The most accurate character test: Draw a person. Summary of the lesson “A man from geometric shapes Figure of a woman from 12 figures

Do you like to learn something new about yourself, but do not like to answer numerous questions? Then I want to offer you an interesting drawing test “Drawing a man from geometric shapes". The advantage of such tests is that they use our subconscious, which is often much more informative than our consciousness. When answering questions, we unconsciously strive for the right answers. And when going through methods such as, we do not guess in advance about the correct answers, and, therefore, we do not adjust them.

So let's get started:
Draw a little man, which should consist of 10 geometric shapes - a triangle, a circle and a square. The shapes used can be different size and overlap each other. The only condition is that each figure must be used at least once in the little man.
Have you drawn? See if you like the man. Maybe fix something, change the figure? Satisfied? Right?! Well then, let's start analyzing!

See which figures in your drawing of a man from geometric shapes are more. Psychologists believe that:
- the “triangle” figure is a “sharp”, “offensive” figure, which is associated with masculine;
- since the circle is a streamlined figure, it is more characterized by sympathy, softness, roundness, and in total - femininity;
- but the square is perceived simply as a figure from which it is easier to build everything, the figure of a designer.
That is, from this we can conclude what is more in you - male or female.

And now let's start serious processing of the test data "Drawing a man from geometric shapes"

Data processing: now it is important to calculate how many triangles are used in the figure, then circles, and how many squares are used in the little man figure. Write these data in the same order as a three-digit number: for example, 5 triangles, 1 circle, 4 squares. We have a number: 514.

Now select which group the resulting number belongs to:
1. Type "Emotive»: 154, 163, 172, 181, 253, 262, 271, 352, 361, 451.
2. Type "Head»: 613, 622, 631, 712, 721, 811.
3. Type "Responsible executor": 514, 523, 532, 541.
4. Type "Anxious and suspicious": 415, 424, 433, 442, 451.
5. Type "Scientist": 316, 325, 334, 343, 352, 361.
6. Type "Intuitive": 217, 226, 235, 244, 253, 262, 271.
7. Type "Inventor, designer": 118, 127, 136, 145.

The key to the test "Drawing a man from geometric shapes"

1. "Emotive"
If you belong to this type, then most likely you know how to empathize and understand the pain of other people. You are a gentle, sympathetic and kind-hearted person. But someone else's pain can unsettle you so much that you will not be able to fulfill your duties and do your own thing. You have a good emotional memory, feelings are often deep and stable. You often help people in grief and need.
You can be called an altruist, capable of self-sacrifice. You are modest, do not single out your merits to everyone, do not demand the praise of others, your mercy is limitless. But this does not mean that you are spineless and have no opinion. As for personal spiritual convictions, no one will budge you here. If the idea captures you deeply, then you are hotly active and energetic.

2. "Head".
If you are of this type, then you are characterized by good organizational and oratorical skills. You know how to set goals and achieve them, and sometimes, regardless of health or conditions. You have good stress tolerance. People of this type are good storytellers and teachers.
Your will and energy are endless. You are able to force yourself to work long and steadily, have firmness and perseverance, endurance and self-control, which makes you the center of attention. You know how to influence other people, convince them and lead them. Therefore, it is likely that you are a leader.
Among the shortcomings of this type can be called conservatism. If they decide something, then nothing will lead them astray. They do not like someone to criticize the accepted principles, to shake the foundations of existence. In addition, their self-esteem can cross all boundaries.

3. "Responsible executor".
This type is similar to the "leader" type, but he does not make important decisions so quickly. But this is for the best - so the decisions are more thoughtful. These people good professionals, often managing organizations. They are stable and constant, economical and thrifty, intellectually developed. Often they are workaholics, bringing themselves to exhaustion, not maintaining their health. Therefore, they are susceptible to diseases of nervous origin.
However, their understanding of other people and the sensual sphere are poorly developed. Even in love relationship they are prudent and reserved. They always subordinate their feelings to reason. Due to the increased demands on themselves, they can work without noticing fatigue, undermining health. Diseases of nervous origin are their frequent companions. Therefore, "responsible performers" need to carefully monitor compliance with the regime of work and rest.

4. "Anxious and suspicious."
If you belong to the anxious and suspicious type, then you are a creative person with different abilities. However, you need constant encouragement, as you often doubt yourself, do not believe in your strength. If he chooses not creative profession then has a creative hobby. It is this hobby that can later become a replacement for his profession.
These people love aesthetic pleasures, they love to fantasize. Therefore, art for them is an integral part of life. They are observant, receptive, have a developed imagination.
415 - this subtype of people has a poetic talent, the ability to versify.
424 - these people do everything very carefully.

6. "Intuitive".
If you are of this type, then your feature is the high sensitivity of the nervous system. This leads to the fact that you often selflessly care for others, being an altruist. Hospitable, but do not welcome long-term communication, because you get tired of it. However, some representatives of this type are active social activists.
However, the nervous system is not stable and prone to exhaustion from overexertion. Therefore, it is better for you to switch from one activity to another more often. You can get carried away with some business, working to exhaustion day and night, and, without finishing it, you can quit for a while. You most likely do not like encroachments on your freedom, preferring independence and independence.
Good technical abilities and often golden hands. You have inner self-control, a strong will. However, in material matters they are often impractical and do not know how to properly distribute and save money.
A feature of this type is a well-developed intuition and ingenuity, which enables you to solve everyday problems that are beyond the power of others. Among people of this type there are many teachers, educators, psychologists, representatives of public professions, and collectors.
235 - a subtype characteristic of psychologists;
217 - a subtype prone to technical invention;
244 - Screenwriters and people associated with writing instructions.

7. "Inventor, designer."
These are people of a technical mindset with a good spatial imagination. The most promising for them are technical types of creativity, technical professions, design, invention.
These are emotional people, often obsessed with their original ideas. They can manifest themselves not only in the technical, but also in the intellectual sphere. They have a good memory and powers of observation. To prove something to them, you need to bring concrete facts rather than speculation and speculation. They work very hard, thanks to which they achieve success.
145 - however, this subtype is more inclined towards composing, loves music, loves to sing.

Well, how do you like the results? Agreed?

