What is the name of the singer Nyusha biography. Biography of Nyusha Shurochkina

Many will be surprised, but Nyusha’s real name and surname is... Nyusha Vladimirovna Shurochkina. At birth, the parents gave the baby the name Anna. This name means grace. There are many varieties of this name: Annushka, Anyuta, Nyuta, Nyusha... The singer’s father affectionately called his daughter Nyusha. This nickname became so dear and close to the future singer that she no longer reacted to her real name “Anna”. Therefore, when choosing a pseudonym for her further stage career, the singer had no doubts - Nyusha. It was this pseudonym, and not the real name of the singer Anna, that was used at the casting for the show on STS TV channel. At the age of 17, Nyusha decided to finally part with the name “Anna” and officially changed name in passport. Therefore, Nyusha’s real name is still Nyusha.

Family of singer Nyushi

Nyusha's parents, Vladimir and Irisha Shurochkin, were once famous people in the music world. Unfortunately, they divorced when she was very young. However, the father of the future star did not stop taking an active part in his daughter’s life and subsequently became her producer.

Nyusha has half-brothers and sisters on her father’s side, Maria and Ivan Shurochkin. Maria practices synchronized swimming, and Ivan practices tricking, a combination of breakdancing and martial arts.


Anna Shurochkina began singing very early, from the age of three. At the age of five she performed her debut song in recording studio. She was so happy about recording her voice that she started singing wherever she could. In order to support his daughter’s desire to sing, her father bought her a piano and hired a singing teacher for lessons. It is noteworthy that Nyusha not only sang, but was also the author of her own songs. Her first compositions were in English. This is extremely unusual for a child her age.

At the age of 11, Nyusha went on her first tour of Russia and Germany. A couple of years later, the children's group in which the girl performed broke up.

Later, the aspiring singer tried herself on the “Star Factory” show, but due to her young age, the girl was not allowed to participate.

Now the singer is known to everyone not only for her beautiful singing, but also for her chic dancing. It's no secret that Nyusha was involved in artistic gymnastics as a child, and her stepmother Oksana, a master of sports in artistic gymnastics, helped her in this. At performances, the girl dances in hip-hop style.

Yours real name singer Nyusha I never hid it or made it a secret. For the first time, the pseudonym “Nyusha” instead of Nyusha’s real name was used on the “STS Lights a Star” project. It was a spontaneous decision that the singer does not regret.

Description of the page: Nyusha parents biography from professionals for people.

IN Lately The name of Anna Shurochkina, or rather Nyusha, is increasingly appearing on television screens and on radio stations. The young performer is gaining momentum and attracting more and more attention to her person. So, what is attractive to the viewer about Nyusha, the girl’s biography and her success story? How are things going for the singer personally?

Nyusha: biography. Height Weight

Fans of the singer, in addition to her work, are often interested in more mundane questions: for example, what are Anna’s parameters.

Nyusha, whose biography is as in demand as information about the volume of her breasts, has not admitted in any interview how tall she is. But some sites, such as IMDB, report that Anna looks at her fans from a height of 167 cm.

As for weight, Nyusha reports approximately the following figures: from 50 to 54 kg.

The diva's chest is 86 cm, her waist is 58 cm, and her hips are 87 cm.

Since Nyusha was born in August, her zodiac sign is Leo. And behind the short pseudonym “Nyusha” Anna Vladimirovna Shurochkina is actually hiding.

Nyusha Shurochkina's family

Moscow is the city where Nyusha was born in 1990. The girl’s biography and family are one hundred percent musical.

Vladimir Shurochkin, the singer’s father, was once a member of the group “Tender May”. He was not only listed as one of the soloists, but also did an excellent job of writing lyrics and music for the project.

Anna's mother, Irina, was also close to music world. Before she met the girl's father, she performed with a rock band.

In 1992, Anna's parents divorced. But the girl always claimed that her father devoted more time to her than even she could count on.

Anya also has a half-sister Maria, who chose a career as an athlete. The girl became a two-time world champion in synchronized swimming. Younger brother The singer also gave preference to sports - he is seriously interested in the sports movement of tricking.

The second wife of Nyusha’s father, Oksana, is in close contact with the singer. Since Oksana is a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, she practices plastic arts and dancing with Anna.


Singer Nyusha (biography, family is proof of this) could not choose a path other than music. Music surrounded her since childhood and it is quite logical that the girl decided to become a famous pop singer.

The father actively participated in the musical development of his daughter. Nyusha loved to sing songs from the age of three. Vladimir Shurochkin met his favorite halfway and, when she was five years old, brought Nyusha to the recording studio. The little girl was delighted with what she saw. She was especially struck by the headphones, which, compared to her head, seemed simply gigantic. The first musical recording of the future artist is “Song of the Big Dipper.”


Nyusha, whose biography is filled with bright events, knew from childhood that she wanted to make music. But the girl never received an appropriate education. According to her, her piano skills are poor. And she studied solfeggio for only a year and a half with a teacher whom her dad found for her.

But Anna attended the Thai boxing section for some time.

Children's Music band“Grizzly” is Nyusha’s first experience of working on big stage. Fun group I managed to go on tour not only in Russia, but also in Germany.

Like many young people, Anna was interested in the work of Western superstars, so she wrote her first songs in English.

At the age of 14, Shurochkina rushed to conquer the “Star Factory”. But, as you know, such young performers are not accepted there, and Anna was unable to convince the jury of the seriousness of her intentions.

When the girl turned 17, she officially entered her pseudonym – “Nyusha” – into her passport and made another attempt to break into show business.

Carier start

The show “STS Lights a Star” changed the fate of the young singer, Nyusha herself does not hide this. The girl’s biography as a pop singer began in 2007 with her participation in this project. More than a thousand people came to the casting for the show. Nyusha not only passed the selection, she won the project. The most bright numbers her performance included the composition “There Were Dancing” (Bianca), “Dancing on Glass” (Maxim Fadeev), “I Loved You” (Ranetki), London Bridge (Fergie).

IN next year Nyusha went to win the hearts of the audience at the competition “ New wave" Here she took seventh place. She immediately received an offer to record the soundtrack for the dubbed version. Disney cartoon"Enchanted."

