Elm from runes on the enemy. Real runic corruption

To a knowledgeable person runes give an understanding of the secrets of ancient sorcerers, great masters northern magic. Today there is little information about runic witchcraft, but what is there is enough to understand how great the magical power of the runes is. Runic corruption and love spells are so powerful that they can change a person's life in a matter of days. With the help of runes, sorcerers are able to deliver an accurate blow, direct the power of the runes so that changes and destruction affect only a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bhuman life, and do not affect its other areas.

Runic corruption is one of the most powerful and complex types of witchcraft curses.

If you know the secret of the correct use of runes, you can change reality in literally of this statement. Runes can make a person an outcast, they can impose a seal of loneliness, a magician who owns runes can curse a house and family forever, can send nightmares. It can impose on the enemy any kind of strong damage to failure, it can ruin it in a matter of days.

If you do not rush words, but speak in essence, then it turns out that absolutely any person can be in the hands of a strong black sorcerer. The sorcerer does not know pity, he has his own laws and his own justice, and he does not serve God.

And the magic of runes is strong, runic damage to a person is destructive.

But can you resist runic magic? My answer is yes. A person does not come into this world unarmed, he has enough strength to fight evil. But it is so hard. There is much to learn from wizards. They always act according to the specific situation. So and ordinary people you should behave: when necessary, go ahead, and when - and hold your horses, listen, let go of the situation.

Enslavement Runic Corruption Method

"Eyvaz, Hagalaz, Naud". A bundle is made for multiple use, and the spell is given the appearance of a talisman. The visualization during the implementation of this damage is as follows: the victim is caught and enclosed in wooden blocks with a steel chain (Evazuzu). The second end of this chain is held in the hand by the one for whom the sorcerer performs this work, for whom he bewitches the victim. (Hagalaz - enslavement by the subject of the object).

Let (victim's name) become the object of .

Let the indissoluble bonds (Evaz) of enslavement be imposed on (name of the victim), which will break his will (Hagalaz) and completely subjugate him (name of the customer).

Let this spell last as long as (customer's name) wants.

Rune damage is carried out according to certain rules

  1. Don't use your own blood.
  2. Some rites, for example, runic ь, are done through a small ritual, with an appeal to Hel.
  3. When doing damage, you need to draw runes counterclockwise.
  4. When doing temporary damage, you should not activate it by burning, otherwise the process will be difficult to stop.
  5. Mandatory diagnostics for the presence of protection on the victim.
  6. Do not violate the law of balance.
  7. Do not induce magical damage just like that, only based on serious reasons.
  8. The punishment must be proportionate to the crime.
  9. Runes are straight. You have to be very precise in your wording. What is said is what will be received. In the truest sense, without nuances and subtext.
  10. Think with your head, check your actions.
  11. Cannot be applied runic damage without strong protection.

Corruption Runes are ancient magical keys

"Urisaz, Hagal, Turisaz". Absolute destruction.

"Isa, Isa, Isa, Isa." Stop development. With the help of this formula, a young woman can be made barren, and business person close the roads and stop his business from growing.

"Khagal, Uruz, Khagal". Destruction of inner strength. The victim loses the will to resist and the ability to make decisions. It is impossible for the victim to perform any active actions.

"Yera, Hagal, Yera." This runic formula has a deep philosophical meaning. Absolution. Receiving suffering through damage, the victim purifies his karma.

Many do not believe in magical rituals, including damage. Others tend to think differently, fearing enemies who will be happy with other people's problems and grief. Strong weapons in the hands of such people can be Scandinavian runes - Halagaz, Uruz and Eyvaz. The last one is the rune of death.

"Eyvaz" - a runic symbol of death

Damage with the help of runes is aimed at a certain area human life. Enemies and envious people can deliver an accurate blow if they select a suitable position that affects the areas of work, family well-being, love relationships and health.

Features of inducing damage with runes

Runic corruption is a ritual that is carried out with the help of magical formulas (staves) used to harm a person or his entire family.

The purpose of the ill-wishers may be different. Some are envious of someone else's happiness and well-being. Others want to avenge personal wrongs.

Therefore, the action of runic corruption may concern a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200blife - work, home, health and financial well-being. Often, it is not enough for ill-wishers to dwell on one thing and they try to deprive a person of the most valuable thing - life.

Any runic damage refers to black magic, so not everyone wants to take on such a dangerous rite. Working with runes is a very dangerous business. Especially if the composition of the stav is not carried out by the most experienced magician.