In contact with

Purpose of the test: identification of individual-typological differences in personality.

Eight main types of personalities are distinguished: leader, responsible executor, anxious and suspicious, scientist, intuitive, inventor, emotive, insensitive to the experiences of others.

Instructions for the test
“You need to draw a human figure, made up of 10 elements, among which there may be triangles, circles, squares. You can increase or decrease these elements (geometric shapes) in size, overlay each other as needed. It is important that all these three elements are present in the image of a person, and the sum of the total number of figures used is equal to ten. If when drawing you used more figures, then you need to cross out the excess, but if you used less than ten figures, you need to draw the missing ones.

Data processing is carried out as follows:

The number of triangles, circles and squares spent in the image of a person is counted, and the result is written in the form of three-digit numbers, where hundreds will indicate the number of triangles, tens - the number of circles, units - the number of squares. These three-digit numbers make up the so-called "drawing formula", according to which the drawing is assigned to the corresponding type and subtypes, which are presented in Table 1.
Data interpretation. The interpretation of the test is based on the fact that the geometric shapes used in the drawings differ in semantics. The triangle is usually referred to as a "sharp", "offensive" figure associated with the masculine principle. The circle is a streamlined figure, more in tune with sympathy, softness, roundness, femininity. It is easier to build something from square-shaped elements than others, therefore a square, a rectangle is interpreted as a specifically technical constructive figure, a “technical module”.
Typology, based on the preference of geometric figures, allows you to form your own roa "system" of individual typological differences.

I type - "leader". Usually these are people who have a penchant for leadership and organizational activities, focused on socially significant norms of behavior, may have the gift of good storytellers, based on high level speech development. They are well adapted to social sphere, dominance over others is kept within certain boundaries.
Drawing formulas: 901,910,802,811,820,703,712,721,730, 604,613,622,631,640.
The most severe dominance over others is expressed in subtypes 901, 910, 802, 811, 820; situational - 703, 712, 721, 730; when exposed to speech on people - a verbal leader or "teaching subtype" - 604, 613, 622, 631,640.
It must be remembered that the manifestation of these qualities depends on the level of mental development. At a high level of development, the individual features of development are realizable, quite well understood. At a low level, they can be detected in professional activities and present situationally, worse, if not adequate to situations. This applies to all features.

II type - "responsible executor" - possesses many traits of the "leader" type, being located to him, however, there are often hesitation in making responsible decisions. This type of people is more focused on “the ability to do business”, high professionalism, has a high sense of responsibility and demands on themselves and others, highly appreciates being right, i.e. characterized by increased sensitivity to truthfulness. Often they suffer from somatic diseases of nervous origin as a result of overexertion.
Drawing formulas: 505, 514, 523, 532, 541, 550.

III type - "anxious-suspicious" - characterized by a variety of abilities and talents - from fine manual skills to literary talent. Usually, people of this type are closely within the same profession, they can change it to a completely opposite and unexpected one, they can also have a hobby, which is essentially a second profession.

Physically do not tolerate mess and dirt. Usually conflict because of this with other people. They are characterized by increased vulnerability and some doubt themselves. They need gentle encouragement.

Drawing formulas: 406, 415, 424, 433, 442, 451, 460. In addition, 415 is a “poetic subtype” - usually people with such a drawing formula have poetic talent; 424 is a subtype of people recognizable by the phrase “How can this work badly? I can't imagine how bad it can be." People of this type are distinguished by special care in their work.

IV type - "scientist" . These people easily abstract from reality, have a “conceptual mind”, and are distinguished by the ability to develop their theories “for everything”. Usually they have peace of mind and rationally think through their behavior.

Drawing formulas: 307, 316, 325, 334, 343, 352, 361, 370. Subtype 316 is characterized by the ability to create theories, mostly global ones, or to carry out large and complex coordination work; 325 - a subtype characterized by a great enthusiasm for the knowledge of life, health, biological disciplines, medicine.

Representatives of this type are often found among people involved in synthetic arts: cinema, circus, theater and entertainment directing, animation, etc.

Type V - "intuitive". People of this type have a strong sensitivity of the nervous system, its high exhaustibility. It is easier to work on switching from one activity to another, they usually act as “minority lawyers”, behind which there are new opportunities. They are highly sensitive to novelty. They are altruistic, often show concern for others, have good manual skills and imaginative imagination, which makes it possible to engage in technical forms of creativity. Usually they develop their own moral standards, have internal self-control, i.e. prefer self-control, reacting negatively to encroachments on their freedom.
Drawing formulas: 208, 217, 226, 235, 244, 253, 262, 271, 280.
Subtype 235 - often found among professional psychologists or individuals with an increased interest in human psychology; 244 - has the ability to literary creativity; 217 - has the ability to inventive activity; 226 - a great need for novelty, usually sets very high criteria for achievement for himself.

VI type - "inventor, designer, artist" . Often found among people with a "technical vein". These are people with a rich imagination, spatial vision, often engaged in various types technical, artistic and intellectual creativity. More often they are introverted, just like the intuitive type, they live by their own moral standards, do not accept any outside influences, except for self-control. Emotional, obsessed with their own original ideas.

Drawing formulas: 109,118,127,136,145,019,028,037,046.

Subtype 109 is found among individuals who have a good command of the audience; 118 - the type with the most pronounced design capabilities and the ability to invent.

VII type - "emotive". They have increased empathy towards others, they are hard pressed by the “cruel shots of the film”, they can be “unsettled” for a long time and be shocked by violent events. The pains and concerns of other people find in them participation, empathy and sympathy, for which they spend a lot of their own energy, as a result, it becomes difficult to realize their own abilities.

Drawing formulas: 550,451,460,352,361,370,253,262,271, 280,154,163,172,181, 190, 055, 064, 073, 082, 091.

VIII type - "insensitive to the feelings of others ». It has the opposite tendency to the emotive type. Usually does not feel the experiences of other people or treats them with inattention or even increases the pressure on people. If this good specialist, then he can force others to do what he sees fit. Sometimes it is characterized by "calling", which occurs situationally, when, for some reason, a person closes in a circle of his own problems.

Drawing formulas: 901, 802, 703,604, 505,406,307,208,109.