In 2009, Anna finally managed to release her first single. It was called “Howling at the Moon.” Nyusha wrote the text herself. When asked what inspired the composition, Anna replied that it was a breakup with her boyfriend.

Moreover, the release of the single became almost family matter– the list of creators includes the names of three members of the Shurochkin family. A video clip was shot for the song, and, of course, it got into radio rotation.

First album

The main achievement of 2010 was the release of the first solo album. Nyusha had been waiting for this event for many years. The singer’s biography and her musical career were built progressively and methodically.

On the eve of the album's release, the song “Don't Interrupt” appeared in radio rotation. Its creator is the artist herself. With this song Nyusha was nominated for the MUZ-TV award.

Then the composition “Choose a Miracle” was included in the rotation of radio and television. And so, in the fall of 2010, the goal was achieved - the Gala Records label signed a contract with Anna.

Work on the debut album was completed in November. In general, reviews of the young singer’s work were positive.

In 2011, Nyusha continued to release singles that advertised her debut album. And already in October of this year, the work of the young performer was noted at the MTV Europe Music Awards 2011, and her releases were included in the ratings of significant musical events of 2011.

Second album

The second one saw the light in April studio album, which was released by Nyusha. The singer’s biography was supplemented by another significant event. Anna again acted as the author of all the compositions included in the release. The album was called "Unification".

The second studio release included 18 compositions. Among them are the already famous hits “Memory”, “Only” and “Alone”.

Read also: Nyusha’s husband Igor

In the track “Memory” Nyusha tried to get as close as possible to Western sound quality. The track is written in the synthpop genre and is ideal for dance floors. In addition, the composition was released on the eve of summer, so it quickly turned into a “resort” hit.

Then, one after another, the songs “Alone”, “It’s New Year”, “Only”, as well as remixes of these songs, began to get into rotation.

In general, all critics noted that Nyusha is growing professionally, so her best songs may not have been written yet.

Success and prospects

If in general we draw conclusions about the singer’s successes in the period from 2012 to 2014, it is clear that the singer was moving towards her goal with confident steps. After the first songs that Nyusha released into rotation, Shurochkina’s biography and personal life began to change rapidly before our eyes.

In 2012, the video for the song “Higher,” which took first place in some charts, made the young artist’s face recognizable. And just a couple of months after its release, Nyusha showed her first show in one of the most prestigious Moscow concert halls - Crocus City Hall.

Every year Anna Shurochkina is presented in one category or another at the awards ceremony music award MUZ TV. Repeatedly Nyusha took the treasured figurine home.

In addition, TV channels are interested in collaborating with the girl as a presenter. Anna for a long time hosted “Top-Hit Chart” on MUZ-TV.

In 2013, Nyusha took part in the show “Ice Age”. Her partner was figure skater Maxim Shabalin.

Every now and then the young star appears on the covers of magazines and gives interviews.

When the singer is asked about the secret of her success, she says that in her songs and at concerts she tries to create as many diverse atmospheres as possible, so that you can both be sad and dance.

Theater and cinema

Singer Nyusha, biography, whose personal life is now of concern large army fans, does not stop there and is also trying to conquer the film industry.

In 2011, she appeared in a cameo role in the TV series “Univer”. In 2013, she again appeared in the serial film “He People”.

In 2014, Anna got a slightly more serious role. In the film "Friends of Friends" she played the girl Masha, with whom one of the main characters falls in love.

In addition, in 2014, Nyusha participated in the musical “Peter Pan”. The production was shown on the stage of the Olimpiysky sports complex. The role that the singer got was the fairy Tinkerbell.

Participation in cartoons

Most often, the voice of the young performer can be heard in children's cartoons - she voiced four animated characters: Priscilla from Rango, Smurfette from The Smurfs, Gerda from The Snow Queen, and Gip from The Croods.

Singer Nyusha: biography. Personal life

Anna talks about her career very willingly, but does not talk about her personal life.

Nyusha, a biography whose personal life is in the spotlight, officially confirmed the existence of relationships with only two men. The girl’s first boyfriend was Alexander Radulov. The young man starred in her video “It Hurts,” after which their relationship allegedly began. Anna's second friend was rapper ST, with whom she dated during 2011. No further information was released to the press.

But fans and journalists carefully monitor who Nyusha meets. The biography, husband and date of marriage, which are not yet listed, do not suit the fans. Therefore, they themselves begin to compose facts from the singer’s life.

For example, in 2014, Nyusha, a biography whose photos are partially covered in in social networks, shared her new photos on Instagram. But contrary to her habit of dressing in tight clothes, Anna this time appeared in front of the camera lens in a robe outfit. A rumor was immediately started that the singer was pregnant. Nyusha had to publish a number of new photographs in which she flaunts herself in a bikini and shows off her flat stomach.

Following this, in order to at least slightly cool the ardor of journalists, the singer admitted in an interview with Woman magazine that romantic dates happen regularly in her life. One day she was amazed by a young man who threw a romantic party right on the roof of a high-rise building.

Beauty secrets from Nyusha

Anna Shurochkina certainly has a striking appearance. At her performances, she shines in revealing costumes, and you can only find a flaw in her figure if you really find fault.

Your wonderful physical fitness Anna explains it by regular training in the gym, as well as high loads during concerts and performances. Nyusha prefers to refuse flour and confectionery products and, of course, does not eat before bed. At the same time, the girl regularly takes care of her skin and drinks a lot of water.

In the conditions of the modern stage, there is hardly a single person from younger generation, who would never have heard of the singer Nyusha. Recently, more and more often this name can be heard in the list of speakers at charity concerts. And also on radio and television programs. This truly beautiful young woman excites men’s hearts, and many girls, especially among her fans, want to be like her.

Nyusha is not only a very talented performer, but also an actress, the host of some shows on television, but also the author of her own repertoire, which is engraved in the brain for a long time, forcing her to constantly hum perky tunes.

Height, weight, age of Nyusha Shurochkina

Looking at this bright and beautiful singer for the first time, most people become interested in finding out what Nyusha Shurochkina really is, how old she is. And girls and young women are mainly interested in Nyusha Shurochkina’s height, weight, age, and whether she has a husband. Among other things, you can often see requests on the Internet about the parameters of a performer’s figure.

