Scenario for the celebration of a first-grader at a music school “initiation into musicians.” Initiation into young musicians

Holiday scenario

"Dedication to young musicians"

Parents are sitting in a decorated room. Children enter to the accompaniment of solemn music and sit on chairs in the first row.

I presenter:

I can't live a day without music!

She's in me. She's all around me.

And in the singing of birds, and in the noise of cities,

In the silence of the grass and in the rainbow of flowers,

And in the glow of dawn above the earth...

She is my companion everywhere and forever,

Everything is subject to her: joy and melancholy,

It contains just a moment and long centuries.

And he knows how to resurrect and kill,

Will make you fall in love and fall out of love.

But can she live without us?

At least a day, half a day? At least an hour!

Without our thoughts and earthly joys,

Without the little things funny and unfunny?..

We thank her for everything! we talk

And believing in its triumph, we create!

(O. Gadzhikasimov “Music”)

2 presenter:

Hello guys! Hello, dear parents! Today we are gathered for musical festival and we will sing, compete and relax together. And most importantly, we must learn to live in a big, amazing and beautiful world music. All participants in the celebration are welcomed by the school’s junior choir (the choir performs 2-3 pieces).

Today, those who dream of becoming residents of a magical musical land have gathered in the hall, but before entering this country, each of you must take an exam and go through a series of tests. Are you ready for this?


Then we invite each of you to fulfill musical works prepared for today's holiday. Please don't worry, we will definitely support you with friendly applause.

(Mini-concert of the festival participants - young musicians)

Well, great! Your first performance was very successful, I hope you will remember it for the rest of your life. The first test is over.

And now for you guys,Musical riddles!

“Nots” - 7 graduating girls, each of them has a circle on their chest with the name of the note.
(DO, RE, MI, FA, SOL, A, SI).

We are very happy to see all guests!
The holiday has knocked on our door!
First graders, come in!
We are looking forward to seeing you!

First-graders enter, a solemn march sounds.

Look at this, guys.
How many guests came to us,
To congratulate you on the holiday
You, talented children!
You all made it with the music
Make friends forever
This means your heart
It can't be made of ice.
You'll feel the fun
In the singing of birds in the morning
And the sad story in the ringing
Tears and rain on the glass.
Soon you will be able to
Pick up these sounds
And on the keys and strings
The whole world depict.
We are all gladly ready
To accept you as a musician,
But try first
Solve all the riddles.

Note riddles can be read one by one. The note SI starts.

So that there are dot notes everywhere
Placed in places
Five lines of musical notes
We called...

Curly, beautiful sign
Let's draw it like this.
He is great and omnipotent,
This is our... (treble clef).

So as not to confuse polka with march
Or with a waltz, for example,
Be sure to be on guard
It always stands here... (size).

Record a melody -
All her work.
Here she is, ordinary
Quarter note).

If the note wanted
Promotion to the skies
There is a special sign for her,
It's called... (sharp).

And I decided to become shorter,
Here you go, if you please -
And in this case there is a sign,
It's called... (flat).

“Higher - lower I cancel!
Everyone's in place! Kar, kar, kar!
No sharps, no flats!” -
So commands... (bekar).

What kind of note is this?
Having fun - tra-la-la!
Sings songs loudly!
Her name is note... (la).

That's right, and those who have not yet become completely friends with these seven girlfriends will not be able to read the encrypted words onriddle cards

If you truly love music, then you will become very close friends with the notes. Then an unknown world of musical sounds will open up to you, you will learn to understand music and hear it in the surrounding nature.

The wind sings barely audibly,

Linden sighs by the garden...

Sensitive music lives everywhere -

In the rustle of grass,

In the noise of the oak forests,

You just need to listen.

Birds meet the sunrise

The swallow is glad to see the sun!

Sensitive music lives everywhere,

You just need to listen.

And now we are holding an auction of musical instruments. In the magical land of "Music" there are a lot of musical instruments. You must remember these instruments and call them one by one. But you must hurry, because if I count to three, our auction will be over. The winner will be the one who last names the musical instrument. (The winner and the most active participants in the auction will be awarded souvenirs).

In a magical music country love songs very much. And most of all I like songs from cartoons. We will now hold a “Song Contest” with you. But our competition will be unusual, because one team will consist of young musicians, and the second of parents. And let's see who knows more songs from cartoons. The team that knows more songs and sings them more harmoniously will win the competition. (The winners are awarded prizes, and all participants in the competition receive unanimous applause).

Well, guys, you have passed all the tests with dignity and now I see that you are ready to enter into magical land- "Music". And this country has its own rules and laws. And we will swear that we will fulfill them. The most solemn moment of our holiday is coming. (All children line up on stage, facing the guests, place right hand to the heart and to the music of “I Concerto for Piano and Orchestra” by P.I. Tchaikovsky's words are spoken"Solemn oath of a young musician").

Teachers give childrenicons"YOUNG MUSICIAN OF SCHOOL

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school r.p. Ozinki" gifts.

Congratulatory words are said by teachers and parents.

Teachers give parting words to first-graders.

1st teacher.
Our first graders
We all congratulate
Happy holiday to
Everyone is very happy.
It's like a birthday -
After all, in many families
A newbie has appeared -
Young musician.
2nd teacher.
He's not very good yet
Agile and attentive
Makes a lot of noise
Ringing, bustle,
He studies in two schools
And tries to make it in time
In physics and music
Pull up your tails.
3rd teacher.
Words entered your home with him,
Previously unknown:
Music staff, solfeggio,
Scale, bass, chord.
Strange sounds
And while indistinct,
But also with this skill
He is immensely proud.
1st teacher.
We wish, kids,
All the best to you.
May it always be about music
There will only be five
If you don't forget,
What without exercise?
Easy melodies
Just don't happen.
2nd teacher.
There will be sleeplessness too
The night before the exam
And hours after scales,
And there's a knock behind the wall,
But with such diligence
Late or early
Will become heavenly music
The sound of your hands.
3rd teacher.
Don't be afraid of difficulties
Be more diligent
For any doubts,
Everywhere and everywhere
Let him help you in everything,
The best path will tell you
Your love for music,
Craving for beauty.
1st teacher.
You will be able to hear
The laughter of spring droplets,
Music of mushroom rains,
Christmas tree garlands.
Were you there before
Just first graders
And now any of you -
Young musician!