Psychographic test: a constructive drawing of a person from geometric shapes Libin Viktor Vladimirovich

Interpretation of drawings of a human figure in thirty-six subtypes

In addition to identifying the leading type out of eight possible ones, the first figure also determines the leading subtype out of 36 possible stable ratios of elements. This allows you to clarify and concretize the basic typical characteristics.

As an example, here are the most common drawings and additional characteristics of some subtypes (determined by the first drawing):

Rice. 9. The most common drawings of subtype 811.

Type I (811, 712, 721, 613, 622, 631) - "organizer" - "leader")

Agosthenik (lat. ago - leader, sthenos - strength, Greek dromos - path) - "one who has sufficient strength to lead others."

811 - Developed organizational skills, able to withstand prolonged stress associated with communication. They are demonstrative in words and deeds, which inspire respect for themselves from others. Well verbalized. They tend to worry about how the result of their work will look in the eyes of others. The subtype is most common among people with leadership motivation, in particular among leaders.

Rice. 10. The most common drawings of subtype 712.

712 - The need to realize oneself in objective activity is expressed. They strive to emphasize the external attributes of their status. They experience difficulties in making responsible decisions, therefore they are more successful in the role of an informal leader.

Rice. 11. The most common drawings of subtype 721.

613 - In the team they keep somewhat apart, although imperceptibly they find themselves involved in a variety of relationships and affairs. In a circle of well-known and close people, they are more open. In stressful situations, they tend to act on the first impulse. Avoiding failure is more characteristic of them than striving for success. Feel insecure about upcoming events.

Rice. 12. The most common drawings of subtype 631.

Rice. 13. The most common drawings of subtype 622.

Rice. 14. The most common drawings of subtype 631.

631 - The desire for activities related to work in a team. Communicating with others, they become the most active. Developed a sense of competition. Enthusiasts by nature, they know how to inspire others with their idea. Persistent in achieving the intended goal. Often found among people with a penchant for teaching.

Type II (514, 523, 532, 541) - "diligent worker" ("responsible executor")

Orstenik (Latin ordinatus - ordered) - "possessing the power to streamline uncertain situations."

Rice. 15. The most common drawings of subtype 514.

Rice. 16. The most common drawings of subtype 523.

532 - Systematizers, can work with a large amount of information, ordering and systematizing it. Long-term communication with big amount makes people tired. Work more productively with others one on one. Sensitive to relationships with other people. Show flexibility in maintaining relationships. Emotions are often suppressed by the desire to explain what is happening from a rational point of view. Ambitious, have a high level of claims. Failures are hard to overcome, they tend to overestimate their significance. Often found among representatives of professions related to sign systems - scientists, economists, secretaries and referents.

Rice. 17. The most common drawings of subtype 532.

Rice. 18. The most common drawings of subtype 541.

III type (433, 343, 334) - "initiator" ("dreamer")

Tonostenik (lat. ton - tension, negativus - negative) - "possessing the power to transform negative tendencies into positive images in the imagination."

433 - They are easily involved in the events taking place around them, but in the absence of encouragement from the outside and constant feedback, they quickly lose interest in them. In communication with others, they strive to conquer others with their originality and originality. Emotional, have a figurative way of thinking. Often found among representatives of artistic and creative professions - screenwriters, animators, film workers.

Rice. 19. The most common drawings of subtype 433.

Rice. 20. The most common drawings of subtype 343.

Rice. 21. The most common drawings of subtype 334.

Type IV (181, 271, 172, 361, 262, 163) - "emotive" ("empathic")

Emphosthenic (Greek emphasis - expressive) - "has the power to convey emotions and experiences by various means."

181 - They have heightened sensitivity to external events, as a result of which the level of anxiety is often increased. Soft and gentle in communication. Receptive in relationships with others. Persistent in performing substantive activities, but not inclined to look for new ways to solve problems.

Rice. 22. The most common drawings of subtype 181.

Rice. 23. The most common drawings of subtype 271.

Rice. 24. The most common drawings of subtype 172.

Rice. 25. The most common drawings of subtype 361.

Rice. 26. The most common drawings of subtype 262.

Rice. 27. The most common drawings of subtype 163.

Type V (451, 352, 154, 253, 154) - "intuitive" ("sensitive", "anxious and suspicious")

Konstenik (lat. contradictorius - contradictory) - "possessing the power to question a lot."

451 - Expressed the need for new information and new experiences. Passion for details often makes it difficult to focus on the main thing. The desire for success prevails over the fear of failure. Communication with others is difficult due to high claims to a status role in the absence of diplomatic skills and pronounced impulsiveness.

Rice. 28. The most common drawings of subtype 451.

352 - They tend to get carried away with issues and problems related to health and medicine. They have a depth of thinking, they try to penetrate the essence of a situation, event or phenomenon. Great attention is paid to details and trifles. In behavior, they are impulsive, as a result of which their words and actions can get ahead of their thoughts. As compensation, they develop the skills of punctuality, which can turn into over-punctuality.

Rice. 29. The most common drawings of subtype 352.

Rice. 30. The most common drawings of subtype 253.

Rice. 31. The most common drawings of subtype 154.

Type VI (442, 424, 244) - "independent" ("free artist").

Ilostenik (lat. immunus - free, logos - attitude) - "possessing the power to insist on one's own, to be independent in relationships."

Rice. 32. The most common drawings of subtype 442.

424 - Productivity increases in a tense situation. Careful in work, striving to improve the process. If they take on something, they bring it to the end. Often they can be recognized by the phrase "how can it work so badly." Carefully consider options for their possible future.

244 - High frequency of occurrence among people of an artistic warehouse and a literary profession.

Rice. 33. The most common drawings of subtype 424.

Rice. 34. The most common drawings of subtype 244.

Type VII (415, 325, 235) - "communicative" ("changeable")

Instenik (lat. initiare - to begin) - "possessing ease in awakening activity."

415 - Often found in people with a poetic mindset.

Rice. 35. The most common drawings of subtype 415.

Rice. 36. The most common drawings of subtype 325.

235 - They are distinguished by a tendency to develop numerous contacts. The ability to quickly switch in communication from one person to another, from one type of communicative activity to another has been developed. Often found among people whose activities are associated with intense, but short-term interaction with others (journalists, public relations). In the very process of communication they see the object and purpose of their efforts.

