International (World) Dance Day. World Dance Day

The international organization UNESCO comes up with the most unusual holidays. These include International Dance Day, which will be celebrated around the world on April 29. The date of the holiday coincides with the birthday of the French choreographer Novera, who introduced whole line revolutionary solutions in the art of dance. He is also called father modern ballet. The maestro himself was the director of many troupes, including the head of the famous London Ballet. He was the first to propose such directions as heroic ballet and tragedy ballet.

One dance

One of the main reasons why World Dance Day is held is to unite movements and schools into a single movement, an art form. It is important that dance transcends political boundaries and unites people different cultures, beliefs and thoughts. When the dance day was conceived by officials from UNESCO, its goal was to unite the world's population into a single space.

How to celebrate dance day

This day is celebrated in different ways: in some places performances are held, in others dancers travel to schools and kindergartens, and in others they even organize large free street performances. In any case, dance day turns into an interesting, vibrant event for residents of every city. Popular idea recent years- These are large flash mobs that are organized by dancers on the streets. And every year the main characters– dancers, choreographers and troupe directors, deliver a great message to the public. This proves that dance is a truly separate language.

Dance is a holiday that is dedicated to the corresponding art form. The celebration is celebrated annually on April 29. In 1982, the holiday was initiated by the International Dance Council of UNESCO. Choreographer, teacher and ballet dancer P. A. Gusev suggested celebrating this event on the above day. And the date was chosen in honor of the French choreographer, ballet reformer and theorist Jean-Georges Noverre, who was born on April 29 and became famous as the “father of modern ballet.”

Creator of the ballet

The idea of ​​​​creating a separate performance, independent from the opera, which included only a dance fragment of the ballet, came to the mind of Jean-Georges Noverre, a student of “The Great Dupre”. In his own innovative productions, it was on the day of the dance that Noverre brought his ideas about ballet into reality. In his eyes, dance had to be based on dramatic development, a complete performance with action. All dance performances of this great man were integral, based on a serious theme, had playable characters, endowed with personalities, and a complete plot.

According to the founders, World Dance Day was supposed to unite all areas of this art form, become an occasion for their glorification, unite people who love them, allow them to communicate in one language - the language of dance. Every year, according to tradition, some famous representative the world of choreography must address the public with a message that will remind them of the beauty of dance. Keeping with tradition, Taiwanese choreographer Liying Hwai-ming, who is artistic director and the founder of the Heaven's Gate Dance Theater, addressed people with his speech on World Dance Day 2013. All admirers of this art form celebrate their Modern dance groups, ballet and opera theaters, folk and modern ballroom dance ensembles, as well as amateur and professional artists celebrate dance day.

Festivals and events to lift your spirits

Last year in Moscow especially for this world holiday was timed famous award, called “Soul of Dance”. This year, almost every city in Russia celebrated the holiday with colorful and vibrant flash mobs. Rostov-on-Don, Kazan, St. Petersburg, Grozny, Samara, and other cities celebrated the international date by dancing, organizing various competitions and interesting festivals. The level of events, of course, varied depending on the population, but not a single city was left without a dose of great festive mood.

On this special day, the spotlights light up on the dance floors, the roar of voices gradually increases, and again the stage invites all dancers to take their places. On International Dance Day, various competitions are held almost every year, thanks to which more and more new talents are discovered in the world. After such events, those living in the rhythm of music have many pleasant memories.

April 29 is International Dance Day. Celebration of rhythm and plasticity

April 29, 2016 - No comments

International Dance Day, whose history dates back to 1982, was established by the International Dance Committee created by UNESCO. Since then, every year on April 29, amateurs and professionals celebrate International Dance Day on the birthday of Jean Georges Noverre (04/29/1727). This French choreographer is rightfully considered the father of modern ballet art.

The dance that became the reason for the celebration evokes its own associations for everyone. And everyone determines their own preferences in the style and direction of dance.

When International World Dance Day is celebrated, people always gather great amount of people. Those who dance for fun, and those who do it professionally.

International Dance Day: who dances and why?

As Yuri Burlan’s Systemic Vector Psychology explains, each of us is naturally given certain groups of desires - vectors that move us through life. These desires are provided with the properties of the psyche and body for their implementation. There are eight vectors in total.