Today is a very nice holiday!

Play the music louder!

We will end it with a song,

Come on, start singing together!

("School Anthem" performed)

Back forward

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10 minutes before the start of the holiday, 1 presentation slide is projected on the screen, music plays; guests, teachers, parents, students are seated in the concert hall.

Presenter: Our dear first-graders! Dear parents! Good evening! Today we welcome you, our first-graders, into the family of young musicians - pianists, violinists, cellists, wind players. Students from these departments came to our celebration. Our music school is one of the oldest music schools in the region, it is already forty years old. It employs creative and experienced teachers and has hardworking and talented students. In all departments there are students who have mastered their musical instrument well and can perform at concerts and various competitions - school, municipal, regional, and international competitions. Quite a few students became laureates and diplomats of these competitions, i.e. occupied top places. Some graduates continued their musical education and became music teachers, orchestra artists; they work in various cultural institutions of our large country. Many of our former graduates work as music teachers in our school and in our city. We are proud of our students and hope that music will take an important place in your life. Now I invite the teacher of the piano department, our former student, to the stage. He will perform “Prelude” by the Great Russian composer Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninov.

(During the presenter’s story, photographs of pianists, composers, and further in the text are projected onto the screen via a modem device)

The piano has been the favorite instrument of many famous musicians. Thanks to the work of I. Haydn, W. Mozart, L. Beethoven, R. Schumann, F. Chopin, Russian composers P. Tchaikovsky, A. Scriabin, S. Rachmaninov, it has become the most popular instrument. It was played by wonderful Russian pianists known throughout the world - Svyatoslav Richter, Sergei Rachmaninov, Vladimir Horowitz, Emil Gilels and others. The most observant of you have probably heard the recordings of our contemporary, the famous piano virtuoso Denis Matsuev.

Last year marked the 300th anniversary of the invention of the piano. His name comes from two Italian words - forte and piano. Translated into Russian it means: “loud - quiet” - piano. But the piano also has two other names. Concert instrument- piano means "Royal". IN concert halls You can't do without a piano. We open the lid - and in a distant place you can hear every sound; but such a bulky instrument will not fit in a room or classroom; there it will be replaced by a piano - with the same keyboard, but smaller in size. If we take an interest in the pedigree of the piano, we will find out that it crossed three types of musical instruments: the string type, the percussion type and the keyboard type. From the noble harpsichord (which reigned at a time when men wore powdered wigs and ladies wore crinoline dresses with iron hoops on corsets), the piano inherited its appearance and keyboard mechanism, although the heart of the harpsichord beat more restrainedly and dispassionately - from plucking the strings with feathers.

First keyboard instruments(clavichord, harpsichord, spinet) had a weak, quiet sound, but were quite popular instruments for home music playing. They, as a rule, were richly decorated and therefore were the same decoration of the house as beautiful furniture. And what names were they given in different countries! It was probably called an English chessboard because the spinet looked like a tabletop box, a casket. The harpsichord had the nicknames wing and giraffe - (a modern piano also resembles the wing of a huge bird).

From the ancient stringed musical instruments (and in each country they had different names: cymbals, kantele, ringing harps) - the piano inherited strings, from percussion instruments- hammers. In Russia, the ringed harp is still preserved as a folk instrument. When people learned to pull steel wire, they pulled it with gigantic force onto a cast iron frame. They wrapped several layers of strings and got a full, deep sound. This is how the piano and grand piano came into our lives. In 1709, the Italian Bartolomeo Cristofori, who worked on musical instruments of the Medici family, invented the first piano. Translated into Russian, his invention was called: “a keyboard instrument that plays gently and loudly.” This name was then shortened and the instrument began to be called "piano". The design of the Cristofori piano was very simple. It consisted of a key, a felt hammer and a special returner.

Stringed instruments are no less popular.

In Rus', according to the testimony of the most ancient monuments, bowed instruments were known for a very long time, but none of them developed enough to later become an instrument symphony orchestra. The oldest ancient Russian bowed instrument is the gudok. At its most pure form it had an oval, somewhat pear-shaped wooden body, with three strings stretched over it. They played the whistle with an arched bow, which had nothing in common with the modern one. The time when the whistle originated is not known exactly, but there is an assumption that during the time of Ivan the Terrible there were “buffoon orchestras”.

In other countries, medieval musicians - minstrels played pear-shaped rebecs and fidels, moving a bow along the strings, and kings kept entire orchestras of these instruments, they accompanied dances and provided musical accompaniment during the kings' trips. Italy was the forefather of the art of making strings. For 200 years, the Amati, Guarneri, and Stradivarius families sawed wood, glued it together and added gloss to this miracle of musical craft. They made violins, cellos, viols and guitars. Translated from Italian - viola - pansies(violets). It turns out that the cello is a big violet. In the string family, the cello is second in size only to the double bass. The whole world knows the name of the cellist - Russian musician Mstislav Rostropovich. Now I invite a student to the stage with a cello, an instrument that has such a beautiful name and an equally pleasant, beautiful sound. L. Van Beethoven "Ecosaise" Spanish. cello student

Who knows when and why did primitive man blow into a piece of bamboo, a reed reed, or a twig of elderberry without a core? But it was the pipe that became a musical instrument when holes were made along the length of its body: this is how the first pipes and pipes appeared, capable of singing beautiful melodies. It took European masters a lot of ingenuity to improve the first wind instruments for the sake of a beautiful voice. This is how the following appeared: flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, saxophone.