Currently, Nyusha is really as young as she looks. She is only 27 years old. Therefore, looking at the information requested by Nyusha Shurochkina photo in her youth and now, you will not see much difference.

It’s interesting that the singer never even mentioned how tall she really is. But looking at the girl, one can only assume that her height, without heels, varies around 160-170 centimeters.

As for the most sensitive issue for all girls in general, Nyusha does not hide her weight at all - 54 kilograms.

Biography of Nyusha Shurochkina

Anya Shurochkina - this is the beauty's real name - was born on August 15, 1990, in the Russian capital. Both of her parents belonged to the musical caste, so from childhood the girl was immersed in the atmosphere of noisy backstage and vibrant performances.

Read also: Nyusha with her boyfriend

Her father, Vladimir Shurochkin, and her mother, Irina Shurochkina, were both singers. In addition, the girl has a sister, Maria, and a brother, Ivan. Both are stepbrothers.

The biography of Nyusha Shurochkina was connected with music from the very beginning. The girl began to make her way onto the stage at a surprisingly young age.

Anya's parents divorced when she was only 2 years old. But the girl does not consider herself unloved at all. Despite the divorce, Vladimir always found time to be with his daughter.

Anna started singing at the age of 3. She took singing lessons from Viktor Pozdnyakov, and in just a year she was able to develop ear for music.

Little Anya was able to record her very first song in a real recording studio at the age of five, after which she began to sing absolutely everywhere, and it didn’t matter whether there were people there or not. To further develop musical talent daughter, her father bought a synthesizer for her and hired professional teachers.

Already at 8 Anechka performed her debut single, which, moreover, was sung in English. And at 12 Anna Shurochkina performed in Cologne. She delighted the audience not only with her ideal English pronunciation, but also with songs that she composed herself, and also in English.

In addition to vocals, the girl was very fond of sports. For example, Thai boxing. This and good way maintain physical fitness, and the opportunity, if something happens, to confidently fight back against offenders.

At the age of 9 Anya went to children's theater fashion, and already at 11 she went on tour as a member of the children's musical ensemble “Grizzly”. Anya even went to the “Star Factory” casting, but didn’t make it only because she was only 14 at the time.

But already at 17, the girl passed the casting for the television project “STS Lights up a Superstar.” By the way, it was there that she received her stage name - Nyusha. Interesting fact: when it was time to change her passport, the girl changed hers native name to the pseudonym - Nyusha.

At the age of 18, the young talented singer was able to take a place in the top ten on the New Wave. And a year later she was able to record her debut song, “Howl at the Moon.” Thanks to her, Anna received a nomination for the Song of the Year award. After some time, Nyusha released the album “Choose a Miracle,” which received a variety of reviews.

The year 2011 was a period of meteoric rise. She recorded new songs, received a nomination for the Muz-TV award, won the MTV EMA award, and also became one of the twenty main musical events of this year.

The year 2014 is notable for the fact that Nyusha not only released a new album, but also got roles in films! For example, she can be seen in such popular youth TV series as “Univer” or “Friends of Friends.” Among other things, the girl voiced the characters of some cartoons. For example, she gave her voice to Gerda, Priscilla and Smurfette.

It is impossible not to mention that Nyusha copes well with figure skating, which is why she managed to show herself well in the popular TV show “Ice Age”, where she paired up with Max Shablin. The singer also happily took part in Ivan Urgant’s program called “Nine Lives.”

And finally, last year the girl was able to imagine herself as a mentor at popular show"Voice. Children”, becoming a replacement for Pelageya. To her own pride, the performer was able to demonstrate her professionalism, showing herself to be an excellent instructor, capable of conveying her personal experience and little contestants.

Personal life of Nyusha Shurochkina

In most of her interviews, the talented beauty enthusiastically shares own plans for the near future, information about upcoming performances and songs not yet written. But it is noteworthy to talk about personal girl doesn’t like it at all and prefers to avoid these topics.

That is why the personal life of Nyusha Shurochkina is carefully hidden from fans. Although, certain points can still be found out.

Even at its dawn musical career Nyusha began dating actor Aristarkh Venes, but she herself did not consider this relationship something serious. There were rumors about a romance between Anya and Vlad Sokolovsky, with whom she allegedly spent time in the Maldives. But these rumors were started by their managers.

Nyusha herself calls Alexander Radulov, a hockey player who starred in her first music video, her first lover. At the same time, it could have been a simple ploy to add popularity to the song.

In 2014, the girl began dating the young singer Yegor Creed. And although Nyusha’s father was the reason for the break in relations, she herself mentions that she and Yegor looked at life differently.

Some time later, Anna announced her engagement. Nyusha's fiance Igor Sivov, whose photo can be easily found on the Internet, turned out to be connected with politics.

Nyusha Shurochkina's family

As mentioned earlier, both of Nyusha’s parents are also involved in music. The singer’s father played in the previously popular group “Tender May” and wrote some lyrics and music for them. Now he holds the position of producer of his own daughter. Mother was a rock singer. So, it seems that Nyusha has combined all the talents of her parents.

Nyusha Shurochkina’s family also includes a sister and brother. It is noteworthy that both connected their lives not with the stage, but with sports.

Maria is a professional swimmer who was able to earn the title of Russian, European and world champion in the junior category.

Ivan is mastering tricking. This is a rather interesting and unique sport that combines several types of martial arts.

Children of Nyusha Shurochkina

Currently, the young performer devotes herself entirely to developing her own career not only as a singer, but also as an actress and presenter. Although the girl is already married, Nyusha Shurochkina’s children are just one of the projects for now.

While Anna was still in a relationship with Creed, the singer mentioned several times that he was not against having children. But the couple managed to break up before this happened. For some time there were rumors on the Internet that Nyusha was pregnant, but the singer said that this was not so.

At the same time, even when Nyusha was a mentor on “The Voice. Children,” fans have repeatedly noticed the manifestation of the performer’s maternal instinct. This means she is ready to be a mother.

Nyusha Shurochkina's husband - Igor Sivov

Nyusha Shurochkina’s husband, Igor Sivov, holds the position of chief adviser to the president of the ISSF. They had known each other for quite a long time. We met back in 2016.

Read also: Who is Nyusha’s boyfriend?