Rice. 37. The most common drawings of subtype 235.

Rice. 38. The most common drawings of subtype 145.

253 - They have an inquisitive mind. They experience pleasure when they manage to find an unusual way of resolving the situation. An optimistic attitude is expressed. The desire for a trusting relationship, combined with communicative impulsiveness, can create difficulties in social adaptation.

Rice. 39. The most common drawings of subtype 253.

Type VIII (118, 127, 217, 316, 226, 136) - "self-sufficient" ("technically oriented")

Argostenik (lat. armare - to strengthen, Greek herma - support) - "possessing sufficient strength to withstand loads."

118 - Prone to technical professions, where there is a need to combine inventive skills with an applied task, often associated with technical and cybernetic systems - engineers, designers, programmers. Withstand high stress loads, so they are effective in professions such as managing complex operating systems. Remain calm in emotionally stressful situations. At the first opportunity, they "turn off" from the situation and tend to act autonomously. Take responsibility for their successes and failures.

Rice. 40. The most common drawings of subtype 118.

Rice. 41. The most common drawings of subtype 127.

217 - Common among technically oriented people prone to a synthetic or holistic vision of the problem - inventors, designers, system programmers and other technically oriented and visual-figurative professions, such as radiologist and operator.

Rice. 42. The most common drawings of subtype 217.

316 - Characterized by the desire to create theories, mostly global. They tend to successfully carry out complex and painstaking work.

Rice. 43. The most common drawings of subtype 316.

226 - They are highly motivated to achieve.

Rice. 44. The most common drawings of subtype 226.

Rice. 45. The most common drawings of subtype 136.

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The proposed edition is the only official author's edition of the first domestic projective methodology “Psychographic test. Constructive drawing of a person from geometric shapes”, in which the authors describe in detail the basic principles of conducting, analyzing and interpreting a psychographic projective test. A systematic presentation of the basic principles of test development, starting with detailed instructions for conducting it and interpreting a unique diagnostic system, is complemented by illustrations and cases from advisory practice, an extensive policy brief literature on drawing techniques. It is offered as a teaching aid for students of psychological specialties. The material of the book will also be relevant and useful to academic and practical researchers, medical workers, consultants for working with children and youth, image makers, recruitment and management specialists.

* * *

The following excerpt from the book Psychographic test: constructive drawing of a person from geometric shapes (V. V. Libin, 2008) provided by our book partner - the company LitRes.

Introduction. Constructive drawing of a person from geometric shapes™ (TiGr - Ideographic Test)

Nature speaks the language of mathematics; the letters of this language are circles, triangles and other mathematical figures.

Precisely because it is devoid of all sorts of excesses, this language can serve as a prototype of thought, no matter how complex and unusual it may be.

Galileo Galilei, 1595

TEST "STRUCTURAL DRAWING OF A HUMAN FROM GEOMETRIC FORMS™", or abbreviated TiGr (Ideographic Test), in a single test task combines projective drawing human figures with an unconscious preference for basic geometric shapes. Distinctive feature the task of the test is to depict a human figure from simple geometric shapes - a triangle, a circle, a square. During the testing process, it is necessary to draw or construct a human figure only from triangles, circles and squares and consisting of exactly ten parts.

ATTENTION! In diagnostics based on projective testing, the most important principle is PRIMARY VISION. The most valuable are the results obtained directly at the time of familiarization with the task.

BEFORE YOU START reading the manual for the use of the psychographic TiGr ​​test, it is proposed to perform a simple self-test procedure.

Having made his own drawing, the reader will have the opportunity to compare the idea of ​​himself with the interpretation given in the manual and get acquainted with the features of the psychographic study of personality in practice.

To perform the test, use the instructions for self-testing provided at the end of the book (see Appendix 1).

Psychographic test: "Constructive drawing of a person from geometric shapes ™"

The study of extraconscious processes, which are manifested in the personality's graphic preferences, conducted by the authors, is based on the system of principles for creating a projective test. “CONSTRUCTIVE DRAWING OF A HUMAN FROM GEOMETRIC FORMS™” combines an arbitrary image of a human figure and an unconscious preference for the semantics of geometric shapes. The new psychodiagnostic tool "Ideographic Test", developed by a team of authors, or abbreviated Tiger, found wide application among practical psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists and psychoneurologists, counselors and school psychologists. Its full name "PSYCHOGRAPHIC TEST: CONSTRUCTIVE DRAWING OF A HUMAN FROM GEOMETRIC FORMS™" (Libin A.V., 1987, 1988, 2006; Libina A.V., 1987, 1991; Libin A.V., Libin V.V., 1988, 1994 ).

The originality of the drawings made with the help of a psychographic test is distinguished by clarity, expressiveness and individuality. Each of the drawings reflects the personality of its creator. Comparison in the process of long-term study of features constructive drawings of a human figure from geometric shapes with behavior, properties of the nervous system, character traits, style of interpersonal relationships and other psychological and psychophysiological characteristics revealed a close relationship between them. As the data of the experimental study showed, according to the preference of the semantics used in the test Tiger the main geometric shapes and psychographic profiles of the drawings, it is possible to reveal the individual and typological characteristics of a person. Clinical observations, experimental studies and the development of interpretive test schemes have been the main focus of the research and advisory work of the team of authors for more than twenty years, since 1984 (see Appendix 2).

The database of the authors has accumulated more than 30,000 drawings received from more than 5,000 children and adults of both sexes aged 6 to 92 years. Using the test Tiger recommended from 6-7 years old, when the child already understands the instructions and is fluent in the account. When developing an interpretation of test data individual analysis was supplemented by the study of more general patterns of various groups of people, united by clinical, experimental and demographic characteristics, as well as differing in sex, age and professional characteristics.

Currently projective psychographic preference test (Test Ideographic, or abbreviated TiGr) is the subject of research for diploma, candidate and doctoral theses, as well as more than a hundred publications and research reports (See Appendix 3. Basic literature on the PSYCHOGRAPHIC TEST "THE CONSTRUCTIVE DRAWING OF A HUMAN FROM GEOMETRIC FORMS™" (TiGr).