People for whom International Dance Day is a holiday are defined in system-vector psychology as the owners of a skin vector. Lean, flexible, with an extraordinary sense of rhythm and quick response. They also know how to limit themselves and submit to discipline, they strive for primacy and dominance. They are able to work tirelessly to achieve their goal. The sphere of activity of such people ranges from a salesperson in a supermarket to the head of an organization, manager, athlete, dancer.

They are the main characters when International Dance Day is celebrated. These are natural dancers who keep the rhythm, feel their partner and perfectly follow the dance pattern. In their striving for novelty, they create new styles and directions in the art of dance.

Let's add sensuality and artistry to International Dance Day

The viewer is attracted not only by the precision and synchronicity of the dancer’s movements, but also by the technique of performance. The sensuality and artistry with which the dance is performed is admirable and the emotional mood is conveyed. The abilities for empathy and vivid expression of emotions are characteristic of another vector - the visual.

People with a visual vector are endowed by nature with the desire and ability to create emotional connections. Creative thinking allows them to create images, get used to them and convey them to the viewer with all their emotional power and artistry.

The combination of these two vectors creates a cutaneous-visual ligament, which gives birth to best dancers. This combination of vectors is also present, for the most part, among the organizers International Day dance, and among lovers dance art. Both of them have a craving for beauty, which is most characteristic of representatives of the visual vector.

Let's add depth to International Dance Day

The sound vector adds special depth to the image created by the dancer. The presence of this vector testifies to the abstract intellect of its owner, pushing towards self-knowledge and comprehension of the meaning of life. It shows not just a picture, but also gives it a certain volume that is felt in the dance. His dance is innovation, a breakthrough into the future, made in the process of finding oneself.

Today, as International Dance Day is celebrated, we remember those who created His Majesty's Dance with capital letters.

One of the most prominent representatives of ballet art, who in addition to the visual-cutaneous ligament also carries a sound vector, was Vaslav Nijinsky. It was called the "eighth wonder of the world." Nijinsky created not only unforgettable images on stage, but also discovered a new style in ballet art - expressionism, revolutionary for that time. He also discovered fundamentally new possibilities of plasticity - jumps that took your breath away and seemed to “hang” in the air.

International Dance Day 2016. Let it be a holiday of realization

Understanding his vectorial characteristics, a person becomes the master of his life with a full understanding of his talents and capabilities. And this is important for everyone. After all, even the International World Dance Day may not please you if you are a dancer not by choice, but contrary to your natural properties, in justification of other people’s failed desires or unconscious ones of your own.

International Dance Day is a celebration of grace and movement coupled with sensuality conveyed by the body. Demonstration of the achievements of the implemented skin vector in conjunction with visual and sound vectors.

You can also learn more about how people choose a hobby.

Movement is life, so dance! This motto perfectly reflects the essence of one of the types of art that can unite people of different ages, nationality and religion. Dance Day 2019 is truly an event on a planetary scale; it is celebrated by residents of many countries. Therefore, this is a day not only for professional dancers, but also for all those who love to dance.

Why is the holiday celebrated on April 29?

On this day, the famous French choreographer Jean-Jacques Noverre was born, who lived and worked in mid-18th century century. He freed the dancers from bulky, uncomfortable clothing, which greatly restricted their movements and did not allow them to do much. His merits in the development of basic principles classical ballet, the Frenchman wrote many treatises on this topic. It’s curious that before Noverra’s innovations dance direction always existed in conjunction with opera and complemented the performance of singers. Noverre was the first to make ballet an independent performance with its own plot, drama and characters. It is not surprising that when UNESCO approved International Dance Day in 1982 official holiday, the date of its celebration is the birthday of the famous choreographer and founder of modern ballet.

A reason to start dancing

If you have never practiced this type of art or for some reason abandoned it, on the eve of this date you should, if not start dancing, then at least think about it. Decide on your direction and start choosing a school or club. In any city (no matter how large or small) there is such an establishment. There are plenty of genres - everyone will find something to their liking. Ballroom dancing, breakdancing, modern, tango, hip-hop, bachata, flamenco - the choice is endless.

International Dance Day: holiday scenario

It is celebrated in many parts of the world, including in our country, in various formats. IN major cities Thematic performances, concerts, and competitions are held. Dance studios organize open lessons, invite everyone to try themselves in various directions. Flash mobs, parties and others are held thematic events. Not only those who chose Terpsichore’s craft as their profession and dedicated their lives to it, but also amateurs, both young and old, take an active part in them.