Any mistake changes the vector of action magical powers V reverse side. And as a result, becoming punishes the one who conducts the ritual of black magic itself. Such a person may experience difficulties with work, conflict with loved ones, become seriously ill and even die.

A person who nevertheless decided on such a desperate and dangerous step should proceed with caution. Scandinavian gods do not forgive mistakes. In addition to the Scandinavian runes used for the rite, personal belongings of the enemy or his photograph may be needed. The effect of the magical action comes very quickly. Runic damage has a long-term effect, therefore, it will bring misfortune to a person for a very long time, and sometimes even for the rest of his life.

The most dangerous Scandinavian runes

Scandinavian runes have powerful energy used in divination and rituals. Each sign of the 24 known runes has its own meaning. Individual symbols are more significant benefit or harm to humans. Most often, when inducing damage, they use:

  1. Eyvaz. This rune of death, bad and good changes. It characterizes the beginning of a new life. But whether it will be good depends on other signs of the stave.
  2. Isa. This rune characterizes the shackling with ice. Its action is temporary, like the power of frozen water.
  3. Halagaz. It personifies chaos and destruction, dependence on other people and the appearance of serious illnesses. Despite its versatile negative value, halagaz refers to positive runes, because this rune characterizes the destruction of obstacles.
  4. Perth - fear and death. In some layouts, it has a positive meaning - help and experience.

Rune "Peter" means fear and death. However, in some layouts it can symbolize help and experience.

Compilation of formulas in rituals is made from individual signs arranged in a certain sequence and position. It is necessary to follow all the instructions in detail, applying symbols to magical accessories. By activating them, there will be no way back. The stakes act with lightning speed, carrying out the evil plans of the person conducting the rite itself.

It is not necessary to use heavy formulas to induce damage. A negative effect on a person can also be provided with the help of individual symbols applied to the photo of the enemy. An example is damage to the punishment of a gossip. Ansuz and Isa are applied to the photo of the enemy.

You should be careful what you wish for. Incorrect activation of symbols can lead to serious illness in the gossiper or his death.

How to weaken the enemy

Tyranny and violence is a common problem in society. For some, physical superiority is satisfying. Such people should be avoided. Getting rid of the enemy by traditional methods is not always possible. It is possible to weaken the enemy, to suppress him not only morally, but also physically, if you use the runes of punishment.

It is not difficult to damage a strong enemy. The main thing is to follow the instructions:

  1. On the personal belongings of the enemy or on his photograph, depict becoming: Nautiz - Halagaz "- Uruz - Isa.
  2. With the thought of the desire to weaken the enemy, cut the finger of the hand with a knife or razor.
  3. Activate by becoming your own blood.

Nautiz - characterizes the difficulties and problems, uruz - the energy of life. The Isa rune fetters this energy, and Halagaz destroys it. Activation with one's own blood confirms blood feud with a person and personifies all his evil intentions and desires in relation to the enemy.

Such a formula completely paralyzes the physical and mental activity of a person. The enemy becomes overwhelmed, weak and vulnerable. All his attempts to stand up for himself will fail. Luck completely turns away from the once strong opponent. Any possibility of superiority over the weaker ones is suppressed by the gods themselves. Such a person loses himself and any understanding with others.

How to destroy the ill-wisher

The most popular runic damage concerns human health and death. Damage to death is the most dangerous type of magical staves. And inept practitioners should not take on its activation. You can also bring death on yourself.

Damage to death - the most dangerous type of magical staves

If you decide to destroy your enemy, then you should:

  1. Take his photo.
  2. Apply with a marker or pencil becoming: Halagaz - Mannaz - Halagaz.
  3. Activate the magic formula by speaking words of hatred towards your enemy and asking for higher powers kill him. Spit on the photo.

The result of such a ritual can be unpredictable. Incorrect activation, errors in applying runes, and other problems can lead to completely different consequences. Often the action of the runes passes to magical practice. And it will no longer be possible to defend against the approach of the inevitable end.

After activating the formula, you should not wait for the quick death of your own enemy. Most often, he has a long black streak in life, the end of which is a painful death. It remains only to observe what is happening and wait until the vital energy of the ill-wisher begins to actively fade away.

Corruption protection

Everyone can become a victim of a magical ritual. It is enough to be able to have an inveterate enemy who solves all his problems with the help of Scandinavian runes. And who knows, maybe he wants to kill his opponent?

Therefore, there is no time to waste suspecting the mysterious intentions of your enemy. Should be made powerful energy protection, using runes from the evil eye and damage in the form of ties and staves.