About them romantic relationships There were vague rumors until, finally, in January 2017, Nyusha announced her engagement, posting a photo of an engagement ring with an appropriate caption on her Instagram profile. After this, the media began to literally thunder that Nyusha was marrying Sivov. Photos of the groom are easy to find on the Internet.

It is known that Igor Sivov already has two children. The man began to appear in joint photographs with Anna only in the summer. And in August of the same year, the couple finally officially legalized their relationship.

Photo by Nyusha Shurochkina in Maxim magazine

Photos of Nyusha Shurochkina in Maxim magazine appeared back in December 2010. Nyusha was only 20 years old at the time. Moreover, her photo shoot was published by both publications at once - Russian and Ukrainian.

We can say that the photos turned out to be not very candid. Which, however, is only a plus for Anna. The girl appeared in front of the camera in classic look young temptress in a schoolgirl costume. Those who expected to see Nyusha naked or at least in a swimsuit will be disappointed. Considering the beauty of the singer’s body, it is not surprising that “Nyusha Shurochkina in a swimsuit” is one of the most popular Internet queries among readers of Maxim magazine.

Instagram and Wikipedia Nyusha Shurochkina

Instagram and Wikipedia Nyusha Shurochkina allow fans to track everything major events events happening in the life of their pet.

Wikipedia is filled with only reliable information about the life of Anna Shurochkina, including her personal one. Also, only there you can get acquainted with the most complete audiography of the singer. And through her Instagram, the singer not only posts various photos, but also shares with fans important information, for example, release dates of new albums, previews of new videos, and so on. Or, for example, gives advice on how to keep fit.

Nyusha Shurochkina is a popular singer who, through her own efforts, has built her own successful and prosperous career. There is some special spirit in her that makes you move on, not sit in one place and rely only on your own strength. And, probably, this was facilitated by a wild desire to achieve something in this life, to show and prove to yourself, your parents, and the people around you that with the help of perseverance you can achieve many heights.

Childhood and youth

Anna (the singer's real name) Shurochkina was born on a hot August day in 1990. Also in early childhood When Anya was only 2 years old, she suffered a difficult event - her parents’ divorce. And even though this happened at an unconscious age, it later brought a lot of emotional experiences.

The girl’s family was very musical: her father was a member of the group “Tender May”, he not only had a pleasant voice, but also composed lyrics and came up with melodies for future hits.

The father did not lose touch with his daughter, on the contrary. was always there, took care of her musical development, because he wanted Anya to follow in his footsteps. And so it happened, at just 8 years old the little girl wrote her own song. Seeing how her father worked in a recording studio, she decided that in the future she would definitely become a popular singer and would be like her beloved dad. And the father, Vladimir Shurochkin, supported his daughter in every possible way and became her producer.

Anna began realizing her musical potential at the age of 12, performing on stage with English songs. The girl even went on tour to Germany, and it was there that she was noticed by a large production company that offered cooperation.

The offer was profitable and very interesting, but Anya decided that it was better to succeed in her home country. After 2 years, Shurochkina went to casting for the popular show “Star Factory” at that time, but was refused, since the participants had to be much older.

The beginning of a creative career

Her creative career began with participation in the project “STS Ignites a Superstar,” in which Anna Shurochkina became the winner. This is how the whole of Russia learns about the young singer and her incredible voice, which opens all doors for Anya. It was at this moment that Shurochkina thought about a stage name and called herself Nyusha.

The first hit “Howl at the Moon” was recorded in 2009 and literally blew up all radio stations. The song was so successful that it was nominated in various categories at serious competitions.

Just a year later, the singer delighted listeners with the new composition “Don’t Interrupt,” which was already more high level. The song became a hit of the month, and Nyusha won the “Breakthrough of the Year” nomination, participating in the MUZ-TV channel award.

First success and further development of musical career

The singer began her career with fruitful work. The period 2010-2011 was very generous in releasing singles. The songs “Higher” and “It Hurts” again won many awards and received good mark from listeners and critics. And the composition “Howl at the Moon,” which was the very first, was recognized as the best musical work for 20 years.

Nyusha is the owner of not only a gentle and pleasant voice, but also a fantastic figure and appearance. She was even invited to show off on the cover of Maxim magazine. The singer was not embarrassed by the fact that she had to take part in candid photo shoot, and pleased the male half.

2012 was also a good year for his music career. The released composition “Memory” topped the top positions on the radio for 19 weeks in a row. After 2 years, the singer recorded an entire album called “Unification”.

It includes such melodic compositions. like “Don't Run”, “Tsunami”, “Memory”, “Alone”, “This New Year" Singer Nyusha also recorded colorful videos for her songs. The album was warmly received by listeners, and the compositions can still be heard on radio and music channels.

Other areas of activity

Nyusha Shurochkina is a bright and versatile personality who has achieved success in life not only as a singer. She managed to try her hand at all sorts of interesting projects, and it’s definitely not going to stop there.


The girl began her career as an actress by participating in the TV series “He People” and “Univer”, performing small minor roles. Filming in the New Year's film “Friends of Friends” became serious work. Nyusha appeared in the image of a fairly wealthy girl, Masha, who wants to show and prove to her father that she herself is worth something and does not need his condition. To further show her independence from money, Masha accepts the advances of a student who is madly in love with her.

The singer admits that she worked with great pleasure for film set, because the role was close to her. She herself always strived to be independent, to achieve everything using her own strength, to overcome obstacles and difficulties.


In 2014, Nyusha Shurochkina took part in the play “Peter Pan”, playing the role of the kind and merciful fairy Tinkerbell. This is an interesting story about the world of magic, about a boy who nobly comes to the aid of his friends and fights to restore justice in the world.

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Voice acting for cartoons

The pleasant voice of singer Nyusha can be heard not only on the radio, but also in films. The girl voiced some cartoons: “The Snow Queen”, “The Snow Queen 2: Refreeze”, “Rango”, “The Smurfs”. But surely many more popular heroes will speak in a gentle voice Nyusha.

TV presenter career

Nyusha Shurochkina did not limit herself to cinema, theater and scoring cartoons. I wanted to try myself and my strengths in new areas. So the girl became the host of several music programs: “Russian Chart on MUZ-TV”, “TopHit Chart”. And also the host of the large TV channel RU.TV.