This guide is the only official author's publication of this psychographic projective test.

A Guide to the Guidelines for the Psychographic TiGr ​​Test

This publication describes for the first time the basic principles of development, application and interpretation of the diagnostic system The introduction immediately following the GUIDE TO THE GUIDE subsection outlines the main contours of the author's approach to creating a test and developing its interpretation. Chapters 1-14 describe in detail the procedure for conducting and interpreting a psychographic technique for analyzing the preference for the semantics of geometric shapes. Detailed interpretation schemes are accompanied by research data and cases from consulting practice (case study), which are illustrated by more than 250 constructive drawings of a human figure from the database of authors. The introduction and chapters 15–18 describe the basic scientific theories and diagnostic concepts behind the development of the psychographic test.

“STRUCTURAL DRAWING OF A HUMAN FROM GEOMETRIC FORMS™” (TiGr) is based on the intersection of the following interdisciplinary concepts and research approaches:

Analysis of the graphical equivalents of emotional, cognitive, behavioral and personal processes, carried out by the followers of Wilhelm Wundt. In particular, we are talking about the study of a pictographic image as a manifestation of non-verbal behavior. (Wundt, 1900, 1921), the study by Alexander Romanovich Luria and Lev Semenovich Vygotsky of pictograms as a method for analyzing graphic associations (Vygotsky L.S., Luria A.R., 1930/1993; Luria A.R., 2003), study of graphic equivalents of thinking and emotions by Lev Markovich Vekker (Vekker L.M., 1999) and the study of the psychosemantics of indefinite geometric forms by Elena Yurievna Artemyeva (Artemyeva E.Yu., 1999);

The study of child development and functioning of an adult personality using such psychographic tests of development and projective drawing methods as the Draw-a-Figure-Man test ( from English. Draw-A-Man; Goodenough, 1926) and "Draw a Man" ( from English. Draw-A-Person; Machover, 1949),"Dynamic Drawing of the Family" (Burns & Kaufman, 1970),"Self-portrait" (Martorana, 1954; Burns, 1982),"House-Tree-Man" (Buck, 1948/1992) and "Tree Drawing" (Koch, 1952),"Animal print" (Graewe, 1935) and "Drawing of a non-existent animal" (Dukarevich, 1987; Kochubeyeva & Stoyalova, 2002),"Spontaneous Drawing" (Cooke, 1885; Kellogg, 1979) and "Free drawing" (Naumburg, 1966);

Analysis of graphomotor behavior in a clinical study of the characteristics of individual functioning of children and adults in tests of the World (Mira, 1940), Rhea (Rey, 1950), Bender (Bender, 1938);

The use of geometric shapes in the psychodiagnostics of intelligence and cognitive processes by J. Gilford (Guilford, J.P., 1967), projective constructive tasks of the World test (Bulgar & Fisher, 1947), Mosaic test (Lowenfeld, 1929) and "Stories in Pictures" (Schneideman, 1947);

The study of semantic universals encoded in archetypal geometric forms (Jung, 1921/1995); disclosure of convoluted meanings in the symbols of human behavior (Ivanov Vyach. Sun., 1978) and cultural sign systems (Lotman, 1993);

The study of individual and typological features, manifested in machine drawings (doodles) Ellen King (King, 1957), in the structure of Anna Mahoney's handwriting (Mahony, 1989) and in the directed choice of a single geometric shape by Susan Dillinger (Dillinger, S., 1989).

Chapters 15-17 are devoted to the presentation of the main principles of the author's approach to the study of the mental sphere of the extraconscious with the help of a new diagnostic system based on the psychographic test. The chapters include sections such as graphic methods in psychodiagnostics and projective psychology, differential psychological analysis of individual preferences, experimental study of the semantics of basic geometric shapes, analysis of the archetype as an expression of a person's attitude to himself and to the world.

The final 18th chapter describes the results of experimental studies in which the conceptual analysis of test parameters Tiger is carried out in comparison with the data obtained by psychophysiological, style, behavioral, personal and projective methods.

Given at the end of the book Applications, Thesaurus of basic concepts And List of used literature complement the materials of the manual, making it possible to use it both as a teaching aid for students and a practical guide for professionals.

The subsequent subsections of the introduction contain short description principles of the developed diagnostic system, anticipating the acquaintance with the main provisions of the interpretation and analysis of the methodology “STRUCTURAL DRAWING OF A HUMAN FROM GEOMETRIC FORMS™” (TiGr).

Graphic representation of the human inner world: from rock art to virtual reality

The need for graphic self-expression is as essential a feature of human nature as the need for each of us to see our reflection in the mirror every day. Graphic manifestations of the inner world of thoughts, experiences and relationships are confirmation of our purely human ability to express ourselves. It is thanks to this ability that each of us has magic power moving to a special, fifth, dimension existing reality- a world of fantasy and imagination, where there is nothing definite, objective, and at the same time everything is clear without words. We are talking about the ability of a person to express himself with the help of semantic images, symbols and signs. For primitive man fantasy world graphic images, existing in the form of cave paintings, was a familiar virtual reality, just as the digital graphic world of computers is a familiar virtual reality for people of our millennium. The means of constructing graphic images have expanded, but their essence has remained unchanged. Graphic images reflect the deep human need for self-expression through indirect interaction with the world.

Rice. 1. Animal drawing made four year old (Rouma, 1913), looks like a rock carving of an animal made by a prehistoric man.

Rock carvings, children's drawings and virtual reality tools are a kind of graphic representation of a person's inner world.

The human figure as a basic archetype of individual and collective self-knowledge

The human figure is perhaps the most recognizable image in the history of human culture. The symbolism of the image of a person is striking in the versatility of interpretation, directed to the very depths of the mental world. Each of us, regardless of gender, race or culture, having seen the image of a human figure, unconsciously or, in other words, involuntarily begins to read the meanings encrypted in the image. Who is this? To what extent does the image of the depicted person correlate with my ideas about the world? Do I have a positive or negative attitude towards the person depicted? The chain of deciphering folded meanings goes to infinity. The most amazing thing is not even that. The processing of semantic information of meanings folded in graphic images occurs instantly. What is automatically available to the system brain - sense organs until even Deep Blue, the most advanced artificial intelligence system, can do it.