The most popular are:

  1. Wearing amulets with one of the protector runes (Teyvaz, Isa, etc.) These symbols protect a person from any external threat, preserve his material well-being and maintain health.
  2. Nautiz-Soulu-Nautiz is a formula for restoring spiritual and physical strength. It allows you to remove the energy burden from the soul and body, giving new strength for later life. Wear such a cure for spoilage should be for 9 days. It can be depicted on the body or any piece of paper. The main thing is that the talisman should always be near its wearer.
  3. Becoming a "runic cross". It consists of the central symbol of the formula - Eyvaz, on the sides of which the rune of Berkan is depicted, and above and below - Turisaz. Put a cross on the body. Women on the left half, and men on the right. This formula of protection from death rites is especially powerful.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions in order for the protection to bring the desired effect.

The correct application of the stav and its activation does not guarantee the wearer that it will be possible to remove the damage. The most common mistake that people make is about the very object on which these runes are applied.

When depicted on the body, becoming constantly rubbing against clothing or may be erased while taking a shower. The image on a plain piece of paper also lends itself to wear. That's why, the best option for drawing runes is a tree. It is from them that you can make a solid, stable talisman that will not be afraid of water, dirt, friction, etc. Runes can be burned on it or squeezed out.

It is best to apply runes to a tree. So you can get a talisman resistant to negative influences

Measures to protect against rollbacks of death bets

The release of a person from under the influence of the energy of death is impossible without a ransom, payment for the anxiety of the gods. Odin should be given honey or light beer. Loki is a dark beer and a flame of fire. Some magicians advise to secure a deal with the gods not only to remove damage and the evil eye, but also to apply them. If Locke and Odin like such sacrifices, then the person will be pardoned.

It is equally important to avoid the retaliatory strike of the energy of the rite. After all, magic rituals are not always successful. The energy of the runes can also turn towards the performer.

You should know how to save your own health and life if something went wrong. One of the options for protection is the Helm of Dread. For its action, even before inducing damage, draw the runes Halagaz and Isa on your forehead. Symbols are applied only with charcoal. You cannot wash them yourself. The helmet should remove itself.

We must not forget that such protection from the energy of the runes will be effective only in the event of a ransom from the Gods and if they like the prepared gifts. There is also a ban that applies to pregnant women. Sending damage to them is prohibited. The gods will not support this idea and will turn the energy of becoming on its customer. And getting rid of such energy will not work, even with the help of special talismans and a helmet of Horror.

Runic corruption- a strong magical effect that allows you to get rid of enemies. Runes can be used to protect against the evil eye and any other magical influence.

How to induce r unic damage

Runes are truly unique. magic symbols. Each individual sign has a philosophical interpretation and strong energy. Secret symbols are used for divination and for formulating formulas (protection, good luck, wealth, health). With their help, you can also cause damage.

The ritual requires a photo of the victim. If it is not there, a thing that a person often carries with him. Becoming applied to a photo or thing.

long negative impact gives a combination of runes: Nautiz + Halagaz + Uruz + Isa.

Becoming simple, but strong. Starts working in 4 days. The peculiarity is that the individual begins to collapse from the inside and he does not have time and strength to recover.

The situation is frozen, the individual is not given a chance to break out of the shackles of corruption. A person loses willpower, he will no longer have a chance to stand up for himself and his point of view.

Important: after applying the runes (with a marker or scratching), repeat the applied runes from above with your blood. The effect will not keep you waiting.

Isa+Uruz+Uruz+Isa- the runes in the middle are drawn one under the other in an inverted position. Becoming will involve the individual in trouble, from which he will not be able to escape.

Troubles will accumulate like a snowball, a person will begin to lose his temper, will behave aggressively, will cease to control himself. The state will lead to the fact that all spheres of life will begin to collapse.

runic formula from corruption and evil eye

Runes are also used to protect against negative influences. For example, these ancient letters are applied to talismans. They will help protect against damage that is directed at a person or the house in which he lives.

Algiz- a special symbol that is used to protect the home from damage. If a person wears a talisman with him, then he will develop intuition. He will foresee in advance what troubles can happen and will be able to avoid them. Intuition will extend not only to ordinary situations. A person will feel in advance that they are trying to exert a negative magical influence on him.

Isa- the sign allows you to reflect the magical programs that are trying to visit. This is a strong energy barrier that will not allow enemies to ruin your life. The rune allows you to protect yourself from gossip, conflicts, removes enemies from life.