Everywhere a person lives, works and rests, music sounds. Ancient musicians created a myth about the singer Orpheus. Orpheus' song did wonders. When he played the cithara and sang to the melodic ringing of its strings, the wind stopped swaying the leaves, distant rocks moved towards the song, the sea froze, wild animals got out of their lairs and humbly followed the amazing singer, enchanted by his music. This is how in ancient times people felt the power of his music. Music can express the most high feelings and the most subtle experiences of a person, can paint with his sounds what cannot be expressed in words.

4 first graders come on stage and read poetry:

Music is a crafty work:
To move people's hearts,
It’s not enough to learn a piece from notes -
We must learn to cast magic.

You need to understand the language of snowflakes,
write down what the drops are singing about,
or suddenly on the wings of a crane
fly to distant lands.

You have to turn into a bear cub
on a pine tree, climbing, grumbling,
or flutter a thin blade of grass
near a clear forest stream.

The one who knows and can do this
he brings happiness to every home!
Try to get there soon
a good musician - a sorcerer!

Leading: With the help of musical sounds, you can draw various musical pictures, imagine funny and sad musical stories, and experience deep human feelings. She can paint pictures of nature with sound colors, create portraits, reveal the character of people and tell entire stories, as well as invite people to dance. Guys, now another dance piece will be performed by a student, and listen carefully, maybe you can guess what kind of dance it is.

"Waltz" by W. Mozart, Spanish. violin student

Leading: Well, guys, did you guess what kind of dance it sounded like? Yes, of course, this is "Waltz". Well done, you recognized its 3-lobe size. There are many dance pieces, maybe you can tell them their names? Yes, that's right: polka, mazurka, quadrille, krakowiak; ancient dances minuet, country dance, ecosaise. And now, former graduates of the school, and now teachers of the piano department, will perform a play by composer Yu. Mayevsky “For the first time in first grade.”

During the sound of the 3rd part of the play, Mr. Major appears on stage dancing. Mr. Minor walks next to him, showing his dissatisfied and sad appearance, carrying a bag of musical instruments over his shoulders. After the end of the play, the music (“Polka”) is turned on, and 2 pairs of first-grade students dance.

Minor sits down on the rug, first-graders come out and fan him with fans. First-graders run out one by one and, taking lemonade, candy, books, toys from the table, offer it to him.

Leading: Guys! While the music was playing and the guys were dancing so beautifully, unusual guests arrived. Have you guessed who they are and why they came to our holiday? Look at their masks and you will immediately recognize their names. Yes, guys. You're right. These are Major and Minor. Two musical modes that are responsible for the relationships between sounds. And they came to us to check how you learned to get along with each other, how you studied for the first quarter at music school, what knowledge you acquired; to say hello from the Music Fairy.

Major: Girls and boys, dear children! Which of you, I want to know, loves to sing and dance?

Minor: Let's shake things up! Get up, let's warm up!

There is a dance, the teacher is at the piano. All the guys stand in a circle together with the Major and Minor, the teachers and dance.

Minor: Guys! Have you already learned to play musical instruments?

Now we’ll check what musical instruments you know.

Major and Minor take turns asking the children riddles:

  • So that the strings can sing, quickly press it to your shoulder (violin).
  • Oh, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, a raven sits on an oak tree, a raven sits on an oak tree, he plays (the trumpet). Oh, it rings, it rings, it makes everyone happy with its play, but it only needs three strings to have fun (balalaika).
  • Stands on a long leg in a wooden robe. They press her to the shoulder - hugging her, playing with a bow (cello).
  • If you touch it with your finger, a sound is born and rings - like a bird. There are pedals: from one the sound becomes dull, from the other it sounds long. What is this? (piano).
  • He has a folded shirt and likes to dance in a crouch. He dances and sings if he gets his hands on it. Forty buttons on it with mother-of-pearl fire. My merry fellow, not my vociferous brawler (accordion).
  • I am a musical instrument, but people talk about me in houses where it is cold in winter, and where people light a stove (pipe).
  • He stands on three legs, he is black, in black boots, white teeth, pedal, my vociferous (piano).

Minor: Well done boys. You know a lot of musical instruments. Now the melody of a fiery Brazilian dance will sound, and a 4th grade student will perform it on the saxophone. E. Abreu "Tico - tico"

Leading: Which of you guys can remind me what the group of musicians is called? Yes, if musicians play together, it means the ensemble is performing. Now I invite the Divertimento ensemble to the stage. This is a quartet of teachers from our school, a small musical group. They will perform "Contrance" by composer G. Purcell

Major: What an interesting team we have at school! Do you know what a very large group of musicians is called when they play various musical instruments all together? That's right, orchestra.

Minor: we have brought you very unusual instruments and we will ask you to play them, it will be interesting, there will be a real orchestra. (Children's toy and noise musical instruments are taken out and distributed from a bag).

Leading: Guys, don't be scared! Of course, you have never seen such instruments before, you haven’t learned to play them, but we will try to do this now together with the teachers of our Divertimento ensemble. They will perform music to which it is convenient to walk with an orderly step, and it is called:? That's right, March. The teachers will play the introduction for us, and you and I, at my command, will try to play the steps of the march - one-two, one-two. We'll have a real orchestra. Are you ready?

All participants of the holiday “play” noise musical instruments to the beat of the music.

Major: Aw, well done guys! How well everything turned out for us!

The Music Fairy sent us holiday greetings.

Opens a sheet of poetry and reads:

My dear first grader! Today is your holiday. The evening is very interesting.
The whole school friendly family gave you a lot of music and songs today.
Here I am, my friends, sending my congratulations from afar!
But first I ask you to solve the riddles for us.

