Preparing to enter a music college. How to enter a music school or college

In today's post we'll talk about how to enroll in School of Music. Let's say you're finishing school and intend to get some kind of a good education. Is it worth going to a music school? I recommend that you think seriously about this, since you will have to spend four whole years within the walls of the school. I’ll tell you the answer for you: you should only go to a music school if music education is vital to you.

How to enter a music school? Many people are interested in the question of whether they need to have a certificate of completion of a music school for admission. Let's face it, everything will depend on the chosen specialty.

Do I need to graduate from music school?

Departments at a music school that accept students without an initial music education: academic and pop vocals, choral conducting, wind and percussion instruments, as well as a department of stringed instruments (accept...

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After successfully graduating from a music college, you can work as a teacher in a general education or music school, or continue your education at a conservatory.

First of all, you should clearly define the terminology. In 2008, the legislative norms of the Russian Federation clearly established that college is called secondary specialized educational institution, which implements the main learning programs average vocational education basic training and advanced training programs for secondary vocational education.

Each educational institution, previously called a school or “bursa,” is now called a “college.” Thus, information describing admission to College of Music, is also relevant for music schools. Because many still, in the old fashioned way, call music colleges schools.

Choosing a College

By and large, the main indicator here is the distance from the place of residence. That is, the closer the college is to home, the better. Of course...

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You will need

Copy of the passport; - certificate of education; - 6 photographs measuring 3x4 cm; - medical certificate form 086/у; - certificate of Unified State Examination results.


Choose the educational institution that suits you. Think about what specialty you want to get, who you will work for, how highly valued this or that profession is in the labor market. However, it is easier for a vocational school to adapt its educational process to market conditions than universities, and often schools offer the highest paid and most sought-after specialties. Also focus on the proximity of the educational institution to your home (are you ready to go to study in another city?).

Collect the necessary package of documents. Check the exact list at admissions committee, but usually educational institutions require you to provide a school certificate, an identity document (passport), photographs for your personal file and student ID, and a medical certificate in the prescribed form. If you...

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The fact that I created this goal only now does not mean that I did not prepare for admission at all. It’s just that now is the time to repeat ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING I’ve ever known about music (and learn a lot of new things too).

Going to music college is very important to me. My whole life depends on it future life. This is what I want to do, what I want to improve at. I have long ago decided on mine future profession. But, it should be noted, those around were not very happy about this). For a long time I was afraid to tell my dad about my decision. Although my mother says that she doesn’t mind at all, she still asks every now and then: “Have you changed your mind?” Everything would be fine, but she asks me about it TOO often. Sometimes it even feels like she’s trying to convince me. Maybe it just seems that way to me. I would like to hope so.

The teachers are also not happy: “How!? Are you crazy!? You MUST go to 10th grade and get higher education! You'll ruin your whole life!" etc. and...

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Applicants entering music majors at colleges and schools are subject to the same requirements as graduates of kindergartens. music schools. But it is not necessary to have a diploma from an art school. It is enough to have the appropriate amount of knowledge and skills. However, when entering most specialties at conservatories and music academies, you cannot do without secondary specialized education. Particularly high demands are placed on applicants to conducting departments.

The presence of talent, abilities, level of musical-theoretical, vocal and (or) instrumental-performing training of applicants is checked at mandatory entrance examinations creative and professional orientation.

Exams for admission to different directions preparations have their own specifics and differ in complexity. However, something in common can be identified. As a rule, this is a test of knowledge in music theory (solfeggio, harmony),...

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Many high school students know how to strum the guitar or sing karaoke, but few of them decide to connect their lives with music. Is it worth doing this, and if so, what difficulties await? young musician on this way? Before wondering how to enter a music school, you must first graduate from music school. In the latter you can study for 5 or 7 years (depending on the chosen program). It’s good if the diploma is with honors - this will give the applicant confidence and will characterize him positively.

It is important to decide on your specialization. If your child studied piano at school, but always dreamed of playing the trombone, perhaps it’s time to change one instrument for another. Wind instruments provide the widest opportunities for choice, since few schools teach playing the saxophone or, for example, the oboe. However, parents should know that buying any instrument will cost them a pretty penny: for example, the price is more or less...