Rice. 2. Image of a person by a five-year-old child (Rouma, 1913) may well pass for rock drawing cave art.

Deciphering the semantics of the image of a human figure is one of the most difficult tasks, the solution of which is at the intersection of an interdisciplinary knowledge system that combines data from neurosciences, psychological anthropology, semiotics, projective and differential psychology into a single research concept.

Psychographics: a method for studying mental processes and personality

The analysis of the semantics of a graphic image is one of the most intriguing subsections of psychographics. Psychographics, also called psychoideography, how a young discipline relates to the sphere of psychological knowledge associated with the study and interpretation of the products of human creativity. Term "psychographic" or "Psychoideography" proposed by us (Libin A.V., 1986–1989; Libin A.V., Libin V.V., 1994) to designate a specific area of ​​study of human mental manifestations recorded using graphic technician. At the heart of creating a holistic psychographic theory, providing an approach to the psychological analysis of the picture as an ideographic method for studying individuality, lies the position of L.S. Vygotsky on the mediated nature of human mental processes (Vygotsky, 1983).

Graphic equivalents of mental states began systematic research at the University of Leipzig under the leadership of W. Wundt (Wundt, 1900/1921). Availability of graphic equivalents emotional states was confirmed in the analysis of the affective tone of the lines (Lundholm, 1921). In Lundholm's study, in response to the presentation of a group of adjectives expressing various shades of emotional states, the subjects had to draw a line that conveys the mood corresponding to the word.

Using stylized Lundholm patterns as prototypes, psychologists Poffenberger and Barrow obtained a striking agreement (up to 90%) among adult subjects in matching adjectives with graphic images for each of the 18 universal patterns. (Poffenberger & Barrow, 1924). As a result of the study by Poffenberger and Barrow the existence of a universal pattern of expressing the emotional state in the products of human graphic activity has been proven experimentally.

In our studies of pictograms, similar results were obtained (see Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Lines that graphically convey various shades of emotional states (joy, sadness, anxiety, fear) corresponding to the word "mood".

Geometric shapes as signs of the extraconscious sphere of the psyche

As a result of a study of about two million "handwriting", or involuntary, spontaneous graphic images, collected from children aged two to eight years, a leading expert in the field of analysis of children's spontaneous drawings, Rhoda Kellogg, developed a classification of primary geometric patterns, or basic styles. (Kellogg, 1979). All the variety of discovered basic styles, among which we can name a point, vertical and horizontal lines, arches and other geometric patterns, Kellogg combined into six basic shapes called diagrams. The set of diagrams includes all the basic geometric shapes, such as triangle, square, circle, greek cross, crossed lines And closed curve. Numerous studies carried out in different countries(see Libin A.V., Libin V.V., 1994), confirmed the discovered regularity on the basis of the analysis of the drawings of children's creativity (see Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Six basic graphic forms made by Yulia during a three-year period from the age of 2 to 4 years.

As cultural studies show, the geometric form is the primary element, the most elementary manifestation of the archetype. (Ivanov Vyach. Sun., 1978; Toporov V.N., 1990). Forming a significant layer of universal signs and symbols, geometric forms, already acting as symbolic codes of the external world, influence the structures of the psyche, thereby modeling a new semantic reality. Their use in art is based on the principles of the psychophysical influence of geometric symbols on the sphere of the extraconscious: painting, cinema and animation, in computer games, as well as in advertising, when creating trademarks, emblems and other symbolic attributes.

Graphic expression as a manifestation of the involuntary self-expression of the individual

In the middle of the twentieth century, a direction emerged from the field of classical graphology that was not associated with the traditional analysis of handwriting as a graphic manifestation of personality. (Zuev-Insarov, 1926; Wolf, 1948), but with the psychoanalytic interpretation of involuntary mechanical drawings and unconsciously made sketches, the so-called doodles (Rice, 1928). Among the analyzed automatic sketches, machine drawings or doodles were also geometric shapes. (King, 1957). All over the world, including Germany, France, Italy and the United States, research on individual expression, including in the form of graphomotor manifestations, is carried out in parallel with the development of projective drawing methods. The development of these two directions practically does not intersect with each other. In Russia, an attempt to integrate the projective study of drawing with the analysis of individual preference for geometric shapes was carried out at the end of the twentieth century. A systematic study of unconscious individual graphic preferences is included in the research plan of the Laboratory of Differential Psychology and Psychophysiology of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Libin A.V., 1986–1994) and research laboratories national character created under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences by the Cybernetics Council (Libina A.V., 1987; Libin A.V., 1987, 1988; Libin A.V., Libin V.V., 1988). The basis of domestic psychographic research is the test developed by the authors "THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWING OF A HUMAN FROM GEOMETRIC FORMS™" (Note. ed. See Appendix 1 for more details on the history of test creation).

It should be noted that in foreign studies, the analysis of graphic expression and the projective pictorial approach still exist independently of each other. One illustrative example is the publication in 1989 by the American graphologist Susan Dillinger of the book “ Psychogeometry, in which the interpretation of personality traits is given not on the basis of a drawing made, but on an arbitrary choice one of five geometric shapes - a triangle, a rectangle, a circle, a square and a broken line in the form of a zigzag. The interpretation of the choice is carried out within the framework of the graphological tradition (Bellinger, 1989). Interestingly, in offering an overview of the various interpretations of popular tests, Joanna Torrey (Toggey, 1989), the author of an article on machine drawings in the American magazine Omni, mistakenly names Anne Mahoney, a graphologist from San Francisco, as the author of the test for choosing a single geometric shape. Erroneous references and attribution of authorship to other psychologists, unfortunately, exist in Russian psychology. So, in review domestic works on the use of graphic techniques based on the above article by Torrei, instead of Susan Dillinger, Ann Mahoney is also called the author of the popular technique for choosing a geometric shape. It should be noted that although Dillinger's graphological interpretation of the choice of one geometric shape is very interesting, her book gives only a phenomenological description of the test without a systematic justification for its interpretation. Unfortunately, the work of Susan Dillinger also lacks a conceptual and experimental study of the choice of one of their geometric forms in comparison with personality traits diagnosed using other methods.