This work brought Nyusha a lot of experience and meeting new people, interesting people. Broadcasting about musical news, the girl became more and more familiar with music every day.

Awards and nominations

For her rich creative experience and extensive career, Nyusha Shurochkina has received many awards. Their list is so impressive that you wonder how at such a tender age you can acquire so many victories.

The most important and largest awards are the following:

  • victory in the nomination “Best Performer” at the awards of the MUZ-TV and RU.TV channels;
  • laureate of the Golden Gramophone award, Song of the Year;
  • winner of the MusicBox music channel award;
  • laureate of the “Song of the Year”, “New Wave”, “20 Best Songs” competitions.

And the list doesn’t end there, because Nyusha has an equally busy and successful career ahead of her.

Personal life

Nyusha never particularly shared the details of her personal life, which became the reason for many rumors. Someone attributed her to an affair with the actor of the TV series “Kadetstvo” Aristarkh Venes, and someone talked about a relationship with the famous hockey player Alexander Radulov. Probably because the athlete starred in the video “It Hurts”, where he played the role young man singers.

Only one relationship between Nyusha Shurochkina was known to all those who follow her work. Young rapper Yegor Creed became the girl’s lover. However, this connection was not on public display. Photos and videos of the couple appeared quite rarely on the Internet; apparently, Nyusha took the motto “Happiness loves silence” as the basis for her personal life.

The close circle of the two stars believed that this relationship would lead to a wedding and the creation of a family, since Yegor and Nyusha had been dating for 3 years. But this has come to an end, which many still cannot believe.

For a long time, none of the singers commented on the topic of the breakup. Later Yegor Creed gave short interview, in which he said that the reason for the breakup was the girl’s father. It turned out that Vladimir Shurochkin did not want a guy like Yegor to be next to his talented and beloved daughter. Perhaps his father did not see him as a worthy couple, but, as you know, all parents wish a better future for their children.

After some time, Nyusha herself decided to speak out on this matter. For her, the reason for the separation was her views on life, which began to diverge more and more often. Indeed, it is very difficult to build relationships with the prospect of starting a family if the priorities of one do not coincide with the priorities of the other person.

Nyusha Shurochkina now - latest news

Although not much time passed after the end of such a serious and long-term relationship, singer Nyusha found her true happiness. In the vastness Instagram girl shared with her subscribers the incredible news about her marriage.

The chosen one was Igor Sivov, a sports official who is 9 years older than Shurochkina. A small, cozy wedding took place in the Maldives, surrounded by a crystal clear ocean and scorching sun.

Not long ago it became known that Nyusha was expecting her first child. Photos of the singer in her position appear online, and listeners are flooded with congratulations and pleasant words.


Nyusha is the singer who, through her example, proves that if you really want something and at the same time make incredible efforts, you can achieve your goal. It was through thorns that the girl got to the stars and inspires her listeners to do so.

Nyusha - biography

Anna Vladimirovna Shurochkina (Nyusha) is a young Russian artist. Her songs have more than once taken leading positions in the Russian charts, her voice has been used to voice characters in foreign cartoons, and famous music magazines called Nyusha “the most memorable singer of recent years.”

  • Full name: Anna Vladimirovna Shurochkina
  • Stage name: Nyusha
  • Date of birth: August 15, 1990 (age 26)
  • Place of birth: Moscow, Russia
  • Zodiac sign: Leo
  • Height: 170 cm
  • Weight: 50 kg

Nyusha - childhood

Little Anna with dad

Anna Shurochkina grew up in a family of musicians. Nyusha’s father, Vladimir Shurochkin, was a soloist in the group “Tender May” in the early 90s, and then began a solo career. Irina Aleksandrovna Shurochkina, the mother of the future singer, performed with a rock band.

Nyusha's mom

Since early childhood, Nyusha has not parted with the microphone. From the age of three, the girl took vocal lessons from Viktor Pozdnyakov. The producer stated that the girl was excellent at developing an innate ear for music in just 1 year of classes.

At the age of five, little Nyusha first found herself in a recording studio, where she sang “The Song of the Big Bear.” The girl experienced such vivid emotions from participating in the recording that she began to sing everywhere: at home, in the car with her parents, in the village with her grandmother. Supporting her enthusiasm, dad gave his daughter a synthesizer and hired a solfeggio and piano tutor. Anya recorded her first “real” song at the age of 8. The composition entitled “Night” was performed in English. Later, when 12-year-old Anna performed at a concert in Cologne, singing this and several other English-language compositions of her personal composition, the audience was amazed by her impeccable pronunciation without an accent.

Growing Nyusha

At the age of 9, little Nyusha attended the children's dance and fashion theater "Daisies". Together with the group she performed at major concert venues Russia, including the Kremlin Concert Hall. But pretty soon the girl broke up with the “Daisies” team, deciding that she liked making music more. At the age of eleven, the aspiring artist joined the Grizzly group. The team existed for 2 years, during a month of performances they traveled half of Russia and went on tour in Germany. This was Anya’s first serious tour, which the girl coped with perfectly, enduring all the difficulties of nomadic life.

Soon after the collapse of Grizzly, the family council decided to send Nyusha to the casting of Star Factory. The girl did not want to compete with other performers, saying that this format deprives the music of the “live” component, its individuality and emotions. But the father convinced his daughter that “Factory” was the best place for a career start. However, the auditions ended unsuccessfully due to Anya’s young age.

Star Trek by Anna Vladimirovna Shurochkina

A year later, Nyusha took seventh place in international competition in Jurmala “New Wave” and recorded final song main character in the movie "Enchanted".

The singer’s first single, “Howl at the Moon,” was released in early 2009. Nyusha said that the composition was written during depression after breaking up with a young man. In the same year, the song brought the girl victory at the “God of the Air” award in the “Radio Hit – Performer” category and was nominated for “Song of the Year.”

How Nyusha changed

Singer Nyusha is only 26 years old, but during this time she has become a star Russian show business managed to change great amount beauty looks that would make Madonna jealous.

After looking through hundreds of photos of Nyusha over the past five years, we came to the conclusion that the star urgently needs to change her makeup artist! Well, or at least give up thick tonal textures... Lately, Nyusha’s image has become more natural, but we suggest looking at all her transformations.