Teyvaz- helps in the fight against damage to work, business. It will add confidence to you, protect you from ill-wishers.

Turisaz- a sign that will help protect yourself from damage and the evil eye. Capable of neutralizing negative programs concerning health, relationships, money, business. The symbol helps to activate the energy potential of the individual.

By using runic staves you can get rid of the possible negativity. For example, the combination Isa+Kano+Hagalaz+Kano+Isa.

Removal of damage to death

The peculiarity of the runescript is that it acts as a mirror. It doesn’t matter what kind of damage or evil eye will try to inflict on you, it will be reflected and sent back to the offender.

If you are afraid that someone will encroach on property, business, damage money, make yourself an amulet. Draw a sign on the talisman three times Fehu. The rune will help to attract cash flows, save the property that is available today.

Any negative human energy will be neutralized through a combination of: Turisaz + Teyvaz + Turisaz. Becoming does not reflect the negative, but takes it upon himself, protecting the owner. Therefore, it is advisable to change amulets with a similar status at least once every three months.

Using runes, you can protect yourself from the evil eye and cause damage. Remember, these are strong ancient signs that you should not mess around with. After all, they perform what you wished in the shortest possible time, but it will not be easy to neutralize a running program.

Runes - magic keys for a love spell

The runes are the original magical keys that can open the understanding of the secrets of the ancient northern rites. IN modern world there is little knowledge about runic spells and they are collected literally bit by bit, since the path to historical sources. Only a few have access to the study of this literature. Runes are also used to induce the so-called runic damage.

For example, Urisaz, Hagal, Turisaz brings absolute destruction. But sorcerers can change runes so that destruction hits only a certain area of ​​a person’s life. For example, Isa, Isa, Isa, Isa - is the simplest formula that works in situations where you need to stop development. With its help, however, it is impossible, for example, to freeze the division of cancer cells, since this is precisely spoilage. But you can not allow business to flourish, bring to stupidity or inability to conceive a child.

In addition, runic damage quite effectively creates problems with potency in the object. Hagal, Uruz, Hagal - destroys inner strength. A person loses the ability to resist and in general to make decisions and take active actions. In terms of their consequences, all similar formulas are tantamount to exploding a bomb. Therefore, with such runic damage, you must be extremely careful. Yera, Hagal, Yera - this combination of runes has a deep philosophical meaning. This damage, strange as it sounds, is induced for the remission of sins. That is, receiving misfortune and suffering through this damage, the object is cleansed and improves its karma. A “sword of Damocles” always hangs over the victim of such damage, which brings life into a certain balanced circle, when bad deeds cause suffering that ennobles and purifies a person.

If you know the secret of the correct use of runes, you can make a person an outcast, seal loneliness, curse a house, send nightmares, send damage to an unsympathetic person or ruin a business competitor. In fact, any individual can fall into the hands of a powerful magician. Of course, it is possible to resist runic magic, but this is extremely difficult. Sorcerers must act on the basis of specific situations. Sometimes it is necessary to move forward, like a glacier - sweeping away everything in its path. And sometimes it is much more useful to keep your finger on the pulse.

Runic damage to health, exacerbation of the victim's chronic diseases
Evaz, Hagalaz, Laguz

runes for health

Ehwaz - transfers the effect of the spell to the victim.
Hagalaz - destroys the victim's resistance shield, including the magic barrier and imposes a curse on a certain part of the body.
Laguz - masks the work of this plot.
Make a man an outcast
This is a strong runic corruption. Before performing any action, you need to put on protection. In the photo above the victim's head, an inverted Algiz is applied. Then Isa is placed below, on the right and on the left, images of a person.
“Let all protection (the name of the victim) be broken. May my influence on him be stronger than ever. Let the object break all ties and communication with others. Not to see him more friends, not to hear kind words. Let loneliness surround him everywhere, and all channels of interaction be torn.

Corruption of Enslavement

Eyvaz, Hagalaz, Naud

  1. Let (the name of the victim) become the object of this spell.
  2. Let the indissoluble bonds (Ehwaz) of enslavement be imposed on (name of the victim),
  3. who will break his will (Hagalaz) and completely subordinate him to the subject (name).
  4. Let this spell last as long as the subject wishes.
  5. A bundle is made if the spell is given the appearance of a talisman (for multiple use).
  6. Visualization: the object is enclosed in wooden blocks with a steel chain (Evazuza). The other end of this chain is held in the subject's hand. (Hagalaz enslavement by the subject of the object).