Originality test task methods "Constructive drawing of a person from geometric shapes ™" (TiGr)

The original test task and the developed psychographic test interpretation schemes are based on the following distinctive principles:

Firstly, as the basic element of the TiGr ​​test, human's figure, created at run time constructive drawing.

Secondly, to create a graphic image, three basic geometric shapes are used - a triangle, a circle and a square.

Thirdly, the interpretation of the psychological projection of the inner world of a person, manifested in a constructive drawing, is based on a system of three interrelated methods:

(A) semantic analysis involuntary preference for triangles, circles and squares,

(b) experimental analysis the quantitative ratio of the three geometric shapes used in the drawing, as well as

Psychological differentiation, or complication, of the pattern in the process of development

The first researchers of the child's graphic self-expression drew attention to the fact that with age, not only the structure of the depicted human figure becomes more complex, but also the communicative functions of both the graphic image as a whole and its elements are enhanced. (Ricci, 1887; Rouma, 1913).

In the context of differential psychology, studies of the increasing complexity of drawing a human figure in children were conducted by an interdisciplinary team of authors led by Henry Witkin (Witkin et al, 1966). An active participant in a research program aimed at identifying individual differences in the study of the nature of perceptual and cognitive styles, was also Karen Mahover, author of the first personality projective test. "Drawing the human figure" (Witkin et al., 1966; Mahover, 1949/1969).

Integrative nature of the test "Constructive drawing of a person from geometric shapes ™" (TiGr)

In the psychographic test TiGr, parameters such as subjective preferences, the projective meaning of the image, the semantics of geometric shapes and the constructive drawing of the human figure.

Subjective Preferences

Subjective preference for geometric shapes is one of the main mechanisms that correlate the semantics of geometric shapes, design features and the manner of depicting a person's drawing with the individual characteristics of the author of the image. In the features of the preference for geometric shapes and the characteristic way of constructing an image made under the influence of unconscious impressions and associations, important characteristics of individuality are reflected. In particular, the functional, or momentary, states of the author of the drawing, as well as his stable personality traits, due to psycho-physiological, psychological and social factors.

Rice. 5. Increasing differentiation of the drawing of a human figure in the process of child development (Rouma, 1913).

The projective meaning of the image

The meaning of the image of a person in the test is revealed using psychological analysis symbolism, universal semantics and the individual meaning of geometric shapes, as well as through the analysis of the meaningful features of the picture. Each mental state has in its composition a certain set of movements. motor image, or the so-called tactile-kinesthetic gestalt, embodied in the handwriting and drawing of a person. Unlike creating artwork where the focus is on artistic value drawing, in psychographic design, the emphasis is shifted from the artistic features of the image made to the individual choice of graphic means by the author. Thus, of particular value for interpretation is both the individual preference of the author of the drawing of geometric shapes, and the choice of ways to convey the qualitative characteristics of the depicted person.

Semantics of geometric shapes

Basic geometric shapestriangle, circle and square used as stimulus material in the constructive task of the psychographic test Tiger. Each of the forms offered according to the instructions differs in its semantic valence, or potential attractiveness, for people with certain perceptions and character traits. Individual differences in which particular geometric shape is more attractive, as well as which particular ratio of shapes in the drawing seems to be “more correct”, underlie the interpretation algorithms of the TiGr.

Constructive drawing of a human figure

Construction as a method of studying individual psychological characteristics is widely used in research and advisory practice. The researchers note that, unlike a free drawing, when constructing an image “The translation of an internal representation into an image is less dependent on purely motor skills than in drawing. The graphic limitations inherent in free drawing are practically absent here” (Laak, 1988).

Individual Preference as an Integral Psychological Phenomenon

Selection, or preference, is an integral psychological phenomenon that includes the projection of a person's individual characteristics into the sphere of his ideas about himself and the world. From this point of view individual preference is an integral function of the whole personality.

Conceptual analysis of the main hypotheses of the diagnostic system of the TiGr ​​test

Formal, more precisely formal-dynamic, analysis of a person's individuality involves the identification of the structure of human individuality through the study of its stable manifestations. The foundations of the structural analysis of individual properties were laid by I.P. Pavlov (Pavlov I.P., 1929) in the concept of types of higher nervous activity and were developed in studies of the properties of the nervous system as the basis of the formal-dynamic sphere of the psyche in the school of B.M. Teplova and V.D. Nebylitsyn. The study of the formal dynamics of behavior is aimed primarily at identifying the typological features of individuality.

The projective nature of the TiGr ​​test. With regard to the proposed stimuli and ways of interpreting the data, the test belongs to the class projective methods. With its help, a projective analysis of psychological traits, relationships and states of the individual is carried out. The projective nature of this psychographic test allows not only to identify available for introspection and observation psychological features of a person, but also to reveal hidden sources of problems and unconscious tendencies of behavior. The content of the unconscious sphere of a person is revealed through such basic concepts as archetype, image meaning And symbolism of geometric shapes.

Semiotic and semantic analysis of image features allows, first of all, to identify non-verbal components of behavior, manifested in the visual and graphic activity of a person. In the study of individual and typological features, the main question is the ratio of the primary parameters of the image, such as rhythm, length, time and space, and the secondary, psychological qualities of the individual. The latter include the meaning of the image, transmitted in the features of the picture due to the projection mechanism. Taking into account the mechanisms of synesthesia underlying the nature of semantic-perceptual universals makes it possible, with the help of experimental research, to concretize and clarify the concept archetype.

Idiographic, individually oriented (A.V. Libin, 2007), nature of the TiGr ​​test. According to its content, this psychodiagnostic method is an idiographic individually oriented test. The idiographic essence of the test is reflected in the very subjective process of operating with geometric shapes in order to construct a graphic image of a person that reflects the subject's self-perception.