Business card Nyusha - active make-up, emphasis on cheekbones and shiny straight hair. It sounds good, but in reality this image makes the young girl visually older.

A high messy ponytail is always fashionable, and the hairstyle would be like this if it weren’t for 2 stray strands. Reminiscent of the hairstyle of graduates - of course, it was Nyusha’s age, but still...

IN creative biography Nyusha has not only a career as a singer, but also filming on television, which she really likes. Thanks to her multifaceted activities, the artist has the opportunity to express herself, change images and communicate with interesting people.

Songs written by Nyusha quickly find their listeners, who admire the singer’s talent.

Children's performances on stage

Anna Shurochkina was born in 1990 in Moscow. Her parents are creative people: father, Vladimir Shurochkin, was once a member of the pop group “Tender May”, and is now his daughter’s producer. Mom, Irina Shurochkina, also has a musical education, former soloist one of the rock bands. The girl's parents divorced quite early, but her father always communicated with her and took an active part in her upbringing. He started a second family, and his new wife was Oksana, a master of sports in artistic gymnastics. The singer has a half-sister, Maria, who chose sports career. The girl took up synchronized swimming and is now an Olympic champion and 8-time world champion. The singer's younger brother, Ivan, is into tricking.

In the photo Nyusha as a child with her father Vladimir Shurochkin

Anechka discovered her singing abilities in early childhood, and when she was 5 years old, she sang “The Big Bear’s Song,” which she recorded in the studio. Since then, the girl dreamed of being on the stage as a singer. Already in school age she became a member of the Grizzly group, with which she often toured with concert program. At that time, Anna was a very well-fed girl, but her father’s second wife decided to change her. The girl began to eat right, go to the pool and gym, and dance, as a result of which she was able to lose weight. At the age of 17, Shurochkina entered the “STS Lights Up a Superstar” project, where she won. Soon she took creative pseudonym- Nyusha.

Singing career and other projects

The next stage on the path to success was the “New Wave” competition, where the girl was able to reach the finals. At the beginning of her career, her father wrote songs for her, and then the singer began writing her own compositions. Her first single, Howling at the Moon, received several awards and was nominated for Song of the Year in 2009. The debut album “Choose a Miracle” reached sixth position in the Russian hit parade. It caused mixed opinions, but was received positively by many. Real success and popularity came to her in 2010, when the girl performed the song “Choose a Miracle.”

At the same time with singing career she tried her hand as an actor, starring in various TV series, and also did voice-over work for cartoons. Nyusha also coped with the role of a TV presenter, still appearing in the “TopHit Chart” program on the “MUZ-TV” channel. During her career, she recorded 13 videos and released 15 singles, many of which were awarded MUZ-TV and Golden Gramophone awards. In 2017, the performer became a member of the jury of the show “Success” on the STS channel, while working in which she had a desire to help talented participants.

In the fall of 2017, Nyusha presented her fans new clip for the song “I’m Not Afraid,” where she appeared in the daring and seductive image of a girl from another planet waiting for love. In order to maintain excellent figure parameters with her height (161 cm), the beauty sometimes has to limit herself in nutrition, play sports, dance, thanks to which excess weight she is not in danger.

Changes in personal life

Nyusha always preferred to hide her personal life from prying eyes, however, journalists often gave rise to rumors about her relationships with men. In 2011, they started talking about an affair with hockey player Alexander Radulov, who starred in her video. And then the girl began to be noticed in the company of rapper ST. Later, Vlad Sokolovsky appeared in her life, but her father told everyone that they were just friends. In the spring of 2014, she appeared at the presentation of Yegor KReeDa’s video, with whom the girl exchanged loving glances. Soon the couple stopped hiding their romance, however, after two years their relationship ended.

In the photo Nyusha Shurochkina with her husband Igor Sivov

At the beginning of 2017, changes occurred in Nyusha’s personal life: she became engaged to 36-year-old Igor Sivov, who is the president of the International University Sports Federation. And in the summer of 2017, it became known that the lovers had a wedding in the Maldives, which was also attended by Paris Hilton and Leonardo DiCaprio. After the wedding, the singer and her husband seriously thought about children, and already at the beginning of April 2018 there were rumors that Nyusha was pregnant. The artist herself has not yet confirmed these speculations. Mutual understanding and harmony reign in their family, which pleases the artist herself.

Nyusha - Russian singer, music producer, presenter and vocal arranger of her own tracks. In 2008, she took seventh place in the New Wave competition. The girl also does voice acting for cartoons. In this article we will find out how old the singer Nyusha is, and also present a short biography of the artist. So let's get started.

Childhood and youth

First, we will answer the most common question from fans of the artist: how old is the singer Nyusha. Knowing the girl’s date of birth, it will not be difficult to find out on your own. Anna Shurochkina was born on August 15, 1990 in a family of musicians.

Her dad, Vladimir, was a member of Tender May. Now he is producing his daughter. Mother, Irina, at one time sang in a rock band. When the baby was only two years old, Irina and Vladimir divorced. But despite this, the father always spent a lot of time with his daughter.

The girl first came to the studio when she was barely 5 years old. Then she recorded “The Song of the Big Dipper.” Nyusha has no musical education. Everything was limited to individual solfeggio lessons for a year and a half. By her own admission, the girl does not play the piano very well.

At the age of 11 she became part of the Grizzly group. The band toured in Germany and Russia. The little artist's first songs were in English. Stepmother Oksana taught the girl stagecraft and dancing. At the age of 17, Anna decided to officially change her name to the stage name Nyusha.

Carier start

In 2007, Nyusha won a competition on the STS channel called “Lighting a Star.” All the judges and spectators liked the songs of Russian and foreign authors performed by her. A year later, she took 7th place at the New Wave. The singer Nyusha's parents were very happy with their daughter's success. Their support inspired the artist, and already in 2009 she was awarded the “God of the Air” award for the single “Howl at the Moon.”