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Vortex II, You are absolutely right! Playing in an orchestra or several ensembles! You will have to read a lot of digital images and shoot a lot! I myself am in my 3rd year of study... But the most important thing is that you don’t drive around while studying! Immerse yourself in this work and music right from the 1st year! By the way, they say that the average student has some creative crisis usually in the 3rd year, so be on the lookout! If you overcome all this, the musicians will treat you with respect! And you will be able to communicate freely in their language! I myself am in my 3rd year of college, and I have never regretted my decision! Great environment, everything is great! So do it MANDATORY!
And the music I didn’t have a school either: I played the program normally - they gave me a high score, but in theory they overestimated me, you understand why! If the commission likes you and you play well, then consider that you are already there)) And then in half a year you will quickly catch up with the geniuses of music schools, and even then, you will overtake them) The most important thing is to take this more seriously...

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For applicants

Rules for admission to the Moscow Conservatory

The Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky has the following faculties:

Piano Faculty trains concert performers, artists chamber ensemble, accompanists, teachers of music schools;

Orchestral Faculty ( stringed instruments) prepares concert performers, orchestra and chamber ensemble artists, music school teachers;

Orchestral Department (wind and percussion instruments) trains concert performers, orchestra artists, music school teachers;

Faculty of History and Theory trains musicologists and music school teachers;

Faculty of Composition trains composers, teachers of musical theoretical disciplines;

Faculty of Conducting (Department of Choral Conducting) trains conductors of academic choirs, choirmasters, teachers of music schools;

Faculty of Conducting (department of opera and symphony conducting) prepares conductors, artistic directors symphony orchestra;

Vocal department trains opera and concert chamber singers, teachers of music schools;

Faculty of Historical and Contemporary Performing Arts prepares performers-instrumentalists (specialties: violin, viola, cello, flute, percussion, harpsichord, piano), soloists and artists of orchestras, ensembles (including historical and related instruments), teachers of music schools.


Citizens of Russia, as well as compatriots from the CIS countries and far abroad (having citizenship of the Russian Federation) have the right to free education at the Moscow Conservatory.
Also, in accordance with signed interstate agreements, citizens of the following states have the right to free education at the conservatory: the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

To enter the conservatory, you must have a secondary professional music education (music school, college, lyceum, special ten-year music school, etc.).

Graduates of secondary specialized music schools enjoy the rights of graduates of music schools.

For applicants to the vocal department, only general secondary education (10 classes) is allowed.

The vocal faculty has a two-year preparatory department.
Admission to this department is made through the selection (during the general entrance exams) of persons who have excellent vocal abilities, but who, when passing the exams, have discovered insufficient musical training. Completed secondary education is mandatory.

It is possible to obtain a second higher education free of charge on a competitive basis in the specialties “composition”, “solo singing” and “opera-symphonic conducting”.
Higher musical education (first) does not exempt the applicant from passing all exams in the specialty.

  • Studying at the Moscow Conservatory is full-time (full-time).
  • Duration of training - 5 years.
  • Applications to the conservatory are accepted from June 1 to July 2 (inclusive).
  • Acceptance of documents stops on July 2 at 12.00.
  • Consultations for all disciplines begin on June 25. All consultations are free.
  • Mandatory preliminary auditions of vocalists take place daily from June 25 to July 2 from 10.00 to 12.00.
    The results of the audition (admission to the 1st round of the specialty exam) become known on the day of the audition.

    Admission exams for all faculties are held from July 3 to July 20 in the following disciplines:
    Specialty (by sections);
    Russian language and literature (essay).