Major and Minor take turns asking riddles:

On a piece of paper, on a page - either dots or birds,
Everyone sits on the ladder and chirps songs: (notes)

If you write music, you need to know the notes better, and for this a very musical notebook will do.

  • The staff is locked here. The key of the note "salt" is in the hand.
    Locks have different keys, but her key is:..(violin)
  • Seven guys on the ladder started playing songs: (do re mi fa sol la si)
  • From the note "F" I stand to the right;
    Well, in the kitchen - the main seasoning (salt).
  • I lower the note. What's my name, friends? (flat)
  • There is some kind of symbol in a bar - if the whole bar is silent? (pause)
  • I'm the first to meet in any octave,
    Quickly remember what my name is? (before).
  • I am very pleased to inform you about my work:
    Friends, I raise the note by a semitone (sharp)
  • Oh, what an arc here! What do you say your name is? - In plays my role is important, the notes really need me. In order to teach them to walk with a smooth step. Well, guys, that step is called: (legato)
  • In order not to confuse the polka with a march or with a waltz, for example, be sure to always be on guard here (size)
  • Busts all day, a cheerful bird fusses: (tit)
  • We are arranged according to the scale: find out our names for yourself -
    Each name here contains one of the notes:
    Two notes ended with a “but”, the game is called...(domino).
  • A long-legged heron stands in the reeds, swallowing drop by drop the swamp water.


These are the talents here - these wonderful musicians.
All the riddles were solved and the answers were given to us.
Soon both violins and pianos will sing without flaw!

Leading: Dear Guys! Today is your first school holiday- "Initiation as a musician." A month ago you came to our school without knowing its rules and laws. And now you have learned the school rules, plunged into the sea of ​​music, experienced the first difficulties and did not chicken out, did not ask to go home. You can be called real students. Let's all make a promise to treat our music school with love:

Let us love music, We will always serve it,
The proud and high title of a musician is to be treasured.

The school's anthem (music and words by our school teacher), learned in choir lessons, is performed by the first-grader choir.

After singing the song, students receive booklets with the school anthem, candy and gifts from their parents.

Leading: Guys, goodbye! May music always give you joy, hopes, dreams, good mood. Good luck in your studies!

Methodological support.

  • DVD player; screen; presentation in PPT format (photos of instruments, composers, performers, musical tips);
  • a set of noise musical instruments (tambourines, rattles, whistles, drums, plastic bottles filled with peas, etc.);
  • costumes for presenters (masks, jewelry).


  1. M.I. Glinka Dances from the opera "Ivan Susanin"
  2. M. Zilberkvit "The Birth of the Piano" M., 1973.
  3. E. Polyakova "Musical riddles" St. Petersburg, 2004.
Scenario of the holiday “Initiation into musicians”
Many music schools have specific professional holidays that have become traditional over time. At our school, one of the traditional holidays was “Initiation as a Musician.” This holiday is usually held at the beginning of the year, in January. Teachers, students and parents are involved in this event.
Goal: introducing children to the culture of holidays.

Acquaintance and disclosure for children of the emotional and semantic content of the traditional holiday “Initiation into Musicians”.
Fostering responsibility, creative and artistic skills.

Baba Yaga
Concert participants

Presenter: The long-awaited holiday has arrived.
It's already outside winter time.
New world beautiful euphonies
This kid came to find out.

In our school there are classes, instruments,
Violin, piano and dombra.
Our dear first-graders are waiting for you
So that you can experience music to the fullest.

The joys of discovery, failure,
Long sequence of boring exercises,
Small victories in music
They will come to you in succession.

(addresses parents)

Following me with a brisk step
Let's go, friends.
Come to us for the dedication holiday
There is no way you can be late.

We are very happy to see all guests!
The holiday has knocked on our door!
First graders, come in!
We are looking forward to seeing you!

(first-graders enter to the music and sit in the first rows)

Host: Look, guys.
How many guests came to us,
To congratulate you on the holiday
You, talented children.

There is a magic scroll in our school
We will write your names on this scroll,
Let's wrap it up, let's start -
Look, here she is!

(can't find scroll)
(With annoyance): Well, it’s necessary. My neighbor probably stole it. She just wants to have fun...
(there is a noise, a crash, and Baba Yaga runs onto the site. She drags tied tin cans behind her)

Baba Yaga: I smell the smell of first-graders! Oh, I don't like all this! I don’t like people, especially small children! Oh, there are older ones here too. And for some reason the parents showed up...... are you celebrating something again? I feel really bad when I see smiles on their faces. Well, nothing, while you were lisping here and reading poems, I am your scroll - this... that... by and by... so there won’t be a holiday, you can go home. I need peace, I am an elderly woman, weak-hearted.
(lays out accessories, including an old tour package)
Baba Yaga: After your holiday last year, I treated my health on my favorite island.

Host: What kind of island is this?

Baba Yaga: Don’t you know? This is the most wonderful resort - it’s called “Island of Idlers.”
(sings to the soundtrack “Island of Bad Luck”)
There is an island for idle people on the planet.
There are literally too many of these idlers there.
Everything is allowed to them, there are no prohibitions for them,
They don’t read books, they eat a lot of sweets.
Very bad guys live there - rebels.
Cute on the outside but boring on the inside.
And everything there is unusual: the lights are on during the day,
And at night, out of greed, they gnaw all the crackers.
Do you understand now what kind of island this is? Who wants to fly there with me?

Host: Well, no! None of us wants to fly to this island of slackers. I think the guys agree with me.

Baba Yaga: Fi, so you want to study? Are you staying here at school? Are you waiting for lessons? Can't wait, I have the scroll.

Host: What to do? You definitely need to pick up the scroll.

Baba Yaga: You won’t get it back just like that, but if you pass my tests, then I’ll think about it...maybe I’ll give it back.