Experimental study of individual-typological personality traits using the psychographic test TiGr

The study of individual typological personality traits with the help of The CONSTRUCTIVE DRAWING OF A HUMAN FROM GEOMETRIC FORMS™ test is based on a longitudinal experimental study conducted by the authors of this manual since 1984. Overall, the ongoing study has amassed a collection of 30,000 drawings from more than 5,000 people. The methods used to validate and formalize the main parameters of the test, including graphic images, as well as a description of eight basic types and thirty-six basic personality subtypes, were the Cattell 16-factor questionnaire, MMPI, Eysenck, Shmishek, Rusalov, Libina and Thomas tests. Validation of the drawing part of the test Tiger carried out with the help of projective methods, as a Luscher color preference test, traditional pattern human figures, tree drawing, House-Tree-Man test, Wartegg test, Non-Existent Animal drawing, and A.R. Luria using the interpretation of pictograms in the works of Khersonsky (1984, 2003) and Wecker (1998, 2000). The interpretation of the main parameters of the psychographic test was further refined by studying the properties of the nervous system (strength, mobility, plasticity) and temperament (social and subject aspects of ergicity and emotionality), cognitive styles (according to the methods of Witkin, Gardner, Kagan) and psychomotor tests, coping strategies and protection (according to the methodology of studying Coincident Intelligence A.V. Libina, 2003), as well as standardized and projective measurements of personality typological features.

Our own empirical studies of children and adults of both sexes aged 6 to 92 years, belonging to different socio-economic, ethno-cultural and professional groups, made it possible to identify stable parameters both in the structure of the constructive drawings themselves and in the relationship between the nature of the drawings and the preferences for certain combinations. geometric shapes that form the leading types and subtypes. As our experimental data showed, the psychographic parameters of images are associated with personal properties of various levels - from psychophysical and psychophysiological to characterological and psychosocial.

Detailed principles for test development and clinical and psychometric validation are provided in Chapter 18 of this manual.

Let us briefly note that the development and refinement of interpretive schemes for the main indicators of the ideographic test were carried out using various methods, including:

Ethnographic field observation;

Phenomenological analysis of observed behavior (unique expert method);

Longitudinal psychological research;

The study of clinical data of certain samples of the study;

Interviewing method (we used psychobiographical data obtained through questionnaires and a structured interview);

Life description method (analysis of personal life self-description data);

Statistical analysis, which includes methods of parametric and non-parametric statistics (frequency of occurrence of a trait; correlation (according to Pearson and Spearman), factorial and regression analysis of indicators; Student's t-test).

The following chapters of this guide provide the main indicators of the psychographic test. Tiger and their interpretation, illustrated in detail by drawings from the authors' collection.

The next chapter of the manual gives detailed instructions conducting a psychographic test "STRUCTURAL DRAWING OF A HUMAN FROM GEOMETRIC FORMS™" (TiGr) for the purpose of self-testing, individual testing and testing in a group.

Here are 8 types of human drawing, made up of simple geometric shapes: a triangle, a circle and a square. Choose the drawing with which you most associate yourself and see the answer about yours. strengths and about your personality type.

The interpretation of the test is based on the fact that the geometric shapes used in the drawings differ in semantics. The triangle is usually referred to as a "sharp", "offensive" figure associated with the masculine principle. The circle is a streamlined figure, more in tune with sympathy, softness, roundness, femininity. It is easier to build something from elements of a square shape than from others, therefore a square, a rectangle is interpreted as a specifically technical constructive figure, a “technical module”.

Type 1 - "leader"

Usually these are people who have a penchant for leadership and organizational activities. Focused on socially significant norms of behavior, they may have the gift of good storytellers, based on a high level of speech development. They have good adaptation in the social sphere, dominance over others is kept within certain boundaries.

It must be remembered that the manifestation of these qualities depends on the level of mental development. At a high level of development, individual traits are developed, realizable, quite well understood. At a low level of development, they may not be detected in professional activities, but be present situationally, worse, if inadequate to situations. This applies to all features.

Type 2 - "responsible executor"

Possesses many traits of the "leader" type, however, there are often hesitation in making responsible decisions. This type of people is more focused on “the ability to do business”, high professionalism, has a high sense of responsibility and demands on themselves and others, highly appreciates being right, i.e. characterized by increased sensitivity to truthfulness. Often they suffer from somatic diseases of nervous origin as a result of overexertion.

Type 3 - "anxious-suspicious"

It is characterized by a variety of abilities and talents - from fine manual skills to literary talent. Usually, people of this type are closely within the same profession, they can change it to a completely opposite and unexpected one, they can also have a hobby, which is essentially a second profession. Physically do not tolerate mess and dirt. Usually conflict because of this with other people. They are highly vulnerable and often doubt themselves. They need gentle encouragement.

4 type - "scientist"

These people easily abstract from reality, have a “conceptual mind”, and are distinguished by the ability to develop their theories “for everything”. Usually they have peace of mind and rationally think through their behavior. Representatives of this type are often found among people involved in synthetic arts: cinema, circus, theater and entertainment directing, animation, etc.

Type 5 - "intuitive"

People of this type have a strong sensitivity of the nervous system, its high exhaustibility. It is easier to work on switching from one activity to another, they usually act as “minority lawyers”, behind which there are new opportunities. They are highly sensitive to novelty. They are altruistic, often show concern for others, have good manual skills and imaginative imagination, which makes it possible to engage in technical forms of creativity.

Usually they develop their own moral standards, have internal self-control, i.e. prefer self-control, reacting negatively to encroachments on their freedom.

Type 6 - "inventor, designer, artist"

Often found among people with a "technical vein". These are people with a rich imagination, spatial vision, often engaged in various types of technical, artistic and intellectual creativity. More often they are introverted, just like the intuitive type, they live by their own moral standards, do not accept any outside influences, except for self-control. Emotional, obsessed with their own original ideas.

Type 7 - "emotive"

They have increased empathy towards other people, they are hard pressed by the cruel scenes of the film, they can be unsettled for a long time and be shocked by violent events. The pains and concerns of other people find in them participation, empathy and sympathy, for which they spend a lot of their own energy, as a result, it becomes difficult to realize their own abilities.

Type 8 - "insensitive to the experiences of others"

It has the opposite tendency to the emotive type. Usually does not feel the experiences of other people or treats them with inattention and even increases the pressure on people. If this is a good specialist, then he can force others to do what he sees fit. Sometimes it is characterized by "calling", which occurs situationally, when, for some reason, a person closes in a circle of his own problems.