    Specialty exams:

    For those entering the piano, orchestra departments, as well as the department of historical and contemporary performing arts:

  • execution of the examination program
  • colloquium on specialty
  • harmony - written and oral

    For those entering the composition department:

  • performance of his compositions
  • writing variations in class on a given theme
  • harmony - in writing
  • interview in various musical theoretical disciplines: solfeggio, harmony, musical form, polyphony, instrumentation, as well as musical literature
  • piano

    For applicants to the Faculty of History and Theory:

  • solfeggio - written and oral
  • harmony - written and oral
  • musical form - oral
  • piano

    For applicants to the conducting faculty (specialty "choral conducting"):

  • Round 1 - conducting a prepared program in class, testing hearing and vocal abilities
  • colloquium
  • Round 2 - work with the choir
  • solfeggio - written and oral
  • harmony - written and oral
  • piano

    For applicants to the conducting faculty (specialty "opera-symphony conducting"):

  • conducting a prepared program in the classroom
  • colloquium
  • solfeggio - written and oral
  • harmony - written and oral
  • musical form - oral
  • musical literature - oral
  • piano

    The piano exam for the conducting, historical-theoretical and composition departments includes the performance of a program (large form, polyphony, piece), sight reading in 2 and 4 hands.
    A prerequisite is the presence in the program prepared by the applicant of works from the second half of the 20th century (by a domestic or foreign composer).

    For applicants to the vocal department:

  • specialty - 1st round
  • elementary music theory
  • specialty - 2nd round
  • colloquium on specialty

    Applicants who demonstrate insufficient professional preparation during the examination program or at a colloquium, or who receive an unsatisfactory grade in one of the sections of the specialty exam, are not allowed to take the following sections of the specialty exam and other exams.

    Admission requirements for Russian language and literature are set out in the programs of entrance exams for applicants to higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation for the current year.

    Applicants who have a diploma with honors or who have graduated from special music schools with medals, provided they pass all disciplines of the special cycle with excellent marks, are exempt from the exam in Russian language and literature.

    Applicants can use the reading room. Applicants are not provided with sheet music material.

    Documents required for admission to the Moscow Conservatory:

  • a state-issued document on education or its notarized copy (diploma, matriculation certificate);
  • photo cards(4 pcs., pictures without headgear, size 3x4 cm)
  • Also, when submitting documents, the applicant must have with him passport indicating place of residence (registration).

    An application for admission to the Moscow Conservatory is submitted to the rector of the conservatory, indicating the faculty, department and specialty (filled out by the applicant when submitting documents to the admissions committee).

    Other documents may be submitted by the applicant if he is applying for benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    The number of citizens admitted to the first year of study at the expense of the federal budget is determined within the admission target figures established annually by the Founder (Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation).

    In excess of the admission target numbers for training on the basis of contracts with payment of the cost of training, applicants who have successfully passed All exams, but did not pass the competition.
    The transfer of students from a paid form of education to a budget-funded one is not carried out.

    Admission to places financed from the federal budget is made on the basis of a general competition based on the number of points scored by the applicant in the entrance exams after completion of the entrance examinations.

    Outside the competition, subject to successful passing of the entrance exams, the following are accepted:

  • orphans and children left without parental care;
  • disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, for whom, according to the conclusion of medical and labor expert commissions, studying at universities is not contraindicated;
  • citizens under the age of 20 who have only one disabled parent of group I, if the average per capita family income is below the subsistence level established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  • citizens dismissed from military service and those entering the relevant higher educational institutions on the basis of recommendations from commanders of military units, combatants and disabled combatants, as well as citizens of other categories provided for by law.
  • It is not advisable to submit documents to last days acceptance of documents (June 30, July 1 and 2).
  • In exchange for the submitted documents, the secretary of the admissions committee issues a receipt for the documents.
  • If you need to make copies of documents (for example, a diploma), take care of this in advance. Documents submitted to the admissions committee will not be returned in parts.
  • The receipt issued by the secretary of the admissions committee for the duration of the exams (along with the examination sheet) is the main document of the applicant.
  • The examination sheet is issued to the applicant by the secretary of the admissions committee after the first exam in the specialty.
  • Admission to exams in the educational buildings of the conservatory during the exams is carried out only upon presentation of a receipt or examination sheet.
  • The applicant must come to each subsequent exam with an examination sheet, without which he will not be allowed to take the exam.

    If you lose it, you must immediately inform the secretary of the admissions committee.

  • Documents submitted to the admissions committee are issued only if the applicant has a receipt.
  • Attending consultations is possible only after submitting documents to the admissions committee and receiving a receipt confirming this.
  • Attending consultations on subjects is voluntary, but experience shows that attending them is mandatory.