Do you want to celebrate International Dance Day 2019 and are wondering how to do it? Organize a dance procession with the participation of professional dancers... Or get together with a group and invite a dancer to give you a master class. Choose the genre you would like to master and start learning right on April 29th. You can also arrange a flash mob, which is popular nowadays, by entrusting its staging. All this action is definitely worth capturing as a memory, so everything that happens will not be superfluous at all. In our catalog there are many professionals who perform reportage photography.

Whatever format you choose to celebrate this day, the main thing is to come with good mood and dance!

Why do people dance? Someone wants to become slim and flexible, someone wants to show themselves and their abilities in dancing, but there are people who have devoted their entire lives to dancing. After all, dance is one of the art forms that can unite people of different nationalities in the name of friendship, love and peace. At the end of the 18th century, the outstanding French dancer and choreographer Jean Georges Noverre summarized all his experience in the field of choreography and outlined its basic principles in the book “Letters on Dance and Ballets,” widely known among specialists. This was the first theoretical development in the field of dance art, and the birthday of its creator, April 29, was recognized by UNESCO as International Dance Day. The whole dancing world, ballet theater artists, folk and modern dance, amateur artists celebrate their professional holiday on this day.

Dance is inspiration
Dreams and fairy tales come true,
Souls flight, body fluttering
And a very difficult matter.

The audience applauds in admiration -
The dancer flies like a vision.
You don't need more to be happy
After all, dancing is the highest reward.

On Dance Day I want to wish
Dancers create, win.
Good luck, happiness to you, love
And there is a lot of beauty in life.

Dance is an important art,
Whether it's a waltz or a foxtrot,
Tango, polka, twist, tap dance
Or even a round dance.

May it be Dance Day to all dancers
Will bring great success.
Life in motion is happiness.
Let the dance make everyone dizzy!

Happy International Dance Day, friends,
We sincerely congratulate you.
Those who were born loving art,
Those who captivate with divine dance.

With dance, as with speech, it is possible to conquer:
You can rock it or you can hate it.
You can be rejected, wounded,
You can fall in love without seeing anything bad.

Dance in all world languages
Let him talk without stopping.
May it be in our souls and our hearts
Elusive notes are heard.

Dance is not just body movements,
It contains our soul, our passion, our feelings!
Always dance confidently, boldly,
I wish you to create art with your body!

It doesn't matter if you're an ace or just an amateur,
Dance if you want to dance!
And remember, dance is your best teacher,
He will teach you how to control your body!

Dance while you are young at heart,
While the fire is burning in the eyes.
International holiday - occasion
Let me say this one more time.

I wish you many melodies,
Calling the body to dance.
Let the rhythm turn you on
Reveal your whole soul in dance.

Lightness, grace, delight
In the art of dance they combine.
God has given you talent,
And the viewer admires you.

May the Muse be favorable
Will give you strength to dance,
Let the gaze of trembling love
People around will greet you.

Today we bow to all the dancers.
You give an insane flurry of emotions.
And anyone who has danced at least once in their life
He felt a noisy surge of delight.

We wish you fewer injuries,
Create your art with pleasure,
And conquering all the most difficult steps,
And enjoy every moment.

Today I tenderly congratulate you
Dancers and dancers,
And also those who love are spinning
To the rhythms of the hearts of glorious faces.

Today we celebrate the holiday
We are grace, flight, dance,
Let after a couple of clear steps
Your face is burning red.

Let the dance give you the mood,
Let the body make you healthy,
I wish you bright achievements
And beautiful, new dances for you.

Happy International Dance Day
We gladly congratulate you,
We wish you not to lose your way
With the rhythm, fulfilling dreams,
Success will be limitless
Let dance inspire you
Joy - let it be familiar,
always accompanies you,
We wish you a lot of patience,
Happiness, new achievements,
Fun impressions -
They will cheer you up!

Let Terpsichore dance lightly,
Leaving behind a dull life,
Creativity and inspiration will swirl,
Yes, fate will invite you to this dance.
Let your voice ring like a spring stream,
And the step falls quietly and easily.
Always sings in my soul as tenderly as a hair
From these strings it will go into the eye of the needle.
Fly to new heights in dance!

It's a joy to meet you, you'll be able to go everywhere!
Let success and joy burn in your heart!