Host: Well, guys, shall we pass the tests of Baba Yaga?

Baba Yaga: Then I start with the easiest one. I look at you and don’t understand whether you are friendly or not? Let's check it now. I will read poems, and if you agree with them, answer in chorus: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends,” if you do not agree with me, then remain silent.
1. Who goes to school every day in a cheerful group?
2. Which of you decorates the classroom and home with your work?
3. Which of you, tell me in chorus, is busy talking in class?
4. Who completes their homework on time?
5. Which of you, brothers, forgets to wash?
6. Which of you comes to class an hour late?
7. Which of you is so wise and knows durations and notes?
8. Which of you gives up a seat to the elders in a crowded minibus?
9. Which of you, say out loud, catches flies in class?
Well, let’s say you are attentive and friendly, but here’s your second task. Do you really want to hear how you sing and play?
(concert numbers)
Baba Yaga: Suppose... As I understand it, you already have your favorite teachers. Let’s check how much you have become friends with them now: let’s all play together.
(game for parents, teachers and students)
Game: “Get your child ready for music school” requires 2 tables and a set of accessories in 2 copies. The presenter selects 2 teams consisting of an adult and a child. The following are laid out on the tables: pens, music notebook, pencil, eraser, solfeggio textbook and some items not related to music lessons. While the music is playing, team members must collect a backpack with the necessary items. The team that has no extra items wins.

Baba Yaga: Let’s admit that you also passed this test, but explain to me what these things are: “sharps, bekars, flats”
(students sing a song about musical signs)
Baba Yaga: Well, that's enough! They made a lot of noise here and started singing. You'll give me a heart attack. And who did I contact? I'd rather go to another school. (tries to leave)

Host: Hey, grandma? Have you forgotten anything?

Baba Yaga: Why?

Host: And the promised scroll?

Baba Yaga: Oh, the scroll... Yes, please take it. I didn't really want to. I would steal five hundred thousand million of these scrolls from other schools. Just think - first graders. I will never set foot near you again.

Host: That’s great. Go on your way grandma.
(addresses children)
Guys, thank you very much for passing all the tests with dignity. And in order to voice the contents of the scroll, we will call the director of our school.

Director: Dear guys! I would like to wish you Bon Voyage in the world of music, and so that you successfully overcome all difficulties, remember this instruction:
Be obedient - this time
Don't waste words - that's two.
Just take an example from the best - these are three.
And four - always know: life is not joy, without work.
Elders must be respected - that's five.
If there is an order, take it as an honor - that’s six.
Be attentive to everyone - that's seven.

In a few years your graduation exam will take place,
Then we will open this secret scroll in front of everyone.
Try to stay in it and not drop out halfway through
And in the same composition, everyone will reach graduation.

Now we will take this scroll, and it will be stored until your release. Congratulations, you have now become members of our friendly musical family. I wish you success in your studies!

Kasymova O.G. Karaganda "Children's Music School named after K. Amanzholov"
Choir teacher

Concert script-dedication to "Young Musicians".

Opens the program Marchenko Sergey with a song "I am cool"

1 Presenter: Good afternoon, dear friends, dear parents, guests, as well as all students of our class! We are very glad to see you in our hall once again. Today our concert is dedicated to first-graders, those who decided to learn to play their favorite instrument.

2 Presenter: Guys! How beautiful and elegant you are today. Like real artists. Today is your first concert, your first performance at big stage, a real musical celebration! The door will open for you beautiful world music. But first, you have to pass a series of tests and show us how ready you are to bear the title Young musician.

1 Presenter: We are all happy to accept you as musicians,

But try to solve all the riddles first!

He stands in the concert hall.

I was a harpsichord player at first.

Maybe “forte” and “piano”

Perform you tirelessly.

It sounds major and minor.

Everyone has known for a long time,

In the world of sounds, he is the king.

"F sharp" and "B flat"

They live there very friendly.

Standing next to him they sing,

Sitting next to him they play,

The keys are moving,

Press the pedal.

This tool is (PIANO)

2 Presenter: A first-grader will play this “royal” instrument Kulishova Daria(reads out poetry):

Look, the piano has a lid and pedals,

On the back there is a large wing, like a sail over a wave.

There are a lot of black and white keys – you can’t count them right away!

Performs children's song "Bunny"

1 Presenter: Next riddles guys:

How do we know from the notes where to play on the keys?
On the second line of the waist there is a beautiful curled sign.
He is our excellent assistant, and is called the key (violin )

What other musical key do you know? (bass). Well done!

2 Presenter: On the right is our piano,

On the left are buttons from the button accordion.

And the furs are like an accordion.

This is clear even to a cat,

Well, of course, it’s him.


The modern accordion is a relatively young musical instrument, the most advanced harmonica instrument in which sounds are produced by freely sliding metal reeds driven by an air stream. A similar principle of sound production was known in countries South-East Asia a long time ago. 2-3 thousand years BC. e. In Laos, Tibet, China, and Japan, musical instruments ken, sheng, chonofui and others were widespread, the sound production of which was based on the vibration of a small metal reed cut into a thin plate. In the 18th century, this principle began to be used in Europe. In 1822, the first hand-held harmonica was invented in Berlin, and in 1829 in Vienna, a harmonica with chord accompaniment on the left side appeared, which became known as the accordion. Like this interesting story origin of the accordion. And now on this wonderful musical instrument will perform a Russian folk song "Like under uphill, under the mountain" the youngest participant in our concert Koshkin Maksim

1 Presenter: We continue to solve riddles

Oh, how everyone lives together,
They sing songs loudly

Very busy with work
These joyful... (Notes)

Guys, tell me what notes you learned?... Well done!