    Perhaps, already at the consultations conducted by members of the admissions committee, you will be advised to pick up your documents and, without wasting time, try to enroll in other educational institutions if your professional level clearly does not meet the requirements of the Moscow Conservatory.

    In addition, attending a piano consultation for conductors, composers and musicologists is considered mandatory and constitutes a kind of “preliminary exam”.

    Firstly, during the consultation, the applicant completes his entire program and, if everything goes well, the exam itself is less “painful” and stressful, and takes less time, since the applicant, who has demonstrated his preparation in advance, may be asked to perform only part of the program.

    Secondly, at this consultation you will be given a self-study task that you will need to prepare for the exam. Usually this is a small play (2-3 pages), the performance of which by the applicant during the exam shows your Creative skills, independent thinking, skills in analyzing and learning text.

    A good performance of this piece (not necessarily by heart, but also from notes) is half the success in the exam.

  • Applicants coming for a preliminary audition in the specialty “solo singing” must have a passport with them, as well as all the documents listed in the general list of documents.
  • It is not advisable to come on the last day of the audition, as you may not have time to submit the documents.
  • As a rule, the secretary of the admissions committee draws up a schedule for applicants to appear for the exam (in alphabetical order).
  • For vocalists, in addition to the alphabetical order, the timbre of the voice is also taken into account, that is, sopranos begin to pass all exams, then mezzo-sopranos, tenors, baritones and basses.
  • You must arrive for your specialty exam in advance (approximately 1 hour in advance).
  • Being late for an exam or missing your turn is considered by the commission members as a failure to appear, and the applicant is no longer allowed to take the exams.
  • Appearance should be neat and tidy (members of the commission may not notice this, but if you come in jeans and a T-shirt, you cannot avoid looks of indignation).
  • Written and oral exams begin at 10:00. The exception is the composition department, where written exams in the specialty begin at 10.00, oral exams at 11.00.
  • Vocalists must bring their own sheet music for the accompanist.
  • You must take a pencil, pen and eraser with you for written exams.
  • The paper on which the assignment is completed is provided by the admissions committee.
  • 4) do you know that you can construct and sing any intervals from sound and key? For example, build and sing from F-sharp down a minor sixth, an augmented fourth with resolution in all possible keys, an augmented second with resolution, a small second, in a harmonic G-sharp minor, build and sing a clean fourth on the fifth degree, an augmented fourth on the sixth degree , minor sixth on the fifth degree, pure octave on the fifth degree, major second on the fourth degree, major seventh on the third degree, major sixth on the third degree

    5) do you know all the chords that you studied in the music school course? Build in E major an opening seventh chord, a dominant sixth chord, a dominant fifth sixth chord, resolve into a tonic triad, a tonic sixth chord, a second-degree triad, a second-degree sixth chord, a cadence (tonic) fourth-sex chord, a dominant second chord, and its resolution into a tonic sixth chord. Sing the constructed chain.

    6) build all the chords you know up from F-sharp and down from A-flat, you can use enharmonic replacement of sounds. (4 types of triads, major and minor sixth chords, major and minor fourth sixth chords, dominant seventh chord, dominant fifth sixth chord, dominant third quarter chord, dominant second chord, diminished seventh chord, small diminished seventh chord, small minor seventh chord.)

    7) take a seventh grade solfeggio textbook or a 6th grade Kaluzhskaya solfeggio textbook and sing the most difficult number from each topic.

    8)tell the biographies of the composers covered in the course musical literature.

    What is a symphony? What composers' symphonies have you studied? What are their tones? How many parts do they have? What is the content and form of the parts?

    What is a concert (as a genre)? What is the content of the Tchaikovsky No. 1 and Rachmaninov No. 2 concertos?

    If you are going to become professional musician, it means you are ready for hard and persistent everyday work. Complete music education in our country is one of the longest. First you need to study for 7 years at a music school, then 4 years at a college or school, and then another 5 years at a university. For people who have good musical abilities, this path is a little shorter, but by no means easier.

    Until what age can you get a music education?