In 2010, the composition “Don’t Interrupt” was released. It immediately became a hit in the spring, and in the summer it took 3rd place on the digital songs chart. This track helped Nyusha win the MUZ-TV award in the Breakthrough of the Year category. Next came another composition - “Choose a Miracle”. It peaked at number one on the radio chart and number seven on the digital tracks chart. After this, representatives of the Gala Records label became interested in the artist, who, by the way, knew how old the singer Nyusha was. The contract with the young artist was signed in September 2010, and already in November the debut album entitled “Choose a Miracle” was released in a gift version. It took 6th place in the Russian chart. In 2011, two new compositions appeared: “Higher” and “Hurt”. After this, the artist was nominated for the MUZ-TV award as best performer. And Afisha magazine included the track “Choose a Miracle” in the list of the main songs of the season.

Further development

Since 2012, the single “Higher,” as well as the video for this composition, has led many charts in the country. In the spring, singer Nyusha, whose personal life has long been the property of the press, performed in her first big show. The Crocus concert hall was filled to capacity. The singer presented the audience with three new singles: “You are my life” (in a duet with her father), “Unification” and “Memory”. In the same year, the artist won the MUZ-TV award in two categories: “Best Artist” and “ Best composition" Nyusha also tried herself as a presenter on MUZ-TV. She was accepted into the Top Hit Chart program.

Personal life

Now you know how old the singer Nyusha is, you also got acquainted with her short biography. All that remains is to talk about the artist’s personal life.

The press attributes many novels to the 25-year-old girl. Once Nyusha was “married” to the rapper ST. Then the media tried for several years to “marry” young people. She was also credited with an affair with Alexander Radulov, who starred in her video for the song “It Hurts.” Now the singer is free and wants her future husband was not from the sphere of show business.

Spectacular, attractive, talented - singer Nyusha firmly takes her place among the stars in the domestic show business. Recently, the name of Anna Shurochkina, or rather Nyusha, can be heard very often on television screens and on the radio. It is rare to meet a person who has not heard her hits “It hurts”, “I’m not afraid”, “Kiss”. The singer is confidently gaining momentum in her popularity every day and attracting more and more attention from fans. So, how does Nyusha attract the attention of viewers? Why is she interesting to them? How did Shurochkina achieve such fame? And more interesting facts from this life talented singer read our current review.

Height, weight, age. How old is Nyusha Shurochkina?

Most people, and especially the male audience interested in Nyusha’s work, are occupied by such interesting questions, what height, weight, age. A huge number of her fans are also curious about how old Nyusha Shurochkina is.

So let's try to figure it out. At 27 years old, Nyusha has the following physical characteristics: her height is 158 cm and her weight is 54 kg. There are many photographs in the public domain if you want to see what Nyusha Shurochkina looked like before. Photos from his youth can still be easily found on the Internet. For very inquisitive fans of such a singer as Nyusha Shurochkina, how old she is, what her zodiac sign is and everything else can be found out from official sources on the Internet.

Biography of Nyusha Shurochkina

The real name of the singer Nyusha is Anna Shurochkina. The future artist was born in the capital of Russia on August 15, 1990, greatly delighting her parents. From this date the biography of Nyusha Shurochkina began.

Her career was predetermined from infancy, because the occupation of the family members was predominantly artistic. The father of the future star, Vladimir Shurochkin, was the author of some musical compositions and a soloist in the then-recognized group “Tender May”. Anna's mother, Irina Shurochkina, sang in a rock band in her youth. Therefore, the girl grew up in a creative atmosphere. And from infancy, Nyusha could rarely be seen without a microphone in her hands. The girl’s parents broke off their relationship when she was barely 2 years old, but they still raised her together. At the age of 3, her dad took her to singing lessons with Viktor Pozdnyakov. He confidently states that the baby was able to incredibly develop her natural hearing in just a year of training with him.

Anya first entered a recording studio at the age of 5, where she performed “The Song of the Great Bear.” This seemingly insignificant moment remained a memorable event in her memory. In the studio, the girl experienced a huge amount of positive emotions, after which she sang everywhere and at every opportunity. The parents were happy about their daughter's hobby. Dad, wanting to develop her abilities, bought Anyuta a synthesizer and paid for lessons with a tutor in solfeggio and piano. Incredible is the fact that his first “real” composition future singer I recorded it when I was 8 years old. In my very early years the girl already spoke English without an accent, so the first composition performed was “Night”.

Little Nyusha made her debut on stage at the age of 12. She sang songs in English, and first translated them herself. Over time, they began to recognize her. During the first tour of the emerging star in Europe, she was noted by the largest production company, making her a tempting offer. But the girl refused, because she was interested in building a career in her homeland.

At the age of 14, Anya tried her luck in the casting of the show “Star Factory”. But age played an important role and she did not move on.

Already at that time, the girl had a recognizable voice coloring, her own style of performance, chic appearance, good dance training, as well as incredible zeal and passion for achieving her goals.

A moment that can definitely be considered the beginning real career star - this is a victory at the “STS Lights a Superstar” competition back in 2007. There she successfully demonstrated her singing skills, both in her native and foreign languages.

This period is also connected with another starting point - it was then that Anna took the pseudonym Nyusha, which any fan of Russian pop music now knows.

A year later, our heroine appeared at another, even more prominent “New Wave” competition in Jurmala. The girl justified the honorable seventh place in the winners, but for the aspiring artist this was a serious breakthrough.

In 2009, the young star’s first hit was released - the song “Howl at the Moon.” This single received many awards, including “Song of the Year 2009”.

A year later, she recorded her second hit, “Don’t Interrupt.” The song was a hit for many months, in the main tops of the country it held solid bronze for a long time, giving the young celebrity a nomination in the “Breakthrough of the Year” category.

During the same period, Nyusha’s first album, “Choose a Miracle,” was released. He won the hearts of many people, so after the release of the collection, the artist gained more admirers of her work.

Also in 2010, Nyusha was invited to the shooting of the glossy magazine “Maxim”, having appreciated her appearance. The singer agreed, and after a short period of time the magazine was decorated beautiful pictures naked Nyusha.

2011 was also incredibly effective for the singer. The subsequent songs “It Hurts” and “Higher” bestowed the singer with a scattering of awards and praise. And the first song was generally called one of the most outstanding of the last twenty years. This year was also marked by the release of Nyusha’s first videos.

