answer, raise up the signal - a colored pencil.
(The game “Artist’s Briefcase” is played. The teacher asks riddles)
-I go to school in the morning
I'll take the supplies.
I carry my home on my shoulders,
And in it for drawing.... (Album) (slide 3: after the children’s answers, pictures of riddles appear on the screen)
- Who will color our album?
Well, of course... (Pencil)
- Your pigtail without fear,
She dips in paints
Then with a dyed braid
In the album he leads along the page. (tassel)
- If you give her a job -
The pencil was in vain. (Eraser)
- Multi-colored sisters
Bored without water
Uncle is long and thin
He carries water with his beard.
And his sisters with him
Draw a house and smoke. (Paints, brush)
- Well done, guys, you guessed the riddles correctly, and now let’s together correctly arrange our accessories on the desktop.
1.All accessories should be placed on the workbench so that
they didn't stop you from working.
2.The drawing paper lies exactly in front of your eyes and does not
is blocked.
3. Water and a box of paints are placed above the album.
4.C right side (for left-handers - on the left) pencil and eraser are located
- Check whether you have arranged the tools and materials correctly for
drawing, (self-test by children using a reference signal) (slide 4)
- Guys, what are the names of the paints that artists use?
Children: Watercolor, gouache, oil, stained glass paints.
- Now we will play an interesting game “Colorful Paints”. There are jars of gouache on your tables. Name the colors of paints and say what you would paint with this color.
There is a jar of paint on the children's tables (everyone has different color). Work in pairs.(slide 5: paints are depicted on the screen. After the children answer, drawings of the sun, clouds, grass, etc. appear.)
3. Main stage.
a/ theoretical.
Goal: To introduce children to the natural phenomenon - the rainbow, and its characteristic features.
Colorful gates
Someone built it in the meadow.
But it's not easy to get through them,
Those gates are high.
The master tried
He took some paint for the gate.
Not one, not two, not three,
Just seven, look.
What is this gate called?
Can you draw them? (rainbow) (slide 6: image of a rainbow)

- An amazing phenomenon - a rainbow. How does she appear in the sky? (children’s answers, teacher’s addition) On a summer day, when there is warm rain, the sun's rays are refracted in water droplets.
- What is another name for this kind of rain?
- Mushroom.
- The rainbow has many names - rocker, ring, bridge.
- Guys, look at the picture of a rainbow and name all its colors,
(children's answers)
- The colors of the rainbow are always arranged in a certain order. For that
To remember this order, listen to the rhyme:
Is sitting
- Using the initial letters of each word in this phrase, it is easy to remember the order of the colors located in the rainbow. Name them.
Children: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple.
- Guys, now listen to some good advice for young artists will give you a "Jolly Pencil".
- Gently wet the brush in water, wipe off any excess on the edge of the jar, or use a cloth to blot the brushes.
- You cannot rub the brush on the paper and spoil its “hairstyle”, and also keep it dipped in water. (hair curls)
- Wash your brush every time so as not to stain the paint,
- After work, the gouache must be tightly closed so that it. not dry, and the watercolor, on the contrary, do not cover it, let the paint dry.
- While drawing, you need to sit straight so that the sharp tip of the brush does not get into your eye.
- Our friend “Jolly Pencil” has prepared for you interesting riddle- charging.
Physical education minute.
I'm running on paper
I can do everything, I can do everything: (running in place)
If you want, I’ll draw a house, (stand on your toes, arms up, pretending to be a roof)
Do you want a Christmas tree in the snow? (squats)
If you want an uncle, if you want a garden. (turns to the sides, hands on the belt)
Any child is welcome to me! (jumping in place)
b/ practical
Goal: Formation of practical skills of children when depicting natural phenomenon- rainbows.
- Now let’s all draw a rainbow together:
- place the sheet horizontally;
- take paints that need to be moistened with water in advance;
-draw the first arcuate line in red, pressing the entire pile
brushes to paper;
- place all the stripes of the rainbow close to each other.
/ independent practical work children, accompanied by musical accompaniment/ (slide 7)
4. Final stage.
Purpose: Summarizing the work done in the lesson.
Game "Colors of the Rainbow"
Teacher: Guys, the colors of the rainbow are mixed. Help me place them in in the right order, (colored pencils are placed by children at the board in accordance with the spectrum of the rainbow) (slide 8)

Olya Melnikova
"Magic Rainbow". Summary of an integrated lesson on visual arts V senior group

Subject – drawing

Senior group

Subject: « Magic rainbow»

Target: creating a good mood.


Continue to consolidate color mixing

Develop creative imagination through experimentation

Foster collectivism and friendly attitude towards each other

Material: envelope; riddles about colors rainbows; arcs rainbows made of colored cardboard; magnets; gouache paint; palettes; tassels; blotters; easels; album sheets.

Progress of the lesson:

Children come into group. The teacher and the children find the envelope and read it.

Karandashkin asks for help. The teacher finds riddles in the envelope and the children happily guess them.

Colorful gates

Someone built it in the meadow.

The master tried,

He took some paint for the gates

Not one, not two, not three -

As many as seven, look! (rainbow)

Gave me this color

Fire poppies bouquet

Just like that, without a birthday,

To improve your mood! (red)

Dear color, hurry up and tell me

What do you value in life?

Round pumpkin, carrot,

Cleverly growing a grove of them in the garden! (orange)

A dandelion grew in the field,

Golden-yellow boy.

He was friends with this color

And he looked like the sun! (yellow)

Sews summer outfits for herself

Amazing color.

Flowers are decorated with it

Vegetable gardens and gardens! (green)

Heavenly color on high,

"Hello!"- shouted to me in the morning

He looked through the window

He held out his palms to me. (blue)

Sonorous brother stream -

The colors of this friend,

Read with your water

There is no tastier plum in the world,

This color gives them taste.

Plums are simply delicious -

I ate them with pleasure. (violet)

After each correct answer, the child attaches the color that he guessed to the easel. As a result, on the easel you should get a real, correct rainbow. After guessing the riddles, we find landscape sheets of paper in the envelope (by number of children) with a drawn rainbow. But incomplete rainbow, it lacks orange, blue and purple flowers. I set a task for the children to help Karandashkin complete the drawing rainbow.

I ask driving questions.

What colors do we have?

Do we have blue, orange and purple?

What do you need to do to get these colors?

Children are invited to go to the easels and on the palettes independently find orange, blue and purple colors. With children who find it difficult to work, the teacher carries out individual work.

Bottom line:

The teacher admires with the children rainbow and thanks the children for their help!