    Probably, his parents tried to send almost every person to a music school, but not everyone graduated from it. At first, the child studies with pleasure, but over time he begins to lose interest in music and studies under pressure, doing everything to be taken away from the hated “music school.” If you are familiar with this situation and now you bitterly regret quitting music, don’t be upset. People are accepted into the music school up to the age of 30-35 years. Two or three years of classes with a private teacher, and you will be able to get there.

    Having a specialized secondary education is not necessary for admission to a music university. Still it will be harder for you to endure entrance exams due to lack of experience than other applicants who went through both music school and college.

    Music schools

    In Moscow and the Moscow region, specialized secondary music education can be obtained in the following educational institutions:

    1. Capital Vocational College, direction " Musical art stage";
    2. Academic College of Music at the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky;
    3. State Music College pop-jazz art(college);
    4. State school (college) of wind arts;
    5. State Music College named after. Gnessins;
    6. College of Musical and Theater Arts No. 61;
    7. Moscow Music and Pedagogical College;
    8. Moscow College of Music as part of the Moscow State Institute of Music. A. G. Schnittke;
    9. Moscow Regional Basic Music College named after A. N. Scriabin;
    10. Moscow Regional Music and Pedagogical College;
    11. Moscow Regional Music College named after S. S. Prokofiev;
    12. Moscow School of Musical Performance named after. F. Chopin;
    13. Music school as part of the State Musical Pedagogical Institute named after. M. M. Ippolitova-Ivanova;
    14. First Moscow Regional Music School;
    15. Choir School named after. Sveshnikov at the Academy of Choral Art.

    You can enroll in music schools after 9th and 11th grade. The training program is approximately the same everywhere and is designed for 3-4 years.

    Where in Moscow can you get higher music education?

    There are several large music universities in the capital. For your convenience, we have collected information about them in one article. Information on the number of budget places and passing scores is given as of 2016.

    • Piano

    In Moscow state institute music named after A. G. Schnittka was allocated 22 budget places. In Gnesinka the passing score is 301, 20 places are planned. At MSUKiI you need to score at least 271 points to get into one of the 12 places.

    • Organ

    If this majestic instrument is forever in your heart, keep in mind that only 2 free places are allocated at Gnesinka; to get there, you need to score at least 375 points.

    • Violin, viola

    If you score more than 338 points, you will be able to enroll in one of 9 budget places in Gnesinka.

    • Cello, double bass, harp

    Only 6 people who have scored more than 348 points will be able to enter Gnesinka in this direction on a budget.

    • Wooden musical instruments

    The Gnessin Academy will accept 10 people on a budget who have scored 376 points.

    • Brass instruments

    In Gnesinka the passing score is 347, and 11 people will be able to study at the expense of the federal budget.

    • Percussion instruments

    At the Gnesin Academy, the minimum passing score is 369, and only 3 freshmen will be accepted on the budget.

    • Orchestral string instruments

    At MGIM im. A. G. Schnittka was allocated 22 budget places.

    • Orchestral wind and percussion instruments

    At MGIM im. A. G. Schnittka was allocated 22 budget places. At MGUKiI the passing score is 314, 12 places are planned.

    • Bayan, accordion and plucked string instruments

    At MGIM im. A. G. Schnittka was allocated 22 budget places. In Gnesinka, the passing score for button accordion and accordion is 266, the number of places is only 9, and for plucked string instruments the minimum score is 291, 14 people will be accepted. 12 people who score at least 252 points on the Unified State Exam will be able to enter MSUKiI.

    • National instruments of the peoples of Russia

    There are 3 places allocated in Gnesinka; to get to one of them, you need to score at least 288 points.

    • Pop orchestra instruments

    In Moscow state university culture and arts allocated 11 places, the minimum passing score is 297. Russian Academy music named after Gnessins minimum score is 325, 17 places are allocated.

    • Academic singing

    At MGIM im. A. G. Schnittka was allocated 3 budget places. There are 12 places planned at Gnesinka, the minimum passing score is 306.

    • Vocal art

    At MSUKiI, only 3 budget places are allocated in this area. In order to enter MSGU, you need to score at least 247 points.

    • The art of folk singing

    At MGIM im. A. G. Schnittka was allocated 4 budget places.