In 2012, the new hit “Memory” was released again. This composition remained in 1st place for 19 weeks on the TopHit portal; the project itself spoke of holding the first position for a record long time.

Among other things, Nyusha took part in the Ice Age project in 2013. Skating together with the popular figure skater Maxim Shabalin, she presented the audience with many memorable performances.

It should also be noted that Nyusha tried herself in the field of cinema. The producers could not be indifferent to such a breakthrough success in music from a previously unknown person. famous girl and asked her to prove herself as an actress. In 2011, she made a cameo appearance in the comedy sitcom Univer. The voice of the wonderful singer can also be seen in the cartoon “Rango”, where she provided the voice for the animal Priscilla. She also voiced Smurfette in The Smurfs in 2012. in a magical voice Gerda spoke in The Snow Queen, and in 2013 her speech was assigned to the character in the cartoon The Croods.

On April 22, 2014, the second album, “Unification,” was released. It was appreciated, the audience and critics were convinced that the singer’s singles were developing with her in the right direction.

Personal life of Nyusha Shurochkina

The personal life of Nyusha Shurochkina is shrouded in mystery behind seven locks. Unlike success in his career, the star does not disseminate information about behind-the-scenes life and believes that this side of life should not be covered by the press. But despite the secrecy, we found some information on this matter and will tell you.

Many followers Star Trek the singers are aware that Nyusha first had a relationship with Aristarchus Venes, star actor series "Kadetstvo". Several years after their separation, she began a relationship with hockey player Alexander Radulov, and he even took part in the filming of one of her rating videos. There is also speculation that after a relationship with Alexander, rapper ST offered her romance, but she rejected his proposal.

Until recently in 2017, few people had a secret about their very passionate relationship with the sex symbol of the domestic pop scene, Yegor Creed. They started growing rapidly back in 2014. This couple had no shortage of passion and love. Their relationship was serious and even in one interview Yegor mentioned the possibility of procreation. Unfortunately, the young people separated. According to Yegor, the cause of the breakup was the artist’s father. Nyusha herself states that the worldviews of young people are too different to continue trying to find common ground, so they living together was impossible in the future.

In January 2017, Nyusha finally lifted the veil of secrecy about her personal life a little by posting a post on Instagram with a photo of her wedding rings. She publicly announced that she was going to get married, mentioning the name of the groom. Nyusha hid her lover from fans for a long period of time. But she didn’t succeed; Nyusha’s fiance Igor Sivov’s photo can be easily found on the Internet.

Nyusha Shurochkina's family

Despite the fact that Nyusha has already made official statements about marriage, she is still not married. With Igor they continue to be in the status of an unofficial couple, but further steps towards married life have not yet been taken. According to rumors, they had a secret wedding ceremony, but the media does not have enough resources to confirm this. At this stage real family Nyusha Shurochkina is her two parents, as well as her sister and younger brother.

Sister Maria is not native singer, and summary. But this circumstance does not in any way prevent “half” relatives from having very good, warm family relationships. Maria devotes herself professionally to synchronized swimming and is the champion of Russia, Europe and the world among juniors.

Nyusha's younger brother, Vanya, is a fairly athletic guy. He does tricking. This sport includes various extreme stunts made from elements of some martial arts. By the way, it is necessary to mention that our today’s heroine, in addition to music, practiced Thai boxing for several years as a child.

Children of Nyusha Shurochkina. Who is she pregnant with? When does she give birth?

Husband of Nyusha Shurochkina. Who is Nyusha marrying (photo of the groom)

It should be noted that the singer’s romantic interests have not yet led her to visit the registry office. Therefore, for now, the query “Nyusha Shurochkina’s husband, who Nyusha is marrying (photo of the groom)” cannot find accurate information.

But, as we already wrote, a little earlier on Instagram, the girl posted a photo with wedding rings and wrote that she plans to seal her life with her chosen one in the near future with official ties. For all Nyusha’s reasons, Sivov became him; what the singer’s lover looks like is clearly visible on the Internet. The couple have known each other for a very long time. They were friends for many years. But a closer relationship arose between them in 2016 during a trip to Kenya, which completely changed her life. Relations between friends developed at slow, but fairly confident steps. Nyusha doesn’t like to show her fiance’s face, so there are practically no photos together. It is known that Igor already has two children from a previous marriage. By all accounts, the wedding of Igor and Nyusha was supposed to take place back in 2017. However, there was no official confirmation in the media. But there are still rumors that they nevertheless organized this event far from their homeland and the Maldives became the place of celebration.

Photo of Nyusha Shurochkina before and after plastic surgery

Nyusha’s career arose in the early stages of her development as a person, so the producers made a kind of tomboyish girl, a teenager, whose entire appearance demonstrated a similarity to the youths of our vastness. Now the popular singer has grown up. There are many photos of Nyusha Shurochkina before and after plastic surgery on the Internet; due to the popularity of such requests, there are many rumors. But the artist herself completely denies interference in her appearance. plastic surgeons. Moreover, she often says in conversations with the media that she does not accept and condemns show business colleagues who resort to plastic surgery.

But a large number of fans do not believe in the veracity of Nyusha’s words. From infancy, the singer had a very expressive look, but her lips were not particularly pronounced. Now you can notice her plump lips. You can also notice her slightly tweaked nose. Recently, information appeared in the press that Nyusha had enlarged her breasts by at least 2 sizes. But there is no real evidence of this. Nyusha Shurochkina in beach clothes is attractive and seductive, both now and in her younger days.

So, we can conclude that either Nyusha really did not perform any plastic surgery on herself, or she used the services of exceptional professionals. We cannot fully confirm or expose the existence of operations.

Instagram and Wikipedia Nyusha Shurochkina

Photos of Nyusha often appear on various social networks. Instagram and Wikipedia Nyusha Shurochkina provide all admirers of her work with access to various types of information about the pop diva. But due to Nyusha’s popularity, a large number of pages and accounts that have no relation to reality have multiplied on the Internet. Therefore, we do not recommend misleading yourself and reading only confirmed resources.

Photos of rehearsals and broadcasts of the program “The Voice. Children" in the previous few months - the vast majority, because she appears in the project as a mentor.

Also, on her resources you can find a lot useful recommendations in the field of sports and training, meet interesting people and be the first to know about new videos of a talented artist.