All of you have already learned the notes and now, like real musicians, you have learned to play the notes. We meet another first grader - Fedotushkina Andrey, in his performance it will sound "Children's Song"

2 Presenter:

And again riddles about tools

And only three strings
The game makes everyone happy!
Oh, it's ringing, it's ringing,

She needs it for music.
Who is she? Guess it...
This is our... (Balalaika)

1 Presenter:

The smooth movements of the bow make the strings tremble,
The motif murmurs from afar, sings about the lunar wind.
How clear the sounds are overflowing, there is joy and a smile in them.
A dreamy tune sounds and is played by... (Violin)

2 Presenter:

We all love to listen
How Tamara sings with us,
And in her hands she is obedient
Six string… (Guitar)

Well done, you did a great job, and now we invite you to the stage with a performance “Little Waltz” by A. Mirek another first-grader Sviyazov Irina.

1 Presenter: Second-grader Perminova Evgenia, D Kabalevsky “Waltz” will perform musical congratulations for you.

He can play both forte and piano,
For this they called it a piano.

2 Presenter: We invite a first-grader to the stage Bully Danilo with Polish performance folk song « Cheerful shoemaker".

Reads poems about the piano Kurushkina Anastasia

We lived in an old piano
Seven cheerful ringing notes.
They sang for a whole year,
But one day they fell ill.

The note “MI” wheezed,
I started quarreling with people.
Not with your own voices
They played "FA" and "SO"

"RE" did not play with us -
She has a toothache.
“LA” became silent, fell silent,
“DO” moaned terribly,
"SI" crowed the rooster -
Disturbed the whole house.

We didn't know what to do
We felt sorry for the sisters.
We called the tuner
To cure the piano.

Anastasia performs “Study-rehearsal” by K. Czerny

1 Presenter: And the first grader performs again Marchenko Sergey- sailor dance "Bullseye"

Congratulations to you, dear guys Shibanov Yuri execution Russian folk song “In the garden, in the vegetable garden”

2 Presenter: And now he will tell us poems about his favorite musical instrument. Balykov Vladimir:

Signor accordion sounds,
He is a distant brother of the organ.
He carries keys and buttons,
And his disposition is not at all timid.

Then it spreads its folds,
Then he quickly moves them again.
And myriads of new sounds
The space is filled again.

The sounds are melodious, loud,
They are solemn and beautiful.
Now violins, now cellos,
Then you can hear trilling flutes in them.

Beautiful in his craftsmanship,
The whole orchestra sounds in it.
Accordion - like magic
All sounds are collected in it.

Will perform with a musical gift Shmelkov Vadim

A. Ivanov “Polka”

1 Presenter: Poems reads about the harpsichord Alasheev Maxim

Good old harpsichord -

Grandfather of the piano

Invited the musicians

To play.

So that every string

Got down to business

So that the silence rings,

For the echo to sing.

Rastorguev Maxim will perform on a synthesizer "Prayer" from the repertoire of the Bi-2 group. The synthesizer is a unique and versatile instrument that can replace the sound of many instruments. And now we will listen to how Maxim uses two timbres in his playing - harpsichord and violin.

2 Presenter: On stage with musical congratulations Balykov Vladimir-Russian folk song"Peddlers."

1 Presenter:

Ensemble is a French word. In Russian it means "together". In music, this word means that several people play, sing or dance together.

Ensemble members must do everything harmoniously, together. Dancers must dance synchronously, that is, perform the same dance moves simultaneously. The musicians must play harmoniously, at the same tempo and rhythm, each must listen to the other, otherwise the music will not work.

Guys, what is the name of an ensemble of 2, ...3...., 4..., (duet, trio, quartet). And when there are a lot of participants (orchestra)

Now he will perform for you trio: Alasheev Maxim, Balykov Vladimir and Shmelkov Vadim- Czech folk song "By the berries"

Will read poetry Rastorguev Maxim.

He is as fragile as hair
He is as strong as a typhoon
Has a voice within itself
A million invisible strings!

It has so many different keys,
Hammers and pegs,
What you can't imagine
Until the end of time!

Someone's natural
It's magical, golden,
But hard work
Be in love with this beauty.

Kuznetsova Maria with a song "Pa-la-la"

When playing the piano you need to be able to accompany and listen main party, will show us his skill in this matter Kurushkina Anastasia. A Russian folk song will be played on the piano. « Boat on the sea floats"

1 Presenter: Another mystery:

I am your friend, I am your traveling companion,

Nothing will work out on the road without me

With me, friends, it’s always interesting,

Did you find out who I am? Surely: (song)

Song of G..Petersburgsky "Blue scarf" will perform on the accordion Kuznetsova Maria.

2 Presenter: Gives you his musical gift Alasheev Maxim - V.Platonov “Little Waltz”

Reads poems about music Shmelkov Vadim

I can't live a day without music! She's in me. She's all around me.

And in the singing of birds, and in the noise of cities, in the silence of grass and in a rainbow of flowers,

And in the glow of dawn above the earth... She is my companion everywhere and forever,

Everything is subject to her: joy and melancholy, in her there is just a moment and long centuries.

It will make you think, fall in love and fall out of love.

But can she live without us for even a day, half a day? At least an hour!

Without our thoughts and earthly joys, without funny and unfunny little things?

We thank her for everything! We speak and believe in its triumph - we create!
P. Tchaikovsky “New Doll” will be performed Fomina Oleg.

1 Presenter: Reads poetry about the organ Marchenko Sergey

The organ sounds solemn and clear.

In the old church the tune sounds again.

The melody is divine, beautiful...

I freeze, bowing my head.
What is this? Mozart, Bach or Beethoven?

Sonata, Requiem, stars in flight?

The beautiful world of music is huge!

What power ordinary notes have!
Candles flicker... The sounds become quieter...

Music floats like a magic bird.

And froze somewhere in the clear starry distance

My soul's exalted flight!