    • Solo folk singing

    In Gnesinka, 6 places are planned for those who scored at least 323 points. At GMPI named after. M. M. Ippolitova-Ivanov was allocated 7 budget places, the minimum passing rate is 381 points. 12 people will be enrolled in MGUKiI for training at the expense of the federal budget, the passing score is 248.

    • Choral folk singing

    At MGUKiI the passing score is 257, 12 first-year students will be admitted to the budget. In Gnesinka, 10 places are planned for those who scored at least 316 points.

    • Pop-jazz singing

    In this area, 11 places are planned at MGUKI for applicants who have scored at least 333 points. In Gnesinka the passing score is 257, 24 budget places are planned.

    • Conducting an academic choir

    At MGIM im. A. G. Schnittka was allocated 4 budget places. In RAM im. Gnessins have 15 free places, the passing score is 393. There are 14 places planned at MGUKiI, you need to score at least 336 points.

    • Conducting a folk orchestra

    Gnesinka will accept only 1 person for the first year, who will be able to study for free; for this you need to score at least 359 points. There are 14 budget places at MGUKiI, the passing score is 282.

    • Conducting a wind orchestra

    At the Gnessin Academy, only 1 free place is also allocated, the minimum passing score is 458. At MGUKiI, 14 budget places are planned, you need to score at least 365 points.

    • Computer music and arrangement

    The minimum passing score in Gnesinka is 414, and only 2 people can be accepted on a budget.

    • Ethnomusicology

    In RAM im. Gnesins have allocated 4 budget places for applicants who have scored at least 332 points. Only 12 people will be able to study for free at MSUKiI, the passing score is 253.

    • Musical and theatrical arts

    At the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky has been allocated 15 places, the passing score is 376. At the GMPI named after. M. M. Ippolitova-Ivanova’s profile in this direction is called “The Art of Opera Singing”, the passing score is 356, 5 budget places are planned. The Academy of Choral Art named after V. S. Popov will accept 13 people on a budget, the minimum score is 356. At the Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts there are 7 budget places, you need to overcome the bar of 365 points.

    • Music journalism and editorial activities in the media

    At MGIM im. A. G. Schnittka was allocated two budget places. There are 4 places in Gnesinka, paid from the federal budget, the minimum passing score is 286.

    • Music pedagogy

    There are 6 places allocated at Gnesinka, the passing score is 311. At MPGU you can also get a pedagogical education:

    • profiles "Music" and " Additional education» – passing score 216, there are 15 budget places;
    • profile “Music education in the field of pop and jazz art” - minimum score 206, 15 places allocated.
    • Musicology

    In RAM im. Gnessins 4 free places, minimum passing score - 278. At the Moscow State Conservatory named after. Tchaikovsky 12 budget places, you need to score at least 411 points. At GMPI named after. M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanov needs to score at least 464 points, 2 people will be accepted for the budget. 12 budget places have been allocated at MSUKiI, the passing score is 284.

    • Composition

    In MGK im. Tchaikovsky in this direction there are 8 budget places, you need to score at least 418 points. At GMPI named after. M. M. Ippolitova-Ivanova, only 2 first-year students will be able to study for free, the minimum passing score is 441.

    In MGK im. Tchaikovsky this direction is available in two faculties: in composition - a passing score of 431 and 35 places, in conducting - a minimum score of 437 and 35 places. In the name of this direction GMPI named after. M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanov has an amendment “opera-symphony”, 6 free places are allocated, and the passing score is only 355.

    • Artistic direction of the academic choir

    This direction is only available at the Academy of Choral Art named after V.S. Popova. The passing score is 391, 9 people will be enrolled in the budget.

    • The art of concert performance

    At the State Musical Pedagogical Institute named after. M. M. Ippolitova-Ivanova has 4 profiles in this area, in particular:

    • piano: passing score 381, 7 budget places;
    • concert string instruments: 340 points, 11 places;
    • concert wind and percussion instruments: 300 points, 13 places;
    • concert folk instruments: 367 points, 7 places.