Runic Corruption Cursed House

Isa-per. Feu-Hagalaz-Otal-Hagalaz-per. Uruz-Isa
Otal is a house, dwelling, apartment.
Hagalaz is cursed and brings suffering and destruction to its residents.
Lane Feu - financial losses and poverty.
Per.Uruz - deprivation of vitality, which leads to severe and incurable diseases.
Isa - freezes all negativity into one indestructible whole.
Runic corruption inflicting nightmares
per. pertro
per. Sovelu + trans. Pertro - Mannaz - trans. Pertro + Evaz
per. pertro
per. Fehu
Large-scale nightmares - fear of the object literally for everything. Feeling of absolute defenselessness, fatal hopelessness. Mannaz is an energy-intensive rune. It is identified with the object and stipulated that it takes energy to work from the object. Thus, the object itself feeds its fears. Runes in a horizontal row are read in pairs. The first - trans. Sovelu + trans. Pertro; second pair - trans. Pertro + Evaz.

Damage by runes to exacerbation of chronic diseases and poor health

First option

Turisaz, Hagalaz, Isa
1. Turisaz - finds the most vulnerable point and strikes, Turisaz - opens the "gate" through which the impact will be made. If the natural gates were not found, another hypostasis of Turisaz, a thorn, pierces the conscious and unconscious shields of the victim.
2. Then it is necessary to send a precisely calculated blow to this point - Hagalaz.
3.Isa - freezes, prolongs the action of the script.

Second option

Mannaz, Hagalaz, Teyvaz lane
Mannaz - indicates the object, i.e., the punished;
Hagalaz is the embodiment of a curse. When writing a script, specifics are visualized and set. Hagalaz - destroys the old situation, suffering, redemption, builds a new one, where the punished one will no longer do bad things, after realizing that for which he suffered misfortune in the form of an illness;
Teyvaz (inverted) makes the object defenseless against punishment and fair retribution. Here Teyvaz is not only a “judge”, but also an “executor of the sentence”.

Third option

lane Algiz+Naud
Algiz (inverted) - destruction of the protective shield
Naud - coercion and need, leads to an exacerbation of a chronic disease or an accident.

Fourth option

Naud – Uruz – Kenaz – Hagalaz
Naud - Uruz - Kenaz - Hagalaz - “at your age it is harmful to strain like that” Forced Naud diligence and stress (Uruz and Kenaz) bring great troubles and health problems (Hagalaz).

Fifth option

Uruz - Algiz - Isa - Hagalaz
Uruz, Algiz - object resistance. His vitality and immunity is "frozen" with the help of Isa to weaken it physically. Further, with the help of Hagalaz, some malaise and a bad state of mind fall.

Sixth option

Nautiz – Perth – Turisaz
Nautiz is the general context of coercion, the transfer of any state to the desired one, in the control position it is also the vector of the entire spell.
Perth, is its own state, which must be manifested in the object. In this case, this is a state of heightened perception and self-esteem, manifestations of complexes, remission of chronic diseases. Actually, such a manifestation of the deterioration of well-being is achieved, however, no sores are externally hung.
Turisaz in the presented context is a catalyst for the process ( negative changes). Together, this is a barrier that prevents the resolution of the situation.

Seventh option

Hagalaz - Isa
At the same time, Hagalaz is understood precisely as a curse, poor health, and Isa - as stabilization for some time of this state.
(preamble) ... Let (person's name) become the object of this spell.
Hagalaz... Let the subject feel weak and very unwell, without serious damage to his subsequent health, but very unpleasant for him.
Isa, let this state continue for the next two weeks at the object, after which the effect of this spell will cease.

Rules for casting Runic Corruption

The correct rite of runic corruption

  1. You don't have to use your own blood.
  2. Some damage, for example, such as damage, leads to death through a small ritual, with an appeal to Hel.
  3. While inflicting damage, you need to draw the Runes counterclockwise. Lines away from you.
  4. If you want to induce temporary damage, you do not need to activate it by burning. If activated by burning, the process will be extremely difficult to stop.
  5. Recommended preliminary diagnostics, for the presence of protection at the facility.
  6. It must be remembered that the law of equilibrium is the same for everyone. Damage just does not suggest, but only for really serious reasons. In punishment, the punishment must be proportionate to the crime.
  7. Runes are straight. What is said is what will be received at the output, in the literal sense. For example, if it is said to "remove from life" - the Runes will understand that it is necessary to physically eliminate a person. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully draft reservations.
  8. Think.
  9. It is highly not recommended to use runic corruption in practice, without strong protection.