The organ is a keyboard-wind musical instrument, the largest of all musical instruments, one of the oldest. Its history goes back thousands of years. Nowadays it can be seen and heard in the concert halls of philharmonic societies. The accordion has many registers that display the sound different instruments, one of which is the organ. And now we'll listen "Aria" by J.S.Bach performed Rastorgueva Maxim.

A duet of accordionists performs: Rastorguev Maxim and Kuznetsova Maria -A.Verschuren “In the style of a musette”

2 Presenter:

Our holiday is coming to an end…..Until recently, you, our first-graders, did not know the rules in music. Now you have entered the wonderful world of music, you have learned the school rules. We experienced the first difficulties and did not retreat, were not afraid. We passed our first exam with excellent marks.

We think each of you deserves the title "Young musician"

You can be called real students and let into a country called Music.

1 Presenter:

But guys, this title obliges a lot.

I ask all first-graders to stand up, go to the center of the hall and in a solemn atmosphere make promises as “young musicians” (confirm with the word “I promise”) Do you promise to go through life with music?

2 Presenter: And don’t turn away from your chosen path!

1 Presenter: Defeat melancholy and laziness

And make music every day!

2 Presenter: Strive for creativity

So that we can be proud of you!

1 Leader and 2 Leader(along with a chorus of "yes")

And so, we declare you young musicians! And we give you memorable gifts!

We wish you success in this difficult, but interesting work, musical victories in competitions, Young musicians! Once again, congratulations to you, as well as to your parents.

May music give you joy and always be your life companion!

To the music, we give memorable gifts to first-graders.

"Initiation into young musicians." Celebration scenario at a music school

Goleschikhina Marina Aleksandrovna. Accordion teacher, MBOU DOD "Taseev Children's Music School"

Description of work: Learning music has always been valued in society, and those who master any instrument always deserve special attention. Young residents of the Taseevsky district have a happy opportunity to study music at a children's music school. Every year graduates leave the school. They all become lovers and connoisseurs of music, and they are replaced by first-graders who are yet to become acquainted with magical world music. At the Taseevskaya children's music school it has already become good tradition at the end of the first quarter school year to hold a celebration “Initiation into Young Musicians” for children who have recently crossed the threshold of school. For first-graders, this holiday is of great importance, so teachers and high school students strive to make this holiday interesting, bright and unforgettable. I bring to your attention the script for the “Initiation into Young Musicians” holiday. In this scenario, everything is organically connected: a well-thought-out theatrical plot with the participation of the cartoon characters Cheburashka, Gena the Crocodile, and the old woman Shapoklyak; concert performances of teachers and students music school; assignments for first graders in game form.

Purpose: This scenario may be useful to teachers of music schools and art schools, teacher-organizers.
The material is designed for younger children school age.

Target: Formation of aesthetic taste among beginning musicians; creating favorable conditions for children to meet and communicate.

Activate cognitive activity,
Develop the ability to answer questions;
enrich spiritual world children through musical plays.
To develop children's cognitive interest in music;
Develop logical thinking, erudition;
Develop imagination, the ability to reflect, think.
To cultivate a love for music as an art that has the greatest power of emotional impact on a person;
Cultivate a love for music school and teachers.

Necessary equipment for carrying out:
Music center or any device designed to play music;
Musical instruments: button accordion, accordion, piano, synthesizer.
Projector, multimedia screen, laptop.
The costumes of Cheburashka, the old woman Shapoklyak, and the crocodile Gena costume will not be required, since Gena will be behind the scenes.

Preliminary work:
1. Creation of a video film for the opening of the holiday: A still from the cartoon about Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka - Gena plays the harmonica, but the music is not from the cartoon, but an overlay - Rimsky-Korsakov “Flight of the Bumblebee” performed by the duet “Bayan-Mix”.
2.Creating your own riddles about musical instruments, puzzles, charades, or using them from different sources literature. In this scenario, puzzles and musical riddles taken from the Internet.
3. Making “Young Musician” medals

Used Books:
When developing the holiday script, the following author's poems were used:
1. Our school is not easy,
2. Poems – performances by accordionists, pianists,
3.Oath of musicians.
4. Puzzles and riddles taken from the Internet

Decor: The hall is festively decorated balloons, paper notes, flowers. (the hall can be decorated in any style at the discretion of the event organizers)

Holiday scenario
On the screen is a video frame from the cartoon about Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka - Gena plays the harmonica.
A sad Cheburashka enters.
Cheburashka: It’s a pity that Gena isn’t around, he went to Moscow for some competition. And I miss him so much.
The phone rings. Crocodile Gena is calling from Moscow (voice-over): Hello, Cheburashka!

Cheburashka: Hello Gena! How are you there?
Crocodile Gena: Great. Won the Grand Prix at international competition accordionists. It’s not for nothing that I once studied at a music school. Now I am being invited to go abroad. I will be performing on stage with famous musicians Hvorostovsky, Spivakov. Can you imagine?
Cheburashka: I also want to see the world. I also want to learn to play some musical instrument and be famous.
Crocodile Gena: Cheburashka, immediately go to the Taseevsky Children's Music School. I am sure that they will definitely teach you how to play and sing there.
Cheburashka: How will I find her?
Crocodile Gena: Just ask any passerby, they will tell you about this wonderful school and show you the way. Bye Cheburashka, it’s time for me to rehearse and prepare for the trip. Good luck!
The phone call ends
Cheburashka: (walks along the road, meets passing music school students) Hello! Are you by any chance from a music school?
Children: Yes, we are students of this wonderful school.
Cheburashka: Please tell me about her!
1 student:
Our school is not easy,
So musical.
They play and sing in it,
They live together with music.

2nd student:
Eight wise teachers
And the director is at the head,
Every day children are taught
Music and beauty.

3rd student:
It's not easy to learn
Songs to sing or play
It takes a lot of effort
To become a musician.

4 student:
For girls and boys
"Music" is a second home,
They love us there, naughty ones,
We all live here together.