    At the Moscow Conservatory, 140 places are allocated for each instrument, but the passing score is different everywhere. In particular, violin – 428, viola – 431, cello – 421, double bass – 413, harp – 391, flute – 452, oboe – 426, clarinet – 431, bassoon – 443, percussion – 419, horn – 416, trumpet – 399 , trombone – 367, tuba – 406, piano – 429. These areas are available in two faculties - performing arts and the orchestral department.

    At RGSAI, training is conducted in four profiles, with 9 places allocated for each of them:

    • piano – 394 points;
    • folk instruments – 356 points;
    • wind instruments – 380 points.

    Where else can you get a music education?

    If you were unable to enter the Gnesinka or the Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky, try applying to another university, for example, the Moscow State Academy of Choreography, there is a direction in “Musical and instrumental performance”, the passing score is 90, 12 places are allocated.

    Russian classical music education is highly valued throughout the world. Therefore, if you are serious about becoming a famous professional musician, be sure to try to graduate good university. You have to practice music every day and only that, but the result is definitely worth it.

    In contact with

    After successfully graduating from a music college, you will be able to work as a teacher in a general education or music school, or continue your education at a conservatory.

    Let's define the terminology. In 2008, the legislative norms of the Russian Federation clearly established that a college is a secondary specialized educational institution that implements the main educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic training and advanced training programs of secondary vocational education.

    Each educational institution, previously called a school or “bursa,” now has the right to be called a college. Thus, the information describing admission to a music college is also relevant for music schools, since many in the old fashioned way call music colleges schools.

    Choosing a College

    By and large main criterion- distance from place of residence: the closer the college is to home, the better. Studying at “elite” colleges is a matter of wealth. If the income is not very high, there is no point in seeking to study at a college that claims to have unique teaching methods and thus justify the hefty cost of education.

    Budget colleges the better, that in them you can not only study for free, but also, if you perform well, receive a monthly stipend.

    Some applicants are interested military music schools. The situation with military schools is twofold. On the one hand, this type of secondary musical vocational education is more promising, because the range of disciplines studied has been expanded due to military themes. On the other hand, experts note that a military orientation often leads to a narrowing of the profile and a decrease in the quality of the musical component of the educational program.

    Entrance tests

    Admission to a music college is unlikely without a diploma from a music school.

    Test yourself

    To boost your confidence, answer the questions below. If you answer “yes” to at least 5 questions without hesitation, your chances of successfully entering a music college are quite high.

    1. Do you know everything about keys, types of major and minor, chromatic scales?
    2. Can you find the melody and accompaniment for a piece after listening to it several times?
    3. After listening to a new piece, can you name all the notes that sound in it?
    4. Do you know all the durations and intervals of the sound, can you sing them?
    5. Do you know all the chords and harmonies from school curriculum, can you build them on the tool and in musical notation, having heard only their names?
    6. Can you tell the biographies of Tchaikovsky, Bach, Beethoven, Wagner, Mozart, Rachmaninov, Schubert, Mussorgsky, Prokofiev, as well as talk about the content of their music and list at least a few works of these composers?
    7. Do you know everything about classic and generally accepted modern musical forms, genres and directions?
    • Decide firmly on your specialization. If at school you took a guitar class, then at a school (college) you can enroll in the wind instruments department. But, of course, you will perform the introductory academic concert on the guitar.
    • Before admission, pay serious attention to training in solfeggio and musical literature. Music school students, as a rule, take these subjects extremely lightly, as they believe that the most important thing is to master their instrument.

    When entering college, knowledge of theory, history, musical literature, and solfeggio is checked very carefully. And if you are determined to receive a thorough musical education, you can’t do without solfeggio. Therefore, a few months before admission, it is better to hire a tutor and improve these disciplines. Believe me, they are not at all as complicated and boring as they seem. If a tutor is too expensive, feel free to seek help from your specialization teacher at a music school.

    • Work as hard as you can. Please note that entering a music college is only half the battle. In order not to “fly out” during the learning process, you will have to devote at least 5 hours to mastering the instrument every day. Therefore, you can start entering this mode of operation in advance. Remember: only fans of their craft achieve true success. Even the most outstanding abilities can easily be ruined by idleness and laziness.