5th student:
Rehearsals, concerts,
Grants, competitions again.
We always manage to do everything
We know how to combine everything.

Cheburashka: Oh, how interesting. I also want to study at a music school! Can you please tell me how to get to the music school? (the guys show the way, Cheburashka goes backstage with them.)

A photo of the music school is projected onto the screen. The school principal appears on the stage. He thinks about something, gets sad and sighs. Cheburashka enters.

Cheburashka: Hello. Is there a children's music school here? Can I speak to the director?
Director: I am a director. And who are you?
Cheburashka: I am Cheburashka. I want to go to music school.
Director: Many people want to, but, alas, this is impossible.
Cheburashka: Why?
Director: Because someone broke into the school and stole the keys. Now neither we nor the boys can get to school.
Cheburashka: We urgently need to contact the police so they can find the culprit.
Director: Contact us. They said: “they are looking.” And for how long, we don’t know!
Cheburashka: What to do? After all, surely I’m not the only one who wants to learn to play and sing?
Director: Yes, there are still 21 first-graders, and 27 students dream of continuing their education at school.
Cheburashka: Where to look for the one who stole the keys?
Director: Don't know. Found this near the school. ( shows the old woman's object Shapoklyak - a handbag with the rat Lariska)
Cheburashka: So this is Old Woman Shapoklyak! She took up her old ways again. And where to look for it now? (doomed) So, I will never learn to play a musical instrument and will not become famous? (Crying)
Suddenly Shapoklyak appears from auditorium, walks, sings and dances

Old woman Shapoklyak: Here I am! Why are you upset? Did you want to learn music without me? No, only after me! First I will become famous and popular, and then I will return the keys to you. I need school myself to develop my talents.
Cheburashka: How are you going to study on your own? After all, we need teachers!
Old woman Shapoklyak: Laughs. Who needs teachers? To me? I am my own teacher. If I want, I’ll play this instrument (walks up to the piano, rattles), but if I want, I’ll sing like real singer (sings a song, but not correctly).
Old woman Shapoklyak: Is today not my day, or are all the tools broken? Exactly! Broken. Laughs
Cheburashka: Shapoklyak, let the guys show you how to play and sing.
Old woman Shapoklyak: Haha. Do they know how?
Cheburashka: Guys, let's prove to Old Woman Shapoklyak that we can sing and play musical instruments!
Answers from the audience
Old woman Shapoklyak: Okay, I agree! But first, guess my riddles!
Rebuses and riddles using notes are projected onto the screen. Old woman Shapoklyak asks riddles. The guys are guessing.

Old woman Shapoklyak: Read the story using the names of the notes.

Old woman Shapoklyak: What kind of musical instruments are encrypted in the puzzles?

Cheburashka: Well, have all your riddles been solved? Now listen to how our guys play button accordion and accordion players.
Our accordionists and button accordion players are great artists!
This is how they play instruments
Well, my heart skips a beat!
I'm not lying at all
I'm telling you honestly, directly!
Now see for yourself
Enjoy their game!

Musical performances by students of the folk department

The boys really love to play the piano.
They barely touch the keys and the whole soul sings.
And the sounds of happiness flow, so joyfully, so zealously.
Everything around is blooming, rejoicing and singing!

Musical performances by students of the piano department

Old woman Shapoklyak: You're kind of boring. They came out, bowed, played, bowed. Eh, boring. I understand that you are boring.
Cheburashka: Shapoklyak, the guys are very diligent. After all, to learn to play a musical instrument, you need to practice a lot.
Old woman Shapoklyak: Anyway, bores! And I love to have fun! Do you love it? Then everyone come to my stage!

Old woman Shapoklyak is doing a dance warm-up. The phonogram sounds " Brazilian Carnival"performed by the Tomsk Ensemble folk instruments“Surprise”, leader L.G. Zolotareva (any music can be used at the discretion of the teachers). The guys repeat the movements of the Old Woman Shapoklyak.
Cheburashka: These guys are great! And they are not boring at all, look how they can have fun!
Old woman Shapoklyak: Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I’m one hundred percent sure that they don’t know children’s songs.
Cheburashka: And again you are wrong! The guys not only know the songs, but they can also sing.
Old woman hat: Well, we'll check that now. Held musical competition on knowledge of children's songs. All songs are performed live.

List of songs for the competition:
1. Blue carriage,
2. A song about a grasshopper,
3. From a smile,
5. It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together,
6.Two cheerful geese,
7. Antoshka,
8. Cheburashka's song,
9.If only there had been no winter,
10. Winged swing.

Cheburashka: Oh yes, guys, oh yes, well done! And our guys can sing beautifully. Listen here.

Musical performances by choir students
Cheburashka: And all this is taught to the children by talented teachers who work in the children's music school. Now are you convinced, Shapoklyak, that without teachers it is impossible to learn to play and sing?
Old woman Shapoklyak: Well, yes, yes, yes. I will give you the keys to the school, but on one condition, that you take me to study. I really want to shine on stage.
Cheburashka: Guys, shall we take it?

Cheburashka: And now we ask the guys who crossed the threshold of the music school this year to take the solemn oath of the young musician and present medals.

The guys get up on stage.

1 student:
We solemnly swear
We will study at five!
Without good reason,
Let's not miss school!

2nd student:
Let's learn all the intervals,
And we will master all the frets.
We will play scales on five,
Even though we don’t really like them!

3rd student:
And skipping in solfeggio
We promise to come running.
And not forgetting about notes, books,
We will complete the tasks!

4 student:
We'll study Bach and Mozart,
Let's learn to distinguish them.
Let's not torture teachers.
We swear not to upset them.

5th student:
We promise during recess
We behave with dignity.
Don't run, don't scream, don't jump,
We will not disturb others!
Presentation of certificates of completion of children's art school. Scenario